Gwen Sinclair
Curriculum Vitae
Librarian, Government Documents & Maps Department
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Library
2550 McCarthy Mall
Honolulu, HI 96822
Office: (808) 956-5424 email: orcid:
M.A., University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Geography
1999 M.L.I.Sc., University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Library and Information Science
1984 B.A. ( cum laude ), Trinity University, German
Professional Experience
Government Documents Librarian, Government Documents & Maps Department, University of
Hawai‘i Library, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, Hawai‘i (September 1999-
August 2013; January 2015-present)
Serve as the Library’s Federal Depository Library Program coordinator. Respond to reference inquiries related to federal documents, United Nations documents, and maps. Create instructional guides and provide information literacy instruction for federal government documents and government information in general. Perform cataloging and technical processing work for federal and United Nations documents. Select reference books and electronic resources.
Interim Associate University Librarian for Planning, Administration, and Personnel, University of Hawai‘i Library, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, Hawai‘i (August 2013-
December 2014)
Directed personnel recruitment, employee relations, faculty and staff training, strategic planning, and space planning for Hamilton and Sinclair libraries. Served as the Acting
University Librarian in the absence of the University Librarian. Created and interpreted guidelines, policies, and instructions. Responded to general inquiries and patron complaints.
Head, Public Services Division, University of Hawai‘i Library, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa,
Honolulu, Hawai‘i (August 2012-August 2013)
Coordinated the activities of the Public Services Division, which consists of the following departments and collections: Access Services; Archives & Manuscripts; Asia Collection;
Business, Humanities, and Social Sciences; Charlot Collection; Government Documents &
Maps; Hawaiian and Pacific Collections; Science & Technology; and Sinclair Library.
Managed/coordinated various public services including developing or revising policies and procedures, signage, and general web pages. Coordinated public services aspects of moving and construction projects. Conducted tours and gave library orientations to individuals and groups. Responded to general inquiries and patron complaints. Served as the LibGuides administrator.
Head, Government Documents & Maps Department, University of Hawai‘i Library, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, Hawai‘i (January 2002-September 2007; July 2010-June
Coordinated the work of the department, set priorities, and establish policies and procedures.
Serve as a liaison between the department, other departments, and the Library Administration.
Supervise civil service, administrative, technical, and professional personnel and Library and
Information Science Program interns. Performed/coordinated personnel actions such as performance reviews, evaluations, and recruitments. Managed disaster recovery efforts in response to the October 2004 flood.
Library Instruction Librarian, Reference Services Unit, Meader Library, Hawaii Pacific
University, Honolulu, Hawai‘i (April-September 1999)
Coordinated the instructional program in business, humanities, and social sciences. Served as a subject selector for several social science and humanities subjects. Provided reference services for business, humanities, and social sciences.
LIS 618: Government Documents and Archives (Spring 2010 (classroom); Fall 2012 (online asynchronous); Spring 2015 (online asynchronous))
3-credit graduate course in the UHM Library and Information Science Program
LIS 100: Libraries, Scholarship, and Technology (Fall 2000 (classroom))
3-credit, Learning Community, writing intensive undergraduate course linked to English 100
Conferences Convened
Uncovering Golden Nuggets in Government Documents: Hawai‘i Library Association
Postconference on Government Information. Kahuku, Hawai‘i, October 25, 2004
Selected Presentations and Panel Discussions
2014 Presenter, “Government Information, Fast and Slow.” Society for Professional Journalists
Regional Conference, Honolulu, Hawai‘i, March 28, 2014.
2013 Co-Presenter, “OneSearch.” University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Library, July 18 & 26, 2013
(contribution: 50 percent)
2013 Presented library orientations for Early Start Program and New Faculty Orientation.
Presenter, “Improving Access to Executive Orders and Proclamations Related to Hawai‘i.
Hawai‘i Library Association Annual Conference, Ka‘anapali, Hawai‘i, November 30,
Presenter, “Mind Your EOs and Ps: Executive Orders and Proclamations .” Federal
Depository Library Conference, Arlington, Virginia, October 17, 2012.
Co-Presenter, “90,000 Photographs from the Deep: The Story of Aerial Photographs at the
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Library.” Annual Symposium on Maritime Archaeology and History of Hawai‘i and the Pacific, Hilo, Hawai‘i , February 20, 2011 (contribution: 50 percent).
Presenter, “
Resources for Your Library in the Government Documents & Maps Department at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Library.” University of Guam Library, Mangilao,
Guam, November 24, 2008.
Presenter, “
Resources for Your Library in the Government Documents & Maps Department at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Library.” Pacific Islands Association of Libraries,
Archives, and Museums Annual Conference, Colonia, Yap, November 19, 2008.
2008 Moderator, strategic planning session, Fall Depository Library Council Meeting and
Conference, Arlington, Virginia, October 22, 2008.
2006 Presenter, “Demystifying Label Printing.” Hawai ‘ i Voyager Users Group Meeting,
Honolulu, Hawai ‘ i, August 14, 2006.
Presenter and panelist, “Disaster Recovery for Depositories.” Spring Depository Library
Council Meeting and Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 20, 2005. Invited presentation.
2004 Presenter, “A Librarian’s Roadmap to Federal Government Information,” presented at the
HLA Postconference on Government Information, Kahuku,
, October 25, 2004.
2000 Co-Presenter, “But We’re Not Tourists: Pacific Islands Government Information on the
Web,” presentation at Hawai‘i Library Association Annual Conference, Po‘ipū, Hawai ‘ i,
November 4, 2000 (contribution: 50 percent).
2000- present
Presented numerous training sessions and workshops on Hawai‘i Voyager, the online catalog of the University of
Hawai‘i system libraries.
2000- present
Presented numerous library instruction sessions and workshops on government information for undergraduate and graduate courses in library and information science, Hawaiian studies, history, nursing, journalism, natural resources and environmental management, kinesiology and leisure science, Honors, and geography.
Selected Publications
Book Chapter
Federal Depository Library Program (2006). “Disaster Preparedness and Recovery.”
Depository Library Handbook. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. Chapter coordinator (contribution: 25 percent. The Handbook was superseded in 2011.)
Sack, N.L. and Sinclair, G.E. (2005). Library of Congress Subject Headings for the Pacific
Honolulu: Hawai‘i Library Association. (contribution: 40 percent)
Non-refereed Articles in International or National Journals
Fluvog, J., M. Collins, D. Hale, A. Pace and G. Sinclair. 2015. Meeting the E-resources challenge through collaboration: an OCLC perspective on effective management, access, and delivery of electronic collections. The Serials Librarian ( forthcoming).
Sinclair, G.E. (2007). Regional disaster: the flood at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Library .
DttP 35(3), pp. 31-35. Invited contribution.
Sinclair, G.E. (2007). No secrets @ your library
: how government secrecy affects libraries. DttP
35(2), pp. 38-45.
Book Reviews
Sinclair, G.E. (2014). Native paths to volunteer trails: hiking and trail building on Oʻahu.
Hawaiian Journal of History 48, pp. 182-184.
Unpublished thesis
Sinclair, G.E. (2008). A survey of community water fluoridation in the United States. Master’s thesis, University of
Hawai‘i at Mānoa, 2008.
Newsletter Articles
Sinclair, G.E. (2007). Serials standard record simplified. HLA Newsletter 49 (3), p. 3.
Sinclair, G.E. (2007). Authority control still critical in online age. HLA Newsletter 49 (3), p. 7.
Sinclair, G.E. (2006). New library at Dole Cannery. HLA Newsletter 48 (1), p. 4.
Sinclair, G.E. (2004).
The Census 2000 Special EEO Tabulation: librarians in Hawai‘i.
Newsletter 46 (2), pp. 6-7.
Creative Works
Selected Web Sites of the UHM Library
Sinclair, G.E. (updated 2014). Library Facts and Figures.
Retrieved May 20, 2014 from (13-page subject guide).
Sinclair, G.E. (updated 2013). Government Documents – A Guide to the Collections.
May 29, 2013 from (contribution 50 percent;
12-page subject guide).
Sinclair, G.E. (updated 2013). Government Documents - Congress, Library of Congress, GAO,
Retrieved May 29, 2013 from
(12-page subject guide).
Sinclair, G.E. (updated 2013). Government Documents – Military and Veterans Agencies.
Retrieved May 29, 2013 from (14-page subject guide).
Sinclair, G.E. (updated 2012). Government Documents – The President; Executive Office of the
Retrieved May 29, 2013 from (8page subject guide).
Sinclair, G.E. (updated 2012). Climatological Data: Hawai
‘ i and Pacific . Retrieved May 29,
2013 from (2-page subject guide).
Selected UHM Library Exhibits
Sinclair, G.E. and Suzuki, M.K. (2011). Government Printing Office 150 at Hamilton Library, Honolulu,
Hawai‘I (contribution: 50 percent)
. th
Anniversary. Exhibit
Sinclair, G.E. (2008). International Year of the Potato. Exhibit at Hamilton Library, Honolulu,
Hawai‘i .
Government Documents & Maps Department (2007). 100 years of the federal government in
Hawai‘i. Exhibit at Hamilton Library, Honolulu, Hawai‘i (contribution: 20 percent).
Sinclair, G.E. (2001). Pearl Harbor. Exhibit at Hamilton Library, Honolulu,
Sinclair, G.E. (2000). Duck and cover. Exhibit at Hamilton Library, Honolulu,
Sinclair, G.E. (2000). Politically incorrect. Exhibit at Hamilton Library, Honolulu, Hawai‘i .
Sinclair, G.E. (2000). Census 2000: you need it, it needs you. Exhibit at Hamilton Library,
Service on Professional Boards and Committees
Greater Western Library Alliance Government Documents Collection Management Task Force
Depository Library Council to the Public Printer (2007-2010)
Hawai ‘ i Library Association. Membership Chair, 2011-present; Chair, Technical Services section, 2006-2011; Chair, Hawaiian Section, 2006-2011; Annual Conference Registration
Committee, 2002-2005; Chair, Nominating Committee, 2003-2004; Director, 2000-2002;
Legislative Liaison, 1999-2000
Special Libraries Association, Hawaiian-Pacific Chapter. Program Chair, 2004-2005; Past
President, 2002-2003; President, 2001-2002; Vice-President/President-Elect, 2000-2001
University Service
Student Success Center Space Planning Committee (2014)
Tenure and Promotion Review Committee (2013; appointed) (chair)
Mānoa Faculty Senate representative for Library Services (2000-2002; 2012-2013; elected)
Mānoa Faculty Senate Committee on Professional Matters (2012-2013; appointed)
Mānoa Faculty Senate representative to UHM Sustainability Council (2012-2013; appointed)
All Campus Council of Faculty Senate Chairs (2011-2012; elected)
Library Service
Space Planning Coordinating Committee (2014; appointed) (chair)
Assessment Committee (2013-2014; appointed) (chair)
Library Leadership Team (2012-2014; appointed)
Strategic Planning Working Group (2012-2014; appointed) (chair)
Library Senate Executive Board (chair, 2011-2012; vice-chair, 2010-2011; elected)
Reference Transaction Tracking Software Committee (2012-2013; appointed) (chair)
Processing Workflow Analysis Team (Strategic Action Group 7) (2008-2009; appointed)
Library Personnel Committee (2005-2006; elected)
Public Services Heads Group (2002-2007; 2010-2013; appointed) (chair 2012-2013)
Library Departmental Council (2002-2007; 2010-2014; appointed)
Departmental Libraries Committee (2003; appointed) (chair)
WebVoyáge Committee, University of Hawai ‘ i system libraries (2001-2005; appointed) (chair,
Various library committees, including Air Handler Group; Endeavor Steering Committee;
Library Forums Committee; Staff Development Committee; Register to Vote @ Your Library
Committee; screening committees for Geospatial Services Librarian (chair), GIS Coordinator
(chair), Head of Access Services (chair), Pacific Specialist Librarian, Head of Serials,
Systems Librarian, Government Documents Librarian, Business, Humanities, and Social
Science Librarian, Human Resources Specialist.
Professional Development Events Planned, Organized, and Hosted
“Manoa Heritage Center Tour,” October 30, 2010. Organized event as chair of the Hawaiian
Section of the Hawai‘i Library Association.
“SCCTP Basic Serials Cataloging Workshop,” April 21, 2010. Co-organized event as chair of the
Technical Services Section of the Hawai‘i Library Association. Presented by Eugene
Dickerson, Ralph J. Bunche Library, U.S. Department of State.
“Hawai‘i State Archives: Providing Access and Enhancing Preservation through Digitization,”
John A. Burns School of Medicine, May 21, 2009. Organized event as chair of the Hawaiian
Section of the Hawai‘i Library Association. Presented by Gina Vergara-Bautista, Hawai‘i
State Archives.
“Makiki Cemetery Tour,” April 9, 2009. Organized event as chair of the Hawaiian Section of the
Hawai‘i Library Association. Presented by Nanette Napoleon, graveyard historian.
“Digital Hawaiian Resources,” John A. Burns School of Medicine, July 20, 2007. Co-organized event as co-chair of the Hawaiian Section of the Hawai‘i Library Association. Presented by
Helen Wong Smith, University of Hawai‘i-Hilo Library.
“Mānoa Chinese Cemetery Tour,” October 26, 2004. Organized event as program chair of
Special Libraries Association, Hawaiian-Pacific Chapter. Presented by Nanette Napoleon, graveyard historian.
“Exploring Alternative Careers Workshop,” Institute for Astronomy, August 27, 2004. Organized event as program chair of Special Libraries Association, Hawaiian-Pacific Chapter.
“Dinner with Mary Alice Baish,” Outrigger Canoe Club, March 17, 2003. Organized event as past president of Special Libraries Association, Hawaiian-Pacific Chapter. Presented by Mary
Alice Baish, American Association of Law Libraries.
“Future of the Special Libraries Association,” Outrigger Canoe Club, May 13, 2002. Organized event as president of Special Libraries Association, Hawaiian-Pacific Chapter. Presented by
Hope Tillman, Special Libraries Association.
International Conferences and Meetings Attended
Pacific Islands Association of Libraries, Archives, and Museums Annual Conference, National
Capitol, Pohnpei (November 17-19, 2009)
Pacific Islands Association of Libraries, Archives, and Museums Annual Conference, Colonia,
Yap (November 16-18, 2008)
Special Libraries Association Annual Conference (various locations) (1998, 2000-2001)
National Conferences and Meetings Attended
North American Serials Interest Group Annual Conference, Fort Worth, Texas (May 2-4, 2014)
Annual Depository Library Council Meeting and Conference, Washington, D.C. (April 30-May
2, 2014)
Annual Fall Depository Library Council Meetings and Conferences, Arlington, Virginia (2001-
Annual Spring Depository Library Council Meetings and Conferences (various locations) (2005-
American Library Association Annual Conference, Anaheim, California (June 27-30, 2008)
National Oral Health Conference, Miami, Florida (April 28-29, 2008)
American Library Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, California (June 15-19, 2001)
Regional and Local Conferences and Meetings Attended
Ho‘okele Na‘auao: A Hawaiian Librarianship Symposium, Honolulu, Hawai‘i (October 23,
Greater Western Library Alliance Student Learning Outcomes Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
(November 13-15, 2013)
Hawai‘i Library Association Annual Conference (various locations) (1999-2014)
Hawai‘i Voyager User Group meeting (various locations) (2005-2009, 2012-2014)
Annual Symposium on Maritime Archaeology and History of Hawai‘i and the Pacific (Honolulu,
Hawai‘i (various locations) (2009, 2011-2013)
Selected Professional Development Events Attended
Federal Depository Library Online Conference (December 2014)
Labor Relations and Progressive Discipline (October 2014)
State Ethics Commission Training (July 2014)
Being an Effective Facilitator (May 2014)
Communication and Conflict Management for Department Chairs (May 2014)
Archiving & Cataloging Federal Agency Web Sites: GPO's Web Archiving Project (May 2014)
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Training Series for New Deans (September 2013-March
Libraries in Transition (March 2014)
Exploring Common Spaces (February 2014)
Innovative Reference Services (October 2013)
Metacognition (October 2013)
Workplace Wellness @ Your Library (September 2013)
ArtStor and Prezi (January 2013)
Facilitative Skills for Collaborative Leaders (October 2012)
Transforming Your Traditional Lecture Format into an Online Class (May 2012)
EndNote Basics (January 2012)
Various RDA webinars (2011-2012)
SCCTP Basic Serials Cataloging Workshop (April 2010)
ACRL Podcasting Webinar (June 2009)
Rubrics: An Assessment Tool (May 2009)
ACRL Design Thinking (Blended Librarianship) Webcast (May 2009)
Hawai‘i State Archives: Providing Access and Enhancing Preservation through Digitization
(May 2009)
Ian Witten: Wikipedia as a Knowledge Base (April 2009)
Semi-annual U.S. Census Bureau workshops on American Community Survey and Decennial
Census (1999-present)
CONSER Standard Record for Serials Workshop (November 2007)
SCCTP Serials Holdings Workshop (March 2006)
ALCTS Library of Congress Subject Cataloging Workshop (February 2006)
Unicode Workshop (May 2005)
SCCTP Integrating Resources Cataloging Workshop (March 2005)
SCCTP Advanced Serials Cataloging Workshop (April 2004)
Electronic Serials Cataloging Workshop (March 2003)
Western Association of Map Libraries preconference on map cataloging (November 2002)
Library Skills Management Institute (October 2002)
Memberships in Professional Associations
1999-present American Library Association (ALA)
1999-present ALA Government Documents Round Table
2012-present Association of College and Research Libraries
1999-present Hawai
‘ i Library Association
2008-present Society for History in the Federal Government