Performance Assessment – Clinical Department Heads

by Heads of Clinical Affiliates (Hospitals, Clinics)
Assessment of_____________________________ Department ____________________________________________
Reviewer Name (Dean) _____________________________________________________________________________
For each of the areas of responsibility indicated below, as well as for overall performance,
indicate your assessment of the quality of the individual’s performance over the course of the
nearly completed academic year. The performance ratings include performance quality that has
(N/A) not applicable,
(0) Generally ineffective,
(1) Generally effective,
(2) Often better than effective, and
(3) Exceptional.
Please use the back of the form for explanatory comments, especially when assigning ratings of
(0) or (3). Under each dimension, please give consideration to the performance statements
General Administrative & Leadership Skills
Rating _________
Delegates responsibility and authority appropriately; accepts responsibility for actions
Involves department in decision-making and keeps relevant parties informed about all
essential matters.
Deals expeditiously and effectively with conflicts; listens to suggestions and/or concerns;
follows through on promises.
Produces requested work by the stated deadline and ensures that information is accurate
and thorough.
Exercises sound judgment in travel schedule and professional commitments to ensure
leadership role is not compromised.
Presides over regular meetings with departmental faculty physicians and Division Chiefs.
Ensures administrative activities comply with excellent business practices in keeping with
stated policies and procedures.
Organizes and leads periodic program reviews.
Works with the hospital/clinic to ensure that the physical working environment is well
maintained and functional.
Meets with clinic/hospital administration regularly to solve problems.
Contributes to hospital/clinic administration with innovative program ideas, effective
clinical methods, effective quality control measures.
Assists the hospital/clinic in mattes of professionalism involving his/her faculty.
Assists the hospital/clinic in facilitating the interaction among government,
university/school, and hospital/clinic policies, procedures, customs, and practices.
Professional & Staff Development & Management
Rating _________
Anticipates human resource needs and recruits high quality faculty physicians in a timely,
cost-effective manner.
Ensures that faculty physicians interact with community/hospital physicians cooperatively
and productively to accomplish the academic goals of the School and the clinical goals
of the hospital/clinic.
Ensures that faculty physicians contribute equitably to the work loads of the clinical
Integrates community/clinical affiliate physicians into the academic programs of the
School where appropriate.
Formally orients, mentors, and supports faculty physicians in career development and
Administers a faculty assessment program that links reward to performance for all fulltime faculty physicians and ensures that faculty carry out their duties at the clinical
Meets annually with faculty/physicians on professional growth; ensures all personnel are
adequately trained.
Conducts annual performance appraisals of direct reports; ensures faculty and staff are
evaluated annually in writing.
Ensures that faculty physicians cooperate effectively as components of the clinical
affiliate teaching and clinical care teams.
Financial Management
Rating _________
Manages clinical business plans for physician faculty, if appropriate.
Allocates resources to faculty and programs in a way that facilitates growth and success
of both the School and the clinical affiliate.
Complies with all fiscal policies and practices of the School and University and also those
of the clinical affiliate.
Understands funds flow among the School, Department, and clinical affiliate.
Understands and considers the impact of department clinical performance on the clinical
affiliate budget.
Ensures that financial resources are used as intended.
Educational Administration
Rating _________
Ensures that the department maintains quality, currency, and accreditation of
educational programs of both the School and the clinical affiliate.
Ensures that the teaching programs in the clinical affiliate run smoothly and incorporate
all members of the clinical team, as appropriate.
Ensures integration and coordination of the teaching programs of the School and clinical
Works with clinical affiliate to ensure that the financial support of the educational
programs is equitably distributed in compliance with agreements in place.
Ensures that the educational programs of the School conducted at the clinical affiliate
contribute to the excellence of patient care.
Sponsored Research and Grantsmanship
Rating _________
Encourages and fosters clinical research and innovation that benefits patients, the
School, and the clinical affiliate.
Ensures that conduct, billing, and funding of clinical research is managed in compliance
with rules and regulations of the School, clinical affiliate, and government.
Clinical Facility Leadership
Rating _________
Ensures appropriate patient care coverage is available at all clinical sites where
departmental faculty provide care.
Clinically active in providing outstanding care to his/her own patient population as well
as patients of other physicians in the section; acts as a role model for department faculty.
Ensures that financial resources designated for VA, ECC, WWC, Grady, and Emory
Hospitals are used as intended.
Promotes highest standards of professionalism and ethics in patient care.
Regularly visits all clinic practice sites and interacts with physicians, students, nurses, and
other staff.
Facilitates active involvement by physicians in medical billing and compliance training;
champion of compliance.
Promotes timely care of patients to minimize patient wait times.
Works effectively with clinical facility administration to facilitate quality patient service
and promote effective use of resources.
Works collaboratively with Medical Directors to manage clinical services and ensure costeffective medical care.
Selects and appoints effective Division Directors and Service Chiefs.
Works effectively with clinical facility administration, faculty, and staff in risk
Regularly attends clinical facility committee meetings.
Exhibits working knowledge of and adherence to clinical facility accreditation standards.
Economically and efficiently uses clinical/hospital space, equipment, and staffing.
Ensures that faculty relationships with drug and device manufacturers are professional
and do not influence treatment of patients or training of residents and fellows; ensures
avoidance of gifts and inappropriate financial support from vendors.
Rating _________
Gives highest priority, in both words and actions, to system-wide success over
department success.
Interacts with others in a professional, courteous manner; trustworthy; and actions
emulate his/her language.
Serves as an effective and inspirational ambassador of department in the eyes of
faculty/physicians and staff and of administration.
Actively participates in the governance/committees of School, University, and local,
regional, and national organizations.
Facilitates service by faculty, staff, and students and serves as a role model.
Makes important contributions in the operation and improvement of the department,
School, and clinical affiliate.
Overall Performance as Section Head
Rating _________
I recommend that this individual be reappointed for another year in this role
Reappointment contingent upon performance improvement in the following area(s):