Learning braille - courses and resources for children and

RNIB supporting blind and partially sighted people
Learning braille - courses and resources
for children and young people
There are several ways in which children and young people can
learn to read braille. In this factsheet we explain about the different
types of braille, provide information on the courses available for
teaching children to read and write braille, and highlight useful
products and publications available to purchase from RNIB.
If you would like to order any items mentioned, or request a copy
of our Braille Products or Everyday Living catalogues, either visit
www.rnib.org.uk/shop or telephone our Helpline on 0303 123
9999. To make browsing and ordering easier, RNIB product codes
are listed in brackets.
Learning braille .......................................................................... 2
Uncontracted and Contracted braille .......................................... 2
Braille courses ........................................................................... 5
Pre-braille skills ...................................................................... 5
Introducing braille ................................................................... 6
Continuing with braille ............................................................ 8
Products for teaching and learning braille .................................. 9
Welsh braille .............................................................................. 9
Braille music ............................................................................ 10
Literacy assessment ................................................................ 10
Neale Analysis of Reading Ability ......................................... 10
Learning Media Assessment ................................................ 11
Rules and reference books ...................................................... 11
Using the braille code series ................................................ 11
Introduction to braille for sighted readers ................................. 12
Buying and borrowing books .................................................... 13
Ways of reading ................................................................... 13
Shared reading books .......................................................... 14
Magazines ............................................................................ 14
Oxford Reading Tree ............... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Braille - the world at my fingertips ........................................ 14
Registered charity number 226227
National Library Service ....................................................... 15
ClearVision Library ............................................................... 15
Braille products ........................................................................ 16
Braille machines ................................................................... 16
Electronic braille ................................................................... 17
Braille frames ....................................................................... 17
Braille paper ......................................................................... 18
Braille Labelling .................................................................... 18
Everyday Living and Leisure ................................................ 19
Why buy from RNIB? ............................................................... 19
Contact us ............................................................................ 20
Other useful contacts ............................................................... 20
Learning braille
Children who are learning to read and write braille will benefit from
developing pre-braille skills first and his factsheet lists courses
available for teaching braille to children. Most of the materials are
aimed at young children learning to read through braille, and offer
a phonetic introduction and systematic progression through the
complete contracted braille code, with supplementary material at
various stages. There is also a comprehensive course for older
children transferring to braille, who need to learn a new way of
reading rather than how to read.
It can help beginner touch readers to read materials in double line
spacing at first to track lines more easily. Sighted people generally
read braille by sight, so need reading materials with braille on just
one side of the paper.
Please call our Helpline on 0303 123 9999 if you need any further
help with getting started with braille.
Uncontracted and Contracted braille
Uncontracted braille (formerly known as Grade 1) is a letter-forletter translation from print. It includes the alphabet, numbers,
punctuation marks, representation of print symbols and
composition signs. Anyone who is familiar with uncontracted braille
can quite easily go on to learn the additional signs for contracted
braille at a later date if desired. Uncontracted braille is quicker to
learn but takes up more space. Many books and magazines are
available in uncontracted braille, as well as bank statements and
labels on medicines and lift buttons. Anyone who knows
uncontracted braille can label items and enjoy card and other
games with friends.
Contracted braille (formerly known as Grade 2) is a more complex
code, which includes a number of extra signs and some shorthand
in addition to the characters in uncontracted braille. Commonly
occurring groups of letters are represented by one or two signs e.g. ING, THE, ST and EN are single characters, while TION,
ENCE and OUND are represented by two characters.
Contracted braille also includes a kind of shorthand, where groups
of letters represent complete words - e.g. AFN is afternoon, QK is
quick and FR is friend. Contracted braille takes considerably longer
to learn, but there is a larger range of material available in this
format, and contracted braille takes up about 12% less space than
Unified English Braille (UEB)
Unified English Braile has been developed by the International
Council on English Braille (ICEB), to bring together several existing
braille codes. This means that rather than the current codes for
Maths, Sciences and literary material there is just one code. In
October 2011 UEB was adopted in the United Kingdom and in
2013 the updating of braille courses began. The UK are not alone
in adopting UEB and join other countries such as New Zealand,
Australia, South Africa, Nigeria, Canada and most recently the
USA. Many ambiguities which existed in Standard English Braille
(SEB), no longer exist., making it easier for braille learners.
With regards to the literary code there are very few differences.
The main changes affect the technical material; however the key
differences are listed below:
 The removal of sequencing (you cannot write 'and', 'for', 'of',
'the' 'with', 'a', un-spaced from one another).
 Nine contractions, are no longer used ('ble', 'com', 'dd', 'ally',
'ation', 'to', 'into', 'by') and the shortform 'o'clock'.
 The potential inclusion of type form indicators (e.g. font
changes, bold and underlining have been introduced).
 The revision of some punctuation signs (e.g. there are now
different symbols for open brackets, close brackets, the
ellipsis and dash).
 There are braille signs for more print symbols e.g. up and
down arrows, tilde, backslash, underscore; and shapes e.g.
square and circle.
The changes made to UEB; to reduce ambiguities and to
incorporate literary and technical braille into a single code, do
mean that UEB takes up slightly more space than the braille we
are using now. This increase is minimal for literary materials
(around 2% or 5.5% if you include the effect of capitals), and more
for technical materials. More specifically:
 The reason sequencing has been removed is because the
rules of UEB symbol construction require that where there is
blank space between words in print, there should be a blank
space in braille
 The nine contractions ('ble', 'com', 'dd', 'ally', 'ation', 'o'clock',
'to', 'into' and 'by') have mostly been dropped because each
sign should have one unambiguous meaning e.g., 'ble' is
already used as the numeric indicator (formerly the number
sign), 'com' is used as the hyphen and 'ation' is capital n etc.
 Type form indicators (e.g. font changes and bold) can now
be represented in braille, to take account of the fact that
braille users may find themselves working in a print
environment where it is important to know the format of the
printed text. Braille producers should however take care to
include these indicators only where they are relevant.
 Some punctuation signs now take up two cells whereas
previously they only took one. This is to remove ambiguity
e.g., in the case of brackets there is now a different symbol
for open and close square brackets.
Our children’s contracted braille courses are being rewritten to
cover UEB and some may be unavailable for a period of time.
Please see under each course heading to find out which courses
have been updated.
If you would like to be kept informed, please email
education@rnib.org.uk to be added to our mailing list.
Braille courses
Pre-braille skills
Feeling Ready to Read (TC21009) is an exciting pack of tactile
graphic materials to develop pre-braille skills. It is based on the
well-loved story of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" and has
over 100 fun swell paper exercises to practice skills including
accurate tracking of lines, tactile discrimination, two-handed
coordination and developing a light finger touch - all vital prerequisites for a future braille reader. Also included is a very simple
version of the story with tactile illustrations for the children to "read"
for themselves.
A comprehensive guide for parents and teachers is included in the
pack in print. This guide is also available for parents and teachers
whose preferred format is braille (TC21010). It is not necessary to
order the braille version of the guide if the parent or teacher is a
print reader.
Introducing braille
Hands On – Unified English Braille edition
Hands On is designed for a young child who is beginning to learn
to read through contracted braille, and who has acquired prebraille skills. It is the first of our courses to be fully updated to cover
Unified English Braille (UEB). This resource introduces the
alphabet and alphabetic word signs, strong contractions, a few
short forms, numbers 1 to 10, basic punctuation and capitals
Divided into five levels, Hands On includes practice books, a
booklet of fun activities and several real stories at each level. The
whole scheme includes simple tactile pictures and puzzles to
enliven the reading material. It is linked as closely as possible with
the Letters and Sounds framework, whilst not compromising the
need to keep tactually confusing braille signs apart.
 32 practice books which each introduce a letter, contraction,
punctuation marks or numbers, and provide discrimination
and word building exercises using them;
 26 story books that can be read in any order once the
practice books at that level have been completed;
 5 fun books providing a range of activities and games, many
including tactile graphics, which consolidate and extend
everything learned so far and encourage tactual exploration
and familiarity with simple graphic representations.
Hands On Unified English Braille edition – TC21403
Reading Together
Reading together is currently unavailable and is being updated to
cover UEB.
Designed for young children, Reading Together encourages
emergent reading and writing. Five or six letters with associated
braille contractions must be taught before the "real" stories at each
of the five levels can be read by the child. Print text appears above
the capitalised braille in these humorous stories about Kali, Kai,
and their friends and family.
Levels one to three have a full text on the left-hand page, with a
simplified version of the same on the right. Having been read the
full story, the young learner should be able to read the simplified
text and can also scan through the full text to look for familiar signs
and words (indicated in bold print). Levels four and five are
completely readable by the young learner.
 Reading Together levels one and two correspond exactly
with levels one and two of Hands On.
 level three can be used after the letter Y is taught in level
four of Hands On
 level four can be used after the letter W is taught in level five
of Hands On
 level five can be used after level five of Hands On is
completed. Reading Together introduces some additional dot
5 contractions and extra shortforms. It is in capitalised braille
Braille in Easy Steps
Braille in Easy Steps is currently unavailable and is being updated
to cover UEB.
Braille in Easy Steps is designed for latecomers (pupils between
the ages of about 10 to 14) who are literate in print but are
transferring to braille. No previous knowledge of braille is
assumed, and the emphasis is on reading.
The complete contracted braille code is introduced in small steps,
with practice reading material in the form of quizzes, activities and
stories. Some of the longer stories are accompanied by tactile
maps and plans to add interest, and develop search and scan
techniques. The capital letter sign is used throughout.
Continuing with braille
Take Off
Take Off is currently unavailable and is being updated to cover
A second stage scheme for young learners to develop phonic
skills, knowledge of braille contractions and word signs, as well as
encouraging enjoyment of reading and writing. The course takes
the learner who has completed 'Hands On' or 'Braille for Infants'
(no longer available) to the end of the contracted braille code and
has been produced in consultation with the VIEW Children's Braille
Each series is identified by a raised domino and tactile illustration
on its coloured cover. A print version of the capitalised braille text
appears on facing pages throughout to encourage shared reading
at home and school. Each booklet contains a practice page and
story; booklets in series 1 to 10 also include a “fun page” of
activities to encourage braille writing.
Abi books
Abi books are currently unavailable and are being updated to
cover UEB.
These humorous stories featuring the adventures of a sparky
young blind girl with tactile pictures on the covers to appeal to
young readers who have completed 'Hands On' or 'Braille for
Infants' (no longer available). They introduce additional braille
signs and a print version of the text appears on facing pages to
encourage shared reading between sighted and touch readers.
Capitalised braille is used throughout.
Get Going (published 1999)
Get Going contains many stories incorporating Scottish culture. It
is designed for the learner who has completed 'Hands On' or
'Braille for Infants' and who needs to progress at a slower pace
while learning additional braille signs. The print version of the
stories is shown on facing pages to help with shared reading, and
capital letters are indicated in the braille. Get Going (PR120236)
comprises of 30 books and teachers notes, and can be used with
the following reading courses: Take Off series 1 to 3; Read On
series 1 to 3 (no longer available) and Abi books 1 to 23.
Products for teaching and learning braille
BraillePhun letter and maths bricks are interlocking bricks which
are similar to chunky jigsaw pieces. Each one displays one
character in both print and enlarged or standard size braille, and
are ideal for braille learners. They are available in a range of
different sized packs.
Sense and sensitivity, written by Nigel Berry is a practitioner's
guide, and focuses on how to teach braille reading and writing to
adults and young people who are losing or have lost their sight.
It provides a structure for introducing braille to new touch readers,
guidance on establishing good reading and writing techniques and
selecting appropriate resources. The book includes unique insights
into the development of shape and pattern perception through
Nigel Berry, a true champion of braille, sets out the benefits of
using braille at home, for study and in the workplace as part of a
comprehensive communication package that enables blind people
to regain maximum independence.
Sense and sensitivity is available in print (TC21267P), contracted
braille (TC21267B) and on CD-rom (TC21267CDR).
Welsh braille
Blind and partially sighted children can learn to read and write
Welsh braille, using the Welsh Braille Code. The programme
"Dechrau Darllen Braille Cymraeg" (Starting to Read Welsh braille)
consists of 40 graded books. There is also a library of Welsh
books in braille and a catalogue is available on request. For more
information, please contact RNIB Cymru on telephone 029 2045
0440 or email accessibleinfocymru@rnib.org.uk
Braille music
RNIB's Music Advisory Service (MAS) supports people with sight
problems in any aspect of music, providing information and advice
on music education at all levels, from beginners to advanced
studies. Contact the Music Advisory Service on 020 7391 2273 or
email mas@rnib.org.uk
The following publications support learning braille music notation:
 A guide to braille music notation, written by Edward Watson.
Large print (TC20278) and contracted braille (TC20279).
 Focus on braille music, written by Lisette Wesseling
Available to loan in print and contracted braille from RNIB
National Library Service (contact the Music Librarian on 0161
355 2064). Purchase from Techno-Vision Systems Ltd on
01604 792777.
 Braille music for beginners (piano), written by Joan Partridge
Large print (TC20011) and contracted braille (TC20185).
It is also available to borrow from RNIB National Library
Literacy assessment
Neale Analysis of Reading Ability
The Neale Analysis of Reading Ability (NARA) measures accuracy,
rate of reading and comprehension in children aged 5 to 18
reading contracted braille.
The test (in capitalised and uncapitalised braille) can help to plan
teaching programmes, ensure that reading materials match
children's ability, diagnose needs so that appropriate action can be
taken, check specific skills have been acquired and probe
children's interest in reading.
Neale analysis of reading ability – 2012 edition – TC21390
Learning Media Assessment
A guide to help assess, evaluate and put in place appropriate
teaching methods and literacy formats to support children in their
literacy development, written by Cay Holbrook. It is available in
print or braille from Texas School for the Blind and Visually
Impaired (TSBVI).
Rules and reference books
The Spelling dictionary for beginner writers (TC21298) is for new
writers (Key Stage 1 and early Stage 2). In addition to a word list
containing most of the words young writers are likely to use, there
is a mini thesaurus giving synonyms for common words such as
"then", "said" and "went". Also includes theme word lists, covering
colours, school, home, geography, sports, astronomy/space,
holidays and weather.
Each word is shown in uncontracted braille (and contracted
equivalent if applicable), and in 18 point print. For words which
sound the same but have different meanings - such as where and
wear, sore and saw - a brief explanation or example is given in
Using the braille code series
Guides for use by educational professionals to teach pupils using
braille as their main medium for communication. Written by the
RNIB/VIEW Curriculum Groups, they are based on the braille code
used in the UK for transcribing print into braille. They can all
downloaded free of charge or purchased from our shop.
Using the braille maths code in contracted braille (20708203)
includes advice about transcription issues and covers the code
required up to GCSE level. It covers how to lay out calculations,
label geometric diagrams, write algebraic equations, record
statistical data, and express measurements, currency and time in
Using the braille science code in print (TC21085P) contains
examples of most of the common units and chemical symbols
found in the Key Stage 3, 4, AS and A2 curricula. The examples
are not meant to be exhaustive but should act as a guide to solving
the common problems which occur when transcribing science
notation into braille. Also includes a section on transcribing the
notation found in Genetics.
Using the braille French code (TC20909), German code
(TC20910) or Spanish code (TC20911) are available in print.
Introduction to braille for sighted readers
Braille alphabet card
The Braille alphabet card (PR10223) shows the embossed braille
alphabet, punctuation marks and numbers, together with the print
It is also available in Welsh (TC20802) - please call our Helpline on
0303 123 9999 to place your order.
Everyday braille
Everyday braille offers an introduction to braille for sighted friends
and family. It explains the braille code and how useful even a little
braille can be in making a difference to the life of a blind or partially
sighted person. The leaflet also covers braille production methods,
daily uses and includes some reading exercises. It is available in
print (TC20401) and contracted braille (TC20393).
Crack the code
Crack the code is full of activities, puzzles and jokes and is
designed to introduce the uncontracted braille (grade 1) alphabet,
simple punctuation and numbers. It should not take more than a
couple of hours to complete. You can download if for free from
ClearVision Library.
Have a Look at This!
Learn to sight read contracted braille with this new book compiled
and designed by Jill Pemberton. The A4 book uses enlarged print
and a braille font to guide the sighted reader through the braille
code in 21 “bite-sized” sections. Each section includes a puzzle
inviting the reader to complete gapped sentences, create words in
braille format, decipher dreadful jokes or solve simple logic
problems. The book offers the beginner an insight into a
fascinating subject; at the same time it could help sighted tutors,
support workers, parents, friends and colleagues of visually
impaired braille users. For further information or to order a copy
contact havealookatthis@btinternet.com
The braille trail - written by A Swenson and FM D'Andrea
Based on the popular braille Bug, who happily inhabits American
Federation for the Blind's website, these books offers students,
parents, and teachers, a delightful and fascinating introduction to
braille. Designed to teach sighted children about braille and
encourage literacy among all children by using games, graphics
and activities, along with a wealth of information on braille,
assistive technology and the biographies of Helen Keller and Louis
Braille. The braille trail activity book (ISBN 978 0 89128 863 3) and
braille parent/teachers guide (ISBN 978 0 89128 862 6) are
available from American Foundation for the Blind.
Buying and borrowing books
Ways of reading
Find reading materials in accessible formats for children of all ages
who are blind or partially sighted - for pleasure, information or
school work with this free leaflet. Designed in collaboration with
RNIB, Calibre Audio Library, ClearVision Library and National Blind
Children's Society, it is available free of charge in print (TC20923),
contracted braille (TC20924) and on audio CD (TC20925). It can
also be downloaded for free here.
Shared reading books
Shared reading books are standard print books that have been
adapted to include braille on clear interleaved sheets or on clear
labels which have been stuck to the pages of the book. This allows
the pictures and print story to be read underneath, enabling shared
reading between sighted and blind readers, such as parent and
child, teacher and child, friends. They are available while stocks
last from our online shop.
RNIB publish a range of braille magazines for children and young
 Blast Off! is for children aged 7 to 11, and contains factual
articles, stories, recipes, jokes and puzzles; available in
uncontracted or contracted braille
 Missy and Vibe are aimed at young teenage girls and boys.
The magazines contain pop gossip, problem pages,
interviews, sports news and real life stories; available in
contracted braille.
 Braille at Bedtime contains short stories for 7 to 11 year olds,
and is ideal for children to read to themselves or for adults to
read aloud to them; it is available bi-monthly in uncontracted
or contracted braille
For a full list of magazines available visit our online shop, call our
Helpline on 0303 123 9999, email helpline@rnib.org.uk or read our
online factsheet.
Braille - the world at my fingertips
An inspiring collection of 25 winning essays from blind adults and
children around the world sharing what braille means to them and
how it's changed their lives. Available in uncontracted braille
(PR12230B1), contracted braille (PR12230B2) and multimedia CDROM (PR12230) which includes English, Spanish and French
versions in formatted embosser-ready braille, DAISY audio, PDF
and text files.
National Library Service
RNIB National Library Service has over 4,000 titles in braille, giant
print (24 point) and unabridged audio on CD, for children and
young people. From contemporary novels to older favourites we
have books by authors such as Stephenie Meyer, Roald Dahl,
Jacqueline Wilson, and Michael Morpurgo to name just a few! We
also stock non-fiction, and although we don't loan text books, many
of our titles do indirectly support the Curriculum. Books can be sent
to home or school.
You can browse the Book site catalogue to search for titles that are
available to purchase, or browse through the Library catalogue for
titles that are available to borrow.
To join the Library or for information on buying braille books,
please visit our website, call our Helpline on 0303 123 9999 or
email: helpline@rnib.org.uk
Children's librarians are available to assist young people, parents
and teachers with enquiries about books and reading.
For more information, telephone the Children's Librarians on 0161
355 2061, or email childrenslibrarian@rnib.org.uk
ClearVision Library
ClearVision Library offers over 14,000 print picture books adapted
to include braille or Moon on clear plastic sheets, so that pictures
and text are not obscured. The books chosen are from popular
fiction and non-fiction, and are mainly for pre-school and primaryaged children. They are designed for blind and partially sighted
children, who are learning to read through braille or Moon, to share
print books with their sighted families, classmates, teachers and
friends. They are also useful for blind adults wanting to read with
sighted children. For further information please contact the
ClearVision Library on telephone 020 8789 9575 or by email
Braille products
Braille can be written using a Perkins brailler or with a hand frame
and stylus to write dot by dot.
Braille machines
The Perkins brailler is a manual writing machine, similar to a
typewriter, which produces braille on one side of the paper only. It
has six keys, one per dot, and the combination making up any sign
are all pressed together. The braille can be checked as it is written.
There are four Perkins brailler models available to choose from:
 The Standard Perkins brailler produces up to 42 braille
characters per line and weighs about 4.74kg. (BM6BLUE).
 The Next Generation Perkins brailler is a colourful addition to
the range, and it is lighter (3.38kg), smaller and quieter than
the Standard Perkins, producing up to 28 characters per line
on A4 sized paper, with light touch keys and a built-in braille
cell eraser. Available in midnight blue (BM41BLUE) and
raspberry pink (BM41RASPBERRY).
 The Light Touch Perkins brailler is perfect for people with
reduced hand strength. It is specifically constructed and
tuned to reduce the force required to operate the braille keys
by up to 40 per cent. It produces up to 42 cells to the line.
 The Jumbo cell Perkins (BM07) produces braille with larger
dots and cells and also wider line spacing. It is useful for
people who find standard braille difficult to read.
 The Unimanual Perkins (BM08) is similar to the Standard
Perkins brailler but has been adapted for one-handed use.
When keys are pressed on the left-hand side of the keyboard
they remain depressed, until the spacebar or the keys on the
right-hand side are pressed.
The standard keys on a Perkins brailler may not be suitable for
everyone and they can be replaced with curved (BM10) or straight
(BM11) extension keys to suit people with limited dexterity or hand
Electronic braille
Software can be installed onto a computer which then enables you
to convert text from, for example, word documents, into electronic
braille. One example of this software is Duxbury Braille Translation
(HT106) which can convert text into both uncontracted and
contracted braille. The braille can then be printed out using an
There are many electronic braille displays on the market which link
to a computer and provide the on-screen information in braille,
instantly. They are made up of a number of braille cells which
refresh with a new line of braille as you read down the page. Each
cell has a cursor key so you can move directly to this letter so you
can edit or correct it. One example is the Seika Braille Display
(HT225) which has 40 braille cells and connects to a computer
using USB. The Seika is one of the lowest cost braille displays and
perfect for light use.
Braille notetakers take things a step further and integrate a braille,
display, braille keyboard and many features usually found on a
computer into a standalone device. The latest braille notetakers
offer both braille and speech feedback usually with a choice of
voices. The BrailleSense OnHand 18 (HT254) is a portable braille
notetaker with integrated word processor, email, web browser,
media player, diary, WiFi and more which makes it a viable
alternative to a computer.
Braille frames
Traditional braille frames involved using a pointed stylus to prick
out (emboss) the dots, so that the writer had to work from right to
left, reversing the characters. This method is not recommended for
braille learners now!
The Braille King pocket frame (BF21) is an upward writing frame
and uses a hollow-ended stylus to produce the dots, so you can
write the braille from left to right. If you are sighted and unfamiliar
with braille, you can easily write a greetings card or quick note to a
blind friend. The Braille King roller frame (BF22) (also upward
writing) is unique in that the paper can be fed through it line by line
using the roller. Paper or labelling material up to A4 size can be
used with the roller frame, and there are slots for producing labels
on braille labelling tape.
For our full range of braille frames, including both upward writing
and traditional, please visit our online shop.
Braille paper
Braille paper is available in a choice of sizes, weights and
materials and is hole-punched for easy storage in a ring binder. It
is suitable for use with our range of braillers and braille frames.
Lightweight paper is suitable for most personal work. Heavyweight
paper is suitable for creating braille documents that need to last a
long time. Brailon® is a plastic paper used primarily to reproduce
tactile graphics and useful for people who struggle to feel braille
dots on standard paper.
Braille Labelling
The easy to use, hand-held Braille labeller (DL65) can produce
self-adhesive braille labels on labelling tape, without needing any
knowledge of braille. It produces uncontracted braille, although
some contractions are available.
Braille labelling tape is used for producing self-adhesive braille
labels and can be used with the Braille labeller, a braille frame or a
Perkins brailler when an adaptor (BM42 and BM43) is fitted.
Clear self-adhesive labels (DL66, DL67) are ideal for labelling
items around the home and office in braille, and are especially
suitable for consumables such as food in the freezer and toiletries.
Thick plastic self-adhesive sheets (DL11) are ideal for producing
braille labels for items with a long life, such as DVD and CD
collections or items where a sturdy label is required
Everyday Living and Leisure
In addition to all of the products for creating braille, we also sell a
wide range of Braille products to help you to organise and enjoy
your daily life. These include a range of braille address books,
diaries and calendars, braille playing cards, and tactile games.
For a full list of braille products, visit our online shop or order our
Braille products catalogue or to find out more about our full range,
order our Everyday living catalogue.
Why buy from RNIB?
Our instructions are written to make it easier to use the product
and understand key features. Products are fully explained
including orientation around operating buttons, battery
compartment, functions and menus, as appropriate.
We understand the importance and pride ourselves on providing
instructions in accessible formats. You will receive large print as
standard, and can order braille or audio CD with your product to
get the most out of your purchase.
All of our products have a 12 month guarantee unless stated
otherwise which starts from the date of purchase.
Where can I have a demonstration of these products?
There is a network of resource centres around the UK
demonstrating RNIB products. Contact your nearest RNIB and
Action for Blind People Resource Centre or local society for more
Contact us
Call RNIB’s Helpline on 0303 123 9999
Email: shop@rnib.org.uk
Browse our full range of online at www.rnib.org.uk/shop
Other useful contacts
RNIB Research Library is Europe's largest, most comprehensive
and diverse collection of print and electronic materials covering all
aspects of partial sight and blindness.
Telephone: 020 7391 2052
Email: researchlibrary@rnib.org.uk
Website: www.rnib.org.uk/researchlibrary
American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) provides information
on publications regarding braille teaching methods and braille
Email: afbinfo@afb.net
Website: www.afb.org
Braille bug website: www.afb.org/braillebug
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) for
information on Learning Media Assessment by Cay Holbrook.
Website: www.tsbvi.edu/
Techno-Vision Systems Ltd
Contact Techno-Vision for information on Focus on braille music
by Lisette Wesseling.
Email: info@techno-vision.co.uk
Website: www.techno-vision.co.uk
Revised September 2013