19th October 2014

One Parish Family – Two places for Worship
91 Harvest Road, Englefield Green
Egham, TW20 0QR
Parish priest: Rev Hugh Flower 01784 434280
Deacon: Rev Aidan Lynch 07713 149424
Email: parishofegham@yahoo.co.uk
Website: www.poegham.wordpress.com
Registered Charity No. 252878
Rochester Road, Egham Hythe
TW18 3HN
The Assumption
Sat 18th
6.00pm – People of the Parish
Sun 19th
Mon 20th
Friday 24th
Sat 25th
6.00pm – Terry Palmer R.I.P.
Sun 26th
11.00am – People of the Parish
St John’s
Sun 19th
9.15am – Stuart Meads R.I.P.
1pm – Baptism of Penelope Bowler
Tues 21st
Thurs 23rd
10.00am – John Tomlinson
Friday 24th
7.30pm – Holy Hour
Sat 25th
11.00am – Trish & Pat Hall Intention
Sun 26th
9.15am – Jerry McCarthy
Masses at University Chapel
Sun 19th – 7.30pm
Fri 24th – 12.30pm
Sun 26th – 7.30pm
Father Hugh writes:
Today is the Solemnity of St Philip
St Philip was Earl of
Arundel and died in the Tower of
London on 19th October 1595.
There is a long biography in the
Diocesan Proper for the Feast which
some of you may have. Suffice to
say there was much conflict in his
life, and as a senior courtier at the
Court of Elizabeth I. It was really
through the strength of his wife Anne
Dacre that St Philip was able to find
that strength of faith and to die a Your thoughts please:
Catholic in the Tower of London.
There have been a couple of
requests for an evening weekday
Philip Howard is amongst that group Mass – for those who work during
of people who were canonised in the day. It seems a good idea, to
1970 – known as 40 Martyrs of give a balance in the week for all
England and Wales. After his death needs. If you agree, and you
and many years his remains had would like an evening Mass, please
been buried in the private chapel of let me know.
canonisation his remains were I would suggest – if we do –
translated to our Cathedral in 1971. moving Thursday morning Mass at
Subsequently the dedication of the St John’s to Thursday at 7.30pm at
Cathedral was changed to Our Lady St John’s.
and St Philip Howard.
Solemnity of St Philip Howard is kept Also:
each year on 19th October, the day Archbishop Peter Smith’s letter two
of his death, and is kept on this weeks ago, we plan to begin a Holy
Sunday because he is co-patron of Hour at 7.30pm on Fridays at St
our Diocese and Cathedral.
John’s. Our Eucharistic Ministers
can and will lead this, and will give
There is a second collection today us all some time to pray before the
– for Missio, the missionary Blessed Sacrament quietly.
endeavour of the church across
our world. Prayer card/Gift Aid We have chosen Friday night
envelopes are in both churches for because it may be a helpful way to
your offerings. Please do use if you begin the weekend with prayer,
are a tax payer.
and to use St John’s.
Wed – Opt. mem. St John Paul II.
Salesians/Secondary School
Final date for
Next Saturday, 26 , clocks go back Applications:
is this Tues,
one hour, bringing to an end British
Summer Time.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays:
10.30am and 5.15pm (when there is Mass)
The welcome rains turned into a
deluge this last week, but at least
planting for next year can begin,
and the moving of plants too.
Autumn is always a good time to
make adjustments to gardens. The
ground is warm and root growth
can begin before the winter’s cold.
Time too to bring in all those tender
plants that you want to keep for
next year, and to compost the rest
for organic matter in the coming
Please pray for
The sick: Kate Emerson,
Madeleine Smith, Rene Dent,
Alicia Aleta, Harvey Hester,
Marie Scholes, Susan Bell,
Fr Eric Flood, Ann McCann, John
Randall, Mary Denwood, Paul
Griffith, Ray Davis, Fr Dominic
Rolls, Emil Jedla, Edith Jedla,
Gladys Price, Margaret
McDonnell, Pauline Corris,
Josephine Biffen, Fr Martin
Breen, Anne Muirhead, Fr John
Looking ahead:
2nd Nov – Solemnity of All Saints
3rd Nov – All Souls Day
The Trustees of the Diocese
meeting that was postponed from
10th October will now take place
on 10th November in the Jurgens
Last week I asked whether you
were interested in the idea of
getting a group together for a
Christmas theatre trip.
suggestions are: Panto - Woking
Victoria Theatre or Theatre Royal
Windsor. Or possibly Wind in the
Willows, part of the Royal Ballet’s
works, this year at The Vaudeville
in the Strand, and hugely
acclaimed for the family. Or The
Nutcracker at The London
Coliseum? Your thoughts please.
Our thanks to Dom Moloney for
leading on our ‘Youth Mass’ on
22nd November. It will be a good
celebration of our younger
people. We have a number of
musicians (though not all have
sent me their details yet for coordination!). Please may I have
We shall need Readers and
Ministers of the Eucharist, teams
of welcomers for all Masses if
possible please. I hope it will set
us going on a new path for
inspirational liturgies for all so that
our collective worship is good!
Advent Groups
Forms are available in the pews this
weekend for you to sign up to an
Advent Group. As in previous years
we will need host homes, leaders and
participants for the groups. We will
be using the published booklets
which we will need to order, and the
focus is very simple – reflecting on
the Sacred Scriptures for the four
Advent Sundays. Groups will begin
w/c 24th November. Advent Sunday
is 30th November.
RHUL Parking
To avoid the £60 fine for unregistered
parking for Sunday 7.30pm Mass, please
register your details with Fr John Dickson
at john.dickson@royalholloway.ac.uk
as follows: Subject: Parking Sunday Mass
Registration No, Name, Tel No, Email.
St Cuthbert’s
Open Mornings
For parents of children who will be
starting school in September 2015 there
will be Open Mornings at
St Cuthbert’s School commencing at
9.30am on the following dates:
Wednesday, 12th November 2014
Thursday, 8th January 2015
Community Safety Event
(for over 55s)
Thursday, 6th November from 1.15 –
3.30pm at the Manor Farm Centre,
Manor Farm Lane, Egham, TW20 9HR.
Talks by Surrey Police, Surrey Fire and
Rescue, Cyber champions and
YourSanctuary. Free of charge.
Refreshments provided.
Call Erica Boylett on 01932 425050.
Sun 23rd Nov
Baptism Preparation
Sat 8th Nov – St John’s
Children’s Mass
Sun 16th Nov, The Assumption
Youth Mass
Sat 23rd Nov, 6pm, St John’s
Mon 8th Dec, 7.30pm, St John’s
Penitential Service
Saturday 6th Dec – 12 Noon
Christmas Reflection
Thurs 18th Dec, 7pm
The Assumption
Baby & Toddler Group
Tuesdays: 9.30am - Jurgens
Knit and Natter
Tuesdays: 28th Oct, 11th and
25th Nov, 9th Dec 10.30am, St
Mothers’ Prayers Group
Thursday 23rd Oct, St John’s
ENCOUNTER Evening for
Catholics Aged 15-30
The ENCOUNTER evenings are a
hugely popular event for young
Catholics, featuring music, speakers
and a chance to meet other young
Catholics in a friendly environment.
The next event is Friday, 31st
October at St Wilfrid’s School,
Crawley and we are doing a Catholic
take on Halloween. It’s music and
then some social time. We are
always really excited to welcome
new people, so if you haven’t been
before please don’t be afraid. You
will be very welcome. Search for
on Facebook for more info.
Parish Secretary – Cath Bowers: 01784 477620 Mon and Thurs 9.30 – 12.30
Gift Aid Organiser – David Keel: 01784 459495, dkeel1@sky.com
Safeguarding Representative - Eamonn Priestley: 01344 844371
St Cuthbert’s School: 01784 434128
Sick Visits/Holy Communion Co-ordinator: 01784 433818 Link Group or via
Deacon Aidan 07713 149424
Jurgens Centre – Danny James: 01784 477620
Newslettter Editor – Julia Rowe: 01784 457060 j.rowe@sky.com
Website Editor - John Connors: 07785 298743 john@connorsfamily.plus.com