Record Drawing Minimum Requirements Checklist Record (As-Built) drawings must be submitted to SEMSWA for all Stormwater Public Improvements as part of the Probationary Acceptance packet. Yes No N/A Design Requirements I. GENERAL SUBMITTAL GUIDELINES A. Drawing submittal includes an original blackline reproduction suitable for scanning B. Drawing submittal includes electronic copy on CD. The electronic copy should include both a PDF version of the as-built drawings and the appropriate CAD files and associated reference and data files. The CAD files for the electronic copy shall be in a form that is compatible with the most current version of AutoCAD, including *.dwg and/or *.dxf. Additionally AutoCAD drawings must be submitted in original coordinates (such as ground) as well as State Plane NAD83 Colorado (Central) US feet horizontal and NAVD 88 vertical C. Record drawings contain field surveyed information of sufficient detail to allow SEMSWA to verify that the location (horizontal and vertical) D. Record drawings contain materials of the constructed facilities which conform to the approved construction documents E. Record Drawings include Statements of Substantial Compliance by the responsible Professional Engineer F. Record Drawings include Statements of Substantial Compliance by both the responsible Professional Land Surveyor responsible for the as-built survey information G. Professional Land Surveyor responsible for the as-built survey information II. STORM COLLECTION AND CONVEYANCE A. Manholes, Inlets, Junction Chambers and other Miscellaneous Structures 1. Type of structure (standard manhole, box base manhole, Type R Inlet, etc…) 2. Location of center of structure, or corners of structure if structure is not circular 3. Elevation of top of structure 4. Size, material, and flowline elevations of all incoming and outgoing pipes B. Storm Sewers 1. Pipe Length 2. Constructed flowline slope 3. Pipe shape and size SEMSWA Stormwater Management Manual Page 1 Record Drawing Minimum Requirements Checklist Record (As-Built) drawings must be submitted to SEMSWA for all Stormwater Public Improvements as part of the Probationary Acceptance packet. Yes No N/A Design Requirements 4. Ground surface elevations along the centerline of pipe with elevations at the ends of the pipe and at all intermediate grade breaks 5. Flowline elevations at ends of pipe and flared end sections C. Conveyance Swales 1. Cross sections of ground surface showing flowlines and toes and tops of slope at the upstream and downstream ends of the channel and at all breaks in the flowline grade and at a maximum interval of 25’ 2. Top elevation and dimensions of all channel lining materials (riprap, concrete, etc…) 3. Flowline elevations at the end points, breaks in grade and at a 25’ maximum interval along the length of the channel 4. Location, elevations and dimensions of all drop structures III. DETENTION/WATER QUALITY FACILITY A. General 1. Ground surface elevations at toes and tops of slopes at a maximum interval of 25’ 2. Ground surface elevations along the centerline of embankments; at the end points, at a maximum interval of 25’ and at all grade breaks. 3. Cross sections of the ground surface in the pond. (a) surveyed perpendicular to the major axis of the pond, (b) extends 20’ past the 100-year water surface in the pond or to an elevation which is 2’ above the 100-year water surface (c) located at the upstream and downstream ends of the pond and at intermediate locations at a maximum interval of 25’ B. Outlet Structure 1. Flowline elevations at the upstream and downstream ends of structure and at all intermediate locations where there are abrupt changes in the flowline 2. Structure dimensions 3. Dimensions and elevations needed to define weir crests and top of structure SEMSWA Stormwater Management Manual Page 2 Record Drawing Minimum Requirements Checklist Record (As-Built) drawings must be submitted to SEMSWA for all Stormwater Public Improvements as part of the Probationary Acceptance packet. Yes No N/A Design Requirements B. Outlet Structure (cont.) 4. Elevation of orifices in orifice plate 5. Dimension, number, and spacing of orifices in orifice plate 6. 6. Dimensions of structure, including wall thicknesses C. Trickle Channels 1. Typical Section 2. Flowline elevations at the end points, grade breaks, and at a 25’ maximum interval along the length of the channel D. Overflow Spillways 1. Width of spillway crest (measured in the direction of flow) 2. Length of spillway crest (measured perpendicular to the direction of flow) 3. Elevation of crest at both ends and at any intermediate grade breaks 4. Elevation of top of embankment at ends of spillway. Micropools, Forebays, BMPs/Enhancements, and Other Miscellaneous E. Structures 1. Dimensions, slopes and elevations as necessary to define the improvement and verify that it has been constructed in accordance with the approved construction documents 2. Elevations for Micropool floor and permanent pool 3. Finished floor elevation of structures 4. 100-yr and 100-yr WSEL when improvement encroach into the floodplain SEMSWA Stormwater Management Manual Page 3