Workshop on Learning Technology Standards for Agriculture and Rural Development in conjunction with HAICTA 2008 1 Using DITA learning topics for information modeling and learning content development for disaster risk preparedness in the agricultural sector Thomas Zschocke1, Jan Beniest2, and Juan Carlos Villagrán de León1 1 United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security, Bonn, Germany 2 World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya Different kinds of technical and learning content are created for training and education on agricultural topics as global public goods by various international agencies, such as the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) or the United Nations University (UNU). The provision of research-based knowledge through technical and policy communications, training and education is critical to develop the capacity of researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and other actors involved with international agricultural research and development. In this proof-ofconcept study, we examine the feasibility of using the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) for learning content development on disaster risk preparedness in the agricultural sector to enhance the reuse of existing content components for different audiences, purposes and formats. DITA is a modular, structured, XML framework for authoring topic-oriented, information-typed content that can be reused and single-sourced in a variety of ways. DITA is also an architecture for creating new information types and describing new information domains based on existing types and domains through a process called specialization. Just recently, a specialization for learning and training content has been proposed as a general top-level design for structured, intent-based authoring of learning content with good learning architecture. Index Terms—Documentation, educational technology, knowledge representation, learning systems Workshop on Learning Technology Standards for Agriculture and Rural Development in conjunction with HAICTA 2008 I. INTRODUCTION T Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) was released by IBM in 2001 as an XML-based information architecture for authoring and delivering modular technical information [1]. DITA was developed to address challenges in managing technical communication caused by the advent and growth of the World Wide Web by offering an alternative method for better handling the increased demand for multichannel publishing, shorter software documentation development cycles, increased demand for customized and modularized content delivery, and increased linking and crossreferencing of information through hyperlinks. Since 2004 the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) maintains DITA as an open standard. It released the most recent architectural [2] and language specifications [3] (version 1.1) in August 2007. When new kinds of information types or new domains are needed, DITA can be extended through a process called specialization [4]. This process permits users to adapt standard structures through domain-specific semantic and structural specializations within a specific domain, such as learning materials or policy and procedure documents, while reusing as much of the existing design. Currently, OASIS is preparing the release of version 1.2, which will also include a DITA specialization for learning and training content in the formal design plan. DITA learning content is based on the topicbased, modular approach of the DITA information typing architecture suitable for creating reusable learning objects (RLOs) [5]. The modular approach to managing content permits authors to create consistent information and maintain a standardsbased architecture that supports interchange with other teams but also with other organizations [4], [6]. Content can be created in one part of an organization or by one kind of organization can be reused elsewhere, with minimal, and possibly automated, preprocessing. This flexibility also helps organizations for reaching a global audience. Organizations with a need to globalize their products or services that require substantial supporting content, can benefit from reuse and repurposing capabilities of DITA. It supports processes of managing information that can be applied to translation and localization of content in a similar fashion [7], [8]. This paper presents a proof-of-concept study of the potential for using DITA in preparing learning content on disaster risk reduction in order to enable reuse of this material by international development organizations in the agricultural sector. HE II. BACKGROUND The increasing number and scale of natural disasters, which have resulted in massive losses of life and long-term negative consequences for vulnerable societies worldwide, has called upon interventions from the international community. In its continued effort to address this issue, the United Nations 2 General Assembly agreed to implement the International Strategy for Disaster reduction (ISDR), a multi-stakeholder platform as a follow-up of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction of the 1990s [9]. With this decision the UN also called for renewed efforts to contribute to capacity building for disaster preparedness. In the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 as the essential guide for implementing the ISDR, the use of knowledge, innovation and education is one of the priorities for action to address gaps and challenges in knowledge management and education on disaster risk reduction (DRR) [10]. Key activities in this area include the promotion of including disaster risk reduction knowledge and implementing disaster preparedness programs in schools and institutions of higher education, and the development of training and learning programs in DDR targeted at specific sectors. The framework also highlights the importance of using information and communication technologies (ICTs) in particular for training and for sharing and dissemination of information among different categories of users. Disaster risk reduction is also an intrinsic element of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD) from 2005–2015. The Framework for the UNDESD International Implementation Scheme [11] highlights the positive effects of education for DRR to help affected communities to strengthen their preparedness and improve their strategies for disaster prevention and mitigation. For instance, the United Nations University (UNU) contributes to the International Flood Initiative (IFI) under the leadership of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to build the capacity in countries to understand and better respond to floods [12], which is seen as a contribution to both ISDR and UNDESD. One of the authors of the UNU Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) is a also a member of a regional working group of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), which shares components of interests of the ISDR, notably risk reduction against marine hazards [13]. In the agricultural sector DRR is also of major importance to ensure food security by helping communities to prevent and be prepared for natural disasters through human capacity strengthening activities [14], [15]. The important role of education to strengthen disaster risk preparedness was further highlighted in the joint UNESCO and FAO flagship partnership on education for rural development [16]. This applies equally to the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), which provides its content knowledge as global public goods to its partners working in the agricultural sector in developing countries to strengthen their human capacities. For instance, one of the research priorities of the CGIAR [17] is concerned with the promotion of options to reduce poverty and vulnerability of poor farming communities and those in marginal areas that are often disproportionately affected by natural and human-induced Workshop on Learning Technology Standards for Agriculture and Rural Development in conjunction with HAICTA 2008 disasters. The United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) is conducting policy-related research to develop knowledge-based approaches for reducing vulnerability and environmental risks [18]. For instance, UNU-EHS explores the linkages between environmental change, hazards, risks and vulnerability, and develops prevention and response strategies with the context of sustainable development. This knowledge can be prepared and made available in such a way that it can be reused by organizations such as the CGIAR, but also by universities and regional training centers to strengthen their curricula in integrated disaster and risk management. Here, a learning content strategy based on DITA would be advantageous to promote reuse not only within an organization, but also between different organizations. As stated in the 2008 World Development Report of the World Bank on agriculture for development [19], content and education alongside with infrastructure improvements information and communication technology (ICT) for access in rural areas in developing countries are critical for rural development and increased agricultural production. Content and education are key factors affecting the return to ICTs in agricultural production. More importantly the content created locally should be linked to institutional innovations to provide extension services that are responsive to farmers’ needs. A background paper for the 2008 World Development Report commissioned by the Science Council of the CGIAR states that the level of skills and education of farmer communities is also affecting the impact of scientific and technological progress in improving agricultural production in developing countries [20]. This applies to farmers, information providers (extension agencies) and agricultural researchers alike. The report states that content creation at the local level should be linked to institutional innovations to provide extension services that are responsive to farmer’s needs. Finally, developing countries need strong programs to train agricultural scientists and engineers who are critical for effective agricultural research programs that are relevant for their home countries. This snapshot of activities addressing DRR shows the scope of collaboration between various international organizations and their national partners. The sharing of knowledge about DRR across different domains and among various organizations could be greatly enhanced by taking advantage of open technology standards that facilitate the exchange of information. UNU-EHS is currently exploring the ability of DITA to enhance the reusability of its content materials on disaster risk reduction so that it can be incorporated by other international organizations in the agricultural sector. Together with the CGIAR it has investigated how DITA can be used to develop learning content on risk management based on the research of UNU-EHS that can be reused as an additional component by the CGIAR in its agricultural training and education. 3 III. INFORMATION MODELING WITH DITA A. Basic features of DITA DITA is based on the four basic principles of topic orientation, information typing, specialization, and inheritance process [3], [20]. DITA treats the topic as the smallest maintainable unit of reuse. Topics are defined as a unit of information with a title and some kind of content, which is short enough to be specific to a single subject or answer a single question, but long enough to make sense on its own and be created as a unit. DITA provides a generic or unspecialized topic from which the three basic specialized topics are derived, that is, task, concept and reference (see Fig. 1). The topicoriented approach to authoring conceptual and task information has been adapted from the instructional design technique of Carroll’s minimalism, which focuses on identifying the smallest amount of instruction needed to successfully completing a task or providing the basic knowledge of a concept [22]. [Insert Fig. 1. DITA topic, concept, task, and reference information types] Information typing relates to the mechanism of describing content independent of how that content is delivered. It deals with identifying types of topics that contain distinct kids of information, such as concept, task or reference. Content is authored based on these structures and semantics that remain valid regardless of how the information is presented to the end user. The notion of information typing is derived from the work on Horn’s approach of structured writing called information mapping [23], [24]. Structured writing refers to a method to enhance the accessibility and comprehension of text through a set of principles and criteria to guide the writing, chunking and labeling of information into cognizable, modular units and aggregate them into groups of information blocks that form maps. Horn has devised a set of seven basic information types consisting of procedure, process, structure, concept, fact, classification, and principle. The topic-oriented paradigm is incorporated in DITA through the use of so called ditamaps based on Horn’s notion of information maps and information blocks, which represent how topics should be organized for particular information deliverables. Specialization in DITA refers to the extension of the two main authoring units of DITA, that is, topics and maps, by creating of more specialized information types, while reusing as much of the existing design as possible [4]. Specialization allows authors to create new information types with structures and semantics that are specific to the needs of a particular audience. DITA supports to specialization hierarchies, that is one for information types (with topic at the root) and one for domains (with elements in topic at their root). The three basic topic types of fact, concept and reference are specialized topic types of DITA’s generic, unspecified topic type, which define particular information structures. DITA for learning content [5] is a specialization for a particular information domain or subject area, in this case, training and education. Finally, DITA has adopted the notion of object-oriented inheritance [25] to the data- and document-centric world of Workshop on Learning Technology Standards for Agriculture and Rural Development in conjunction with HAICTA 2008 XML and technical documentation [21]. This means that DITA-aware processes, such as publishing and translation, can define and implement automatically more specialized information types, and can also be specialized themselves. B. Reusing content with DITA The major strength of the topic-oriented, modular approach of DITA is the facility to reuse content (see Fig. 2). Reusability refers to the ability to deliver the same content in different output formats or target media (repurposing, cross- or multi-channel publishing) and to re-organize modules for different audiences and targets (re-assembly) [26]. Reuse is a process of linking to an element of reusable content, that is, the resuable content is displayed in the document, but does not physically reside in it. When the reusable element is updated, it is update wherever it has been linked with. This leads to increased consistency of content, reduced development and maintenance costs, and faster reconfiguration through the modular structure of the content. Also, reusing content can also reduce translation costs. [Insert Fig. 2. Modularity and reusability of DITA content] Reuse in DITA is implemented through references, in the dimensions of content, design, and process [21]. The DITA information architecture divides content into stand-alone topics, independent from delivery-specific elements. The same topics can be reused in many different contexts. The specialization feature of DITA allows authors to reuse the design of a more general information type by reference. The same applies to specialized processes by which authors can reuse the code from a more general process by reference. The method of reusing content information is called single sourcing, that is, content is written once, stored in a single location, and then reused as many times as needed [27]. Single source publishing is characterized by the same aspects that DITA supports, that is, content-based documentation that can be re-used in different formats; modular (element- or topicbased) writing that can be re-used in different document formats; and assembling different documents from the same content. C. Modeling information with DITA In order to fully benefit from reuse and single sourcing, a consistent approach for writing and structuring content must be established through modeling information to the needs of the organization [26], [28]. Information modeling is the process to determine the elements of each information product (that is, any output consisting of content), and how each information product will be designed to achieve optimum usability and reuse. The goal of information modeling is to specify how content is used—and reused—throughout an entire organization. The process results in an information architecture that serves as a blueprint to define how the content will be organized and structured that make up the different information products, and two types of information models, 4 that is, the information product model and the information element model. The former defines what is included in the information product (for instance, training manual, user guides, annual reports, technical specifications); the latter describes further the components (or elements) that are assembled to create the information product. These models need to be implemented across the entire organization. Content authors used the information models to determine what information needs to be included in which information product. Content reviewers use the models to compare authors’ drafts against the models to ensure that they contain all the necessary elements and that the models contain all the necessary elements for each information product. Finally, information technologists use the models to create authoring templates, implementing the content management system, and develop delivery style sheets. Information models enable organizations that are interested in exchanging information with other organizations to establish open communication. In the case of the CGIAR and UNU they could benefit from reusing content about disaster risk management to strengthen the disaster risk preparedness of communities. There are information models available for different industries, for instance, software, aerospace, and so on, and for specific solutions, for instance, training materials, software guides, financial guides, and so on. For example, SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model) 2004 content aggregation [29] is an XML-method for representing course resources, metadata, and processing instructions. SCORM is a model for the delivery of content, it focuses on distributing packaged learning objects for reuse; it does not provide any structure to resources as they are not typed. The SCORM model is not intended to replace the instructional design model. Or, the S1000D standard [30] designed for the creation of technical manuals in the aviation industry. DITA on the other hand is not really a model that can be implemented directly. Rather, it defines how to construct an information model based on the needs of an organization. The DITA information typing architecture defines only a base model based on which topic types can be created to meet the particular specifications of an organization. To date, specializations are considered or under development to service particular domains, for example, DITA learning and training content for education and training or DITA enterprise business documents for the business sector. In the case of reusing content about disaster risk management as proposed in this paper, DITA topics can be used to capture concepts, facts, processes, procedures and principles about risk, risk management, vulnerability, and related topics. As shown in Fig. 3 a DITA concept topic is written using Adobe FrameMaker. Fig. 4 shows the XML structure of the file. The file can be exported in different formats, for instance, as a PDF file as shown in Fig. 5. The content author can now continue to collect other components relevant to the disaster risk management. Once collected, all Workshop on Learning Technology Standards for Agriculture and Rural Development in conjunction with HAICTA 2008 the files can be combined using a DITA map, which can be used to generate a complete document. At the same time, the XML files can also be made available for further processing in a repository along with the appropriate metadata. Here, a content author of the CGIAR can search and retrieve the required files to include them in related materials within the agricultural sector that may lack the necessary detailed as provided by the UNU. [insert Fig. 3. DITA topic in FrameMaker] [Insert Fig. 4. DITA topic XML structure] [Insert Fig. 5. DITA topic in a PDF document] For instance, in the context of a toolkit on tree seeds published by the CGIAR [31], additional components could be integrated from external sources. Using the DITA standard, this can be achieved without copying and pasting, but rather by referencing the related components. For instance, the toolkit discusses the use of “seed zones” for selecting and managing of seed sources in the context of research. The text refers to a different chapter where seed zones are further defined (see Fig. 6). Using DITA this can be referenced, and the accompanying text could be made available within the context. At the same time the same paragraph discusses the role of seed zone to reduce the risk of failures caused by planting material that is not well adapted to an area. Here, additional content could be included or referenced using DITA by reusing more detailed information provided by other sources such as the UNU-EHS. [Insert Fig. 6. Text section with options for reuse] IV. CREATING LEARNING CONTENT WITH DITA With the current draft specifications for DITA learning and content [5], [32]-[33] a specialization is available that allows authors to create content topics customized for educational purposes. The DITA design for learning content provides a basic set of specialized topic types to support structured, intent-based authoring of content for learning and training. It includes a mechanism to create DITA maps to structure specialized learning topics as reusable learning objects and to manage topic linking, relationship and simple sequencing. In addition, the specification includes basic mechanisms for learning interactions, for use in testing and assessment. DITA learning and training content is also designed to support learning metadata based on the IEEE standard [34], for use in both learning topics and maps. As DITA is not built for context-based sequencing, the use of IEEE learning object metadata can provide most of the necessary contextual metadata with the topics (or with maps). DITA learning content is based on the notion of reusable learning objects. According to the DITA learning content specification, a learning objects comprises a discrete reusable collection of content used to present and support a single learning objective. It consists of instructional objects, which provide the structured framework for a learning experience, that is, overview, summary, and assessments, and information objects, which provide the source learning content, that is, topic-based learning content and other supplemental content (see Fig. 7). [Insert Fig. 7. DITA topic types for learning] 5 The specialized learning topics can be further assembled using the DITA map domain for learning. For learning content, a map domain can organize the content in a structured sequence of references to learning topic types by instantiating the sequencing and grouping of DITA topics that comprise a learning object. For instance, a DITA learning map can define a learning object as a specific sequence of overview, supporting task, concept, and reference topics, a summary, and optional practice and assessment topics (see Fig. 8). [Insert Fig. 8. A map domain for a learning object] When designing, authoring, and delivering learning objects through the DITA specialization, the following generic steps can be applied (see Fig. 9). First, DITA topics are created as learning objects and captured in DITA maps. Then, specialized learning topics are created to incorporate learning plans, overview, learning content, summaries, and assessments. Third, IEEE learning metadata is included. Fourth, the DITA learning maps and relationship tables are built to organize learning objects into lessons and courses, and to manage the relationships and interactions among them. Finally, the learning content is processed to generate learning deliverables. [Insert Fig. 9. Learning content design, authoring, and delivery through DITA specialization] Currently, DITA is supported by a variety of tools that can be utilized in a workflow to create SCORM-compliant content packages, ranging from the authoring of DITA learning content and the assembly of SCORM-compliant learning objects to the storage and delivery of the learning objects (see Fig. 10). [Insert Fig. 10. Schematic workflow for creating and delivering SCORMcompliant learning objects based on DITA learning content types] For instance, to create DITA topics and maps, the open source DITA Open Toolkit can be used, which was designed to transform DITA content (maps and topics) into deliverable formats. The proprietary layout program Adobe FrameMaker provides similar functionalities through XML-based structured authoring with template-based publishing using DITA. Adobe FrameMaker also enables the use of the DITA Open Toolkit through a plug-in. A more integrated environment for content creation, storage and delivery is provided by Author-IT, a single-source, reusable component content management system, which supports DITA output through DITA topic templates. Once DITA learning content is created, it can be assembled into SCORM-compliant learning objects. The SCORM Content Aggregation Model (CAM) provides information on how to describe learning content with IEEE learning object metadata, how to package those components for use with interoperable systems, and how to define sequencing information for the components. As SCORM only describes learning objects, but does not define the internal information Workshop on Learning Technology Standards for Agriculture and Rural Development in conjunction with HAICTA 2008 architecture of the object, DITA can be used to structure the learning content accordingly. For instance, the open source RELOAD Metadata and Content Package Editor can be used to assemble learning objects in SCORM-compliant content packages. These content packages can be stored in a repository for deployment, such as ARIADNE’s KPS, or they can be directly imported into a learning management system (LMS). For instance, both the open source LMS Moodle or the commercial Blackboard Learning System support the loading and playing of SCORM-compliant content packages. With regards to the exchange of content on disaster risk management, an author of the CGIAR could again consult the resources made available by the UNU-EHS and reuse those based on DITA. Shown in Fig. # is a snippet of a learning summary topic derived from the CGIAR toolkit for tree seeds. Once the appropriate resources for a module have been prepared, a DITA learning map is prepared with the selected topics needed for the unit, and sequenced in the order needed for this purpose. Again, additional components such as those from the UNU-EHS can be selected and referenced to be reused in this particular module. V. INCORPORATING DITA INTO THE INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROCESS Content reuse applies to instructional design as well. XML can be used in an instructional design setting to manage, define, use and distribute learning objects [35]- [37]. Critical to a successfully reusing learning content is the establishment of an XML content reuse system to manage the creation and delivery of learning objects. In correspondence with Rockley’s unified content strategy [26], the content reuse system facilitates the process of reusing learning content through a set of four tools, that is, content system or repository, a parser or query engine to retrieve content from the repository, an authoring content management component to create new learning content, and delivery outputs to make available and accessible learning content in different formats and to different audiences. For instance, the CGIAR has developed a repository for its training materials, in collaboration with ARIADNE (Alliance of Remote Instructional Authoring and Distribution Networks for Europe) Foundation using their Knowledge Pool System (KPS) [38] The repository is integrated with an open source learning management system. Users can store, search and retrieve learning resources, and incorporate them in on-line courses as well. The notion of learning objects is also capture in the FourComponent Instructional Design (4C/ID) model of van Merriënboer [39]-[40], which is based on the cognitive load theory [41]-[42]. The 4C/ID model is applied in the context of instructional systems design, which typically divide the instructional design process into the five phases of analysis, design, development, implementation, and summative evaluation, also called the ADDIE model. The 4C/ID model is narrower in scope and focuses on the first two phases, that is, task and content analysis and design. The 4C/ID model has been design to assist authors in creating training blueprints for 6 complex learning. The blueprints four interrelated components, that is, (1) learning tasks with authentic wholetask experiences based on real-life tasks, (2) supportive information helpful for learning and performing the problemsolving and reasoning aspects of the learning tasks, (3) procedural (or just-in-time) information as a prerequisite for learning and performing routine aspects of learning tasks, and (4) part-task practice for learning the routine aspects of a task. Instead of focusing on separate and specific learning objectives that decompose a learning domain into small pieces, the model promotes the notion of integrated objectives, which are delivered through the learning tasks. This is achieved through the notion of task classes. These classes contain categories of learning tasks, each representing a whole learning task with a particular difficulty, which progress to more difficult whole tasks. The 4C/ID model can also be expressed in IMS learning design [43], a formalism based on the educational modeling language to create units of learning [44]-[45]. A unit of learning is defined as an artifact designed for learners to achieve one or more interrelated learning objects. A IMS learning design is the application of an instructional model for a specific learning objective, target audience and for a specific context or knowledge domain. The IMS learning design provides a semantically rich information model and XML binding that describe the content and processes within units of learning form an instructional perspective. IMS learning design has the potential for reusing learning content [46]. IMS learning design can assist in deciding what content will presented, how it will be integrated into a learning environment, how it will be sequenced, and how it will be assigned to learners in a unit or lesson. The notion of reusing learning content by integrating learning designs and learning objects is based on the ALOCoM ontology [47], which is an ontology to represent learning object structure. ALOCoM, in turn, is based on the DITA to structure learning content into different types of granular content chunks, that is, content fragment, content object and learning object. VI. CONCLUSION This proof-of-concept shows that DITA can be integrated into single source publishing approach using XML. The next step is to develop a pilot study to test the integration of the different design and process components similar to [48]. Most importantly will be the establishment of an appropriate workflow to integrate the information model based on DITA learning content topics that follows the steps of the 4C/ID model and is represented with IMS learning design. Although, a standard for the graphical representation of IMS learning design is not yet available, alternative approaches could be used. For instance, the Learning Activity Management System (LAMS) is an open source tool for designing, managing and delivering on-line learning activities. It is based on the unified markup language (UML). LAMS can be integrated with the LMS Moodle. With the existing repository and LMS of the CGIAR, the system can be extended with these alternative approaches while promoting the use of an established instructional design model (4C/ID) and the authoring of Workshop on Learning Technology Standards for Agriculture and Rural Development in conjunction with HAICTA 2008 learning content using DITA in an integrated environment. 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