School Science in India: Curriculum Developers/Textbook Authors' Perspectives by Ravinder Koul Research Associate Curriculum and Instruction 609B Allen Hall West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26505 and Thomas M. Dana Assistant Professor Curriculum and Instruction 164 Chambers The Pennsylvania State University State College, Pa 16801 Introduction Despite the increasing role that computer technologies play in many classrooms, the importance of textbooks endures. In countries with limited resources such as India, textbooks are often the prime curriculum resource in schools (Kumar, 1986). In many Indian science classrooms, National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) science textbooks are the only instructional tools available; therefore the quality of these state prescribed science textbooks should be a major policy concern (Kumar, 1988). Student views on science are shaped by (1) textbooks, examination system, syllabi and methods of assessment, (2) what the school and community accept as science, the legitimized voices of experts, authors and teachers, (3) structure and sequence of student experiences with science (see also Corcoran, 1987). In science classrooms, the textbooks function as a source of knowledge whose meaning is mediated by both the developers of instructional materials and teachers for students, who are expected to reconstruct or restate it. The manner in which authors present science influences the way it is received and interpreted; choices on methods and strategies will effect the way textbooks engage their readers. Textbooks are a part of the large social process (Apple & Christian-Smith, 1991) and serve to legitimize a view of science, conveying the approach considered acceptable for understanding and teaching of science by providing tasks, questions, problems and other information (White & Gunstone, 1988). Kuhn (1962) has viewed textbooks as a set of exemplars that play a major role in presenting content material, determining the nature of acceptable scientific explanations and testing the competency of students. Since theory is only an end result of an enquiry, textbooks must be more than a summary of various theories (Schwab, 1978). Schwab suggests that curriculum materials should reflect the tentative, fluid nature of scientific knowledge: The child should not be told, merely, " That is right. That is wrong. These are animals. Those are plants. Rather, he should be told, "When we try to grow puppies, kittens, grass and flowers, we find that puppies and kittens need to be fed and warmed. Grass and flowers need water and sunlight. Puppies and kittens are very much alike in still other ways. Grass and flowers are alike in many other ways. Therefore . . ". In short, some knowledge would be imparted, not as truths out of the nowhere but as conclusions from evidence, or decisions from thought of alternatives and their consequences (Schwab, 1978, p. 270). India's National Council of Educational Research and Training develops the most widely used instructional materials for Indian children (NCERT, 1991). Since 1961, scientists working at the Department of Education in Science and Mathematics (DESM), formerly known as The Department of Science Education (DSE), of the NCERT have played a major role in school curriculum development, advising and assisting the national Government of India, state governments, teacher organizations and voluntary agencies in matters related to science education. NCERT has a network of institutes located at New Delhi, Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Mysore and Shillong which specialize in teacher education, media and computer applications, curricular development and vocational education. The NCERT advises through SCERTs or SIEs ( State Councils of Educational Research and Training or State Institute of Education and Training) and through DIETs (District Institutes of Education and Training). NCERT develops curricular framework for primary and secondary levels, guidelines, syllabi and curriculum materials for different levels and disciplines. Background and Design of the Study In our recent analysis of the nature of science and technology in current NCERT science textbooks for grade levels IV through X, the development of conceptions on energy themes (force, work, and energy) was chosen as our focus since energy themes constitute a significant portion of content across the grade levels (see Koul, 1997; Koul & Dana, 1997). Results of this analysis revealed excessive science content with prime emphasis on established concepts, laws, and theories (see also, Ramanathan & Siddiqi, 1994). The treatment of content conformed to a confirmatory methodology, described as the tendency to confirm the prediction being tested and typically, to neglect those tests that can potentially expose a claim to the risk of disconfirmation (see also, Eliot & Nagel, 1987; Stake & Easley, 1978). Significantly, themes on the nature of science and technology advocated in NCERT curriculum framework (NCERT, 1988) were not necessarily found to be reflected in the treatment of subject matter on energy. Other researchers have given parallel critiques of NCERT and other Indian school science textbooks concerning content, format and appropriateness in terms of vocabulary and readability (Agnihotri, 1992; Bagchi, 1985), gender biases (Kalia, 1980) and frequency of scientific literacy or science-technology-society themes (Ramanathan & Siddiqi, 1994). Indian national policy on education and NCERT curriculum guidelines focus on the following objectives for school science education: a) to give emphasis to scientific methodology, the processes rather than the content, b) to provide science which is environment based, locally relevant and meaningful, c) and to encourage an interdisciplinary, integrated view of science (NCERT, 1988; NPE, 1986, 1992). Both the National Policy on Education and the National Curriculum for Elementary and Secondary Education-a Framework state these objectives: Science education will be strengthened so as to develop in the child well defined abilities and values such as the spirit of inquiry, creativity, objectivity, the courage to question, and aesthetic sensibility. (NPE, 1992, p.40) and . . . the child should be able to discover and understand the scientific facts, concepts, principles and processes underlying various phenomenon . . . he/she should be able to identify the resources in the locality and use them properly (NCERT, 1988, p.26) and The shift in emphasis from product to the process of science and factual information to interesting, relevant and meaningful scientific knowledge should be the main consideration for content identification and rearrangement (NCERT, 1991, p.18) To gain a better understanding of policy objectives in the context of the development of NCERT school science textbooks, interviews were conducted with curriculum developers who are also authors of these textbooks at the Department of Education in Science and Mathematics, NCERT, New Delhi. The DESM has 24 staff members who have specializations in physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and computer education. The researcher interviewed 14 members with responsibilities for science education which included all the staff except those with specialization in mathematics only. Prior to the interviews participants were asked to complete a brief questionnaire about their perceptions of the nature of science. The questionnaire was pretested with a group of teacher educators. The responses of the thirteen DESM staff members who completed the questionnaire are summarized in Table 1. We restricted our analysis of responses to frequency counts and chi-square test. Interviews were tape recorded with the permission of each participant, who had the option to stop or erase any recorded information at any time during the interview. The researcher started each interview with broad questions intended to help gain an understanding of the individual's range of perspectives on a given topic and then directed toward more in depth exploration of those statements (Bogdan and Biklen, 1992) (see Appendix). Science in NCERT school textbooks provided the main point of reference for participant's views on science in curriculum as well as science for curriculum. Participants expressed their views on the nature of science for school curriculum; the constraints on development of meaningful science curriculum materials; what methods and strategies they recommend for the treatment of subject matter; and the strengths and limitations of current textbooks. It should be noted that interviews were conducted in both English and Hindi. Data was translated and retranslated to ensure validity. We will quote from these interviews to comment on text development and publishing, authors' views of science, authors' views of science in their textbooks, and discussion of NCERT's portrayal of science. Authors and Textbooks Text Development Before the involvement of NCERT, school directorates and local boards of education were responsible for prescribing syllabus and making recommendations for textbooks which were developed and published under private enterprise. Since its inception in 1961, the subject specialists at DESM have been responsible for textbook development while receiving feedback on manuscripts from researchers, teachers and educators from other institutions. The textbook cycle is supposed to be five years but in practice it normally takes eight to ten years before textbooks are revised (NCERT 2, December 1996). Depending on demand, reprints are made once or twice a year. In each reprint, there is some room for minor corrections. In the last curriculum revision, conducted in the 1980s, DESM had hoped to produce a whole curriculum package containing textbook, teacher's guide, laboratory guide and video program. There are, however, no guidebooks for the present generation of instructional materials. One of the curriculum developers discussed the current materials: Teachers have to follow the textbooks from page one till the end page. There are no separate sets of instruction as to how to modify, how to use different methodologies for dealing with different type of children, for addressing the needs of areas from different socio-economic conditions. As far as NCERT is concerned, it is only textbook nothing but the textbook. (NCERT 1, December 1996) During the interviews the researcher learned three major reasons for the absence of teacher guidebooks: Firstly, there is hardly any demand for handbooks. Secondly, handbook distribution has been ineffective. If, as one curriculum developer reported, handbooks are sent to Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan (Central School Council) for distribution to Central Board of Secondary Education schools, they remain piled up in administrative offices: . . . If you price them, nobody buys them. If they are free, then like any free material, it does not make it to its destination. Since it is free, it is considered of no value. (NCERT 2, December 1996) Thirdly, preparation of NCERT curriculum materials takes a lot of time. In addition to the development of curriculum materials, the DESM faculty are involved in other areas of research and development, training and extension which impact the timeline for revision of curriculum materials. Table 1 Questionnaire Responses from Curriculum Developers at NCERT QUESTION Yes No Neutral Chisquare df Sig. 7 5 1 4.308 2 .116 1. WHEN STUDENTS DO PRACTICAL WORK: a) they should always follow a prescribed procedure b) they should always understand the concept, law or principle before proceeding in practical work. 10 3 0 3.769 1 .052 c) they should learn that scientific investigations are always free of biases or prejudices 10 1 2 11.231* 2 .004 d) deriving a correct scientific explanation of the 4 phenomenon is a more important goal than enjoying an investigation 8 1 5.692 2 .058 e) the activities should always aim at confirmation of a concept, law or principle presented 2 9 2 7.582* 2 .023 f) most of the time, a group investigation is a better choice than an individual investigation 4 6 3 1.077 2 .584 g) local community resources and participation should be involved 11 2 0 6.231* 1 .013 a) applied science is more visible in present school science curriculum 6 6 1 3.846 2 .146 b) Pure science should be the ideal school science curriculum 0 12 1 9.308* 1 .002 a) science is a social activity 11 1 1 15.385* 2 .000 b) with faith in science and technology, solutions to all problems can be found 6 4 3 1.077 2 .584 c) scientific and technological solutions should not be influenced by context 7 3 3 2.462 2 .292 d) the usefulness of technological solutions is constrained by local needs 11 2 1 6.231* 1 .013 e) the decisions of experts and scientists need never be questioned 1 11 1 15.385* 2 .000 f) science and technology always bring a change for the better 3 6 4 1.077 2 .584 2. Let's assume that science activities can be classified as pure and applied. Pure science addresses laws and concepts of the natural world whereas applied science addresses local phenomena, conditions, and solutions to people's needs 3. SCHOOL CURRICULUM MUST HELP STUDENTS LEARN THAT: 4. WHEN SCIENTISTS PURSUE AN INVESTIGATION: a) the same scientific method is always pursued 3 8 2 4.769 2 .092 b) the scientific method is influenced by the community of scientists 4 5 4 .154 2 .926 c) the ideological stance of scientists can influence their practices 10 2 1 11.231* 2 .004 d) observations are constrained by the theoretical viewpoints of the scientific community 5 6 2 2.000 2 .368 e) they discover reality 9 3 1 8.000* 2 .000 *The result is significant at p<.05 Participants' Views of Science Responses to our questionnaires indicate a statistically significant consensus that "scientists discover reality"( 2 (2, n=13)=8.000, p=.000) and "scientific practices are shaped by the ideological stance of scientists"( 2 (2, n=13)=11.231, p=.004) although a significant number of participants ( 2 (2, n=13)=11.231, p=.004 ) advocate students should learn that "scientific investigations are always free of biases or prejudices"! Even though the NCERT textbooks prescribe a linear method of science (Koul and Dana, 1997), there was no significant consensus on whether "students should always follow a prescribed scientific procedure in their practical work"( 2(2, n=13)=4.308, p=.116). Participants also lacked significant consensus on whether "scientists always follow the same scientific method" ( 2 (2, n=13)=4.769, p=.092) or "scientific method is influenced by the community of scientists" ( 2 (2, n=13)=.154, p=.926), or "observations are constrained by the theoretical viewpoints of the scientists" ( 2 (2, n=13)= 2.000, p= .368) (Table 1). Notably in the light of a high consensus among historians and philosophers of science that methodological commitments are specific to members of a particular scientific community (e.g., Kuhn, 1962), responses reflect significantly different ideas on the nature of scientific methodology. It is also interesting that some of the participants see no need to draw a connection between insights from the history and philosophy of science to their own ideas about classroom practices. One of the participants expressed this well: Questions related with philosophy of science, the scientists have nothing to do with the teaching of science. You should go to the organization which is working on such issues. If you want to know about the way science is thought about in this country, not the teaching of science in schools and curriculum, then you should go to the National Institute of Development of Science and Technological Studies (NIDST). NIDST has nothing to do with science teaching and is relevant to your questions on investigations of the scientists and with science as a concept, but not with the teaching of science. (NCERT 5, December 1996) It is hard to know whether this opinion is formed in view of the limitations which schools face to greater or lesser degrees in the implementation of curriculum or whether it is a belief that the pedagogy of science need not reflect ideas about the nature of science. Our questionnaire offered a definition of science as pure and applied : Pure science addresses laws and concepts of the natural world whereas applied science addresses local phenomena, conditions, and solutions to people's needs. Participants significantly disagreed with the statement that "pure science should be the ideal school science curriculum" ( 2 (1, n=13)= 9.308, p=.002). However, they do think that the concepts, laws and theories should play a major role in the learning of science. Out of the thirteen participants who filled out the questionnaires, ten agreed that concepts, laws and theories should always be introduced a priori practical work ( 2 (1, n=13)=3.769, p=.052). There was a lack of consensus among the participants whether applied or pure science is the more visible in the present school science curriculum- the responses on the questionnaire were almost evenly divided ( 2 (2, n=13)=3.846, p=.146). However, everyone completing the questionnaire agreed that science teaching should be linked with the daily experiences of students and that it should be relevant and meaningful. In the words of one participant, "give less of science and give more of what is relevant" (NCERT 4, December 1996). But, as one senior staff member put it, contextualization of science should not be at the expense of concepts, laws and principles of science: . . . let us say that we have a pack of tribals who do not use our language . . . then I have to teach science to them. When I say I want to teach them science I mean I want to teach them the concepts of science, the laws of science, I am not talking about the context of science. (NCERT 6, December 1996) There was no significant consensus whether "scientific and technological solutions should not be influenced by context" ( 2 (2, n=13)=2.462, p=.292), even though 7 out of 13 believed that these solutions should not be influenced by context. And yet, respondents agreed that student "practical work should involve local community resources and participation" ( 2 (2, n=13)=6.231, p=.031), "science is a social activity" ( 2 (2, n=13)=15.385, p= .000) and "scientific and technological solutions are constrained by local needs" ( 2 (1, n=13)=6.231, p=.013): You know I used to say this in America . . . [the reason] why physical sciences should be for everybody? You should have awareness of what science is doing for the society . . . if there is a nuclear reactor in your community, you have a right to know what is happening to you. (NCERT 7, December 1996) In our conversations, participants expressed the belief that science is the skill to carry out disciplined analysis of a situation or problem through observation and testing: Science is something that can be repeated and tested again and again. Students should test, verify and then believe it. This is basically a scientific attitude . . . science involves elimination one by one and what remains is the truth . . . a child must understand that science is a methodological thing. (NCERT 2, December 1996) Viewing science as "habits of mind", two of the participants emphasized that science is a way to gather information and a way of thinking. Science is neither a fixed body of knowledge, nor a product: Science is not the way it is depicted as a cut and dry thing. It is a part of human endeavor. In school science curriculum, you will find formulas, statements, definitions without errors, an absolute truth kind of thing . . . this is not science. (NCERT 3, December 1996) and The abstract view of science is in fact a non-environmental view of science. The whole concept of environment is lost. It is theoretical, we look for certain calculations. We do not realize that abstract is abstract only because my perception is not that far. If I had the means it would become part of my own environment. (NCERT 4, December 1996) Both of these statements recognize science as firmly located in the world around us and express an urge to move behind and beyond the formal codification and abstractions that often constitute the image of science. Consistent with these views, participants expressed a desire to increase science, technology and society issues in school science curriculum, yet perhaps a bias toward a "technological fix" approach can be detected in the following exchange: R: You said that people perceive what science can do for them. Can you elaborate? NCERT 8: I take one little example. Previously, cowdugs were used in India. There were so many problems, smoke for eyes and so on. Now liquid petroleum gas has come. In the beginning people did not accept this technology. Now they have started using it. They see its benefit. Gas is such that whenever you want it, you can use it. However, in the case of cowdung, once it is burnt, it is burnt. Unless and until, you extinguish it [cowdung], it will continue to burn and give smoke, and it is a cumbersome process also. Now they understand what technology can do. Now they understand the importance of sewage system. Take the example of pressure cooker. People thought that aluminum was a carrier of TB and that they will not use it. But now you see everybody is using pressure cooker. Now they understand that this is the outcome of the science and technology. Now they understand the importance of telephone, airplane. R: Don't you think there is lots of pollution also? NCERT 8: You see if you go for the first thing, you have to suffer for the second thing and the second thing that has been the outcome for this improvement or technology, you have to find out the solution for the second thing. Then you may lead to another resultant thing. Continuously, we have to work to find the solutions for the things. Pollution, everybody knows there is a pollution, but have you left using your car? The number of airplanes is increasing, numbers of cars are increasing. R: You think we must find a technological solution? NCERT 8: Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Technological solution does not mean that we can solve all the problems with science and technology. There are societal problems that can not be solved. (December 1996) A "technological fix" is based on the idea that technological innovations will solve our social problems(Tatum, 1995). In his book Energy Possibilities, Jesse Tatum views the "technological fix" to energy problems as a combination of two traditional approaches: 1. The engineering response, which seeks new innovations such as the development of fusion energy systems, safe and environmentally benign breeder reactors, and so forth. 2. The economic response, which relies on objective market behavior to indicate the most cost effective solutions. Both of these approaches undermine the role of public participation in the making of energy choices and exclude the values, goals, and objectives of the individual and the society (Tatum, 1995). The technological fix also implies that the solutions to problems are found only by professional scientists and experts, leaving little incentive for a lay person ( the student in this case) to define, plan, and solve problems. Unless students are encouraged to develop their capacities for decision making the goals of scientific literacy and public involvement in science issues will remain elusive. Just as the advocacy for a prescribed scientific method may create misconceptions on how knowledge is created and how decisions are made (e.g., Feyerabend, 1993; Nye, 1993), a "technological fix" may foster ideas that limit who should make decisions. Authors Views of the Science in the Textbooks A few of the participants acknowledged that methodology of science is not reflected in current NCERT textbooks: . . . what we stated in our policy documents is very different. We state that science education will have to inculcate a spirit of inquiry, creativity, a sense of wondering, problem solving skills, decision-making skills and aesthetic sensibility. This is what the parliament approved policy says science education should achieve in any school program, that science must be related to the every day perspectives of the learners, in terms of relationship with health, agriculture and something like. If this was to be the focus of science education, then personally speaking, as a teacher myself, the subject content does not presume in my mind that importance. It is the methodology of taking an idea and focussing on a skill like problem solving or decision making which did not get reflected in our textbooks. (NCERT 9, December 1996) and The textbook is a reading as well as a guiding material. We have not been able to give a reflection of methodology and incorporate it in our textbooks. That is the limitation of our textbooks, that is our defect. The thing has been slightly half hearted. (NCERT 12, December 1996). They also acknowledged that there is an excess of content in the current NCERT science textbooks and that the development of content has not gone beyond "ensuring lots of facts and instilling bits of information" (NCERT 9, December 1996). The following comments are typical of participants' views on NCERT textbooks: In current instructional materials, it is difficult for the learners to identify themselves, students are not given a chance to think . . . The quality of NCERT textbooks can be improved by reframing a few sentences and activities. (NCERT 4, December 1996); There is a dearth of activities, quizzes, puzzles and other hands on activities that can be easily performed and are meaningful for the student. . . . Since development of textbooks requires a lot of effort and time, there is a dearth of concretization of instructional materials through analogies, situations, problems and illustrations. (NCERT 11, December 1996) Present instructional materials do not take into account local materials, resources and environment. . .Except for life science textbooks, there is no romance in the current general science textbooks. (NCERT 3, December 1996) If students are to be provided with tasks or situations, then these tasks can not be assigned centrally through NCERT textbooks (NCERT 1, December 1996) In short, instructional materials are not meaningful and there is a learning barrier . . . I found that when we are trying to give a child concepts of science, we always forget for what are we giving this, what is its use? If you go through the secondary science textbooks (IX, X), you find there is no need for the common man to know atomic structure, how the atom is build up, what it is doing. Rather if he knows how electrons flow, what is electricity, how I can use the electricity, what are its hazards, would be more interesting. The basic flaw, why there are dropouts, why students are not interested, is because they do not see any utility of it. Given a chance, I would like a study of what a grown up person in India who is 20-21 years old needs to know to lead a meaningful life. Then let me go back and decide what type of knowledge should I put in the curriculum materials. This is what I feel. (NCERT 4, December 1996) It seems that some of the curriculum developers see the present instructional materials as disengaging for the learner. One senior curriculum developer also remarked that the class XI textbook is highly conceptualized and its content does not logically follow from the textbook for class X. (NCERT 7, December 1996) To promote an integrated, comprehensive view of science, DESM has advocated interdisciplinary curriculum materials for grades VI to X. Their basic premise is that if science is compartmentalized into a variety of disciplines then animal husbandry, agriculture, nutrition etc. become separate subjects. As one senior staff member stated "Principles of science in nature are interdisciplinary and integrated, they do not operate as physics, chemistry and biology" (NCERT 3, December 1996). Therefore, DESM staff have argued that instructional materials should not be subject bound. Accordingly they have aimed at the integration of various fields (biology, physics, chemistry etc.) in the development of instructional materials through grade X. During our interviews, staff members expressed some of their difficulties with developing integrated materials. They said that the need to extend themselves beyond their own specialties is very demanding. They recognized also that as subject specialists they have a tendency to emphasize without explanation the need for a particular subject content as part of an interdisciplinary theme. Specialist subject concerns are so strong that they end up negotiating the requirements of their respective disciplines within the curriculum. As one member of faculty put it "what we end up doing is that you have 30% and I will also have 30%, that kind of thing . . ." (NCERT 10, December 1996). This suggests why science in the current textbooks is merely an assembly of concepts taken from physics, chemistry and biology. There was unanimous consensus amongst curriculum developers that the current textbooks still present science in parts. Participants also cited a problem at the classroom level. They said that Indian teachers tend to interpret science according to their own area of specialization and do not to view science holistically. Teachers have graduated from colleges with degrees in either physics, chemistry and mathematics, or physics, chemistry and biology, but they are not trained to teach science in an integrated, holistic manner. The present teacher training component of the curriculum is not geared to address this deficiency. Furthermore, many private schools in India still use three teachers to teach biology, physics and chemistry whereas the government schools rely upon two teachers to teach all the science subjects. Many teachers fear that integrated curriculum causes a surplus of teachers in schools and so they resist using integrated instructional materials. Significantly, there are a few of the faculty at DESM who question the purpose of integrating science in current instructional materials: Frankly, I am still not happy with the present class IX, X textual materials. I still feel that we have made a khitchdi [mess] of physics, chemistry and life science etc. The way this curriculum is transacted in schools, the way it is taught to the children, I still feel we should again bifurcate science to physics, chemistry and life sciences. (NCERT 1, December 1996) Documents stating Indian policy on science education emphasize a spirit of inquiry, sense of wonder, decision-making and problem solving skills. They speak of an interdisciplinary science related to the everyday needs of a learner with thematic relationships constructed through nutrition, health and agriculture and so forth (NPE, 1992). However, curriculum developers are in agreement that the present instructional materials fail to reflect the objectives of Indian Policy on Education (NPE, 1986, 1992) and the NCERT Curriculum Framework for Primary and Secondary Schools (1988). Some of the factors which may contribute to this gap have been identified through the interviews with curriculum developers and textbook authors. Development of quality curriculum materials requires a lot of time and effort and textbook development is only one of the many responsibilities given to faculty members at DESM. The quality of instructional materials suffers due to other faculty commitments. Additionally, members of a team responsible for writing a textbook section may not agree on the choice of methods/strategies in the treatment of the subject matter. Lack of consensus can even extend to people outside the department who provide feedback on manuscripts. Based on past analysis of NCERT textbooks and interviews with authors/curriculum developers, we would conclude that in spite of the conceptual shift from a product to a process approach in their last curriculum revision, the efficacy of the second approach is missing in present instructional materials. Most importantly, the product form of science in current curriculum materials is based on an assumption that science stays the same while local conditions may change. One participant explained the issue of contextuality as significant only for primary grades: . . . when you move upwards from upper primary to secondary classes, contextuality is not important since in upper classes the structure of the discipline itself becomes more important, and the structure of the discipline is universal in character . . . If I have to teach the periodic table to somebody there is no local contextuality. You teach the concepts as they are developed in periodicity and explain the periodic table. Because it is used internationally, the periodic table is not something specific to a district . . . I think local contextuality is concerned with different levels of training of teachers. You may have the textbook as a reference but if you find that this textbook contains methods which this child does not appreciate because these things do not exist in his environment, the teacher should have that training to design a strategy for the local situation. But the basic concepts remain the same. ( NCERT 9, December 1996). Each of the interviewees stated that the curriculum developers' job is to develop a basic, standard textbook which should then be adapted and modified by each state to address local needs and conditions. One senior curriculum developer captured a feeling among some of the participants that there is a need for compatibility and updating of standards across the state regions, asserting that India "needs a yardstick against the contextual variety of instructional materials" and that parents also advocate this kind of standardization of materials for their children (NCERT 9, December 1996). This person also expressed a fear that "in the call of local contextuality certain things can go wrong" and made references to recent court cases on history and social studies textbooks (NCERT 9, December 1996). Curriculum developers state that there is a demand for the product form of science and any deviation brings major criticisms: But most of the average schools will stick with the "only information" type books. And it is very difficult to gather courage because there will be one thousand letters to my director and director will say bhai criticism a raha hai badal karo (there is criticism, change the books). After all we are not missionaries, the government employee is not a missionary, he will try to strike a balance. And, in fact, I am not sure that this is the better method than this, because the product I have not seen. (NCERT 12, December 1996) By the same token, another textbook author explained why activities have been made supplementary to the texts: NCERT 6: Because if you look at the chapter on waves [in a NCERT textbook] right now, activities are being done and then some conclusions are being drawn. Now what happens is that if the teacher is not able to do the activities on a particular day, they may not be able to draw conclusions. They have to follow every word, every context which is coming there. What I am doing is: forget about activities and deliver the lesson. I will develop the material where the activities are some kind of supplementary. If they (activities) are done, well and good, but the process of teaching should not suffer. R: I am a bit confused here. We normally say that curriculum should be activity based. NCERT 6: I can not say that I can not follow this approach (of having activities). However there are constraints in the schools that I am conscious of . So there is a compromise between the two. I can not say that it should not be activity based . . . I profess that it should be activity based, but at the same time I am also concerned with the practices being followed in the schools. So I am trying to make a compromise. I am not saying that the activities should be skipped . . . they should be done. I am giving more than one exercise. (December 1996) The predicament described in this exchange characterizes much of the feeling the researcher found at the DESM. Rather than operating freely to find ways to personalize the context of interpretation for their student readers and more effectively articulate the nature of science, the curriculum developers and authors feel constrained to respond to various other demands. The economic viability of producing locally specific curriculum materials was raised as another issue for concern. Discussion Edward Jenkins once said that . . . "while scientific ideas may transcend the culture(s) in which they were first developed and accepted, the relocation of these ideas within the cultural context within which they come to be taught, learned and used has important educational implications . . . " (Jenkins, 1994, p.604). Indian policy documents advocate that "science education programs will be designed to enable the learner to acquire problem solving and decision making skills and to discover the relationship of science with health, agriculture, industry and other aspects of daily life" (NPE, 1992; p.40). Interviews confirm there is a lack of curricular emphasis on contemporary knowledge of the nature of science (e.g., Kuhn, 1962; Shapin and Schaffer, 1985; Shapere, 1988) and the significance of the context in learning (e.g., Lave, 1993; Rogoff, 1984). The vested interests of subject specialists and the implementation of their science curriculum as " a standard text" also contribute to the gap existing between policy and practice. The commentaries from curriculum developers are shadowed with concerns persistent in post-independence India regarding a nationally standard science curriculum versus a locally relevant, contextualized science instruction. Since its inception, the role projected for the National Council of Educational Research and Training has been to provide coherency and direction for school curricula within India's diverse settings. Science education must be tailored to the specific scientific and technological needs of diverse populations, hence, the Indian states are expected to develop locally relevant science curriculum/resource materials. In practice, however, NCERT science textbooks function as agents of a standardized science since the state education authorities package and dispense them as the only curriculum resource in the classrooms. This practice relegates students with a "fixed" content, thus limiting opportunity to make use of science as a way to investigate their immediate world and improve their environment. Yet currently, the sensitive issue of development of locally relevant resource materials has been compounded by the attempts of some fundamentalists to replace algebra and calculus textbooks with what they call "native science", namely, Sanskrit verses alleged to be of Vedic origin. Our interviews with curriculum developers also suggest that context specific treatment of science (the nature of science and its methodology) can be undermined by the interests of subject specialists. Specialist interests tend to circumscribe the boundaries of a dialogue, thus elevating the status of an abstract discourse. As curriculum developers and textbook authors at NCERT note, unless policy makers at every level address these issues, Indian school children may be deprived of a science curriculum that provides them with meaningful instructional materials and crucial conceptual tools for solving real-life problems. 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What changes in the textbooks have taken place over the years? 3. How are the decisions on topic choice, authors and developers made across the different grades? (If relevant, how these decisions were made for topics on energy?) 4. Who are the authors of the textbooks? What do you know about them? What are their backgrounds? 5. Were the handbooks developed concurrent to the textbooks? What was the purpose and thinking behind the handbooks? 6. How do current NCERT curriculum materials differ from when they were produced locally? Strengths and limitations of science curriculum materials 1. What are the aims and objectives behind NCERT science curriculum materials? 2. What do you perceive are the strengths and limitations of the current NCERT curriculum materials? In which ways do you think these could be better? The way nature of science is portrayed, and the vision of how it might be different 1. Do you think the nature of science is an important issue ? Explain why? 2. How do you describe the way nature of science is portrayed in NCERT science curriculum materials? Is your view of the nature of science any different? What view of the nature of science would you like to be portrayed in these materials? How should we go about doing it? Take an example from your field or area of interest? What should be the best methods and strategies ? 3. In what ways can curriculum materials make a difference in this direction? What are the limitations? What else is important? 4. In your opinion, what are the major objectives for teaching students about the nature of science and technology? What are the major obstacles to achieve these objectives ? What are major characteristics you try to build into science curricula to meet these objectives? 5. This question is about the classroom practices in Indian schools. How can innovation in present school science curriculum shape the teaching practices in Indian schools? What are the situational (institutional or instructional) constraints on these practices? How is NCERT addressing or planning to address these constraints? About the authors... Ravinder Koul completed his Ph.D. in Curriculum Instruction ( with specialization in Science Education) from The Pennsylvania State University. He has traveled and worked at both school and university levels in India, Botswana, and West Virginia. Ravinder's research has focused on the significance of beliefs and instructional practices in teacher education, curriculum reforms and curriculum materials, computer-mediated-communication and crosscultural issues. Ravinder is a member of The National Association for Research in Science Teaching, American Educational Research Association and International Group on History, Philosophy, Sociology of Science and Science Teaching. Thomas M. Dana is Assistant Professor and Science Education Program Coordinator in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Teacher Education Programs, at Penn State University in State College, PA. Dr. Dana's academic background includes a B.S. in Earth Sciences Education from the State University of New York at Oswego, an M.S. in Affective Education/Science Education from the State University of New York at Oswego, and a Ph.D in Science Education from Florida State University. To get to the top of this page, click here. To get back to the current issue of the EJSE, click here. To get back to the EJSE's Archive page, click here.