European Association for Neuro

Curriculum Vitae
Michael Brada
Consultant Clinical Oncologist
LOC, 95 Harley Street, London W1G 6AF
Sarah Cannon Research, 93 Harley Street, London W1G 6AD
Professor of Clinical Oncology (Emeritus)
The Institute of Cancer Research
Hon. Consultant in Clinical Oncology
University College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust London
Also formerly:
Hon. Consultant in Clinical Oncology The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, London
Honorary Consultant to the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, St.George's
Hospital NHS Trust, London, St Helier & Epsom Hospitals NHS Trust
Deputy Dean (Clinical), The Institute of Cancer Research
and Honorary Senior Lecturer, St.George's Hospital Medical School, London
BSc (Biochem)
Accreditation (CCST)
in Clinical Oncology
University of Bristol
University of Bristol
Royal College of Physicians
Royal College of Radiologists
General Medical Council
Royal College of Physicians
University of Bristol
Clinical activities and experience
Providing whole range of non-surgical treatments (chemotherapy, radiotherapy,
radiosurgery/stereotactic radiotherapy, experimental therapy) and care to adults with lung cancer and
tumours of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord)
Past Head of Neuro-oncology Unit at The Royal Marsden NHS Trust
Previous experience in paediatric radiotherapy and in the treatment of lymphoma and testicular
Legal experience
Providing expert medico-legal reports for both claimants and defendants since mid 1990’s with
particular expertise in tumours of the brain and spinal cord, thoracic and lung tumours and issues of
adverse effects of radiation.
Over 240 published peer reviewed articles, editorials and book chapters.
Over 500 Abstracts and Invited Lectures at National and International Conferences and Meetings.
Membership and Chairmanship of National and International Committees Date
Member of Education Board, Royal College of Radiologists
1996 - 2000
Member of Examination Board, Royal College of Radiologists
1995 - 2001
Member of the Brain Tumour Group of
UK Children's Cancer Study Group (UKCCSG)
Chairman of the MRC Brain Tumour Working Party
Member of the MRC Cancer Therapy Committee
UKCCCR Brain Tumour Group (Chairman)
NCRI Brain Tumour Study Group (Chairman)
President of European Association of Neuro-oncology (EANO)
Cancer BACUP - Medical Advisory Board Member
Trustee of National Cancer Alliance
Member of the Secretary of State's Honorary Advisory Panel
on Driving and Disorders of the Nervous System
Member of the Protocol Review Committee of European Organization
for Research in Therapy of Cancer (EORTC)
NHS Information Authority, Member of Data Set Steering Group
President of European Society of Therapeutic Radiology
and Oncology (ESTRO)
Secretary General of Federation of European Cancer Societies (FECS)
Membership of National and International Societies
Royal College of Physicians
Royal College of Radiologists
European Society for Therapeutic Radiology & Oncology (ESTRO)
Royal Society of Medicine
CRC Lymphoma Group
British Neuro-oncology Group
British Association of Cancer Research
UK Children's Cancer Study Group (UKCCS)
European Association for Neuro-oncology (EANO)
European Society fo Medical Oncology (ESMO)
International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC)
Elected Fellow of European Academy of Cancer Sciences
1993 - 2000
1994 - 1998
1994 - 1996
1998 - 2000
2000 - 2008
1998 - 2000
1998 - 2003
1990 - 1997
1998 - 2009
1998 - 2000
2000 - 2003
2003 - 2005
1978 1982 1984 1987 – 2006, 20111987 - 1994
1987 - 2003
1992 - 2004
1992 - 2001
1994 2006 2005 2009
Teaching and Research Supervision
Teacher and organiser of many national and international courses, symposia and meetings.
Supervisor of MD students.
Current teaching: ESTRO Course Director: Bringing new radiotherapy technology into the clinic;
An evidence based approach
ESTRO Course Director: Multidisciplinary management of brain tumours
Recent previous teaching: ICR/University of London – module leader on MSc course to 2011
Diploma in Clinical Oncology, University of London
Part I FRCR, Royal College of Radiologists
MSc in Oncology, University of London
1993 - 1998
1995 - 2001
2007 - 2011
International Conference Organisation
Member of Scientific Committee
ESTRO Vienna1996, EANO Paris 1998, ESTRO Edinburgh 1998, ECCO Vienna 1999,
ESTRO Istanbul 2000, EANO Copenhagen 2000, ECCO Lisbon 2001, ESTRO Prague 2002, ECCO
Copenhagen 2003, ESTRO Amsterdam 2004, ECCO Paris 2005, ESTRO Leipzig 2006, ECCO
Barcelona 2007, ESMO 2011
Chairman of Scientific Committee
ESTRO Edinburgh 1998
Editorial Commitments
Acta Oncologica (Advisory Board 2002-2005); Radiotherapy and Oncology (Editorial Board); Journal
of Neuro-oncology (Editorial Board 2003-2006); Neuro-oncology (Editorial Board until Dec 2006 and
from 2011 to present); Radiotherapy Oncology Investigation; Clinical and Basic Research (Ed. Board
until 2001); Critical Reviews in Neurosurgery (Associate Editor – until 1999); Oncology/Haematology
Literature Service (Associate Editor-until 1997); Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics
(Editorial Board) – 2005.
Other national and international activities
Member of the Secretary of State's Honorary Advisory Panel
on Driving and Disorders of the Nervous System (1998 – 2009)
DKH - Member of international panel of Deutsche Krebshilfe accrediting Centres of
Excellence (2007-present)
EU - Expert Assessor on 6th and 7th Framework Programme of European
IAEA - Assessor of radiotherapy in Georgia for International Atomic Energy Agency
IAEA – QUATRO (Comprehensive Audits of Radiotherapy Practices) auditor
(2010 – present)
International recognition
Gold Medal of Purkyne Medical Society; Visiting Professor McGill University, Montreal; Honorary
Member of Czech Medical Society; Berven Memorial Lecturer of Swedish Cancer Society; Alan
Dembo Visiting Professor, Toronto Canada; Honorary Member of Georgian Radiotherapy Society;
Honorary Member CARO (Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology); Honorary Member SASRO
(Swiss Radiation Oncology Society); Knight Fellow of Queensland Cancer Fund, Honorary Member of
Belgian Radiation Oncology Society. Elected as one of the foundation Fellows of the European
Academy of Cancer Sciences.
Michael Brada
Professor of Clinical Oncology
LOC, 95 Harley Street, London W1G 6AF
home address:
91 Kenilworth Avenue, London SW19 7LP
07740 929554
020 7317 2645
020 7009 4245