MRC Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II Administrative Centre Department of Public Health and Primary Care Institute of Public Health University of Cambridge Forvie Site Robinson Way Cambridge CB2 2SR Telephone: 01223 330312 Fax: 01223 330330 CAMBRIDGESHIRE PROJECT FOR LATER LIFE II (Letterhead amended for each centre) BRAIN DONATION DECLARATION OF INTENT FOR DONOR PROJECT NO…………………………… NAME OF DONOR………………………………………………….. Please Initial I have read the attached information sheet (Version 1.2 09/07/2007) and have been given a copy to keep. YES □ □ □ □ □ □ YES □ □ YES □ □ YES I have been given an opportunity to ask questions about brain YES donation I wish to make a gift of my brain to medical research. I am aware that my gift will be placed under the custodianship of NHS Brain Banks supporting the Cambridgeshire Project for Later Life II Study. Research involving genetic (DNA) study of tissues and cells may lead to the discovery of genes that either predispose to, or protect against, disease. I understand that using the sample I give, may include genetic (DNA) research aimed at understanding the genetic influences on diseases related to ageing such as Alzheimer's, but that the result of these investigations are unlikely to have any implications for me personally NO NO NO NO NO A collaborating centre in the Medical Research Council Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II Brain Donation consent form Version 1.2 09/07/2007 The gift of brain donation is intended primarily to support the research project entitled "The Cambridgeshire Project for Later Life II” I agree that my gift may be used in the future for related YES research projects as approved by a Research Ethics Committee. □ □ NO Development of new drug therapies and diagnostic tests to the point where they can be made sufficiently widely available to benefit human health, can sometimes only be achieved with the involvement of the commercial sector. I agree that my gift of tissue YES may be used to help the commercial sector achieve these aims? □ □ I understand that neither my family nor I will benefit financially if this research leads to the development of a new treatment or medical test. YES □ □ YES □ □ I know how to contact the research team if I need to, and how to get YES Information about the results of the research. □ □ International co-operation enables us to work with approved collaborators worldwide to advance medical research. I agree that you may send tissue abroad from my gift to approved collaborators outside the UK? I confirm that, I wish to donate my brain and related fluids to NHS Brain Banks supporting the Cambridgeshire Project for Later Life II YES for use in medical research as indicated. NO NO NO NO □ □ NO Signature…………………………………………………………… Name in Capitals……………………………………Date………..……………… Witness Signature………………………………………………….. Name in Capitals……………………………………Date………………………. A collaborating centre in the Medical Research Council Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II Brain Donation consent form Version 1.2 09/07/2007 CONTACT DETAILS PROJECT NUMBER………………………………………………… NAME OF DONOR…………………………………………………... DATE OF BIRTH…………………………………………………….. ADDRESS…………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………. TEL NO……………………………………………………………….. NAME OF NEXT OF KIN…………………………………………... ADDRESS OF NEXT OF KIN………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………. RELATIONSHIP TO DONOR……...………………………………. TEL . NO……………………………………………………………… NAME OF DOCTOR………………………………………………… SURGERY…………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………. TEL . NO……………………………………………………………… A collaborating centre in the Medical Research Council Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II Brain Donation consent form Version 1.2 09/07/2007