TOWARDS A COUPLING OF CONTINUOUS AND DISCRETE FORMALISMS IN ECOLOGICAL MODELLING INFLUENCES OF THE CHOICE OF ALGORITHMS ON RESULTS Raphaël Duboz Eric Ramat Philippe Preux Laboratoire d'Informatique du Littoral (LIL) UPRES-JE 2335 BP 719, 62228 Calais, France E-mail : {duboz, ramat, preux} web : KEYWORDS Multimodelling, coupling, multi-agent systems, ecology, zooplankton behaviour. ABSTRACT Our current work deals with the coupling of analytical models with individual based models. Such a coupling of models of different natures is motivated by the need to study the impact of the behaviour of biological organism in their physical environment. While behaviour is best modelled using an algorithmic language, the dynamics of physical parameters is best modelled using numerical models. In the same time, it is crucial to be aware of the consequences of the simplifications and of the choices that are made in the model, such as the topology of space and various parameters. In this paper, we discuss theses issues and exemplify our approach on a case study drawn from marine biology. We conclude that the emergence of mathematical properties from agent models can be a way of coupling discrete and analytical formalisms. INTRODUCTION The main objective of our work is modelling a part of marine ecosystem. This ecosystem is considered as an example of complex system. In this work, we are modelling a small crustacean, part of the family of zooplanktons named "copepod" (see Figure 1), a very important link in marine ecosystem. We aim at showing that the consequences of the active behaviour of food foraging of the copepod are significant on its viability. It is yet controversial in the marine biology community whether the copepod actually seeks its food or if it simply catches the food that falls under its jaws thanks to the turbulence. Figure n° 1 : Copepod Centropages hamatus Researchers have shown that the distribution of phytoplankton is strongly heterogeneous in the environment of the copepod (Seuront 1999). Current results show that this heterogeneity influences the energy budget of the copepod. By measuring the quantity of nitrogen ingestion, the observations show that the output of the behaviour of the copepod (the excretion rate for example) varies according to the type of distribution of food. For example, a turbulent environment, favourable to an overall mixing, increases the encounter rate of the copepod with the cells of phytoplankton and increases the ingestion rate (Caparroy and Carlotti 1996). As argued elsewhere by different authors putting forward the concept of individual-based modelling (IBM), the study of this behaviour is incompatible with an analytical approach. So, we use a multi-agent system (MAS) approach (Ferber 1995). Coupling models is in keeping with multimodelling approach. A multimodel is considered as a composition of different homogenous or heterogeneous submodels at several abstraction level (Fishwick, 1995). A lot of papers deal with coupling circulation models with IBM based on analytical formalisms (Miller et al. 1998; Carlotti 1998...). Based on differential equations, They estimate the density of phytoplankton in terms of nitrogen concentration for example. If we want to couple these models with agent models, we have to use a rule of conversion to know how much particles of phytoplankton are present in the space. To simplify, one can make the assumption that all particles are identical. If the additional assumption is made that the particles of phytoplankton are distributed uniformly in the space, then one ends-up with an algorithm that converts a continuous representation (concentration of nitrogen) into a discrete one (number of phytoplankton particles per space cell). The question to be raised relates to the validity of these assumptions and their consequences. The transformation that we apply to the particles of phytoplankton can be applied to any discrete parameter which is defined by a continuous value in the model (principally individuals). These last remarks are very important in the perspective of coupling continuous models, well suited to large scale of time and space, with individual based models well suited to individual behaviour modelling (Grimm 1999) and then simulate scale transfer in ecological models (it is recognised that scales and choices of representation level are fundamental issues in ecosystems modelling (Frontier and Pinchod-Viale 1995; Coquillard and Hill 1997). already present in the gut). Then, this energy is either consumed (metabolism, digestion, or swimming), or stored (egg production for females, for example). At the individual level, movements have to be expressed in the lagrangian formalism. If we adopt a traditional representation of space in the multi-agent models, i.e. a discretized space according to a grid which cells can be square or hexagonal, then the coupling of a physical model of movement (model of micro-turbulence for example) with a discrete model based on agents is difficult if not nearly impossible (see section 2). The use of a lagrangian point of view is generally prohibitive with regards to computing performance. Our work is a first step in the direction of finding the optimal choices in order to conciliate computer performance and a accurate representation of the biological system for coupling discrete and continuous approaches. In the sequel we first present the model, the dynamics of agents and some results of simulation in 2D discrete space. The conclusions of section 2 leads us to a new model. This model is still based on the concept of multi-agents but the agents are located in a 3 dimensional continuous space. Problems regarding the boundary conditions and the choice of a particular distribution algorithm and space dimensions of the model are examined. We discuss the effects of these choices on a parameter emerging from our MAS model and then draw some conclusions and perspectives open by this work. (Caparroy and Carlotti 1996) propose a model synthesizing the various models developed earlier. This model takes into account the activities of capture and ingestion using five coupled differential equations. However, from our point of view, the contribution of the behaviour is partially neglected. Indeed, one can put into equations the fact that the activity of nutrition of a copepod is a function of the density of preys, the level of turbulence of the environment, the mode of foraging and the quantity of food in the gut; however, it is much more difficult to take into account various factors within the behaviour such as the way the copepod perceives its environment, the different sizes of preys, the speed of swimming of the copepod relatively to that of its prey, and so forth... THE DISCRETE 2D MODEL: PRESENTATION, SUMMARY OF RESULTS AND PROBLEMS In a majority of papers (see (Caparroy and Carlotti 1996; Carlotti et al. 2000; Tiselius and Jonsson 1990; Bundy et al. 1993) for instance), the copepod is represented by an analytical model. These models try to describe each "process'' of the organism in terms of input flow, output flow and transfer function (Caparroy and Carlotti 1996). Metabolism Swimming Digestion Egg Production Usable energy copepod Preys Preys in the gut Faecal pellets Expelled faecal pellets Figure n°2: Processes involved in ingestion and digestion in the copepod (see text for details) Let us describe the process of ingestion and digestion of phytoplankton (see Fig. 2). First, the copepod captures a prey (a particle of phytoplankton). After handling it for some times, the prey is stored in the gut and enters the process of digestion. The gut transforms its contents in energy and feacal pellets. This transformation is continuous: within each dt, a quantity dq of caught preys is processed (this quantity is proportional to the quantity Analytical model Agent model The system to be modelled is composed of a mass of water in which "patches'' of phytoplankton and copepods are immersed. Each agent is located on a cell of a grid representing the space and it is characterised by its properties among which its behaviour. The copepod has various characteristics (such as its "weight'' expressed in nitrogen, the volume of its gut, its speed of swimming...). Its behaviour, the principal object of the study for the biologist, is defined by a Petri network (Peterson 1981) or an algorithmic language to allow the description of sophisticated behaviours. In our model, the copepod perceives cells of phytoplankton. The perception is characterised by the sector (according to the orientation of the copepod) and the distance within which cells of phytoplankton are actually perceived. According to in vivo and experimental observations, the copepod basically exhibits two distinct behaviours: either swimming towards food, or jumping at random. These behaviours influence directly the capture of the particles of phytoplankton. Thus, we focus exclusively on this process and we leave aside the digestion, though we do not totally disregard it to obtain a complete model. The algorithm that models the dynamics of moves of the copepod is divided into two parts: 1- Normal swimming: -during t1 units of time (the time for the copepod to cross a cell of the grid), the copepod explores the cell where it is and whether food is available there; within each unit of time, it can capture one particle of phytoplankton, -if no food is found, the copepod continues to swim to reach the next cell, -at the end of the t1 units of time, the copepod chooses a neighbouring cell to be explored and proceeds there. 2 - Random jumps: -as soon as a cycle of t2 units of time is elapsed, the copepod performs a jump without considering what surrounds it. The way the copepod moves is a function of the copepod behavioural strategy. In a cell, the copepod captures the particles of phytoplankton if it has not yet eaten too much. Indeed, the copepod decreases the quantity of food which it absorbs according to its level of satiety, itself directly bounded with the number of particles of phytoplankton present in the gut. The mass of water constitutes the environment in which the other entities evolve and move. For the moment, it is not conceivable to model each particle with one agent due to the computational cost. The solution which is adopted consists in defining an attribute "Number of particles'' in each spatial agents (i.e. a cell of the grid). The management of food is delegated to the spatial agents, that is to the environment. The unit of time of simulation is fixed to the duration corresponding to the time necessary to perform the shortest action, i.e. the handling time of a particle of phytoplankton by the copepod, 1/20 s (Caparroy and Carlotti 1996). Simulation We have developed an agent model using our framework "Virtual Laboratory Environment" (VLE) (Ramat and Preux 2000). Initially, we consider only one copepod at a time since the aim of this study is the foraging behaviour of copepods. The size of the copepod (1 mm) is used as the basic length for the discretization of the environment. For the moment, the environment is considered as two dimensional and split into cells of 1 mm2. Each cell is dealt by a spatial agent. The particles of phytoplankton are very numerous (from 10 particles per litre to 10 8 particles per litter which yields a maximum of 102 particles per cell). The environment is composed of a 2D grid of 1600 square cells (40mmx40mm). Each cell is connected to its 8 neighbours. The particles of phytoplankton are distributed either heterogeneously by patches following a multifractal distribution according to (Seuront et al. 1999) (see Fig. 3), or homogeneously, the concentration being the same in each cell. In both cases, the average density is identical in the whole environment (2 particles / mm2). We define two types of copepods according to their strategy of swimming: random-walk or oriented towards food. In the second case, the probability that a cell is chosen as the next cell to move into is proportional to the quantity of food it holds: the more food, the more likely the copepod moves into it. At each step of simulation, we measure the attributes defining the internal state of the copepod: the energy contained in the gut expressed in pg of nitrogen, its usable energy, and the number of captured particles of phytoplankton. Figure n°3 Quantity of preys (pg of nitrogen) in the gut of the copepod against time The simulation accords to the principal results stated in (Caparroy and Carlotti 1996) for a uniform distribution of phytoplankton and random-walk swimming. It remains to perform comparisons with results of in vivo experiments. However, these in vivo experiments remain technically difficult to realize for the moment. Discussion On a purely experimental basis, turbulence was integrated into the discrete model with 2 dimensions that made it possible to show that one could not be satisfied with an expression of space in discrete terms (a grid). The model used for the demonstration is an atmospheric model of turbulence (the well-known model of Lorenz (Lorenz 1963). This model has the advantage of being simple and yields intermittencies in the speed field (expressed in two dimensions). However, this model of turbulence is not realistic in our case. It would be necessary to use models of turbulence at micro-scale. Nevertheless, all these models produce a speed vector field at each point of space. As long as the particles of phytoplankton are subject to this speed field, it is necessary to express the coordinates of the particles with precision. It is no longer relevant to merely give the number of phytoplankton particles in each cell of the spatial grid. We now need to characterize each particle with its coordinates in continuous space. To deal with this change, as far as each particle of phytoplankton is located with its continuous coordinates, each time the turbulence model has computed a new speed field, the location of each phytoplankton particle is computed with regards to the discrete space so that the model of the copepod is not changed. However, this trick is not sufficient: the copepod remains in a discrete space, it cannot be subject to the turbulence in the same way as the particles of phytoplankton. We have argued for the need to use a continuous space but this has consequences. The mechanisms of perception of the copepod are not explicitly expressed in a discrete 2D space (determination of a set of perceived cells and consequently the perception of what they contain). Perception is redefined with an angle (which origin is the centre of the copepod and median is its direction vector, corresponding to the perception angle of table I) and a distance (corresponding to the perception distance of table I). The precision of the angle and the distance are related to the step of discretization of space (1mm in our model); we have to define a perception volume. The transformation of our model leads to the following questions: what are the impacts of the algorithms used for the distribution of the phytoplankton (now located in space with precision), the behaviour at the boundaries of space, and the space size on the output of the system (here we focus on the number of “eaten” particles)? In the next section, we describe the 3D model before addressing these issues. THE NEW 3D MODEL With regards to particular issues implied by the transformation of continuous variables into discrete ones, we build a new model. Space is now continuous and 3D. Necessary transformations are described below. Table II : Simulation plan for each space size (103mm3, 8.103 mm3, 64.103mm3) Deterministic boundary conditions Distribution reflection Pseudorandom uniform Pseudorandom patches Regular Toroidal space Thirty Thirty simulations simulations with with different different distributions distributions Thirty Thirty simulations simulations with with different different distributions distributions One One simulation simulation Random boundary condition (Random bounces) Thirty Thirty simulations simulations with one with different distribution distributions Thirty Thirty simulations simulations with one with different distribution distributions Thirty simulations Description We have made simplifications on the 2D model. In classical models of copepod, individual bioenergetic budget strongly depends of the ingestion rate (i.e. the number of eaten particles per unit of time)(Carlotti et al. 2000). This is the reason why we have decided to consider the number of particles eaten by the copepod as a sufficient indicator of the effect of boundary conditions, particle distribution and space size on the system. Furthermore, we do not take the metabolic processes into account in order to speed up the execution of model and amplify the ingestion rate. The time step is 1/20s according to the handling time of a phytoplankton cell by the copepod. There are no random walk and the simulation stops when there are no more phytoplankton particles in the water or when the copepod do not eat anymore. The copepod is characterised by its position in space and its direction angle. The chosen geometry for perception is a cone defined by its angle and length which is the perception distance. The only parameters are the size of space and the boundary conditions. We perform experiments with different types of distribution. Values of parameters used in the model are indicated in table I. Three sizes of space are taken for the different simulations: 103 mm3, 8.103 mm3, 64.103 mm3. The concentration of particles is the same for all space size: 0.5 which corresponds to a mean concentration (Caparroy and Carlotti 1996). Simulations plans are described in table II. Table I : Values of parameters use in the model Parameter Value Perception angle (radian) PI Perception distance (mm) 2 Catch distance (mm) 0.5 Swimming speed (mm.s-1) 1 Initial position (x,y,z) Centre of space Initial direction angles (radian) xOy = 1.8 x Oz = 1 yOz=1 Time step (duration of one 0.05 iteration in second) -3 Particle concentration ( ) 0.5 Phytoplankton distribution algorithms We use 3 algorithms to generate the spatial distribution of phytoplankton cells. The pseudo-random uniform distribution is calculated by the pseudo-random function of the C++ library initialised with the computer clock. This algorithm provides a uniform repartition of particles in space showing no regularity. The pseudo-random patches algorithm is computed likewise the pseudo-random uniform: it distributes particles randomly around virtual centres randomly distributed, with a standard deviation equal to 1. This provides patches which simulate a heterogeneous distribution. The random aspect of these algorithms imply multiple runs. The pseudo-random uniform distribution algorithm provides a heterogeneity less important than pseudo-random patches algorithm. The regular algorithm distributes particles on a regular grid. Perception algorithm The agent computes whether other agents are located in its perception cone and updates its trajectory determining a target positioned in space selecting the nearest particle. Another algorithm has been simulated where the target is determined by the barycenter of perceived particles and weighted by the square of the inverse of the distance between particles and copepod. With this algorithm, results are not different from those obtained with the first one which is simpler and faster. So we decided to use the first algorithm. Boundary conditions We consider three possibilities: 1- Reflection: at the limits of space, the copepod adopts a reflection trajectory, like a ray of light. 2- Toroidal space: at the limits of space, the copepod goes exactly to the other side of space. 3- Random bounces: at the limits of space, the copepod goes to a new cell selected at random. Optimization The high number of particles to be processed imposes the use of an adapted data structure. In his Ph.D. thesis, D. Servat (Servat 2000), proposed to partition space to sort particles according to their position. We do the same here. Space is partitioned into a grid. The size of cells of the grid is greater or equal than the perception distance. Every particle is assigned to a grid cell according to its position. At each time step, an attribute of the copepod refers to the cell which contains it. Hence, the computation cost of the selection of the neighbouring cells decreases dramatically. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION We plot the curve of mean ingestion for each case of table II and for each space size. Calculating the derivative of this curve, we obtain the ingestion rate (i.e. the number of particles eaten per unit of time). We present here some results to discuss the impact of algorithmic choices on results. Boundary condition impacts Figure 4 shows that standard deviation is large for simulations with deterministic bounces. We express standard deviation of the percent of remaining particles of the mean curve in order to compare simulations for different space size. In each case of space or distribution, the agent does not seem able to eat all particles (standard deviation remain constant at the end of simulations) and the importance of standard deviation indicate simulation is very sensitive to particles distribution when use deterministic bounces. The same is observed for a toroidal space. Fig n°5: Comparison between the number of bounces and ingestion curves for a particular simulation Deterministic boundary conditions seem to induce an artefact in the simulation as far as the agent is not able to explore the whole space. In the perspective of finding the optimal representation of space (the one which do not induce artefact on ingestion rate), we have introduced random boundaries. Furthermore, we have to find a boundary condition that permits us to do only one simulation to express ingestion rate in order to decrease simulation duration in the perspective of coupling models. Figure 6 presents examples of ingestion curves in a space of 64.103mm3 with this boundary condition averaged over 30 simulation with its own particles distribution. Fig n°6 : mean ingestion curve for a 64.10 3 mm3 space dimension: the same type of results are observed for others dimensions. Figure n°4: Standard deviation of the percent of remaining particles against time for deterministic bounces and each dimension of space: the same type of results are observed for a toroidal space. Figure 5 presents a comparison between the number of bounces and ingestion curves for a particular simulation. We can note that ingestion stops when the bounce curve becomes linear. This indicates that the agent follows the same trajectory over and over. This point has been confirmed by visual observation of these trajectories. We can note here that nearly all particles are “eaten” by the copepod. This means that the copepod is able to explore the whole space. Figure 8 shows that standard deviation decreases dramatically in case of random bounces. Distribution algorithm impacts Figure 6 shows that the assimilation speed increases with the heterogeneity of particle distribution (the same result is observed for other space sizes). It was known that heterogeneity of space distribution affects biological systems (Frontier and Pinchod-Viale 1995; Le Page 1996), but as far as we are aware of, it has never been shown with SMA in continuous space. Furthermore, these results are in agreement with (Seuront et al. 1999) results: heterogeneity of the phytoplankton distribution increases the ingestion rate of the copepod. Figure 7 plots the ingestion rate for different phytoplancton distributions. They also agree with (Caparroy and Carlotti 1996). standard deviation decreases dramatically with the increase of space size. This is an important result since this means that using a relevant distribution of phytoplankton cells and the optimal space size, we can simulate ingestion rate with only one run. This opens up the way to couple an analytical model which continuous variables are discretized to interact with an agent-based model CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVES Figure 7: ingestion rate at the beginning of simulation showing the crucial role played by particles distribution. Same results are observed for other space sizes. All along the simulation, the assimilation rate has a high frequency variability due to the heterogeneity of particle distribution. This high frequency variability was smoothed by the method of moving average. If we look at the standard deviation of mean curves for simulation with random bounces (figure 8), we can note that it increases with time (i.e. with the decrease of prey concentration) and falls close to zero. The fact that the maximum is encountered more or less early is due to the size of space Figure 8: standard deviation (in percent of remaining particles) against time for simulations with random bounces. It is interesting to note here that for each space size, curves are rather similar. This means that, for a particular space size and a particular distribution algorithm (here patch distribution), variability comes principally from boundary conditions for small concentrations. The main objective of this work is to find ways of coupling continuous and discrete formalism in ecological modeling. We have discussed the impact of some algorithmic choices on simulation. From this work, we come to the conclusion that the choice of the distribution algorithm and space size of the model are very significant in order to simulate copepod ingestion in 3D space. The aim of the work is to assess the impact of the assumption made in the model and figure out what the simplest and still relevant model would be. The plots of figure 6 are monomolecular or Mitscherlisch curves type (Pavé 1994) with the following mathematical form: dx / dt = a (1- x / k ) (where x is the particles number, K the maximum number of particles and a the origin slope). It is interesting to note that a mathematical property emerges from the agent formalism (here perception, move and eat). It can be a way to study emergence. The factor a can be considered as the assimilation rate of the copepod (Figure 7 shows the ingestion rate at the beginning of the simulation); this term is usually used to compute assimilation in classical models (Carlotti and al. 2000). Finding Mitscherlisch type curves leads us to think that it is possible to find mathematical properties based on an agent formalism in agreement with (Servat 2000). This is an important issue in the perspective of coupling analytical model with agent ones. We think that the emergence of mathematical properties from the agent model can be a way of coupling population analytical models (well adapted for large scale modeling) with agent modeling (well adapted for individual behaviour modeling). For example, taking a mathematical circulation and population model giving information on tubulence level (i.e. heterogeneity level of phytoplancton distribution), we can compute an ingestion rate associated to this turbulence level and then give it back to the population model. Representation of different scales in the same model requires to find mechanisms of action and reaction of one level of organization on other. From a systemic point of view (Bertalanffy 1963), we can say that the ingestion rate emerges from our modelling and, in agreement with (Le Page and al. 2000), we think that SMA can be a way of modelling multi-scale systems. Space size impacts In the close future, we will integrate micro-scale turbulence to show its effects on individuals by coupling a physical model with our agent and continue the studies of algorithmic choices on simulation results. Figure 8 and figure 4 show that the choice of space size has an influence on the efficiency of copepod ingestion: Furthermore, it seems important to represent individuals in a continuous space in order to be more precise with regards to behaviour modelling if we want to simulate the perception more precisely. For example, given a weight of phytoplancton cells (for a barycentric perception, see section 3), the copepod agent will be able to “choose” cells by calculating its weight according to particular attributes like species, cell size, etc... phytoplankton distribution in turbulent coastal waters”. In Journal of Plankton Research. Tiselius, P. and Jonsson, P. R. 1990. “Foraging behaviour of six calanoid copepods : observations and hydrodynamic analysis”. 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PHILIPPE PREUX was born on July 23rd, 1966 in Bohain en Vermandois, France. He received his PhD in computer science from University of Lille 1 in 1991. He is currently professor of computer science at the Laboratoire d'Informatique du Littoral of the Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale in Calais. He is doing research in artificial intelligence. *This work is supported by the Conseil Régional du NordPas de Calais, France under contract number: 00 46 0147