Guidelines on Standard Formats and Data Description Languages

CEOS Guidelines on Standard Formats and Data Description Languages
CEOS.WGISS.DS.TN01 Issue 1.0 May 1998
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Working Group on Information Systems and Services
Data Subgroup
Guidelines on Standard Formats and
Data Description Languages
Version 1.0
Doc. Ref.:
18 May 1998
CEOS Guidelines on Standard Formats and Data Description Languages
CEOS.WGISS.DS.TN01 Issue 1.0 May 1998
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Document Status Sheet
August 1996
April 1997
September 1997
May 1998
First issue for CEOS-FGTT review
Revised draft for general review
Version for final review
Issued following no comments on Version C
W. Cudlip
W. Cudlip
W. Cudlip
W. Cudlip
This document is based on an edited version of “Technical Note on Standard Formats, Data Description
Languages and Media” (LUK.502.EC21317/TN003) written by Steve Smith of Logica UK Ltd., as a result of a
Data Packaging and Retrieval Study (DPRS) funded by ESA. Edited extracts from “Report for the CEOS Format
Subgroup: An Inter-Use Reference Model” (CEOS-RP-NRL-SE-0006) written by Tim Fern of NRSC Ltd, UK
and funded by BNSC, were also used. Additional material was provided by R. Suresh (NASA/Hughes), S.
Suzuki (NASDA/EORC), H. Engels (DLR) and W. Cudlip (BNSC/DRA); and further comments by D. Ilg
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1. 1 Purpose and Scope
1. 2 Intended Readership
1. 3 Document Structure
1. 4 Maintenance Plan
2. 1 Basic Concepts
2. 2 Storage Models
2. 3 Intermediate Data Structures
2. 3 .1 Basic Structures
2. 3 .2 Higher Level Structures
2. 3 .3 Unique Structures
2. 3 .4 Metadata
3. 1 Introduction
3. 2 Comparison Criteria
3. 3 ‘Standard’ Generic Formats
3. 3 .1 Common Data Format(CDF/netCDF)
3. 3 .2 Hierarchical Data Format (HDF)
3. 3 .3 CEOS Superstructure Format
3. 3 .4 MPH/SPH/DSR
3. 3 .5 Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS)
3. 3 .6 Flexible Image Transport System (FITS)
3. 3 .7 Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
3. 3 .8 ISO/IEC 12087 - Image Processing and Interchange
3. 3 .9 Standard Formatted Data Units (SFDU)
3. 3 .10 GeoTIFF
3. 4 Formats Summary Comparison
3. 5 Specifc Formats
4. 1 Introduction
4. 2 ‘Standard’ DDLs
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4. 2 .1 FREEFORM
4. 2 .2 EAST - Enhanced Ada SubSet
4. 2 .3 MADEL - Modified ASN.1 as a Data Description Language
4. 2 .4 PVL - Parameter Value Language
4. 2 .5 DEDSL - Data Entity Dictionary Specification Language
4. 2 .6 EXPRESS
4. 3 DDL Summary Comparison
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5. 1 Heirarchical Data Format (HDF)
5. 1 .1 Introduction
5. 1 .2 Scientific Data Set (SDS)
5. 1 .3 HDF Vset
5. 1 .4 Software Tools
5. 1 .5 HDF Advantages
5. 2 CEOS SAR Formats
6. 1 Format Translation
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Figures and Tables
Figure 2-1- Reference Model - Basic Concept ___________________________________________________ 3
Figure 2-2: An Example of a Multi-dimensional Array ____________________________________________ 8
Figure 2-3: An 8-bit Image__________________________________________________________________ 9
Figure 2-4: Three Types of 24-bit Images ______________________________________________________ 9
Figure 2-5: An Example of a Palette __________________________________________________________ 9
Figure 2-6: A Ragged Array ________________________________________________________________ 10
Figure 2-7: A 3x3 Array of Records __________________________________________________________ 10
Figure 2-8: A table as an Array of Records ____________________________________________________ 11
Figure 2-9: An Index Structure _____________________________________________________________ 11
Figure 2-10: A Representation of a Point Data Set ______________________________________________ 12
Figure 2-11: A Swath _____________________________________________________________________ 14
Figure 2-12: A “Label = Value” Metadata Structure ____________________________________________ 15
Figure 3-1: An Example organisation of Data Objects in an HDF File ______________________________ 21
Figure 3-2: The Software Interface of a HDF File ______________________________________________ 23
Figure 3-3: Schematic of the CEOS Superstructure Format _______________________________________ 26
Figure 3-4: Schematic of an MPH/SPH/DSR Formatted File ______________________________________ 29
Figure 3-5: Examples of MPH/SPH/DSR Media Format __________________________________________ 30
Figure 3-6: Sample FITS Image File _________________________________________________________ 35
Figure 3-7: Schematic of a GIF File _________________________________________________________ 37
Figure 3-8: Interfaces Between the Parts of the ISO 12087 Standard ________________________________ 39
Figure 3-9: Overall Structure of the IIF-DF File________________________________________________ 40
Figure 3-10: An SFDU Label-Value-Object (LVO) _____________________________________________ 43
Figure 3-11: An SFDU Packaged Data Product ________________________________________________ 44
Figure 4-1: A Sample MADEL Description ____________________________________________________ 60
Figure 4-2: A Sample PVL Listing ___________________________________________________________ 62
Figure 4-3: An Example of the use of the DEDSL _______________________________________________ 64
Figure 4-4: An Example of the use of EXPRESS ________________________________________________ 67
Figure 5-1: A 3-dimensional Multi-dimensional array with dimensions 4 by 3 by 9 _____________________ 72
Figure 5-2: Diagram of Pathfinder AVHRR Land Data product showing 4 of the 12 layers ______________ 72
Figure 5-3: A Raster Image ________________________________________________________________ 73
Figure 5-4: NSIDC SSM/I Data Product ______________________________________________________ 73
Figure 5-5: Data organization in V Group and UNIX file system ___________________________________ 74
Table 3-1: Standard Formats Comparison _____________________________________________________
Table 3-2: Illustrative Systems using Standard Formats __________________________________________
Table 4-1: Data Description Language Comparison _____________________________________________
Table 5-1: HDF Utilities __________________________________________________________________
Table 5-2: NCSA Tools ____________________________________________________________________
Table 5-3: Other Public Domain Tools _______________________________________________________
Table 5-4: Commercial Tools _______________________________________________________________
Table 5-5: CEOS Format File Structure Overview ______________________________________________
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1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose and Scope
Earth Observation data are currently available in a range of different formats
and there is a strong desire to standardise how such data are presented in order
to improve the efficiency with which the data are handled and processed.
However, format systems have different characteristics and a single format
standard is not capable of satisfying all formatting needs. It has to be accepted
that a number of formatting systems will be used by different agencies and
different organisations for the foreseeable future.
The role of CEOS is to try to prevent the needless proliferation of format
systems, encourage standardisation where possible, and ensure that format
systems are developed in such a way that format translation can be performed
easily, if required.
This document provides an analysis and critique of a number of standard
formatting techniques that are applicable for the formatting and delivery of
digital data. It also provides an analysis of current data description techniques.
It is hoped that this document provides a sufficient level of detail for an
application engineer to made a decision as to which technique is most
appropriate for the application in hand. Links to further information are given
wherever possible.
The document does not attempt to cover all formats used for scientific data
sets. It concentrates on those formats which are, or are likely to be, used for
Earth Observation data.
Note: This document is based on an analysis performed in the first quarter of
1995 and reviewed in late 1996 and mid 1997. It is planned that this
document should be considered an evolving one with update sufficiently
frequent to reflect the current situation. However, the rapid pace of
developments in this field means the document cannot be guaranteed to be
fully up-to-date and it is recommended that the provided WWW links be
investigated to obtain the latest information.
1.2 Intended Readership
The intended readership of this report is anyone that must make a decision of
which particular formatting technique or data description should be used for a
particular application. It is intended that this report will provide enough detail
for an engineer to make a reasonable analysis and reach a decision without
having to obtain the full reference material for all the various techniques.
Further details can be obtained from the reference documents, of which
contact information is provided for each technique discussed.
The document should also be of use to users of data who wish to understand
the characteristics of the particular format used for supplied data.
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1.3 Document Structure
In summary, the document is structured as follows:
Section 2 describes the basic concepts needed to understand the
following sections;
Section 3 provides an analysis of the various Standard Data Formats
Section 4 provides an analysis of the various Data Description
Languages available;
Section 5 discusses other aspects related to format systems;
Section 6 gives additional information on the two major format
Section 7 gives the conclusions and recommendations
1.4 Maintenance Plan
It is intended that this document should be reviewed and updated at least
annually. Early in its existence more frequent revisions may be warranted. The
revisions will be carried out by members of the CEOS Format Guidelines Task
Team although specific experts may be called upon to review particular
The first official CEOS version will be V1.0. Subsequent minor revisions will
increment the number after the decimal point (e.g., 1.1, 1.2, etc.). Major
revisions will increment the first digit (e.g., 2.0, 3.0, etc.). Details of the
revision history are given in Appendix C.
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2. Concepts
2.1 Basic Concepts
This is an introduction to the basic concepts of a reference model which is
useful to have in mind when evaluating the format systems and data
description languages described in later sections. This text is extracted from
“Data Inter-Use Reference Model” [40].
The following diagram (Figure 2.1) and text describe the entities and groups
that facilitate the exchange of information. It is a deliberate attempt to abstract
the problem to simple basic concepts.
Figure 2-1- Reference Model - Basic Concept
Data Package
Delivery Unit
Data Package
Semantic Unit
Delivery Packets
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These are the actual data values (bits and bytes) that correspond to the
measurements and associated data. It is the unique aspect of a data set that
differentiates it from every other data set. Traditionally delivered in an
operating system file or tape file.
Storage Structure
This is the focus of traditional format standardisation approach, e.g. CEOS
format (in particular, the CEOS product descriptions rather than the media
(CCT) related descriptions). This is the structure of the data set that allows
values for each field to be located and interpreted.
Traditionally delivered as a User Guide, international standard or occasionally
as “self describing data,” and tends to describe basic numerical representations
(i.e. IEEE float, integers, etc.).
This is the information that the values represent, i.e. how to interpret the
values as information. Traditionally delivered as a User Guide or as separate
reference information.
Data Package
This is the combination of Meaning, Structure and Values. There is no
implication that these three components arrive simultaneously or in the same
file, but without all three, information is not transferred. All components are
required to effect use of the data. All three must be provided by a data supplier
to enable Inter-use of the data by the user of data sets.
Data Packages are traditionally delivered as separate fragments (i.e., they do
not contain all the information needed to completely understand the data set,
particularly with regard to semantic information).
The mechanics of delivery are separate from what needs to be delivered, The
following describes those components.
Delivery Unit
This a single delivery of data or information, e.g. a tape, E-Mail, etc.
Delivery Packet
This is simply the segmentation of a Delivery Unit into manageable lumps for
transfer, which are reassembled on arrival, e.g. a file, network packet, etc.
The two delivery concepts are introduced here to contrast and exclude them
from the discussion. A delivery mechanism should transport a Data Package,
part of a Data Package or several Data Packages securely and faithfully
without affecting or having to understand the data.
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2.2 Storage Models
Ultimately, most information is stored in bytes in a linear memory addressing
model. All current commercial computer systems use this model for storage in
memory and on media.
A linear memory model is where memory resources are managed as one
sequence of memory units (i.e. bytes). Even arrays which are multidimensional
entities are stored as a linear sequence, with an addressing calculation which
takes the co-ordinates and converts them into a linear address location.
Since this model is so standard , Data Description Languages (DDLs)
effectively assume that all descriptions are ones of mapping information
entities to the underlying linear memory model.
The purpose of DDLs is to provide an OPEN standard for data access (i.e. one
not dependent of a particular machine or software tool). In this way the writer
of data and the reader of data can be separate systems.
By contrast, a CLOSED data access mechanism is one where the writer and
reader use the same system. For instance, all third generation computer
languages hide the data organisation from the user, so in Ada the user is not
aware how an array is actually arranged, but can write and recover a piece of
information using its co-ordinates. The entry point to data access has changed
from the bits and bytes to the utilities that access them.
The HDF format system is a closed data access mechanisms since only HDF
utilities can create and access the data values.
It seems that for information inter-operation an Open system is required,
however, there is a competing approach, that is to expand a closed system
until all the participants are included. The difficulties of this second approach
(mainly, achieving a mutually agreed standard) are what cause DDLs to be
However, the Internet and more specifically the World Wide Web in effect are
providing a common ‘programming’ environment where the heterogeneity of
the member systems is hidden under a common programming approach.
This means that an alternative storage model can now be considered, where
providers and users construct, not descriptions, but access utilities (or applets)
to data. This can then be thought of as open access to closed access
mechanisms, in that the readers and writers of data are constructed at the same
time under the same system, but the user has access to those accessors (which
encapsulate the memory model of the data being used).
To summarise, there are two forms of storage model:
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Linear memory model (MSB first, or last).
Shared Access Utility model
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In developing a formatting system to facilitate the inter-operation of
Information and data, both should be considered. The first provides the most
flexibility and only requires descriptions to be constructed for a data set type
to become a member of the system; the second is exemplified in the guise of
the WWW, where there common open access is provided but the underlying
format is hidden.
In both cases, the principle is to provisionally leave the data in its native form
and provide an additional description/accessor that makes the data accessible
to other users. It then becomes a matter of operational choice whether the
access is performed on the fly (real time) as and when the data is required; or a
part of a system format translation programme.
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2.3 Intermediate Data Structures
A data structure study has been carried out by the EOSDIS project to identify
and define common data structures necessary to support EOS and other Earth
science data products; to begin to develop Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs) to such common data structures; and to develop or use
existing Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) interfaces to implement these APIs.
This activity has helped to identify data structures commonly used by science
groups, standardize and promulgate those structures, and provide common
utilities to support them. As data products are implemented, the data structures
and science conventions that are used in building the product will be analyzed
and incorporated into the development of a complete standard data model.
As a result of the EOSDIS project’s initial data format evaluation, it was
recognized that a continuing survey of data structures required by the EOS
science community was needed. An initial survey of selected Version 0 Data
Products to be generated by DAACs was conducted. A list of data structures
was compiled based on data models developed for these data products and
from other sources. The descriptions of these data structures for selected data
products are described in “EOSDIS V0 FY 92 Data Structures Report.” Some
additional structures have been defined since the study. The list now contains
the following structures:
Basic structures:
Multi-dimensional Array
Ragged Array
Array of Records
Index Structure
Collection of Structures
Topological Structure
Text Structure
Document Structure
High level structures:
Point Data
Gridded Data
Swath Data
Unique structures
For the EOSDIS Core System (ECS), the follow-on to V0, this list has been
further refined into the “Data Type Taxonomy.” The Taxonomy can be found
through the ECS Data Handling System (EDHS) at:
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Basic Structures
A basic conceptual structure is intended to be a simple data structure that has
wide ranging applicability to many science disciplines. These structures can
serve as the building blocks from which more complex discipline-specific or
instrument-specific structures can be built.
This section will provide a conceptual understanding of the basic structures
which were listed in the previous section. It is assumed that data format
systems will evolve to provide explicit software support for all structures
described below.
Multi-dimensional Array Multi-dimensional arrays are n-dimensional arrays of homogenous data. Each
array contains only one data type and size. All but one dimension are fixed
length. This structure can be used for sensor data. Processing data can be
stored in a binary table which is an instantiation of the Multi-dimensional
array. The Multi-dimensional array might support the equal angle grid and
sparse matrices. Examples of data types that can be stored in the Multidimensional array are integers of 8, 16, or 32 bits, and floating point numbers
of 32 or 64 bits, and possibly n bit integers where n is not a multiple of 8.
Figure 2-2 is an example of an n-dimensional array where n= 3. The Multidimensional array is not limited to three dimensions. Multi-dimensional arrays
may be defined with their dimensions in any order to optimize the storage for a
certain method of access or to emulate any style of interleaving (BSQ, BIP,
Figure 2-2: An Example of a Multi-dimensional Array
First science element
Second science element
Third science element
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An image is a two dimensional array of spatially organized measurements.
Images typically contain 8- or 24-bit pixels. Image data may contain bands in
different spectral wavelengths. Figures 2-3 and 2-4 give examples of image
structures. An 8-bit image is generally associated with a palette (Figure 2-5).
Figure 2-3: An 8-bit Image
Figure 2-4: Three Types of 24-bit Images
a) Interleaved by Pixel
b) Interleaved by Line
c) Interleaved by Plane
A palette consists of an 8 bit lookup table which associates a color with each
of 256 possible pixel values which can be stored in an 8 bit image.
Figure 2-5: An Example of a Palette
0 1 2 3 4
Ragged Array
A ragged array is a multidimensional array for storage of homogenous binary
data with variable length along one direction. A row may contain multiple
science elements of the same data type and size. This structure supports the
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equal area grid. Examples of data types that can be stored in the ragged array
are integers of 8, 16, or 32 bits, and floating point numbers of 32 or 64 bits,
and possibly n-bit integers where n is not a multiple of 8. Figure 2-6 shows an
example of a 2 dimensional ragged array with the variable length dimension
shown horizontally.
Figure 2-6: A Ragged Array
Data may be interleaved in any way, including the standard options: by plane
(band), row (line), or science element (pixel).
Array of Records
An array of records is a multi-dimensional array for storage of heterogeneous
binary data. An array of records may contain character, integer and floating
point data (e.g., Figure 2-7). This structure may support point data.
Figure 2-7: A 3x3 Array of Records
8-bit integer
32-bit floating point
3-byte character string
A table is a one-dimensional instantiation of the array of records, in which a
row defines a heterogeneous structure (Figure 2-8). Each column can be of any
allowable data type. Example: spreadsheets.
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Figure 2-8: A table as an Array of Records
Index Structure
An index structure consists of a table for indexing location and other
information pertaining to the science data. This structure may be used to
support point data.
Figure 2-9: An Index Structure
Collection of Structures
The collection of structures provides a method of grouping related data
structures together in a similar way to mathematical sets.
Topological Structure
Topological structures mostly include vector structures and will not be further
discussed in this document.
Text Structure
Text structure refers to ASCII text storage for simple documentation.
Document Structure
Document structure refers to formatting text plus graphics and other special
formatting information for documentation.
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Higher Level Structures
Higher level structures are pre-defined aggregates of basic structures which are
probably unique to Earth science applications. This section will describe the
higher level structures referred to in this document.
Point Data
Point data is data that is generally made up of records and fields, with some set
of those fields constituting a point location. The fields can be simple values of
any type including pointers. The location fields, taken together can be
considered, as the “location record.” If a point is located in N-space, there are
N fields in the location record.
Figure 2-10: A Representation of a Point Data Set
Point data may be a result of large scale field programs like ISLSCP, or data
collected routinely by ships, buoys, and balloons. These types of data are
called by various names by different users. Here the term “point data” is used
to refer to data that is often called station data, correlative data, in situ data,
ground truth data, field data, etcetera.
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Gridded Data
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Gridding is a scheme for dividing the Earth or a projection of the Earth into
many small bins or cells. Each bin has a unique corresponding spatial location
with respect to the Earth and any number of data values associated with that
point or area. Data that are organized into a grid is considered gridded data.
Two basic types of gridded data commonly used for Earth science data are
equal-angle and equal-area.
Equal-angle grids contain data that are sampled at regular latitude/longitude
intervals (e.g. Figure 2-11). They can be stored as simple rectangular arrays
and are, therefore, easily manipulable.
Equal-area grids contain data that are organized such that each data point
represents a constant area on the surface of the Earth. They can result in
irregular arrays or regular arrays with significant null data.
Figure 2-11: An Equal-Angle Grid
Greenwich meridian
Figure 2-12: An Equal-Area Grid
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Swath Data
Figure 2-11: A Swath
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Swath data is best described by examining a common scenario in which it
arises. It is most often produced by an orbiting scanning sensor which has a set
of detectors scanning in the cross-track direction. The motion of the satellite
(by definition, in the along-track direction) causes the footprint of the data to
form a “ribbon” centered on the sub-nadir track. In the case of polar orbiting
satellites, this ribbon will continually wrap around the Earth from pole-to-pole.
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Unique Structures
A unique data structure is defined as any structure which does not directly
correspond to any of the standard structures defined in this document and is
not likely to be useful over a wide range of applications. Because of the
narrow scope of such data structures, they must be handled on a case-by-case
basis. It is felt that all unique structures that will arise will be implementable
through some combination of the basic structures described above.
Most data products will contain some form of metadata. In most cases the
metadata field descriptions vary from one product to another and from one
producer to another. Most types of metadata can be supported in a “label =
value” paradigm. In this widely-used paradigm, each metadata field is given a
unique label and a value (or a list of values) of a datatype appropriate to the
application. The necessary datatypes are integer, floating point, character, and
Metadata that does not fit the “label = value” paradigm (e.g., a matrix of
coefficients) can be stored using an appropriate data structure from the list at
the beginning of this section. Below is a “label = value” structure for a
fictitious data set (Figure 2-14). For this example, the Consultative Committee
for Space Data Systems’ (CCSDS) Parameter Value Language (PVL) has
been used.
Figure 2-12: A “Label = Value” Metadata Structure
group = “General Info”;
Data_Center_ID = “National Meteorological Information Center”;
Dataset_ID = “JCT Surface Pressure”;
Dataset_Description = “Surface atmospheric pressure derived from
satellite data.”;
Sensor_Name = QSART;
Investigator = “Bob Smith”;
Temporal_Res = “Daily”;
Spatial_X_Res = “1 Km”;
Spatial_Y_Res = “1 Km”;
Processing_Level = 4;
Start_Date = “12 OCT 1994”;
Stop_Date = “12 OCT 1994”;
Parameter = (Pressure, Latitude, Longitude);
Units = Mbars;
Map_Projection = “Space Oblique Mercator”;
end_group = “general Info”;
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3. Standard Generic Formats
3.1 Introduction
This section of the report analyses and discusses the available formatting and
packaging techniques that could be used at the many stages of data processing,
such as archiving, processing or delivery.
Essentially this section provides a rationale for the advantages, disadvantages
and suitability of the various formatting techniques for particular tasks. Format
systems vary greatly in their suitability for a particular task. For example, realtime processing versus archiving versus transmission efficiency. It is not
anticipated that any one format or method would be ideal for all purposes and
therefore end up being the one and only format in use for all applications.
3.2 Comparison Criteria
So that the reader can easily compare the suitability of a particular formatting
technique for a particular task, all the possible formats must be analysed
against the same criteria. The following is a list of the primary criteria for
Data Description Information - as the integration of information
systems grows larger, the number of formats in which users may
receive data grows proportionally. Previously, documentation of the
format of data products has been conveyed through conventional
Interface Control Documents (ICDs) and Product Definition
Documents (PDDs). This has lead to inconsistencies, language barriers
and the potential loss of the data, as the documentation is incomplete.
An aim of many recently developed formats is the inclusion of data
description information, either embedded within the product or
supplied separately by electronic means. For interoperability reasons
and flexibility in product generation and use, it is essential that formats
address this problem and supply coherent data description information
in some manner.
Data Formatting or Packaging - the difference between these two
aspects is very important and frequently overlooked in many data
delivery systems. Within this report, Data Formatting is defined as the
format of the individual elements of data, for example an image or an
annotation attribute. It includes the syntax layout of the data and may
also include the formatting of data that are related to each other, such
as geo-location information with a particular image.
Data Packaging defines the format process as applied at the higher
level, that is, the packaging together of a number of products that have
already been formatted some way, for delivery to the final user, data
centre or a designated drop-off point. For example, this may include a
number of images, each with an associated palette, the description
information that describes the format of the images and the palettes.
Particularly for a system that may have to deliver many different
products as the result of a single query or order, this distinction
becomes a most important one.
For many formatting schemes the distinction between formatting and
packaging is somewhat blurred.
Storage and Media Support - there are primarily two media types that
we are concerned with, either sequential access media or random
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access media. Those standards that deal with the packaging of data
often depend upon one of these particular types of media. The
independence of the packaging format to the media can be of
significance when designing systems that are to handle data into the
future. It is not a good idea to select a packaging format that limits the
media and technology that can be handled in the future. In particular, it
is not a good idea to be limited to sequential media, since future
technology is likely to continue to move toward random access
Software Support - many formats’physical representations are
complex to produce by the use of custom written software, particularly
if a system has to handle a number of different formatting standards.
The availability of software to support the formatting of data
according to a particular standard, along with the software to read that
data, greatly enhances the suitability of a format to many users. The
extent of the software support for the different standards varies widely.
This will be highlighted.
Long-term Stability - for many users selecting a standard format to use
in the present day, the long-term stability of the standard does not
seem of great importance, when compared to the usability, software
support, widespread availability, etc. But for many space related data
applications, it is important that the data that is archived now is still
readable in 20 years time (or more). This implies that the standard that
it is formatted to is of a stable nature. Furthermore, if a format is only
specified through the use of a software library, then the likely
evolution of the software must be considered. Long-term stability and
support can be enhanced by a standard being published by a
recognised international standards body. However,it must be
recognised that a standard that exists only on paper from a standards
body is open to interpretation each time it is implemented in software.
Long-term stability does not come from simply writing things down.
(Perhaps another word for stability is stagnation!)
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‘Standard’ Generic Formats
Common Data Format(CDF/netCDF)
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The Common Data Format (CDF)[2] is developed and maintained by NASA. A
variation of the format that was designed for transfer across networks was
developed by Unidata and called Network Common Data Format (netCDF). The
two formats are very similar except in the method that they used to physically
encode data. There is a move to merge the two developments, but at this stage they
are still maintained separately. They are discussed here under one heading as they
are functionally and conceptually identical.
CDF is defined as a “self describing” data format that permits not only the storage
of the actual data of interest, but also stores user-supplied descriptions of the data.
CDF is a software library[3] accessible from either FORTRAN or C, that allows the
user to access and manage the data without regard to the physical format on the
media. In fact, the physical format is totally transparent to the user.
CDF is primarily suited for handling data that is inherently multidimensional;
recent additions to the format also permit the handling of scalar data, but not in
such an efficient manner. Due to the nature of Earth observation data, i.e. array
oriented data, CDF is very efficient for the storage and processing of this type of
data. Data can be accessed either at the atomic level, for example, at the pixel
level, or also at a ‘higher’ level, for example, as a single image plane. The different
access methods are provided by separate software routines. One reason that CDF is
efficient in data handling is that it is limited in the basic data types that it can store.
Essentially data can only be stored in a multiple of 8-bit bytes, such as 16-bit
integer, 32-bit real, character string, etc. This is efficient for access, but is limiting
for many Earth observation products, where sensor data may be in a 10-bit word
size, with another 6-bits used for flags, such as cloud cover indicators.
Data Description Information
To some extent CDF can be considered as self-describing. For array oriented data
it ‘names’ each of the dimensions, and the format of the data stored at each index,
but does not go so far as inherently handling units, for example. To permit
annotations to be attached to variables, it has attributes that can be either of ‘global
scope’, which apply to the complete CDF product, for example the data set name,
or of ‘variable scope’, which means that they apply to only a particular variable,
for example, the variable name, maximum/ minimum value, etc. These user
defined attributes are not processed in any way by the software routines that are
used to access the actual data. For example, the user may define an attribute which
is named MAXIMUM and attach it to the variable named PIXEL, he may then set
the value of MAXIMUM to 98. This means a receiver of the product can check out
what the maximum value is, but when putting data in the CDF the library doesn’t
know the true meaning of MAXIMUM and therefore does not check whether any
value of PIXEL exceeds 98. This check must be made by the user software which
generates the CDF. Rather than calling this type of information data description
data, it would be better to call it annotation attributes. This is because data
description information is defined as describing the actual data format, rather than
information that is auxiliary to the main data. These annotation attributes are
embedded within the CDF file the same as any other data.
Data Formatting or Packaging CDF is a formatting standard that both formats the atomic pieces of data and also
packages these pieces into the overall product. It is possible to store many arrays
of data of any number of dimensions within the one CDF file (this one logical file
may of course be more than one physical file). Attribute data is closely embedded
within the CDF file.
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Storage and Media Support
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CDF can store its data either in a single file or a number of smaller files, each
containing data along a single dimension. Whilst the former has the advantage that
it is easier to manage and transfer to another platform, the latter is more efficient in
real-time processing. The CDF library provides routines to convert from one
physical representation to another. At the atomic level, CDF can read native
formats from all supported platforms1, but can only write in the native format of
the “current” platform or in the standard XDR (External Data Representation, RFC
1014[4]. This is a platform independent physical representation). For example, a
user can store and process the data on a SUN when the data was originally
produced on a VAX and therefore represented in the VAX host format. To ensure
maximum portability across platforms, particularly if it is unknown if a particular
platform is supported, the data can be encoded using XDR Format.
CDF files should also be stored on random access media as they make extensive
use of relative pointers within the files for data access. They can be transferred
from one user to another using sequential media, but should be copied back to
random access media for access and processing.
Software Support
Long-term Stability
Contact Point
There is good software support for manipulating CDF files. NASA are the
developers of CDF and the associated software library. The library is available for
most present day platforms. The CDF software includes not only the FORTRAN
and C libraries for accessing CDF files, but also a number of utilities, for example,
to generate a CDF file from a ‘skeleton file,’ to convert the physical storage type,
or to list the contents of a CDF, etc. The CDF software distribution also includes
an IDL interface library, so that the CDF library (and hence CDFs) can be
accessed from within IDL.
CDF is not endorsed by any international standards body, but is supported by
NASA. There is no guarantee that the CDF library will always be backwards
compatible with old versions, but it is the developers intention that this will be
so. The major problem with CDF, as far as long term stability is concerned, is
that data stored in a CDF is only realistically accessible via the CDF software
library. There is no guarantee that when data is retrieved from archives in 20
years time, the library will still have a platform on which it will compile.
The developers and support staff of CDF can be contacted at:
CDF User Support Office
National Space Science Data Center
Code 633
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland 20771-0001
Tel Voice
(301) 286 9884
(301) 286 1771
The CDF library, documentation and lots of additional information (e.g.,
FAQs) is available via the WWW from:
1 As of version 2.5 CDF supports the following native platform encoding: VAX, SUN,
SGi Personal Iris and Power Series, DECstation, DEC Alpha/OSF1, DEC
Alpha/Open VMS, IBM RS6000 series, HP 9000 series, NeXT, IBM PC, and
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There is also a mailing list, cdf-users@nssdc.gsfc/, for
CDF discussion.
NetCDF software was developed at the Unidata Program Center in Boulder,
Colorado. Freely available source code can be obtained by FTP. Further
information can be obtained from the Unidata netCDF Home Page at:
There is also a mailing list,, for
netCDF discussion.
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Hierarchical Data Format (HDF)
The Hierarchical Data Format (HDF)[5] has been developed by the National
Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at
Urbana- Champaign in the USA. It was originally designed for the interchange
of raster image data and multi-dimensional scientific data sets across
heterogeneous environments. It is a multi-object file format, with a number of
predefined object types, such as arrays, but with the ability to extend the object
types in a relatively simple manner. Recently, HDF has been extended to
handle tabular scientific data, rather than just uniform array oriented data, and
also annotation attribute data.
HDF can store several types of data objects within one file, such as raster
images, palettes, text and table style data. Each ‘object’ in an HDF file has a
predefined tag that indicates the data type and a reference number that
identifies the instance. There are a number of tags which are available for
defining user defined data types, however only those people who have access
to the software of the user that defined the new types can access them
properly. Each set of HDF data types has an associated software interface.
This is where HDF is very powerful. The software tools supplied to support
HDF are quite sophisticated, and due to the format of the files, which
extensively use pointers in their arrangement, the user is provided with means
to analyses and visualise the data in an efficient and convenient manner.
A table of contents is maintained within the file and as the user adds data to
the file, the pointers in the table of contents are updated. An example
organisational structure of an HDF file is shown in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1:
An Example organisation of Data Objects in an HDF File
HDF File
Data Object 1
Data Object 2
Data Object 3
Data Object 1
Group 1
Data Object 2
Group 2
Data Object 3
Group 1
Data Object 1
Data Object 1
Data Object 2
Data Object 3
HDF is similar to CDF in that users don’t need to know the physical format.
The physical file format is, in fact, rather difficult to determine and the only
practical method of access and manipulation of the data is via software
HDF currently supports only six data models, these are: general raster, 8-bit
raster, 24-bit raster, palette, scientific data (multi-dimensional array), Vdata
(tables of integers, floats and characters) and annotation (text strings). For
higher level Earth observation products these data types are quite suitable, but
for lower level products the limitation on, for example, the number of bits per
pixel or accessing individual bits could be a major restriction. Secondly, the
record fields can only be of the basic scientific types, e.g., 8-bit integers, 32bit reals, etc., although SDSs (Scientific Data Set) can have integers of
arbitrary length (<=32 bits).
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As HDF is an important format in the field of Earth Observation, additional
information is given in Chapter 5.
Data Description Information
HDF claims to be a self-describing data format, this is true to the extent that it
supports only a limited number of data models and each object in the HDF file
is tagged so that the data type can be identified. There is also the capability to
add annotation attributes to either the complete file, the data objects or each
element within an object. This means the user can pass on auxiliary data that
may be required for processing. For the scientific data arrays, HDF has some
predefined annotation attributes that can be manipulated with the software,
such as axis scale, units and minimum/maximum values.
Although there are only a limited number of predefined data types, it is
possible, through the use of user reserved tag numbers, to include new data
types; the tag number would then identify the data description of that model.
Whilst this means that extensibility is easy, there is no guarantee that the
receiver of the product has software that recognises the user defined tags and
therefore it may be that the products are not processable as originally desired.
Data Formatting or Packaging The HDF standard defines the atomic level components within a HDF file and
then uses pointers within the table of contents in the file to package them all
together. It is easy to add data objects to a HDF file and, therefore, the
packaging can be seen as very flexible. However, there is no way of separating
the atomic formatting from the higher level packaging, although the
knowledgeable user can influence both packaging and formatting. In summary,
HDF formats and packages simultaneously.
Storage and Media Support
All the data objects within a single HDF dataset are stored within a single file.
Each file must be self-contained with the exception of external element files.
The physical format of the file is generally unknown to the user and the data is
accessed through the software library. The physical representation is in a
canonical form and therefore the files can be transferred to other platforms. If
the software library is available for that platform2, then the data can be
Both IEEE and native encodings are available for all data types. Additionally,
all platforms are capable of reading native PC format. With the exception of
the PC, native encodings are not portable across architectures.
As HDF relies heavily on pointers to know where all the objects are within a
file, it is essential that the files be stored on random access media for
processing. They can be transferred from one user to another by sequential
media, but must be copied to random access media for processing.
Software Support
Software support for HDF is its major strong point, not only the public domain
software library developed by the HDF developers at NCSA, but also 3rd
party developers are starting to support it. For example, as import and export
formats from visualisation tools. HDF can be considered as three interface
layers built on a physical file format as shown in Figure 3-2.
Currently supported platforms include Convex (UNIX), Cray X-MP/2 (UNICOS),
DECstation (Ultrix), HP 9000 (HPUX), IBM PC (MS-DOS/Windows), IBM RT
(AIX), Macintosh (MacOS), IBM RS6000 (AIX), NeXT (NeXTStep), Silicon
Graphics (Irix), Sun 3/Sun 386/Sparc (SunOS) and Vax (VMS, Ultrix)
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Figure 3-2:
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The Software Interface of a HDF File
HDF Utilities
NCSA Applications
3rd Party Application
HDF Application Interfaces
HDF Low Level Interface
HDF Physical File Format
The low level interface is for working with the file as a software developer. It
includes the source code for file I/O, error handling, memory management and
physical storage. For most scientists it is more likely that they will work with
the data via the HDF application interfaces. This interface includes software
modules that put data into an HDF file and extract it from the file. Although
the application interface involves software programming, all the low-level
details can be ignored. At the highest level, HDF includes NCSA applications
and other 3rd party applications for accessing and manipulating the data stored
in an HDF file.
HDF software including and above version 3.3 release 3 can transparently read
netCDF files (see Section 3.3.1), but cannot produce output in this format.
Long-term Stability
HDF is not approved by any international standards body, and therefore users
of the standard must be aware that future software libraries are not guaranteed
to be backwards compatible (although NCSA keep this as the highest priority).
A specification for HDF is available from NCSA, however, so a library could
be re-developed at any future date. HDF is used extensively by the NASA
EOSDIS project for Earth observation product delivery and therefore has
powerful backing. However, its merits for long term archiving must be
carefully considered, due to the embedding of the data description and the
limited control that the international user community has over format
development. This limited control could mean that in time there may be a
proliferation of variations of the format as various organisations adapt it for
their own use. However, the fact that a single group (NCSA) is responsible for
the perpetuation of the format makes it less likely that proliferation will occur.
There is simply no other group likely to create a prarllel implementaion of
Furthermore, as an HDF file is only practically accessible through the software
library, the long-term accessibility of the data could be in question depending
upon the continued software development and the changes in commonly used
Contact Point
The developers and support staff for HDF can be contacted at:
NCSA Software Tools Group, HDF
152 Computing Application Building
605 E. Springfield Ave.
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Champaign, IL 61820
The HDF library and documentation is available via the WWW from:
The documentation includes:
Getting Started with HDF
NCSA HDF User’s Guide
NCSA HDF Reference Manual
NCSA HDF Specification and Developer’s Guide
Information on access to related software tools (including JAVA support) is
also provided.
Additional Comments
A development of HDF is HDF-EOS, which provides 3 new data models on
top of existing HDF data models. The new models specifically address georeferenced and geo-coded Earth observation data. HDF-EOS has its own
User’s Guide.
Further information available via:
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CEOS Superstructure Format
The Format Subgroup of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
(CEOS) established the CEOS Superstructure Format[6] for Earth observation
product delivery a number of years ago. It is widely used throughout the Earth
observation community particularly for the distribution of SAR data. The
format is based upon that developed for the Landsat mission. The aim of the
CEOS Superstructure Format Usually referred to as simply the CEOS Format)
is to minimise the effort needed to read and write data products from similar
Earth observation sensors. This is achieved by establishing a standard for a
family of formats, and then making further recommendations for specific
sensor classes (for example, optical sensors and SAR sensors).
The CEOS Superstructure Format can be regarded as being semi-generic in
that it consists of a generic component to define the superstructure of a file or
set of files, combined with a partly generic fixed record format adjusted for
particular types of data (e.g., SAR data or ERS Altimeter data). Unfortunately,
due to the adoption of the format by a number of agencies (ESA, CCRS and
NASDA in particular) and poor control by CEOS, the Format has developed a
number of inconsistencies which has hindered the development of generic
CEOS Format software.
The basic concept of the CEOS Superstructure Format is a series of files:
A volume directory file globally describes the configuration of the data
set, including the physical and logical volume organisation, file pointer
records and optional textual records. The first record of the volume
directory file is the volume descriptor record, this is followed by one
file pointer record for each data file within the logical volume, these
are then optionally followed by any number of free format textual
records for descriptive information;
Data files that contain the actual product data. The first record of the
data file is the file descriptor record, which contains information on
how to interpret the contents of the constituent records. In addition,
each data file has a File Class which identifies a general categorisation
of the data.
It is usual to have three types of data files within a single product,
these are the Leader File, the Imagery File and the Trailer File. The
Leader File contains image introductory information, such as sensor
specific reference for the scene, the product type, sensor and mission
identification, etc. The CEOS has defined specific record formats for
each of these information types. The Imagery File contains data
records which contain imagery information and also support
information which is synchronised to the pixel data, such as, quality
codes, geolocation data, etc. The image pixels can be of a number of
bit sizes and can be stored under a number of common schemes such
as Band Interleaved by Pixel (BIP), Band Interleaved by Line (BIL) or
Band Sequential (BSQ). The Trailer File is used to store quality
control and other information that was not available at the start of
processing, for example, a histogram of the preceeding image.
Finally there is a Null Volume Directory File at the end of the logical
volume to indicate the end of the complete product.
A schematic of the CEOS Superstructure Format is shown in Figure 3-3.
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Figure 3-3:
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Schematic of the CEOS Superstructure Format
Volume Description Record
File Pointer Record 1
File Pointer Record 2
File Pointer Record n
Text Record(s) - optional
File Descriptor Record
File 1
Data Records
File Descriptor Record
File 2
Data Records
File Descriptor Record
File n
Data Records
optional depending
upon a flag in the FDR
Volume Descriptor Record
(either null or next logical volume)
The 12 byte header at the start of each record contains a record sequence
number, a record type and sub-type code (which identify the description of the
record) and the record length. The type and sub-type codes are assigned by
CEOS so that ‘standard’ records can be reused across similar products, for
example, to indicate map projection data, ground control point data, SAR data,
Additional information on the use of the CEOS Superstructure Format for the
distribution of SAR data for specifc missions is given in Chapter 5.
Data Description Information
The handling of data description information is very poor in CEOS files.
When data is interchanged in CEOS files, there is a strong reliance on paper
documentation to describe the parameters, particularly in the leader and header
files. Whilst the format of a particular record type is given a unique CEOS
type and sub-type identifier, the format ‘registered’ against this description
does not have to conform to any particular format. The CEOS registration is
also quite cumbersome as there is no infrastructure available to access such
registered record formats.
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Through the use of ‘Text Records’ it is possible to include annotation
attributes for the product, but the format of these are user specific and there is
no generally accepted standard. Languages such as Parameter Value Language
(see Section 4.2.4), developed by the CCSDS, could be used for annotation
attribute representation. The standard auxiliary information that is provided in
leader records is provided in fixed field positions as defined by paper
documentation. This technique is manageable when a large number of fixed
products are distributed, but very inflexible.
Data Formatting or Packaging The CEOS Superstructure Format addresses only the general data packaging
scheme. The syntax of the data that are within a single record can be defined
by registered CEOS type and sub-type tags, and previously defined elements
can be reused easily. The overall packaging is handled by the file blocks as
described earlier. If more than one product is to be delivered simultaneously
then another file can easily be written to the distribution media, followed by
the end of volume file (a Null Volume Directory File).
Storage and Media Support
The CEOS Superstructure was designed for products that are to be distributed
on unlabelled tape, i.e. not random access media. It relies heavily on tape and
end-of-file markers and all file references are relative to the start of a physical
volume. A single product can span more than one physical volume and the
various File Pointer Records can handle this simply. The limitation to
sequential media is becoming significant in the modern day environment,
where newer, more convenient, higher capacity random access media are
desirable. There have been variations of the CEOS Superstructure Format
designed to permit the files to be located on random access media and the File
Pointer Records to contain filenames, rather than just numerical tape file
numbers. Whilst this has worked successfully, there is no formal standard
available on how this should be handled, it is purely organisation specific.
One area where the CEOS documentation (see ‘Contact Point’ below) is very
poor, is the description of the data on the physical media. It is not clear what
physical encoding is used, whether it is fixed by the standard or dependent
upon the host machine that is writing the file.
Software Support
Long-term Stability
There is no generic software available that reads or writes CEOS
Superstructure Format files. Each of the agencies in the CEOS have developed
their own software for generating or receiving products. Unfortunately due to
the lack of a formally published specification of the CEOS Superstructure
Format, the task of producing ‘generic’ software would be very difficult. There
are also many cases of ‘CEOS compliant’ software from one agency not being
able to read the products produced by another agency. Chapter 5 gives
pointers to some of the software sources.
As the CEOS Superstructure Format specification was produced by an
international body that comprises most organisations and agencies that are
interested in Earth observation, the potential for long term stability of the
standard is good. However, the quality of the available documentation is poor
and this compromises the potential for long term use of the standard.
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Contact Point
Page 28 of 92
In the writing of this report it has been found that it is very difficult to find any
positive contact source for CEOS information. There is no central point from
which the format standard can be obtained. Documentation and software
support is normally available from the specific data supplier. ESA/ ESRIN has
a large section of its Guide and Directory Service
( dedicated to CEOS material,
however, there is no electronic version of the original CEOS specification
Contact points for SAR CEOS Format Products from various Space Agencies
are given in Section 5.2. General queries can be addressed to the leader of the
CEOS WGISS Format Guidelines Task Team, currently Wyn Cudlip on
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The MPH/SPH/DSR product format[7][8][9][10] is specifically used by
ESA/ESRIN for ERS-1 and ERS-2 products and hence extensively throughout
Europe. It is used for the Fast Delivery Products from the ground stations to
the Processing and Archiving Facilities (PAFs) and to ESRIN, where it is
archived in this format. This format also forms the current baseline for the
Envisat-1 Ground Segment. The MPH/SPH/DSR format is generally not used
for product distribution to end users, for this the CEOS SuperstructureFormat
is used. Note, the format only specifies the structure of the data packaging, it is
not concerned with the syntax or semantics of the individual data records.
Each product consists of three segments; the Main Product Header (MPH), the
Specific Product Header (SPH) and the Data Set Records (DSRs) as shown in
Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4:
Schematic of an MPH/SPH/DSR Formatted File
Main Product Header (MPH)
Specific Product Header (SPH)
Data Set Record (DSR)
Data Set Record (DSR)
The MPH has a single fixed size record of 176 bytes that is mandatory for all
products generated by any satellite. The MPH for any one satellite is always
the same. This header indicates, in fixed fields, information which is
applicable to all processing chain products, such as product identifier, type of
product, spacecraft identifier, UTC time of beginning of product, ground
station identifier, many quality control fields that are completed at various
stages of the processing chain, etc. Following the MPH is the SPH, which is
present only if indicated by the MPH. The SPH can have a variable number of
records, each of variable size as dictated by the product type. These records
contain information specific to a particular product. For example, product
confidence data that is specific to a product type, parameters for instruments
that are used to generate the product, etc. Finally there are a number of DSRs
(as specified in the MPH also), that contain the actual scientific data
measurements. The number and size of the DSR records is also dependent
upon the product type.
There is only a limited number of data types that are supported in the headers,
these are 1, 2 and 4-byte integers, ASCII string parameters, single byte flags
and ‘special’ fields formatted for a particular product.
Data Description Information
The MPH/SPH/DSR does not contain any data description information. The
MPH and each of the SPH formats and fields are defined in conventional
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paper documents, there is no electronic formal language description of
records. The MPH indicates the type of product, and from this the user would
have to look up the relevant product specification and then know the type of
SPH records and the type of DSR records. Using this method new SPH and
DSR records can be defined and then a new identifier used in the MPH, but
this is only a very basic method of data description.
Data Formatting or Packaging MPH/SPH/DSR is a method of packaging a product only, as the actual syntax
of the data is not addressed. The high level structure, i.e. that shown in Figure
3-4, could be seen as the packaging level, but it has little flexibility, except in
the number of SPH and DSR records. It is not possible to package more than
one product within a single MPH/SPH/DSR structure, each product must be a
single complete structure.
Storage and Media Support
Figure 3-5:
The low level format of the fields follow that of the DEC architecture in bit
and byte representation, i.e. for integers. The products are distributed on one
of three media types: computer compatible tape (CCT), Exabyte and optical
disk. The standard assumes sequential media and there is a clear specification
of how more than one product is stored on a single physical volume. There is
no specification of how products could be stored on random access media.
Whilst the logical product structure in Figure 3-4 is always followed, the
physical structure on the media can follow different structures, depending
upon product sizes and therefore where Inter-Record-Gaps (IRG) and End-ofFile markers (EOF) are placed with respect to data set records (DSRs). Figure
3-5 shows two example for Exabyte tape storage.
Examples of MPH/SPH/DSR Media Format
Small Product Format
Large Product Format
Software Support
There is no software support for MPH/SPH/DSR formatted files. Each user of
the data must develop their own software. This has so far, always been done as
part of a dedicated processing system and therefore no libraries or utilities are
generally available.
Long-term Stability
MPH/SPH/DSR formatted files are of great importance to ESA and therefore
the format is likely to be used for a long period of time. All the ERS-1 and
ERS-2 raw data is formatted in this way and ESA must make sure that the data
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will always be accessible. This is achieved by comprehensive paper
documentation of each of the product formats, therefore in the future if current
software is no longer available, then software development can start again
from the physical file formats. There is no international body that supports
MPH/SPH/DSR, therefore there is no control over any changes in the format
as decided by ESA.
Contact Point
It was very difficult to find a clear definition of the MPH/SPH/DSR format for
this report. There seems to be no generic definition of the format, only the
specific product definitions for the ERS-1 and ERS-2 missions. Whilst the
definer of the format is ESA/ESRIN, it is not known which individual or
department is responsible.
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Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS)
Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS)[11] is a method for transferring spatial
data, such as geographic and cartographic features, between heterogeneous
computer systems. Specifications are provided for representing 13 different
types of 0-, 1- and 2-dimensional real-world objects represented as vector or
raster data. In addition to the ‘standard’ 13 simple spatial objects available, the
user can define composite objects which are made up of simple objects.
An SDTS transfer consists of a grouping of modules, these modules can be
broken down into four categories:
Global Information Modules that define global parameters for the
entire transfer, such as the data set identifier, the co-ordinate system
used, the geographic coverage, quality information, definition of
attributes, etc.;
Attribute Modules that contain attributes of the spatial objects
contained in the transfer, such as altitude, direction, etc., this is
analogous to data description information;
Spatial Object Modules that define simple and composite structures of
the basic spatial objects;
Graphic Representation that contain display symbols, area fill, colour,
etc. for the various objects.
In SDTS, objects are defined by attributes. For example, a ROAD may have
attributes LENGTH and DIRECTION. SDTS includes approximately 200
defined object names and 240 attributes.
For Earth observation, the vector representation is not of much interest, but the
raster profile is applicable. The raster profile is a standard method of
formatting raster data, such as images or gridded data, that must be geolocated.
Raster modules can accommodate image data, digital terrain models, gridded
GIS layers, and other regular point sample and grid cell data (all of which are
termed raster data). Two module types are required for the encoding of raster
data: the Raster Definition module and the Cell module. Additionally, a
Registration module might be required to register the grid or image geometry
to latitude/longitude or a map-projection-based co-ordinate system.
SDTS supports many different organisation schemes for encoding raster data.
Other data recorded in the Raster Definition module complete the definition of
the structure, orientation, and other parameters required for interpreting the
raster data. Actual pixel or grid cell data values are encoded in Cell module
Data Description Information
SDTS supports data dictionary modules that can be part of the transferred file.
The data dictionary, consisting of three module types (Data
Dictionary/Definition, Data Dictionary/Domain and Data Dictionary/Schema),
convey the meaning and structure of entity and attribute data.
The Data Dictionary/Definition module defines the meaning of entity
and attribute terms (called labels) and identifies a responsible body
(called authority) for each definition.
The Data Dictionary/Domain module specifies the type and range of
values each attribute may take and defines the meaning of attribute
value codes.
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The Data Dictionary/Schema module specifies the record layout of
each attribute module in terms of which attributes are included, the
type, format and maximum length of the attribute values, and which
entity type (specified by label) is being characterised by the attributes.
Therefore the data description capabilities of SDTS are of a high quality and
the data description information is managed in a relatively separate manner to
the actual data it describes.
Data Formatting or Packaging SDTS defines a method for formatting the lower level atomic data using ISO
8211 (see next paragraph), and then uses the SDTS defined profiles for
packaging the data. There is no simple method of taking a number of existing
SDTS files and packaging them together, the data objects in each file would
have to be extracted separately and a new file generated.
Storage and Media Support
SDTS uses the ANSI/ISO 8211 ‘Specification for a Data Descriptive File for
Information Interchange’[12] to encode the data being transferred. ISO 8211 is
self describing. It contains the description of the data records and a description
of the file itself. This level of description is at the lowest level, i.e. the bit and
byte encoding and not the higher SDTS object level. Physical media for SDTS
are any media that hold a string of bytes, therefore files can be conveyed on
either sequential or random access media. Although due to the fact that ISO
8211 is used to encode the physical elements, the physical media must be
formatted conforming to ANSI/ISO standards.
Software Support
Public Domain software is being developed to support SDTS (see the ftp site
given at the end of this Section). There is also software to support ISO 8211
encoding/decoding (FIPS 123 Functional Library). It is written in ANSI C and
available on IBM-PCs and Data General AViiON Unix workstations.
Long-term Stability
SDTS is a U.S. government FIPS standard and therefore is guaranteed to be
supported into the foreseeable future. It is the responsibility of the USGS
(United States Geological Survey) to maintain and develop it. Whilst it is not
an internationally approved standard, the FIPS approval makes it a mandatory
option for spatial data exchange within U.S. government organisations.
Contact Point
The developers and support for SDTS can be contacted at:
There is also a WWW page and FTP site for further SDTS information and
example files at:
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Flexible Image Transport System (FITS)
FITS (Flexible Image Transport System)[13][14] is a data format designed to
provide a means for convenient exchange of astronomical data between
installations whose standard internal formats and hardware differ. The format
is unlikely to be used significantly for EO data. Its brief description is included
here as an example of another widely used formatting system.
A FITS file is composed of a sequence of Header Data Units (HDUs). The
header consists of keyword=value statements, which describe the format
and organisation of the data in the HDU and may also provide additional
information, for example, about instrument status or the history of the data.
The data follows, structured as the header specifies. The data section of the
HDU may contain a digital image, but it is not required to. Other data types
supported include tables and multidimensional matrices.
The first HDU must contain a multidimensional matrix or no data at all; the
data in subsequent HDUs, called extensions, may be of any type, consistent
with certain rules. The “Image” in the name comes from the original use of the
format to transport digital images, but it is not just for images any more.
FITS supports 5 data types in the multidimensional array of the first HDU: 8bit unsigned binary integers, 16-bit twos-complement signed binary integers,
32-bit twos-complement signed binary integers, 32-bit IEEE-754 standard
floating point numbers, and 64-bit IEEE-754 floating point numbers.
Two new extension types, binary tables (type name BINTABLE) and images
(type name IMAGE), are currently under consideration for endorsement by the
IAU FITS Working Group. FITS is not very suitable for formatting arbitrary
scientific data values. The only method of doing this is to use the binary table
extension, where a single row of the table is defined with various fields, but
then the table is limited to one row. Also the data types for scientific data is
limited to the basic data types as listed above and therefore non-standard bit
sized numbers cannot be handled.
An example FITS file is shown in Figure 3-6 below, this clearly shows the
simple layout and capabilities.
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Figure 3-6:
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Sample FITS Image File
0. /
-- WIFTS OF 04/17/80.’ /
= ‘18/04/80’
= ‘10.11.54’
OBJECT = ‘NGC4486 =M87 AND JET’ /
(256x180x4 bytes follow)
Data Description Information
FITS is self describing to the extent that it includes in the HDUs attributes that
describe the data that follows. For example, the pixel data type, the number of
axes, the scale, etc. Also the user can include any non-standard attributes that
are required to add more descriptive information. This makes a FITS file
easily understandable to a human user. What is not defined in the interchange
is the meaning of the various parameters. Therefore, the software that is to
read the image must know the various parameter definitions and how to use
them. This situation is not a problem for established standard parameters, but
it will not be possible to process any user defined parameters automatically.
Data Formatting or Packaging FITS is a relatively simple format for a well defined function, that of
formatting multidimensional arrays. The format limits the possible
representation of the array elements (pixels in the case of images). There may
be a number of arrays following the HDU, but this is the only concept of
packaging. It is not possible to randomly add data objects of different types to
the FITS file.
Storage and Media Support
Each logical record in a FITS file is always 2880 bytes, the sub-records within
the HDU consist of 36 ‘card images’, each of 80-bytes, written in 7-bit ASCII.
The END card image is always the last, the remainder of the header is padded
with blanks to the full 2880 byte length. The card records are followed directly
by the data. The data is physically formatted according to IEEE standards. As
shown in Figure 3-6 the layout of the card images is in firmly fixed character
FITS is defined as a logical structure and independent of media. Therefore the
files can be transferred on sequential media, such as magnetic tape, or random
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access media. As FITS does not permit the reference of data outside of the one
physical file, it means the complete product must be contained within a single
physical file. There have been non-standard conventions for spanning products
across more than one physical media volume, but these are not universally
Software Support
FITS is supported by a number of software packages, the main source of
which is NASA/GSFC, the primary supporter of FITS. GSFC has developed a
package of FORTRAN subroutines, called FITSIO. This package provides
software for easy reading and writing of FITS format files. FITSIO runs on
most common machines. It supports all the currently defined standard FITS
extensions; it also supports the proposed IMAGE and BINTABLE extension
types. There are a number of FITS viewers available also for various
Long-term Stability
FITS is an approved standard by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
The most comprehensive support for FITS is provided by the NASA Office of
Standard and Technology (NOST) also at GSFC. FITS is seen as a very stable
format with a large if somewhat specialised user community.
Contact Point
The NOST Librarian provides electronic and printed copies of many of the
FITS documents. They can be contacted at:
NASA/Science Office of Standards and Technology
Code 633.2
Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt MD 20771
Good FTP sites for documentation and software are:
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Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)[15] defines a protocol intended for the
network transmission and interchange of raster graphic data in a way that is
independent of the hardware used in their creation or display. GIF is defined in
terms of blocks and sub-blocks which contain relevant parameters and data
used in the reproduction of an image. In general, the images in a GIF data
stream are assumed to be related to some degree, and to share some control
A schematic of the GIF file format is shown in Figure 3-7.
Figure 3-7:
Schematic of a GIF File
GIF Signature
Screen Descriptor
Global Colour Map
Im age Descriptor
Local Colour Map
Repeated 1 to n times
Raster Data
GIF Term inator
The GIF format is a fixed format that may be suitable for distributing some
browse products. There is global palette for each file and the possibility to
associated a local palette with an individual image. The image can be of any
dimension, but are limited to 1, 2, 4 or 8-bit pixels. The values in the pixels
are then looked up against an RGB palette for display purposes. A particular
advantage of GIF for browse product distribution is the lossy data compression
that is included and the easy availability of display tools for practically every
known platform.
It is difficult to store other data in a GIF file except for images and palettes.
There is a place for text in GIFs, but most display applications ignore it.
Data Description Information
There is no data description information in a GIF file, except for the basic
image dimensions and pixel depth. (See comment above.)
Data Formatting or Packaging It is possible to package more than one image in a single GIF file, but it is up
to the display software to interpret the relationship between the images, that is,
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there is no way to indicate if the images are of different bands of the same area
or related in any other way. The format of the pixels is strictly defined by the
Storage and Media Support
Software Support
Long-term Stability
Contact Point
Additional Comments
The pixel data is stored as a bit stream as it is compressed using a variation of
the LZW compression algorithm[16]. GIF files can be distributed on sequential
or random access media. There is no way to split a GIF file apart, the image
must always be contained in a single file, so the media type is immaterial.
There are many software packages that import and export GIF files. The
source code for many GIF encoders and decoders is freely available from
many FTP sites.
GIF is defined by the CompuServe Inc. company in the USA. Whilst it is not
an international standard, there are many tera-bytes of images available and
interchanged in GIF format. This means that the format is a well established
defacto standard and is unlikely to change. There have been extensions to the
basic standard, but none of these invalidate the basic format described here.
There is no real purpose in providing a contact point for the GIF format
designers, as it is a private company who do not accept feedback or provide
support. For software that is available to generate and read the GIF format,
many anonymous FTP sites on the Internet are available.
There is also a copyright issue with some uses of GIF. The LZW compression
algorithm is owned by a commercial concern and a charge may be assessed for
certain types of use.
A replacement for GIF called PNG (Portable Network Graphics) has been
proposed (see and
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ISO/IEC 12087 - Image Processing and Interchange
ISO 12087 or ‘Information Technology - Computer Graphics and Image
processing - Image Processing and Interchange’ standard is an ISO standard
for the representation and manipulation of images in a digital form.
The ISO 12087 standard is in three parts; the Common Architecture for
Imaging[17] which describes the common architectural material on which the
entire standard is based; the Programmers Imaging Kernel System (IPIPIKS) Application Program Interface (API) which defines the processing
operations to be carried out on an image; and the Image Interchange Facility
(IPI-IIF)[18], which defines how images may be interchanged between
application programs. For the purpose of this study the IIF is the more
important, although the eventual availability of software tool kits to support
the API will encourage the use of the standard. Figure 3-8 shows the
relationship between the parts of the IPI implementation.
Figure 3-8:
Interfaces Between the Parts of the ISO 12087 Standard
Application Program
IPI data
PIKS data
Data Objects
PIKS domain
IIF domain
data flow according to ASN.1 specification within IIF
implementation-dependent internal data flow
The IIF data format (IIF-DF) is the format used for image interchange. The
overall format follows the basic structure shown in Figure 3-9.
Essentially the structure holds information identifying the data and then within
the contents body the actual data of interest. This can be images, image
related data, attributes, annotations or basic data objects. The image structure
itself can be broken down into much more detail as shown in ISO 12087
standard. This would then show the image records, the bands, the pixels etc.
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Figure 3-9:
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Overall Structure of the IIF-DF File
format identification,
version, profile
title, owner,
time, etc.,
description of the
image structure
fields of pixels; represented
within one or more data units
further images
or other
ISO 12087 defines a large number of data types that can be aggregated
together to form a product. These data types include:
Basic data types: integer, real, bit, boolean, character, enumerated,
state and null;
Compound types: list, array, character string, choice, range, record,
set, pointer and table;
Image types: elementary image (in which each pixel is of a basic type)
and compound image (in which each pixel is of a compound type);
Non-image data related to imagery, such as histogram, palettes, lookup tables, region of interest, text, etc.
Metadata such as image attributes can also be included in the format,
as well as user defined attributes.
This flexibility and high degree of modularity is supported due to the fact that
the format is defined and encoded using ISO 8824, ‘Abstract Syntax
Description Notation.One’ (ASN.1)[19]. This provides a separate layer for the
physical encoding, therefore the format designers only have to consider the
abstract level.
Data Description Information
As the IIF-DF is defined using ASN.1, it means that there is a complete data
description of the format. The data description (which is in the ISO 12087 part
3 standard) is of the full generic data format. This, of course, covers every
possible instance of the format, the difference in each instance being
dependent upon the various selections and choices in the generic description.
The IIF-DF also supports many predefined annotation attributes and user
defined annotation attributes, these can be given meaningful names and
accessed by name via the well defined API. Each data object within a single
IIF-DF file can have annotation attributes attached to it.
Data Formatting or Packaging Using ASN.1 for encoding means that IIF-DF defines the format of each data
element via the ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules (as defined in ISO 8825[20]).
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This means that the user need not be concerned with the actual data format
although it could be deduced. Due to the recursive capability of ASN.1, any
number of images and objects can be put into a single file, therefore the
‘packaging’ capabilities of the format are infinite as long as the basic structure
as shown in Figure 3-9 is followed. For example, there is one format
descriptor and contents header for each file. To package the contents of a
number of separate files into one file would require each file to be
unpackaged, and a new single file generated by packaging all the data objects
back together again.
Storage and Media Support
Software Support
As already stated the IIF-DF data is formatted at the lowest level according to
the ASN.1 basic encoding rules. The ISO 12087 standard defines each of the
ASN.1 segments that are required for each data type supported. Users then
aggregate these according to their needs. Physically, the data is encoded using
the ISO 12089[21] standard, which is an extension to the normal ASN.1 basic
encoding rules, in that it defines the encoding of some of the IIF types not
defined by the ASN.1 basic rules. The format relies upon tags within the data
to identify the next segment of information. This canonical encoding makes
the format interchangeable between any systems that have the necessary
ASN.1 encoder/decoder software. In line with ASN.1 philosophy, the file must
be a single file and is treated as a stream of bytes, therefore it is not possible to
span a single IIF-DF across more than one physical volume.
Even though the ISO 12087 standard is relatively new, there is a concerted
effort underway by the developers of the standard to develop the necessary
support software. The major development is called the ‘IIF Toolkit’ [22]
developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics in Darmstadt,
Germany. It basically supports the API as defined in the ISO 12087 part 2
standard. The library can be used to read and write IIF-DF formatted data and
then various APIs are provided to manipulate the resulting images. The IIF
Toolkit relies upon the availability of the ISO development environment for
the encoding and decoding of ASN.1.
Both the IIF Toolkit and the ASN.1 Development Environment are freely
available by FTP and available for various flavours of Unix systems.
Long-term Stability
Being an ISO standard the format is seen as very stable far into the future. The
software still needs further development and does not yet support the full ISO
12087 defined API. Whilst the stability of the actual standard is very good, the
format relies heavily upon complex software for encoding and decoding. As
with any reliance upon software for data access there is a certain amount of
risk that it may no longer be possible to compile the software in 20 years time.
It is possible, due to the fact that all the encoding used is clearly defined by
various ISO standards, to understand the data down to the bit level without
software, but this would be a very complex task, and probably easier to rewrite
the required software libraries.
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Contact Point
There is no direct contact to the ISO committee responsible for the
development of the standard, but the IIF Toolkit developers can be contacted
(their team includes the primary editor of the ISO standard):
Christof Blum
Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics,
Wilhelminenstr 7
64283 Darmstadt
Internet e-mail:
FTP site for the IIF Toolkit:
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Standard Formatted Data Units (SFDU)
Standard Formatted Data Units (SFDUs)[23][24] have been developed by the
Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS). The SFDU
concept is not a method of formatting data, but a method of structuring,
packaging and organising the data, along with associated metadata and data
description information. This means the SFDU is very strong in data
management and particularly suited for delivery and long term archiving.
The SFDU format is used to package together data of any format. This is
achieved by adding a small header (the LABEL field) to each block of data
(the VALUE field) that is to be packaged, irrespective of the data’s format.
This object, called a Label-Value-Object (LVO), is shown in Figure 3-10.
Figure 3-10:
An SFDU Label-Value-Object (LVO)
Various field specification
are possible
Field of variable size,
containing any format
of data
Existence based on
Label field values
The Label field includes the following:
An identifier of the description of the data that follows the Label. This
identifier indicates the organisation that is responsible for the
maintenance and availability of the data description as well as the
unique identifier within the organisation.
A high level indication of the type of data that follows the Label. For
example, this may be data description information, application data,
data that is used as part of the SFDU standard for packaging purposes,
An indicator of how the data following the Label is delimited. For
example, the exact number of bytes may be specified, a number of
end-of-file markers, a unique marker pattern within the data stream,
To achieve the packaging and nesting of data objects it is possible to put a
number of LVOs as the Value field of a ‘higher level’ LVO. This technique of
nesting can continue indefinitely and therefore it is easy to manage and merge
existing data products. An example of a more complex SFDU structure is
shown in Figure 3-11.
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The shortage of software support One of the main drawbacks to SFDUs is the
paucity of sophisticated software tools. The lack of an encoding standard
invites the proliferation of “standards” that could make the task of interpreting
historical data very difficult.
Figure 3-11:
An SFDU Packaged Data Product
Packaging LVO Label
L Production Information LVO Label
Data product production
Catalogue Information LVO Label
Catalogue information
for the data set
Application Data LVO Label
Data set
Application Data LVO Label
Data set
The figures above show the SFDUs logically. In practice, the standard
supports the storage of the data, i.e. the LVO value fields, either physically in
the same file or stored as separate physical files and referenced from a ‘parent’
Data Description Information
All data that is packaged using the SFDU standard must have a separate data
description, whether it be in a natural language or a formal data description
language. One of the major advantages of the SFDU concept over many other
data formatting/packaging methods is that the data description must be
registered with what is called the Control Authority Organisation[25][26]. This
organisation, which consists of each of the member agencies of the CCSDS, is
obliged to archive and make available all data descriptions it registers. If for
some reason a Control Authority at a single agency ceases to exist, then the
other agencies are obliged to accept responsibility for the data descriptions.
This means data descriptions are guaranteed to be available for as long as any
of the member agencies of the CCSDS exist. Unfortunately, the quality of the
descriptions cannot be guaranteed!
All data have an identifier that indicates to the user where the data description
is registered. The user can however request the data description from any
agencies Control Authority and the Control Authority will forward the request
as necessary. This means that the user need have only a single point of contact.
The data description can also be packaged with the data that it describes; this
results in a fully self-describing product for delivery. The SFDU standard itself
does not specify the data description languages which may be used, but
provides the infrastructure to support any language and associate the
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description with the relevant data. There are other CCSDS standards that
define formal data description languages (see next Chapter).
Data Formatting or Packaging The SFDU concept is clearly designed to perform the task of data packaging
and does not at all cover the area of data formatting. This is one of the
strengths of the standard; it clearly splits the atomic data formatting apart from
the overall packaging. The packaging technique is extremely flexible and yet
simple; there is no restriction on the data blocks that can be packaged together,
and special LVOs defined by the standard permit the inclusion of other LVOs
or data blocks physically separate from the main file. There is no restriction on
the format of the data within the data blocks (LVO Value fields) so long as it
is possible to provide a data description in either a formal description language
or natural language.
Storage and Media Support
SFDUs are treated as a stream of bytes. It is specified that the Labels are
represented in ASCII, but this is the only restriction. It is possible for a single
SFDU product to comprise of a number of separate physical files. From the
logical view they are all perceived as a single logical SFDU. This is because
the ‘top level’ SFDU points to each separate file. Note, though, a subordinate
SFDU file cannot be recognized as being a part of a larger entity and so care
must be excercised in file management. There is the limitation, at present, that
it is not possible to have a single logical SFDU span more than one physical
volume. This is due to the fact that the pointers from the ‘top level’ SFDU are
relative to the volume that the top level SFDU is stored upon. Due to the
method that is used to reference external data files, it is feasible that this
limitation may be removed in a later version of the SFDU standard, the
CCSDS are currently reviewing this situation.
SFDUs can be transferred and assessed directly from sequential media,
random access media or directly from a communication channel. There are
certain delimitation techniques for the LVOs that are not supported on one
type of media and are on another. For example, delimiting an LVO with a
number of end-of-file markers is not possible on random access media, but
copying an SFDU product from one media type to another is relatively simple
as the data does not require manipulation, only changes to the delimitation
techniques used. (However, without accepted and standarized methods for
translating between different delimiting techniques, there is no way to be sure
that the proper technique has been followed during a transfer between different
media types.)
Software Support
Software support for the SFDU standard is in a relatively early stage of
development, although there are a number of developments on-going.
NASA/GSFC and ESA/ESOC are developing, in collaboration, the ‘SFDU
Workbench’. This is a Unix/Motif based tool that can be used to create SFDUs
and parse and unpackage SFDUs. It has the capability to associate external
software packages with a particular data description identifier in the Label of
an LVO. After schematically displaying the structure of the SFDU, the user
can click on a Value field and the relevant package to process/display/
manipulate the data is executed. This workbench is still under development,
but promises to be a very intuitive framework for manipulating data from any
discipline packaged in SFDU format.
There is also an SFDU toolkit, developed by NASA/JPL that provides a
software library interface written in ‘C’ for packaging data into SFDUs, and
also for extracting the Value fields from SFDUs for an application program.
This package is well documented and supported by NASA/JPL.
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Long-term Stability
Contact Point
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As the CCSDS is a recognised international standards body, the stability of the
standard is very high. Recently the standard has also been endorsed and
published as an ISO standard (ISO 12175)[27]. The standard is not software
dependent, and the CCSDS put a high priority on data being accessible in 10
or 20 years time, as this is often the longevity of space related data. Essential
to the SFDU concept is the availability of data descriptions for any data
packaged in SFDUs. There is an agreement between the CCSDS member
agencies that if any agency should stop performing the functions of the Control
Authority (data description registration, archive and dissemination), then one
of the other agencies shall assume the role for the relevant data descriptions.
This means that the long term stability and accessibility of SFDU data itself is
very high.
The official contact point for obtaining CCSDS standards is:
CCSDS Secretariat
Attn.: John Rush
Program Integration Division, Code OI
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Washington, DC 20546
WWW site:
WWW site for the SFDU Toolkit (minimal support) and the SFDU
Workbench (under development):
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The following general description is extracted from theIntroduction in the
current GeoTIFF Specification Document.
Aldus-Adobe's public domain Tagged-Image File Format (TIFF has emerged
as one of the world's most popular raster file formats. But TIFF remains
limited in cartographic applications, since no publicly available, stable
structure for conveying geographic information presently exists in the public
Several private solutions exist for recording cartographic information in TIFF
tags. Intergraph has a mature and sophisticated geotie tag implementation, but
this remains within the private TIFF tagset registered exclusively to
Intergraph. Other companies (such as ESRI, and Island Graphics) have
geographic solutions which are also proprietary or limited by specific
application to their software's architecture.
The GeoTIFF spec defines a set of TIFF tags provided to describe all
"Cartographic" information associated with TIFF imagery that originates from
satellite imaging systems, scanned aerial photography, scanned maps, digital
elevation models, or as a result of geographic analyses. Its aim is to allow
means for tying a raster image to a known model space or map projection, and
for describing those projections.
GeoTIFF does not intend to become a replacement for existing geographic
data interchange standards, such as the USGS SDTS standard or the FGDC
metadata standard. Rather, it aims to augment an existing popular raster-data
format to support georeferencing and geocoding information.
The tags are to be considered completely orthogonal to the raster-data
descriptions of the TIFF spec, and impose no restrictions on how the standard
TIFF tags are to be interpreted, which color spaces or compression types are to
be used, etc.
GeoTIFF fully complies with the TIFF 6.0 specifications, and its extensions do
not in any way go against the TIFF recommendations, nor do they limit the
scope of raster data supported by TIFF.
GeoTIFF uses a small set of reserved TIFF tags to store a broad range of
georeferencing information, catering to geographic as well as projected
coordinate systems needs. Projections include UTM, US State Plane and
National Grids, as well as the underlying projection types such as Transverse
Mercator, Lambert Conformal Conic, etc. No information is stored in private
structures, IFD's or other mechanisms which would hide information from
naive TIFF reading software.
GeoTIFF uses a "MetaTag" (GeoKey) approach to encode dozens of
information elements into just 6 tags, taking advantage of TIFF platformindependent data format representation to avoid cross-platform interchange
difficulties. These keys are designed in a manner parallel to standard TIFF
tags, and closely follow the TIFF discipline in their structure and layout. New
keys may be defined as needs arise, within the current framework, and without
requiring the allocation of new tags from Aldus/Adobe.
GeoTIFF uses numerical codes to describe projection types, coordinate
systems, datums, ellipsoids, etc. The projection, datums and ellipsoid codes
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are derived from the EPSG list compiled by the Petrotechnical Open Software
Corporation (POSC), and mechanisms for adding further international
projections, datums and ellipsoids has been established. The GeoTIFF
information content is designed to be compatible with the data decomposition
approach used by the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) of the U.S.
Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC).
While GeoTIFF provides a robust framework for specifying a broad class of
existing Projected coordinate systems, it is also fully extensible, permitting
internal, private or proprietary information storage. However, since this
standard arose from the need to avoid multiple proprietary encoding systems,
use of private implementations is to be discouraged.
Data Description Information
In principle, the standard TIFF tags could be used to store additional data
description information, although the information might be difficult to access
with standard software.
Data Formatting or Packaging GeoTIFF only deals with standard raster images. Apart from encapsulating the
geo-reference information there are no packaging aspects to the format.
Storage and Media Support
Software support
GeoTIFF is not affected by the form of the media.
The availability of software to support the format is increasing rapidly and
many GIS packages can now read the format.
Libgeotiff is a full-function library that reads and writes the GeoTIFF data,
and is located at
There is also a mailing list for discussion; to
subscribe send email to with subscribe
geotiff your-name-here in the body of the email.
Long-term stability
Contact Point
Although a format which essentially depends on continuing software support,
the long term prospects for the format are good. The underlying structure is
relatively simple, and although continuing development with the additional of
new tags is likely, there is a good chance that backward compatibility will be
The GeoTIFF web page contains links to additional information:
Samples are available at the USGS GeoTIFF site:
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3.4 Formats Summary Comparison
This section provides a summary of the suitability of the various ‘standard’
generic formats against a number of criteria that are important to the engineer
requiring to select a format for a particular task. Many of the formats have
similar capabilities, but the techniques used to implement the capabilities can
have a major effect on how easy the format would be to use in practice.
Therefore, in Table 3-1 some of the capabilities are indicated as a Yes or No,
whilst others get from zero to 3 tick marks to indicate suitability to task; the
former indicating the capability is not supported at all, the latter indicating full
support by design.
So that the reader can assess the suitability of formats for a particular task,
Table 3-2 below illustrates where the formats have been used in existing
domains and systems. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list and can be
expanded as further examples become available and knowledge is gained.
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Table 3-1:
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Standard Formats Comparison
Format version analysed
Product formatting
 
Predefined image types
n-bit data types
Annotation data
Arbitrary data types
Self identifying data types
Interpreted data description
Product packaging
 
Addition of products
Separate storage of
annotation attributes
Separate formatting from
Multiple files
Multiple physical media
Media independence
Random access media
Sequential access media
 
Software support
Data access without software
Processing efficiency
 
Storage efficiency
Current widespread use
  
 
Doc. availability/readability
Long-term stability
 
 
   
- indicate the capability has no relevance to the format
Table 3-2:
Illustrative Systems using Standard Formats
Example Systems and Domains
The ‘?’s in this row indicates that the format does not indicate any version
information, either within the data or within the format documentation.
By virtue of the SFDU concept, any data packaged may be defined in any way.
By virtue of the SFDU concept, all data packaged must have an data description.
Those formats that indicate high widespread use, indicate large data volumes
available in specialised areas only, i.e., HDF in EOSDIS, CEOS for SAR,
MPH/SPH/DSR for ERS-1/2 missions, FITS for astronomy
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Example Systems and Domains
CDF is used extensively in NASA for archiving astrophysics data such as the
ISTP missions and also for the Halley’s Comet Encounter mission data.
HDF is the baseline formatting standard for the NASA EOSDIS project. This
is NASA’s system for the archiving and distribution of Earth observation
products into the next century. HDF is also used by a number of academic
establishments for modelling and visualisation of dynamic data, such as
climatic systems.
The CEOS Superstructure is used within the current Earth observation
community as a distribution format to end users. It is mainly used for SAR
products, altimeter products, etc. from a number of missions such as
This format is only used within the internal ESA ground segment for the
ERS-1/2 missions. It is directly generated by the ground stations and the
products passed to the primary data centres in this format. Whilst the volume
of data in this format is large, the domain is specialised.
Even though SDTS is an approved U.S. government standard, there is
currently no major examples known of its use. There has been sample data
taken from earthquake databases of the USGS and reformatted in SDTS, but
not for general distribution.
FITS is the defacto standard for all astronomy image data produced; whether
it be visible, IR or X-ray images. Missions such as EXOSAT, XMM and
Hubble all produce their user products in FITS format.
GIF is widely used in many domains, from browse images for Earth
observation data to image formats for PC applications. The ESRIN MultiMission Browse Service (MMBS[42]) uses GIF as the dissemination format
for interface to the user.
ISO/IEC 12087
ISO 12087 is a relatively new standard and there is currently little
widespread use. This is partly due to the fact that the software libraries
required to generate the format are still in their early stages. It is anticipated
that once the support tools are generally available, the format will become
more important due to its ISO status.
The SFDU standard is starting to be established for data packaging for space
missions. The advantage being that the actual user data can be formatted in
any way, the SFDU providing the packaging and enforced data description
philosophy. The following missions deliver all their data packaged in
SFDUs: EURECA, Cluster (?), SOHO, Halley Comet, Huygens.
The use of the GeoTIFF format is rapidly expanding. It is used as the basic
component for the DiMap package used to distribute SPOT data. Many GIS
packages can now handle this format.
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3.5 Specifc Formats
There are a number of instrument specific formats which are widely used.
These include:
Fast Format
This is widely used for Landsat Data.
a simplified FastFormat used by NASDA.
used for the distribution of AVHRR Level 1b data
GRIB (Grid In Binary) is the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)
standard for gridded meteorological data. Unfortunately it is still not very
“standard” as some organisations use their own versions. In particular there are
differences between the WMO and ECMWF versions of GRIB.
This is the name given to the data distribution package for SPOT data. It uses
the GeoTIFF format as a basis as is intended to be compatible with the
OpenGIS Object Oriented Digital Image model.
Framed Expanded Data (FRED) was defined by MDA for archiving
telemetered data at Baseband. It is a satellite specific format and RadarSat and
SPOT are currently supported.
This is the name given to the process of describing raw SPOT data with the
EAST and DEDSL data description languages. Although the technique is
generic it has only been applied to SPOT data so far.
Further (now slightly dated) information on other scientific formats can be
found at:
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4. Data Description Languages
4.1 Introduction
The current approach for product delivery primarily uses paper documentation
for conveying the necessary information concerning the data format. This
reliance on natural language descriptions of data formats leads to the
development of processing software that is often non-compliant with the
expected input format due to ambiguity and inconsistency in the
Due to the fact that product definition documentation is frequently not kept up
to date, systems become reliant upon knowledge passed on by human
interaction. This eventually leads to the archived data being of no value, due to
the lack of understanding of the data. A number of methods are emerging out
of the various standards bodies (i.e., CCSDS, CEOS, ISO) that alleviate the
necessity of having paper documentation, by using computer processable
formal data description languages. The advantages of these techniques is that it
is only necessary to have a single starting point; that of understanding the
formal description language, and then from this point all the data stored in the
archive or for delivery can be described and used in the future.
If these formal description languages are used to generate the content of the
archive and the delivery products, then obviously the description is always up
to date and consistent with the products. Another advantage for a generic
product delivery system is that new software does not need to be developed
each time a new format is required, only the description of the format must be
written and then the existing generic software for reading and writing data
described in the formal language can be used.
At the simplest level the discipline of producing a formal data description
alleviates a number of problems associated with conventional natural language
paper documentation, for example, the documentation being incomplete, lost
or inconsistent. If used to their full capability they can provide a much higher
level of service, such as the understanding of the same data on different
machine architectures and the conveyance of the real-world meaning of the
data, not just its abstract values.
The task of DDLs can be split into two domains, those that describe the syntax
of data and those that describe the semantics of data. The syntax is defined as
the physical representation of the data, such as the structure of basic elements,
the byte ordering within integers or reals, the bit ordering within bytes, etc.
The semantics are defined as the information that gives meaning of the data to
the human user, such as units, scaling information, definition of the parameter,
etc. It may be that one DDL can perform both tasks, although it is more likely
that two languages will be required to fully satisfy both requirements.
If a formal DDL is used to define the syntax of the data product down to the
level of each bit and byte, then it means that there is a computer interpretable
description of the product. This has the advantage that the description can be
used to generate the product, and by definition, the product then must match
the formal description. This same description can then be sent with the data
product to the user, and the user can use similar software to read the data
product, browse the product’s contents, etc.
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The definition of formal semantic information is not quite so advanced as the
syntax description. This is inherent in the fact that semantic information is
intended for human understanding, i.e. it requires an intelligence to understand
it, and therefore is much more difficult to formalise. Semantic information can
also include the possible methods of processing and analysing data, obviously
this has a very wide scope for any particular product. Most semantic
information such as the real world meaning, can only be conveyed as natural
language; obviously this can be ambiguous and therefore misleading unless
very carefully defined.
Currently there are a number of DDLs being studied/developed, primarily by
the CCSDS. These include EAST (Enhanced Ada Subset), PVL (Parameter
Value Language), TSDN (Transfer Syntax Description Notation) and MADEL
(Modified ASN.1 as a Data Description Language). FREEFORM is a DDL
developed by NOAA NGDC and has some success for the interpretation and
visualisation of Earth observation related products. EXPRESS is DDL
developed by ISO especially suitable for semantic description and high-level
data modelling.
A number of the standards for data formatting that are currently in use do not
have separate DDLs. These standards have the data description information
embedded within the data itself. For example, HDF (see Section 3.3.2) uses
descriptor blocks and tags within the formatted data to indicate what the actual
data are. This has the advantage that the description is always available, but
the disadvantage that the description must be carried with each instance of the
product and therefore is duplicated every time. Also the HDF standard must
always be available to look up the standard tags used.
Theoretically, a DDL could be used to define all the formatting standards that
are to be supported for delivered data products. This may not be the most
efficient method of handling existing established formats that have software
available to generate them and could bypass the DDL interpretation, but could
be used for any new formats proposed.
There follows a short analysis of a number of currently available or in
development DDLs.
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4.2 ‘Standard’ DDLs
FREEFORM[28] is a data description language developed by the National
Geophysical Data Centre in the USA. Their need for a DDL rose from the fact
that they receive data formatted in many ways, concerning various geophysical
phenomena, and were spending a great deal of time and effort in converting
similar data to the same physical format for ingestion into processing systems.
FREEFORM uses ASCII text files to describe the format of data that is the
input format and another text file that describes the desired output format, then
standard software can be used to translate the source format to the destination
format. Binary and ASCII formatted data can be described, but only a
relatively simple level of description is available. For example, only primitive
data types are handled; no compound or aggregation of data structures.
The language is especially suited to describing repeated data formats, such as
records and entries in ASCII tables. The format description file specifies a
name for each element, the start and end byte position within each record, the
data type and the precision. Software can then use this description to read the
data repeatedly until the end of the file. An example format specification file
could be:
/ This is an example format specification file
/ Each record in the described file contains a lat and a long
latitude 1 10 double 6
longitude 12 22 double 6
| | |
| | |
| | type
| end byte
start byte
This example describes the following input file:
-47.736458 -176.163354
-0.265538 0.777265
-28.386695 35.995624
12.575432 -135.773521
-83.735428 55.8835434
The data types that are supported are characters, integers of size 8, 16 and 32
bit (signed and unsigned), reals of 7 and 15 bit precision [Are these numbers
correct?!] and a couple of special types used to control constant fields in
output formats. The same types are supported for both ASCII formatted data
and binary data, although the binary data must be in the native physical format
of the platform that the supporting FREEFORM software is executing on. For
example, it is not possible to use the same data description on a SUN to read
binary reals written to a file on a VAX. This is a major limitation of
FREEFORM as it makes the data and description platform dependent.
As part of the description language FREEFORM uses two types to indicate
special functions; header specifies header field areas at the start of a file
that can be ignored or passed over (this is common to many data files); and
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convert provides a means whereby input data can be converted to a
different data type for writing to the output. For example, there are
conversions built-in to change the reference and units of latitude and longitude
values. The built-in conversions are closely related to geophysical type data,
but the user can also supply their own conversions.
There is a graphical display application (GeoVu) that is available for
FREEFORM support, including a number of command line utilities. These
provide utilities to convert data from one format to another, to display the
contents of a data file, whether ASCII or binary, check the syntax of a data
file, etc. The software library permits the user to write their own software that
will read data described by FREEFORM and output to memory, and hence be
able to access the data from their own programs, rather than just converting
from one file to another.
In conclusion, FREEFORM has quite simple data description capabilities. It is
well suited to regular repeating data records that conform to standard machine
representations. A FREEFORM tutorial[28] (there is no formal specification)
and the software tools are available from:
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EAST - Enhanced Ada SubSet
EAST[40][41] has primarily been developed by CNES within the CCSDS
domain. It is currently in the final review stages of the CCSDS procedures,
prior to final issue. As the name implies (Enhanced Ada SubSet), EAST is
based upon the Ada language. In fact, EAST is 100% compliant with the Ada
syntax. The ‘extended’ aspect is the additional semantics on how it is used.
EAST uses the data declaration aspects of the full Ada language to specify the
syntax of data. Due to the fact that the data declarative aspects of Ada are very
powerful, it has been found that EAST can describe practically any arbitrary
data format; the primary exception being a format that relies upon an
algorithm, such as a compressed data format.
EAST supports many basic data types, including characters, integers, reals,
enumerations and ASCII encoded numerics. One of the real strengths of EAST
is that there is no restriction on the physical representation of reals and
integers, the user can define integers to be of any bit size and complement; this
facilitates the description of many obscure data formats such as that produced
by spacecraft and Earth observation instruments. This applies also to reals,
where the size of the components, i.e. mantissa, exponents, sign, etc. can all be
specified individually.
For aggregation the full power of Ada records can be used, as can arrays of
arbitrary dimensions and Ada subtyping facilities. A particularly powerful
feature is the ability to have conditional data structures. This is where a choice
of a number of data structures can be defined, the decision made on how to
interpret the actual data encountered depends upon the value of a discriminate
encountered earlier in the data stream. This is particularly useful for spacecraft
data where frequently values in a header field can dictate the type of data that
An EAST description is organised in two units, or packages; the first being the
logical package which describes the logical description of all data types used
to declare an occurrence of the described data; the second being the physical
package that is used to specify the physical representation of basic elements
irrespective of their logical formatting, for example, the array index ordering,
the octet storage method, the numerics storage method, etc. This distinction
into two packages is very convenient when generating data on different
machines, as only the physical package needs to be changed, which specifies
the different physical representation, and the logical package can stay the
Whilst EAST is very powerful at describing the exact syntax of data, it has a
number of drawbacks that relate back to its Ada origins. EAST is very verbose
in the size of its descriptions. For each element in the data being described,
EAST must specify a type definition for that data, and then
instantiate the type to actually define the data. In Ada, this is an advantage as
the typing helps readability and reuse. In the data description context, it leads
to very long descriptions. Whilst EAST could never be described as being
impossible for humans to write unassisted by tools (it is, after all, legal Ada
syntax), it is a very complex language for the average scientist to write
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freehand. To this end, the language definers at CNES are developing a number
of tools to assist in the writing and interpretation of the language.
A tool called OASIS is a graphical tool for defining data structures, showing
the dependencies and ranges, etc. and then finally producing EAST listings as
an output.
OASIS also allows the import/export of EAST descriptions and through the
GUI offers a dynamic link between EAST descriptions and DEDSL semantic
descriptions. Import/Export of DEDSL is also available.
OASIS also enables its user to produce data description documents (Word,
FrameMaker, Postscript)
The OASIS tool is freely available after a CNES registration (contact
CNES are also developing the following tools (in a prototype form at the
moment) :
INTERPRETER : tool that can read data according to an EAST description
and permit the user to request the particular value of a named element.
ASCII_DUMP and DATA_VIEWER : two similar tools to display the values
of data (as soon as described with EAST). Both are based on the above
interpreter. First one produces a line mode DISPLAY, second one is graphical.
ESA are also developing the PAE (Product Access Environnement) that also
encapsulates the interpreter to access the data. It offers a lot of functionnalities
to parse and display them.
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MADEL - Modified ASN.1 as a Data Description Language
MADEL is a data description language developed by ESA (again under the
auspices of the CCSDS) based upon ISO 8824[19] - Abstract Syntax
Description Notation One (ASN.1). ASN.1 was originally designed to describe
protocol data units that are interchanged by communication systems. The
ASN.1 language describes the exchanged objects at the abstract level, i.e. a
field is an integer or real or character string. There is a second standard (ISO
8825[20] -Basic Encoding Rules) that encodes this abstract description into
specific bit patterns for interchange. Each entity that makes up the
interchanged data is tagged and the receiving end works via the same standard
for encoding and tagging as the transmitting end and hence can decode the
interchanged objects.
Due to the use of encoding/decoding, it is not necessary for ASN.1 to provide
the specification of the physical encoding, so ESA modified the ASN.1
language by providing extensions that permit the description of the data to
below the abstract level and permitted the detailed description of the data
down to the bit level. This makes the basic encoding rules redundant and they
serve no part of the interchange language. The other way that the language had
to be modified from the ISO defined ASN.1 was to restrict the number of the
types that ASN.1 supports. For example, ASN.1 permits the CHOICE type.
This states that the data element is a choice between a number of discrete
possibilities. Due to the fact that ASN.1 tagged each possibility, it is possible
for the receiver to identify the selected element. As no tagging or encoding is
used in MADEL, then this type cannot be supported (otherwise the receiver
has no means to identify how the data bytes should be interpreted).
MADEL supports most basic data types such as bit, character, integer, real,
etc. and also incorporates powerful aggregation and structuring constructs such
as sequences and arrays. MADEL also supports discriminates in the same
manner as EAST, although with the added flexibility that a discriminate can be
of any type that results in a fixed bit pattern. As stated above, MADEL
provides the means to describe integers and reals down to the their exact bit
positions, lengths and complements and hence data of arbitrary complexity can
be described, including non byte aligned data.
One of the reasons that ASN.1 was selected as a data description language was
that it is relatively intuitive to read and hence non-computer scientists can
produce it by hand. There are default values for many of the constructs in
MADEL, e.g. the size of integers and physical representation of reals. This
also makes MADEL easy to read and write. An example of a sample data
structure and its corresponding MADEL listing is shown in Figure 4-1:
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A Sample MADEL Description
B dictates
selection made
by D
P (B = 1)
Q (B = 2)
R (B = 3)
A ::= SEQUENCE { B, C, D )
D ::= SELECT B { 1:P, 2:Q, 3:R }
Q ::= SEQUENCE { X, Y }
Y ::= REAL
MADEL has been prototyped by ESA, and a MADEL interpreter developed,
but the language has never been officially published and is currently only a
CCSDS internal work item. This makes the language unsuitable as the baseline
for any application requiring data description languages at the present time,
although its continued development should be monitored carefully.
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PVL - Parameter Value Language
Parameter Value Language (PVL)[29][30] is a CCSDS developed language. Its
purpose to is provide a simple means whereby values of various data types can
be assigned to parameter names so as to convey human and machine
interpretable information in a simple manner. PVL is ideal for specifying a
number of attributes that apply to a certain data object, whether it be a
complete product or an atomic data value
For example, PVL could be used to specify the catalogue information for a
data product or experiment measurement. In this context, the receiver of the
experiment measurement needs to obtain not only the actual experiment
measurement data but also information which puts the data in context, such as
the instrument name, the time and date of the measurement, the ambient
temperature, the software version used to process the raw reading, etc. To do
this, the data generator can define a number of parameters (or attributes) and
the possible values; these can then be used as ‘standard attributes’ each time
he generates a measurement. For example:
MEASUREMENT_TIME = 1995-02-17T15:34:12.2Z
AMBIENT_TEMP = 19.7 <degrees>
PVL is written in ASCII and therefore is easy to exchange across
heterogeneous platforms and is easy to interpret for both humans and
machines. PVL itself does not define any parameter names or particular
values. This is up to the application that uses the language, for example a
catalogue entry.
The basic statement in PVL is the ‘parameter = value’ statement. Apart from
the restriction that the parameter name cannot contain certain punctuation
characters, there is no restriction on the format of the parameter name, the
value can be of a number of data types, including strings (quoted and
unquoted), integers (specified to base 2, 8, 10 or 16), reals, dates and times
and two list constructs; a ‘set’ that indicates an list of values where the order is
not significant, and a ‘sequence’ that indicates a list of values where the order
is significant. It is also possible to follow any value with a units expression.
The ranges of values or units expressions permitted are left undefined in PVL,
so that an application can impose its own conventions.
PVL also supports the grouping of statements into aggregation blocks using
the ‘group’ or ‘object’ statements. There is no distinction defined by PVL on
the significance of using the ‘group’ or ‘object’ construct; this is left for the
application to define. A simple example of the use of PVL is shown in Figure
4-2, which illustrates the basic features of the language.
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Figure 4-2:
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A Sample PVL Listing
/* Cluster Satellite/Experiment Details */
LAUNCH_TIME = 1995-10-23T02:23:14Z ;
MISSION_DURATION = 748 <days> ;
PI_NAME = “Dr. W. Riedler” ;
PI_ADDRESS = (“Institute fur Weltraumforschung”, “Graz”,
“Austria”) ;
DATA_RATE = 22 <Kbps> ;
PI_NAME = “Dr. B. Wilken” ;
PI_ADDRESS = (“MPI fur Aeronomie”, “Lindau”, “FRG”) ;
DATA_RATE = 1.2 <Kbps> ;
As can be seen in the above example, white space and comments can be used
freely to enhance readability. PVL is originally based upon a similar language
developed by the Planetary Data System within NASA/JPL called ODL
(Object Description Language)[31]. ODL is a subset of PVL in that its syntax is
the same, but includes additional semantics. For example, the there are
differences in the use of the ‘group’ and ‘object’ constructs.
PVL has the disadvantage that, if used to convey large amounts of
information, it is very verbose. It is best suited to catalogues, identification
information and frequently repeated short object definitions.
There is a PVL toolkit available, developed by NASA/JPL, that parses PVL
and builds an internal syntax tree of all parameters and their values. A supplied
API can then be used to traverse and query the values stored in the tree. The
toolkit can also be used to generate PVL, given parameter names and
associated values.
A CCSDS tutorial document (Green Book) can be found on the WWW in the
CCSDS document publication section at:
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DEDSL - Data Entity Dictionary Specification Language
Whenever information is interchanged across an interface, for example, from
an Earth observation product archive to the user of that product, there is the
requirement to convey to the user enough information so that the user can
understand the product completely. Towards this aim, the CCSDS have
devised languages to comprehensively describe data so as not to rely upon
natural language documentation that are prone to misinterpretation and
inconsistencies. To unambiguously describe data, it is necessary to formally
describe the syntax of the data interchanged, whether it be at the bit and byte
level or by the use of a modern formatting method, such as HDF or GIF. In
addition to the syntax of the product, it is necessary to convey the real world
meaning (semantics) of each of the elements that make up the product. This is
the aim of the CCSDS developed Data Entity Dictionary Specification
Language (DEDSL)[43].
Many database schemas include the concept of a Data Entity Dictionary
(DED). This usually provides information concerning each element in the
database. In many DEDs, the syntax of an element is defined as well as the
semantics. The philosophy that the CCSDS have taken is to split the syntax
and the semantic definition processes. Data description languages such as
EAST and MADEL have been developed to describe the syntax of a data
product, whilst the DEDSL has been (or is in the process of being) developed
to formally specify the semantics.
The DEDSL uses the Parameter Value Language (PVL) previously defined by
the CCSDS to specify attributes which describe the semantics of each data
element in a product. The DEDSL is currently only an internal draft within the
CCSDS, but a clear understanding has been reached of which attributes are
required to define the semantics of an element.
Each element in the product must have a unique name that is specified in the
syntax description. This name is then used to identify which element the
semantic definition applies to. The other attributes that are required to define
the semantics of an element are the real world meaning (in natural language),
the units (if applicable), a short description (useful for searching on), an alias
in case the element is referred to elsewhere by another name, and a definition
of special instances that may be used to convey enhanced semantics to the
user, such as the fact that 0° is the ‘equator’ and not just zero degrees. An
example of the use of the DEDSL is shown in Figure 4-3. In this example, the
DEDSL is used to define the two elements SPACECRAFT_ID and
LATITUDE. Note that this example is only illustrative, as the CCSDS DEDSL
standard is still only in the late stages of approval and may change before
formal issue.
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Figure 4-3:
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An Example of the use of the DEDSL
SHORT_MEANING = “Spacecraft identifier for ESA missions” ;
MEANING = “This is used as the identifier of the spacecraft
body and is assigned by the International
Spacecraft Identification Body. It is used through
out the system to uniquely identify all telemetry
and telecommands for any one particular
ALIAS = ( SC_ID, “This is the term used within the NASA
ground segment when on co-operative ESA
missions” ) ;
SHORT_MEANING = “North/South position upon the Earth’s
MEANING = “This is a measurement of the North/South position
upon the surface of the Earth. The value is a
measurement in angular degrees, where zero is on
the equator and the range is from -90 degrees to
+90 degrees” ;
ALIAS = ( LAT, ”This is the term used within the ground
station processing software for saw image
collection”) ;
UNITS = “degrees” ;
SPECIAL_INSTANCE = ( 0, “The Equator” ) ;
SPECIAL_INSTANCE = ( +90, “The North Pole” ) ;
SPECIAL_INSTANCE = ( -90, “The South Pole” ) ;
The problem of unambiguous description of the semantics of data is common
and yet there is currently no standard method of achieving this. Even though
the DEDSL is a relatively simple standard, its adoption would greatly improve
the documentation of interchanged data. It is designed to be extensible by the
inclusion of application specific attributes (for example, a display format
attribute for screen representation), and therefore can be used across a wide
range of disciplines where definition of information is important but
conventionally has been done using natural languages.
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The EXPRESS language[32] is an ISO standard information interchange
modelling language (ISO 10303 part 11). As an introduction, here follows a
brief description of EXPRESS extracted from reference [33]:
“EXPRESS is an object-flavoured information model specification language
which was initially developed in order to enable the writing of formal
information models describing mechanical products. It is one of the
technologies that has been developed as part of the STEP[34] standard for
product model data exchange. Although designed to meet the needs of STEP it
has also been used in a variety of other large scale modelling applications.
Examples include product, process and organisation modelling for concurrent
engineering; the specification of information pertinent to data exchange for
electronic products; the modelling of petrochemical plants and other aspects of
the petrochemical industry; and stock exchange asset management
applications, to name just a few. In a different vein it has also been used as a
software specification language for CAD packages; to define compiler data
structures; and as a neutral data specification language for a variety of
database packages.
The purpose of EXPRESS is to describe the characteristics of information that
someday might exist in an information base. The process is called information
modelling. Information modelling deals with things, what properties those
things have (or that we care about), how they behave and how they interact
Building an information model is often a prelude to building an information
system, including an information base. The information base deals with storing
and accessing (values of) things, and other questions of consistency,
behaviour, etc. The information system interacts with users, carries out the
mission of the system, reacts to and reports problems and deals with other
questions of operation and environment.
The main elements of EXPRESS are the schema, the type, the entity and the
The schema is a container for the work you do. Much like containers for flour,
sugar and so forth. You should plan to use as many different containers
(schemas) as you have different kinds of work. Interfacing can be used to
import whole schemas or just parts of them into another schema.
Types (or data types) are used to represent value domains. EXPRESS offers
the usual assortment of built-in data types such as real and integer numbers,
character strings and so on. These data types, however, are unusual because
they are not usually bounded. For example, integer numbers in EXPRESS
represent a vast domain, which include minus and plus infinity, and real
numbers are considered to have infinite resolution. Fortunately, you can build
your own data types on top of the build-in ones and put constraints on the
domain as necessary.
Entities are the real meat of EXPRESS. They are the things (concepts, etc.)
that you really care about. EXPRESS entities have a lot of the characteristics
common to Object Oriented Programming (OOP) languages, but strictly
speaking, EXPRESS is not an OOP language. The general methods found in
OOP languages have been specialised by EXPRESS to deal specifically with
derived (calculated) values and constraint management (limited permitted
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values), but EXPRESS does not offer a generalised method capability
Rules allow you to deal with a variety of constraints that are difficult to handle
without this special facility. Rules can describe the interaction of different sets
of entity values and conditions where only partial coverage of a set of values is
involved in a constraint.
There are other aspects of EXPRESS such as constants, functions and
procedures and a fairly complete collection of executable statements.
However, EXPRESS is not a programming language as it does not deal with
input and output, exception handling and other features necessary for that
From the basic EXPRESS language there has been a number of additional
forms developed: ‘EXPRESS-G’ defines a graphical representation of the
EXPRESS language, which includes styles for GUIs and also graphical
representation using standard ASCII characters; ‘EXPRESS-I’ can be used to
interchange instance data described by an EXPRESS schema.
An example to illustrate the power of EXPRESS is shown below in Figure 4-4.
A full explanation of this example follows after the figure.
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Figure 4-4:
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An Example of the use of EXPRESS
SCHEMA example;
END_TYPE; -- date
(blonde, brown, black, white, bald);
END_TYPE; -- hair_type
ENTITY person
SUPERTYPE OF (ONEOF(female, male));
first_name : STRING;
last_name : STRING;
nick_name : OPTIONAL STRING;
birth_date : date;
children : SET [0:?] OF person;
hair : hair_type;
age : INTEGER := years(birth_date);
parents : SET [0:2] OF person FOR children;
END_ENTITY; -- person
<----- age
<----- INVERSE
ENTITY female
SUBTYPE OF (person);
husband : OPTIONAL male;
maiden_name: OPTIONAL STRING;
w1 : (EXISTS(maiden_name) AND EXISTS(husband))
OR NOT EXISTS(maiden_name);
END_ENTITY; -- female
<----- WHERE
SUBTYPE OF (person)
wife : OPTIONAL female;
END_ENTITY; -- male
RULE married FOR (male, female);
<----(* checks pairwise relationship between spouses *)
r1 : SIZEOF(
QUERY(tf <* female | EXISTS(tf.husband)
AND (tf.husband.wife :<>: tf))
) = 0;
r2 : SIZEOF(
QUERY(tm <* male | EXISTS(tm.wife)
AND (tm.wife.husband :<>: tm))
) = 0;
END_RULE; -- married
FUNCTION years(past : date): INTEGER;
this function calculates the number of years
between the past date and the current date *)
END_FUNCTION; -- years
END_SCHEMA; -- example
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This example defines that a person must be either male or female. Every
person has some defining characteristics, such as first and last name, date of
birth, etc. and also they may have zero or more children (which are also
people). A male may be married to a female and vice-versa. The intent of the
RULE is to ensure that if a particular male has a particular female for his wife,
then that particular female has the same male as a husband.
There is one particular piece of information about females that does not apply
to males; a female may have a maiden name. The WHERE clause is used to
specify that a female may have a maiden name if she has a husband. Note that
it does not say that she must have a maiden name if she is married (some wives
do not take their husband’s last name).
The AGE of a person is a derived attribute that is calculated by the function
YEARS which determines the number of years between the date input as a
parameter and the current date. A person has an INVERSE attribute which
relates people who are children to their parents.
EXPRESS has a significant user community, annual user group conferences,
an e-mail users group, and a large body of available software[35], some of it
proprietary and other public domain. This software includes utilities for
graphically entering schemas, generating and checking EXPRESS and
compiling or converting EXPRESS to regular programming languages, such as
C++, for accessing data.
EXPRESS documentation in available on the Internet via the SREP
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4.3 DDL Summary Comparison
This section provides a summary of the suitability of the various DDLs against
a number of criteria that are important to the engineer requiring to select a
DDL for a particular task. Many of the DDLs have similar capabilities, but the
techniques used to implement the capabilities can have a major effect on how
easy the DDL would be to use in practice. Therefore, in Table 4-1 some of the
capabilities are indicated as a Yes (y) or No (n), whilst others get from zero to
3 tick marks to indicate suitability to task; the former indicating the capability
is not supported at all, the latter indicating full support by design (a ‘-’
indicates that the capability is not applicable):
Table 4-1:
Data Description Language Comparison
Syntax description
Basic types
Arbitrary length basic types
Aggregation structures
Discriminates for real-time selection
Custom physical representation
Structured logic, i.e. do-while, if-then-else
Basic semantic information, i.e. meaning, units,
High-level data modelling
Logical relationships between data elements
DDL generation
DDL interpretation
Off-the-shelf applications
Current widespread use
Documentation available/readability
Long-term stability
Semantic description
Software support
Usability without software tools
Platform architecture independent
Human readability
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As the concept of formal data description languages is relatively new and
many of the languages discussed above are still in their prototype stages, there
are not currently many ‘real’ systems that demonstrate their use. The only
languages that do have an established base are PVL, EXPRESS and
FREEFORM; these have been used extensively in the space industry,
manufacturing and Earth observation communities respectively.
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5. Additional Information
Some additional information is provided in these sections for the two most
widely used format systems in the field of Earth observation.
5.1 Heirarchical Data Format (HDF)
The Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) was developed by the National Center
for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) Software Development Group. The
HDF development effort originated in response to a need for storing different
types of scientific data generated on different types of computers. HDF met
this need by allowing scientists to share data files across different computers,
access the same data files using different software applications, and store
different types of data in the same file.
HDF provides several different “data models” which can be used to store data
products. Each data model has an associated Application Programming
Interface (API) which facilitates the reading and writing of data stored using
that data model. The data models currently provided by HDF include
Scientific Data Sets (SDS), Raster Image Sets (RIS), Vdatas, and Vgroups.
The HDF software library and documentation are freely available via
anonymous ftp. The Internet address of the server is:
The HDF software library could also be procured using the URL:
The HDF Information Server:
Scientific Data Set (SDS)
Many Earth science data sets can be conceptualized as multi-dimensional
arrays. The general concept of a multi-dimensional array is fairly simple: an
n-dimensional array of values, all of which share the same data type and,
usually, the same engineering units and data source. Figure 5-1 shows a
conceptual view of a multi-dimensional array containing integer values. This
example shows a 3-dimensional array.
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Figure 5-1: A 3-dimensional Multi-dimensional array with dimensions 4 by 3 by 9
8 7 4 6 3 2 4 6 7
8 97 65 49 83 30 55 14 21 2
5 37 755498836200952144411 98 8
3 57 455898236600352244911 38 6
7 55 98 36 00 52 44 11 48 5
5 8 6 0 2 4 1 8 7
In HDF, the multi-dimensional array is instantiated as a Scientific Data Set
(SDS) which consists of the n-dimensional array along with some bookkeeping
information such as the data type, rank (number of dimensions), and
dimensions of the array. For example, the data product shown in figure 4-1
would have data type “uint8”, “uint16”, or “uint32” (an unsigned 8-, 16-, or
32-bit integer), a rank of 3, and dimensions of 4,3,9 (in “C” order).
The SDS APIs (there are currently two versions of the SDS interface)
provided with HDF give application programmers the ability to create multidimensional arrays, read or write all or part of their data, and assign the multidimensional array certain metadata. The newer SDS API (sometimes called the
SD interface) available since HDF 3.3 allows added flexibility in dealing with
multi-dimensional arrays. Specifically, it allows more than one SDS to be
active at one time, it provides for one “unlimited” dimension for each SDS
(along which data “records” may be appended indefinitely), and it provides a
facility for defining general attributes for individual multi-dimensional arrays
and for the entire file.
An example of the use of the SDS can be found in the data product of the
Pathfinder AVHRR Land group. This product consists of 12 SDSs each with
the dimensions 5004 by 2168. The product was implemented as 12 separate
SDSs because each “layer” of the product represents a different science
parameter with different metadata values. In addition, 3 of the layers use 8-bit
integers while the remaining 9 layers use 16-bit integers. The product has been
implemented in HDF version 3.2, release 4 SDS API. Figure 5-2 shows a
diagram representing a portion of the Pathfinder AVHRR Land data product.
Figure 5-2: Diagram of Pathfinder AVHRR Land Data product showing 4 of the 12 layers
HDF File
Cloud Flags
Channel 1 Ref lectance
Channel 4 Brightness Temp.
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Raster Image and Palette
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The Raster Image consists of a two-dimensional rectangular array of n-bit
numbers and a small amount of bookkeeping information such as the
dimensions of the array and, possibly, a color lookup table or palette. In HDF,
the Raster Image is instantiated as a Raster Image Group (RIG). There are two
possible types of RIGs in HDF: 8-bit and 24-bit. Figure 5-3 shows a diagram
of a Raster Image.
Figure 5-3: A Raster Image
An 8-bit RIG consists of an n by m array of 8-bit numbers, a dimension record
stating the values of n and m, and an optional palette. Additionally, the
implementor has the choice of several compression algorithms to apply to the
image: Run-Length Encoding (RLE) and JPEG.
A 24-bit RIG is slightly more complex than the 8-bit RIG. It contains an n by
m by 3 array of 8-bit numbers, and a dimension record stating the values of n
and m. The third dimension comes from splitting the 24-bit numbers into 3 8bit numbers, representing the values of red, green and blue, respectively, for
each pixel. With a 24-bit raster, the implementor also has the choice of
interlacing schemes (by pixel, scan line, or color plane) and several types of
Figure 5-4: NSIDC SSM/I Data Product
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An example of an implementation using raster images can be found in the
SSM/I data products produced by NSIDC. In this implementation, each file
contains a single 8-bit RIG with a palette. Figure 5-4 shows a diagram of such
a data product
HDF Vset
The term “HDF Vset” is used to refer to a group of C and FORTRAN callable
functions that make up one of the HDF API’s. Although Vset is sometimes
considered to be a single API, it is best conceptualized as containing two
separate data models: the Vgroup and the Vdata.
A Vgroup is simply a set of HDF data objects that have been grouped together
and given, optionally, a name and a class. The name is intended to identify a
specific Vgroup, while a class is intended to allow the definition and naming
of different sets of Vgroups. A Vgroup may contain any number of HDF data
objects, including Vdatas and other Vgroups.
A Vdata consists of a set of user-defined fields (each of which is given a name
and a data type) which form a record. There may be any number of records in
a single Vdata. The Vdata, as a whole, may optionally be given a name and a
class, similar those for the Vgroup. Setting up a Vdata is a two step process.
First, the fields must be defined by a series of function calls (one per field)
giving each field a name and a data type. Then, the actual data can be written
to the Vdata either one record at a time or in groups of records.
Figure 5-5: Data organization in V Group and UNIX file system
HDF Vset
File system
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An example of an implementation using Vsets can be found in the point data
produced by NSIDC.
Software Tools
This section lists the currently available tools and utilities that can handle HDF
files. For the purposes of this document, it is convenient to divide HDF related
tools into four categories:
HDF utilities
NCSA visualization and analysis tools
Other public domain visualization and analysis tools
Commercial visualization and analysis tools
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Table 5-1: HDF Utilities
24-bit Raster Image Sets to 8-bit Raster Image Sets
Low-level file browse with limited editing
Play an animation sequence through NCSA/BYU
Ingest raw JPEG compressed image as a
compressed RIS
Ingest raw 8-bit image as 8-bit Raster Image Set
Create Vset structures from ASCII text
Output Raster Image Set as raw JPEG image
List contents of an HDF file (tags and reference
Ouput HDF palette as raw palette
Convert Raster Image Sets to Scientific Data Sets
Display the contents and structure of Vgroups and
Compress Raster Image Sets
Free unused space in file; join linked blocks
Output 8-bit Raster Image Set as raw 8-bit image
Ingest raw palette as HDF palette
Update Vset 1.0 files to Vset 2.0 and higher
Platforms Supported
All HDF-supported
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Table 5-2: NCSA Tools
Distributed hypermedia data
discovery and retrieval
Collaborative image/animation
display and processing
Image/X Image
Standalone image/animation
display and processing
X Data Slice
Standalone 3-D data set display
Standalone 2-D data set display
and processing
Conversion of data into HDF
Platforms Supported
SGI Iris/Indigo, Sun SPARC,
DECstation, DEC Alpha, IBM RS/6000
SGI Iris/Indigo, Sun SPARC,
DECstation, DEC Alpha, IBM RS/6000,
Macintosh, PC
SGI Iris/Indigo, Sun SPARC,
DECstation, IBM RS/6000, Cray,
SGI Iris/Indigo, Sun SPARC,
DECstation, DEC Alpha, IBM RS/6000,
SGI Iris/Indigo, Sun SPARC,
DECstation, DEC Alpha, IBM RS/6000
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Table 5-3: Other Public Domain Tools
HDF Browser
supports opening and viewing
HDF files
Data description language and
related ingest/conversion
Data manipulation and display
software for FREEFORM data.
Image processing
Ted Meyer
(703) 478-0181
Ted Habermann (303) 497-6472
Image analysis
Ocean data analysis
Data analysis
Geographic Information
System with image processing
US Army
Allan Jacobson
Jim Firestone
Andy Pursch
Mike Shapiro
Ted Habermann (303) 497-6472
(301) 286-6299
(818) 354-0693
(301) 286-7108
(818) 354-8480
(217) 352-6511
Table 5-4: Commercial Tools
Data Explorer
IRIS Explorer
AVS, Inc
Visual Numerics
PCI RS Corp.
Fortner Research, PLC
Fortner Research, PLC
Wavefront Tech
John Sheehan
Kevin McAuliffe
Donna Brown
Joe Rogers
Scott Grayell
Ed Jurkevics
Ted Meyer
Ted Meyer
Tim Bleakley
(617) 890-4300
(914) 784-5021
(303) 786-9900
(301) 572-1675
(303) 530-9000
(703) 243-3700
(703) 478-0181
(703) 478-0181
(404) 698-9524
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HDF Advantages
The HDF library is supported on multiple platforms. For data centers
distributing data, this is a big advantage, particularly if they have to support
diverse user communities using multiple types of platforms, since the data will
be more portable. The HDF software is freely available for users.
The format is also supported by a number of data processing software
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5.2 CEOS SAR Formats
This section gives some background to the development of the CEOS
superstructure and describes its use in the distribution of data for recent
satellite SAR missions.
SAR Data products may be in the form of framed scenes or continuous strip
data (swath), either as uncompressed signal data, or partially processed signal
data, fully processed image data, geocoded products with or without digital
elevation correction and mosaiked geocoded products.
The LGSOWG (Landsat Ground Station Operators Working Group)
developed and maintained a standard for a “Family of Formats” for
international exchange of remotely sensed data and processed products on
computer compatible tape (CCT). With the successful launch of Landsat-4 and
indications of the high quality data from its sensor, the Thematic Mapper
(TM), the LTWG (Landsat Technical Working Group) addressed specific
format standardization issues. In light of the interest in, and potential value of
TM imagery, the LTWG defined certain fixed record, file and volume formats
and recommended their use by all TM data processing and tape producing
facilities. The standard includes a set of records which forms a superstructure
for all data formats of the family and guidelines/directives for organizing data
within volumes, files and data records. The objective is to include in each tape
format sufficient information (via standard superstructure records) to identify
and locate data within the tape, and sufficient common conventions to promote
systematic compatibility among the various tape products.
The family of formats was initially maintained by the LTWG, but this function
was passed to the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working
Group on Data ( CEOS-WGD ). Working in parallel with the LGSOWG
LTWG, and encouraged by the success of the international TM format, the
CEOS-WGD defined a format to be used internationally for the distribution
and exchange of radar data in both video-signal and processed image data
SAR data products are organized into logical volumes, which can span one or
more physical volumes. The simplest products are those that occupy only one
physical volume. However, the superstructure concepts used in the standard
format family conveniently handle multiple physical volumes, and permit the
SAR logical volume data to be split across physical volumes, between files or
even between data records within the files. The “SAR Logical Volume”
encompasses all SAR data modes. This includes signal data obtained directly
from the sensor (Raw), image data, enhanced SAR data, synchronized
information from the sensor platform, downstream telemetry with associated
georeferencing data and facility related parameters, such as correction tables
or matrices. The logical volume is structured using the following classes of
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A logical volume set consists of a multiple of the first four files above and is
terminated by a Null Volume Directory File.
The Volume Directory File is the first file of the SAR logical volume and
consists of a volume descriptor record, file pointer records and text records.
The purpose of this file is to identify the logical volume and to specify its
structure as it relates to the physical volume.
The SARleader File contains auxiliary information pertaining to the data,
such as platform geometry, data quality, radiometric compensation, etc.
The Imagery Options File contains the SAR data (either signal data or
processed data). The organisation of the imagery file may be “Band
Sequential” (BSQ), where the file contains image data for one spectral band
only, “Band Interleaved by Line” (BIL) or “Band Interleaved by Pixel” (BIP),
where the file contains data for one or more channels.
The SARtrailer File contains detailed processing parameters, calibration data,
facility related data etc.
The records contained in each of the files are shown in Table 5.5.
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Table 5-5: CEOS Format File Structure Overview
Volume descriptor record
File pointer records
Text record
SAR leader file descriptor record
Data set summary record
Map projection data record
Platform position data record
Attitude data record
Radiometric data record
Radiometric compensation record
Data quality summary record
Data histograms record
Range spectra record
Digital elevation model descriptor record
Image options file descriptor record
Signal data records or processed data records
SAR trailer file descriptor record
Detailed processing parameters record
Calibration data record
Ground control points descriptor record
Facility related data record
Null volume descriptor record
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The following list identifies recent SAR missions that provide data using the
CEOS SAR Format.
ERS (European Remote Sensing Satellite)
The first European Remote Sensing Satellite ERS-1 was launched by the
European Space Agency ESA in July 1991. ESA’s second Remote Sensing
Satellite ERS-2 was launched in April 1995. The payload of both satellites
consists of active and passive sensors. Both satellites contain the Active
Microwave Instrumentation (AMI), operating in C-Band either as Synthetic
Aperture Radar (SAR) or as Wave-Scatterometer and simultaneously as WindScatterometer.
All ERS SAR data products are delivered in the CEOS SAR Formats, with
Volume Directory File, SAR Leader File, Imagery Options File and Null
Volume Directory. A SAR Trailer File is not used.
ERS SAR products format descriptions can be found in the annexes of:
ERS-1 SAR Products Computer Compatible Tape Format Specifications, ERIS-EPO-GS-0506Is/Rev 2/0, EARTHNET PROGRAMME OFFICE.
These documents are available on the WWW through the ESA Guide and
Directory Service at:
SIR-C/X-SAR (Spaceborne Imaging Radar- C and X- Synthetic Aperture
SIR-C/X-SAR flies on the Space Shuttle and is part of NASA’s Mission to
Planet Earth. The instrument uses three microwave wavelengths: L-band (24
cm), C-band ( 6 cm), and X-band ( 3 cm). It flew on space shuttle Endeavour
on mission STS-59 April 9-10, 1994 and on mission STS-68 September 30October 11, 1994.
The SIR-C was developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the X-SAR
space segment was developed by Dornier and Alenia Spazio under contract of
the German space agency, Deutsche Agentur für Raumfahrtangelegenheiten
(DARA), and the Italian space agency, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) with
the Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), as the
major partner in science and technical advisory. In the X-SAR ground segment
DLR and ASI are sharing mission operations, calibration and data processing
of X-SAR.
The SAR data are delivered to users in CEOS SAR Format and the format
descriptions can be found in:
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JERS-1 (Japanese Earth Resources Satellite)
JERS-1 is an Earth Observation Satellite whose mission is focused on Earth
resources, geology, agriculture, forestry, land use, sea ice monitoring and
coastal monitoring. JERS-1 contains two instruments - a Synthetic Aperture
Radar (SAR) and an Optical Sensor (OPS). The JERS-1 SAR operates in LBand and the swath width is 75 km, and there is an onboard Mission Data
Recorder (MDR) which allows it to collect data even when a ground station is
not in view. The satellite was launched by the National Space Development
Agency of Japan (NASDA) on an H-I rocket on Feb. 11, 1992, and the Earth
Observation Center (EOC) receive and process the data.
The distributed SAR products conform to the CEOS SAR format standard and
further details can be found in:
User’s Guide for JERS-1 SAR Data Format. 1st Edition, National Space
Development Agency of Japan
JERS-1 SAR CCT FORMAT, 1991.12.20, Draft Version, NASDA/EOC
JERS-1 Verification Mode Processor, Product Specification, Ref: EA-IS-504576, Issue/Revision 1/1, Sep. 04,1992, MDA
The RADARSAT Earth observation satellite provides an operationallyoriented radar satellite system capable of timely delivery of large amounts of
data. It was developed under the management of the Canadian Space Agency
(CSA) in co-operation with NASA/NOAA, provincial governments, and the
Canadian private sector. The Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS)
receives the data at Gatineau, Québec and Prince Albert, Saskatchewan ground
receiving stations.
RADARSAT was launched in November 1995. It has a single frequency, CBand SAR, with unique ability to shape and steer its radar beam over a 500
kilometre range. Users will have access to a variety of beam selection that can
image swath from 35 kilometres to 500 kilometres with resolution from 10
meters to 100 meters respectively. Incidence angles will range from less than
20 degrees to more than 50 degrees.
All SAR data products will be delivered in the CEOS SAR Format with
Volume Directory File, SAR Leader File, SAR Data File, SAR Trailer File,
and Null Volume Directory File, where some of the records within the files are
optional for some products.
Further information can be found in:
RADARSAT Illuminated: Your Guide to Products and Services, Preliminary
Version 07/95, RADAR SAT International.
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6. Other Aspects
6.1 Format Translation
1. NASA and ESA jointly implemented the translation software for the
SeaWiFS Level 1A LAC data. SeaWiFS Level 1A LAC data in the CEOS
Format was translated to the HDF format as incorporated by the SeaWiFS
project of NASA. The SeaWIFS project of NASA used the HDF3.3r3 Version
for the translation effort.
The metadata and data values were first mapped from the CEOS Format to the
HDF format. Once the mapping was done, the metadata was stored as global
or local attributes in the HDF file. Certain metadata was also stored as
Scientific Data Sets (SDS). The actual imagery data was stored as a single
three dimensional SDS. This SDS contained all the bands of the SeaWiFS
During the translation process to HDF, all the CEOS superstructure specific
data were ignored. This was done since, in the HDF format, CEOS format
specific data would be superfluous. A design document is available from R.
Suresh at NASA (
2. NASDA is working on a number of translation projects involving the
CEOS Format and HDF. The data sets include ADEOS - OCTS (Ocean Color
and Temperature Scanner), AVNIR (Advanced Visible and Near Infrared
Radiometer) data, and JERS-1 - SAR and OPS data. NASA will participate in
some of these activities. For more information on these activities contact Mr.
Suzuki at NASDA ( or R. Suresh at
3. NASDA is also working on:
a) translation to and from the SKINNY file format developed by NASDA.
SKINNY is similar to the EOSAT FAST format. It has a smaller data size
than the CEOS Format and does not have header and trailer information within
the image data.
b) GRIB to HDF Conversion for Meteorological Grid Point Value Data
(GPV). Meteorological grid point data (e.g., pressure, temperature etc.) is
required for ADEOS OCTS data processing. NASDA will receive this dataset
in GRIB format and convert it to HDF format to make it easier to use.
c) HDF Conversion for Buoy Data: Buoy data is required for sea truth data
for OCTS Cal/Val activities. The data will be written into the HDF format to
make it compatible with other datasets.
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7. Conclusions and Recommendations
As stated in the introduction, format systems have different characteristics and
a single format standard is not capable of satisfying all formatting needs. The
two most widely used generic formats in Earth Observation are the CEOS
Superstructure Format (usually referred to as simply the CEOS Format), HDF
(or more correctly HDF-EOS), and, more recently, GeoTIFF.
The advantage of HDF is its strong software support and the availability of
data processing tools which can handle the format directly. HDF is therefore
very suitable for distributing data to end-users. The format is less suitable for
long-term archiving of data because of its dependence on an evolving software
library for reading and writing the data.
The CEOS Format provides a standard superstructure for organising files on
media and a semi-generic format adapted for various classes of instrument. It
is particularly widely used for SAR data. Software to read the format and
understand the syntax of the data records can usually be obtained from the data
On the commercial side, the use of GeoTIFF is increasing. Its use is likely to
become widespread in area of optical imagery and GIS.
The use of machine readable data description languages (DDLs) to describe
the format of data allows data producers a lot of flexibility in how the data is
written without losing the generic nature of the software tools required to read
and interpret the data. The capability of data description languages have so far
been limited, but more powerful languages are being developed and more
sophisticated software tools are becoming available.
The simple DDL Freeform with its associated GeoVu software is good for
handling simple datasets, particularly of a tabular nature. The EAST DDL,
which is due to become an ISO standard, offers the capability of handling
complex datasets down to the bit level, but at the expense of increased
complexity. The associated software tool, OASIS, eases the use of EAST
The importance of machine-readable semantic description languages is also
likely to increase in the future. Currently, the only real contender is the Data
Entity Dictionary Specification language (DEDSL). It is currently used within
the Catalogue Interoperability Protocol (CIP) and within the International
Directory Network (IDN). It is also on its way to becoming an ISO standard.
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Appendix A. References
Procedures Manual for the Consultative Committee for
Space Data Systems
CCSDS A00.0-Y-6
May 1994
CDF User’s Guide
CDF ‘C’ Reference Manual
External Data Representation (XDR)
Getting Started with HDF
Untitled document on ‘CEOS Format’
ERS-1 Ground Stations Products Specification for Users
ESA Earthnet
ERS Ground Station Products Specification
ESA Earthnet
ERS-1 SAR Products CCT Format Specification
Spatial Data Transfer Standard - Part 5 - Raster Profile
Information technology -- Specification for a data
descriptive file for information interchange
ISO/IEC 8211
Definition of the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS)
NOST 100-1.0
Users Guide for the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS)
Graphics Interchange Format Specification
Compuserve Inc.
A universal algorithm for sequential data compression
Communications of
the ACM, Volume
30, Number 6,
pages 520-540
J. Ziv, A.
ISO/IEC Image Processing and Interchange - Part 1 Common Architecture for Imaging
ISO/IEC 12087-1
ISO/IEC Image Processing and Interchange - Part 3 Image Interchange Facility (IIF)
ISO/IEC 120987-3
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation.One (ASN.1)
ISO/IEC 8824
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Syntax
Notation.One (ASN.1)
ISO/IEC 8825
ISO/IEC Encoding for the Image Processing and
Interchange Standard (IPI)
The IIF Toolkit
C. Blum/FICG
SFDU - Structure and Construction Rules
CCSDS 620.0-B-2
SFDU - A Tutorial
CCSDS 621.0-G-1
SFDU - Control Authority Procedures
CCSDS 630.0-B-1
SFDU - Control Authority Procedures Tutorial
CCSDS 631.0-G-1.1
Space Data and Information Transfer Systems -- Standard
Formatted Data Units -- Structure and Construction Rules
ISO/IEC 12175
Freeform Tutorial
Ted Haberman,
Parameter Value Language Specification (CCSD0006)
CCSDS 641.0-B-1
Parameter Value Language - A Tutorial
CCSDS 641.0-G-1
About the ODL Specification
EXPRESS Language Reference Manual
ISO 10303/11
Information Modelling: The EXPRESS Way
ISBN 0-19-508714-3
RFC 1014
D. Schenek, P.
CEOS Guidelines on Standard Formats and Data Description Languages
CEOS.WGISS.DS.TN01 Issue 1.0 May 1998
An Introduction to STEP and EXPRESS
EXPRESS Tools and Services
Enhanced Ada Subset (EAST) as a Data Description
Language - Specification
Enhanced Ada Subset (EAST) as a Data Description
Language - Tutorial
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Jon Owen,
University of
Peter Wilson
MMBS System Requirements Document
F. Martini/Intecs
Data Entity Dictionary Specification Language (DEDSL)
CCSDS 647.0-R-1
Data Inter-Use References Model
August 96
CEOS Guidelines on Standard Formats and Data Description Languages
CEOS.WGISS.DS.TN01 Issue 1.0 May 1998
Appendix B. Acronyms
Application Programming Interface
Austrian Space Agency
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Abstract Syntax Notation One
Australian Space Office
Band Interleaved by Line
Band Interleaved by Pixel
British National Space Centre
Band Sequential
Computer Aided Design
Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems
Computer Compatible Tape
Compact Disc Read Only Memory
Common Data Format
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales
Communications Research Center
Communications Research Laboratory
Canadian Space Agency
Centro Tecnico Aeroespacial
Distributed Active Archive Center
Data Description Language
Data Entity Dictionary
Data Entity Dictionary Specification Language
Draft International Standard
Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft und Raumfahrt
Digital Linear Tape
Data Set Record
Danish Space Research Institute
Enhanced Ada Subset
Earth Observation
End of File
Earth Observing System
EOS Data and Information System
Earth Remote Sensing
European Space Agency
European Space Operations Centre
European Space Research Institute
American National Standards Institute
European Retrieval Carrier
Federal Information Processing Standard
Flexible Image Transport System
File Transfer Protocol
Graphic Interchange Format
Geographical Information System
Goddard Space Flight Center
High Density Data Tape
Hierarchical Data Format
Header Data Unit
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International Astronomical Union
International Business Machines
Interactive Data Language
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Institute of Space Research
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
Image Processing and Interchange
Image Processing and Interchange - Data Format
Image Processing and Interchange - Image Interchange Facility
Image Processing and Interchange - Programmers Imaging Kernel System
Inter-Record Gap
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
International Standard Book Number
International Satellite Land Surface Climatolgy Project
International Standards Organisation
Indian Space Research Organization
International Solar Terrestrial Physics
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Research Institute for Particle & Nuclear Physics
Landsat Ground Station Operators Working Group
Landsat Technical Working Group
Label Value Object
Modified ASN.1 as a DDL
Multi Mission Browse Service
Multi-mission Reference Archive
Ministry of Communications
Main Product Header
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Space Development Agency of Japan
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Network Common Data Format
National Institute of Standards and Technology
NASA Office of Standards and Technology
National Snow and Ice Data Center
National Space Science Data Center
Object Description Language
Object Oriented Programming
Personal Computer
Parameter Value Language
Released Request for Comment
Synthetic Aperture Radar
Small Computer Systems Interface
Standard Data Format [an EOS acronym]
Spatial Data Transfer Standard
Standard Formatted Data Unit
Specific Product Header
Software Requirements Document
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
Thematic mapper
Transfer Syntax Description Notation
United Sates Geological Survey
Hellenic National Space Committee
Universal Co-ordinated Time
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Write Once Read Many
World Wide Web
External Data Representation
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Version A
Created from “Technical Note on Standard Formats, Data Description
Languages and Media” (LUK.502.EC21317/TN003) and other contributary
Version B
Editorial corrections. NASA review comments inserted. Introduction revised
(maintenance plan added etc). Section 6.2 Intermediate Data Structures moved
to Section 2.3. Section 3.3.10 added on GeoTIFF (to be expanded). Section
3.5 added on Specific Formats (to be completed). New Chapter 6 inserted on
Software Support (to be filled in). Section on Data Compression (to be filled
in) added after Format Translation (now Chapter 7). Text on Format
Translation inserted. Text inserted into Conclusions and Recommendations.
Appendix C Revision History added.
Version C
Further editorial correction after comments from NASA, CNES and BNSC.
Reformetted (reduced page length) to be compatible with US Letter page size.
Chapter 6 on Software Support removed as this is already covered in the
earlier Chapters. GeoTIFF section revised and added to Tables. Data
Compression section (formerly 7.2) removed as being not central to the theme
of the document. Appendix C Revision History Updated.
Version 1.0
No changes in content over Version C.
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