Revolutionary War Pathfinder

Revolutionary War Pathfinder
NC WiseOwl
Grolier Online, Grolier NBK, Grolier MME
Articles about topic:
Time Magazine Archive:
Don’t forget books!
CMS Card Catalog – Can use from classroom or media center!
Reference Books: World Book Encyclopedia
Historical Resources
Library of Congress
The American Revolution and Its Era: Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies, 1750-1789
U.S. Digital History
Enhance your research through digital technology, using political, social, economic and cultural resources including primary sources.
America's Story (America's Library)
Jump back in time to explore stories from the Revolutionary Period (1764 - 1789)
Liberty! The American Revolution
This companion site to the PBS show includes information about people, groups of People, Pivotal Events, Defining Documents, and the Social
& Cultural Context as well as a timeline .
The American Revolution
Maps and strategic plans of the Revolutionary War
Liberty's Kids
The archive for the Liberty's Kids TV program gives background information on the who, what, and where of the Revolutionary War.
Revolutionary War Maps
Primary source maps from the University of Georgia Libraries
Vividly written descriptions of Revolutionary War events and people. Created by Independence Hall.
US Mint Time Machine
Travel through time to solve coin mysteries (and pick up some information on the Revolutionary Wars
National Park Service Revolutionary War
This multi-park exhibit showcases museum and archival collections at selected National Park Service sites. Featured sites and collections
commemorate significant events and individuals of the American Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War People
NC Wise Owl- Grolier Encyclopedias
Encyclopedias on diffferent reading levels. This site is great for basic background information on a topic.
NC Wise Owl- Magazines and other books
A searchable collection of refernece books and magazines just about people.
Political cartoons and caricatures
America in Caricature 1765-1865
Background and examples of early political cartoons in the Indiana University Libraries
Pictures of the Revolutionary War
A detailed collection of images from the National Archives.
(Hint: Use Find in Page (Apple-F) to search for cartoons)
View Today's Best Cartoons
Daryl Cagle's Professional Cartoonist Index
Create Your Own Political Cartoon
Lesson plan and steps for creating your own political cartoon
Revolutionary War Battles
Bunker Hill Battle Resources
Bunker Hill & Breeds Hill
Artwork of the Bunker Hill Battle, & explanation of why the battle took place on Breed's Hill instead of Bunker Hill. (Mt. City Elementary Lesson 7)
The Battle of Bunker Hill
Early Map and narrative of the Bunker Hill Battle
Bunker Hill Battle
ThinkQuest - description of the Bunker Hill Battle, developed by students for students as part of "A Journey Towards Freedom" project.
Bunker Hill Accounts
Massachusetts Historical Society - 10 contemporary accounts and maps of Bunker Hill
The Battle of Bunker Hill
The American Revolutionary War - analysis of battle location and descriptions, with first person account of the battle as seen from Boston.
Saratoga Battle
Saratoga Analysis - Model
U.S. Military Academy: Military Geographic Analysis
Crossing the Delaware & the
Saratoga Battle
Artwork and summary of the Saratoga Battle (Mt. City Elementary - Lesson 14)
Battle of Yorktown
Battle of Yorktown
American - Artwork and explanation of the battle
Yorktown Historic Briefs
National Park Service Historic Briefs of each battle at Yorktown
Additional Internet Resources
America during the Age of Revolution, 1764-1775 ~ a timeline from the Library of Congress.
America during the Age of Revolution, 1776-1789 ~ a timeline from the Library of Congress.
The American Revolution and Its Era: Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies, 1750-1789 ~ from the Library
of Congress
The American Revolution and The New Nation, 1763-1815 ~ Primary documents from the Library of Congress.
The American Revolution: Lighting Freedom's Flame ~ Information from the National Parks Service.
A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation ~ The records and acts of Congress from the Continental Congress and
Constitutional Convention through the 43rd Congress, including the first three volumes of the Congressional Record, 187375.
Documents from the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention, 1774-1789 ~ from the Library of Congress.
George Washington Papers ~ Letters, correspondence, journals, and other primary source documents of George Washington
from the Library of Congress.
Historian of the American Revolution ~ Documents and images from the American Treasures exhibit of the Library of
Liberty! The American Revolution ~ Information from the Public Broadcasting Service.
Religion and the Founding of the American Republic: the American Revolution ~ Information and images from the Library of
Revolutionary War Maps of comte de Rochambeau ~ Maps of the Revolutionary War era from the Library of Congress.
Spy Letters of the American Revolution ~ Primary sources from the University of Michigan.
Thomas Jefferson Exhibition ~ Links to the Jefferson exhibit, Jefferson papers, a timeline, and much more from the Library
of Congress.
General Information on the Revolutionary War
Liberty!- The American Revolution
An online companion to the PBS documentary of the American Revolution. Click on "Chronicles of History" to get lots of
American Revolution
An extensive list of links to events, people, and places important to the American Revolution.
Revolutionary Period (1764-1789)
Jump back in time to the Revolutionary Period at "America's Library", a Library of Congress Website. Be sure to scroll down the
page to find lots of links to important events.
The History Place - Conflict and Revolution 1775-76
National Museum of American History: Timeline
View artifacts used by George Washington during the Revolutionary War at the Smithsonian Museum site.
People of the American Revolution
Colonial Hall: Biographies of America's Founding Fathers
Includes biographies of all the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
The World of Benjamin Franklin
Get a quick glimpse of this remarkable man's life.
Thomas Jefferson Time Line: The American Revolution
Nathan Hale - CIA Kids Page
Learn about this famous spy from the Central Intelligence Agency.
Thomas Paine's Influence on the American Revolution
The Paul Revere House
Betsy Ross Homepage
Take a virtual tour of the house Betsy and her husband lived in from 1773 -1786. Find information about her life and the flag.
Includes rules and regulations for displaying it. For more information about the flag, visit Early US Flag.
George Washington
Get a glimpse of our first president at the White House website. Also includes brief biographies of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson,
James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams. Take a tour of his home at Mount Vernon.
Women Soldiers in the American Revolutionary War
Places of the American Revolution
Arbuckle's Fort Archaeology Excavation
Excavation of a Revolutionary War fort in West Virginia.
Historic Valley Forge
What happened at Valley Forge and who served there with General George Washington? Find out the history of the site and take a
virtual tour of the museum.
Liberty Bell at Independence Hall
Find out about the bell that rang on July 8, 1776 to announce the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence.
Teaching with Historic Places -- Independence Day Lesson Plans
Features lesson plans that are related to America's battle for independence and the creation of our nation, based on sites listed in the
National Register of Historic Places.
Virtual Marching Tour of the American Revolutionary War
View documents, maps, and newspapers of the period to learn about events and people of the time, the Declaration of Independence,
Constitution, and more. Includes tips on how to read a 200 year old document. Note : includes banner ads.
Colonial Hall: Biographies of America's Founding Fathers
Biographies of all of the founding fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence. Each is approximately one page of text.
Abigail Adams
John Adams
Samuel Adams
Ethan Allen History
Benedict Arnold
Benedict Arnold's Leg
Martha Bratton
Margaret Corbin
Ben Franklin: Glimpses of the Man
Emily Geiger Teenage Revolutionary War Hero
The Legend of Emily Geiger
Emily Geiger Historical Documents
Mary Katherine Goddard
Mary Katherine Goddard and Freedom of the Press
Nathan Hale - American Revolution Patriot
Nancy Morgan Hart
Nancy Morgan Hart - War Woman
Patrick Henry
Thomas Jefferson
John Paul Jones
Sybil Luddington
Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine
The Story of Molly Pitcher
Molly Pitcher (Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley)
Paul Revere
Betsy Ross Home Page
Deborah Samson
Deborah Samson, Official Heroine of Massachusetts
Deborah Samson - Amazing Women in War and Peace
George Washington
Martha Washington
Phillis (Phyllis) Wheatley
Collective Biographies - Many of the most famous figures in the revolution can be found on these sites
Archiving Early America - The Lives of Famous Early Americans
Colonial Hall: Biographies
From Revolution to Reconstruction and What Happened Afterwards. . . - Excellent Resource!
Harcourt School Publishers Multimedia Biographies - Look under Presidents & People of the American Revolution - some of these biographies
- Excellent Resource!
Historic Valley Forge
National Archives and Records Administration - The Founding Fathers
Today's Teacher - Revolutionary War Biography Sites
Smithsonian Education Spotlight Biography - Founding Fathers
Spy Letters of the American Revolution - People of the Revolution
The White House - First Ladies' Gallery - Excellent Resource!
The White House - Presidents of the United States - Excellent Resource!
Individual Biographies
Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams: American Patriot & Politician
Ethan Allen
Ethan Allen - Virtual Vermont Internet Magazine
Ethan Allen Homestead and Museum - History
Benedict Arnold
Historic Valley Forge - Who Served Here?
Crispus Attucks
The Murder of Crispus Attucks - Library of Congress
Africans in American - Crispus Attucks - PBS
Benjamin Banneker
About Banneker - The Benjamin Banneker Association - see correspondence between Banneker and Thomas Jefferson on this site
Benjamin Banneker - Inventors -
Lydia Darragh
Lydia Darragh - Independence Hall Association
Lyde Darragh - from the Daughters of the American Revolution
Benjamin Franklin
The Franklin Institute - Benjamin Franklin: Glimpses of the Man
The Electric Franklin - - Click on the links on the left
King George III
Britannia - Monarchs - George III
British Monarchy Official Web Site - Historic Royal Profiles
Alexander Hamilton
James Madison University - Alexander Hamilton - A Brief Biography
Alexander Hamilton on the Web - megasite with large collection of links
Patrick Henry
Colonial Williamsburg Historical Almanack Online - Patrick Henry - scroll to the bottom to hear his famous speech!
The Declaration of Independence - - Patrick Henry
John Paul Jones
Naval Historical Center - Biographies in Naval History- John Paul Jones
250th Anniversary of the birth of John Paul Jones - with a timeline from the Naval Historical Center at the Washington Navy Yard - see also the "I
have not yet begun to fight" link.
Thaddeus Kosciusko
Learning Network - Factmonster -Thaddeus Kosciusko
Thaddeus Kosciusko: A Polish Son of Liberty, A Hero of the American Revolution
Tadeusz Kosciuszko - InfoPoland -University of Buffalo - A megasite with many links.
James Armistead Lafayette
James Armistead Lafayette - from the CIA Kidspage Hall of Fame
Lafayette and Slavery - from Lafayette College
James Lafayette - American Revolution Home Page
Marquis de Lafayette
Historic Valley Forge - Who Served Here?
Francis Marion
The Patriot Resource - Francis Marion
Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine - UsHistory.Org
Molly Pitcher
Molly Pitcher - Movie
Molly Pitcher - Valley Forge
Edmund Randolph
Historical Almanack of Colonial Williamsburg - Edmund Randolph
Paul Revere
Paul Revere House
Paul Revere House -Midnight Ride
Midnight Rider Virtual Musuem
Paul Revere - The Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
Baron Friedrich von Steuben
Historic Valley Forge - Baron Friedrich von Steuben
Mercy Otis Warren
Sunshine for Women
George Washington
Colonial Williamsburg Historical Almanack Online- George Washington
Rediscovering George Washington
Martha Washington
Historic Valley Forge - Martha Washington
Phyllis Wheatley
Phyllis Wheatley