Matrix of Agreements, Treaties and Protocols

CARICOM Secretariat
(Last updated: January 2006)
This Matrix includes a comprehensive list of Agreements 1, which included treaties, protocols, MOUs, declarations, instruments of ratifications, etc.,
which Member States of CARICOM are party to and the Secretary-General of CARICOM exercises depositary functions, as well as Agreements
involving Member States and the Caribbean Community for which the Secretary-General of the CARICOM Secretariat does not exercise
depositary function. It should be noted that under Article 2 of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, a treaty “means an international
agreement concluded between States in written form and governed by international law, whether embodied in a single instrument or in two or
more related instruments and whatever its particular designation”. Therefore, the title and form of a document submitted to the Secretariat for
registration are less important than its content in determining whether it is a treaty or international agreement.
This Matrix also consists of Agreements which are no longer operative such as the Agreement Establishing the West Indies Shipping Corporation
and the Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Food Corporation. It was felt important to include these Agreements as they could serve as useful
research tools and become a precedent for organizations of their kind and as such still possess relevance for the Member States of the Caribbean
Community. It was also felt important to include these Agreements as they are a source of much useful research information and contain a
wealth of knowledge on the history of the Caribbean Community integration process.
The Agreements themselves are listed in alphabetical order and are historically important as primary sources of information on the dates and
places that the Agreements were open for adoption. Information is presented on their objectives, the dates of signature, ratification, and accession
and the dates of entry into force as well as on the process of registration with the United Nations where relevant. There are also general remarks
on any important new development with regard to the Agreements. The Agreements included in this compendium may have undergone minor
amendments from time to time and those changes will be incorporated as promptly as possible.
Member States are reminded that by Savingram No.
, the Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community advised that
Further, it should be noted that where there was no provision dealing with entry into force in an Agreement, the Agreement enters into force on the
date of the signature of both parties. This is provided for under Article 24(1) and (2) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties:
(1) A Treaty enters into force in such manner and upon such date as it may provide or as the negotiating states may agree.
(2) Failing any such agreement, a treaty enters into force as soon as consent to be bound by the treaty has been established for all the negotiating
Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations does not define the terms treaty or international agreement. Article 1 of the Regulations provides guidance on what comprises a
treaty or international agreement by adding the phrase “whatever its form and descriptive name”. Therefore, the title and form of a document submitted to the Secretariat for
registration are less important than its content in determining whether it is a treaty or international agreement. An exchange of notes or letters, a protocol, an accord, a memorandum of
understanding and even a unilateral declaration may be registered under Article 102. Further, it should be noted that under Article 2 of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of
Treaties, a treaty means “an international agreement concluded between States in written form and governed by international law, whether embodied in a single instrument or in two or
more related instruments and whatever its particular designation”.
Name of Agreement
1. Action Plan for Cooperation Among the Caribbean Community, Suriname and the Group of Three
2. Agreement Among the Governments of the Member States of the Caribbean Community for the Avoidance of Double Taxation
and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income, Profits or Gains and Capital Gains and for the
Encouragement of Regional Trade and Investment (1994)
3. Agreement between CARICOM and the Government of British Virgin Islands (1991)
4. Agreement between CARICOM and the Government of the Turks and Caicos Islands (1991)
5. Agreement between CARICOM and the Government of the USA concerning a CARICOM- United States Council on Trade and
Investment (1991)
6. Agreement between the Government of Jamaica and the Caribbean Community relating to the program for Training Middle Level
Agricultural Managers (1982)
7. Agreement between the Government of Jamaica and the Government of the United States Concerning Cooperation in
Suppressing Illicit Maritime Drug Trafficking (1997)
8. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and the Government of the United States
concerning Maritime Counter-Drug Operations (1996)
9. Agreement between the Government of the United States and the Government of Barbados Concerning Cooperation in
Suppressing Illicit Maritime Drug Trafficking (1997)
10. Agreement between the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Caribbean Community (1982)
11. Agreement between the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Caribbean Community – Amendment of the 1982
Cooperation Agreement
12. Agreement between the Caribbean Community and the Government of Anguilla (1999)
13. Agreement between the Caribbean Community and the Government of the Argentine Republic to Establish a Standing Joint
Commission on Consultation, Cooperation and Coordination (1998)
14. Agreement between the Caribbean Community and the Government of Bermuda 2002
15. Agreement between the Caribbean Community and the Government of the Cayman Islands (2002)
16. Agreement between the Caribbean Community and the Government of Chile to Establish a Standing Joint Commission on
Consultation, Cooperation and Coordination (1996)
17. Agreement between the Caribbean Community and the Government of India to Establish a Standing Joint Commission on
Consultation, Cooperation and Coordination (2003)
18. Agreement between the Caribbean Community and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture to carry out a
Feasibility Study on the Pest and Animal Disease Status of each Country inter alia (1986)
19. Agreement between the Caribbean Community and the Pan American Health Organisation, Re Cooperation and Mutual
Consultation (1983)
20. Agreement between the Caribbean Community and the Pan American Health Organisation (2002)
21. Agreement between the General Secretariat of the Organisation of American States and the Caribbean Community (1992)
22. Agreement between the Government of Grenada and the Caribbean Community Relating to the Privileges and Immunities to be
granted in connection with the Caribbean Agricultural and Rural Development Advisory and Training Services (CARDATS)
Project (1979)
23. Agreement between the Government of Guyana and the Council of the Caribbean Free Trade Association Regarding the
Headquarters of the Association (1970)
24. Agreement between the Government of Guyana and the Caribbean Common Market Relating to the Privileges and Immunities to
be Granted in connection with the Common Market (1976)
25. Agreement between the Government of Guyana and the Caribbean Community Relating to the Privileges and Immunities to be
Granted in Connection with the Secretariat (1976)
26. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean Meteorological Organisation
relating to the Privileges and Immunities to be Granted in Connection with the Headquarters Unit of the Caribbean
Meteorological Organisation (1979)
27. Agreement between the Government of Venezuela and the Caribbean Community Relating to Principles for a Multilateral
28. Agreement between the Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries experiencing
serious Drought and/or Desertification, particularly in Africa and the Secretariat of the Caribbean Community (2002)
29. Agreement between the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the Caribbean
Community (1980)
30. Agreement concerning the Caribbean Investment Fund (1998)
31. Agreement Establishing A West Indies Shipping Corporation (1975)
32. Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and other Health Professions (2003)
33. Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) (1974)
34. Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Community (CARICOM)-Cuba Joint Commission (1993)
35. Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Community (CARICOM)– Mexico Joint Commission (1974)
36. Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) (2002)
37. Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Court of Justice (2001)
38. Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Export Bank
Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export)
Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency (1991)
Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Environmental Health Institute (1980)
Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Examinations Council (1972)
Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Food Corporation (CFC) (1976)
Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Investment Corporation (1973)
Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Investment Fund (1993)
Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Meteorological Organisation (1973)
Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Regional Centre for Education and Training of Animal Health and Veterinary Public
Health Assistants (REPAHA)
Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Regional Drug Testing Laboratory (1974)
Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) (2002)
Agreement Establishing the Council of Legal Education (1970)
Agreement Establishing the Common External Tariff for the Caribbean Common Market
Agreement Establishing the Free Trade Area between the Caribbean Community and the Dominican Republic
Agreement Establishing the Regional Justice Protection Programme (1999)
Agreement Establishing the CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) (2002)
Agreement Establishing the Seat of the Caribbean Court of Justice and the Offices of the Regional Judicial and Legal Services
Commission between the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean Court of Justice and the Regional Judicial and
Legal Services Commission (RJLSC) (2005)
Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and for
the Encouragement of International Trade and Investment (1973)
Agreement for the Establishment of A Regime for CARICOM Enterprises (1987)
Agreement for the Establishment of the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (1989)
Agreement for the Establishment of an Assembly of Caribbean Community Parliamentarians (1992)
Agreement on a Commonwealth Caribbean Technical Assistance Programme (1970)
Agreement on the Establishment of the Joint Task Force for closer Cooperation between the Government of Barbados and
Member Governments of the OECS
Agreement of Cooperation between the International Maritime Organisation and the Caribbean Community (1985)
Agreement on Technical Co-operation between the Government of the United Mexican States and the Caribbean Community
Agreement on Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investments (1990)
Agreement on Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Kingdom of Spain
Agreement on Technical Cooperation and Trade Promotion between the Secretary of Trade and Industrial Development, the
National Bank of Foreign Trade (BANCOMEXT) Acting on behalf of the Government of Mexico and CARICOM (1990)
Agreement on the Harmonisation of Fiscal Incentives to Industry
Agreement Instituting the Order of the Caribbean Community (1991)
Amendatory Agreement in relation to the Caribbean Environmental Health Institute
Amendment of Article 15 of the WISCO Agreement
Amendment to Article 3(1) of Caribbean Investment Corporation.
Approval for Headquarters Agreement and Protocol on Privileges and Immunities
Basic Cooperation Agreement between the Caribbean Community Secretariat and the Permanent Secretariat of the General
Treaty of Central American Economic Integration (SIECA)
Canada-British West Indies – Bermuda – British Guiana – British Honduras Trade Agreement (1925)
Caracas Agreement on Energy Cooperation (2001)
Caribbean Agricultural Research And Development Institute
Caribbean Common Market Balance of Payments Mutual Support Interim Facility (1976)
Caribbean Community Agreement on Cooperation in the Development and Management of Living Resources of the Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ)
Caribbean Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty in Serious Criminal Matters (2000)
Caribbean Partnership Commitment (2001)
CARICOM Declaration of Labour and Industrial Relations Principles
Charter of Civil Society for the Caribbean Community
Caribbean/United States Summit Partnership for Prosperity and Security in the Caribbean (1997)
CARICOM Agreement on Social Security
Cooperation Agreement between the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) acting through the Caribbean Community Secretariat
and la Corporacion Andina de Fomento (CAF)
Cooperation Agreement between the Secretariat of the United Nations and the Caribbean Community Secretariat
Convention of the Caribbean Postal Union
Declaration of Belmopan
Declaration on Health for the Caribbean Community (1982)
Dickenson Bay Agreement – Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Free Trade Association (CARIFTA)
Final Report of the Second Meeting of the Mexico-Caribbean Community Joint Commission (1988)
Further Protocol to Provide for an Extension of time for the Reservation Made by the Government of the Bahamas to paragraph
1 of Article 5 of the Agreement Establishing the Council of Legal Education
Further Protocol to Amend the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the Caribbean Community for the purpose of
Extending the facility of the use of Laissez-Passer issued to the staff of the Caribbean Community Secretariat for travel on
official duty, to certain officials of other regional Organisations
Final Act Declaration and Resolution (to Caribbean Community Treaty)
Georgetown Agreement on the Organization of the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (1975)
Grenada Declaration (1971)
Guadalajara Declaration (1991)
Instrument of Ratification Re Amendment to the Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Agricultural and Development Institute
99. Instrument of Ratification of Amendment to paragraph 3 of Article 47 of the Annex to the Treaty Establishing the Caribbean
Instrument of Ratification of Amendment to paragraph (g) of Article 10 and paragraphs 1(b), (c), (d), (i) of Article 14 of the
Treaty Establishing the Caribbean Community and Common Market
Instrument of Ratification to the Amendment of Article 6 of the CET
Instrument of Ratification of Amendment of Article 14 of the Treaty (i.e. deletion of the words “The Regional Shipping
Council” from the list of Associate Institutions)
Instrument of Ratification of Amendments to Articles 14 and 53 of the Annex to the Treaty and Schedules I, II, III, IV, V,
and XI Annex
Instruments of Ratification of Amendment to the Common External Tariff Annex I
Instrument of Ratification Re Amendment to paragraph (b) of Article 6 of the Agreement Establishing the Caribbean
Meteorological Organisation
Instruments of Ratification RE Amendment to Paragraph (6) of Article 10 of the Treaty Establishing the Caribbean
Instruments of Ratification RE Amendment of the Annex to the Treaty by the Addition of Article 29A
Instruments of Ratification of Amendment to Article 5 of the Treaty
Instrument of Ratification – the Amendment of Article 13 of the Agreement on the Harmonisation of Fiscal Incentives to
Inter-governmental Agreement on Cooperation in Air Transportation
Intergovernmental Agreement on Establishment of CARICOM Foundation for Art and Culture
Joint Declaration between the Kingdom of Spain and CARICOM (1999)
Memorandum of Agreement between the Caribbean Community and the International Centre for Ocean Development
(ICOD) (1991)
Memorandum of Understanding between the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the United Nations Educational,
Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) (2003)
Memorandum of Agreement establishing the Caribbean Volunteer Corps among the Member States of the Caribbean
Memorandum of Cooperation between the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Department of Transportation, United
States of America and the Caribbean Community (2002)
Memorandum of Understanding between the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Caribbean Community (1999)
Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Barbados and the Member States of CARIFORUM (2002)
Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of St. Lucia and the Caribbean Community with respect to the
Caribbean Environmental Health Institute (1983)
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Caribbean Agricultural Research Development Institute and the Caribbean
Community as Executing Agency for CARDATS
Memorandum of Understanding between the Caribbean Community and Dominica Republic (2002)
Memorandum of Understanding between the Secretariat of the Caribbean Community and the Secretariat of the World
Trade Organisation (WTO) concerning a Joint Technical Assistance Programme (2000)
Memorandums of Understanding for Institutional Co-operation between the University of the West Indies and the
Caribbean Community Secretariat (1999), (2001), and (2004)
Memorandum of Understanding on Special Measures for Montserrat
Memorandum of Understanding on Public Service in the Commonwealth Caribbean Countries (1970)
Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment and Operation of an Association of Civil Aviation Authorities of the
Memorandum of Understanding between the CARICOM Secretariat and Government of Canada For the Provision of
Technical Assistance in the Field of Agriculture.
Memorandum of Understanding between the Caribbean Community Secretariat and the Government of Canada for
Provisions of Assistance in the Field of Health (1976)
Multilateral Agreement concerning the Operation of Air Services within CARICOM (1996)
Multilateral Agreement for the Operation of the Caribbean Epidemiology Centre (2001)
New Article 14 A of the Annex to the Treaty Exclusion from Common Market Origin Treatment
Further Protocol to Amend the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the Caribbean Community for the purpose if
extending the facility of the use of the laissez passer issues to the Staff of CARICOM officials and other regional organizations
Oils and Fats Agreement (1963- 1966)
Oils and Fats Agreement (1966-1969)
Partial Scope Agreement between the Republic of Cuba and the Caribbean Community under the Montevideo Treaty of
Partnership for Prosperity and Security in the Caribbean (Caribbean/United States Summit) (1997)
Principles for a Multilateral Agreement between the Caribbean Community and Venezuela (1991)
Protocol and First Additional Protocol implementing the Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement between the
Caribbean Community and the Government of the Republic of Cuba
Protocol of Port of Spain (1992)
Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the Common Market
Protocol Implementing the Trade and Economic Co-operation Agreement between the Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
and the Government of the Republic of Cuba (2000)
Protocol Relating to the CARICOM Industrial Programming Scheme
Protocols on the Privileges and Immunities of the Caribbean Community
Protocol Amending the Treaty Establishing the Caribbean Community (Protocol I)
Protocol Amending the Treaty Establishing the Caribbean Community Protocol II: Establishment of Services Capital
Protocol Amending the Treaty Establishing CARICOM Protocol III Industrial Policy (1998).
Protocol Amending the Treaty Establishing CARICOM Protocol IV Trade Policy (1999).
Protocol Amending the Treaty Establishing CARICOM Protocol V Agricultural Policy (1998).
Protocol Amending the Treaty Establishing CARICOM Protocol VI Transport Policy (1999).
Protocol Amending the Treaty Establishing CARICOM Protocol VII Disadvantaged Countries, Regions and Sectors
Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the Caribbean Examination Council (1997).
Protocol on RUM between the Member States of the Caribbean Common Market and the Government of Canada (1995).
Protocol to Provide for the Government of Suriname to become a Party to the Trade and Economic Cooperation
Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Governments of the Member of States of the Caribbean Common Market
Protocol to the Agreement Establishing the Council of Legal Education
Protocol to the Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Court of Justice relating to the Juridical Personality and Legal
Capacity of the Court (2003)
Protocol to the Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Court of Justice relating to the Tenure of Judges, Rules of Court,
Financial Agreements and withdrawal from the Agreement, as well as the relationship between Provisions on the Original
Jurisdiction of the CCJ and the Constitutions of States Parties (2005)
Protocol to the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas Establishing the Caribbean Community, including the CSME regarding
the Relationship between provisions on the Original Jurisdiction of the CCJ and the Constitution of State Parties (2005)
Protocol amending the Treaty Establishing the Caribbean Community – Protocol IX Dispute Settlement (2000)
Protocol amending the Treaty Establishing the Caribbean Community – Protocol VIII Competition Policy, Consumer
Protection, Dumping and Subsides (2000)
Protocol Implementing the Agreement establishing the Free Trade Area between the Caribbean Community and the
Dominican Republic (2000)
Protocol on the Provisional Application of the Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Regional Organisation for
Standards and Quality (CROSQ) (2002)
Protocol on the Provisional Application of the Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre
(CCCCC) (2002)
Protocol on the Revision of the Treaty of Chaguaramas (2002)
Protocol on the Provisional Application of the Revised Treaty on Chaguaramas (2002)
Protocol on the Legal Capacity, Immunities and Privileges of the Caribbean Free Trade Association (1970)
Protocol on the Status, Privileges and Immunities of the Caribbean Court of Justice and the Regional Judicial and Legal
Services Commission (2003)
Protocol laying down arrangements for Marketing of Oils and Fats
Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas Establishing the Caribbean Community, Including the CARICOM Single Market and
Economy (2001)
Revised Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund (2004)
Resolution – Charter of Civil Society for the Caribbean Community (1997)
Ratifications Re Amendments to Articles 21, 22 and 48 and Schedules I, V, VIII and XI of Annex to the Treaty Establishing
Ratifications Re Amendment to Article 14 and Schedule II of the Annex to the Treaty Establishing the Caribbean
Revised Schedule IX of the Annex to the Treaty Establishing CARICOM
Supplemental Agreement in Relation to the Caribbean Examinations Council (1972)
Supplementary Agreement in relation to the Accession of the Government of Anguilla to the Agreement Establishing the
Caribbean Examination Council (1986)
Supplementary Agreement in relation to the Accession of the Government of the Cayman Islands to the Agreement
Establishing the Caribbean Examinations Council (1992)
Supplemental Agreement to the Agreement Establishing the Caribbean Investment Fund (1996)
Supplemental Agreement [No. 3] in Relation to the Council of Legal Education
Supplemental Agreement [No. 2] Council of Legal Education
Supplemental Agreement [No. 2] to the Agreement for the Establishment of a Caribbean Free trade Association (1966)
The Georgetown Accord (1973)
Treaty of Chaguaramas – (Legislation giving effect to Article 20 (4) – Legal Capacity)
Treaty Establishing the Caribbean Community, Chaguaramas (1973)
Vesting Deed of the Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund (2003)
Vesting Deed of the Caribbean Court of Justice Trust Fund – Original Board of Trustees (2003)
Title of Treaty/Agreement
and Date and place open
for adoption
Action Plan for
Cooperation Among the
Caribbean Community,
Suriname and the Group
of Three
Agreement Among the
Governments of the
Member States of the
Caribbean Community for
the Avoidance of Double
Taxation and the
Prevention of Fiscal
Evasion with Respect to
Taxes on Income, Profits
Objective of Treaty
Member States - Date of Signature
(D.O.S.) / Date of Ratification (D.O.R.) /
Date of Accession (D.O.A.)
According to Article 2 of this
Agreement, it applies to taxes on
income, profits or gains and capital
gains arising in a Member State,
which are listed in Schedule 1 of the
Agreement. A Member State, which
introduces taxes on income, profits or
gains and capital gains after the entry
into force of this Agreement, shall
Entry into force
D.O.S - Antigua and Barbuda (October
13, 1993); The Bahamas (October 13,
1993); Barbados (October 13, 1993);
Belize (October 13, 1993); Guyana
(October 13, 1993); Jamaica (October 13,
1993); St. Kitts/Nevis (October 13, 1993);
St. Lucia (October 13, 1993); St. Vincent
(October 13, 1993); Trinidad & Tobago
(October 13, 1993); Colombia (October
13, 1993); Venezuela (October 13, 1993);
Mexico (October 13, 1993); Suriname
(October 13, 1993).
Effective Date - October
13, 1993
D.O.S - Antigua (July 6, 1994); Belize
(July 6, 1994); Dominica (March 1, 1996);
Grenada (July 6, 1994); Guyana (August
19, 1994); Jamaica (July 6, 1994); St.
Kitts/Nevis (July 6, 1994); St. Lucia (July
6, 1994); St. Vincent (July 6, 1994);
Trinidad & Tobago (July 6, 1994).
Entered into force on
November 29, 1994
D.O.R. - Antigua (February 18, 1998);
ON MAY 26, 2004
Certificate of Registration
No. 50957/40265
or Gains and Capital
Gains and for the
Encouragement of
Regional Trade and
Investment, St. Michael,
Barbados, July 6, 1994.
notify the Secretariat.
Belize (November 30, 1994); Dominica
(June 19, 1996); Grenada (March 1,
1996); Guyana (November 26, 1997);
Jamaica (February 16, 1995); St.
Kitts/Nevis (May 8, 1997); St. Lucia (May
22, 1995); St. Vincent (February 12,
1998) Trinidad & Tobago (November 29,
According to Article 28
this Agreement shall
enter into force on the
deposit of the 2nd
Instrument of Ratification.
D.O.A.- Barbados (July 7, 1995).
Agreement between
CARICOM and the
Government of British
Virgin Islands. 1991.
This Agreement provides for
Associate Membership of the
Government of the British Virgin
Islands to CARICOM.
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (July 2, 1991); British Virgin
Islands (July 2, 1991).
Entered into force on July
2, 1991.
Agreement between
CARICOM and the
Government of the Turks
and Caicos Islands, 1991.
This Agreement provides for
Associate Membership of the
Government of the Turks and Caicos
Islands to CARICOM.
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (July 2, 1991); Turks and
Caicos Islands (July 2, 1991).
Entered into force on July
2, 1991.
Agreement between
CARICOM and the
Government of the United
States of America
concerning a CARICOMUnited States Council on
Trade and Investment,
Washington, USA, July 22,
This Agreement provides for the
establishment of a United StatesCARICOM Council on Trade and
Investment which is tasked with
monitoring trade and investment,
identifying opportunities for expanding
trade and investment, and negotiating
agreements where possible, among
other functions.
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (July 22, 1991); Government
of the United States (July 22, 1991).
Entered into force on July
22, 1991.
Agreement between the
Government of Jamaica
This Agreement provides pursuant to
a Grant Agreement between the
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (April 30, 1982); Government
According to Article 8, the
Agreement shall enter
into force on the date of
its signature by both
Entered into force on
April 30, 1982.
and the Caribbean
Community relating to the
program for Training
Middle-Level Agricultural
Managers, Georgetown,
Guyana, April 30, 1982.
Community and the Caribbean
Development Bank, that the
Community makes all necessary
arrangements for the Government of
Jamaica to establish the basis for the
use of the Eltham Training Centre as
the execution of the programme and
as facilities to carry out two training
cycle activities and the undertaking of
training activities on farms within
of Jamaica (April 30, 1982).
Agreement between the
Government of Jamaica
and the Government of
the United States
concerning Cooperation
in Suppressing Illicit
Maritime Drug Trafficking,
This Agreement provides for the
Parties to cooperate in combating
illicit maritime drug traffic to the fullest
extent possible, consistent with
available law enforcement resources
and related priorities. This Agreement
also provides for the establishment of
a programme of cooperation between
the parties respective law
enforcement authorities. Each Party
may designate a coordinator to
organize its programme activities and
to identify the vessels and officials
involved in the programme to the
other Party.
D.O.S. –Jamaica (1997); USA (1997).
According to Article 24
this Agreement shall
enter into force upon
notification of each Party
that is has completed its
respective constitutional
requirements for entry
into force of the
Agreement between the
Government of the
Republic of Trinidad and
Tobago and the
Government of the United
States concerning
Maritime Counter-Drug
This Agreement provides that the
Parties cooperate in combating illicit
maritime drug traffic to the fullest
extent possible, consistent with
available law enforcement resources
and related priorities. The Parties
agree to establish a joint law-
D.O.S. –Trinidad and Tobago (March
1996); USA (March 1996).
According to paragraph
22, this Agreement shall
enter into force upon
signature by both Parties.
Operations, Port of Spain,
Trinidad, March 1996.
enforcement shiprider programme
between Trinidad and Tobago lawenforcement authorities and the
United States Coast Guard
(hereinafter "Coast Guard"). Each
Party agreed to designate a
coordinator to organize its program
activities and to identify the vessels
and officials involved in the program
to the other Party.
Agreement between the
Government of the United
States and the
Government of Barbados
concerning Cooperation
in Suppressing Illicit
Maritime Drug Trafficking,
Bridgetown, Barbados,
June 25, 1997.
The purpose of this Agreement is to
promote co-operation in combating
illicit traffic to the fullest extent
possible, consistent with available law
enforcement resources and related
priorities between the Parties. The
Agreement provides for the
establishment of a Combined Coordinating and Planning Committee
comprising members of the law
enforcement authorities of each Party
to oversee the planning, professional
exchange, pre-deployment exercises
and the operations of the Combined
Law Enforcement Programme and the
operational procedures, concepts of
operations and operation plans.
D.O.S. –Barbados (June 25, 1997); USA
(June 25, 1997).
According to Article 23
each of the Parties shall
notify the other in writing
through the usual
diplomatic channels that
their respective
requirements for entry
into force of the
Agreement have been
completed. The
Agreement enter into
force 30 days after the
later of these
Agreement between the
International Labour
Organisation (ILO) and
the Caribbean
Community, 1982.
Provides for co-operation, mutual
consultation, reciprocal representation
and exchange of information and
documents in all matters arising in the
spheres of labour, social policy and
related matters of mutual interest to
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (May 13, 1982); ILO (May
13, 1982).
Entered in force on May
13, 1982.
According to Article VII
this Agreement shall
come into force upon
signature by the Director
General of ILO and the
Secretary General of
Agreement between the
International Labour
Organisation (ILO) and
the Caribbean
Community – Amendment
of the 1982 Cooperation
This Cooperation Agreement modifies
and supersedes the ILO/CARICOM
Cooperation Agreement of May 1982
because of the need to adjust the
agreement to the new priorities, the
institutional capacities and to the new
international environment. The
purpose of the modified Agreement is
to improve the collaboration between
the ILO and CARICOM, taking into
account new international and
regional developments. Accordingly,
collaboration is particularly envisioned
in the areas of policy development,
and institutional and capacity building.
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
According to Article 6 the
modification of the 1982
Cooperation Agreement
will enter into force on the
date on which the parties
have expressed their
written consent to the
modified version of the
Agreement between the
Caribbean Community
and the Government of
Anguilla, 1999.
This Agreement provides for
Associate Membership of Anguilla
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (July 4, 1999); Anguilla (July
4, 1999).
Entered into force on July
4, 1999.
Agreement between the
Caribbean Community
and the Government of
the Argentine Republic to
establish a Standing Joint
Commission on
Cooperation and
The Agreement provides for the
establishment of a Standing Joint
Commission which shall be
responsible for the promotion and
development of closer relations
between the Parties in the political,
commercial, economic, scientific,
technical and cultural fields. The Joint
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (September 15, 1998);
Argentine Republic (September 15,
According to Article IV
this Agreement shall
enter into force on the
first day of the month
following the date of the
last notification that the
Parties have complied
with the constitutional
Coordination, Kingston,
Jamaica, September 15,
Commission shall also have special
responsibility for the analysis and
follow up of specific co-operation
agreements to be concluded between
the parties.
Agreement between the
Caribbean Community
and the Government of
Bermuda, 2002
This Agreement provides for
Associate Membership of Bermuda
with CARICOM pursuant to Article
231 of the Revised Treaty of
Chaguaramas and in accordance with
the decision of the Conference of the
Heads of Government at its
Thirteenth Inter-Sessional Meeting,
Feb. 2002.
Agreement between the
Caribbean Community
and the Government of
the Cayman Islands,
Cayman Islands, May 15,
This Agreement provides for
Associate Membership of the Cayman
Islands with CARICOM pursuant to
Article 231 of the Revised Treaty of
Chaguaramas and in accordance with
the decision of the Conference of the
Heads of Government at its
Thirteenth Inter-Sessional Meeting,
Feb. 2002.
D.O.S. – Chairman of the Conference of
the Heads of Government on behalf of the
Caribbean Community (CARICOM) (May
15, 2002); Cayman Islands (May 15,
Entered into force on May
15, 2002
Agreement between the
Caribbean Community
and the Government of
Chile to establish a
Standing Joint
Commission on
Cooperation and
This Agreement provides for the
establishment of a Standing Joint
Commission which shall be
responsible for the promotion and
development of closer relations
between the Parties in the political,
trade, economic, scientific, technical
and cultural fields. The Joint
D.O.S. –Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (May 13, 1996); Chile (May
13, 1996).
According to Article V,
this Agreement shall
enter into force on the
date of the last
notification of one
Contracting Party to the
other that the necessary
legal requirements for its
requirements for its entry
into force.
Coordination, Kingston,
Jamaica, May 13, 1996.
Commission shall have particular
responsibility for the analysis and
follow up of specific cooperation
agreements concluded between the
Agreement between the
Caribbean Community
and the Government of
India to establish a
Standing Joint
Commission on
Cooperation and
Coordination, New Deli,
November 25, 2003.
This Agreement provides for the
establishment of a Standing Joint
Commission which shall be
responsible for the promotion and
development of closer relations
between the Parties in the political,
trade, economic, scientific, technical
and cultural fields. The Joint
Commission shall have particular
responsibility for the analysis and
follow up of specific cooperation
agreements concluded between the
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (November 25, 2003); India
(November 25, 2003).
Article IV – each
contracting party will
notify the other in writing
through diplomatic
channels when it has
completed the formalities
required for the entry into
force of this Agreement.
The Agreement will enter
into force on the later of
the two dates of receipt of
such notification.
Agreement between the
Caribbean Community
and the Inter-American
Institute for Cooperation
on Agriculture to carry
out a Feasibility Study on
the Pest and Animal
Disease Status of each
Country inter alia
December 19, 1986.
This Agreement recalls that by virtue
of a Grant Agreement dated 24th
October 1986 between the
International Development Research
Centre and the Community, funds will
be provided to the Community for the
purpose of carrying out a feasibility
study. The Inter-American Institute for
Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) has
agreed to carry out the study on
behalf of the Community: to elucidate
the pest and animal disease status of
all Member States of the Community;
to establish a surveillance and
reporting system for important
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (December 19, 1986); InterAmerican Institute for Cooperation on
Agriculture (December 19, 1986).
Note; According to
paragraph 5, the
completion date of this
Agreement shall be 8th
May 1987, unless sooner
terminated in accordance
with the provisions of this
entry into force have
been complied with.
livestock diseases and pests in each
country; to monitor the incidence and
economic burden of livestock
diseases and pests; and to establish
an effective regional system for data
collection, processing and publication.
Agreement between the
Caribbean Community
and the Pan American
Health Organisation,
Kingston, Jamaica, October
20, 1983.
This Agreement provides for
cooperation between CARICOM and
PAHO through their appropriate
organs in matters pertaining to health,
and related matters of mutual interest.
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (October 20, 1983); Pan
American Health Organisation (October
20, 1983).
Entered into force on
October 20, 1983.
Agreement between the
Caribbean Community
and the Pan American
Health Organisation,
Georgetown, Guyana, April
19, 2002.
This Agreement provides that
CARICOM may request the
assistance or participation of PAHO in
the development and implementation
of health related technical cooperation programmes, projects and
activities, and that PAHO shall give
prompt consideration to requests from
CARICOM to participate in, develop
or implement such programmes,
projects or activities.
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (April 19, 2002); Pan
American Health Organisation (April 19,
According to Article VIthis Agreement
supercedes the
Agreement between the
Caribbean Community
and the Pan American
Health Organization
signed on 20 October
1983, and shall come into
force upon signature by
both parties.
Agreement between the
General Secretariat of the
Organisation of American
States and the Caribbean
Community, Nassau,
Bahamas, May 18, 1992.
This Agreement provides for
coordinating the efforts of CARICOM
and the OAS through cooperation,
consultation, exchange of information,
joint implementation of projects,
administrative arrangements,
reciprocal representation, etc. with a
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (May 18, 1992); OAS (May
18, 1992).
According to Article X,
this Agreement shall
come into force as soon
as it has been signed by
the Secretary General of
the OAS and the
Secretary-General of
According to Article VI
(1), this agreement shall
come into force upon the
signature by both parties.
view to pursuing their common aims
within the framework of the Charter of
the OAS and the Treaty establishing
CARICOM on behalf of
their respective
Agreement between the
Government of Grenada
and the Caribbean
Community Relating to
Privileges and Immunities
to be granted in
connection with the
Caribbean Agricultural
and Rural Development
Advisory and Training
Services (CARDATS)
Project, Castries, St. Lucia,
December 6, 1979.
This Agreement provides that the
Project of the Governments of
Antigua, Dominica, Grenada,
Montserrat, St. Kitts-Nevis, Saint
Lucia and St. Vincent relating to subregional agricultural development
integration and training shall enjoy in
Grenada privileges and immunities,
treatment no less favourable than that
accorded the Government to any
other Government or International
Organization in Grenada.
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (December 6, 1979);
Government of Grenada (December 6,
Entered into force on
December 6, 1979
Agreement between the
Government of Guyana
and the Council of the
Caribbean Free Trade
Association Regarding
the Headquarters of the
Association, Georgetown,
Guyana, November 25,
This Agreement relates to the legal
capacity and the privileges and
immunities to be recognized and
granted in connection with the
Association, and provides that the
Association shall have full judicial
personality in Guyana.
D.O.S. – Caribbean Free Trade
Association (November 25, 1970);
Government of Guyana (November 25,
Entered into force on
November 25, 1970
Also referred to as The
Headquarters Agreement
/CARIFTA Headquarters
Notice of Termination of Agreement
Signed by Secretary-General of
CARICOM Secretariat, Honorable Mr.
Tyndall (not dated).
Certificate of Registration
No. 51460/40736
According to Article XII
the agreement shall enter
into force immediately
upon signature.
Agreement between the
Government of Guyana
and the Caribbean
Common Market Relating
to the Privileges and
Immunities to be Granted
in connection with the
Common Market,
Georgetown, Guyana,
January 23, 1976.
Pursuant to Articles 9, 21, and 64 of
the Treaty Establishing the Caribbean
Community, the Government of
Guyana and Common Market agreed
to conclude this Agreement relating to
the privileges and immunities to be
granted in connection with the
Common Market.
D.O.S. – Caribbean Common Market
(January 23, 1976); Government of
Guyana (January 23, 1976).
Agreement between the
Government of Guyana
and the Caribbean
Community Relating to
the Privileges and
Immunities to be Granted
in Connection with the
Secretariat, Georgetown,
Guyana, January 23, 1976.
Pursuant to Articles 15 and 21 of the
Treaty Establishing the Caribbean
Community, the Government of
Guyana and Caribbean Community
agreed to conclude this Agreement
relating to the privileges and
immunities to be granted in
connection with the location of the
Headquarters of the Secretariat.
D.O.S. – Caribbean Common Market
(January 23, 1976); Government of
Guyana (January 23, 1976).
Agreement between the
Government of the
Republic of Trinidad and
Tobago and the
Caribbean Meteorological
Organisation relating to
the Privileges and
Immunities to be Granted
in Connection with the
Headquarters Unit of the
Caribbean Meteorological
Agreement provides for several
privileges and immunities to be
Granted in by the Government of
Trinidad and Tobago in connection
with the Headquarters Unit of the
Caribbean Meteorological
D.O.S. – Government of Trinidad and
Tobago (August 15, 1979); Caribbean
Meteorological Organisation (August 15,
Entered into force on
January 23, 1976.
There was no provision
dealing with entry into
force in the Agreement,
and it would enter into
force on the date of the
signature of both parties
as provided for under
Article 24 of the Vienna
Convention on the Law
of Treaties.
Entered into force on
January 23, 1976.
According to Article 15(1)
of the Agreement, it shall
enter into force
immediately upon
Entered into force on
August 15, 1979.
ON FEBRUARY 18, 2004
Certificate of Registration
No. 50638/39985.
Organisation, Port of
Spain, Trinidad and
Tobago, August 15, 1979.
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (October 13, 1992);
Government of Venezuela (July 1, 1991).
Agreement between the
Government of Venezuela
and the Caribbean
Community Relating to
Principles for a
Multilateral Agreement.
Agreement between the
Secretariat of the United
Nations Convention to
Combat Desertification
particularly in Africa and
the Secretariat of the
Caribbean Community,
The objectives are to establish a joint
framework of action with the aim of
cooperating in the sub-region in
fighting land degradation, addressing
the problem of drought and water
shortage and supporting all the efforts
undertaken by the Caribbean
countries to address the causes of
this problem through the
implementation of the UNCCD
Convention; and to support the
integration of the objectives related to
fighting land degradation into the
national and regional strategies and
Agreement between the
United Nations
Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organisation
(UNESCO) and the
Caribbean Community,
UNESCO and CARICOM agree to cooperate with each other through their
appropriate organs. This co-operation
shall extend to all matters arising in
the spheres of education, science and
culture, which are related to those
tasks, and activities of UNESCO and
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (January 15, 1980); United
Nations Educational Scientific and
Cultural Organisation (August 14, 1980).
Entered into force on
August 14, 1980.
According to Article X this
agreement shall come
into force as soon as it
has been signed by the
CARICOM that are in harmony.
Director General of
UNESCO and the
Secretary General of the
CARICOM Secretariat.
Agreement concerning
the Caribbean Investment
Fund, St. Johns, Antigua
and Barbuda, August 24,
The Signatory States of the
Agreement Establishing the
Caribbean Investment Fund (the
Original Agreement) recognise that
their omission to implement in a
timely way the enabling legislation to
accord the agreed concessions and
privileges to the Fund as required by
the said Original Agreement and
Supplemental Agreement, coupled
with unfavourable conditions in
international capital markets,
adversely affected the ability of ICWI
to mobilise the resources for the
operation of the Fund. The Signatory
States of the Original Agreement
agreed, inter alia, to extend the time
limit for the mobilisation of the
resources and the registration of the
D.O.S. – Antigua (September 18, 1998);
Bahamas (September 8, 1998); Barbados
(August 24, 1998); Belize (July 5, 1999);
Dominica (March 4, 1999); Grenada
(August 25, 1998); Guyana (September 3,
1998); Jamaica (September 7, 1998);
Montserrat (July 5, 1999); St. Kitts-Nevis
(September 18, 1998); St. Lucia (October
21, 1998); St. Vincent (March 5, 1999);
Trinidad and Tobago (August 26, 1998);
ICWI group Ltd (September 7, 1998).
Clause 13.2 states that
this Agreement shall
enter into force when it
has been executed by
ICWI (Insurance
Company of the West
Indies) and any number
of states listed in the
Agreement Establishing
A West Indies Shipping
Corporation, Georgetown,
Guyana, October 3, 1975.
Agreement provides for the
establishment of a West Indies
Shipping Corporation, to operate and
maintain an orderly, adequate, regular
and efficient intra-regional merchant
shipping service to and from
participating States, and to operate
and maintain merchant shipping
service to non-participating States
D.O.S. – Antigua (October 3, 1975);
Barbados (October 3, 1975); Dominica
(October 3, 1975); Grenada (October 11,
1975); Guyana (October 3, 1975);
Jamaica (October 3, 1975); Montserrat
(October 29, 1975); St. Lucia (October 3,
1975); Trinidad and Tobago (October 3,
Entered into force on
April 30, 1976.
The Agreement came into
force with the deposit by
Trinidad and Tobago of
Instruments of
within and outside the Caribbean.
According to Article 44, this
agreement shall enter into force upon
the deposit of Instruments of
Ratification by four or more countries
mentioned in paragraph 1 of the
Annex, which have subscribed to at
least 90 per cent of the initial issue of
share capital in accordance with
article 5.
D.O.R. – Antigua (April 28, 1976);
Barbados (April 22, 1976); Dominica
(February 4, 1976); Grenada (February 2,
1976); Guyana (March 8, 1976); Jamaica
(April 26, 1976); Montserrat (February 17,
1976); St. Lucia (February 10, 1976);
Trinidad and Tobago (April 30, 1976).
Date of Acceptance – Belize (November
14, 1982); St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla (May
24, 1976); St. Vincent (March 25, 1982).
Notices of Withdrawal - Saint Vincent
and the Grenadines (June 23, 1987);
Dominica (March 1, 1988); St Kitts-Nevis
(January 12, 1988); Belize (February 1,
This Agreement entered
into force in accordance
with Article 44 the said
agreement which
provides that it shall enter
into force upon the
deposit of Instruments of
Ratification by four (4) or
more countries
mentioned in paragraph 1
of the Annex, which have
subscribed to at least 90
per cent of the initial
issue of share capital in
accordance with Article 8.
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean
Accreditation Authority
for Education in Medicine
and other Health
Professions, Saint Lucia,
November 13, 2003.
Note that upon Provisional Application
of this Agreement, the Secretary
General shall take the necessary
steps to secure the nomination of the
Members of the Authority referred to
in Article 4 and to convene the
Inaugural Meeting of the Authority.
D.O.S. – Antigua and Barbuda
(November 13, 2003); The Bahamas
(March 25, 2004); Belize (November 13,
2003); Grenada (July 4, 2004); Jamaica
(November 13, 2003); Suriname
(November 13, 2003); Trinidad and
Tobago (November 13, 2003).
According to Article 18
this Agreement shall
enter into force on
signature by all Member
States of the Community.
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean
Agricultural Research
and Development
This Agreement provides for the
establishment of CARDI, the
objectives of which are to provide for
the research and development needs
D.O.S. –Barbados (December 6, 1974);
Belize (December 6, 1974); Grenada
(December 6, 1974); Guyana (December
6, 1974); Jamaica (December 6, 1974);
Entered into force on May
29, 1975.
According to Article 19
this Agreement may be
provisionally applied on
signature by not less than
four (4) Member States of
the Community
Institute (CARDI),
Georgetown, Guyana,
December 5, 1974.
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean
Community (CARICOM)Cuba Joint Commission,
Georgetown, Guyana, 13
December 1993.
of the agriculture of the Region as
identified in national plans and
policies; to provide an appropriate
research and development service to
the agricultural sector of Member
States; to provide and extend the
application of new technologies in
production, processing, storage and
distribution of agricultural products of
Member States; to pursue for
specified periods long term research
in pertinent areas; to provide for the
co-ordination and integration of the
research and development efforts of
Member States where this is possible
and desirable; to undertake teaching
functions normally at the
postgraduate level, limited to the
development of the relevant Member
states; and to seek to achieve the
optimum decentralization of facilities.
St. Lucia (December 6, 1974); Trinidad
and Tobago (December 5, 1974).
The Agreement provides for the
establishment of a Commission to
promote co-operative relations
between the Caribbean Community
and Cuba in economic, social,
cultural, and technological fields.
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (December 13, 1993); Cuba
(December 13, 1993).
D.O.R. –Barbados (April 11, 1975); Belize
(September 22, 1975); Grenada (May 26,
1975); Guyana (May 29, 1975); Jamaica
(March 10, 1975); St. Lucia (May 22,
1975); Trinidad and Tobago (January 31,
D.O.A. – Antigua (May 31, 1976); British
Virgin Islands (November 27, 1996)
Dominica (March 8, 1977); Monsterrat
(May 31, 1976); St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla
(May 31, 1976); St. Vincent (September
13, 1976).
Certificate of Registration
No. 51462/40738
Agreement came into
force with the deposit by
Guyana of Instrument of
This Agreement entered
into force in accordance
with Article 20, which
provides that the
Agreement shall enter
into force by the deposit
of the Instrument of
Ratification in accordance
with Article 19 by six of
the States listed in the
Annex including
Barbados, Guyana,
Jamaica and Trinidad and
Entered into force on
December 13, 1993.
According to Article V this Agreement shall
enter into force
immediately upon its
signing by the Parties to
the Agreement.
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean
Community (CARICOM)–
Mexico Joint
Commission, Kingston,
Jamaica, 1974.
The Agreement provides for the
establishment of the Caribbean
Community - Mexico Joint
Commission to promote closer
relations between the Caribbean
Community and Mexico in economic,
cultural, and technological fields.
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (July 30, 1974); Mexico (July
30, 1974).
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean
Community Climate
Change Centre (CCCCC),
Belize, February 4, 2002.
This Agreement provides for the
establishment of the CCCC Centre,
the objective of which includes:
protection of the climate system of
Members of the Centre for the benefit
of present and future generations of
their peoples; enhancing regional
institutional capabilities for the coordination of national responses to
the negative effects of climate
change; providing comprehensive
policy and technical support in the
area of climate change and related
issues and spearheading regional
initiatives in those areas; and
performing the role of executing
agency for regional environmental
projects relating to climate change.
D.O.S. – Antigua (July 5, 2002); Barbados
(February 4, 2002); Belize (February 4,
2002); Grenada (February 4, 2002);
Guyana (February 4, 2002); Jamaica
(February 4, 2002); Montserrat (July 4,
2003); St. Kitts and Nevis (February 4,
2002); St. Lucia (July 4, 2003); St.
Vincent and the Grenadines (February 4,
2002); Suriname (February 4, 2002);
Trinidad and Tobago (February 4, 2002).
This agreement aware that the
establishment of the Court is a further
D.O.S. – Antigua and Barbuda (February
14, 2001); Barbados (February 14, 2001);
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean Court of
Date of Receipt of Letters of Approval
– Antigua (June 11, 1976); Barbados
(March 17, 1975); Belize (March 23,
1976); Grenada (June 27, 1975); Guyana
(October 17, 1974); Jamaica (November
26, 1974); St. Lucia (April 23, 1976);
Monsterrat (December 19, 1975); Trinidad
and Tobago (March 24, 1975).
D.O.R. –Barbados (December 11, 2002);
Grenada (November 13, 2002); Guyana
(April 16, 2003); St. Vincent and the
Grenadines (August 12, 2002).
Entered into force on
September 18, 1975.
According to Article V –
this agreement shall enter
into force immediately
upon the exchange of
letters of approval of the
Agreement by the
Provisionally being
applied in accordance
with the Protocol on the
Provisional Application of
the CCCCC.
Article 37
This Agreement shall
enter into force upon the
deposit of the 7th
Instrument of Ratification
with the Government of
the host country.
Entered into force on July
23, 2002.
Justice, St. Michael,
Barbados, February 14,
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean Export
Bank, Barbados,
September 22, 1987
step in the deepening of regional
integration process, provides for the
establishment of the CCJ and the
memberships and establishment and
seat of the court, establishment of the
Regional Judicial and Legal Service
Commission, tenure of office of
judges, Constitution of the court,
original jurisdiction of the court,
appellate jurisdiction of the court, and
enforcement, financial and final
This Agreement provides for the
establishment of a Caribbean Export
Bank, the purpose of which is to
assist in increasing the volume of
internationally competitive goods and
services produced within the
Caribbean Community by directly
providing production and trade-related
financial, institutional and technical
assistance to national and regional
institutions and enterprises involved,
or having the potential to be involved,
in export-related production or trade
and, indirectly, by co-operating with
other international agencies in
Belize (February 14, 2001); Dominica
(February 15, 2003); Grenada (February
14, 2001); Guyana (February 14, 2001);
Jamaica (February 14, 2001); St. Kitts
and Nevis (February 14, 2001); St. Lucia
(February 14, 2001); St. Vincent
(February 15, 2003); Suriname (February
14, 2001); Trinidad and Tobago (February
14, 2001).
D.O.R. – Antigua and Barbuda (February
17, 2005); Barbados (July 18, 2002);
Belize (November 27, 2002); Dominica
(April 8, 2003); Grenada (June 26, 2003);
Guyana (July 23, 2002); Jamaica (June 9,
2003); St. Kitts and Nevis (January 14,
2004); St. Lucia (July 5, 2002); St.
Vincent (March 17, 2003); Suriname
(June 9, 2003); Trinidad and Tobago
(October 18, 2002).
ON MAY 11, 2004
Certificate of Registration
No. 50891/40205
Article XXXV – this
agreement shall enter
into force upon the
deposit of Instruments of
Ratification or Accession
in accordance with Article
XXXIV by at least 3
Member States of the
Caribbean Community.
According to Article
XXXIX this Agreement
shall enter into force upon
the deposit of instruments
of ratification or
acceptance by the
holders of at least twothirds of the Class "A"
shares to be initially
promoting initiatives such as regional
industrial cooperation which enhance
the efficiency of regional trade.
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean Export
Development Agency
(Caribbean Export).
This Agreement provides for the
establishment of the CEDA, the
objectives of the which are to serve
as a key instrument in attaining, inter
alia: the establishment and
implementation of comprehensive
export development strategies and
programmes, on an intra-regional and
extra-regional level, selecting in
particular, non-traditional export
sectors, as part of the commitment of
the Member States to promote
regional integration in the service of
socio-economic prosperity throughout
the Caribbean.
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean Disaster
Emergency Response
Agency, Port-of-Spain,
Trinidad and Tobago,
February 26, 1991.
This Agreement provides for the
establishment of the Caribbean
Disaster Emergency Response
Agency, which shall have as its
objectives the following: to make an
immediate and coordinated response
by means of emergency disaster relief
to an affected participating state; to
secure, coordinate and channel to
interested inter-governmental and
non-governmental organizations
reliable and comprehensive
information on disasters affecting a
Participating State; to mobilise and
coordinate disaster relief from
According to Article 13 (7)
this Agreement shall
enter into force upon
receipt, by the
Depository, of the
instruments of accession
or ratification from at least
ten (10) of the States
listed in Article 4,
paragraph 1. The
Executive Director shall
promptly notify the
Governments of all
Member States on the
date of this deed.
D.O.S. – Antigua (March 7, 1991);
Bahamas (July 2, 1991); Barbados
(February 26, 1991); Belize (February 26,
1991); British Virgin Islands (June 20,
1991); Dominica (June 20, 1991);
Grenada (May 14, 1991); Guyana (July 2,
1991); Jamaica (February 26, 1991);
Montserrat (March 4, 1991); St. KittsNevis (February 26, 1991); St. Lucia
(February 26, 1991); St. Vincent (May 14,
1991); Trinidad and Tobago (February 26,
D.O.R. – Antigua (February 25, 1993);
Bahamas (July 2, 1991); Barbados (May
Entered into force on May
19, 1992.
ON MAY 11, 2004
Certificate of Registration
No. 50896/40212
Article 32- this agreement
shall enter into force
when Instruments of
Ratification have been
deposited by at least
seven (7) of the States
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean
Environmental Health
Institute, Georgetown,
Guyana, July 10, 1980.
governmental and non-governmental
organizations for affected
Participating States; to mitigate or
eliminate, as far as practicable, the
immediate consequences of disasters
in Participating States; and to
promote the establishment,
enhancement and maintenance on a
sustainable basis adequate
emergency disaster response
capabilities among the Members of
the Agency.
19, 1992); Belize (July 15, 1991);
Dominica (October 17, 1991); Grenada
(July 9, 1991); Guyana (October 16,
1991); Jamaica (October 16, 1991);
Montserrat (June 9, 1995); St. Kitts-Nevis
(July 4, 1991); St. Lucia (April 29, 1991);
St. Vincent (June 13, 1991); Trinidad and
Tobago (July 24, 1991).
listed in the Annex of the
Agreement, including
Barbados, Jamaica and
Trinidad and Tobago.
This Agreement provides for the
establishment of the Caribbean
Environmental Health Institute, the
objectives of the which are to provide
technical and advisory services to
member states in all areas of
environmental management, to keep
inventories of training programmes in
related disciplines, regional experts
and to promote and collaborate in
planning workshops and on-the-job
training in member states, to act as a
regional reference center for the
collection and dissemination of
technical and scientific information, a
focal point for various environmental
monitoring networks for the collection
and dissemination of environmental
data, to promote and co-ordinate
applied research relevant to the
environmental problems of the
Caribbean region or as identified by
Member States, and to promote the
D.O.S. – Antigua (June 8, 1982);
Bahamas (March 1, 1988); Barbados
(July 15, 1981); Belize (January 25,
1982); British Virgin Islands (July 16,
1981); Dominica (July 15, 1981); Grenada
(July 17, 1980); Guyana (August 1, 1980);
Jamaica (July 15, 1981); Montserrat (July
15, 1981); St. Kitts/Nevis (March 30,
1981); St. Lucia (July 17, 1980); St.
Vincent and the Grenadines (January 26,
1982); Trinidad and Tobago (June 9,
1988); Turks and Caicos (October 18,
Entered into force on
August 31, 1988.
D.O.R. – Antigua (March 6, 1989);
Barbados (March 11, 1982); Belize
(November 26, 1982); British Virgin
Islands (December 1, 1982); Dominica
(November 26, 1982); Grenada (October
14, 1982); Guyana (August 27, 1987);
Jamaica (August 31, 1988); Montserrat
(March 16, 1982); St. Kitts/Nevis (May 14,
1982); St. Lucia (May 11, 1982); St.
ON MARCH 1, 2004.
Certificate of Registration
No. 50672/40018.
According to Article 21,
this Agreement entered
into force with the deposit
of Instruments of
Ratification in accordance
with Article 20 of the
Agreement by six (6) of
the States listed in the
Annex including any three
out of Barbados, Guyana,
Jamaica, and Trinidad
and Tobago and three out
of the remaining States
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean
Examinations Council,
Georgetown, Guyana, April
10, 1972.
activities which will facilitate the
implementation of the Environmental
Health Strategy, among other
Vincent and the Grenadines (December
18, 1986); Trinidad and Tobago (January
11, 1989); Turks and Caicos (November
29, 1982).
listed in the Annex.
The participating Governments,
recognizing the setting up of a CXC
was a fit and proper subject for
regional cooperation, establishes the
Council, whose duties includes, inter
alia, conduct such examinations as it
may think appropriate and award
certificates and diplomas on the
results of examinations so conducted.
D.O.S. – Antigua and Barbuda (April 21,
1972); Barbados (April 21, 1972); Belize
(April 21, 1972); British Virgin Islands
(April 17, 1972); Cayman Islands (April
21, 1972); Dominica (April 21, 1972);
Grenada (April 21, 1972); Guyana (April
21, 1972); Jamaica (October 12, 1972);
Montserrat (April 17, 1972); Saint Kitts
and Nevis- Anguilla (April 21, 1972); Saint
Lucia (April 21, 1972); Saint Vincent and
the Grenadines (April 21, 1972); Trinidad
and Tobago (May 18, 1972); Turks and
Caicos Islands (April 17, 1972).
Entered into force on
April 29, 1972.
D.O.R. – Antigua and Barbuda (May 4,
1972); Barbados (May 8, 1972); British
Virgin Islands (June 26, 1972); Cayman
Islands (May 29, 1972); Dominica (May
13, 1972); Grenada (May 4, 1972);
Guyana (April 29, 1972); Jamaica
(January 13, 1973); Montserrat (May 19,
1972); Saint Kitts and Nevis- Anguilla
(May 4, 1972); Saint Lucia (June 16,
1972); Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
(May 8, 1972); Trinidad and Tobago
(June 5, 1972); Turks and Caicos Islands
(May 5, 1972).
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean Food
Agreement provides for the
establishment of a Caribbean Food
D.O.S. – Antigua (August 27, 1976);
Belize (August 24, 1976); Dominica
ON AUGUST 3, 2004
Certificate of Registration
No. 51194/40470
The Agreement came into
force upon the deposit,
not later than 30th April
1972, of Instruments of
Ratification with the
Secretary General by any
two of the participating
Governments of
Barbados, Guyana,
Jamaica, and Trinidad
and Tobago and by any
four other participating
Governments, in
accordance with Article
XVI of the Agreement.
Entered into force on
August 27, 1976.
Corporation (CFC),
Georgetown, Guyana,
August 18, 1976.
Corporation, which shall have as its
objectives inter alia, the production,
processing, packing, storage,
transportation, distribution and
marketing of food.
Note –Caribbean Food Corporation
is no longer operative- winding-up
proceeding commenced in 2001 in
accordance with Articles 28 and 29 of
the Agreement.
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean Investment
Corporation, Georgetown,
Guyana, June 1, 1973.
Agreement provides for the
establishment of the Caribbean
Investment Corporation to function,
inter alia, to ensure the promotion of
the industrial development including
the development of agro-based
industries and of integrated
agricultural and industrial complexes
of the Less Developed Countries that
are members of the Corporation.
(August 31, 1976); Grenada (September
3, 1976); Guyana (August 18, 1976);
Jamaica (September 10, 1976); St.
Kitts/Nevis/Anguilla (August 28, 1976); St.
Lucia (September 1, 1976); St. Vincent
(September 2, 1976); Trinidad and
Tobago (August 20, 1976).
D.O.A. – Barbados (November 23, 1976);
Montserrat (May 6, 1977).
This Agreement was
entered into force in
accordance with Article
39, upon the signature or
acceptance in
accordance with Article
38 of the Agreement by
any four of the countries
including two of the More
Developed countries
listed in the Annex of this
D.O.S. – Barbados (June 13, 1973);
Belize (August 28, 1973); Dominica (July
5, 1973); Grenada (July 5, 1973); Guyana
(June 1, 1973); Jamaica (June 26, 1973);
Montserrat (December 10, 1973); St. Kitts
and Nevis/ Anguilla (June 7, 1973); St.
Lucia (June 7, 1973); St. Vincent and the
Grenadines (June 7, 1973); Trinidad and
Tobago (June 5, 1973).
Entered into force on
August 28, 1973.
D.O.S. – Antigua (October 13, 1993);
Bahamas (February 17, 1995); Barbados
(May 31, 1994); Belize (October 13,
1993); Dominica (May 25, 1994);
Grenada (September 30, 1994); Guyana
Entered into force on
October 15, 1993.
The agreement came into
force in accordance with
Article 41, upon the
signature of any ten [10]
States listed in Part A of
the Annex of the
Note – the Caribbean Investment
Corporation in no longer effective.
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean Investment
Fund, 1993.
This Agreement aims to establish
through a public company an
investment fund or series of
investment funds in United States
Dollars to be known as the Caribbean
This Agreement was
never operationalised.
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean
Organisation, Basseterre,
St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla,
October 19, 1973.
Investment Fund (hereinafter called
"the Fund") the main objects of which
shall be the investment in private
sector majority owned and controlled
companies and corporations located
in the Signatory States listed in the
Schedule hereto preferably those
which are listed or which have
committed to the list on a stock
exchange in any of the Signatory
States. Such investment shall include
but not be limited to investment by
way of a new stock and share issues,
joint venture participation, project
financing, and loan funding.
(October 15, 1993); Jamaica (October 13,
1993); Montserrat (March 12, 1994); St.
Kitts-Nevis (October 13, 1993); St. Lucia
(October 13, 1993); St. Vincent (October
13, 1993); Trinidad and Tobago (October
13, 1993); ICWI Group Ltd (October 13,
Agreement provides for the
establishment of the Caribbean
Meteorological Organisation, which
shall have as its objective the
promotion, and co-ordination of
regional activities in the fields of
meteorology and allied sciences.
D.O.S. – Antigua (October 19, 1973);
Barbados (October 19, 1973); Belize
(December 10, 1973); Cayman Islands
(October 19, 1973); Dominica (October
23, 1974); Grenada (October 19, 1973);
Guyana (December 27, 1973); Jamaica
(October 19, 1973); Montserrat (October
19, 1973); St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla
(November 23, 1978); St. Lucia (October
19, 1973); St. Vincent and the Grenadines
(March 5, 1974); Trinidad and Tobago
(October 19, 1973).
D.O.R. – Antigua (March 13, 1974);
Barbados (January 21, 1974); Belize
(January 7, 1974); *British Virgin Island
(January 10 1974); Cayman Islands
(January 4, 1974); Dominica (December
29, 1974); Grenada (December 27, 1973);
Guyana (February 4, 1974); Jamaica
Clause 13.1provides that
this Agreement shall
enter into force when it
has been duly executed
by ICWI and any number
of the Signatory States
listed in the Schedule
hereto which number
must include any three of
the States of Barbados,
Guyana, Jamaica and
Trinidad and Tobago.
Entered into force on May
31, 1974.
ON AUGUST 28, 1974
According to Article 27,
the agreement came into
force when Instruments of
Ratification of eight [8]
States, including
Barbados, Guyana,
Jamaica and Trinidad and
Tobago were deposited.
(May 31, 1974); Montserrat (February 7,
1974); St. Lucia (December 12, 1973); St.
Vincent and the Grenadines (November
5, 1991); Trinidad and Tobago (December
27, 1973).
* British Virgin Island sent instrument of
ratification but agreement not yet signed.
Date of Accession – Anguilla (August
15, 1989).
D.O.S. – Anguilla (July 10, 1985);
Barbados (February 6, 1986); Guyana
(July 4, 1985); Jamaica (July 3, 1985); St.
Kitts-Nevis (July 10, 1985); St Lucia (July
4, 1985); St Vincent and the Grenadines
(July 4, 1985); Suriname (July 31, 1985);
Trinidad and Tobago (July 4, 1985).
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean Regional
Centre for Education and
Training of Animal Health
and Veterinary Public
Health Assistants
D.O.R. – Guyana (November 8, 1985); St.
Lucia (November 14, 1985); Trinidad and
Tobago (January 15, 1986).
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean Regional
Drug Testing Laboratory,
Georgetown, Guyana,
December 16, 1974.
This Agreement provides for the
establishment of a regional drug
testing laboratory which shall perform
microbiological tests on samples of
drugs submitted by any participating
Government and report to that
Government; perform biological
availability tests on selected types of
drugs; investigate the stability of
drugs under the conditions of storage
D.O.S. – Antigua (June 16, 1975);
Barbados (June 16, 1975); Belize (June
16, 1975); British Virgin Islands (June 16,
1975); Dominica (June 16, 1975);
Grenada (June 16, 1975); Guyana (June
16, 1975); Jamaica (June 16, 1975);
Montserrat (June 16, 1975); St. KittsNevis-Anguilla (June 16, 1975); St. Lucia
(December 6, 1974); St. Vincent (June
16, 1975); Trinidad and Tobago (June 16,
Not in force.
Article 19 of this
Agreement provides that
it shall enter into force on
the deposit of instruments
of Ratification by nine [9]
of the countries listed in
the Annex of the
Agreement, including
Guyana, Jamaica, and
Trinidad and Tobago.
Entered into force on July
21, 1976.
Certificate of Registration
No. 51416/40737
prevailing in the Region; and establish
liaison with all appropriate agencies
interested in drug testing and provide
information and advisory services to
support the activities of the drug
control officials in the Region.
D.O.R. – Barbados (November 24, 1975);
Belize (April 5, 1976); British Virgin
Islands (April 21, 1976); Dominica
(January 14, 1976); Grenada (May 19,
1981); Guyana (March 18, 1976);
Jamaica (November 20, 1975);
Montserrat (September 23, 1992); St.
Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla (December 4, 1978);
St. Lucia (April 27, 1976); Trinidad and
Tobago (July 21, 1976).
D.O.A. – Bahamas (May 18, 1988).
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean Regional
Fisheries Mechanism
(CRFM), Belize, February
4, 2002.
This Agreement establishes the
Caribbean Regional Fisheries
Mechanism which provides for the
efficient management and sustainable
development of marine and other
aquatic resources within the
jurisdictions of Member States; the
promotion and establishment of cooperative arrangements among
interested States for the efficient
management of shared, straddling or
highly migratory marine and other
aquatic resources; and the provision
of technical advisory and consultative
services to fisheries divisions of
D.O.S. – Antigua and Barbuda (July 4,
2003); Barbados (February 4, 2002);
Belize (February 4, 2002); Grenada
(February 4, 2002); Guyana (February 4,
2002); Jamaica (February 4, 2002);
Montserrat (July 4, 2003); St. Kitts and
Nevis (July 4, 2003); St. Vincent and the
Grenadines; (February 4, 2002);
Suriname (February 4, 2002); Trinidad
and Tobago (February 4, 2002).
Agreement entered into
force with the deposit by
Trinidad and Tobago of
its Instrument of
This Agreement entered
into force in accordance
with Article 17 of the said
Agreement, which
provides that the
agreement shall enter
into force upon the
ratification by six (6)
Governments listed in the
Annex, including the
Governments of
Barbados, Guyana,
Jamaica and Trinidad and
Entered into force on
February 4, 2002.
ON FEBRUARY 3, 2004.
Certificate of Registration
No. 50547/39916.
According to Article 35 of
the Agreement, it came
into force upon the
signature of seven [7]
Member States in the development,
management and conservation of
their marine and other aquatic
Agreement Establishing
the Council of Legal
Education, Georgetown,
Guyana, November 25,
This Agreement provides for the
establishment of a Council of Legal
education, the objectives of such a
scheme of education and training
being to provide teaching in legal
skills and techniques as well as to pay
die regard to the impact of law as an
instrument of orderly social and
economic change.
Member States and
Associate Members of
D.O.S. – Bahamas (September 20, 1971);
Barbados (March 17, 1971); Belize
(September 19, 1992); Dominica
(November 25, 1970); Grenada
(November 25, 1970); Guyana
(November 28, 1970); Jamaica (March
10, 1971); St. Kitts and Nevis/ Anguilla
(September 28, 1973); Trinidad and
Tobago (March 10, 1971); University of
Guyana (December 21,1970); University
of the West Indies (December 21, 1970).
D.O.R. – Bahamas (November 30, 1971);
Barbados (August 26, 1971); Belize
(September 2, 1993); Dominica (August
26, 1974); Grenada (March 21, 1972);
Guyana (September 13, 1971); Jamaica
(September 23, 1971); St. Kitts-NevisAnguilla (October 5, 1984); Trinidad and
Tobago (September 30, 1971); University
of Guyana (August 16,1971); University of
the West Indies (September 23,1971).
Entered into force on
March 17, 1971.
According to Article 10 of
the Agreement it came
into force upon the
signature or deposit of
instruments of ratification
or acceptance on behalf
of the University of
Guyana and the
University of the West
Indies and on behalf on
Guyana, Barbados,
Jamaica, and Trinidad
and Tobago…
Date of Acceptance– Antigua (January
10, 1984).
D.O.S. – Barbados (July 4, 1973);
Guyana (July 4, 1973); Jamaica (July 4,
1973); Trinidad and Tobago (July 4,
Agreement Establishing
the Common External
Tariff for the Caribbean
Common Market.
According to Article 9,
this Agreement comes
into force simultaneously
with the Treaty
establishing the
Caribbean Community.
Agreement Establishing
the Free Trade Area
between the Caribbean
Community and the
Dominican Republic,
Santo Domingo, Dominican
Republic, August 22, 1998.
The fundamental objective of the
Agreement is to strengthen the
commercial and economic relations
between the Parties through the
establishment of a Free Trade Area
between the Parties consistent with
the Marrakesh Agreement
Establishing the World Trade
Organisation (the WTO); and the
discouragement of anti-competitive
business practices between and
within the Parties, inter alia.
D.O.S.- Chairman of the Conference of
the Heads of Government of the
Caribbean Community (August 22,1998);
Dominican Republic (August 22,1998).
According to Article XXII
this Agreement, its
Annexes and Appendices
shall enter into force on
the 1st day of January
1999, or as soon
thereafter as the Parties
have notified each other
through diplomatic
channels that all internal
legal procedures have
been completed.
Agreement Establishing
the Regional Justice
Protection Programme,
Trinidad and Tobago, July
6, 1999.
This Agreement provides for the
establishment of the Regional Justice
Protection programme, the objectives
of which shall be to promote and
ensure the proper administration of
justice by providing participants with
such protection, assistance and
security as would enable them to
perform their functions with efficiency
and confidence when there is a threat
to their lives, safety, or property
arising from, or directly or indirectly
related to the performance of their
duties or obligations in the
administration of justice.
D.O.S.– Antigua (July 13,1999); Barbados
(July 7, 1999); Belize (July 6, 1999);
Grenada (July 5, 2002); Jamaica (July 7,
1999); St Kitts/Nevis (July 7, 1999); St
Vincent (July 7, 1999); Trinidad &Tobago
(July 7, 1999).
Not in force.
D.O.R. – Grenada (July 5, 2002); Jamaica
(July 4, 2003).
According to Article 19
this Agreement shall
enter into force upon the
deposit of three
Instruments of
Ratification with the
Secretary-General, who
shall transmit certified
copies thereof to the
States Parties.
Agreement Establishing
the CARICOM Regional
Organisation for
Standards and Quality
(CROSQ), Belize, February
4, 2002.
Agreement Establishing
the Seat of the Caribbean
Court of Justice and the
Offices of the Regional
Judicial and Legal
Service Commission
between the Government
of Trinidad and Tobago
and the Caribbean Court
of Justice and the
Regional Judicial and
Legal Services
Commission (RJLSC),
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and
Tobago, February 23,
Agreement for the
Avoidance of Double
Taxation and the
This Agreement provides for the
establishment and harmonisation of
standards for the enhanced efficiency
and improved quality in the production
of goods and services in the
Community, thereby facilitating
consumer and environmental
protection and improved trade within
the Community and with third states.
(See Article 4).
The Contracting Parties to the
Agreement establishing the CCJ have
determined, as provided for in Article
III (3) of the Agreement Establishing
the CCJ that the Seat of the Court
shall be in Trinidad and Tobago. The
Agreement provides for the grant of
privileges and immunities to Judges
and Officers of the Court necessary to
protect their independence and
The participating governments
concluded this agreement for the
avoidance of double taxation and the
D.O.S.- Antigua & Barbuda (April 3,
2002); Barbados (February 4, 2002);
Belize (February 4, 2002); Dominica
(August 16, 2002); Grenada (February 4,
2002); Guyana (February 4, 2002);
Jamaica (February 4, 2002); St. Kitts &
Nevis (February 4, 2002); St. Lucia (April
12, 2002); St. Vincent & the Grenadines
(February 4, 2002); Suriname (February
4, 2002); Trinidad & Tobago (February 4,
Provisionally being
applied in accordance
with the Protocol on the
Provisional Application of
the CROSQ Agreement.
D.O.S. – Trinidad and Tobago (February
23, 2005); Caribbean Court of Justice and
the RJLSC (February 23, 2005).
According to Article XIV
this Agreement and any
supplementary thereto
shall enter into force
immediately upon
D.O.S.- Barbados (June 13, 1973); Belize
(August 28, 1973); Dominica (July 5,
1973); Grenada (July 5, 1973); Guyana
This Agreement is no
longer effective.
This agreement shall
definitively enter into
force when it has been
signed by the states
mentioned in paragraph 1
of Article 3 (i.e., Member
States of Community).
Prevention of Fiscal
Evasion with Respect to
Taxes on Income and for
the Encouragement of
International Trade and
Investment, Georgetown,
Guyana, June 1, 1973.
prevention of fiscal evasion with
respect to taxes ion income and
profits and the encouragement of
international trade and investment.
(June 5, 1973); Jamaica (July 5, 1973);
Montserrat (December 10, 1973); St.
Kitts/ Nevis –Anguilla (July 6, 1973); St
Lucia (June 15, 1973); St. Vincent (July 4,
1973); Trinidad & Tobago (June 5, 1973).
Article 26- the agreement
comes into force when
the last of all such things
shall have been done in
the schedule 1 States
and in any six (6) of the
Schedule 2 States are
necessary to give the
agreement the force of
law in the Schedule 1
States and the Schedule
2 States.
Agreement for the
Establishment of A
Regime for CARICOM
Enterprises, Georgetown,
Guyana, December 22,
Pursuant to the Common Market
Annex of the Treaty Establishing the
Caribbean Community and the need
to develop economic activities in the
Common Market on the basis of joint
enterprises between nationals, and
the need to develop and give further
scope for national and regional
entrepreneurship, management and
technological capacity in the
production of goods and services on a
regional basis for both regional and
extra-regional markets, among other
objectives, the regime was
established for the incorporation and
registration, operation, management,
winding-up and dissolution of a form
of business enterprise to be known as
a CARICOM Enterprise.
D.O.S. – Antigua and Barbuda (July 1,
1988); Barbados (February 6, 1988);
Belize (July 30, 1990); Dominica (March
3, 1988); Grenada (February 6, 1988);
Guyana (December 22, 1987); Jamaica,
(January 28, 1988); Montserrat (July 5,
1988); St. Christopher-Nevis (March 14,
1988); St. Lucia (March 3, 1988); St.
Vincent and the Grenadines (February 6,
1988); Trinidad and Tobago (June 8,
Entered into force on
October 11, 1988.
D.O.R. – Antigua (October 11, 1988);
Barbados (October 17, 1991); Dominica
(May 3, 1990); Grenada (August 23,
1989); Guyana (June 29, 1988); Jamaica
(February 27, 1989); Montserrat
(September 16, 1991); St. ChristopherNevis (June 21, 1988); St. Lucia (July 21,
1988); St. Vincent (August 23, 1989);
Trinidad and Tobago (April 7, 1991).
According to Article 19,
agreement entered into
force upon the deposit of
the fourth [4th] Instrument
of Ratification in
accordance with Article
18 of the Agreement..
ON MARCH 1, 2004.
Certificate of Registration
No. 50674/40020.
Agreement for the
Establishment of the
Union, Nassau, Bahamas,
April 28, 1989.
Agreement for the
Establishment of an
Assembly of Caribbean
Eleventh Meeting of the
Conference of the Heads
of Government of the
Caribbean Community,
Kingston, Jamaica, July 31,
This Agreement provides for the
establishment of the Caribbean
Telecommunications Union, the
objectives of which are to facilitate the
coordination of the planning,
programming and development of
intraregional communications
networks to meet the immediate and
future telecommunications needs of
the Region; to assist the development
of the national components of
regional and international
telecommunications networks; to
promote the general awareness of the
telecommunications needs of the
Region and its potential for promoting
the socio-economic development of
the Region; and to establish linkages
with the information bases of other
telecommunication organizations and
in particular, the Centre for
Telecommunications Development at
the International Telecommunications
Union (ITU) in Geneva, among other
D.O.S. – Antigua (April 28,1989);
Bahamas (April 28,1989); Barbados
(March 14, 1990); Belize (July 19, 1990);
Dominica (March 13, 1990); Grenada
(April 25, 1990); Guyana (August 25,
1989); Jamaica (January 23, 1990); St.
Kitts-Nevis (July 19, 1990); St. Lucia
(March 14, 1990); St. Vincent and the
Grenadines (March 15, 1990); Trinidad
and Tobago (September 19, 1989).
This Agreement establishes an
Assembly of Caribbean Community
Parliamentarians, the objectives of
which are, inter alia; to involve the
people of the Community, through
their representatives, in the process
of consolidating and strengthening the
Community; to provide opportunities
for involvement in the issues of the
integration process by members of
D.O.S. – Antigua (June 17, 1993);
Bahamas (March 23, 1993); Barbados
(February 19, 1992); Belize (November
17, 1994); Dominica (July 7, 1993);
Grenada (March 23, 1993); Guyana
(February 19, 1992); Jamaica (July 7,
1993); Montserrat (July 6, 1996); St. Kitts
and Nevis (May 27, 1996); St. Lucia (April
8, 1995); St. Vincent and the Grenadines
(July 6, 1996); Trinidad and Tobago
D.O.R. – Antigua (July 2, 1991); Bahamas
(July 2, 1989); Barbados (July 17, 1990);
Belize (July 20, 1990); Dominica (July 14,
1990); Grenada (July 16, 1990); Guyana
(June 25, 1990); Jamaica (January 22,
1991); St. Kitts-Nevis (November 2,
1990); St. Lucia (November 6, 1989); St.
Vincent and the Grenadines (October 18,
1989); Trinidad and Tobago (January 29,
Entered into force on July
17, 1990.
ON FEBRUARY 18, 2004
Certificate of Registration
No. 50637/39984.
According to Article 26
the agreement entered
into force upon the
deposit of seven
Instruments of
Ratification including
Instruments of
Ratification deposited on
behalf of the three MDCs.
D.O.A. – Belize (July 20, 1990).
Entered into force on
August 3, 1994.
ON FEBRUARY 18, 2004
Certificate of Registration
No. 50673/60019
Parliament in each Member State and
Associate Member, in addition to
those who now participate; to provide
a forum for people of the Community
to make their views known through
their representatives; to provide more
frequent contact in the monitoring of
the policies of the Community; to
provide enhanced opportunities for
the coordination of the foreign policies
of Member States; and to encourage
the adoption by the Governments of
Member States of the Community of a
common policy on economic, social,
cultural, scientific and legal matters
deliberated upon by the Assembly.
(February 28, 1993).
D.O.R. – Antigua (July 4, 1994); Bahamas
(August 30, 1993); Barbados (June 21,
1993); Belize (May 19, 1995); Dominica
(May 24, 1996); Grenada (December 13,
1993); Guyana (November 15, 1993);
Jamaica (October 13, 1993); St. Kitts and
Nevis (May 29, 1996); St. Lucia (May 15,
1995); St. Vincent and the Grenadines
(July 10, 1996); Trinidad and Tobago
(July 7, 1993).
D.O.A. –Turks and Caicos Islands (May
28, 1996); Suriname (May 16, 2001).
D.O.S. – Antigua (November 25, 1970);
Barbados (November 25, 1970); Belize
(August 23, 1972); Dominica (November
25, 1970); Grenada (November 25, 1970);
Guyana (November 25, 1970); Jamaica
(March 10, 1971); Montserrat (October 5,
1971); St. Christopher-Nevis- Anguilla
(November 25, 1970); St. Lucia
(November 25, 1970); St. Vincent
(November 25, 1970); Trinidad and
Tobago (March 10, 1971).
Agreement on a
Caribbean Technical
Assistance Programme,
Georgetown, Guyana,
November 25, 1970.
D.O.S. – Barbados (March 3, 1998);
Antigua (March 3, 1998); Dominica
(March 3, 1998); Grenada (March 3,
Agreement on the
Establishment of the
Joint Task Force for
According to Article 11
the Agreement shall enter
into force on the thirtieth
[30th] day after the date of
deposit of the seventh [7]
instrument of Ratification
by a member state.
Entered into force on
November 25, 1970
ON FEBRUARY 18, 2004
Certificate of Registration
No. 50634/39981
According to Article VIII of
the Agreement it came
into force on upon
signature by seven [7]
closer Cooperation
between the Government
of Barbados and Member
Governments of the
Agreement of
Cooperation between the
International Maritime
Organisation and the
Caribbean Community,
Agreement on Technical
Co-operation between the
Government of the United
Mexican States and the
Caribbean Community.
Agreement on Reciprocal
Promotion and Protection
of Investments.
1998); St. Kitts & Nevis (March 3, 1998);
St. Lucia (March 3, 1998)
IMO and CARICOM have recognized
the mutual benefits arising from a
close cooperation for the attainment
of the objectives of the two
organizations and respectively, agree
to consult and co-operate with each
other on matters of mutual concern to
the two organizations.
D.O.S.- International Maritime
Organisation (July 23, 1985); Caribbean
Community (CARICOM) (September 6,
According to paragraph
10 this Agreement shall
come into force upon its
signature by the
Secretary-General of IMO
and the SecretaryGeneral of CARICOM.
The main objectives of this
Agreement are to encourage and
promote action with the support of
Mexican Institutions and experts with
a view to contributing to: the
enhancement of skills and capacities
in key sectors and areas of critical
importance to the economies of the
Caribbean Member Countries of the
Bank and to the Institutions of the
Caribbean Region; and the expansion
of the scientific and technological
capability of the Caribbean Region.
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (May 18, 1990); United
Mexican States (May 18, 1990).
According to Article 9 this
Agreement shall enter
into force on the date
hereof for a period of
three years.
This Agreement provides that Each
Party shall promote and admit in its
territory, in conformity with their
respective laws, the Investments of
the Investors of the other Party.
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
Agreement on Scientific
and Technical
Cooperation between the
Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) and the
Kingdom of Spain, 1999.
Agreement on Technical
Cooperation and Trade
Promotion between the
Secretary of Trade and
Industrial Development,
the National Bank of
Foreign Trade
(BANCOMEXT) Acting on
behalf of the Government
of Mexico and CARICOM,
The purpose of this Agreement is to
strengthen scientific and technical
cooperation between the Parties, and,
to this end, the Parties shall
contribute to the fulfilment of the
following objectives: to carry out joint
programmes and projects that may
contribute to improving the quality of
life of their peoples; to increase the
exchange of knowledge, information,
experience and achievements in the
scientific and technical fields, which
can contribute to the better economic
and social development of the Parties
and their peoples; to develop the
human resources of CARICOM in
areas vital to the development of the
economies of the Member States of
CARICOM; and to develop the
scientific and technical capacity of
D.O.S.- Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (July 4, 1999); Kingdom of
Spain (July 4, 1999).
According to Article X the
Agreement shall enter
into force on the date of
receipt of the last
notification of one Party
to the other that the
necessary legal
requirements for its entry
into force have been
complied with.
D.O.S. – Government of Mexico (July 31,
1990); Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (July 31, 1990).
Entered into force on July
31, 1990.
Agreement on the
Harmonisation of Fiscal
Incentives to Industry.
The contracting parties to the
Agreement establishing the CARIFTA
Free Trade Association, in pursuance
of the declared intention set out in
Article 23 and in Annex A to take
measures to secure the adoption of a
regional policy of incentives to
industry as early as possible, and the
need for promoting the balanced and
harmonious development of the
Region by means of the Conferment
of incentives to industry, agreed to
establish a Scheme to be known as
the 'Harmonisation of Fiscal
Incentives to Industry Scheme' under
this Agreement.
D.O.S. – Antigua (July 23, 1980);
Barbados (June 13, 1973); Belize (August
28, 1973); Dominica (July 5, 1973);
Grenada (July 5, 1973); Guyana (June 1,
1973); Jamaica (June 26, 1973);
Monsterrat (December 10, 1973); St Kitts,
Nevis & Anguilla (July 6, 1973); St Lucia
(June 15, 1973); St Vincent (July 4,
1973); Trinidad & Tobago (June 5, 1973).
D.O.R. – Barbados (April 18, 1974);
Belize (November 9, 1973); Dominica
(January 14, 1974); Grenada (October 16,
1973); Guyana (September 17, 1973);
Jamaica (July 31, 1973); Monsterrat
(January 7, 1974); St Kitts, Nevis &
Anguilla (August 19, 1974); St Lucia
(November 13, 1973); St Vincent
(September 17, 1973); Trinidad & Tobago
(September 3, 1973).
D.O.S. – Antigua (March 7, 1991);
Bahamas (February 26, 1991); Barbados
(May 14, 1991); Belize (February 26,
1991); Dominica (May 28, 1991);
Grenada (May 14, 1991); Guyana
(February 26, 1991); Jamaica (February
26, 1991); Monsterrat (March 4, 1991); St.
Kitts-Nevis (March 8, 1991); St. Lucia
(February 26, 1991); St. Vincent (May 14,
1991); Trinidad and Tobago (February 26,
Agreement Instituting the
Order of the Caribbean
Community, Port of Spain,
February 26, 1991.
Entered into force on
April 18, 1974.
ON AUGUST 28, 1974
Certificate of Registration
No. 19816.
The agreement entered
into force in accordance
with Article 22 (on July 1,
1973) if Instruments of
Ratification have been
previously deposited in
accordance with Article
21 by at least ten (10) of
the States mentioned in
para. 1(a) of Article 2 …
and if not, then on such
later date on which the
tenth such instrument has
been deposited.
Entered into force on May
28, 1991.
ON MARCH 1, 2004
Certificate of Registration
No. 50669/40015
According to Article XIII of
the agreement, it came
into force on signature on
behalf of all the
Governments of Member
Amendatory Agreement
in relation to the
Caribbean Environmental
Health Institute.
The contracting parties noted that the
Conference of Ministers responsible
for Health at their Eleventh Meeting
held in Trinidad and Tobago on 10
June 1988, after consideration of an
evaluation report on the Caribbean
Environmental Health Institute,
approved the making of certain
amendments to the Agreement
establishing the Caribbean
Environmental Health Institute for the
purpose of improving the efficiency of
the operation of the Laboratory.
Amendment to Article 15
of the West Indies
Shipping Corporation
(WISCO) Agreement.
The participating governments,
agreed to amend Article 15 of WISCO
pursuant to the decision of the
Second Meeting of the Standing
Committee of Ministers Responsible
for Transportation that if St. Vincent
did not accede to the Agreement
before 31 January, 1977, the Legal
Counsel of the Secretariat should
draft an appropriate amendment to
Article 15 of WISCO so as to enable
the LDC members of the corporation
to have representation on the Board
of Directors.
According to Article 14
this Agreement shall
enter into force upon the
deposit of Instruments of
Ratification with the
Caribbean Community
Secretariat by all
Members States in
Accordance with Article
23 of the Principal
D.O.S - Antigua (December 14, 1978);
Barbados (December 14, 1978);
Dominica (December 14, 1978); Grenada
(December 10, 1979); Guyana (February
25, 1978); Jamaica (December 14, 1978);
Montserrat (December 10, 1979); St.
Kitts/Nevis/Anguilla (December 14, 1978);
St Lucia (December 14, 1978); Trinidad &
Tobago (November 2, 1979).
D.O.R. - Guyana (March 6, 1978); St.
Kitts/ Nevis/Anguilla (November 11,
1980); Trinidad & Tobago (November 4,
Amendment to Article
3(1) of Caribbean
Investment Corporation.
The Contracting Parties are to notify
the Secretary General in writing of
their acceptance of the Amendment.
D.O.A - Antigua (July 12, 1976); Grenada
(July 22, 1976); Jamaica (August 29,
1980); St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla (November
9, 1976); St Lucia (June 25, 1976); St.
Vincent (June 14, 1976); Trinidad &
Tobago (August 30, 1976).
The Amendment
becomes effective on the
expiration of 3 months
after the date of a final
communication by the
Secretary General to all
members of the
Corporation notifying
acceptance of the
Amendment by the
Contracting Parties.
Approval for
Headquarters Agreement
and Protocol on
Privileges and
Note- The Head Quarters Agreement
was signed at the Caribbean
Community Secretariat by the
Ministries of Foreign Affairs on behalf
of Guyana and the Secretary General
on behalf of the Caribbean
Community (CARICOM) on 23rd
January 1976.
Date Approval Granted:
Both = Protocol on Privileges and
Immunities and Headquarters Agreement
HQA = Headquarters Agreement
Antigua (September 2, 1975), H.Q.A.;
Barbados (April 18, 1975), Both; Belize
(April 17, 1975), H.Q A.; Dominica (March
13, 1975), Both; Grenada (August 21,
1975), H.Q.A.; Jamaica (August 14,
1975), H.Q A; Montserrat (March 19,
1975), Both. St. Kitts/Nevis- Anguilla
(April 21, 1975), Both; St. Lucia (January
22, 1976) H.Q.A.; St. Vincent (January
22, 1976) H.Q.A.; Trinidad & Tobago
(June 24, 1975) Both.
The notice of
termination of the
Agreement between the
Government of Guyana
and the Council of the
Caribbean Free Trade
Association was
forwarded to the Ministry
of foreign Affairs, Guyana
on 29th January 1976.
Basic Cooperation
Agreement between the
Caribbean Community
Secretariat and the
Permanent Secretariat of
the General Treaty of
Central American
The contracting parties conscious of a
common desire to develop and
promote the development of solidarity
and co-operation between their
respective sub-regional integration
movements and their participating
Member Countries have agreed, iter
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (May 28, 1993); Central
American Economic Integration (May 28,
Entered into force on May
28, 1993.
Agreement provides that
it shall enter into force
immediately upon its
signature and for an
Economic Integration
alia, to establish an inter-institutional
co-operation programme; to maintain
a regular system of information
exchange which will enable them to
monitor the progress of both
economic integration processes; and
to promote the mutual exchange of
experts for the provision of reciprocal
assistance in projects where this is
Canada-British West
Indies – Bermuda –
British Guiana – British
Honduras Trade
Agreement, Ottawa,
Canada, 1925.
This Agreement provided that the
duties of customs on all goods (other
than tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, and
spirituous or alcoholic liquors) being
the produce or manufacture of any of
the Colonies of British West Indies –
Bermuda – British Guiana – British
Honduras, imported into Canada
which to be subject to duty or which
may be made subject to duty at any
future time shall not at any time be
more that fifty per cent of the duties
imposed on similar goods under the
General Tariff of Canada.
Caracas Agreement on
Energy Cooperation,
Porlamar Margarita Island,
Venezuela, December 12,
This Agreement provides that
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
shall supply the amount of ten
thousand barrels per day (10,000 BD)
of crude oil, refined products and LPG
or its energy equivalents to
Cooperative Republic of Guyana. The
indefinite period and may
be modified by
agreement of the Parties
and denounced by either
Party provided that a
period of sixty days'
notice is given to the
other Party.
The said Governments of the colonies of
British West Indies – Bermuda – British
Guiana – British Honduras have signed
this treaty on July 6, 1925: Geo. P.
Graham, John P. Hand, James A. Bobb,
A.P. Sherlock, C. Douglas-Jones, Thos.
A. Low, W.R. Motherwell, W. Morrison,
John E. Sinclair, H.H. Hart, Harcourt
Malcom, Wilfred B. Davidson-Houston,
S.T. Harrison, H.B. Walcott, P.J., Arthur
According to Article 19,
upon approval being
given by each of said
Colonies respectively the
Agreement shall be
brought into force
thereupon or so
thereafter as may be
agreed upon between the
Dominion of Canada and
any Colony by
proclamation to be
published in the Canada
Gazette and in the Official
Gazette of each of the
said Colonies.
D.O.S. – Guyana (December 12, 2001);
Venezuela (December 12, 2001).
Entered into force on
December 12, 2001.
mention of supply will be subject to
assessment and adjustment
according to the evolution of
Cooperative Republic of Guyana's
purchases, availability of the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and
decisions made within the
Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC), and any other
circumstance that would oblige the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to
change the assigned quotas in
accordance with this Agreement.
Caribbean Agricultural
Research and
Development Institute
Caribbean Common
Market Balance of
Payments Mutual Support
Interim Facility, 1976
This Agreement provides for the
establishment of the Caribbean
Common Market Balance-ofPayments Mutual Support Facility and
the objective of this Agreement is to
maintain and develop intra-regional
trade, the objectives of the Facility are
to: promote the development of intra-
Date of receipt of Instrument of
Ratification: Barbados (August 7, 1997);
Belize (August 9, 1996); Dominica
(August 28, 1996); Guyana (September
13, 1996); Jamaica (February 19, 2002);
Montserrat (April 1, 1997); St Kitts/Nevis
(May 15, 2001); St Lucia (May 6, 1998);
St Vincent (April 3,1997); Trinidad &
Tobago (May 29, 1998).
Further Amendments to
Articles 6 and 2 were
made at the 15th
Governing Body Meeting
held in June 1995 recomposition of the Board
of Directors. Article (6)
and the inclusion of any
other country of the
A.C.S. which the standing
committee Approved
(Article 2).
D.O.S – Barbados (June 4, 1976);
Guyana (May 10, 1976); Jamaica (May
10, 1976); Trinidad &Tobago (June 22,
Entered into force on
June 22, 1976.
According to Article (18)
this Agreement shall
enter into force upon
signature by the parties
listed in Article (1). (The
regional trade; supplement other
sources of balance-of-payments
support with an immediately available
additional source; and help sustain
the capacity of the Members to
finance imports necessary to their
development objectives.
parties listed in Article (1)
are Barbados, Guyana,
Jamaica, and Trinidad &
According to Article 13
this Agreement shall
enter into force when
Instruments of
Ratification have been
deposited with the
Secretary General by at
least nine of the Member
States of the Caribbean
Community listed in the
Annex to this Agreement.
Caribbean Community
Agreement on
Cooperation in the
Development and
Management of Living
Resources of the
Exclusive Economic Zone
Provides for the establishment of the
CARICOM Fisheries Authority and
promotes the development of a
programme of cooperation among
Member States in respect of access
to, and the management of, their
exclusive economic zones and their
fisheries zones.
Caribbean Mutual Legal
Assistance Treaty in
Serious Criminal Matters,
The purpose of this treaty is to
increase cooperation among
Caribbean countries in serious
criminal matters, meaning conduct
constituting a criminal offence
punishable by a maximum deprivation
of liberty for a period of not less than
12 months, and for state parties to
afford one another the widest
measure of mutual legal assistance at
any stage of the investigations,
prosecution and judicial proceedings
in relation to serious criminal
Signed by Member States:
Antigua and Barbuda – 6 July 2005
Barbados - 6 July 2005
Belize – 30 August 2005
Guyana – 5 January 2006
Jamaica - 6 July 2005
Saint Lucia - 6 July 2005
St. Kitts and Nevis - 6 July 2005
Suriname – 7 December 2005
Trinidad and Tobago - 6 July 2005
Ratified by Trinidad and Tobago – 13
December 2005
According to Article 28
this Treaty shall enter into
force upon the deposit of
instruments of Ratification
or Accession by at least 5
Member States and shall
be registered with the
United Nations.
Caribbean Partnership
Commitment, Barbados,
February 14, 2001.
Caribbean Treaty on
Mutual Legal Assistance
in Serious Criminal
Matters (MLAT), Saint
Lucia, July 2005
This commitment recognizes that
HIV/AIDS needs to be addressed
through an approach involving all
sectors of society and aims that by
the year 2005, 90 percent of young
men and women aged 15-24 in the
Caribbean have access to
information, education and services to
develop the lifestyle required to
reduce their vulnerability to HIV
infection; Reducing HIV prevalence in
15-24 year-olds by 25 percent by
2005; Reducing the rate of
transmission from HIV infected
mothers to their babies by 50 percent
by 2003.
The MLAT Agreement provides in
Article 2 the scope for increased cooperation in mutual legal assistance
among Caribbean countries in respect
of serious criminal matters, measures
to combat criminal activity and to
assist States Parties, to the extent
possible under their laws, the widest
measure of mutual legal assistance at
any stage of investigation,
prosecution and judicial proceedings.
Article 5 of the Treaty provides for the
nature of the request for assistance
by the requesting State.
Article 7 of the Treaty provides for the
refusal and postponement of the
Signed on February 14, 2001 by: Rt.
Honorable Owen Arthur, Prime Minister of
Barbados and Chairman of CARICOM;
Rt. Honorable Denzil Douglas, Prime
Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis; Dr. Edwin
Carrington, Secretary-General of
Executive Director, UNAIDS;Dr. George
Alleyne, Director, PAHO/WHO; Ms.
Yolanda Simon, Founder and Regional
Coordinator of the Caribbean Network of
People Living with HIV/AIDS (CRN+).
No provision on entry into
force in the commitment,
but the commitment
should be recognized as
entering into force on
February 14, 2001.
CARICOM Declaration of
Labour and Industrial
Relations Principles,
Georgetown, Guyana,
Charter of Civil Society
for the Caribbean
The Declaration sets out the general
Labour Policy to which the Region
aspires, consistent with international
standards and other international
instruments. It is an important policy
guide on labour matters for the Social
Partners and will contribute to the
development of a healthy industrial
relations climate, and enhanced
social partnership. It underscores the
rights and responsibilities of the
Social Partners, and provides the
bases for the development of national
labour policies, and inform the
enactment of labour legislation.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
The Charter aims, inter alia, to
enhance public confidence in
governance, thereby reinforcing the
loyalty of all the people; to ensure
continuing respect for internationally
recognised civil, political, economic,
social and cultural rights; to uphold
the right of people to make political
choices; to create a truly participatory
political environment within the
Caribbean Community which will be
propitious to genuine consultation in
the process of governance; to
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
promote, foster and maintain racial
harmony; and to promote economic
growth and sustainable development
through the wise use of the human
and natural resources.
Caribbean/United States
Summit Partnership for
Prosperity and Security in
the Caribbean Bridgetown,
Barbados, May 10, 1997.
CARICOM Agreement on
Social Security.
The participating governments
recognizes that harmonisation of the
social security legislation of the
Member States of the Caribbean
Community is one of the ways
envisaged to promote functional
cooperation and regional unity; and
applies to invalidity pensions;
disablement pensions; old age or
retirement pensions; survivors'
pensions, anddeath benefits in the
form of pensions by affirming the
principles of equality of treatment for
residents of the Contracting Parties
under their social security legislation,
D.O.S. – Antigua (May 10, 1997);
Bahamas (May 10, 1997); Barbados (May
10, 1997); Belize (May 10, 1997);
Dominica (May 10, 1997); Dominican
Republic (May 10, 1997); Grenada (May
10, 1997); Guyana (May 10, 1997); Haiti
(May 10, 1997); Jamaica (May 10, 1997);
St Kitts/ Nevis (May 10, 1997); St Lucia
(May 10, 1997); St Vincent (May 10,
1997); Suriname (May 10, 1997); Trinidad
& Tobago (May 10, 1997); United States
of America (May 10, 1997).
Effective date – May 10,
D.O.S. – Antigua (March 1, 1996);
Bahamas (October 27, 1999); Barbados
(March 1, 1996); Belize (March 1, 1996);
Dominica (March 1, 1996); Grenada
(June 17, 1997); Guyana (March 21,
1996); Jamaica (March 1, 1996);
Montserrat (November 27, 1999); St Kitts/
Nevis (July 6, 1996); St Lucia (March 1,
1996); St Vincent (July 2, 1997); Trinidad
& Tobago (March 1, 1996).
Entered into force on
April 1, 1997.
D.O.R - Antigua (August 3, 1998);
Bahamas (September 14, 2001);
Barbados (May 28, 1997); Belize
(September 17, 1996); Dominica (January
Certificate of Registration
No. 51458/40734
This agreement shall
enter into force on the
first day of the third
Month following that in
which the third instrument
the maintenance of rights acquired or
in the course of acquisition, as well as
the protection and maintenance of
such rights notwithstanding changes
of residence among their respective
territories - principles which underlie
several of the Conventions of the
International Labour Organisation.
24, 1997); Grenada (November 17, 1998);
Guyana (February 12, 1997); Jamaica
(September 30, 1996); Montserrat
(February 9, 2000); St. Kitts/Nevis (May 8,
1997); St. Lucia (June 27, 1997); St.
Vincent (May 28, 1998); Trinidad &
Tobago (April 22, 1997).
of ratification or
acceptance is deposited
with the Secretary
Cooperation Agreement
between the Caribbean
Community (CARICOM)
acting through the
Caribbean Community
Secretariat and la
Corporacion Andian de
Fomento (CAF),
Georgetown, Guyana, April
11, 1996.
Both Organisations agree to pursue in
their respective programmes of work,
activities which promote development
and economic integration.
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (April 11, 1996); La
Corporacion Andian de Fomento (April
11, 1996).
Entered into force on
April 11, 1996.
Cooperation Agreement
between the Secretariat
of the United Nations and
the Caribbean
Community Secretariat,
United Nations
Headquarters, May 27,
This Agreement provides that the
Caribbean Community Secretariat
and the Secretariat of the United
Nations shall act in close
collaboration and hold consultations
regularly on matters of common
D.O.S.- Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (May 27, 1997); United
Nations (May 27, 1997).
According to Article VIII
this Agreement shall
enter into force on the
date of its signature by
the duly authorised
representatives of the
Secretariat of the United
Nations and the
Caribbean Community
Convention of the
D.O.A. – Grenada (November 17, 1998).
Agreement provides that
it shall enter into force
upon signature.
Caribbean Postal Union
Declaration of Belmopan,
Belmopan, Belize, March
18, 1981.
The Standing Committee of Ministers
of the Caribbean Community
responsible for Foreign Affairs
declared inter alia, their support for
the Heads of Agreement signed on 11
March 1981 by the Governments of
the United Kingdom, Guatemala and
Belize provide the basis on which the
controversy between the United
Kingdom and Guatemala over the
territory of Belize can be amicably
and honourably settled.
Signed March 18, 1981 on behalf of the
following Governments: Minister of
External Affairs, BARBADOS; Minister of
Legal Affairs and Attorney General,
GRENADA; Minister of Foreign Affairs,
GUYANA; Minister of State for Foreign
Affairs and Foreign Trade, JAMAICA;
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of
Foreign Affairs, ST. LUCIA; Minister of
External Affairs, TRINIDAD AND
Effective date - March 18,
Declaration on Health for
the Caribbean
Community, 1982
This declaration stipulates that each
Member Government will carry out a
study of the existing health situation
and select its own priorities and will
design a comprehensive health
service, adapted to its particular
needs and potential, applying as may
be appropriate, the 25-Point Plan of
Action prepared by the Caribbean
Workshop on Primary Health Care,
Saint Lucia, June 1981, inter alia.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Dickenson Bay
Agreement – Agreement
Establishing the
Caribbean Free Trade
Association (CARIFTA),
Dickenson Bay, Antigua,
December 15, 1965.
This Agreement provides for the
establishment of the Caribbean Free
Trade Association, the objectives of
which are inter alia, to promote the
expansion and diversification of trade
in the area of the Association; to
secure that trade between member
D.O.S. – Antigua (December 15, 1965);
Barbados (December 15, 1965); British
Guiana (December 15, 1965).
Entered into force on
December 15, 1965.
territories takes place in conditions of
fair competition; to encourage the
progressive development of the
economies of the Area; and to foster
the harmonious development of
Caribbean trade and its liberalisation
by the removal of barriers to it.
Final Report of the
Second Meeting of the
Community Joint
Commission, April 7-8,
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (April 8, 1988); Mexico (April
8, 1988).
Further Protocol to
Provide for an Extension
of time for the
Reservation made by the
Government of the
Bahamas to paragraph 1
of Article 5 of the
Agreement Establishing
the Council of Legal
D.O.S.- Barbados (July 25, 1990);
Jamaica (August 2, 1990); Trinidad &
Tobago (July 20, 1990); University of
West Indies (January 16, 1990).
Further Protocol to
Amend the Protocol on
the Privileges and
Immunities of the
Caribbean Community for
the purpose of Extending
the facility of the use of
Laissez-Passer issued to
Remarks: Report on second Meeting
“Official of the Community” as
provided for in Article 1 of the
Protocol on Privileges and Immunities
refers to “the Secretary-General and
staff of the Secretariat”. This protocol
extends that meaning to include
“official of a regional organization
designated by the Secretary-General
D.O.S. – Antigua (July 4, 2003); Barbados
(May 13, 1996); Belize (May 17, 1994);
Dominica (May 17, 1994); Grenada (May
17, 1994); Guyana (May 17, 1994);
Jamaica (May 17, 1994); St Lucia (July
1999); St Vincent (May 17, 1994);
Trinidad & Tobago (May 17, 1994).
It is provided that this
Protocol shall enter into
force on the signature of
all the Contracting Parties
to the Protocol on the
Privileges and Immunities
of the Caribbean
the staff of the Caribbean
Community Secretariat
for travel on official duty,
to certain officials of
other Regional
Organizations, Belize City,
Belize, May 17, 1994
and ratified by Conference”.
D.O.S. – Antigua (July 4, 1974); Barbados
(July 4, 1973); Belize (April 17, 1974);
Dominica (April 17, 1974); Grenada (April
17,1974); Guyana (July 4, 1973); Jamaica
(July 4, 1973); Montserrat (April 17,1974);
St Kitts & Nevis –Anguilla (July 26, 1974);
St Lucia (April 17, 1974); St Vincent (April
17, 1974); Trinidad & Tobago (July 4,
Final Act Declaration and
Resolution (to Caribbean
Community Treaty).
Remarks: The less Developed countries
of the Caribbean Community Adopted the
resolutions and declaration contained in
the final act of the conference of
Chaguaramas is at dates specified.
Georgetown Agreement
on the Organization of the
Africa, Caribbean and
Pacific Group of States,
June 6, 1975.
The objectives of the ACP Group are
to ensure the realization of the
objectives of the Convention of Lome;
to coordinate the activities of the ACP
States in the application of the
Convention of Lome; to determine
joint positions of the ACP Group visa-vis the EEC on matters covered by
the Convention of Lome; to contribute
to the development of greater and
closer trade, economic and cultural
According to Article 26
this Agreement shall
come into force two
months after signature
thereof by at least twothirds of the Member
States of the ACP Group.
relations amongst the ACP States;
and to promote the establishment of a
new world economic order, inter alia.
Grenada Declaration,
Georgetown, Guyana,
November 8, 1971.
The participating states hereby
declare it to be their intention to seek
to establish out of their Territories a
new State in the Caribbean and to
this end to proceed to set up a
preparatory Commission by
November 30, 1971, to prepare for
the establishment of the new State.
The preparatory Commission will, if
possible, be established within the
Commonwealth Caribbean Regional
Secretariat under a budget to be
separately provided by the
Participating Territories, inter alia.
The representatives of the people of
Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, St.
Kitts/Nevis/Anguilla, St. Lucia and St.
Vincent comprised the participating
Not applicable.
Guadalajara Declaration,
Guadalajara, Mexico, July
19, 1991.
The participating governments by
special agreement, we have come
together for the first time in history to
examine jointly the big challenges
facing our countries in a changing
world. They proposed to join together
the political will of their governments
to find the solutions that those
challenges demand and turn the
whole of the historical and cultural
affinities linking them into an
instrument of unity and development
based on dialogue, cooperation and
The following Government participated in
this declaration: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil,
Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Dominican
Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru,
Portugal, Spain, Uruguay and Venezuela,
Not applicable.
Instrument of Ratification
Re Amendment to the
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean
Agricultural Research
and Development
Date of receipt of Instrument: Antigua
& Barbuda (June 25, 1984); Barbados
(November 10, 1983); Belize (November
3, 1983); Dominica (October 10, 1983);
Grenada (May 4, 1984); Guyana (October
21, 1983); Jamaica (April 6, 1984);
Montserrat (June 12, 1984); St Kitts /
Nevis (March 13, 1984); St Lucia
(January 24, 1984); St Vincent &
Grenadines (May 17, 1984); Trinidad &
Tobago (October 24, 1983).
Instrument of Ratification
of Amendment to
paragraph 3 of Article 47
of the Annex to the Treaty
Establishing the
Caribbean Community.
Date of Receipt of Instrument: Antigua
& Barbuda (June 25, 1984); Barbados
(April 11, 1985); Belize (July 12, 1984);
Dominica (May 9, 1985); Grenada
(January 29, 1988); Guyana (September
17, 1984); Jamaica (March 3, 1988);
Montserrat (July 6, 1984); St Lucia (May
17, 1984); St Vincent & Grenadines (July
26, 1984); Trinidad & Tobago (March 8,
Instrument of Ratification
of Amendment to
paragraph (g) of Article
10 and paragraphs 1(b),
(c), (d), (i) of Article 14 of
the Treaty Establishing
the Caribbean
Community and Common
Date of Receipt of Instrument: Antigua
& Barbuda (February 9, 1988); Bahamas
(May 18, 1988); Barbados (April 11,
1985); Belize (August 7, 1984); Dominica
(May 9, 1985); Grenada (January 29,
1988); Guyana (September 17, 1984);
Jamaica (March 3, 1988); Montserrat
(September 3, 1985); St Lucia (April 3,
1985); St Vincent & Grenadines (April 4,
1984); Trinidad & Tobago (November 28,
The Amendment to
Paragraphs 1 and 2 of
Article 6 of the
Agreement entered into
force on June 25, 1984
with the deposit of
Instrument of Ratification
by the Government of
Antigua and Barbuda.
This Amendment has
effected a change in the
Composition of the Board
of Directors.
Instrument of Ratification
to the Amendment of
Article 6 of the Common
External Tariff (CET).
Instrument of Ratification
of Amendment of Article
14 of the Treaty (i.e.
deletion of the words “the
Regional Shipping
Council” from the list of
Associate Institutions).
Instrument of Ratification
of Amendments to
Articles 14 and 53 of the
Belize’s instrument contained a defect
as to signature and was revoked on
January 14, 1981.
Formula agreed by the Fourteenth
Meeting of the Common Market
Council Ministries: Following
Date of receipt of instrument: Antigua
(March 20, 1981); Barbados (March 26,
1981); Belize (July 22, 1980); Dominica
(February 3, 1981); Grenada (July 21,
1980); Jamaica (April 8, 1980);
Montserrat (June 3, 1980); St. Kitts/Nevis,
Anguilla (June 3, 1980); St. Lucia
(January 18, 1982); St. Vincent
(November 11, 1980); Trinidad and
Tobago (September 16, 1980).
Date of Receipt of Instrument: Antigua
(February 9, 1988); Barbados (February
24, 1978); Belize (November 11, 1977);
Dominica (May 9, 1985); Grenada
(January 29, 1988); Guyana (February
16, 1990); Jamaica (November 15, 1982);
Montserrat (June 12, 1980); St Kitts/Nevis
–Anguilla (May 6, 1977); St. Lucia (April
3, 1985); St. Vincent (January 19, 1984);
Trinidad and Tobago (February 16, 1981).
The Government of
Guyana deposited the
last instrument of
Ratification on February
16th 1990. Amendment
will enter into force on
March 17th 1990 in
accordance with
Paragraph (2) of Article
(26) of the Treaty
establishing the
Caribbean Community
which provides for
amendments to enter into
force one month after the
date on which the last
instrument of Ratification
is deposited.
Date of Receipt of Instrument: Antigua
(January 9, 1979); Barbados (December
22, 1978); Belize (May 2, 1980); Dominica
Entered into force on
June 24th 1980.
Annex to the Treaty and
Schedules I, II, III, IV, V,
and XI Annex.
completion of the ratification
procedures by all Member of States,
the Secretariat will be advised when
National Legislation Providing for the
new origin system was ready. Upon
receipt of such Information from the
twelve member states, the Secretary
General would declare the date of
Implementation of the new origin
system, that date being the beginning
of the calendar month that allows an
interval of at least one Month
following receipt by the Secretariat of
the last notification (effective date
April 1, 1980).
(January 24, 1979); Grenada (January 24,
1979); Guyana (November 30, 1978);
Jamaica (January 24, 1979); Montserrat
(December 28, 1978); St Kitts/ Nevis –
Anguilla (February 20, 1979); St. Lucia
(April18, 1979); St. Vincent (January
24,1979); Trinidad & Tobago (June 24,
on July 2, 1985.
Date of receipt of Instrument: Antigua
(January 9, 1979); Barbados (January
3,1979); Belize (May 2, 1980); Dominica
(December 5, 1978); Grenada (January
24, 1979); Guyana (November 30, 1978);
Jamaica (December 15, 1978);
Montserrat (December 28, 1978); St.
Kitts/Nevis/Anguilla (February 20, 1979);
St. Lucia (January 24,1979) St. Vincent
(January 24,1979); Trinidad & Tobago
(January 24,1979).
Entered into force on May
2, 1980.
Formula agreed by the Eighteenth
Meeting of the Common Market
Council of Ministers: Council
agreed that the formula should be
amended to provide for two calendar
months notice instead of one.
(Effective Date –June 1st, 1981).
Instruments of
Ratification of
Amendment to the
Common External Tariff
Annex I.
Instrument of Ratification
Re Amendment to
paragraph (b) of Article 6
of the Agreement
Establishing the
Caribbean Meteorological
D.O.R.- Anguilla (November 23, 1994);
Antigua (August 15, 1989); Barbados
(September 20, 1991); Belize (April 23,
1991); British Virgin Island (January 19,
1990); Cayman Islands (July 6, 1994);
Dominica (November 1, 1988); Grenada
(February 7, 1989); Guyana (October 31,
1988); Jamaica (January 13, 1992);
Montserrat (February 6, 1995); St.
Kitts/Nevis (June 24, 1998); St. Lucia
(June 9, 1988); St. Vincent (November 5,
1991); Trinidad & Tobago (January 4,
Entered into force on
June 24, 1998 with the
deposit of instrument by
St. Kitts /Nevis.
Instruments of
Ratification RE
Amendment to Paragraph
(6) of Article 10 of the
Treaty Establishing the
Caribbean Community.
Date of Receipt of Instrument: Antigua
(September 20, 1994); Bahamas (January
18, 1993); Barbados (March 2, 1993);
Belize (August 17, 1992); Dominica
(February 7, 1996); Grenada (August 31,
1992); Guyana (July 6, 1993); Jamaica
(November 26, 1992); Montserrat (August
17, 1994); St. Kitts/Nevis (September 14,
1992); St. Lucia (December 14, 1994); St.
Vincent (June 15, 1993); Trinidad &
Tobago (February 12, 1996).
The Thirteenth Meeting of
the Conference of the
Heads of Government of
the Caribbean
Community in Port of
Spain Trinidad and
Tobago or June 30, - July
2, 1992, approved the
renaming of the Standing
Committee of Ministers
Responsible for
Education to the Standing
Committee of Ministers
Responsible for
Education and the
Instruments of
Ratification RE
Amendment of the Annex
to the Treaty by the
D.O.R. – Antigua (February 1, 1995);
Barbados (June 26, 1993); Belize (June
2, 1995); Dominica (February 28, 1994);
Grenada (June 8, 1994); Guyana (July 6,
Article 29 (A) of the
annex to the treaty
establishing the
Caribbean Community
Note - The Caribbean Membership
Council at it’s twenty- seventh
Meeting held in St. Lucia on
November 6, 1987 approved an
Amendment for the establishment of
the CMO by deleting the words
“Caribbean Meteorological Institute”
and substituting the words “Caribbean
Institute for Meteorology and
Hydrology” in its place.
Addition of Article 29A.
1993); Jamaica (January 23, 1995);
Montserrat (April 13, 1994); St. Kitts/Nevis
(April 22, 1994); St. Lucia (May 20, 1993);
St. Vincent (February 27, 1995); Trinidad
& Tobago (October 26, 1993).
entered into force on
June 2nd 1995, with the
deposit of it’s instrument
of Ratification by the
Government of Belize.
Instruments of
Ratification of
Amendment to Article 5
of the Treaty.
Date Received: Antigua (October 21,
1975); Barbados (July 22, 1975); Belize
(April 20, 1976); Dominica (January 21,
1976); Grenada (December 6, 1975);
Guyana (March 26,1976); Jamaica
(December 10, 1975); Montserrat
(April12, 1976); St. Kitts/Nevis-Anguilla
(October 6, 1975); St Lucia (December
10, 1975); St. Vincent (December 10,
1975); Trinidad &Tobago (January 21,
Entered into force on May
Instruments of Ratification received on
December 16, 1974. However, they were
not signed and were return to the
Government of Trinidad for signature on
December 17, 1974.
Instrument of Ratification
– the Amendment of
Article 13 of the
Agreement on the
Harmonisation of Fiscal
Incentives to Industry.
Date of Receipt of Instrument:
Barbados (January 13, 1983); St. Vincent
& Grenadines (October 12, 1982).
The Governments of the Member
States of the Caribbean Community,
recognise the need to improve the
D.O.S. – Antigua (July 7, 1984); Barbados
(July 7, 1984); Belize (February 19,
1986); Dominica (February 6, 1985);
Entered into force on
September 13, 1985.
Agreement on
Cooperation in Air
Nassau, the
Bahamas, July 6,
efficiency and enhance the viability of
air transportation services in the
Region inter alia, concluded this
Agreement. Member States also
agreed to the establishment of the
consultative mechanism on bilateral
air transportation negotiations.
Grenada (July 7, 1984); Guyana (July 7,
1984); Jamaica (July 7th, 1984)
Montserrat (July 4, 1986); St. Kitts and
Nevis (July 7, 1984); St. Lucia (February
6, 1985); St. Vincent and the Grenadines
(July 4, 1986); Trinidad and Tobago (July
7, 1984).
D.O.R. – Barbados (December 28, 1984);
Dominica (May 24, 1985); Grenada
(January 30, 1989); Guyana (January 11,
1985); Jamaica (March 12, 1985)
Montserrat (February 3, 1989); St. Lucia
(September 13, 1985); Trinidad and
Tobago (July 1, 1985)
Agreement on
Establishment of
CARICOM Foundation for
Art and Culture.
This agreement provides for the
establishment of a CARICOM
foundation on Arts and Culture, the
objectives of which are to foster and
promote the enjoyment of, and the
production of works in, the arts,
humanities, and social sciences
among other things.
D.O.S. – Antigua (September 16, 1994);
Barbados (April 10, 1996); Belize
(September 16, 1994); Dominica
(September 16, 1994); Grenada
(November 22, 1994); Guyana
(September 16, 1994); Jamaica
(September 16, 1994); Montserrat
(September 28, 1994); St. Kitts /Nevis
(October 29, 1996); St. Lucia (October 28,
1994); St. Vincent (June 27, 1996);
Trinidad & Tobago (November 23, 1994).
D.O.R – Barbados (October 16, 1996);
Belize (October 25, 1996); Grenada
(March 5, 1997); Guyana (February 12,
1997); Jamaica (December 10, 1996);
Montserrat (February 6, 1995); St. Kitts /
Nevis (March 13, 1997); St. Lucia
(January 17, 1997); Trinidad & Tobago
(October 12, 1998).
Certificate of Registration
No. 51463/40739
According to paragraph 7
of the Agreement, it came
into force on the deposit
of Instrument of
Ratification by six [6]
Member States.
Entered into force on
January 17, 1997.
Certificate of Registration
No. 51459/40735
This Agreement entered
into force when
Instruments of
Ratification were
deposited by at least 5 of
the member of states
listed in Part A of the
Annex including
Joint Declaration between
Spain and CARICOM, Port
of Spain, Trinidad and
Tobago, July 4, 1999.
The Heads of State and Government
of Spain and of CARICOM reviewed a
range of political issues and trade and
cooperation matters affecting the
CARICOM countries and Spain, such
as political relations, relations within
the EU-Caribbean framework,
relations in the regional framework,
strengthening bilateral and multilateral
relations inter alia, and agreed to
issue this Joint Declaration.
Not applicable.
The CARICOM Heads of State and
Government and the Prime Minister of
Spain expressed their satisfaction at the
signing of the Agreement on Scientific
and Technical Cooperation between
CARICOM and Spain and note that this
Agreement will serve as a basis and a
point of reference for the future
development of cooperation ties between
Spain and the countries of the Caribbean.
Not applicable.
Memorandum of
Agreement between the
Caribbean Community
and the International
Centre for Ocean
Development (ICOD),
Belmopan, Belize, January
28, 1991.
This MOU between the Caribbean
Community and the ICOD is executed
in witness of the mutual commitment
of the parties to undertake a
cooperative development project on
the Caribbean Fisheries Resource
Assessment and Management
D.O.S. - Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (January 28, 1991);
International Centre for Ocean
Development (January 28, 1991).
Not applicable.
Memorandum of
Understanding between
the Caribbean
Community (CARICOM)
and the United Nations
Educational, Scientific,
and Cultural Organisation
(UNESCO), Georgetown,
Guyana, May 5, 2003.
MOU between the Caribbean
Community and UNESCO was
concluded within the framework of
Article IX of the 1980 Agreement and
reaffirms cooperation in the fields of
education, culture and natural
sciences and is extended to the areas
of communication and information
and the social and human sciences.
D.O.S.- Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (May 5, 2003); UNESCO
(May 5, 2003).
Entered into force on May
5, 1003.
Memorandum of
This agreement provides for the
According to the terms of
the agreement, it shall
enter into force upon the
signature of the parties.
According to Article XII
Agreement establishing
the Caribbean Volunteer
Corps among the Member
States of the Caribbean
establishment of a Scheme to be
known as the Caribbean Volunteer
Corps having the objectives or which
are inter alia, the initiation of
programme which will enable suitably
qualified persons to serve in any
Member State of the Caribbean
Community which has indicated its
readiness to utilize such services; the
promotion of the more effective
mobilization, deployment and
utilization of the scarce manpower
resources of the Region giving special
consideration to the needs of the Less
Developed Countries of the
Caribbean Community; and to assist
in the reduction of the brain drain from
the Region.
Memorandum of
Cooperation between the
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA)
Department of
Transportation, United
States of America and the
Caribbean Community,
July 10, 2002.
This MOU Establishes the terms and
conditions under which the FAA and
CARICOM will coordinate the
provision of technical assistance by
the FAA to CARICOM Member States
to support CARICOM in developing its
regional civil aviation infrastructure.
This MOC is to be effected by the
FAA and CARICOM working to
coordinate the provision of technical
assistance in the areas of civil
aviation safety and the modernization
of the civil aviation infrastructure
operated by CARICOM Member
States in the managerial, operational
and technical areas.
this Agreement shall
enter into force upon
signature by seven
D.O.S. - Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) Department of Transportation (July
10, 2002); Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (July 10, 2002).
According to Article XXIII
this MOC shall enter into
force on the date of the
last signature and shall
remain in force until
Memorandum of
Understanding between
the Commonwealth
Secretariat and the
Caribbean Community,
New York, USA, February
16, 1999.
This Agreement provides that the
Commonwealth Secretariat and
CARICOM will co-operate with each
other as appropriate on matters of
common interest within the scope of
the general objectives of their
respective Organisations. This cooperation shall extend, where relevant
to programmes in which the
Secretariat and CARICOM are
engaged in similar areas of activities.
D.O.S. - Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (February 16, 1999);
Commonwealth Secretariat (February 16,
Entered into force on
February 16, 1999.
Memorandum of
Understanding between
the Government of
Barbados and the
Member States of
CARIFORUM, Bridgetown,
Barbados, September 21,
This Memorandum of Understanding
provides for the Government of
Barbados and CARIFORUM, a body
comprising the Caribbean States of
the African, Caribbean and Pacific
States, to facilitate the establishment
by the CARIFORUM of headquarters
in Barbados for the implementation of
a project to improve the rum industry
in the Caribbean to be implemented
by the West Indies Rum and Spirit
Producers' Association Inc. This MOU
also provides that CARIFORUM shall
be exempt from the payment of
customs duties; value added tax and
environmental levy on the certain
D.O.S. – Government of Barbados
(September 21, 2002); CARIFORUM
(September 21, 2002).
Entered into force on
September 21, 2002.
Memorandum of
Understanding Between
the Government of St.
Lucia and the Caribbean
Pursuant to the Agreement
Establishing the Caribbean
Environmental Health Institute, it was
proposed that the Headquarters of the
D.O.S. – Government of St. Lucia (May 9,
1983); Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (May 9, 1983).
Entered into force on
August 31, 1988.
According to paragraph
10.1 this Memorandum
shall come into force as
soon as the
Secretary-General and
the Secretary-General of
CARICOM have signed it.
In accordance with the
Community with respect
to the Caribbean
Environmental Health
Institute, Georgetown,
Guyana, May 9, 1983.
Institute shall be located in St. Lucia
and the SG of the CARICOM shall
negotiate suitable arrangements with
the Government of St. Lucia for the
establishment of the Headquarters of
the Institute.
terms of Agreement, it
entered into force
pending the entry into
force of the Agreement
Establishing the
Caribbean Environmental
Health Institute.
Memorandum of
Understanding Between
the Caribbean
Agricultural Research
Development Institute
and the Caribbean
Community, as Executing
Agency for CARDATS.
D.O.S – Caribbean Agricultural Research
and Development Institute (September
20, 1985); Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (September 11, 1985).
Memorandum of
Understanding between
the Caribbean
Community and Dominica
Republic, Belize, February
4, 2002.
D.O.S- Dominican Republic (February 4,
2002); Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (February 4, 2002); Antigua
& Barbuda (February 4, 2002); Barbados
(February 4, 2002); Belize (February 4,
2002); Dominica (February 4, 2002);
Grenada (February 4, 2002); Guyana
(February 4, 2002); Jamaica (February 4,
2002); St. Kitts /Nevis (February 4, 2002);
St. Lucia (February 4, 2002); St Vincent &
the Grenadines (February 4, 2002);
Suriname (February 4, 2002); Trinidad
(February 4, 2002).
Memorandum of
Understanding between
The World Trade Organisation and
the Caribbean Community desiring
D.O.S.- Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (September 19, 2000);
Effective Date –
September 20, 1985.
Entered into force on
September 19, 2000.
the Secretariat of the
Caribbean Community
and the Secretariat of the
World Trade Organisation
concerning a Joint
Technical Assistance
Programme, Geneva,
September 19, 2000.
co-operate in extending trade-related
technical assistance to CARICOM
countries for their trade expansion,
economic and social development
have agreed to this (MOU) to jointly
collaborate in the execution of a
technical assistance programme for
selected participants from countries in
the Caribbean Region. The Parties
also agree to collaborate with the
Institute for the Integration of Latin
America and the Caribbean (INTAL)
for the purposes of efficiency and the
orderly development of technical cooperation activities.
World Trade Organisation (September 19,
Memorandums of
Understanding for
Institutional Co-operation
between the University of
the West Indies and the
Caribbean Community
Secretariat, Georgetown,
Guyana, December 7,
1999; Nassau, December
9, 2001; and Georgetown,
Guyana, February 11,
The Parties agree inter alia, to
conclude bilateral arrangements in
order to promote and facilitate the
level of collaboration between them
required to provide leadership in
regard to regional and international
issues critical to the repositioning of
the Community in the emerging
liberalised and globalised
environment; and pursue joint coordinated actions to enhance the
capacity of both institutions to attain
their common objective of ensuring
the economic growth and social
development of the Member States in
the emerging global economic and
social order.
D.O.S. - Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (December 7, 1999);
University of the West Indies (December
7, 1999).
Memorandum of
According to Article 10
this MOU shall continue
for an initial period of two
years from the date of
signature. After the twoyear period, the Parties
shall review the extension
of the MOU.
Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
(December 9, 2001); University of the
West Indies (December 9, 2001).
Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
(February 11, 2004); University of the
West Indies (February 11, 2004).
D.O.S- Barbados (December 7, 1973);
According to Article 14
this MOU shall come into
effect on the day of
Entered into force on
December 7, 1999;
December 9, 2001; and
February 11, 2004
According to Article IV
this MOU shall enter into
force immediately upon
the date of signing.
Understanding on Special
Measures for Montserrat.
Memorandum of
Understanding on Public
Service in the
Caribbean Countries,
Georgetown, Guyana,
November 25, 1970.
Memorandum of
Understanding on the
Establishment and
Operation of an
Association of Civil
Aviation Authorities of
the Caribbean.
Guyana (December 4, 1973); Jamaica
(December 3, 1973); Montserrat
(December 10, 1973); Trinidad & Tobago
(December 8, 1973).
The participating governments agree
inter alia, to accept the principle that
Commonwealth Citizens of the West
Indian origin should be eligible for
appointment to the Public Services of
all Commonwealth Caribbean
Countries; that a scheme be
formulated to facilitate the transfer of
Officers from the Public Service of
one Commonwealth Caribbean
Country to the Public Service of
another; that Governments should
provide for the retention of pension
rights of officers who are transferred
from the Public Service of one
Commonwealth Caribbean Country to
the Public Service of another.
D.O.S. – Antigua (October 13, 1972);
Barbados (November 25, 1970);
Dominica (November 25, 1970); Grenada
(November 25, 1970); Guyana
(November 25, 1970); Jamaica (July 10,
1972: Monsterrat (December 6, 1972); St.
Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla (November 25, 1970);
St. Lucia (November 25, 1970); St.
Vincent (November 25, 1970); Trinidad
and Tobago (March 10, 1971).
Entered into force on July
10, 1972.
The Contracting States of CARICOM
who are Members of the International
Civil Aviation Organisation share a
common goal - committed to the
orderly and safe development of
aviation in the Region; and in
recognizing the need for a
harmonised approach, the Civil
Aviation Authorities of CARICOM
have agreed to collaborate and create
an Association of Civil Aviation
Authorities of the Caribbean (ACAAC)
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community
(CARICOM); Civil Aviation Authorities of
the Caribbean (ACAAC).
According to paragraph
4.3 this Memorandum of
Understanding shall enter
into effect on signature.
ON FEBRUARY 18, 2004
Certificate of Registration
No. 50635/39982.
The Agreement came into
force upon the signature
by [9] nine Governments
in accordance with
paragraph 10.
to promote regional aviation safety
Memorandum of
Understanding between
the Caribbean
Community Secretariat
and Government of
Canada For the Provision
of technical Assistance in
the Field of Agriculture.
D.O.S- Government of Canada (October
4, 1973); Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) Secretariat (October 4,
Memorandum of
Understanding between
the Caribbean
Community Secretariat
and the Government of
Canada for Provision of
Assistance in the Field of
Health, Georgetown,
Guyana, May 18, 1976.
D.O.S.- Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) (May 18, 1976), Canada
(May 18, 1976).
Multilateral Agreement
concerning the Operation
of Air Services within
CARICOM, St. Michael,
Barbados, July 6, 1996.
The participating governments
conscious of the need to improve the
level, quality and efficiency of air
services within and beyond the
Caribbean Community; and mindful of
the interest within the Caribbean
Community and the need to achieve
economic viability of CARICOM air
carriers; agree to the creation of such
mechanisms as would maximise for
CARICOM air carriers the economic
D.O.S.- Antigua (July 6, 1996); Barbados
(July 6, 1996); Belize (July 6, 1996);
Dominica (July 6, 1996); Grenada
(September 21, 1996); Guyana (July 6,
1996); St. Kitts/Nevis (July 6, 1996); St.
Lucia (July 6, 1996); St. Vincent (October
26, 1996); Suriname (July 6, 1996);
Trinidad &Tobago (July 6, 1996).
D.O.R. – Antigua (August 28, 2001);
Barbados (June 5, 1997); Belize (April 17,
Entered into force on
November 17th 1998.
In Accordance with Article
21 of the Agreement, this
Agreement entered into
force upon the deposit of
the eighth (8th) Instrument
of Ratification, namely, by
the Government of
and social benefits arising from
aviation activities to, from and within
the Caribbean Community in the
context of liberalisation, globalisation
and the creation of regional groupings
in the international aviation
Multilateral Agreement for
the Operation of the
Caribbean Epidemiology
Centre (2001)
New Article 14 A of the
Annex to the Treaty
Exclusion from Common
Market Origin Treatment.
Further Protocol to
Amend the Protocol on
the Privileges and
Immunities of the
Caribbean Community for
the purpose if extending
the facility of the use of
1997); Dominica (April 23, 1997);
Grenada (November 17, 1998); Guyana
(September 25, 1997); St Kitts /Nevis
(November 26, 1997); St Lucia (May 28,
1997); Trinidad and Tobago (August 7,
This agreement desires to provide for
the operation of the Caribbean
Epidemiology Centre ("CAREC"), the
mission of which shall be, among
others, to improve the health status of
Caribbean people by working with
and advancing the capability of the
Members in epidemiology, laboratory
technology, and related public health
disciplines through technical
cooperation, service, training, and
research, and a well trained,
motivated staff.
This Agreement provides
that it shall enter into
force on 1 January 2001
after its signature by a
majority of CAREC
Members, including the
Host Country, Trinidad
and Tobago, and shall be
valid through December
21, 2005.
D.O.S. – Barbados (May 13, 1996);
Belize (May 17, 1994); Dominica (May 17,
1994); Grenada (May 17, 1994); Guyana
(May 17, 1994); Jamaica (May 17, 1994);
St Lucia (July 1999); St Vincent & the
Grenadines (May 17, 1994); Trinidad &
Tobago (May 17, 1994).
This Protocol shall enter
into force on the
signature of all the
contracting Parties to the
Protocol on Privileges
and Immunities of the
Caribbean Community.
the laissez passer issues
to the Staff of CARICOM
officials and other
regional organizations.
Oils and Fats Agreement,
February 15, 1963 (19631966).
The participating Governments agree
inter alia, to uphold and encourage
the extension of the coconut industry
in the Area; and to encourage the
manufacture of oils and fats, and
thereby to assist in the development
of secondary industries to meet the
needs and to raise the living
standards of the rapidly increasing
D.O.S. - The following participating
Governments signed the agreement on
January, 30, 1964: W. ALGERNON
CRAWFORD (Barbados); H.J.M.
HUBBARD (British Guiana); N.A.N.
(Trinidad & Tobago); H.B. COLLYMORE
(St. Lucia); A.C. ALLEN (St. Vincent).
The provisions of this
Agreement shall be
deemed to have come
into operation on
February 1, 1963 and
shall expire on January
31, 1966.
Oils and Fats Agreement,
January 26, 1967, 19661969.
The participating Governments agree
inter alia, to uphold and encourage
the extension of the coconut industry
in the Area by providing means
whereby a reasonable remunerative
and stable return may be received by
all growers of coconuts; and to
encourage the manufacture of oils
and fats, and thereby to assist in the
development of secondary industries
to meet the needs and to raise the
living standards of the rapidly
increasing populations.
D.O.S. - The following participating
Governments signed the agreement on
January 26, 1967: HON. CAPT. G.
FERGUSSON (Barbados); HON. N.A.N.
DUCREAY (Dominica); HON. H.A.
BLAIZE (Grenada); HON. DR. P.A. REID
(Guyana); HON. W.G. MALLET (St.
Lucia); J.V. ALVES, Esq. (St. Vincent);
HON. J. O'HALLORAN (Trinidad &
The provisions of this
Agreement shall be
deemed to have come
into operation on
February 1, 1966, and
shall expire on January
31, 1969.
Partial Scope Agreement
between the Republic of
Cuba and the Caribbean
Community under the
This partial scope agreement includes
a protocol implementing the trade and
economic co-operation agreement
between the Caribbean Community
Montevideo Treaty of
and the Government of the Republic
of Cuba, relating to an agreement on
the protection of intellectual property
Partnership for Prosperity
and Security in the
(Caribbean/United States
Summit), Bridgetown,
Barbados, May 10, 1997
The Heads of States and
Governments of the Caribbean
nations and the United States of
America pledged to strengthen their
cooperation in responding to the
challenges of the coming millennium,
in a spirit of partnership and mutual
This Caribbean/United States plan of
Action covers trade, development,
finance and the environment, as well
as justice and security.
D.O.S. - Antigua and Barbuda (May 10,
1997); The Bahamas (May 10, 1997);
Barbados (May 10, 1997); Belize (May
10, 1997); Dominica (May 10, 1997);
Dominican Republic (May 10, 1997);
Grenada (May 10, 1997); Guyana (May
10, 1997); Haiti (May 10, 1997); Jamaica
(May 10, 1997); St. Christopher/Nevis
(May 10, 1997); St. Lucia (May 10, 1997);
St. Vincent (May 10, 1997); Suriname
(May 10, 1997); Trinidad &Tobago (May
10, 1997); United States of America (May
10, 1997).
Not applicable
Principles for a
Multilateral Agreement
between the Caribbean
Community and
Venezuela, Basseterre, St.
Kitts and Nevis, July 1,
The parties agree to establish the
Caribbean Community-Venezuela
Joint Council on Trade and
Investment, hereinafter referred to as
the "Joint Council", for consultations
on trade and investment matters
between the Caribbean Community
and Venezuela.
D.O.S. - Venezuela (July 1, 1991);
Chairman of the Conference of the Heads
of Government for the Caribbean
Community (July 1, 1991).
Entered into force on July
1, 1991.
Protocol and First
Additional Protocol,
This Protocol recalls the Trade and
Economic Co-operation Agreement
D.O.S - Caribbean Community
(CARICOM); Government of the Republic
According to Article 4 of
this Protocol it shall into
The Agreement provided
that the work of the Joint
Council should
commence no later than
September 15, 1991 with
a view to completing the
Draft Agreement and
reporting to the Parties
within six months.
implementing the Trade
and Economic
Cooperation Agreement
between the Caribbean
Community and the
Government of the
Republic of Cuba, 2001.
between the Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) and the Government of
the Republic of Cuba, and
acknowledges that consistent with the
requirements of Article 17 and 18 of
the Agreement, the Parties have
concluded a bilateral agreement on
the reciprocal promotion and
protection of investments, and
Protection of Intellectual Property
of Cuba.
force on the same date
as the Agreement.
Protocol of Port of Spain,
Port-of-Spain, October 31,
The participating governments agreed
that it is necessary to provide the
Community with stronger political
impetus and direction and in that
regard to establish institutional
arrangements for the improved
functioning of Community Institutions,
such as the establishment of a
Bureau, and the adoption of certain
measures for priority implementation,
as set in the protocol.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Protocol on Privileges
and Immunities of the
Common Market.
D.O.S.- Antigua (July 2, 1987); Barbados
(April 12, 1985); Belize (July 3, 1986);
Dominica (November 7, 1987); Grenada
(November 10, 1987); Guyana (April 12,
1985); Jamaica (April 12, 1985);
Montserrat (April 12, 1985); St Kitts /Nevis
(June 29, 1985); St. Lucia (May 14,
1986); St. Vincent (July 2, 1986); Trinidad
& Tobago (July 3, 1986).
Entered into force on
January 15, 1990.
D.O.R.- Antigua (May 15,1989); Barbados
This Protocol shall
entered into force with the
deposit of the 9th
Instrument of Ratification
by the Government of
Trinidad & Tobago.
(February 29, 1988); Dominica (June 21,
1988); Grenada (April 19, 1988); Guyana
(May 17, 1988); Jamaica (May 4, 1987);
Montserrat (July 24, 1987); St. Lucia (July
21, 1988); Trinidad & Tobago (January
15, 1990).
Protocol Relating to the
CARICOM Industrial
Programming Scheme, St.
John’s, Antigua, July 1,
This Protocol was agreed to pursuant
to the undertaking in Article 46 of the
Common Market Annex to promote
the process of industrial development
within the Common Market through
industrial programming, and the
participating governments convinced
of a need to elaborate and implement
on a timely basis an effective regime
of regional industrial programming.
D.O.S.- Antigua (July 1, 1989); Barbados
(July 1, 1988); Belize (July 28, 1990);
Dominica (March 3, 1989); Grenada
(March 3, 1989); Guyana (June 22, 1988);
Jamaica (July 1, 1988); Montserrat (July
5, 1988); St. Kitts/ Nevis (July 1, 1989); St
Lucia (March 3, 1989); St. Vincent & the
Grenadines (March 3, 1989); Trinidad &
Tobago (August 8, 1989).
Entered into force on
August 27, 1990.
Protocol Implementing
the Trade and Economic
Co-operation Agreement
between the Caribbean
Community (CARICOM)
and the Government of
the Republic of Cuba, July
5, 2000.
This Protocol provides for the deletion
of the list of products contained in
Appendices attached herein, pursuant
to Articles 5 and 21 of the Agreement
between the Caribbean Community
and the Government of Cuba, that it
shall be amended in this manner.
D.O.S. – Caribbean Community; Cuba.
According to Article 7 this
Protocol and the
Appendices hereto shall
form an integral part of
the Agreement and shall
enter into force on the
same date as the
Protocol on the Privileges
and Immunities of the
Caribbean Community,
Georgetown, Guyana
January 14, 1985.
Article 20 of the Treaty of
Chaguaramas provides that the
Community shall have full juridical
personality, and that such Member
States shall in its Territory accord to it
the most extensive legal capacity
accorded to legal persons under its
D.O.S.- Antigua (July 2, 1987); Bahamas
(April 12, 1985); Barbados (April 12,
1985); Belize (July 3, 1986); Dominica
(November 7, 1987); Grenada (November
10, 1987); Guyana (April 12, 1985);
Jamaica (April 12, 1985); Montserrat
(April 12, 1985); St. Kitts/Nevis (June 29,
Entered into force on
January 15, 1990 with the
deposit of the 10th
Instrument of Ratification
by the Government of
Trinidad & Tobago.
According to Article 12
this Protocol entered into
force thirty days (30) after
the last signature of the
Member States referred
to in Article 11 of this
Protocol on the Privileges
and Immunities of the
Caribbean Common
Market, Georgetown,
Guyana January 14, 1985.
municipal law, and Article 21 of the
aforementioned Treaty provides that
the privileges and immunities to be
recognized and granted by Member
States in connection with the
Community shall be laid down in a
Protocol. This protocol gives effect to
the provisions under Articles 20 and
21 of the Treaty of Chaguaramas.
1985); St. Lucia (May 14, 1986); St.
Vincent (July 2, 1986), Trinidad & Tobago
(July 3, 1986).
Article 63 of the Annex to the Treaty
of Chaguaramas provided that the
Common Market shall have
international juridical personality and
that each Member State shall, in its
territory, accord to it the most
extensive legal capacity accorded to
legal persons under its municipal law,
and Article 54 of the said treaty
provides that the privileges and
immunities to be recognized and
granted by Member States in
connection with the Common Market
shall be laid down in a Protocol. This
protocol gives effect to the provisions
under Articles 63 and 54 of the Treaty
of Chaguaramas.
D.O.S.- Antigua (July 2, 1987); Barbados
(April 12, 1985); Belize (July 3, 1986);
Dominica (November 7, 1987); Grenada
(November 10, 1987); Guyana (April 12,
1985); Jamaica (April 12, 1985);
Montserrat (April 12, 1985); St. Kitts/Nevis
(June 29, 1985); St. Lucia (May 14,
1986); St. Vincent (July 2, 1986), Trinidad
& Tobago (July 3, 1986).
Entered into force on
January 15, 1990.
D.O.S.- Antigua and Barbuda (February
19, 1997); The Bahamas (June 30, 1997);
Article XIV provides that
this Protocol shall enter
Protocol amending the
Treaty Establishing the
D.O.R.- Antigua (May 15, 1989);
Bahamas (May 18, 1988); Barbados
(February 29, 1988); Dominica (June 21,
1988); Granada (April 19, 1988); Guyana
(May 17, 1988); Jamaica (May 4, 1987);
Montserrat (July 24, 1987); St. Lucia (July
21, 1988); Trinidad & Tobago (January
15, 1990).
This Protocol shall come
into force upon the
deposit of the instrument
of Ratification with the
depository by three
quarters of the member of
The provisions of the
Protocol on the Privileges
and Immunities of the
Caribbean Community
(1985) are incorporated
into this protocol and
therefore they shares the
same entry into
Caribbean Community
(Protocol I) Chaguaramas
on July 4, 1973
Barbados (February 19, 1997); Belize
(February 19, 1997); Dominica (February
19, 1997); Grenada (February 19, 1997);
Guyana (February 19, 1997); Jamaica
(February 19, 1997); Montserrat (July 4,
1997); St. Kitts/Nevis (February 19,
1997); St. Lucia (February 19, 1997); St.
Vincent and the Grenadines (February 19,
1997); Suriname (February 19, 1997);
Trinidad and Tobago (February 19, 1997).
into force one month after
the date on which the last
Instrument of Ratification
by the States mentioned
in Article XII is deposited
with the Secretariat.
D.O.R. – The Bahamas (June 22, 1999);
Barbados (August 19, 1997); Belize
(February 27, 1998); Dominica (August 7,
1997); Grenada (February 6, 1998);
Guyana (September 29, 1997); Jamaica
(June 16, 1997); St. Kitts-Nevis
(November 19, 1997); Trinidad and
Tobago (June 12, 1997).
Protocol Amending the
Treaty Establishing the
CARICOM Protocol II:
Establishment of
Services Capital, Montego
Bay, Jamaica, July 1, 1997.
D.O.S.- Antigua (July 1, 1997); Barbados
(July 1, 1997); Belize (July 1, 1997);
Dominica (July 1, 1997); Grenada (July 1,
1997); Guyana (July 1, 1997); Jamaica
(July 1, 1997); Montserrat (July 4, 1998);
St. Kitts/Nevis (July 1, 1997); St. Lucia
(March 2, 1998); St. Vincent (July 1,
1997); Suriname (July 4, 1998); Trinidad
& Tobago (July 1, 1997).
This Protocol shall
entered into force on one
(1) month after the date
on which the last
Instrument of Ratification
by the states mentioned
in Article 9 is Deposited
with the Secretariat.
D.O.R. – Barbados (June 26, 1998);
Guyana (December 11, 1998).
Protocol Amending the
Treaty Establishing
D.O.S.- Antigua (June 30, 1998);
Barbados (June 30, 1998); Belize
This Protocol shall enter
into force one month after
Industrial Policy, Castries,
St. Lucia, June 30, 1998
(October 27, 1999); Dominica (June 30,
1998); Grenada (June 30, 1998); Guyana
(June 30, 1998); Jamaica (June 30,
1998); Montserrat (March 4, 1999); St.
Kitts/Nevis (June 30, 1998); St. Lucia
(June 30, 1998); St. Vincent (June 30,
1998); Suriname (October 27, 1999);
Trinidad &Tobago (June 30, 1998).
the date on which the last
Instrument of Ratification
is deposited with the
Montserrat did not
provisionally apply.
Protocol 3
D.O.R. – Guyana (January 18, 2000).
D.O.S. – Antigua (July 13, 1999);
Barbados (July 7, 1999); Belize (July 6,
1999); Dominica (July 7, 1999); Grenada
(October 27, 1999); Guyana (July 7,
1999); Jamaica (July 7, 1999); Montserrat
(February 14, 2000); St. Kitts/Nevis (July
7, 1999); St. Lucia (July 7, 1999); St.
Vincent (July 7, 1999); Suriname (October
27, 1999); Trinidad & Tobago (July 7,
Protocol Amending the
Treaty Establishing
Trade Policy, Port of
Spain, Trinidad and
Tobago, 4-7 July, 1999
D.O.R – Guyana (October 19, 2000).
Protocol Amending the
Treaty Establishing
CARICOM Protocol V
Agricultural Policy,
Castries, St. Lucia, June
30, 1998
D.O.S.- Antigua (June 30, 1998);
Barbados (June 30, 1998); Belize
(October 27, 1999); Dominica (June
30, 1998); Grenada (June 30, 1998);
Guyana (June 30, 1998); Jamaica
(June 30, 1998); Montserrat (March
4, 1999); St. Kitts/Nevis (June 30,
1998); St. Lucia (June 30, 1998); St
Vincent &The Grenadines (June 30,
1998); Suriname (October 27, 1999);
Trinidad & Tobago (June 30, 1998).
This Protocol shall enter into force one
month after the date on which the last
Instrument of Ratification is deposited
with the secretariat.
Montserrat did not provisionally apply.
Protocol 5.
This Protocol shall enter
into force one month after
the date on which the last
Instrument of Ratification
is Deposited with the
D.O.R.- Guyana (January 18, 2000).
Protocol Amending the
Treaty Establishing
Transport Policy, Port of
Spain, Trinidad and
Tobago, 4-7 July, 1999
D.O.S. Antigua (July 13, 1999); Barbados
(July 4, 1999); Belize (July 4, 1999);
Dominica (July 4, 1999); Grenada (July 4,
1999); Guyana (July 4, 1999); Jamaica
(July 4, 1999); St. Kitts/Nevis (July 4,
1999); St. Lucia (July 4, 1999); St.
Vincent (July 4, 1999); Suriname (October
27, 1999); Trinidad &Tobago (July 4,
This protocol shall enter
into force one month after
the date on which the last
Instrument of Ratification
is deposited with the
D.O.R.- Guyana (October 19, 2000).
Protocol Amending the
Treaty Establishing
Disadvantaged Countries,
Regions and Sectors, Port
of Spain, Trinidad and
Tobago, 4-7 July, 1999
D.O.S- Antigua (July 13, 1999); Barbados
(July 4, 1999); Belize (July 4, 1999);
Dominica (July 4, 1999); Grenada (July 4,
1999); Guyana (July 4, 1999); Jamaica
(July 4, 1999); Montserrat (February 14,
2000); St. Kitts/Nevis (July 4, 1999); St.
Lucia (July 4, 1999); St. Vincent (July 4,
1999); Suriname (October 27, 1999);
Trinidad & Tobago (July 4, 1999).
This Protocol shall enter
into force one month after
the date on which the last
Instrument of Ratification
is Deposited with the
Caribbean Community
(CARICOM) Secretariat.
D.O.R.- Guyana (October 19, 2000).
Protocol on Privileges
and Immunities of the
Caribbean Examination
Council, 1997
Paragraph 2 of Article VIII of The
Agreement establishing the CXC
provides for this Protocol and for
privileges and immunities and to be
granted by participating Governments
to the Council, connection with such
matters as its property, funds and
D.O.S. – Anguilla (Oct. 4, 2002); Antigua
(July 4, 1997); Belize (July, 1999);
Dominica (December 10, 1998); Grenada
(June 17, 1997); Guyana (July 4, 1997);
Jamaica (September 8, 1997); Montserrat
(July 4, 2003); St. Lucia (July 5, 2000); St.
Kitts/Nevis (July 4, 1997); St. Vincent and
According to Article XVI
this Protocol shall come
into force upon the
deposit of Instruments of
Ratification with the
Depository by threequarters of the
assets, premises, archives,
exemption from foreign exchange
controls, taxes, customs duties,
import or export duties, etc.
the Grenadines (June 17, 1997); Trinidad
& Tobago (June 17, 1997).
Note - Article XX provides for
Provisional Application of the
Protocol “participating governments
may, upon signature of this Protocol,
or any later date before it enters into
force, declare their intention to apply it
Protocol on RUM between
the member states of the
Caribbean Common
Market and the
Government of Canada,
Georgetown, Guyana, 1996
D.O.R. –Grenada (August 19, 2002);
Jamaica (July 4, 2003); St. Kitts/Nevis
(July 23, 2004); St. Vincent and the
Grenadines (August 24, 2004);
Contracting Parties: Canada, Antigua
and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize,
Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica,
Montserrat, St. Kitts/Nevis/Anguilla, St.
Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad & Tobago.
Agreement entered into force with the last
signature of the Government of Grenada
on March 2-3, 1998 at the Ninth Intersessional Meeting of the Conference of
the Heads of Government in Grenada, but
agreement no longer in force.
D.O.S – Antigua (May 13, 1998); Belize
(January 31, 1997); Dominica (January
31, 1997); Grenada (March 3, 1998);
Guyana (January 31, 1997); Jamaica
(March 3, 1998); St. Kitts/Nevis (1997);
St. Lucia (May 12, 1998); St. Vincent
(January 26, 1999); Trinidad & Tobago
Protocol to Provide for
the Government of
Suriname to become a
Party to the Trade and
Economic Cooperation
Agreement between the
Government of Canada
and the Governments of
the Member of States of
Agreement no longer
According to Article II this
Protocol shall enter into
force on signature by all
the contracting parties to
the Agreement.
Agreement not in force.
This Protocol shall enter
into upon the signature of
all the contracting parties
to the Agreement.
the Caribbean Common
Protocol to the
Agreement Establishing
the Council of Legal
The Protocol seeks to give the
Council of Legal Education the
express authority to provide
continuing legal education to
members of the legal profession;
conduct examinations for entry into
the Law Schools of the Council of
Legal Education; and confer the
Legal Education Certificate following
a one-year course of study at the
Council of Legal Education’s Law
Schools on persons with degrees
equivalent to the University of the
West Indies LL.B. degree and
professional qualifications after
passing the required examination
conducted by the Law Schools.
D.O.S – Antigua (July 5, 2002); Barbados
(July 4, 2003); St. Kitts/Nevis (July 4,
According to Article VI
this Protocol shall enter
into force upon signature
by the Contracting Parties
and shall be deposited
with the Depositary who
shall transmit certified
copies thereof to each
Contracting Party
Protocol to the
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean Court of
Justice relating to the
Juridical Personality and
Legal Capacity of the
Court, Jamaica, 2 -5 July,
This Agreement which was signed at
the 24th Heads of Government
Conference in Jamaica, July 2003,
confers on the Regional Judicial and
Legal Services Commission full
juridical personality, including, in
particular, full capacity to contract in
Trinidad and Tobago, the Seat of the
Court and the Headquarters of the
D.O.S – Antigua (July 4, 2003); Barbados
(July 4, 2003); Belize (July 4, 2003);
Dominica (July 4, 2003); Grenada (July
29,2003); Guyana (July 4, 2003); Jamaica
(July 4, 2003); St. Kitts/Nevis (July 4,
2003); St. Lucia (July 4, 2003); St.
Vincent (July 4, 2003); Suriname (July 4,
2003); Trinidad & Tobago (July 4, 2003).
According to Article V this
Protocol shall enter into
force on signature by the
Contracting Parties to the
Protocol to the
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean Court of
Justice relating to the
This Protocol in accordance with
Article XXXII of the Agreement
Establishing the Caribbean Court of
Justice seeks to amend the
D.O.S. – Antigua and Barbuda (February
17, 2005); Barbados (February 17, 2005);
Belize (February 17, 2005); Grenada
(February 17, 2005); Guyana (February
According to Article XII
this Protocol shall enter
into force in accordance
with Article XXXII,
Tenure of Judges, Rules
of Court, Financial
Agreements and
withdrawal from the
Agreement, as well as the
relationship between
Provisions on the
Original Jurisdiction of
the CCJ and the
Constitutions of States
Parties, Suriname, 2005.
Agreement to modify the provisions
respecting the tenure of the Judges of
the Court; ensure the administration
and financial sustainability of the
Court; clarify the circumstances
governing withdrawal from the
Agreement; and firmly establish the
relationship between the original
jurisdiction of the Court and the
constitutional order in the respective
jurisdictions of the States Parties.
17, 2005); Jamaica (February 17, 2005);
St. Kitts/Nevis (February 17, 2005); St.
Lucia (February 17, 2005); St. Vincent
(February 17, 2005); Suriname (February
17, 2005); Trinidad & Tobago (February
17, 2005).
Protocol to the Revised
Treaty of Chaguaramas
Establishing the
Caribbean Community,
including the CSME
regarding the
Relationship between
provisions on the Original
Jurisdiction of the CCJ
and the Constitutions of
State Parties, Suriname,
This Protocol in accordance with
Article 236 of the Revised Treaty of
Chaguaramas Establishing the
Caribbean Community Including the
CARICOM Single Market and
Economy seeks to amend the
Revised Treaty to make abundantly
clear the relationship between the
original jurisdiction of the Caribbean
Court of Justice and the constitutional
order in the respective jurisdictions of
the States Parties.
D.O.S. – Antigua and Barbuda (February
17, 2005); Barbados (February 17, 2005);
Belize (February 17, 2005); Grenada
(February 17, 2005); Guyana (February
17, 2005); Jamaica (February 17, 2005);
St. Kitts/Nevis (February 17, 2005); St.
Lucia (February 17, 2005); St. Vincent
(February 17, 2005); Suriname (February
17, 2005); Trinidad & Tobago (February
17, 2005).
D.O.R. – Barbados (April 16, 2005);
Grenada (March 22, 2005); Jamaica
(March 18, 2005); St. Lucia (March 15,
2005); St. Vincent (March 15, 2005);
Trinidad & Tobago (December 21, 2005);
Antigua and Barbuda (January 4, 2006);
and Guyana (January 5, 2006)
D.O.R. – Barbados (April 16, 2005);
Grenada (March 22, 2005); Jamaica
(March 18, 2005); St. Lucia (March 18,
2005); St. Vincent (March 15, 2005)
Trinidad & Tobago (21 December 2005);
Antigua and Barbuda (4 January 2006);
Guyana (5 January 2006).
D.O.S. – Antigua (March 14, 2000);
Protocol Amending the
paragraph 2 of the
Agreement one month
after the date on which
the last Instrument of
Ratification or Accession
is deposited with the
According to Article VI
this Protocol shall enter
into force in accordance
with Article 236,
paragraph 2 of the
Revised Treaty one
month after the date on
which the last Instrument
of Ratification or
Accession is deposited
with the SecretaryGeneral.
This Protocol shall enter
Treaty Establishing the
Caribbean Community –
Protocol IX Dispute
Settlements, Basseterre,
St. Kitts and Nevis, March
13-14, 2000
Barbados (March 14, 2000); Belize (July
5, 2000); Dominica (March 14, 2000);
Grenada (March 14, 2000); Guyana
(March 14, 2000); Jamaica (March 14,
2000); Montserrat (March 14, 2000); St.
Kitts/Nevis (March 14, 2000); St. Lucia
(March 14, 2000); St. Vincent (March 14,
2000); Trinidad &Tobago (March 14,
into force one month after
the date in which the last
Instrument of Ratification
is deposited with the
D.O.R. – Guyana (December 13, 2000)
D.O.S. – Antigua (March 14, 2000);
Barbados (March 14, 2000); Belize (July
5, 2000); Dominica (March 14, 2000);
Grenada (March 14, 2000); Guyana
(March 14, 2000); Jamaica (March 14,
2000); Montserrat (March 14, 2000); St.
Kitts/Nevis (March 14, 2000); St. Lucia
(March 14, 2000); St. Vincent (March 14,
2000); Trinidad & Tobago (March 14,
Protocol Amending the
Treaty Establishing the
Caribbean Community –
Protocol VIII Competition
Policy, Consumer
Protection, Dumping and
Subsides, Basseterre, St.
Kitts and Nevis, March 1314, 2000.
This Protocol shall enter
into force one month after
the date on which the last
Instrument of Ratification
is deposited with the
D.O.R. – Guyana (December 13, 2000).
Protocol Implementing
the Agreement
Establishing the Free
Trade Area between the
Caribbean Community
and the Dominican
Republic, 2000.
The participating governments recalls
that Annex I to the Agreement
commits the Parties to a programme
of trade liberalisation for goods, which
takes into account the particular
differences in the levels of
development between the Dominican
Republic and the Less Developed
Countries of CARICOM (LDCs).
D.O.S. - Caribbean Community;
Dominican Republic.
According to Article XI
this Protocol and its
Attachments shall enter
into force on the date that
the Parties have notified
each other through
diplomatic channels that
all internal legal
procedures have been
Protocol on the
Provisional Application of
the Agreement
Establishing the
Caribbean Regional
Organisation for
Standards and Quality
(CROSQ), Belize, February
5, 2002
The participating governments to the
Agreement Establishing the
CARICOM Regional Organisation for
Standards and Quality concluded this
agreement pursuant to Article 18 of
the said Agreement provides for its
provisional entry into force by eight
signatories of the said Agreement and
desiring to operationalise
expeditiously the Agreement
Establishing the CROSQ.
D.O.S. – Antigua & Barbuda (April 3,
2002); Barbados (February 5, 2002);
Belize (February 5, 2002); Grenada
(February 5, 2002); Guyana
(February 5, 2002); Jamaica (February 5,
2002); St. Kitts/Nevis (February 5, 2002);
St. Lucia (April 12, 2002); St. Vincent &
the Grenadines (February 5, 2002);
Suriname (February 5, 2002); Trinidad &
Tobago (February 5, 2002).
Not applicable.
The signatories of this
Protocol agree to apply
provisionally among
themselves the
Agreement Establishing
the CROSQ pending its
definitive entry into force.
Protocol on the
Provisional Application of
the Agreement
Establishing the
Caribbean Community
Climate Change Centre
(CCCCC), Belize, February
5, 2002.
The participating governments to the
Agreement Establishing the CCCCC
recalls that Article 37 of the said
Agreement provided for its entry into
force upon the deposit of the seventh
Instrument of Ratification with the
Government of the host country AND
desiring to provide for the expeditious
operationalisation of the CCCCC
have concluded this agreement.
D.O.S. – Antigua & Barbuda (July 5,
2002); Barbados (February 5, 2002);
Belize (February 5, 2002); Grenada
(February 5, 2002); Guyana (February 5,
2002); Jamaica (February 5, 2002); St.
Kitts/Nevis (February 5, 2002); St. Lucia
(February 5, 2002); St. Vincent & the
Grenadines (February 5, 2002); Suriname
(February 5, 2002); Trinidad & Tobago
(February 5, 2002).
Not applicable.
Protocol on the Revision
of the Treaty of
Chaguaramas, Belize,
February 4, 2002.
The Parties to the Treaty Establishing
the Caribbean Community and
Common Market signed at
Chaguaramas on 4 July 1973 have
agreed that the Caribbean
Community and Common Market
shall be succeeded by the Caribbean
Community including the CARICOM
Single Market and Economy, which
shall assume the rights and
obligations of the Caribbean
D.O.S. – Antigua & Barbuda (February 4,
2002); Barbados (February 4, 2002);
Belize (February 4, 2002); Dominica
(February 4, 2002); Grenada (February 4,
2002); Guyana (February 4, 2002);
Jamaica (February 4, 2002); St.
Kitts/Nevis (February 4, 2002); St. Vincent
& the Grenadines (February 4, 2002);
Suriname (February 4, 2002); Trinidad &
Tobago (February 4, 2002).
ON MAY 26, 2004
Certificate of Registration
No. 50960/13489
The signatories of the
Agreement Establishing
the CCCC have agreed to
apply the said Agreement
among themselves.
According to Article IV
this Protocol shall enter
into force when the treaty
comes into force.
Community and Common Market.
Protocol on the
Provisional Application of
the Revised Treaty on
Chaguaramas, Belize,
February 4, 2002.
The States Parties to this Protocol
have agreed to apply provisionally the
Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas
signed at Nassau, The Bahamas, on
5 July 2001 except Articles 211 to 222
relating to the Caribbean Court of
Justice pending its definitive entry into
force in accordance with Article 234
D.O.S. – Antigua & Barbuda (February 4,
2002); Barbados (February 4, 2002);
Belize (February 4, 2002); Dominica
(February 4, 2002); Grenada (February 4,
2002); Guyana (February 4, 2002);
Jamaica (February 4, 2002); St.
Kitts/Nevis (February 4, 2002); St. Lucia
(February 4, 2002); St. Vincent & the
Grenadines (February 4, 2002); Suriname
(February 4, 2002); Trinidad & Tobago
(February 4, 2002).
Entered into force on
February 4, 2002
Protocol on the Legal
Capacity, Privileges and
Immunities of the
Caribbean Free Trade
Association, Georgetown,
Guyana, November 25,
This Protocol to the Agreement
establishing the Caribbean Free
Trade Association fulfils paragraph 1
of Article 37 of the Agreements, which
laid down that the legal capacity,
privileges and immunities are to be
recognized and granted by the
Member Territories in connection with
the Association.
D.O.S. – Antigua (November 25, 1970);
Barbados (November 25, 1970);
Dominica (November 25, 1970); Grenada
(November 25, 1970); Guyana
(November 25, 1970); Jamaica
(November 25, 1970); Montserrat
(November 25, 1970); St. Kitts/Nevis/
Anguilla (November 25, 1970); St. Lucia
(November 25, 1970); St. Vincent
(November 25, 1970); Trinidad & Tobago
(March 10, 1971).
According to Article 21
this Protocol shall enter
into force as soon as all
member territories have
deposited their instrument
of Ratification and for
each state acceding on
the date of deposit of it’s
Instrument of accession.
According to Article II this
protocol shall enter into
force among the State
Parties from the dates of
signature hereof.
D.O.R – St. Vincent (November 31,
Protocol on the Status,
Privileges and Immunities
of the Caribbean Court of
Justice and the Regional
Judicial and Legal
This Protocol in accordance with
Article XXX of the Agreement
Establishing the Caribbean Court of
Justice provides for privileges and
immunities to be granted to the
D.O.S – Antigua and Barbuda (July 4,
2003); Barbados (July 4, 2003); Belize
(July 4, 2003); Dominica (July 4, 2003);
Grenada (July 29, 2003); Guyana (July 4,
2003); Jamaica (July 4, 2003); St.
Entered into force on July
4, 2003
According to Article XIV
this Protocol shall enter
Services Commission,
Montego Bay, Jamaica,
July 4, 2003.
Judges, Officers of the Court and the
Members of the Regional Judicial and
Legal Services Commission in order
to protect their independence and
impartiality and also to safeguard their
Protocol laying down
arrangements for
Marketing of Oils and
Kitts/Nevis (July 4, 2003); St. Lucia (July
4, 2003); St. Vincent and the Grenadines
(July 4, 2003); Suriname (July 4, 2003);
Trinidad & Tobago (July 4, 2003).
into force immediately
upon signature by at least
three contracting parties
to the Agreement.
D.O.S. – Antigua (November 25, 1970);
Barbados (November 25, 1970); Belize
(October 29, 1971); Dominica (November
25, 1970); Grenada (November 25, 1970);
Guyana (November 25, 1970); Jamaica
(November 25, 1970); Montserrat
(October 5, 1971); ST. Kitts/Nevis –
Anguilla (November 25, 1970); St. Lucia
(November 25, 1970); St. Vincent
(November 25, 1970); Trinidad & Tobago
(March 10, 1971).
This Protocol shall come
into force on signature.
(N.B. Apparently)
Government of Antigua is
the depository of this
[Nine (9) member of
government signed on
November 25th, 1970.
This is effective date. ]
This Protocol is now an
annex to the treaty of
establishing the
Caribbean Community.
Revised Treaty of
Establishing the
Caribbean Community,
Including the CARICOM
Single Market and
Economy, Bahamas, July
5, 2001
This Treaty provides inter alia, for
integration of efforts in economic
matters, co-ordination of foreign
policies and functional cooperation in
a list of areas including labour
administration and industrial relations
and social security among subscribing
D.O.S. – Antigua & Barbuda (July 5,
2001); Barbados (July 5, 2001); Belize
(July 5, 2001); Dominica (August 16,
2002); Grenada (July 4, 2002); Guyana
(July 5, 2001); Jamaica (July 5, 2001); St.
Kitts/Nevis (December 8, 2001); St. Lucia
(July 4, 2002); St. Vincent & the
Grenadines (July 5, 2001); Suriname
(July 5, 2001); Trinidad & Tobago ( July 5,
ON MAY 26, 2004
Certificate of Registration
No. 50959/40269
According to Article 234
this Treaty shall enter into
force on the deposit of
2001); Haiti (July 4, 2003).
D.O.R. – Antigua & Barbuda (July 24,
2003); Barbados (July 6, 2004); Belize
(February 17, 2005); Grenada (July 1,
2003); Guyana (July 2, 2003); Jamaica
(September 3, 2003); St. Kitts and Nevis
(August 12, 2004); St. Lucia (May 28,
2003); St. Vincent & the Grenadines
(August 12, 2002); Suriname (June 9,
2003); Trinidad & Tobago (July 3, 2003).
Revised Agreement
Establishing the
Caribbean Court of
Justice Trust Fund,
Monterrey, Mexico, January
12, 2004.
This Agreement established the
Caribbean Court of Justice Trust
Fund to provide the resources
necessary to finance the biennial
capital and operating budget of the
Court and the Commission in
D.O.S. – Barbados (January 13, 2004);
Belize (January 12, 2004);
Commonwealth of Dominica (February
16, 2004); Grenada (January 17, 2004);
Guyana (January 27, 2004); Jamaica
(January 13, 2004); St. Kitts/Nevis
(January 13, 2004); St. Lucia (January
17, 2004); St. Vincent (January 13, 2004);
Suriname (January 13, 2004); Trinidad &
Tobago (January 21, 2004).
D.O.A. – Antigua (February 17, 2005).
Resolution – Charter of
Civil Society for the
Caribbean Community,
St. Johns, Antigua and
Barbuda, February 19,
The Heads of Government of the
Caribbean Community affixed their
signatures to the Resolution adopting
the Charter of Civil Society and in so
doing undertook to pay due regard to
its principles, thus giving effect to one
of the strongest recommendations of
the West Indian Commission (WIC)
as contained in its report, “Time for
Action”. The Charter is an important
D.O.S. – Antigua (February 19, 1997);
Bahamas (February 21, 1997); Barbados
(February 19, 1997); Belize (February 19,
1997); Dominica (February 19, 1997);
Grenada (February 19, 1997); Guyana
(February 19, 1997); Jamaica (February
19, 1997); St. Kitts/Nevis (February 19,
1997); St. Lucia (February 19, 1997); St.
Vincent (February 19, 1997); Suriname
(February 19, 1997); Trinidad & Tobago
the last instrument of
ratification by the States
mentioned in paragraph 1
of Article 3.
Entered into force on
January 27, 2004, with
the signature of the
President of Guyana.
According to Article XV
this Agreement shall
enter into force upon
signature by any ten (10)
of the States or territories
listed in the Annex
element of the Community’s structure
of unity and deals with matters such
as free press; a fair and open
democratic process; the effective
functioning of the parliamentary
system; morality in public affairs;
respect for fundamental civil, political,
economic, social and cultural rights;
the rights of women and children;
respect for religious diversity; and
greater accountability and
transparency in government.
(February 19, 1997); British Virgin Island
(February 20, 1997).
Ratifications Re
Amendments to Articles
21, 22 and 48 and
Schedules I, V, VIII and XI
of Annex to the Treaty
Establishing CARICOM.
Date of Deposit of Instrument of
Ratification: Antigua (March 22, 1993);
Barbados (May 11, 1992); Belize
(September 6, 1991); Dominica
(September 9, 1991); Grenada (April 4,
1991); Guyana (February 5, 1991);
Jamaica (March 22, 1991); St. Lucia
(December 19, 1990); St. Vincent
(February 13, 1991); Trinidad & Tobago
(March 14, 1991).
Ratifications Re
Amendment to Article 14
and Schedule II of the
Annex to the Treaty
Establishing the
Caribbean Community
Date of Deposit of Instrument: Antigua
and Barbuda (March 22, 1993); Barbados
(May 11, 1992); Belize (September 6,
1991); Dominica (September 9, 1991);
Grenada (December 20, 1990); Guyana
(February 5, 1991); Jamaica (January 28,
1991); Montserrat (December 3, 1991);
St. Kitts-Nevis (April 15, 1991); St. Lucia
(December 19, 1990); St. Vincent
(February 6, 1991); Trinidad & Tobago
(December 27, 1990).
Revised Schedule IX of
the Annex to the Treaty
Establishing CARICOM.
Supplemental Agreement
in Relation to the
Caribbean Examination
Council, Georgetown,
Guyana, December 30,
D.O.R – Antigua (February 1, 1995);
Barbados (July 4, 1988); Belize (June 26,
1991); Dominica (November 1, 1988);
Grenada (August 31, 1988); Guyana (July
1, 1988); Jamaica (July 27, 1990);
Montserrat (February 6, 1995); St.
Kitts/Nevis (July 4, 1988); St. Lucia
(August 25, 1988); St Vincent & the
Grenadines (November 17, 1989);
Trinidad & Tobago (May 8, 1990).
The participating governments to the
Agreement Establishing the CXC
agree to make amendments to the
Principal Agreement, and agreed to a
new Article V on location of facilities.
D.O.S. – Antigua (February 5, 1973);
Barbados (April 11, 1973); Belize
(February 5, 1973); British Virgin Islands
(February 5, 1973); Dominica (February
5, 1973); Grenada (February 5, 1973);
Guyana (April 11, 1973); Jamaica
(February 5, 1973); Montserrat (February
5, 1973); St. Kitts-Nevis- Anguilla
(February 5, 1973); St. Lucia (February 5,
1973); St. Vincent (February 5, 1973);
Trinidad and Tobago (February 5, 1973).
Not in force.
According to Article IV
this agreement shall
come into force upon the
deposit by eight
contracting parties
including the
governments of
Barbados, Guyana,
Jamaica and Trinidad and
D.O.A. or D.O.R.- Barbados (September
12, 1973); Guyana (June 27, 1973).
Agreement in relation to
the Accession of the
Government of Anguilla
to the Agreement
Establishing the
Caribbean Examination
Article XIII of the Agreement
Establishing the Caribbean
Examinations Council (CXC) provided
that the Government of any
Caribbean Territory may accede to
that Agreement on such terms and
conditions as may be agreed between
D.O.S. –Anguilla (March 9, 1989); Antigua
(May 15, 1986); Barbados (January 14,
1987); Belize (April 7, 1987); British Virgin
Islands (May 15, 1986); Dominica (May
15, 1986); Grenada (May 15, 1986);
Guyana (May 15, 1986); Jamaica
(September 8, 1987); Monsterrat (October
Entered into force on
March 9, 1989
ON AUGUST 3, 2004
Certificate of Registration
Council (1986)
Agreement in relation to
the Accession of the
Government of the
Cayman Islands to the
Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean
Examinations Council
Supplemental Agreement
to the Agreement
Establishing the
Caribbean Investment
Fund (1996).
the Participating Governments and
the acceding Government; and the
Government of Anguilla being
desirous of becoming a member of
the CXC submitted an application for
membership and the Council agreed
that the Government of Anguilla may
accede to the CXC Agreement.
21, 1987); St. Kitts-Nevis (May 15, 1986);
St. Lucia (May 15, 1986); St. Vincent
(May 15, 1986); Trinidad and Tobago
(May 15, 1986); Turks and Caicos (May
15, 1986)
No. 51195/40470
Article XIII of the Agreement
Establishing the Caribbean
Examinations Council (CXC) provided
that the Government of any
Caribbean Territory may accede to
that Agreement on such terms and
conditions as may be agreed between
the Participating Governments and
the acceding Government, and the
Government of the Cayman Islands
being desirous of becoming a
member of the CXC submitted an
application for membership and the
Council agreed that the Government
of the Cayman Islands may accede to
the CXC Agreement.
D.O.S. – Anguilla (April 13, 1993);
Antigua (December 4, 1992); Barbados
(February 12, 1993); Belize (December
21, 1992); British Virgin Islands (March
15, 1993); Cayman Islands (November 3,
1992); Dominica (December 1, 1992);
Grenada (November 27, 1992); Guyana
(November 23, 1992); Jamaica
(November 9, 1992); Monsterrat
(December 8, 1992); St. ChristopherNevis (December 7, 1992); St. Lucia
(February 15, 1992); St. Vincent
(November 16, 1992); Trinidad and
Tobago (November 18, 1992); Turks and
Caicos (March 29, 1993).
Entered into force on
April 13, 1993
This Agreement provides for the
amendment of Clause 16 of the
objectives of the Caribbean
Investment Fund as described in the
Agreement Establishing the
Caribbean Investment Fund shall be
extended to permit investment by the
Fund, of up to a maximum of 40% of
the capital thereof in the countries
D.O.S. –Antigua (July 6, 1996); The
Bahamas (July 9, 1996); Barbados (July
6, 1996); Belize (July 6, 1996); Dominica
(July 6, 1996); Grenada (September 21,
1996); Guyana (July 6, 1996); Jamaica
(July 6, 1996); Montserrat (July 6, 1996);
St. Kitts/Nevis (July 6, 1996); St. Lucia
(July 6, 1996); St. Vincent (October 26,
1996); Trinidad & Tobago; (July 6, 1996);
This Agreement was
never operationalised.
According to the
Agreement, it shall enter
into force on the
signature of all
Governments and the
Government of Anguilla.
ON AUGUST 3, 2004
Certificate of Registration
No. 51196/40470
According to the
Agreement, it shall enter
into force on the
signature of all
Governments and the
Government of the
Cayman Islands.
Article 5.1 provides that
this Supplemental
Agreement shall enter
into force when it has
been duly executed by
ICWI and the Signatory
listed in the Schedule to the
Supplemental Agreement, provided
that the managers of the Fund, after
due consideration, have reasonable
concluded that the investment
opportunities in the Signatory States
as contemplated by the objectives of
the original Agreement will, from time
to tome, be insufficient to provide a
competitive return to investors in the
ICWI (July 4, 1996).
States which have
executed the Original
Supplemental Agreement
[No 3] in Relation to the
Council of Legal
Education, Chaguaramas,
Trinidad and Tobago,
October 13, 1972.
The participating Governments to the
Agreement Establishing the Council
of Legal Education at its inaugural
meeting in 1971 recommended that
certain amendments be made to the
principal agreement and at an
Extraordinary Meeting held in 1983
recommended some amendments to
the Principal Agreement relating to
alteration of the requirements for
admission to practise law, among
other things, which are provided for
under this Supplemental Agreement.
D.O.S. – Antigua (September 19, 1984);
Bahamas (September 23, 1984);
Barbados (September 14, 1984);
Dominica (September 14, 1984); Grenada
(September 15, 1984); Guyana (October
12, 1984); Jamaica (September 14,
1984); St. Kitts/Nevis (September 20,
1984); Trinidad & Tobago (September 14,
1984); University of the West Indies
(September 14, 1984); University of
Guyana (October 10, 1984); Belize
(September 19, 1992).
Entered into force on
October 12, 1984.
Supplemental Agreement
[No. 2] Council of Legal
This Supplemental Agreement was
drafted as a result of the desire of the
Governments of Belize, British Virgin
Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat
and the Turks and Caicos Islands to
become parties to the Agreement
Establishing the Council of Legal
Education and the Council’s decision
to admit to Membership the said
D.O.S. – Barbados (June 23, 1982);
Dominica (January 14, 1983); Grenada
(January 14, 1983); Guyana (January 23,
1982); Jamaica (January 14, 1983); St.
Kitts/Nevis (January 13, 1982); Trinidad &
Tobago (February 11, 1983); University of
the West Indies (February 1, 1982);
University of Guyana (February 12, 1982).
According to Article 4,
this Agreement shall
come into force upon the
deposit by all the
Contracting Parties which
at the date hereof have
signed and ratified the
Principal and First
According to Article 9 this
Agreement shall come
into force on signature by
all contracting Parties to
the Principal Agreement.
Governments, on specified conditions
as provided in the Agreement.
D.O.R. or D.O.A. – Guyana (August 16,
1983); University of the West Indies
(October 12, 1983).
Agreements, and
submitted Instruments of
Ratifications and
Acceptance with the
Supplemental Agreement
[No 2] to the Agreement
for the Establishment of a
Caribbean Free Trade
Association, Georgetown,
Guyana, December 10,
Pursuant to Article 31(3) of the
Principal Agreement that, in the event
of the notification of difficulties in
relation to carrying into effect any
provision thereof to the Government
of Antigua by any Signatory Territory
prior to its ratification thereof, the
Principal Agreement shall not take
effect except in accordance with a
Supplementary Agreement between
all the Signatory Territories providing
for the resolution of such difficulties.
D.O.S. - Antigua (December 10, 1966);
Barbados (December 10, 1966); Guyana
(December 10, 1966).
According to Article 1 (5)
this Article shall not have
effect for longer than 15
The Georgetown Accord,
Georgetown, Guyana, April
12, 1973.
The participating governments have
agreed that the Caribbean
Community, including the Caribbean
Common Market, shall be established
on the basis of the Draft Treaty; that
the Treaty will be open for signature
not later than July 1, 1973. inter alia.
D.O.A. – Guyana (August 16, 1983);
Not applicable.
Treaty of Chaguaramas –
Legislation giving effect
to Article 20 (4) – Legal
Article 20 of the Treaty provides for
the legal capacity of the Community.
Article 20 (4) provides that each
Member State hereby agrees to take
such actions as is necessary to make
effective in its territory the
permissions of this Article and shall
Legislation: Barbados (Caribbean
Community Act Cap.15); Belize
(Caribbean Community Ordinance –
1980); Jamaica (Caribbean Community &
Common Market Act. 4 of 1975); St.
Vincent (Caribbean Community &
Common Market Origin System, St.
promptly inform the Secretariat of
such action.
Vincent Act. 1979).
Date of Commencement: St. Vincent
(April 1, 1979).
Date of Notification: Barbados (May 19,
1980); Belize (May 5,1980); Jamaica
(September 24, 1981); St. Vincent
(November 12, 1979).
Treaty Establishing the
Caribbean Community,
Chaguaramas, July 4, 1973
Provides for integration of efforts in
economic matters, co-ordination of
foreign policies and functional
cooperation in a list of areas including
labour administration and industrial
relations and social security among
subscribing states.
D.O.S. – Antigua (July 4, 1974): Bahamas
(July 4, 1983); Barbados (July 4, 1973);
Belize (April 17, 1974) Dominica (April 17,
1974); Grenada (April 17, 1974); Guyana
(July 4, 1973); Jamaica (July 4, 1973);
Montserrat (April 17, 1974); St. KittsNevis-Anguilla (July 26, 1974); St. Lucia
(April 17, 1974); St. Vincent (April 17,
1974); Trinidad and Tobago (July 4, 1973)
D.O.R. – Antigua (July 4, 1974): Bahamas
(July 4, 1983); Barbados (July 30, 1973);
Belize (April 17, 1974) Dominica (April 17,
1974); Grenada (April 17, 1974); Guyana
(July 28, 1973); Jamaica (July 31, 1973);
Montserrat (April 17, 1974); St. KittsNevis-Anguilla (July 26, 1974); St. Lucia
(April 29, 1974); St. Vincent (April 23,
1974); Trinidad and Tobago (July 30,
D.O.A. – Haiti (July 2, 2002); Suriname
(July 4, 1995)
ON AUGUST 28, 1974
Entered into force on
August 1, 1973
According to Article 24,
the Treaty entered into
force when instruments of
ratification were
deposited in accordance
with Article 23 of this
Treaty by the States
mentioned in Article 2
paragraph l (a) (iii), (vii),
(viii) and (xiii), and if not,
then on such later date
on which the fourth such
instrument has been so
Vesting Deed of the
Caribbean Court of
Justice Trust Fund (2003)
Vesting Deed of the
Caribbean Court of
Justice Trust Fund –
Original Board of
Trustees (2003)
Article XXVIII of the Agreement
Establishing the Caribbean Court of
Justice requires that the expenses of
the Court and the Regional Judicial
and Legal Services Commission be
borne by the Contracting Parties to
the Agreement. A Vesting Deed was
prepared and the sum of one hundred
million United States dollars was
placed under the control of the Board
of Trustees for that purpose.
D.O.S – Antigua (July 4, 2003); Barbados
(July 4, 2003); Belize (July 4, 2003);
Dominica (July 4, 2003); Grenada (July
29, 2003); Guyana (July 4, 2003);
Jamaica (July 4, 2003); St. Kitts/Nevis
(July 4, 2003); St. Lucia (July 4, 2003); St.
Vincent (July 4, 2003); Suriname (July 4,
2003); Trinidad & Tobago (July 4, 2003).
D.O.S – Nominee of the SG, CARICOM
(August 22, 2003); Director of the
Insurance Association of the Caribbean
(September 5, 2003); President of the
Association of Indigenous (August 22,
2003); President of the Caribbean
Institute of Chartered Accountants
(September 5, 2003); President of the
Organisation of Commonwealth
Caribbean Bar Association (August 22,
2003); Chief Executive Officer of the
CAIC (August 22, 2003); Nominee of the
CCL (August 22, 2003).