Reference List for Laboratories on Kinematic

Reference List
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24. Gollhofer, A., and Kyroelaeinen, H., 1991. Neuromuscular control of the
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25. Hakkinen, K., Komi, P.V. and Tesch, P.A., 1981. Effect of combined concentric
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26. Hakkinen, K. and P.V. Komi, 1985a. Changes in electrical and mechanical
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27. Hakkinen, K. and P.V. Komi, 1985b. The effect of explosive type strength
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28. Hakkinen, K., Komi, P.V. and Alen, M., et al., 1987. EMG, muscle fibre and force
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29. Hakkinen, K., 1989. Neuromuscular and hormonal adaptations during
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34. Knuttgen, H.G. and Kraemer, W.J., 1987. Terminology and measurement in
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36. Komi, P.V., 1986. The stretch-shortening cycle and human power output. In:
Human Muscle Power; Jones, N.L., McCartney, N., and A.J. McComas, (eds).
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37. Komi, P.V. and Hakkinen, K., 1988. Strength and Power. In The Olympic book
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40. Moritani, T., Muro, M., Ishida, K., and Taguchi, S., 1987. Electro-physiological
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41. Murphy, A.J., Wilson, G.J., Pryor, J., and Newton, R.U., 1993. An investigation of
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42. Newton, R.U. and Wilson, G.J., 1993a. Reducing the risk of injury during
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43. Newton, R.U. and Wilson, G.J., 1993b. The kinetics and kinematics of powerful
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Society of Biomechanics XIVth Congress, Paris, 4-8 July. pp. 1510.
44. O'Shea, K.L. and O'Shea, J.P., 1989. Functional isometric weight training: Its
effects on dynamic and static strength. J. App. Sports Sci. Res.; 3(2): 30-33.
45. Sale, D.G., 1992. Neural adaptation to strength training. In: Strength and
Power in Sport. P.V. Komi (ed). Blackwell Scientific Pub., Boston, pp. 249-265.
46. Schmidtbleicher, D. and M. Buehrle, 1983. Neuronal adaptation and increase
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Champaign. pp. 615-620.
47. Schmidtbleicher, D., 1988. Muscular mechanics and neuromuscular control.
In: Swimming Sci., V Int. Series Sport Sci.; B.E. Ungerechts, K. Wilke, and K.
Reischle (eds). Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL, pp. 131-148.
48. Schmidtbleicher, D., Gollhofer, A. and U. Frick, 1988. Effects of a stretchshortening typed training on the performance capability and innervation
characteristics of leg extensor muscles. In: Biomechanics XI-A; Vol 7-A G. de
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49. Schmidtbleicher, D., 1992. Training for power events. In: Strength and Power
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50. Van Leemputte, M., Spaepen, A.J., Willems, E.J., Stunen, V.V., 1983. Influence of
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51. Williams, D.R., 1991. The effect of weight training on performance in selected
motor activities for prepubescent males. J. App. Sports Sci. Res.; 5(3): 170.
52. Wilson, G.J., Newton, R.U., Murphy, A.J., and Humphries, B.J., 1993. The
optimal training load for the development of dynamic athletic performance.
Med. Sci. Sports Exerc.; 25(11): 1279-1286.
53. Young, W.B., 1993. Training for speed/strength: Heavy versus light loads.
NSCA J.; 15(5): 34-42.
54. Young, W.B. and Bilby, G.E., 1993. The effect of voluntary effort to influence
speed of contraction on strength, muscular power and hypertrophy
development. J. Strength Con. Res.; 7(3): 172-178.