Cat Weight Loss Program: In 90% of all cases, obesity results from overeating and NOT a lack of exercise, lowered metabolism or hormonal imbalances. The good news is, therefore, that the disease of obesity is treatable, since you have complete control over how much food your cat eats. When viewed from above, your cat should have a visible waist. You should be able to easily feel his ribs, but not see them. Your cat should not have a dangling abdomen. CATS MUST CONTINUE TO EAT: Starvation diets or simply overly restricting food volume in cats may result in an often fatal liver disease, hepatic lipidosis. This condition results from an excessive accumulation of fat in the liver. Overweight cats are more susceptible because of the excess fat accumulation in their bodies. Whenever the cat takes in less calories than are needed to maintain normal body functions, body fat is mobilized, enters the bloodstream, and becomes deposited in the liver, resulting in hepatic lipidosis. Problems associated with obesity: Arthritis Torn or stretched ligaments Heart problems Asthma/problems breathing Liver disease Diabetes Skin problems Constipation/excessive gas Lowered resistance to disease Anal gland impaction and infection Increased risk of cancer (extrapolated from human studies) Body Condition Score _____________ Current Diet ______________________________ Recommended Diet ______________________________ BCS 1 2 3 4 5 5 Point System Very Thin Underweight Ideal Overweight Obese WEIGHT LOSS CALCULATIONS: Present Weight x 85% = Target Weight _________ Present Weight x 3% = Maximum Weekly Loss _________ Amount Currently Fed/Day x 60-70% = Amount of Current Diet to be Fed _________ 40 x Body Weight in Kgs. = Resting Energy Requirement (RER) in kcal _________ 70% x RER divided by Calorie Content/Cup or Can of Diet to be Fed = Amount of Diet to be Fed Based on RER _________ Tips for Success: Split your cat’s daily ration into small, multiple meals if possible. Feed your overweight cat in a different location, so that he/she eats the prescription diet, while denying access to other pets’ food(s). For the sake of your cat’s health, no table scraps or milk please. It is not the snack your cat craves so much as your loving attention.