sends binary

Q.1. What is the difference between hard ware and soft ware?
A. 1.
Hard ware explains how computers can do certain tasks and not others.
Soft ware is the programs designed for the computer to carry out the basic
calculations. These programs are unlimited in their abilities.
Q. 2. Explain Babbage’s 3 different types of “Engines.” What were they used for and how did
these mathematic machines help aid towards producing computers as we know them today?
a. Difference Engine- computed polynomials faster than humans could.
b. Analytical Engine- Could also perform subtraction.
c. Universal Machine- Was never built, but it was suppose to perform any task
that the user wanted it to.
Although Babbage was not successful at creating his Universal Machine, his
hopes and ideas of what his machines might do, were very much similar to what
our modern computers are capable of today.
Q. 3. How did Ada Augusta contribute to improving computer technology?
A. 3.
She was known as the first programmer because she understood and appreciated
Charles Babbage’s genius ideas concerning his analytical machines. She
continued to make up mathematical computations and adapted them to Babbage’s
models and ideas.
Q. 4. What is ENIAC?
A. 4.
Eniac is the secret project that the United States was working on during WW II.
It was the first electrically run computer… electrical because it used a vacuum
tube, much like the ones that were used in amplifiers to turn it on and off.
Q. 5. Why were people skeptical about the actual ability to work?
A. 5.
The computer took 17,000 vacuum tubes to run.
Q. 6. What are the three key features of modern computers?
A. 6.
Digital, Binary and Electronic computers
Q. 7. What are the three main subsystems of Computer Hard Ware?
A. 7.
The three main subsystems are: Processing, Storing, and Input- Output.
Q.8. What is a heat sink used for?
A. 8.
Heat sinks are fans that take out the heat and generate cool air into the CPU so the
heat doesn’t damage the rest of the computer.
Q. 9. Explain the difference of Primary and Secondary storage.
A. 9.
Primary storage is the computer’s memory which is limited.
Secondary storage is floppy disks, CD Roms or Tapes.
Q. 10. What is the difference between Input and Output systems?
A. 10.
Input sends binary arithmetic to the microprocessor.
Such as the Keyboard which transfers the letters and numbers pressed down upon
and sends them to microprocessor. The Mouse acts as a pointing device.
Output Devices such as the Computer Monitor and Printer receive the binary
arithmetic tasks and carry out the tasks given to it.