
Johann Yi-Der Lin, Ph.D.
Duane Morris LLP
Suite 900
101 West Broadway
San Diego, CA 92101-8285
Phone: 619.744.2253
Fax: 619.923.2512
Email: JYLin@duanemorris.com
Johann Lin has extensive experience in the area of intellectual property law with a
particular focus on U.S. and international patent prosecution in the areas of
biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, and diagnostic / therapeutic medical devices.
In addition, he has experience in matters directed to pharmaceutical life cycle
management and Hatch-Waxman patent term extensions, non-infringement, invalidity,
and freedom-to-operate issues, as well as experience in intellectual property due diligence
analysis associated with mergers/acquisitions, private and public financings, and initial
public offerings. Dr. Lin also provides scientific and technical knowledge in connection
with intellectual property litigation and has worked on patent infringement and trade
secret lawsuits involving antibodies, diagnostic assays, and generic pharmaceutical
products. He has prepared claim construction analyses for Markman Hearings and
worked with witnesses to prepare declarations and expert reports.
Dr. Lin’s legal and scientific background spans both academia and the biopharmaceutical
industry. He received his advance training in radiation oncology at the Dana Farber
Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School and was awarded the Ruth Kirstein Fellowship
from the National Institute of Health. He was appointed as a NIH postdoctoral research
fellow at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California where he developed
functional genomic approaches to identify novel drug targets for structure-based drug
design in collaboration with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Stanford Medical
School and later with a biopharmaceutical startup company. Dr. Lin is the author of
numerous scientific publications and has given a number of presentations both in the U.S.
and internationally. He has an extensive network of scientific scholar, professional and
entrepreneur contacts in the life sciences industry both in the U.S. and across the Pacific
Representative Technologies
Pharmaceuticals and small molecule therapeutics, including chemical entities,
dosage forms, and manufacturing processes
Manufacturing and fermentation technologies for recombinant antibodies and
Organic synthesis and manufacturing methods, including click chemistry
Nanotube synthesis and nanotechnology for anti-infectives
Diagnostic / therapeutic medical devices and imaging systems
High throughput (HTS) screening and mass spectroscopy
Antibodies and immunotherapeutics, including phage display
Stem cell technologies, including neuroregenerative methods and treatment
Therapeutic / treatment methodologies
Regenerative medicine and wound healing technologies
Vaccine development, including influenza
Drug discovery and screening technologies, including structure-based drug design and
3D in silico screening
Life science reagents and kits
Cell signaling and cell adhesion, including integrin signaling
Professional Activities
San Diego Intellectual Property Law Association
American Association for the Advancement of Science
BIOCOM/San Diego
Radiation Research Society
American Society of Cell Biology
Sino-Chinese American Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Professional
Association (SABPA)
American Chemical Society
Ph.D., Colorado State University - Department of Radiological Health
Sciences - Cellular and Molecular Radiation Oncology Interdisciplinary Program
B.S., Chemistry, University of California, Irvine
B.S., Biology, University of California, Irvine
Academic Activities:
Scientific Literature Editing and Review:
Ad-hoc reviewer for the peer-reviewed journal Radiation Research; provide scientific
reviews and editorial recommendations to the editorial board.
Scientific Publication and Oral Presentations:
Extensive publication record, including one funded peer-reviewed NIH grant proposal,
thirteen papers and abstracts, and six oral presentations at national and international
Academic honors
Recipient of peer-reviewed NIH NRSA Ruth Kirstein Individual Postdoctoral
Gordon Research Conference in Molecular Cytogenetics, The Queens College,
Oxford University
Young Investigator’s Travel Award. International Congress of Radiation Research
(ICRR), Wurzburg, Germany, 1995
Radiation Research Society Young Scientist Travel Award, 1995
Colorado State University Cell and Molecular Biology Interdisciplinary Program
Selected speaking engagements, abstracts, and publications
J.Y. Lin, J.R. Pollack, F.L. Chou, C.A. Rees, A.T. Christian, J.S. Bedford, P.O. Brown,
M.H. Ginsberg, Physical mapping of genes in somatic cell radiation hybrids by
comparative genomic hybridization to cDNA microarrays. Genome Biology, 3(6):
0026.1-0026.7, 2002.
J.Y. Lin and M.H. Ginsberg, A Novel Somatic-Cell Genetic Approach for Gene
Mapping/Positional Cloning of an Integrin Regulatory Gene by Radiation Hybrids and
Reverse Chromosome Painting, Gordon Research Conference in Molecular Cytogenetics,
The Queens College, Oxford University, 2000.
J.Y. Lin and M.H. Ginsberg, Physical Mapping and Positional Cloning of a gene whose
mutation maybe responsible for the defect in Glansmann Thrombasthenia, Jackson
Laboratory Workshop on Genetics of Complex Diseases, 1998.
J.Y. Lin and J.S. Bedford. Regional gene mapping using mixed-radiation hybrids and
reverse chromosome painting. Radiation Research. 148(5), 405-412 (1997).
J.Y. Lin, M.C. Muhlmann-Diaz, M.A. Stackhouse, J.F. Robinson, G.E. Taccioli, D.J.
Chen, and J.S. Bedford. An ionizing radiation-sensitive CHO mutant cell line: irs-20. IV.
Genetic complementation, V(D)J recombination, and the SCID phenotype. Radiation
Research. 147(2), 166-171 (1997).
J.Y. Lin and J.S. Bedford. 10th International Congress of Radiation Research, Wurzburg,
Germany. The Defect Leading to Gamma-Ray Hypersensitivity in CHO Irs-20 Cells is
Similar to the SCID Defect, 1995.
J.Y. Lin and J.S. Bedford, A Gene on Human Chromosome 8 Corrects the Defect
Leading to X- or Gamma-Ray Hypersensitivity in CHO irs-20 Cells. 43rd Radiation
Research Society Meeting, San Jose., CA, 1995.
J.Y. Lin and J.S. Bedford. Reverse-Deletion Mapping by Gamma-Ray Zapping. 42nd
Radiation Research Society meeting, Nashville, TN, 1994.
R. M. Macklis, B.A. Beresford, J.Y. Lin, R.W. Atcher, and J.L. Humm. Murine
hematopoietic ablation by alpha-particle-emitting radiopharmaceuticals - a potential
preparative regimen for bone-marrow transplantation. International Journal of Oncology.
2, 711-715 (1993).
R. M. Macklis, J.Y. Lin, B. Beresford, R.W. Atcher, J.J. Hines, and J.L. Humm. Cellular
Kinetics, Dosimetry, and Radiobiology of Alpha-particle Radioimmunotherapy:
Induction of Apoptosis. Radiation Research 130, 220-226, 1992.
J.Y. Lin and R. M. Macklis. Factors Influencing Radiobiologic Efficacy of Alphaparticle-Emitting Radioimmunoconjugates. 38th Radiation Research Society meeting,
New Orleans, LA, 1990.