File - City of Haines

JANUARY 8, 2013
Public Comments
A Public Comment Registration Form is required for public testimony. A specific Agenda Item must be
indicated on the form in order to speak at the Council meeting. There will be a time limit of three (3)
minutes maximum allowed. Please refer to Council Rules of Order and Procedure and the Public Comment
Registration Form for more information.
Administrative Matters
 Oath of Office Newly Elected Officials
 Appoint Council President
Consent Agenda
The items on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and all will be adopted by one motion unless a
Council Member or a person in the audience requests, before the vote on the motion, to have any item
considered separately. If any item is removed from the Consent Agenda, it will be discussed immediately
following the vote for the other items on the consent agenda.
Minutes of December 11, 2012 and December 17, 2012 meetings.
January accounts payable.
Resources and obligations report - December
Administrative Matters
Resolution R-1301-1 Transferring Appropriations Between Funds Sewer Fund to
Debt Service Fund 2012-2013
 Approve Audit for Fiscal Year 2011-2012
 Department of Corrections Agreement
New Business
Old Business
 JUB Engineering Contract
 PNIF for Water Master Plan Update
 Neighborhood Watch
Mayors Report
City Recorder Report
Public Works Report
Council/Committee Reports
The City of Haines complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Assistance is available for individuals with disabilities by
calling 856-3366 or the Oregon Telecommunications Relay Service. Their phone numbers are: TTY: 800-648-3458/Voice: 800-848-4442The City of Haines is an equal
opportunity Employer and Provider. Complaints of Discrimination should be sent to USDA Director,Office of Civil Rights, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410
Approved by
JANUARY 8, 2013
Mayor Anthony, opened the January 8, 2013 regular Council meeting at 6:08 pm with the
Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was then taken. Council members present were Garla
Rowe, Dawn O'Grady, Jim Brown, Sharon Dinger, Kathy Ritch and John Shurtleff Also
present were City Recorder Valerie Russell and Public Works Director Jason Melo.
Mayor Anthony led the Council in a prayer.
Citizens present: Sandy Wood, Mary Schoenfeld and Connie Pound. Also present was
John Garlitz from JUB Engineering.
Agenda Item No. 1 - Administrative Matters
Oath of Office Newly Elected Officials
City Recorder Valerie Russell swore in the newly elected officials, Mayor Dennis
Anthony, Councilor Dawn O'Grady, Councilor Sharon Dinger and Councilor Connie
Mayor Anthony addressed the Council stating the importance of the Council working
together as a team. Most of the complaints that he receives from Citizen concern the
Council's inability to work together. Mayor Anthony stated that the City has had a good
two years and is doing good financially. The City replaced and repaired some of the
equipment and worked on some of the infrastructure. The City needs to continue to work
towards goals that will better the City. The next two years will be very busy working on
the water system improvements so it is very important that the Council works together.
Council President
Councilor Dinger nominated Councilor Pound for Council President. Councilor Brown
volunteered to be Council President and Councilor Ritch volunteered to be Council
President. Councilor Pound received 4 votes and Councilor Brown received 2 votes for
Council President.
Agenda Item No. 2 - Consent Agenda
Councilor Dinger made a motion to accept the consent agenda. Councilor O'Grady
seconded the motion. The motion passed with unanimous consent.
Agenda Item No. 3 -Administrative Matters
Resolution R-1301-1 Transferring Appropriations Between Funds Sewer to
Debt Service Fund 2012-2013
Mayor Anthony read aloud Resolution R-1301-1 Transferring Appropriations Between
Funds, Sewer to Debt Service Fund 2012-2013. Resolution is herein attached and part of
the record.
Councilor O'Grady made a motion to accept Resolution R-1301-1. Councilor Pound
seconded the motion. The motion passed with unanimous consent.
Approve Audit for Fiscal Year 2011-2012
Mayor Anthony stated that the Council needed to approve the Audit for fiscal year 20112012.
Councilor Ritch made a motion to approve the City's audit for fiscal year 2011-2012.
Councilor O'Grady seconded the motion. The motion passed with unanimous consent.
Department of Corrections Agreement
Mayor Anthony explained that the City has had a agreement with the Department of
Corrections for several years. This agreement allows the City to use the inmate work
crews if needed. Each individual job would require a work order stating the scope of the
work and the Department of Correction would then estimate a cost for that work order.
Councilor Dinger made a motion to accept the agreement with the Department of
Corrections. Councilor Ritch seconded the motion. The motion passed with unanimous
Agenda Item No. 4_- Old Business
JUB Engineering Contract
Mayor Anthony stated that the contract with JUB Engineering had been reviewed by City
Attorney Dan Van Thiel. The final draft was approved by the City Attorney and JUB
Councilor Brown made a motion to accept the contract with JUB Engineering. Councilor
Ritch seconded the motion. Councilor Pound abstained. The motion passed with majority
Project Notification Intake Form
John Garlitz from JUB Engineering explained that last month the Council agreed to
submit a Project Notification Intake Form to Gary Viehdorfer at Business Oregon. The
Intake From was to request funding to update the Water Master Plan. Business Oregon
rejected the Intake Form stating that the Water Master Plan did not qualify for funding
due to the fact that it was under 10 years old and the system was not out of compliance.
Gary Viehdorfer had suggested that the City fund a mini update to the Water Master Plan
to update costs and change wording necessary to make the project fundable. The Project
Notification Intake Form can be resubmitted as part of the application for engineering
design. The mini update would cost the City $5,000.00, normally an update would cost
$20,000 to $50,000. This update would be called a Technical Memorandum and would be
completed within one month. The $5,000 should be able to be used as matching funds, if
the City is required to match any funds during the project. John provided the Council
with a copy of the task order for the mini update to the Water Master Plan.
Mayor Anthony read aloud the Task Order to the Council. Task Order is herein attached
and part of the record.
Councilor O'Grady made a motion to approve Task Order No. 2013-01 Water System
Master Plan Review and Opinion of Cost Update with JUB. Councilor Ritch seconded
the motion. The motion passed with unanimous consent.
Neighborhood Watch
Mayor Anthony referred to the Council discussion at the December meeting concerning
funds for Neighborhood Watch. According to Accountant Bob Seymour the City is
allowed to place a donation jar in the City Hall and can make cash donations to
Neighborhood Watch if approved by the Council.
Councilor Ritch made a motion to donate $25.00 a month to Neighborhood Watch.
Councilor O'Grady seconded the motion. The motion passed with unanimous consent.
Agenda Item No. 5 - Mayor Report
Special City Allotment Grant
The City was not a recipient of the 2013 Special City Allotment Grant. There were 76
applications statewide. Eastern Oregon City's submitted 18 requests and received
approval for only 5 grants. The Department of Transportation encouraged the City to
resubmit the same application next year.
ESD Building
Intermountain ESD contacted the City and asked if the City would like to make a formal
offer on the ESD building in Haines.
Council agreed not to make an offer on the building.
Part Time Employee
Doug Schneider, who has been employed by the City in the past and currently assists
Jason when needed, has shown interest in the part time job that the City has been
advertising. Doug is knowledgeable with the operations of the City and has equipment
The Council agreed to offer the part time position to Doug Schneider.
Teri Brown Johnson Letter
Mayor Anthony read aloud a letter from Teri Brown Johnson concerning the article in the
Record Courier that she had written about the November 13, 2012 Council meeting .The
letter addressed the conversation with City Attorney Dan Van Thiel at the December 11,
2012 meeting. Letter is herein attached and part of the record.
Agenda Item No. 6- Staff Reports
City Recorder
Budget Officer
City Recorder Valerie Russell commented that she has been preparing the yearly reports
for the all the different agencies, when she has completed these reports it would be time
to start working on the budget. Valerie suggested that the Council appoint the budget
officer for the 2013/2014 budget.
Council discussion followed.
Councilor Brown made a motion to appoint City Recorder Valerie Russell as the budget
officer and to prepare the 2013/2014 budget. Councilor Ritch seconded the motion.
Councilors O'Grady and Shurtleff voted for the motion. Councilors Dinger and Pound
opposed. The motion passed with majority consent.
Public Works Director
Water Survey
Public Works Director Jason Melo explained that the City had a Water Survey conducted
by the Drinking Water Program, this survey is conducted every five years. The well
houses were inspected and records reviewed. The State informed the City that it is not
necessary to chlorinate the City water. If the City continues to chlorinate the water the
amount of chlorine that is added will need to be increased.
The Council agreed to discontinued use of the chlorine.
Jason suggested the City start an account with Maverik to purchase fuel, the cost per
gallon is considerably less than the companies that the City currently purchases fuel from.
Maverik does not discount for the fuel tax that the City is exempt from paying. The City
would have to request a tax refund from ODOT.
Council agreed to apply for an account with Maverik and purchase the fuel for the City
pickup on this account.
Agenda Item No. 7 - Council Reports
Councilor Brown
Councilor Brown commented that several citizen have given him positive feedback
concerning the City newsletter.
Councilor Ritch
Councilor Ritch explained that many citizen have approached her concerning decorating
the City for the Holidays. She had been researching the cost and the process of having
OTEC install the decorations on the poles, and looking for bargain deals on the
The Council agreed to have Councilor Ritch continue researching the cost of decorations.
Agenda Item No. 8- Public Comments
There were no public comments.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Valerie Russell, City Recorder