SSU Policy MANAGEMENT OF SERIOUS INCIDENTS AND INJURIES BY SCHOOL SPORT UNIT STAFF AT NON SCHOOL BASED ACTIVITIES Introduction Like any school setting, injuries, accidents and incidents may occur from time to time. This School Sport Unit Policy has been developed to complement the existing procedures of the Department of Education and Training for dealing with such occurrences and takes into consideration the unique logistics which surrounds many of the events managed by personnel of the School Sport Unit. In the planning of any event by School Sport Unit personnel, a risk management assessment should be undertaken to prevent serious incidents and student injuries/accidents. Procedures should be implemented to reduce and/or treat sporting injuries eg the engaging Sport Medicine personnel. In undertaking this assessment, personnel should consult the Guidelines for the Safe Conduct of Sport and Physical Activity and where appropriate the Guidelines for Schools and TAFE NSW Colleges and Campuses: Management Guidelines of Serious Incidents. This SSU Policy takes into consideration the soon to be announced Memo: Reporting of Accidents in Schools. Events covered by this Policy include School Sport Australia Exchanges and Championships NSWPSSA State Carnivals and Championships NSWCHSSA State Championships & Carnivals and All Schools Championships NSWPSSA & NSWCHSSA Knockout Events – Central Venue Days & Finals Area Knockout Events – Central Venues Days & Finals Area and Zone Championships Any other event managed by staff of the School Sport Unit For the purpose of this Policy the following definitions are provided A Serious Incident is i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) A serious injury that will require prolonged hospitalisation ie. the injured in a critical condition eg a spinal injury, heart attack etc. A death occurs at the event. An incident that will involve/require police intervention. An incident involving violence between numerous students, staff and/or community members. An incident involving motor vehicles causing injury on the way to, during, on the way home from an event. An incident that may generate negative media for DET. For further information about serious incidents, please refer to the Department’s - Guidelines for Schools and TAFE NSW Colleges and Campuses: Management Guidelines of Serious Incidents. The Event Manager is The person, in attendance at the event, who is the event manager at the time of the incident. This person may include An Area Sport Officer The CHS / PSSA Executive Officer The Championship Coordinator A State or Area Convener An Injury Shall be defined as a misadventure that requires professional medical attention. Procedures If a serious incident occurs at an event, the following table outlines the procedures to be followed by the Event manage and team management. The vast majority of injuries/accidents that occur during the events hosted by SSU staff, will not result from or be classified as serious incidents. However, documentation of these injuries, by team management is required. These procedures are also provided in the following table. SERIOUS INCIDENT PROCEDURES Responsibility Event Manager Assess the situation Team Management Assist the Event Manager Actions Arrange appropriate intervention to minimise Contact parents / caregivers of students involved additional injury including provision of first aid and the contacting of emergency services where necessary. Contact School Principal(s) of students involved Evacuate if necessary Distribute and collect completed accident reports (Tab 2) and witness reports (Tab 3). Collect all other pertinent documentation and complete the Checklist (Tab 4) Arrange for the completion and distribution of the Serious Incident Report (Tab 1). This Report must be immediately sent to i) event location Superintendent ii) student’s Superintendent iii) Manager – School Sport Unit iv) Media unit All reports must be sent to i) ii) injured student’s Principal injured student’s Area Sport Officer or State Executive Officer as soon as practical. A fax header is provided (Tab 5) Liaise with Team Management to ensure all appropriate accident reports are completed and distributed. Responsibilities of Area Sport Officers / State Executive Officers Ensure Team Managers understand their roles and responsibilities concerning serious incidents and injuries/accidents to students. Develop protocols for the allocation of the Event Manager at your event. Ensure Event Managers understand their roles in a Serious Incident. Where required assist in the transmission of Serious Incident Report Highlight the roles of Team Managers, in regard student injuries/accidents, at pre Championship meeting. Ensure Student Accident Reports are sent through to the SSU for filing on TRIMS. TAB 1 Department of Education and Training Serious Incident Report Event & Location Manager & Title Contact Number Date of Incident Time of Incident District Location Copies of Report Faxed To Superintendent – Site Location Superintendent – Injured Students School Sport Unit Manager Fax Number – 9707 6999 DET Media Unit Fax Number – 9561 8510 Place X in the boxes below to indicate any of the following which apply: Death Drugs Serious disruption to routines Injury with medical attention Weapon Major property damage Police Violence Media contact OR Other outside agency Intruder Is this a follow-up report for a previously reported incident Expected media contact Yes / No Key issue Enter a brief description of the incident Describe action taken Event Manager’s Signature: __________________________ Date: ____________________ TAB 2 New South Wales Department of Education and Training ACCIDENT TO SCHOOL STUDENT / VISITOR Location: _____________________________ School District: _________________________ Event: ______________________________________________________________________ PERSONAL DETAILS OF STUDENT/VISITOR Full Name: _____________________________ School: ______________________________ Age: ____________ Date of Birth: _________________________ Name(s) of Parent(s)/Carer(s): ___________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Postcode: ________________ Contact telephone number: ___________________________________ ACCIDENT DETAILS Date of injury: ____________________________ Day of Week: _______________________ Time: ______________ am/pm Location of accident: ___________________________________________________________ Describe the injuries sustained by the student/visitor: _________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ State exactly what happened: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Was medical attention given? __________________ Name of doctor/hospital: ________________________________________________________ On whose authority teacher’s/parent’s? ____________________________________________ Subsequent treatment of student (if known): ________________________________________ Name of person completing this report: ____________________________________________ Serial number (if applicable): __________________________________ Privacy Notice The information provided on this form is being obtained for the purpose of ascertaining the details of the accident. It will be used by the Department of Education and Training for the purpose of obtaining legal advice as to any liability it may have arising out of the accident, and for use in the course of any litigation that may eventuate. This information will be stored securely. You may correct any personal information provided at this time by contacting the school. CERTIFICATION Parent(s)/Carer(s) of injured student/Suitable contact for Visitor have been notified if practicable Yes / No The student has been kept under observation for a reasonable period Yes / No Medical attention has been obtained Yes / No Name (in print): _______________________________________________ Signed: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________ Principal / Delegate For use of the Department’s legal advisers in anticipation of legal proceedings. TAB 3.1 WITNESS TO SCHOOL STUDENT / VISITOR ACCIDENT – STAFF MEMBER Location: _____________________________ School District: _________________________ Event: ______________________________________________________________________ WITNESS DETAILS Full Name: _________________________________ Serial No: _______________________ Contact telephone number: ____________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Postcode: ______________ 1. When did the accident occur? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Where did the accident occur? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. What activity was the student or visitor engaged in? (eg. Playing basketball, running to class) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4. How did the injury/injuries occur? (Be sure to mention any article, or aspect of the environment which was involved, eg. struck by baseball, slipped on wet path). _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. What were the injuries/suspected injuries? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 6. What treatment for the injury/injuries (if any) was provided at school? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 7. Who was the student or visitor first referred to? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 8. Who was present when the incident occurred? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 9. Name and serial number of staff member(s) responsible for supervising the student/school area at the time of the accident. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 10. If you witnessed the accident, please sketch the accidental scene (marking your location, the location of the student or visitor injured, any buildings or other students present, any other landmarks) in the bow below. Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _________________________ Privacy Notice The information provided on this form is being obtained for the purpose of ascertaining the details of the accident. It will be used by the Department of Education and Training for the purpose of obtaining legal advice as to any liability it may have arising out of the accident, and for use in the course of any litigation that may eventuate. This information will be stored securely. You may correct any personal information provided at this time by contacting the school. Tab 3.2 STUDENT WITNESS TO SCHOOL STUDENT / VISITOR ACCIDENT Event: ______________________________________________________________________ Event Location: _______________________________________________________________ Name of injured student or visitor: ________________________________________________ Date of accident: ________________________________ WITNESS DETAILS Full Name of student witness: ____________________________________________________ Age: ______________ Date of Birth: ___________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Postcode: ________________ Please write in your own words what you saw or heard in respect of the accident: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Please draw a sketch to accompany your statement. This may be a sketch of the classroom or playground in which the accident occurred. Your location should be marked with an X and the location of the person who had the accident should be marked with a Y. Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________ Privacy Notice The information provided on this form is being obtained for the purpose of ascertaining the details of the accident. It will be used by the Department of Education and Training for the purpose of obtaining legal advice as to any liability it may have arising out of the accident, and for use in the course of any litigation that may eventuate. This information will be stored securely. You may correct any personal information provided at this time by contacting the school. Tab 4 CHECKLIST Please check off the box when completed 1. Were parents/carers notified of the accident? 2. Has an accident report been completed? 3. Was a serious incident report completed and attached (if appropriate)? 4. Has a report been obtained from any student witnesses? 5. Has a report been obtained from any adult witnesses? 6. Have contact details been obtained from all witnesses? 7. Have the following documents been photocopied and retained on file if relevant to the accident? Please check off the box to the right to ensure all steps have been taken. - appropriate Code of Behaviour - Permission note for the Event - Supervision Roster, if applicable - Correspondence in Relation to Accident - Student Welfare Policy - Student Discipline Policy - Community Use Agreement - Event Program I certify that the appropriate steps have been taken to follow the Department’s Accident Policy. ________________________________ Signed ________________________________ Position ________________________________ Date For use of the Department’s legal advisers in anticipation of legal proceedings. A copy of this check list is to be retained with the relevant accident report documentation. Accident Report documentation will be stored by the School Sport Unit and the injured students school. TAB 5 NSW Department of Education and Training School Sport Unit Locked Bag 1530 BANKSTOWN 2200 Ph: (02)9707-6900 Fax: (02) 9707-6999 School Sport Unit FAX School Principal School Fax Number ASO / State EO Area / State Fax Number Pages: Date: Re: Note: If the student is absent from school for more than 7 days it is the responsibility of the School Principal to follow the Workcover procedures of lodging the appropriate form with the District Office.