Advisory Board - Portland State University

Campus Rec Advisory Board Bylaws
The primary function of the Campus Recreation Advisory Board is to advise the
Department of Campus Rec on the long-term operation of the Student Recreation Center
and the programs housed under Campus Rec.
 A “student” is defined as an individual currently enrolled in classes at Portland
State University.
 A “term” starts July 1 and ends June 30 or any part thereof.
 A “quorum” shall be defined as 50% plus one of the total voting membership.
 A “consensus” shall be defined as a general agreement between the Board.
I. Charge to the Board
The Advisory Board is not a governing (decision-making) Board. The Advisory Board shall
review and advise:
 Annual budget for submission to and for consideration by the Student Fee
 Program development and expansion
 Program assessment
 Facility scheduling and operating hours
 Program and facility use eligibility
 Capital projects and improvements
 Major equipment purchases
In addition, the Board shall:
 Ensure department goals and objectives are aligned with the University’s strategic
plan, the Division of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs priorities, as
well as meeting the needs of the students of Portland State and other users of
Campus Rec resources.
 Provide review and assement of the standards from the Council for the
Advancement of Standards (CAS) Guidelines for Recreational Sports Programs as
A. A budget review will be undertaken by the full board. At the end of the review the
student Co-chairs shall write a summary of board review noting processes and items
of dicussion. The final report shall be submitted to the Student Fee Committee as
part of the overall student fee allocation process.
B. Expectations of Board Members
While fulfilling Campus Rec Advisory Board responsibilities, each member will:
 Conduct oneself in a professional and respectful manner.
 Adhere to and respect Campus Rec’s mission, values, policies, procedures,
and safety policies.
 Attend all monthly meetings unless 24 hours notices of absence is provided
 Encourage sportsmanship, equal opportunity and fair treatment. | 503.725.5127 | Campus Rec-CREC PO Box 751 Portland OR 97207
Have a basic foundation and understanding of the Council for the
Advancement of Standards (CAS) Guidelines for Recreational Sports
Actively participate in all Advisory Board meetings.
Each Member will also:
 Maintain a professional and respectful manner while involved in Campus Rec
 Encourage sportsmanship, equal opportunity and fair treatment.
 Uphold a positive image while engaging in PSU Campus Rec activities and
II. Campus Recreation Board Membership
The Advisory Board will consist of:
 Four students-at-large selected by Board Membership, one term, renewable once
 At least one student representative from Campus Rec student staff, one term,
renewable once
 All Student Board members shall meet the Portland State University
minimum academic qualifications for student office holders as defined by the
Associated Students of Portland State University.
 Three non-student Rec Center members, two terms, renewable once
B. The Advisory Board will consist of the following Non-voting members:
 Campus Rec Director (and/or designee)
 Associate Directors of Operations and Student Development
 Associate Director of Programs and Student Development
 Associate Director of Business Services,
 Notetaker (CREC Office Assistant)
C. Consultants
 The Advisory Board may choose to ask colleagues to be involved in Board
discussions. Consultants would provide expertise and information when requested
and appropriate.
 Ad hoc committees will be established as needs and interests are identified.
III. Committees
A. Standing committees:
 Elections and Onboarding
 Budget Review
 Customer Service
B. Ad hoc committees will be established as needs and interests are identified.
IV. Selection Process:
A. The nomination and selection process for Board members shall take place as needed
to fill positions in a timely manner. Usually, the process will begin in Winter Quarter.
B. All nominated individuals will be approved in a timely manner by current Board
C. A new Board Member Orientation shall take place no later than June 30 of each year | 503.725.5127 | Campus Rec-CREC PO Box 751 Portland OR 97207
D. The Co-Chairs of the Board will be students selected no later than July 1 from the
voting membership of the Advisory Board.
E. Application Process
 Any eligible undergraduate or graduate student may apply for the Campus
Rec Advisory Board.
 Any current non-student Rec Center member may apply for the Campus Rec
Advisory Board
 Candidates must complete and submit the formal application form located
on the PSU Campus Rec website.
 After a review of applications by Board Members, qualified candidates may
be invited to a meeting as non-voting guests. The purpose is to give
candidates the opportunity to experience a board meeting and in addition to
give current members the opportunity to interact with candidates.
 Following the meeting, all board members will deliberate, vote, and elect
candidates. All votes must have approval of majority of quorum
 A standing-committee will be in charge of the hiring process
To fill any open Advisory Board positions outside of the normal selection process, the CoChairs will solicit nominations or applications for open positions from students, faculty,
staff, the alumni association, and members of the Student Rec Center. The selected
individuals will be forwarded to the Board for approval before being appointed.
A. Qualifications
1. It is preferred that the student Co-Chairs should have served on the Board
for at least three meetings.
2. All student board members shall meet the Portland State University
minimum academic qualifications for student office holders as defined by the
Associated Students of Portland State University.
B. Terms
1. In order to assure appropriate training and knowledge, it is preferred that
newly elected members of the Board should begin serving at an April
meeting and receive voting privileges July 1. Voting privileges for members
will begin July 1 and go through the following June 30.
2. The Co-Chairs’ terms will begin July 1 and go through June 30.
V. Meetings
A. The Campus Rec staff is responsible for working with the Co-Chairs to support the
scheduling of meeting dates, coordinating meeting arrangements, notifying Board
members of meetings, taking minutes, and publicizing meetings.
The Co-Chairs develop the meeting agenda in consultation with Board members.
Minutes from the previous meetings will be provided to the members of the
Advisory Board at each of the meetings or through e-mail. Advisory Board
members will be asked for corrections and changes so that a historic record can be
kept with Campus Rec. | 503.725.5127 | Campus Rec-CREC PO Box 751 Portland OR 97207
1) Public Meeting
Meetings shall be open to the public and the Committee shall publicize and
hold at least one public meeting during its consideration of the budget
2) Frequency
The Advisory Board shall meet monthly during the academic year or at
additional times as deemed necessary by the Co-Chairs or asked by Director.
3) Summer Meeting
The Board will make every effort to meet over summer term to conduct
business. A schedule will be agreed upon no later than the conclusion of the
June meeting.
4) Meeting Notice
The Board shall be given a minimum of a 24 hours notice by the Co-Chairs
of the date, time, and meeting place of the next meeting.
5) Meeting Absence
a. A Board Member should give a 24 hour notice, to the Board Co-Chairs or
Director, in the event that they will miss a meeting. The schedule of meetings
should be posted on the Campus Rec web-site at least one week in advance
of each meeting.
VI. Voting
Voting shall use a modified Robert’s Rules of Order, and shall be used in case of:
 Request to increase the ASRC Fee
 Acceptance of new board members (approval of majority of quorum of
Advisory Board)
 Removal of board members (approval of majority of quorum)
 Amendments of bylaws (approval of 2/3 of total board membership)
VII. Removal
Board members failing to meet Expectations of Board Members will be brought up for
discussion by the Board for possible removal upon consensus.
VIII. Amendments
Any amendment to these by-laws need a consensus by the Board.
Updated April 13, 2015 | 503.725.5127 | Campus Rec-CREC PO Box 751 Portland OR 97207