Animal Husbandry is one of the most significant activities in the rural economy of our state.
Over 80% of households keep livestock of one type or other and very large portion of the animals is owned by small & marginal farmers. It has been estimated that domestic animals contribute around
30% of human requirement for food and agriculture and 70% of poor of our state depend partly or completely on livestock for their livelihood. The range of outputs derived from domestic animals is varying from direct production of milk, meat and egg for human consumption to draught animals power for cultivation and irrigation, harvesting of crops, fibres, leather goods, manure, credit source in bad season and to weed control.
The livestock resource of this district is very rich (as mentioned in livestock population). It includes a good number of CB cattle and improved buffaloes. The district is also rich in small animal
& poultry resources. It has also been estimated that the quantity of livestock produce (milk, meat and egg) is much higher in comparison to the other parts of the state. Various AH developmental programmes and activities is being taken-up by the Dist. AH Department for improvement of livestock in the district.
1 Name of the District CUTTACK
2. No of Sub Divisions 03
3. No. of blocks 14
4. No of VDS 26
5 No. of LACS 159
6 .No of institutes with AI facility 184
7 No of Go mitra centers 81
8. No of AI units with mobile facility 184
9 No of LBD farms 01
10 No of Duck Breeding farms 01
11. No of fodder farms
a) Sponsored by DRDA 01
b) Under GLGR 02
c) Departmental 01
11 Livestock population
( 2003 census)
Cattle (ind) 508866
Cross Bred 136975
Buffalo 38861
TOTAL 684702
Sheep 86082
Goat 270485
PIGS 2702
Poultry 426897
A) National Project for Cattle & Buffalo Breeding (NPCBB) i) To provide organized breeding facilities to the farmers through AI .
All the Vety institutions (VDs & LACs) are to be provided with required AI inputs to provide AI facility to the ;large animal owners . Presently all the institutions of the district are provided with AI facility. ii) Door step breeding services to the cattle owners
The AICs are provided with mobile LN2 containers so that a farmer can avail the AI service at his door step. All the AICs of this district have been converted to mobile AI centers. iii) Placement of Gomitras in inaccessible areas for self employment of educated unemployed youths to render doorstep AH services
The Gomitra is an educated unemployed rural youth being selected by a committee, trained, provided with required inputs and placed in the concerned GPs without any
Vety. Institutions to provide AI and other services to the farmers by which he is self employed himself. iv) Skill up gradation training of Deptt. Personals
The VASs and the LIs are imparted training to build their skill in field of breeding time to time.
v) Establishment of natural breeding centers
In some of the inaccessible areas improved bulls are being provided to the selected hosts (identified by the Sarpanch of concerned GP) to breed the local cattle and buffalos when they come to heat. At present there are 29 bull centers in the district. vi) Pilot programme for cattle insurance of cattle & buffaloes for one to three years.
The CB and improved cattle and buffaloes owned by the private farmers are insured under this scheme by paying 50% of the premium cost for one or three years. Last year
16628 animals were insured against a target of 20000.
Conducting farmers’ training camps & infertility treatment camps.
Camps are being organized at village level to make the farmers aware of the advantages of AI, Breeding and general management of their livestock. Infertility treatment camps are conducted at village level to treat the animals for temporary infertility. viii) Field Performance Recording for selection Elite Bull Mothers in the farmers stock.
It is a programme for selection of elite bull mothers in the farmers stock. Good yielders are selected and bred for improved male progeny, which will replace the bulls of
Frozen Semen Bank in future. It has been proposed to select 1246 no of elite mothers from this district.
ix) Controlled Breeding Programme in indigenous cows with less fertility character
Administering hormones so that more number of cows and buffaloes of less fertility character may come to heat for breeding practices synchronization of heat.
District Livestock Resources Development Committee at Dist. level under the
Chairmanship of the Collector and Dist. Magistrate is constituted for analyzing and monitoring the AH development in the district. The Committee meets bimonthly to discuss the AH development in the district.
A Society named District Livestock Resources Development Society is also registered for the district under the Presidentship of the Collector and Dist. Magistrate,
Cuttack to look after the AH activities properly. xi) Distribution of LN2 and other AI inputs:
The AI centers of the district are regularly supplied with the required amount of LN2 and other required AI inputs periodically to take up the AI work smoothly. A calendar is prepared ahead for the year for this purpose.
xii) Breeding Work by The NGOs and Dist. Milk Union
One NGO ( UABRT, College Square, Cuttack) is also carrying out the AI work in some of the pockets of the district. The required inputs are also being supplied by the
Department to them to take up the service.
There are about 71 AI centers under the Dist. Milk Union in addition to the
Departmental AI centers who render AI service to the farmers of the district at MPCS level. xiii) Gomitra Training Center:
A Gomitra training center has been set up at the district head quarter for imparting theory and practical training for the Gomitras. Already four batches have completed their training in GTC from Cuttack, Jagatsingpur and Nayagarh district.
B) Assistance to States for Controlling Animal Diseases ( ASCAD) i) Health coverage
All the Vety. Institutes including VDs and LACs are provided with required facilities to look after the health status of the domestic animals and birds of that locality. The sick animals are provided with desired services by the Vety. Doctors and Livestock
Inspectors regularly. ii) Preventive Vaccination to control Animal Diseases
Efforts is being made to cover all the livestock and birds with different vaccines to control the occurrence of contagious diseases. A calendar is prepared for each village of the district for this programme indicating the dates and type of vaccination throughout the year. iii) Conducting Animal Health Camps & Farmers awareness programme
Health Camps are being organized at village level to treat the animals in a mass . iv) Field Diagnostic Laboratory at VD level
All the VDs are provided with required facilities for examination of fecal samples,
Blood samples and skin scrapings for preliminary diagnosis of animal diseases. v) Mass de-worming programme
Deworming Camps are also conducted to deworm the improved progenies born out of
AI and Natural Services.
vi) District Diagnostic Laboratory (DDL)
A well-equipped DDL is functioning at Vety. Hospital, Buxibazar, Cuttack. Diagnostic measures for different diseases are being carried out in the laboratory for better health coverage of livestock of the district. vii) Disease Surveillance / Out Break
The field functionaries remain alert for any occurrence of outbreak and take necessary measures to control it. Regular survey is made for the incidence of any disease in endemic area for different diseases related to animals. viii) Veterinary Measures during Natural Calamities
During situations like flood, cyclone and draught different measures are adopted to face the situation. Mass vaccination , deworming, disposal of carcass is adopted in the affected areas with distribution of cattle feeds and fodder for the affected animals.
C) Small Animal Development Programme
The district has a good number of small animals specially sheep and goats. The sheep are mostly of ‘KUZI’ variety which posses a special character of prolificacy, not found in other sheep. The goats are mostly ‘ BENGAL’ type, popular for quality meat. All most all animals are owned by weaker section of people of the district. The methods adopted for the improvement of these animals are:
Supply of good quality Rams and Bucks is proposed through water shed and
ATMA programme to the animal keepers.
Awareness and skill up gradation training is organized for scientific management of theses animals for the farmers.
Up gradation with ‘Boer’ is practiced in some areas of the district.
It is also proposed to introduce AI in goats.
A few number of ( around 2700) mostly of ‘Deshi’ type owned by poor and backward class of people who are nomadic. Rearing of pigs is still in a state of unorganized condition.
D) Poultry Development Programme
The District has a very good scope for poultry rearing. There are a good number of birds reared by the people under farm condition and a good number of local variety birds are also seen in small units in villages. There are some large layer units and hatcheries in private sector.
A Duck Breeding Farm (Departmental) is running at Khapuria, Cuttack for supply of quality Ducklings to the farmers.
Maize, which is a major ingredient of poultry concentrate feed is supplied to farmers on subsidized rate by the AH Department.
For better Coordination between the Poultry Entrepreneurs and the Department
Poultry Workshops are organized at Dist. level every year. Ten PPCS are established in the district.
E) Fodder Development Programme i) Supply of minkits to farmers at concessional rate ii) Supply of fodder roots/seeds to farmers for raising of perennial fodder. iii) Pre paddy fodder cultivation programme
Leguminous fodder seeds (kits) are supplied to the farmers during premansoon season to sow in paddy fields. The farmers are benefited by getting quality fodder for their animals and the fertility of land is enhanced by nitrogen fixation through theses leguminous plants( CowPea). This saves about 20% of nitrogenous fertilser per acre of land. iv) Training of farmers to make aware of the fodder cultivation & feeding the animals
Awareness and training camps are organized at regular interval to make the farmers aware about the fodder cultivation. v) UTPS & AZOLA
Demonstration of UTPS is conducted at the village level to increase the nutritive of paddy straw. Farmers are being supplied with Urea and other inputs by the department for treatment of straw.
AZOLA an aquatic plant is a very good alternate feed for the livestock and birds. Farmers are motivated through demonstration for its cultivation at home for better feed supplement to their animals and birds. vi) GLGR Programme
Unused pasturelands are identified and selected for pasture development at GP level under central assistance with 100% subsidy. By it the rural farmers can procure green fodder easily and sufficiently from their village pasture land whenever they require.
F) Animal Husbandry Programmes under Govt. Sponsored Schemes i) Preparation of model projects for PMRY, KSK & SGSY schemes. ii) Supervision of AH units established under Govt. sponsored schemes iii) Skill up gradation training of Swarajagaries in AH sector. iv) Training of Departmental personals on SHG concept.
G) Sample Survey Programme
Field survey is being done in selected villages during different seasons of a year(
Summer, Rainy & winter). It helps to collect information regarding the population , quantity of milk, meat and eggs produced, surveillance of disease and marketing of livestock products in the district.
H) Co-operative activities i) Organization & Registration of poultry Societies & Union. ii) Skill up gradation training of poultry farmers iii) To provide food ingredients at subsidized rate iv) To assist in marketing of poultry produce of the farmers
I) SPCA Programme
Society for prevention of Cruelty to Animals society registered in 2007-08 headed by the Hon’ble Collector & Dist Magistrate Cuttack for Animal Welfare of the District.
A workshop was organized among the animal lovers of the district to create awareness among them towards the welfare of animals and identity cards were distributed to the live members and patron members.
4 no of ‘Prani Bandhu Club’ have been formed in 4 High Schools of the district and animal welfare activities are to be taken up in these schools during Animal Welfare
Fortnight during 2 nd
week of Jan.2008.
Some of the activities proposed to take up in the district as follows: i)
Establishment of a ‘GOSADAN’ for the old disabled and stray animals. ii) Animal Birth Control and Immunization of stray dogs. iii) Establishment of Kiosks for animal slaughter. iv) Awareness among the people through mass media, debates, rallies and shows. v)
Constitution of ‘Friends of Soul’ in different educational institutions. vi) Setting up of a mobile Vety. Dispensary for the animals in distress. vii) Establishment of a Vety. Hospital in CMC area by the SPCA
J) Training Programme under SMILE:
To upgrade the skill and knowledge of the departmental workers and also the farmers and entrepreneurs in AH sector different trainings are being imparted to them in the Dist training Center time to time.
K) Cattle Market & Slaughter House
There are about seven weekly cattle markets in the district where a number of animals are being sold and purchased. The authorities have been informed to provide minimum facilities for the animals coming for sale.
Two registered Botcher Houses are there in the district in addition to which a number of un registered slaughter houses are also slaughtering the animals for meat purpose.
L) AH Development through Watershed and ATMA
Animal Husbandry activities are also being carried out through watershed and ATMA project. Organization of Animal Health Camps, Training of Farmers, Demonstrations like back yard poultry, Fodder development and other extension activities are proposed to conduct under the projects.
M) Celebration of Gosambardhana Week in Cuttack District
The Gosambardhana Week was Celebrated in the District from 12.11.2007 to
18.11.2007 in places like Kissananagar, Kalapada(Bentakar), Shalipur, Adaspur
,Athagarh (Gurudijhatia). Banki and Asureswar (Nischintakoili) on the occasion of
GOSTHASTAMI where animal health camps , awareness camps, shows and calf rallies were organized to make the farmers of the district aware of optimum management of their Live Stock.
2007-08 AND 2008-09 (UPTO AUGUST 2008).
A) NPCBB (Breeding Activity):-
Artificial Insemination
Progenies Born
Natural Service Centers
Infertility treatment Camps
Farmers training Camps
Heat Inducing Camps
Cattle Insurance Programme
Achievement Target
Achievement upto AUGUST
29 Natural Service centers, 345 NS done and 274 progeny born
Calf Rallies of CB calves 02
B) ASCAD ( Disease Control Programme)
04 02 -
Cases Treated
Health Camps
Field Diagnostic Tests
Animals Dewormed
Awareness Camps
No of Broiler Farms( pvt)
No of layer farms
No of Hatcheries
No. of Duck Breeding Farms
No. of farmers availed subsidy maize
No of PPCS
No of Back Yard Units Estd.
Pre Paddy fodder Cultivation
Mini Kit Programme
Roots & Slips supplied
Fodder Plots raised ( pvt.)
Training of farmers
Farmers benefited
GLGR Programme
Milk produced 145 tmt
Meat Produced 7.9 tmt
137.01 tmt
6.85 tmt
147 tmt
8.003 tmt
4 process)
Egg Produced 49 Millions
Milk Procured by OMFED 15.25tmt
34.31 millions
15.696 tmt
55 million
15.877 tmt
12.75 million