PowerPoint quiz made with VBA on cell phones 1. Create a PowerPoint quiz with a minimum of 5 slides (Introduction and instructions; 3 quiz slides; marks slide) on cell phones. 2. Use a ready-made PowerPoint quiz such as any of those supplied. 3. Select a minimum of 3 topics from those below: a. Models, e.g. Nokia, Motorola, LG b. Numbers, e.g. 072, 082, 076 c. Times, e.g. off peak, weekend d. Etiquette e. Text messaging f. Communication means, e.g. Blue tooth, Infrared g. Chat service 4. Create meaningful text leading to questions to deepen knowledge on at least 3 of the topics. 5. The questions must be on the topics above, one topic/idea per slide. 6. Add at least one information slide where you move forward with an action button. 7. Enhance the information and quiz questions with illustrations/images on at least 3 slides. 8. Change and adapt: a. Input prompt b. Input box title c. At least 2 macro names, a correct and a negative name d. At least 2 macro messages, a correct and a negative message 9. Attach macros to at least 3 textboxes, autoshapes and/or parts of an object 10. Display the information and images in a balanced layout 11. Display the text with a readable font and suitable size 12. Use colours which add to the meaning of the text 13. Check if the quiz works with a colleague. Add his/her comments at the end of the checklist. 14. Show the quiz to a learner and get their comment. Add their comments at the end of the checklist. 15. Complete the checklist. 16. Save checklist as SurnameFirstNameCellPhoneCheckList 17. Upload checklist to WebCT. 18. Save PowerPoint quiz as SurnameFirstNameCellPhoneQuiz 19. Zip PowerPoint quiz. 20. Upload quiz to WebCT. Marks 1. If you complete the basic work as listed in the checklist AND the quiz works – 50% 2. To get additional marks more slides, questions and information is required. 3. YOU indicate the mark YOU think the work is worth and I will look at your mark. 4. Impress! 5. PS I have set it that animations will not work in this PPT so focus on the content! ‘Adapt a ready made quiz’ checklist Knowledge/ skills that I had to reflect Meaningful text Proof that I have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills Create meaningful text, leading to questions on at least 3 of the topics below: a. Models, e.g. Nokia, Motorola, LG b. Numbers, e.g. 072, 082, 076 c. Times, e.g. off peak, weekend d. Etiquette e. Text messaging f. Communication means, e.g. Blue tooth, Infrared © Pam Miller <pam@miller.wcape.school.za> Have I done it? Yes/No ? g. Chat service Create questions lead to knowledge of at least 3 topics ? Questions based on information given ? Questions must be clear and answer must be related to the question ? Responses must be based on the question ? One question per slide, one idea per slide ? Instructions Instructions clearly given at beginning of slide show ? Additional information Illustrations Add information slides where you move forward with action button ? Enhance the information and quiz questions with illustrations/images on at least 3 slides Illustrations must match or complement the content ? Input prompt Input box title Macro name Message Macro Change input prompt Change input box title Change at least 2 macro names, a correct and a negative name Change a least 2 macro messages, a correct and a negative message Attach macros to at least 3 textboxes, autoshapes and or parts of an object ? ? ? ? ? Layout Font Colour Display the information and images in a balanced layout Display the text with a readable font and suitable size Use colours which add to the meaning of the text ? ? ? Teacher comment Learner comment Comment from teacher added. ? Comment from learner added. ? Quiz questions Quiz questions Quiz questions Quiz questions Quiz questions Illustrations ? Teacher comment: ............................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. Learner comment: ................................................................................................................................ .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. Add your percentage here: ??% © Pam Miller <pam@miller.wcape.school.za>