b. An overview of the OECD statistical programme

For Official Use
Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Economiques
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
English - Or. English
For Official Use
Meeting of the High Level Group on Statistics
Agenda Item 2.1
Château de la Muette
13 June 2002
Beginning at 9.30
English - Or. English
Document complet disponible sur OLIS dans son format d'origine
Complete document available on OLIS in its original format
In 2001 the OECD launched a new “corporate” statistics strategy1. The main objectives of
such a strategy were to:
 improve the quality of OECD statistical products;
 increase the efficiency of OECD statistical activities;
 design and implement a new statistical information system;
 increase the positive perception of OECD statistical work within the Organisation, and users
in Member countries (primarily in ministerial authorities, OECD Delegations, national
statistical offices, media) and in other international organisations;
 enhance the key role of the OECD in the international statistical network;
 improve the quality of human resource of OECD statistical staff and their satisfaction.
In addition, a list of short-term actions to improve the current situation, to rationalise the existing
organisation and to address urgent problems was identified.
In 2001, the OECD Statistics Strategy (OSS) was presented to various Committees and
Working Parties; in July 2001 the Secretary-General indicated statistics reform as a priority for 2002;
finally, in November, the overall strategy and achievements in 2001 were presented to the Heads of
Delegations, who confirmed their strong support for the initiative. According to the conclusions of these
discussion, the Secretary-General confirmed, in his “strategic document for 2003-2004”, the quality of
OECD statistics as one of the main priorities of the Organisation.
The four priority areas outlined in the original strategy were: communication and
dissemination of statistics; collection, storage and management of data and metadata; co-ordination with
national data providers and other international organisations; improvement of the skills and the quality of
work of staff involved in statistical activities. Significant progress has been achieved in all four areas.
Annex 1 provides an overview of these achievements.
Also during 2001, a more precise plan to develop a comprehensive OECD statistical
information system was drawn up. This plan encompasses technical, organisational and political
dimensions, and proposes the development of a “corporate quality framework for statistics” to improve all
the various dimensions of the quality of OECD statistics. A separate paper presents the conclusions of the
task force created to develop an OECD “quality framework for statistics”.
See the document “Towards a New strategy for OECD Statistics: A Working Plan for 2001-2002“.
Preparation of the first OECD Statistical Work Programme
The organisation of statistical activities at the OECD is based on a “decentralised approach”.
This means that the various statistics are developed by the Directorates responsible for analytical studies
and policy analysis. This type of organisation has several advantages in serving users directly, and
providing direct input into policy analysis. However, co-ordination across all the statistical activities of the
OECD is a vital ingredient to a successful decentralised system.
With this in mind, the new statistical strategy for OECD indicated a need to have a more
effective co-ordination within the Secretariat through:
 the re-launch of the Statistical Policy Group (SPG), the internal Group created in 1992 to
co-ordinate the OECD statistical activities and where all Directorates are represented;
 the compilation of the integrated annual OECD statistical work programme (OSWP).
The main elements of the work programme are a description of the activities, the
characteristics of data and metadata collection and storage processes, expected outputs, and
the list of statistics meetings. This data has been collected by electronic questionnaire and are
stored in a database accessible to all Directorates.
 a new Intranet site for statisticians and analysts that has been developed.
The second of these activities has been the major vehicle in preparing the 2002 OECD
Programme of Statistical Work. An integrated statistical programme for the Organisation as a whole is a
fundamental instrument for managing a decentralised statistical system, such as that of the OECD. In
addition, it plays an important role in presenting to the outside users a comprehensive picture of OECD
statistical activities and outputs (for more detailed information, see Room Document 1, A progress report
on the implementation of the new OECD Statistical Strategy, section c)
The two main uses of the Programme are:
 for users of OECD statistics to have information on what is going on in OECD,
 and for OECD to take decisions about existing activities (e.g. launching of new activities, or
co-ordinating work on activities across international organisations).
A further use of the database behind the programme is to facilitate access to the products and outputs of the
statistical work of the organisation.
The Statistics Directorate has the responsibility to prepare the programme, while the relevant
Directorates provide the necessary information through an electronic questionnaire for each line of
activity2. The information collected through the questionnaire concerns:
 a brief description of the activity (main aims, outputs and objectives for the following year,
A line of activity is defined as “an activity that produces at least one statistical output, such as a dataset or
database available to internal or external users through Internet, Intranet, Olisnet, CD-ROM, etc., or a publication
(whether classified or not) that is statistical or is an analytical publication with extensive statistical content”.
 expected improvements and changes with respect to the previous year and the meetings
 some key information about the Directorate and the staff member responsible for the activity,
the relevant Committee (or WP), if any, the related work programme, etc., the existing cooperation with other international bodies (if any);
 the characteristics of the data and metadata collection, management and dissemination
(names of the databases containing data and metadata, software used for data and metadata
collection and management, etc.);
 the expected output (publication, database, etc.) and the date of its release (in case of
databases, some key technical information about its structure, the classifications used, the
existing metadata, etc.).
The classification used to present activities has been derived from the UN classification of
statistical themes and it is currently used in the OECD web “Statistics Portal”. In 2002, about 90 activities
have been identified (Table 1) and, according to the definition used, many of them have multiple outputs.
In the following section a summary of main activities carried out by OECD Directorates is presented.
An important role of the OSWP is to provide information to other parts of the OECD
statistical information system. For example, information collected by the OSWP about output databases
has been used to create a “Portal” to the latter, which allows internal users to search for databases by
directorate or by topic. Selecting by database will provide some useful information for contacting the
activity manager for additional information, if necessary or the user will arrive at the welcome page of the
The information collected for the OSWP will be also used in a project to develop a corporate
data catalogue (showing the location of data, methodological information, etc.) containing links to a
defined set of “reference series” (i.e. the series most used by the various Directorates). In addition, it will
contain the basic information, which will be the starting point for the activity reviews, foreseen within the
context of the “quality framework”. Therefore, one could say that the OSWP represents the “heart” of the
OECD statistical information system.
The OSWP database containing the detailed information will be made available on
OLISNET, the network that is normally used by all OECD governmental bodies to access all OECD
documents and outputs (publications, statistics, etc.). This will represent an important tool for agencies in
charge of co-ordinating statistical activities, as well as for all public bodies using OECD statistics.
An overview of the OECD statistical programme
The list of statistical activities is presented in Table 1, while the detailed Programme of Work
is contained in Room Document 1.
A brief description of the main developments expected in 2002 is presented below, as well as of the
activities carried out by the Statistics Directorate.
Main developments expected in 2002
 Agriculture and fisheries: statistical activities carried out in this field are mainly devoted to
offer policy makers information on trends in agricultural commodities and fisheries, as well
as on policies adopted by individual countries (producer and consumer support, tariffs and
tariff rate quotas, etc.).
 Demography and population: the OECD activities are focused on migration and for 2002 an
improvement of the country coverage of the related database is expected. In addition, the
electronic dissemination of the latter (which will include some up-to-date synthetic statistics)
is envisaged on the OECD web site.
 Development: statistics are mainly produced to support the activities of the Development
Assistance Committee (DAC) and of the international aid community. Databases cover the
Creditor Reporting System (CRS), the external debt of the developing and transition
countries and the official and private resource flows to the latter. Improvements for 2002 are
expected because of the review of data collection systems of aid and other flows to aid
recipients, and of a better methodology for combining and harmonising data on CRS from
different sources.
 Education and training: several activities are carried out to produce “Education at a glance”,
a flagship OECD statistical publication, and to develop the international survey on student
assessment (PISA). For 2002 the methodological work will be focused on education statistics
and indicators (whose publication is scheduled for 2003), the development of a common
framework for international school surveys and of guidelines for the measurement of training.
Finally, an assessment of comparability of ISCED based on labour market outcomes will be
carried out.
 Energy: the International Energy Agency produces several monthly, quarterly and annual
statistics on trends of the energy sector (natural gas, oil, coal, electricity, nuclear energy,
prices and taxes, trade, etc.). For 2002, a particular effort will be put in expanding
information on heating oil, gas oil and on sustainable development related information,
disseminating a new database on renewable statistics, and creating an uranium database.
 Environment: the Environment Directorate collects and disseminates environmental data
according to the System of Information on Resources and the Environment (SIREN) for
Member and non-Member countries. Environmental indicators are developed to support
policy analysis, as well as environmentally related taxes. Important developments are
envisaged in 2002 to review data collection questionnaires on environmental expenditures
and revenues, on inland waters and on waste. De-coupling indicators will be published and a
set of environmental indicators for tourism will be proposed. A database on the use of
instruments used in environmental policy will be published.
 Finance: the analysis of banking profitability is supported by the regular production and
update of a set of indicators and of additional information, as regulatory framework and the
activities of banks in each country, while the role of institutional investors as financial
intermediaries and their impact on investments strategies is analysed through statistics on
their portfolios’ composition. A particular attention is paid to statistics on foreign direct
investment, where statistics are collected and a survey on “Implementation of Methodological
Standards for Direct Investment (SIMSDI)” is carried out in co-operation with the IMF. In
this area, several improvements are expected in 2002 (e.g., the introduction of an electronic
questionnaire, the revision of the SIMSDI, which will be carried out in co-operation with
Eurostat and ECB). Improvements in data collection are also expected in the area of
insurance statistics. An important activity concerns revenue statistics, which provides a set of
detailed and comparable data on revenue and related taxes. Finally, central government debt
and taxes statistics are compiled for Member countries. A special effort to improve coherence
of financial data with those produced in the framework of national accounts in under way.
 Health: the OECD has launched an important Health Project (2001-2004) and several
statistics are collected on care resources, utilisation of health infrastructures, population
coverage by insurance schemes, access to medical services, pharmaceutical consumption, etc.
New activities have been undertaken in statistics on employment in health care, income of
health professions and expenditure on long-term nursing care, as well as in enhancing
coverage of health accounts.
 Industry and service: in addition to activities carried out by the Statistics Directorate
(described in the next section), the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry (STI)
has developed the Structural Analysis (STAN) database, based on detailed national accounts
by economic activity, and the Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard, a publication
containing over 160 indicators to provide a comprehensive picture of countries’ performance
in these areas. In comparison to the 1999 edition, about 60% of the indicators contained in the
2001 edition of the Scoreboard are new. Statistics on the activity of foreign affiliates
(employment, production, R&D, trade, etc.) are currently developed, with the 2002 edition of
the database extending to include services and outward investment. Finally, methodological
activities are carried out to guide Member countries towards the implementation of Tourism
Satellite Accounts.
 Information and communication technology (ICT): communication indicators are currently
collected and published in the Telecommunication database, which provides more than 90
variables such as network infrastructures revenues, investments of operators, etc. Data on
market structures, broadcasting trends, tariffs, etc. will be published in the Communication
Outlook on 2003. Methodological work to improve the international comparability of the use
of ICT was undertaken through the development and adoption of “model surveys” of ICT use
in businesses and households / individuals as well as the development of a definition and
interpretative guidelines for electronic commerce.
 Labour: activities on labour force are carried out by the Statistics Directorate (and are
described in the next section), while the Directorate for Education, Labour and Social Affairs
collects and publishes statistics on benefit systems and work incentives and a very wide set of
labour indicators. Projects to improve comparability of wages and earnings statistics, to
analyse labour dynamics, potential labour supply, older workers and annual hours of work.
The Public Management Service compiles statistics on the public sector employment (at
local, regional and central levels), as well as pay and salaries. Finally, the Agency on Nuclear
Energy has developed and regularly updates the world’s largest database on occupational
exposure in nuclear power plants.
 Science and technology: several statistics are collected in the area of R&D, with related
methodological information. Data used to compile the semi-annual publication on main
science and technology indicators, which contains about 100 variables on resources devoted
to R&D, measures of output and the impact of these activities on the economy. In 2002 the
5th revision of the “Frascati Manual” which provides guidelines for the collection of R&D
data will be drafted, addressing new areas such as R&D performed by services.
 Social and welfare: the Social Expenditure Database (SOCX) contains statistics, programme
by programme, of the main public and mandatory private social expenditure categories. In
2002 the questionnaire will be reformatted and extended and improvements in the data
collection system are envisaged. In addition, a set of social indicators on the status of
societies is currently compiled, following a Pressure-State-Response framework. In 2002 a
“core set” of indicators will be published, while additional indicators will be updated on an
occasional basis, reflecting current social policy concerns. Work developing indicators of
receipt of cash transfers will be commenced.
 Territorial indicators: an internationally comparable database on relevant socio-economic
statistics at sub-national level (about 300 regions) has been developed. Methodological work
to define territorial typologies and disparities has been carried out. In 2002 several
improvements are expected to increase comparability, to improve the quality of metadata and
to increase the accessibility to the database.
 Transport statistics: statistics in this area are carried out by the European Conference of
Ministries of Transports. The cover investments, infrastructures, human resources, traffic and
energy consumption for different transport modes, as well as road accidents. Improvements
are expected in 2002 about the data management systems.
The work programme of the Statistics Directorate
The three main areas in which the Statistics Directorate is involved are: the production of
OECD economic statistics and the statistical research in this area; the development of the OECD statistical
information system and the co-ordination of OECD activities; the co-operation in statistics with nonMember countries. To meet internal and external needs in the field of economic statistics several databases
are currently managed by STD in the fields of: national accounts (annual and quarterly); main economic
indicators (included business tendency surveys and composite leading indicators); labour force statistics
(annual and quarterly); international trade in goods and services (annual and monthly); structural business
statistics; purchasing power parities; economic accounts of agriculture.
Efforts are normally devoted to improve timeliness, coverage and comparability of data in
each of these databases. In 2002 a particular attention will be put in:
 improving data capture systems for main economic indicators, developing more efficient
routines for extracting data from national websites and databases, as well as from Eurostat
databases for EU countries; expanding the coverage of monthly and quarterly indicators
published and of business tendency surveys data, as well as their consistency across
 publishing, for the first time, by an international organisation, statistics of international trade
in services by partner country. This is the first part of the implementation of the
recommendations of the new international Manual on Statistics of International Trade in
Services to provide a broader, more comparable and detailed picture of such trade. A project
will be launched in 2002 to identify a pertinent set of indicators on the international position
of countries. To this end, experts from STD and OECD Directorates will study together with
external experts the use of extended trade data (merchandise trade, trade in services, FDI) and
of business statistics (e.g. enterprise-related trade). Periodic Roundtable meetings are
planned to discuss findings;
 redesigning the database on small and medium enterprises annual statistics and verifying the
possibility to utilise data already collected by Eurostat, in order to avoid duplication in data
collection for EU countries;
 expanding the coverage of aggregate business survey indicators for the service sector and for
consumers’ behaviour, abandoning, at the same time, the collection of detailed data by two
digits ISIC classes;
 reviewing the statistical methodological information for labour force statistics and preparing
a specific publication comparing national methodologies used in compilation of employment
and unemployment indicators;
 developing recommendations for specific treatments in national accounts (software
measurement, financial services, insurance services, capital stock and intangibles) and
improving the consistency of series used across the OECD (public deficit, productivity
indicators, etc.); expanding the country coverage of the preliminary set of capital services
indices already collected in 2001;
 conducting two research projects to evaluate:
 the comparability of household wealth measures across main OECD countries;
 in co-operation with the European Central Bank, comparability of households’ and
businesses’ main macroeconomic ratios (savings, operating surplus) between EU, USA
and Japan;
 reviewing the publication on quarterly national accounts, extending the statistical content
(with about 50 series for each country), the country coverage (6 additional countries) and the
time-span coverage; adopting a system of rolling monthly updates of the database for
dissemination to users3;
 strengthening the co-operation with non-Members (Baltic countries, South East Europe,
Asian countries, China, Russia and CIS countries) in the areas of national accounts, PPPs,
business tendency surveys and composite leading and coincident indicators. A particular
effort will be put on the promotion and implementation of the Handbook on Non Observed
A project to allow real-time updates of all STD dissemination databases has been launched.
 compiling a survey of initiatives undertaken at national and international level to compile
sustainable development indicators and to develop integrated economic-social-environmental
accounts to evaluate sustainability issues.
In co-operation with Statistical Advisory Group (SAG) members a revision of publications on Annual
labour force statistics and on International trade statistics will be carried out in order to improve their
content (in terms of data and metadata) and interpretability. Finally, in 2003 a special attention will be
attached to the area of prices.
Several projects have been undertaken in co-operation with other Directorates. For example,
the Statistics Directorate is co-operating:
 with the Public Management Service in the project on E-Government policies, addressing
measurement issues and the role of national statistical offices in such policies;
 with the Directorate on Education, Labour and Social Affairs to improve the comparability of
labour price and cost statistics;
 with the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry in developing the Manual on
globalisation indicators.
Finally, several projects to develop components of the new OECD statistical information system have
been undertaken with the Service for Information Technology and Networks, and with the Directorate for
Public Affairs and Communication.
The Statistics Directorate organises through very close co-operation with other International
Organisations, major regular methodological meetings on agricultural statistics. The Inter-Secretariat
Working Group on Agricultural Statistics (IWG.AGRI), which comproses OECD, Eurostat, FAO and
UN/ECE, will organise its 8th Seminar in November 2002 at OECD. This seminar, called “PARIS”
(Perspectives for Agricultural and Rural Indicators and Sustainability), will also be carried out in close cooperation with the OECD Directorate for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries.
The Statistics Directorate currently manages the following ad-hoc expert groups:
 Expert group on national accounts: an annual meeting is organised with the participation of
experts from National statistical offices and from other international organisations. Experts
working in “EU candidate countries” are invited to the meeting and a specific meeting is
organised back-to-back in co-operation with the Statistical Division of the UN/ECE4. In 2002
the meeting will discuss the conclusions of the task-forces created in 2001 on: software
measurement, financial services, insurance services, capital stock and intangibles. A session
will be devoted to discuss financial accounts related topics: therefore, experts from national
central banks will be invited.
 Expert group on international trade in goods: an annual meeting is organised since 1999. It
brings together the national experts of merchandise statistics, International Organisations (in
The Statistics Directorate also organises, in co-operation with Eurostat and UN/ECE, a biannual meeting on national
accounts for all countries of the UN/ECE region.
particular the WTO, UNSD and Eurostat), business, research analysts and users. The main
focus of this group is on methodological advances, and on improving the timeliness,
consistency and coherence of OECD’s international trade data. Since 2001, this meeting
precedes the meeting of the Expert Group on international trade in services to enable
delegates to participate in both meetings.
 Expert group on international trade in services: an annual meeting is organised in cooperation with Eurostat with the participation of experts from national statistical offices,
central banks, other international organisations and other data users. The main thrust of the
work programme is the implementation of the recommendations of the Manual on Statistics
of International Trade in Services. Some joint work is also planned with the experts on trade
in goods concerning trade in software.
 In 2002 a new expert group on short-term economic statistics has been established. Its
mandate is to improve the quality (including comparability and timeliness) of short-term
indicators in priority areas of OECD and Member country need through the provision of a
forum for exchanging information on current best practice and the preparation of
recommendations to the OECD Secretariat and Member country statistical agencies for
implementation. The new Expert Group will cover an appropriate balance between specific
subject areas of short-term indicators (such as prices, services, business statistics, business
tendency surveys, etc) and cross-cutting issues (such as comparability, seasonal adjustment,
quality assessment, timeliness, etc).
The Statistics Directorate’s programme of work is designed in order to avoid overlapping and
to maximise the integration between EU countries and other non-EU OECD countries. This “bridge role”
is normally very appreciated by national experts, who also feel the OECD environment very useful to
debate new proposals or measurement issues without any “legal” constraint. In addition, several OECD
statistical working groups are directly linked to “policy working groups”, providing the opportunity to
maximise the dialogue between users and producers. In this sense, OECD expert groups integrate with
those already existing in other international and supranational organisations.
Another important linkage can be established between the activities of the Statistics
Directorate and those carried out by the “city groups”. In particular, some OECD countries feel that,
because of their heterogeneous composition and of the temporary nature of the latter, they cannot address
concrete recommendations to be implemented in OECD countries. Therefore, the Statistics Directorate
should promote the elaboration of more concrete recommendations, which should be discussed and finally
adopted by the heads of OECD National Statistical Offices. One concrete example of this approach is
represented by the creation (in co-operation with Eurostat) of a task-force on producer prices for services.
This should help Member countries in the implementation of the recommendations prepared by the
Voorburg Group, providing a forum where comparisons over existing experiences can be made and best
practices identified.
Recommended actions
Within the framework of the OECD Statistics Strategy, the Statistical Work Programme has
been an important tool to identify areas where more work needs to be done to co-ordinate better the
statistical work of the Organisation. It has made the path clearer for identifying several statistical projects
that have been launched in STD and in other OECD Directorates to meet emerging users’ needs. The
results of these are expected in 2002 and 2003. The experience gained from the first round of creating the
OECD Statistical Work Programme will allow the Secretariat to produce an improved version next year,
providing a revised fuller database for 2003-2004.
The High Level Group (HLG) is asked to express its view on the overall Programme, and in
particular, on the Programme of work of the Statistics Directorate. A special attention should be paid:
 to actions undertaken to implement the new OECD Statistics Strategy;
 to statistical projects launched to meet emerging users’ needs;
 to identify areas where a better co-operation with national statistical offices and other
international organisations should be established.
Consequences of proposals for national statistical institutes
The main consequence for national statistical institutes would be the participation to current and
new research initiatives. The re-launched dialogue between the OECD and heads of national statistical
institutes is a key factor for the success of the Strategy and for the improvement of OECD statistics. On the
other hand, a better knowledge of OECD statistical activities can help national agencies to better coordinate statistical activities at national level.
The support given by some NSOs to the development of specific statistical projects and the SAG
members’ involvement in discussing strategic issues of the OECD statistical policy witness the
appreciation for the OECD effort. All NSOs are asked to actively contribute in the Programme of work of
the Statistics Directorate, possibly providing financial grants and/or human resources (for example,
through secondments).
Table 1
List of the 2002-2003 OECD Statistical Activities
Agriculture and Fisheries Statistics
Agri-Environmental Indicators
Agricultural Commodities
Agricultural Market Access
Agricultural policies in emerging and transition economies
Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA)
Producer and Consumer Support Estimates
Review of Fisheries in OECD Countries
Demographic and Population Statistics
International Migration
Creditor Reporting System (CRS) Aid Activity Database
External Debt of the Developing and Transition Countries
Official and Private Resource Flows from DAC Members to Developing Countries and Countries in
Education and Training Statistics
Energy Statistics
Annual Natural Gas Statistics
Annual Oil Statistics
Coal Statistics
Electricity Statistics
Energy Prices and Taxes
Energy Statistics and Balances
Monthly Oil and Gas Statistics
Nuclear Energy
Quarterly Trade
Renewable Statistics
Uranium Resources, Production and Demand
Environmental Statistics
CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion
Environmental Data
Environmental Indicators
Environmentally Related Taxes
Financial Statistics
Bank Profitability
Central Government Debt Statistics
Financial Statistics
Foreign Direct Investment
Institutional Investors
Revenue Statistics
Tax Rates
Taxing Wages
Health Statistics
Industry and Services Statistics
Database for Industrial Analysis
Indicators of Industry and Services
Statistics on Enterprises By Size Class
Structural Statistics for Industry and Services
Information and Communication Technology
Telecommunications Indicators
International Trade Statistics
Activity of Foreign Affiliates
Annual International Trade by Commodity
Foreign Affiliates of Trade in Services
International Trade in Services
Market Access Database
Monthly International Trade
Labour Statistics
Annual Labour Force Statistics
Benefit Systems and Work Incentives
Information System on Occupational Exposure
Quarterly Labour Force Statistics
National Accounts
Annual National Accounts
Capital Services
Economics Department Analytical Database
National Accounts for Non-Member Economies
Non-Observed Economy
Quarterly National Accounts
Value Added and Employment in Services
Public Management
Public Management: Public Sector Employment
Public Management: Public Sector Pay and Salaries
Purchasing Power Parities
Purchasing Power Parities
Purchasing Power Parities for Non-Member Countries
Science, Technology and Patents Statistics
Analytical Business Enterprise Research and Development
Energy Technology RD&D Statistics
Main Science and Technology Indicators
R&D Statistics
Sources and Methods for R&D Statistics
Short-term Economic Statistics
Business Tendency Surveys and Cyclical Indicators for Non-Member Economies
Main Economic Indicators
Main Economic Indicators for Non-Member Countries
Social and Welfare Statistics
Social Expenditures
Social Indicators
Territorial Indicators
Territorial Statistics and Indicators
Transport Statistics
Annual Transport Statistics
Investment in Transport Infrastructure
Quarterly Transport Statistics
Road Accidents
Survey of Sustainable Travel in Cities
Transport Sector Trends Analysis
Other Activities
Co-ordination of OECD Statistical Activities
Development and implementation of an OECD quality framework
PARIS21 Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century
Statistical Training Programme