September 3, 1999 - Dr. Matt Duggan and Associates

March 26, 2010
Personal Information:
Leo Matthew Duggan III, Ph.D.
California, New York
Business Address:
4137 E. 7th Street
Long Beach, CA 90804
Business Phone:
(562) 433-7652
Home Address:
Available on Request
Home Phone:
Available on Request
Place of Birth:
Available on Request
Social Security Number:
Available on Request
Public Office and Honors:
4/94 - 11/94
Appointment to Los Alamitos Board of Education.
11/94 - 11/98
Elected to Los Alamitos Board of Education.
President Los Alamitos Board of Education.
1997 - 1998
President-Elect Los Alamitos Chamber of Commerce.
1997 - 1998
Seal Beach Man of the Year.
1986-1987, Los Angeles County/University of Southern
California Medical Center. Department of Psychiatry and the
Behavioral Sciences. Los Angeles, California 90033
Graduate School:
9/81-8/87, State University of New York at Buffalo.
Clinical Psychology Program. Ph.D., September 1987 – Child/Law
Specialty. Park Hall, Amherst Campus
Amherst, New York 14260
Law School:
9/84 – 9/86. Chosen to be member of inaugural class of Child/Law Track
of the Clinical Psychology Program. Responsibilities included attending
law school and rotating through four programs where child psychology
and law overlapped, i.e. Family Court Clinic, Children’s Developmental
Center, Mobile Mental Health Team, and the Occupational Skills
Program. Duties varied but included crisis intervention, stress
management, assessments of children in the juvenile justice system,
school related issues, and provision of recommendations to judges,
attorneys, and other legal personnel.
9/77-5/81, University of Notre Dame.
B.A., Psychology, Cum Laude.
Notre Dame, Indiana 46556
Clinical Experience:
4/90 - Present
Opened and developed a multi-disciplinary private practice.
Ability to treat all psychiatric disturbances with specialties in child,
adolescent, family, drug dependence, neuropsychology, legal issues, and
school consultation.
10/87 - 12/91
Memorial Medical Center of Long Beach. Clinical Program
Director of Psychiatric and Chemical Dependency Programs.
Point person for all mental health and chemical dependency issues.
Also trained post-doctoral students in assessments and therapy.
9/89 - 5/93
Los Angeles Unified School District. Paid Consultant.
Responsibilities included addressing the teachers’ organization
three times per year to teach them how to educate children around
difficult subjects, e.g., AIDS, sex education, and so forth. Project
was discontinued due to funding cutbacks.
9/91 - 5/93
Wilson High School Drug Education Board. Selected to help
develop a successful drug intervention program at Wilson High
9/86 - 9/87
Los Angeles County/University of Southern California Medical
Center. Clinical Psychology Internship. Full time Clinical
Psychology Internship at an APA approved program. Patients
presented with a wide range of psychiatric disturbances requiring
both outpatient and inpatient treatment.
9/86 - 9/87
Decotah Street School.
Psychological Consultant
10/86 - 9/87
Children’s Institute International. Psychological Member of
Support Program for Abuse-Reactive Kids (SPARK). Duties
included treating children who were instigating inappropriate
sexual behavior with other children.
9/81 - 9/86
State University of New York at Buffalo
Psychological Services Center. Therapist.
7/84 - 8/84
Erie County Medical Center - Inpatient Therapist.
2/83 - 8/84
Children’s Hospital. Diagnostician/Assessments.
7/83 - 8/83
Erie County Medical Center -
Emergency Clinic Intake Worker.
9/94 - Present Due to my political office as well as my psychological practice I
have been interviewed numerous times on radio and television. I
have not kept track of all these appearances.
Long Beach television. Invited guest on the “Violence in
America” program, a live, call-in show.
Produced own television show called “Psych Talk”. Interviewed
guests, with the goal being to educate the general public to relevant
psychological issues in non-clinical language.
Channel 4 News. Interviewed about prevention of adolescent
Long Beach City Telethon. Invited guest on live, call-in talk show
discussing the issues of drug and alcohol use and its effects as it
pertains to children, adolescents, adults, and families.
1987 - Present Due to my political office as well as my psychological practice I
have been interviewed many times, and have had a number of my
own articles published, in a vast array of print media. I have not
kept track of all the printings.
Public Presentations:
1987 - Present
As with print media, I have often been approached to speak on a
variety of psychological, educational, or political subjects. Below
is a sampling of some of the more popular psychological topics.
How to Build Self-Esteem in Kids.
ADHD: The Facts
How to Deal with Difficult Adolescents.
Child Sexual Abuse: Effects and Treatment.
Adolescent Sexual Perpetrators.
Dealing With Difficult Parents.
What Works in a Family.
Parent Training.
Publications: *
2011: Book:
Breaking The Adolescent Code: 10 Truths Parents Should Know, 10 Things Parents Should Do,
10 Traps Parents Should Avoid. Available on
Duggan III, L. M., Aubrey, M., Doherty, E., Isquith, P., Levine, M., & Scheiner, J. (1989).
Credibility of children as witnesses in a simulated child sexual abuse trial. In S. Ceci, D.
Ross, & M. Toglia (Eds.), Children take the stand: Adult perceptions of children’s testimony.
New York: Springer-Verlague.
Konarski, Jr., E. A., Crowell, C. R., & Duggan III, L. M. (1985). The use of response
deprivation to increase academic performance of EMR students. Applied Research in
Mental Retardation, 6, 15-31.
Papers Presented: *
Aubrey, M., Chandler, C., Duggan III, L. M., Doherty, E., Isquith, P., Levine, M., &
Scheiner, J. (1987, August). Development of a procedure for content analysis of jury
deliberations. American Psychological Association. Poster Presentation. New York,
New York.
Duggan III, L. M., & Graziano, A., M. (1984, April). Exploratory research assessing reasons for
adolescent nonsmoking. Eastern Psychological Association. Poster Presentation.
Baltimore, Maryland.
There have been numerous other presentations and publications arising out of my project on
child testimony in child sexual abuse trails. The exact references are available through
the State University of New York at Buffalo.
Teaching and Research Experience:
1985 - 1987
Dissertation. Research is published and is recommended reading
for graduate students in the Child/Law track.
6/84 - 7/84
Assistant Teacher. Undergraduate Statistics.
1983 - 1984
Masters Thesis.
9/82 - 5/83
Assistant Teacher. Graduate Statistics.
1981 - 1987
Involved in numerous research projects at the State University of
New York at Buffalo.
1977 - 1981
Involved in numerous research projects at the University of Notre
Professional Affiliations:
Association for the Advancement of Psychology
Honors and Awards:
Academic and Professional (post-college):
1993 - Present
After my election to political office, I was part of many
committees and received awards in a number of roles.
1991 - 1993
Selected to Wilson High School Drug Board.
1989 - 1990
Selected to participate on the Miller Children’s
Hospital Adolescent Committee.
1986 - 1987
Intern Rep. at LAC/USC Medical Center.
1986 - 1987
Selected to be a member of the Admissions Committee for
future interns at LAC/USC.
1985 - 1986
Recipient of the Baldy Assistantship.
Chosen by the faculty of SUNY/Buffalo to be a member of
the inaugural Child/Law Class.
1983 - 1986
Elected twice to the policy committee and named to the
Grievance Board at SUNY/Buffalo.
1981 - 1982
Chosen to be class liaison with faculty at SUNY/Buffalo.
1981 - 1987
Earned scholarships/grant for education.
Athletics (post-1986):
1994 - Present
I Continue to Play Ice Hockey Currently
1989 - 1991
Member of the Los Angeles Jets of the Pacific Southwest
Hockey League (PSHL).
1992 - 1993
Member – National Amateur Championship Hockey Team.
1991 - 1992
Member - CA State Championship Hockey Team.
1986 - 1988
Captain of the Los Angeles Stars
1986 - 1988, 1990
Los Angeles County Scoring Champion.
1986 - 1987, 1990
MVP, Los Angeles Stars.