College of Nursing

Zoë Cohen
College of Nursing
University of Arizona
1501 Campbell Avenue
P.O. Box 245023
Tucson, AZ 85724
Tele: 1-520-626-7434; Fax: 1-520-626-2111
University of Arizona, 1998-2003: Ph.D. in Physiological Sciences
University of Colorado, Boulder, 1992-1994, MS in Exercise Physiology
University of Colorado, Boulder, 1989-1991, BS in Kinesiology
University of Northern Colorado, 1987-1989
Post-doctoral Fellow, College of Nursing-Center of Injury Mechanisms and Related
Responses, University of Arizona, 2005-present
Post-doctoral Fellow, Canadian Blood Services, 2003-2005
Graduate Student, University of Arizona (involved in lab management, mentoring
undergraduate students, collaborations on projects, lab meetings, and journal clubs),
University of Colorado School of Pharmacy (Professional Research Assistant, working
on modulating neutrophil activation), 1995-1998
Rose Medical Center (Work-Hardening rehabilitation coordinator), 1994-1995
Internship for M.S. in Exercise Physiology (ran a fitness camp for children), 1993
American Cancer Society Fellowship (worked on a study designed to find early markers
for lung cancer in chronic smokers), 1992
Kent State University (Graduate teaching assistant, “Exercise and Weight Control”),
American Cancer Society Fellowship (studied Calpain activation in mouse thymocytes),
Teaching Experience:
University of Arizona. Guest Lecturer, Pathophysiology for Nursing (Hematology), 2006
University of Arizona, Guest Lecturer, PhD Nursing on-line program, Biomethods in
Nursing Research (Flow cytometry and Microscopy), 2006
University of Colorado School of Pharmacy, Course Coordinator, PharmD on-line
program, Immunology, 2005
University of Arizona, Instructional Specialist Senior, MS and PhD Nursing on-line
program, Pathophysiology, 2005
Eastern Oregon University, Heart Function, 2005
“Apoptosis: Murder and Suicide in the Immune System” St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto,
University of Colorado, (Rural Scholars Program: Exercise at Altitude), 2002
University of Arizona (TA, Systems Physiology, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal,
respiratory, and gastrointestinal), 2001-2002
University of Colorado, (Rural Scholars Program, Exercise Physiology), 2001
University of Arizona (TA, Systems Physiology, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal),
University of Arizona (TA, Exercise Physiology) 1999-2000.
Kent State University (TA, Exercise and Weight Control) 1991-1992
Research Presentations, National and International Meetings:
“Caspase Inhibition Decreases Human Platelet Activation” Experimental Biology
Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2006, Symposium Speaker
“Platelet Activation in Disease-the clot thickens”, Eastern Oregon University, LeGrande
Oregon, 2005, Invited speaker
“Anatomy and Physiology”, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, MiniMed
program, Denver, CO, 2004, Invited Speaker
“Broad Spectrum Caspase Inhibitor Prevents Immune Thrombocytopenia: Implications
for IVIg Use”, International Society of Blood Transfusion, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2004,
Symposium speaker
“Anatomy and Physiology”, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, MiniMed
program, Denver, CO, 2003, Invited Speaker
"Caspase Inhibition Decreases Both Platelet Phosphatidylserine Exposure and
Aggregation", Experimental Biology Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2003, Symposium
"A-Tocopherol Attenuates Platelet Microparticle Formation During Reperfusion Following
Ischemia in the Type 2 Diabetic Heart", Experimental Biology Meeting, New Orleans
LS, 2002
"Caspase Activity is Increased in Platelets from Type 2 Diabetic Rats", Experimental
Biology Meeting, New Orleans, LS, 2002
"Platelet Microparticle Formation is Greatly Increased in Myocardial Circulatory Support
Device Patients", Experimental Biology Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2001
Research Presentations, University of Arizona:
“Platelet Activation in Diabetes: the clot thickens”, invited speaker, Physiological
Sciences Recruiting seminar, 2/16/2006
“Platelet Activation in Disease: the clot thickens”, invited speaker, Center for Injury
Mechanisms and Related Responses Seminar Series, 11/28/2005
"Caspase Activation in Diabetic Platelets", invited speaker, Physiological Sciences
Systems Training Grant Data Blitz, 2/09/2003
"Platelet Activation in Diabetes: A sticky situation", invited speaker, Physiological
Sciences Systems Training Grant Data Blitz, 2/22/2002
"Why is Ischemic Heart Disease More Severe in Type 2 Diabetic Patients", presented to
an exploratory group for a new project grant, Feb. 2002
"The Role of Platelets in Diabetes: the clot thickens", student representative for Systems
Physiology, 2002 recruiting seminar, 3/21/2002
"Reusing Mechanisms: Platelet activation and apoptosis", invited speaker, Physiological
Sciences Systems Training Grant Data Blitz, 10/11/2002
National Institutes of Health-Center of Injury Mechanisms and Related Responses,
Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2005-2007
Canadian Blood Services Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2003-2005
Committee Member, Colorado Café Scientifique, 2003-present
Invited Participant, Highlights: Graduate Student Posters in Pathology, FASEB, 2003
Donald Sheer Travel Award, 2003
Student Representative, Physiological Sciences Executive Committee, 2002-2003
American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship, 2002-2004
Donald Sheer Travel Award, 2002
Student Representative, Teaching Committee, Physiological Sciences, 2001-2002
Student Representative for a student seminar series, Physiological Sciences, 1999-2000
Amgen Biotechnology Research Award, 1997
American Cancer Society Fellowships, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993
Mortar Board National Senior Honor Society, 1990-1991
Dean’s scholar, 1991
Dean’s List, 1991
Spurs (Junior Honor Society), 1990
Professional Affiliations:
American Physiological Society (APS), 2001-present
Microcirculatory Society (MCS), 2002-present
North American Vascular Biology Organization (NAVBO), 2002-present
Journals Reviewed For:
British Journal of Haematology, 2003-present
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2004-present
The Quarterly Review of Biology, Essays in Biochemistry: Programmed Cell Death, 2004
Stringer KA, Lindenfeld J, Repine AJ, Cohen Z, Repine JE. Tissue plasminogen
activator (tPA) inhibits human neutrophil superoxide anion production in vitro.
Inflammation 1997 Feb; 21(1): 27-34
Ng K, Stringer KA, Cohen Z, Serravo R, Tian B, Meyer JD, Falk R, Randolph TW,
Manning MC, Thompson DC. Alveolar Macrophage Cell Line is Not Activated by
Exposure to Polymeric Microspheres. Int. J. Pharm. 1998, 170, 41-50
Stringer KA, Hybertson BM, Cho OJ, Cohen Z, Repine JE. Tissue plasminogen activator
(tPA) inhibits interleukin-1 induced acute lung leak. Free Radic Biol Med 1998 Jul
15:25(2): 184-8
Cohen Z, Gonzales RF, Davis-Gorman GF, McDonagh PF. Thrombin Activity and
Platelet Microparticle Formation are Increased in Type 2 Diabetic Platelets: A Potential
Correlation with Caspase Activation. Thrombosis Res, 2002 Sept 107(5): 217-221
Chen Y, Mendoza S, Davis-Gorman G, Cohen Z, Gonzales R, Tuttle H, McDonagh PF,
Watson RR. Neutrophil Activation by Murine Retroviral Infection During Chronic Ethanol
Consumption. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 2003 Mar-Apr 38(2): 109-114
Cohen Z, Wilson J, Ritter L, McDonagh P. Caspase Inhibition Decreases Both Platelet
Phosphatidylserine Exposure and Aggregation. Thrombosis Research, 2004 May 113:
Cohen Z, Starkey A. Autoimmunity in Platelets. McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and
Technology 2005
Gonzales RF, Cohen Z, Arellano I, Davis-Gorman GF, McDonagh PF. Vitamin E
Reduces Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in the Type 2 Diabetic Heart. Submitted
Cohen Z, Davis-Gorman G, McDonagh PF, Ritter LS. Caspase Inhibition Decreases
Adhesion Molecule Expression on Human Platelets. Submitted to Biological Research in
Cohen Z, Oncofetal Antigens. McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology 2005
Cohen Z, Davis-Gorman G, Ritter L, McDonagh PF. Caspase Inhibition Decreases
Platelet Activation in Vivo in Diabetes. Submitted to Diabetes and Metabolism Research
and Reviews
Cohen Z. Antigens. McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology 2006
Kazakoff PW, Kroll DJ, Hilts AE, McGuire TR, Iversen PL, Cohen Z, Cohen JJ. Chiron
Therapeutics Oncology Award: Inhibition of etoposide-induced apoptosis through two
separate mechanisms by conventional therapeutic agents. Pharmacotherapy 1997; 17:1
Hilts AE, Kazakoff PW, Cohen Z, Cohen JJ. Apoptosis induced by etoposide is inhibited
by calcium channel blockers at therapeutic levels. Pharmacotherapy 1997; 17.1 (#36).
Kazakoff PW, Kroll DJ, McGuire TR, Giambattista P, Iversen PL, Cohen Z, Cohen JJ.
Inhibition of etoposide-induced apoptosis by fluoxetine is modulated downstream of
cleavable complex stabilization. Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology:
Apoptosis and Programmed Cell Death, 1997; 16 (#133).
Cohen Z, Stringer KA. Amgen Biotechnology Research Award: Plasminogen activator
inhibits reactive oxygen species production by neutrophils and alveolar macrophages.
Pharmacotherapy 1997; 18:302.
Stringer KA, Cohen Z, Squier P, Cohen JJ. Tissue plasminogen activator slows the rate
of PMA- induced apoptosis in human neutrophils. (Abstract # 1062-170). J Am Coll
Cardiol 1999; 33:336A.
Mendoza SV, Gonzales JY, Cohen Z, Davis-Gorman G, McDonagh PF. Mild exposure
to side stream cigarette smoke does not significantly alter circulating neutrophil activity.
FASEB J. 2000 (#449.21).
Chen Y, Mendoza S, Davis-Gorman G, Cohen Z, Tuttle H, Gonzales R, McDonagh PF,
Watson RR. The Effects of Murine Retroviral Infection on Neutrophil Activation During
Chronic Alcohol Consumption. FASEB J. 2001 (#529.2)
Gonzales RF, Mendoza SV, Cohen Z, Davis-Gorman G, McDonagh PF. Thrombin
Potential is Increased in Uncontrolled Type II Diabetic Rats. FASEB J. 2001 (#409.22)
Mendoza SV, Davis-Gorman G, Gonzalez RF, Cohen Z, McDonagh PF. Exposure to
Side Stream Cigarette Smoke Increases Circulating Neutrophil-Platelet Interactions
Early in Reperfusion Following Myocardial Ischemia. FASEB J. 2001 (#31.2)
Cohen Z, Economopoulos K, Copeland JG, McDonagh PF. Platelet Microparticle
Formation is Greatly Increased in Myocardial Circulatory Support Device Patients.
FASEB J. 2001 (#474.8)
Randon KR, Cohen Z, Gonzales RF, Davis-Gorman GF, McDonagh PF. Platelet
Pseudopod Formation is Increased in Type 2 Diabetic Blood. FASEB J. 2002 (#393.8)
Fernando FV, Cohen Z, Gonzales RF, Davis-Gorman GF, McDonagh PF. Platelet
Microparticle Formation is Increased in Type 2 Diabetic Blood. FASEB J. 2002 (# 181.4)
Cohen Z, Davis-Gorman GF, McDonagh PF. Caspase Activity is Increased in Platelets
from Type 2 Diabetic Rats. FASEB J. 2002 (#708.4)
Cohen Z, Gonzales RF, Fernando FV, Davis-Gorman GF, Copeland JG, McDonagh PF.
A-Tocopherol Attenuates Platelet Microparticle Formation During Reperfusion Following
Ischemia in the Type 2 Diabetic Heart. FASEB J. 2002 (#910.3)
Cohen Z, Wilson J, Ritter L, McDonagh P. Caspase Inhibition Decreases Both Platelet
Phosphatidylserine Exposure and Aggregation. FASEB 2003
Maes M, Cohen Z, Wilson J, Coull B, McDonagh P, Ritter L. Use of flow cytometry to
examine inflammatory markers in blood from db/db mice. FASEB 2003
Wilson J, Cohen Z, Coull B, McDonagh P, Ritter L. Fucoidan significantly inhibits platelet
aggregation. FASEB 2003
Fernando FV, Randon K, Cohen Z, Davis-Gorman G, McDonagh P. Acute
Hyperglycemia Increases Platelet Pseudopod Formation. FASEB 2003
Cohen Z, Starkey A, Siragam V, Lazarus AH. Broad Spectrum Caspase Inhibitor
Prevents Immune Thrombocytopenia: Implications for IVIg Use. Canadian Society of
Blood Transfusion, 2004
Starkey A, Cohen Z, Lazarus AH. Is There Synergy Between a Broad Spectrum
Caspase Inhibitor and IVIg? Canadian Society of Blood Transfusion, 2004
Cohen Z, Starkey A, Siragam V, Lazarus AH. Broad Spectrum Caspase Inhibitor
Prevents Immune Thrombocytopenia: Implications for IVIg Use. International Society of
Blood Transfusion, 2004
Cohen Z, Feldman L, Davis-Gorman G, Ritter L, McDonagh PF. Caspase Inhibition
Decreases Platelet Phosphatidylserine Exposure, Microparticle Formation, and
Aggregation, but Not Pseudopod Formation in Diabetes. FASEB 2004
Davis-Gorman, G, Gonzales R, Cohen Z, McDonagh PF. Vitamin E Reduces Myocardial
Infarct Siza in Type 2 Diabetes. FASEB, 2006
Cohen Z, Davis-Gorman G, McDonagh PF, Ritter L. Caspase Inhibition Decreases
Human Platelet Activation. FASEB, 2006