Penguin Activities


Penguin Activities

Penguin Shuffle Races

With penguins, it is the dad's job to keep the unhatched egg from rolling off the rocky cliffs where the birds nest. For weeks, he carries the egg on top of his feet. Here's an amusing indoor race that challenges kids to test their balancing skills, penguin style. Each child needs a beanbag or Hacky Sack-style foot bag to serve as an egg. Contestants stand side by side with their "eggs" on top of their feet. When the race begins, players try to shuffle across the room without dropping their eggs. The first one to succeed wins.

Penguin Waddle Relay

Divide the group into two teams. Place half of each team behind lines 6 or 7 meters apart. Place a rubber ball( 15-20 cm) between the knees of the first two people in line and have them waddle like penguins to give the ball to their teammates behind the opposite line. The teammates then carry the balls back to the starting line and waddling continues until everyone has had a turn.If the ball is dropped, the penguin must go back to his/her starting point and begin again. The winning penguins are the ones that can waddle the fastest without losing the ball.

Crossing the Ice Relay

Each team has two pieces of paper slightly larger that a player's foot. The papers represent ice floes. Using only their feet, players must push the papers forward to the goal. If a player steps onto the floor instead of the paper, he has fallen into the water and must start again.

Caring for an Egg

Help students understand the responsibility of parenting by giving each an egg to care for. Set aside a whole day for the project, presenting each student with a hard- boiled egg with his or her name on it, as soon as the school day begins.

Explain to the class that each student's job on this day is to be a responsible parent. Remind them that they must remain in contact with their charges at all times; let them devise their own creative means for maintaining that contact. At the end of the day, check for cracks. Anyone whose egg is completely intact may not be ready to head for Antarctica, but he or she certainly passed this parenting test. This is an activity that will rightfully generate a few snickers, but be sure that students recognize the serious side of the experiment. Discuss what sacrifices students were forced to make to take care of their eggs. Were there times when the job seemed boring or unrewarding?

Eat a Penguin Snack. krill (a Ritz cracker with cream cheese and tiny shrimp on top) starfish sandwiches (sandwiches cut with a starshaped cookie cutter filled with tuna salad) goldfish crackers


CHILDREN WITH ALLERGIES TO SEAFOOD!!! Some children cannot even be in the same room where there is seafood.

Penguin Art Activity

Materials needed for each penguin: 6" paper plate, 9" paper plate, black and orange construction paper, black crayon

Color the small paper plate black. Glue the two paper plates together to form the head and body. Cut and glue two orange circles for the eyes and three orange triangles for the feet and beak. Cut and glue two black ovals for the wings.

Penguin Bookmarks

Materials for each child tongue depressor, two black pompoms, one white pompom, small scraps of orange and black felt, two small wiggle eyes, glue, markers;

Glue a black, then white, then black pompom down in a row at the top of the tongue depressor. On the top black pompom, glue on a small orange triangle( from the felt) for a beak. Then add the two wiggle eyes. On the white pompom, glue on two small ovals that have been cut from the black felt. This will be the wings. On the bottom black pompom add two small triangles (cut form the orange felt) at the bottom of the pompom for the feet. On the remaining part of the tongue depressor, the child can write something like "Reading is Cool!" , "This is where I

Chilled Out!" , or "This Little Penguin is Saving my Spot!"

Penguin Poems


Author Unknown

Penguins play in the ocean,

Penguins fish in the sea

Penguins lay their eggs

In a stony lee

Penguins find a mate

And build a nest

They work hard

And then they rest

Penguins play in the ocean,

Penguins slide in the ice)

I think penguins

Are very nice

Penguins like the ice.

Penguins like the snow

Penguins don't mind

When the cold winds blow

When a penguin's hungry,

He eats fish

He doesn't need a fork.

He doesn't need a dish

Penguins are black.

Penguins are white

Penguins are the color

Of day and night

The Penguin

By: Roxanne Williams

I am a bird you know quite well,

All dressed in black and white.

And even though I do have wings

They're not designed for flight.

I waddle,waddle,waddle,

On my funny little feet.

Across the icy snow I go

To find a fishy treat!

The Penguin that Couldn't Fly

Author unknown

I saw a penguin.

He walked right by.

He had a tear in his eye.

I heard him cry and softly sigh,

Oh I wish I could fly.

Penguin Parade

Author Unknown

Waddle, waddle, waddle

From side to side

Penguins go a-walking

Slip, slip slide, slide.

With a funny jump

The penguins dash

Down to the water

Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash!

Waddle from the water

With a rock n' roll

Penguins go parading

On a wintry stroll.

I'm a little penguin

Author Unknown

I'm a little penguin

Black and white,

Short and wobbly

An adorable site.

I can't fly at all but I love to swim,

So I'll waddle to the water and dive right in!

Have You Ever Seen a Penguin

(tune: Have you Ever Seen a Lassie)

Have you ever seen a penguin? a penguin? a penguin?

Have you ever seen a penguin swim this way and that?

Swim this way and that way and this way and that way?

Have you ever seen a penguin swim this way and that?

(make swimming motions with arms)

Repeat, substitute "swim" with "slide" (make sliding motions with arms), "waddle"

(take tiny steps, swinging body from side to side)and "dress" (boys bow and girls curtsy)

Ten Little Penguins

(tune: Ten Little Indians)

One little, two little, three little penguins,

Four little, five little, six little penguins,

Seven little, eight little, nine little penguins,

Ten little penguin chicks.

Parading penguins

Each one soon

Nesting on the cold

Ground with stones

Underneath and

In between for a

Nest. It is

Spring in Antarctica.

Percy Penguin

By: Catherine Y. Hongey

Percy Penguin looks so proper,

In his long black tails,

Stiff white shirt, and neatly groomed,

Correct in all details.

He's so important, chest way out,

As he pitters patters by,

But here is something very funny--

He forgot his TIE!

A Penguin

(Children are standing)

A penguin when he goes somewhere,

(waddle from side to side)

Will walk or swim; here's why:

(waddle first, then "swim")

Although he has two bird-like wings,

(hold up two fingers)

He simply cannot fly!

(tuck hands into armpits and "flap" wings)

I Met a Penguin

I met a penguin yesterday

So jolly, fat and fine.

I pinned a red heart on his chest,

And named him "Valentine".


By: Meish Goldish

I know a bird

That cannot fly:

Penguin is its name.

It cannot fly,

But it can swim

With speed that wins it fame!

I know a bird

That lives on ice

And waddles by the sea. t looks so cute

In its black and white suit,

As handsome as can be!

In Praise of Penguins

By: Robin Bernard

These funny birds in fancy clothes may waddle in the snow, but when they reach the icy sea

Just watch how fast they go!

Their song sounds like a donkey's bray, they cannot soar or fly, yet penguins manage very well, and let me tell you why...

Their feathers keep out water, their blubber keeps out cold, their wings make perfect paddles because they do not fold!

Their tales are good for steering, they brake with both their feet-

So tell me now, from all you've heard...

Aren't penguins NEAT?


By: Helen H. Moore

The penguins' habitat is freezing-

You'll like it there

If you don't mind sneezing.

(I, myself, don't find it pleasing.)
