Gianmaria Sannino Global Climate Project – Ocean Modeling Unit ENEA CR Casaccia Bldg F19, Room 104 Sp. 91 – Via Anguillarese, 301 00060 S. Maria di Galeria (Rome) Italy Email: Home Page: Telephone numbers: (+39) 06 3048 6799 (Work) (+39) 06 3048 4264 (Fax) (+39) 338 744 9208 (Personal) Professional Experience July – Aug 2004: Visiting scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)- Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS), Cambridge, Massachusetts - U.S.A. February – Apr 2004: Visiting scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS), Cambridge, Massachusetts U.S.A. March 2000 – January 2004: Research Scientist of Physical Oceanography, Global Climate Project – Ocean Modelling Unit, ENEA CR Casaccia, Rome, Italy. March 1998 – February 2000: Assistant Fellow of Physical Oceanography, Computational Fluid Dynamics Group, Inter-University Computing Consortium (CASPUR), University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy. January 1997 – February 1998: Assistant Fellow of Physical Oceanography, Ocean and Atmosphere Dynamic Group, ENEA CR Casaccia, Rome, Italy. September 1995 – December 1997: Navy Officer (Teaching Assistant), Institute of Meteorology and Oceanography, Italian Naval Academy, Livorno, Italy. June 1993 – August 1993: Nautical student, Research Cruise, Ship Rigelstar, Augusta, Italy. Education and Schools June 2001 - The Fluid Dynamics of Coastal Seas, Closed Basins and Lakes, Grand Combin Summer School, Course IX, St. Oyen, Italy. September 1999 - Geophysical and Environmental Fluid Dynamics, National Summer School, Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics (DAMPT), Cambridge University, UK. [Personal poster] March 1999 - Techniques of optimisation, programming languages and the environment of parallel calculation, Inter-University Computing Consortium (CASPUR) - University La Sapienza of Rome, Italy. June 1997 - Ocean forecasting , Mast Advanced Study Course, Centro Marino Internazionale (IMC) Oristano, Italy. May 1995 - Dg, Physical Oceanography, Institute of Meteorology and Oceanography, University Parthenope of Naples, Italy. Thesis title: Lagrangian Numerical Model in Oceanography: the problem of the boundary conditions. Oral Presentation and Seminars Apr 2004 – Numerical modeling of the semidiurnal tidal exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar. Oceanography and Climate Sack Lunch Seminars 2004, Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts - U.S.A. March 2004 – HPC parallelization of oceanographic models via high-level techniques. SCICOMP9 Cineca, Bologna, Italy. [Abstract]. July 2003 – Numerical Modeling of the tidal exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar. IUGG, Sapporo, Japan. [Abstract]. April 2003 – Numerical Modeling of the tidal exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar. EGS-AGUEUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France. [Abstract]. May 2002 - Variability of the exchange flow through the Strait of Gibraltar: hydraulics consideration. 2nd SINAPSI, National Conference, Portonovo, Italy [Abstract]. October 2001 - Physical processes at the Gibraltar Strait and hydrological characteristics of the Mediterranean outflow: toward a nesting between a Mediterranean GCM and a high resolution Gibraltar model. XXI General Assembly of the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO), Mar del Plata, Argentina. September 2001 - An hybrid OpenMp/MPI parallelization of the Princenton Ocean Model. Parallel Parallel Computing (ParCo), Naples, Italy. March 2001 - High resolution model of mean flows through the Strait of Gibraltar. XXVI European Geophysical Society General Assembly (EGS), Nice, France [Abstract]. June 2000 - Parallelization of a 3D ocean model (POM). Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale (SIMAI), Ischia, Italy. August 1999 - Parallelization of applications using HPF and OpenMP. The 3rd Annual HPF User Group Meeting, Redondo Beach, California, USA [Abstract]. July 1999 - A sensitivity study of the circulation of the Alboran Sea and the Gulf of Cadiz: the response to a realistic topography. IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, UK [Abstract]. January 1999 - High resolution numerical model of Gibraltar Strait and surrounding sub-basin (Alboran Sea and Gulf of Cadiz). MTP-II MATER Workshop, Paris, France. November 1998 - A strait inflow/outflow circulation process study: the case of the Strait of Gibraltar. International Conference on Coastal & Ocean Modelling, Valletta, Malta. October 1998 - The high resolution numerical model of the Gibraltar Strait & Gulf of Cadiz and Alboran Sea. 3rd MTP-II-MATER Workshop, Rhodos, Greece. Poster Presentation November 2002 – Variability of the hydrological characteristics of Gibraltar Strait and Mediterranean dynamics. WOCE (World Ocean Circulation Experiment), San Antonio, Texas, USA. April 2002 - Numerical study of the hydraulics of the mean flow through the Strait of Gibraltar. The 2nd Meeting on the Physical Oceanography of Sea Straits, Villefranche, France. [Web page] March 2001 - Nesting a Mediterranean OGCM with a high resolution Gibraltar model. XXVI European Geophysical Society General Assembly, Nice, France [Abstract]. March 2001 - Modelling water masses and transport variability through the Strait of Sicily: preliminary findings. XXVI European Geophysical Society General Assembly, Nice, France [Abstract]. September 1998 - Implementazione di un modello numerico ad elevata risoluzione dello stretto di Gibilterra. XIII Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Oceanologia e Limnologia, Portonovo, Italy. September 1998 - A numerical study of the Strait of Gibraltar. XXVI European Geophysical Society General Assembly, Nice, France. Papers, conference proceedings and reports Sannino G., A. Bargagli and V. Artale (2004). Numerical modeling of the semidiurnal tidal exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 109, C05011, doi:10.1029/2003JC002057. Napolitano E., G. Sannino, V. Artale and S. Marullo (2003). Modelling the baroclinic circulation in the area of the Sicily channel: the role of stratification and energy diagnostics, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 108, C7. Sannino G., A. Bargagli and V. Artale (2002). Numerical modeling of the mean exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 107, NO. C8, 3094, 10.1029/2001JC000929. [PDF] Sannino G., A. Bargagli and V. Artale (2002) Numerical study of the hydraulics of the mean flow through the Strait of Gibraltar, The 2nd Meeting on the Physical Oceanography of Sea Straits, Villefranche. [PDF] [PS] [RTF] Sannino G., V. Artale and P. Lanucara (2001). An hybrid OpenMp/MPI parallelezation of the Princeton Ocean Model, ParCo (Parallel Computing). [PDF] [PS] Artale V., A. Bargagli and G. Sannino (2000). Study of the fluxes at Gibraltar Strait and its parameterisation in the MPT Mediterranean OGCMs. Final report of the MTP-II-MATER project. Artale V., P. Lanucara, G. Sannino (2000): Parallelizzazione di un modello oceanografico tridimensionale (POM). Proceeding del SIMAI (Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata ed Industriale). Sannino G., R. Conversano, V. Artale (1998). Implementing a high resolution numerical model of the Strait of Gibraltar, ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics), 34. [HTML] V. Artale, R. Conversano, G. Sannino (1998). A Numerical Study of the Gibraltar Strait. Annales Geophysicae - Part II - Hydrology, Oceans & Atmosphere. Supplement II to Volume 16, p.C593. Rago V. and G. Sannino (1997). Two different ways to understand the internal hydraulic control in the Strait of Gibraltar, Scientific Report of the First European Conference on Progress in Oceanography of the Mediterranean Sea, Rome, November 17-19, 1997, Research in enclosed seas series-3, EUR 18312 EN, p.163. Personal Born January 6, 1970 in Naples, Italy Italian Citizen