Protist/Moneran/Fossil Test

Protist/Moneran/Fossil Test
Short Answer
1. Why did scientists create the Protist Kingdom? (1 mark)_________________
2. Choose any three of the Protists below and draw a picture illustrating what it
looks like (6 marks). Be sure to label each of your drawings.
Paramecium, Euglena, Amoeba, Green Algae, Rotifer, Scenedesmus, Volvox
3. Define the term parasite (1 mark). ___________________________________
4. Demonstrate your understanding of the difference between a cast and a mould
fossil. (4 marks). You may use a combination of words and diagrams, or you
may approach your teacher and orally explain it to her.
Multiple Choice
5. Monerans are different from Protists because:
a. They are single celled
b. They have tails
c. They are much smaller
d. They live in water
6. Living things in the Protist Kingdom are:
a. Complex and single celled
b. Complex and multi-celled
c. Simple and single celled
d. Simple and multi-celled
7. Living things in the Moneran kingdom are:
a. Complex and single celled
b. Complex and multi-celled
c. Simple and single celled
d. Simple and multi-celled
8. An example of a living thing in the Moneran Kingdom is a(n):
a. Paramecium
b. Bacteria
c. Amoeba
d. Both b and c are both correct
e. All of the above
9. Bacteria can be either harmful or helpful. Bacteria are useful to us because:
a. They can make us sick
b. They can help us digest food
c. They can be used to produce cheese
d. Both b and c are correct
e. All of the above
10. Which of the following is not needed in order for bacteria to grow?
a. Food
b. Warmth
c. Moisture
d. Light
e. Darkness
11. When one fossil is unearthed from deeper than another it suggests that the
deeper fossil is:
a. Better preserved
b. Older
c. Not as well preserved
d. Younger
e. None of the above
12. A shell or footprint that leaves a clear impression which hardens into rock is
a ________.
a. Mould fossil
b. Jelly fossil
c. Igneous fossil
d. Cast fossil