Josip Rubini} Nevenka O`ani} Gordana Bu{eli} Janja Milkovi} WATER TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS IN THE KUPA RIVER CATCHMENT AREA SUMMARY Present paper analyses water temperature characteristics in the catchment area of Kupa river in Croatia. Kupa is one of the most important water flows in the Danube river catchment area with its spring in Croatia. Analyzed area is very heterogenic by its climate and hydrological characteristics. Upstream part of the catchment area is located in mountain area rich in precipitation and it is partly supplied by underground water from karst springs. Downstream part has characteristics of typical lowland-areas. Besides general characteristics of water temperature of Kupa and its affluents (characteristic values, distribution during the year, frequencies, trends) the comparison of dynamic of average yearly values with respective dynamics of temperatures of the air and average discharges was performed. Keywords: Kupa river, water temperature, air temperature, discharges 1. INTRODUCTION Besides the fact that water temperature directly influences general water conditions, especially biological conditions in surface water flows, it is up to now one of least measured and analyzed hydrological parameters. The water temperature conditions are rarely analyzed even when series of measured data are available. Therefore this paper analyses water temperatures of Kupa and its affluents from Croatian area. Three hydrological stations (Kupari, Hrvatsko and Kamanje) on Kupa river were analyzed. Parameters that were recorded on this three stations are water level, runoff and water temperature. Fourth analyzed station on Kupa is station Karlovac where the water is slowed down and only water temperature and water level were measured. Data from stations located on affluents ^abranka (station Zamost), Gornja Dobra (station Luke), Donja Dobra (station Stative Donje) and Donja Mre`nica (station Mrzlo polje) are also analyzed. Figure 1 represents the locations of analyzed stations and in Table 1 are theirs general characteristics. Table1. General data about hydrological stations located in the Kupa river catchment area STATION STREAM KUPARI KUPA HRVATSKO KUPA KAMANJE KUPA KARLOVAC KUPA ZAMOST ^ABRANKA LUKE GORNJA DOBRA STATIVE DONJE DONJA DOBRA MRZLO POLJE MRE@NICA Catchment area surface (sq. km) 208 370 2192 3461 103 175 1049 975 Altitude above sea Average yearly Average yearly Beginning of level (ma.s.l.) catchment runoff (m3s-1) hydrological precipitations measurements (mm) 304 285 124 103 298 354 116 114 2895 2512 1725 1674* 1892 1609 1678 1464 13.7 21.4 78.3 117.0* 3.88 7.42 37.3 29.4 1951. 1949. 1957. 1956. 1950. 1947. 1946. 1947. Beginning of water temperature measurements 1956. 1965. 1958. 1956. 1965. 1965. 1958. 1948. * the data were measured on upstream located station Brodarci where water is not slowed down It can be seen that on analyzed part of river Kupa catchment area is located relatively sufficient number of hydrological stations with recorded data series for 40 or even 50 years, with measured values of water temperatures also. But there exists a problem regarding preciseness of water temperature measurement, that was, especially for the initial years, unsatisfactory limited to 0.5 to 1 o C. That is the reason why station Hrvatsko was excluded from the major part of analyses performed and why series of data for other included stations were shortened. Analysis included period from 1967 till 1991. Water temperature measurement during that period were most regularly performed. The total Kupa river catchment area near Sisak city is 9202 km2. Because the fact that on the rest of catchment area water temperature measurements were not performed this paper analyzes approximatelly one half of this total surface - the part that is located upstream from the town of Karlovac included also Kupa’s affluent Mre`nica that pours into Kupa immediatelly after Kupa leaves Karlovac (Fig. 1). For the comparison of water and air temperatures analysis included the data of average monthly and yearly air temperatures recorded on meteorological stations Parg (for the upstream part of analyzed catchment area), Ogulin (for the midstream part of analyzed catchment area) and Karlovac (for the downstream part of analyzed catchment area). For the analyzed period from 1987 till 1991 average yearly air temperature for the coldest Parg station varied from 6.1 to 7.7 oC (average 7.0 oC), for Ogulin station varied from 8.7 to 10.6 oC (average 9.7 oC) and for Karlovac station varied from 9.8 to 11.7 oC (average 10.8 oC). For all analyzed stations the coldest month was January (average temperature for Parg -1.6 oC, Ogulin 0.0 oC and Karlovac -0.1 oC) and the warmest was July (average temperature for Parg 16.4 oC, Ogulin 19.3 oC and Karlovac 21.3 oC). During analyzed period according to the average monthly runoff values the driest month for all analyzed stations was July and the wetest was April. Average monthly discharge values varied for Kupari-Kupa station from 4.85 to 21.76 m3s-1, for Kamanje-Kupa station from 27.57 to 107.13 m3s1 , for Zamost-^abranka station from 1.42 to 5.82 m3s-1, for Luke-Gornja Dobra station from 2.96 to 12.60 m3s-1, for Stative-Donja Dobra station 13.74 to 56.42 m3s-1 and for Mrzlo Polje-Mre`nica station from 11.04 to 41.26 m3s-1. 2. ANALYSIS OF WATER TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE KUPA RIVER CATCHMENT AREA For the analyzed 25 years period from 1967 till 1991 basic water temperature characteristic values for all stations included were determined and presented in Table 2. Table 2. Basic water temperature characteristics of the Kupa river catchment area STATION STREAM KUPARI KUPA HRVATSKO KUPA KAMANJE KUPA KARLOVAC KUPA ZAMOST ^ABRANKA LUKE GORNJA DOBRA STATIVE DONJE DONJA DOBRA MRZLO POLJE MRE@NICA Average temperature (oC) Standard deviation (oC) Cv MIN (oC) MAX (oC) 7.2 7.2 11.2 12.3 7.7 7.8 11.5 12.4 0.10 0.66 1.72 0.98 0.53 0.25 0.58 0.69 0.01 0.09 0.15 0.08 0.07 0.03 0.05 0.06 7.0 5.6 7.9 10.8 6.9 7.3 10.4 11.1 7.4 8.2 13.4 14.2 9.6 8.3 12.8 13.8 It can be noticed that according to average yearly water temperature values, results have logical distribution - the value range is narrower and the values are lower for upstream located stations (Kupari, Hrvatsko, Zamost, Luke), while for downstream located stations (Kamanje, Karlovac) values are more variable. Analysis of mutual correlation was also performed and the results are presented in Table 3. It can be seen that average yearly water temperature values recorded on the Kupari station are best correlated with the data recorded on nearly located station Zamost on ^abranka river. The data recorded on the Kamanje station, that is distant from all the other stations, are not correlatively connected with the data from other stations. Average yearly water temperature values recorded on the Karlovac station are slightly correlatively connected with the data from closely located stations Stative Donje in Donja Dobra and Mrzlo Polje on the Mre`nica river, while the strongest correlative connection (k=0.89) exists between the data recorded on Stative Donje and Mrzlo Polje stations that are near and located on simillar streams by hydrological regime. Table 3. Correlation coefficients of average yearly water temperature values between different stations (1967 - 1991) STATION KUPARI KAMANJE KARLOVAC ZAMOST LUKE STATIVE DONJE MRZLO POLJE KUPARI 1 0.24 0.21 0.73 -0.21 0.44 0.42 KAMANJE KARLOVAC ZAMOST LUKE STATIVE MRZLO POLJE 1 0.15 0.15 0.12 0.36 0.31 1 0.16 0.36 0.52 0.75 1 0.003 0.45 0.38 1 0.40 0.40 1 0.89 1 Analysis of frequency and duration of certain water temperature value was also performed within temperature range of 1 oC for each station. It was determined that the majority of stations analyzed (Kupari, Kamanje, Zamost, Luke) have had most frequent temperature appearance between 7 and 8 o C, stations Karlovac and Mrzlo Polje between 8 and 9 oC and station Mrzlo Polje between 6 and 7 o C. Figure 2 represents average curves of frequencies and durations for three characteristic stations Kupari located on upstream part of the Kupa river influenced by cold spring waters, Karlovac located on downstream part of the Kupa river and Luke located on upstream part of the affluent Gornja Dobra river. The differences between their characteristic curves of temperature frequencies and durations can be noticed. Figure 2. Curves of frequencies and durations of water temperatures for analyzed Kupa river catchment area from 1967 till 1991 3. INTERRELATION BETWEEN WATER TEMPERATURE, RUNOFF AND AIR TEMPERATURE IN THE RIVER KUPA CATCHMENT AREA Fluctuation of annual water temperature values is compared with fluctuations of average annual discharge and average air temperature values. Analysis was performed for two characteristic stations in the catchment area - station Kupari for which the air temperatures were measured at the Parg meteorological station (Fig 3) and station Kamanje for which air temperature data were obtained at the Karlovac meteorological station (Fig 4). 20 8,5 18 0 16 temperature ( C) discharges (m 3/s) 8 7,5 14 12 7 10 discharges Kupari w ater temperature Kupari air temperature Parg 6,5 8 6 6 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 years Figure 3. Fluctuations of average annual water temperature, air temperature and discharge values for Kupari-Kupa station 14 90 13 12 0 80 temperature ( C) 3 discharges (m /s) 100 11 70 10 60 9 50 discharges Kamanje w ater temperature Kamanje air temperature - Karlovac 8 40 7 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 years Figure 4. Fluctuations of average annual water temperature, air temperature and discharge values for Kamanje-Kupa station It can be noticed that for both analyzed stations, values of single analyzed parameters have simillar fluctuations. At the Kupari station trend of annual discharge values fluctuation is 0.45% and at the Kamanje station is -0.9%. Trend of air temperature values fluctuation for Kupari is -0.19% annualy and for Kamanje is 0.11%. Trend of water temperature values fluctuation for Kupari is -0.05% annualy and -0.51% annualy for Kamanje station. Mutual correlation analysis was also performed for each analyzed parameter. It was determined that correlation is weak between average annual discharge and water temperature values fluctuations (linear correlation coefficient for Kupari station is -0.04 and for Kamanje station -0.27), average annual discharge and air temperature values fluctuations (-0.29 for Kupari and -0.28 for Kamanje station) and average annual air and water temperature values fluctuations (0.24 for Kupari and 0.28 for Kamanje station). We have also performed analysis of distribution of water temperature, air temperature and discharge values during the year for the same stations. Fig 5 shows the results for the Kupari station and Fig 6 the results for the Kamanje station. It can be emphasized that there is a strong correlation between same parameters from both stations regarding the monthly distribution during the year. For example, linear correlation coefficient between average monthly discharges at the Kupari and Kamanje stations is 0.94, for average monthly water temperature is 0.97 and for air temperature is 0.98. 25 18 12 15 10 8 10 6 4 5 2 0 0 -2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 months 8 9 10 11 12 0 14 temperature ( C) 20 3 discharges (m /s) 16 discharges Kupari w ater temperature - Kupari air temperature Parg 120 24 100 19 80 14 60 9 40 4 20 0 temperature (0C) 3 discharges (m /s) Figure 5. Fluctuations of average monthly water temperature, air temperature and discharge values for Kupari-Kupa station discharges Kamanje w ater temperature Kamanje air temperature Karlovac -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 months Figure 6. Fluctuations of average monthly water temperature, air temperature and discharge values for Kamanje-Kupa station It was determined that correlation between fluctuations of certain hydrological parameters exists on each analyzed station. Average mean monthly discharge values and water temperatures for Kupari station have the correlation coefficient of -0.67 and for Kamanje station -0.83. Average mean monthly discharge values and air temperatures have the coefficient of -0.71 for Kupari station and 0.74 for Kamanje station. Average mean monthly air and water temperatures have the coefficient of 0.97 and 0.98 for Kupari and Kamanje stations respectively. 4. CONCLUSIONS Paper presents the results of hydrological analyses of water temperatures recorded in the Kupa river catchment area. They suggest that, on average annual water temperature level, exists significant correlative connection just of data obtained on relatively closely located hydrological stations that have pretty close air temperatures also. Analysis of frequencies and durations of daily water temperature values determined great differences in their appearance regime characteristics. Analyzed trends of fluctuations of average annual water temperatures in the Kupa river catchment area are relatively simmillar and they show a slight tendency in decrease of values. Analysis of fluctuations of average annual water temperatures, air temperatures and average monthly discharges during 25 year period determined that there is no significant mutual correlative connection. But, such connection was noticed at a level of average monthly data when distribution during the year was analysed. It was determined that the highest water temperature values in the Kupa river catchment area were present exactly in these months with lowest values of inflow. These results of analyses of water temperatures in the Kupa river catchment area suggest the complex nature of water temperature regime character of the catchment area. Therefore, regarding the great importance that water temperature has for the water chemistry and for biological processes in the stream, it is necessary that, when hydrological analyses of certain events are performed, water temperature should also be taken into consideration what is necessary for keeping sustainable ecological balance of the water system. 5. LITERATURE 1. Bonacci,O.: Metodologija odre|ivanja ekolo{ki prihvatljivih najni`ih protoka (Biolo{kog minimuma). (Methodology of determination of ecologicaly acceptable lowest discharges (Biological minnimum)). Faculty of civil engineering, University of Split (unpublished), Split, 1997. 2. Chow,V.T.: Handbook of Applied Hydrology. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1972. 3. Rubini},J, O`ani},N.: Prirodne hidrolo{ke zna~ajke povr{inskih vodnih pojava @upanije primorsko-goranske (Natural hydrological characteristics of surface water phenomena in `upanija primorsko-goranska district). (unpublished), Rijeka, 1997. 4. Srebrenovi},Z.: Kompleksno ure|enje sliva Kupe - knjiga 3.1 - Postoje}i vodni re`im sliva Kupe (Complex regulation of the Kupa river catchment area - Book 3.1 - Existing water regime of the Kupa river catchment area). VRO Projekt (unpublished), Zagreb, 1988. kontakt adrese autora: Josip Rubini},`.gra|. HRVATSKE VODE, VGI Labin, Zelenice 18, 52220 LABIN Nevenka O`ani},`.gra|. HRVATSKE VODE, VGO Rijeka, Ciottina 17b, 51000 RIJEKA Gordana Bu{eli},`.mat. Dr`avni hidrometeorolo{ki zavod, Gri~ 3, 10000 ZAGREB Janja Milkovi},`.fizike Dr`avni hidrometeorolo{ki zavod, Gri~ 3, 10000 ZAGREB