Fiction 3 Text Resource

The 3 Little Pigs
Little Red riding Hood
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Sleeping Beauty
Jack and the Beanstalk
Goldilocks and the 3
Week 1 Monday Spoken language 1
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Y1/2 Spr F Plan 3A
Chinese Dragons
Helpful, friendly creatures.
They bring good luck, long life and
Western Dragons
Fierce, fire-breathing dragons that
carry off princesses and eat people.
Week 1 Tuesday Word Reading /Transcription 1
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Y1/2 Spr F Plan 3A
A Chinese Dragon
Week 1 Tuesday Word Reading /Transcription 1
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Y1/2 Spr F Plan 3A
A Western Dragon
Week 1 Tuesday Word Reading /Transcription 1
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Y1/2 Spr F Plan 3A
A Western Dragon and a Chinese Dragon
Week 1 Tuesday Word Reading /Transcription 1
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Y1/2 Spr F Plan 3A
How the Animals were chosen for the Chinese Zodiac
From -
There are several legends about how the animals were chosen for the Chinese zodiac. This is one of them. The Jade
Emperor is the name of the Emperor of Heaven.
Long ago, in China, the Jade Emperor decided there should be a way of measuring time. On his birthday he told the
animals that there was to be a swimming race. The first twelve animals across the fast flowing river would be the
winners and they would each have a year of the zodiac named after them.
All the animals lined up along the river bank. The rat and the cat, who were good friends, were worried because
they were poor swimmers. Being clever they asked the strong ox if he would carry them across the river.
'Of course' said the kind ox. 'Just climb on my back and I will take you across.'
The rat and the cat quickly jumped up and were very excited when the ox soon took the lead in the race. They had
almost reached the other bank when the rat pushed the cat into the river leaving him to struggle in the water. Then
just before the ox was about to win the race the rat leapt on his head and on to the bank to finish first.
'Well done,' said the Jade Emperor to the proud rat. 'The first year of the zodiac will be named after you.' The poor
ox had been tricked into second place and the second year of the zodiac was named after him.
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Y1/2 Spr F Plan 3A
Shortly after this the exhausted tiger clawed his way to the river bank to claim third place. Swimming across the
river had been an enormous struggle for him against the strong currents. The Emperor was so delighted with his
efforts that he named the third year after him.
Next to arrive was the rabbit, who hadn't swum across at all. He hopped across on some stepping stones and then
found a floating log which carried him to the shore.
'I shall be very happy to call the fourth year after you,' the surprised Jade Emperor explained.
Just then a kind dragon swooped down to take fifth place.
'Why didn’t you win the race, as you can fly as well as swim?' the Jade Emperor asked.
'I was held up because some people and animals needed water to drink. I needed to make some rain,' the dragon
explained. 'Then when I was nearly here I saw a poor little rabbit on a log in the water and I blew a puff of wind so
that the log would float to the river bank.'
'Well that was very kind of you and now you are here you will have the fifth year of the zodiac named after you.'
The next thing the Jade Emperor heard was the sound of the horse’s hooves. Just as he was thinking the horse
would be the next animal to arrive, a sneaky snake wriggled out from around one of the horse’s hooves. The horse
was so surprised that he jumped backwards giving the snake a chance to take the sixth place in the race. The poor
horse had to be satisfied with seventh place.
Not long afterwards a raft arrived carrying the goat, the monkey and the rooster. They explained to the Emperor
how they had shared the raft that the rooster had found. The goat and monkey had cleared weeds and pushed the
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Y1/2 Spr F Plan 3A
raft to the shore. The Emperor was very pleased that the animals had worked together. He said the goat would be
the eighth zodiac animal, the monkey the ninth and the rooster the tenth.
The next animal to finish was the dog.
'Why are you so late when you are one of the best swimmers?' asked the Jade Emperor.
'The water in the river was so clean that I had to have a bath on the way,' explained the dog.
His reward was to have the eleventh year named after him.
Now there was one place left in the zodiac and the Emperor wondered when the last winner would come. He had
nearly given up when he heard a grunt from the pig.
'You took a long time to cross the river,' said the Emperor to the pig.
'I was hungry and stopped to eat,' explained the pig. 'After the meal I felt so tired that I fell asleep.'
'You have still done well,' said the Jade Emperor. 'The last year of the zodiac will be named after you.'
As for the cat who had been pushed into the water by the rat, he finally crawled out of the water but was too late to
have a year named after him. He felt very cross with the rat and since then cats have never been friends with rats.
From that day to this the Chinese Zodiac has followed this cycle of years named after these twelve animals.
Week 1 Wednesday Comprehension 2
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Y1/2 Spr F Plan 3A
A story to tell
The Emperor wanted to choose the animals for the zodiac. ‘Have a race across the river,’ he
said so off they went. 1,2,3 GO!
Splish splash, splish splash, who would be the first to arrive?
‘Me,’ said Rat, ‘I’m first, I got a ride on Ox’s back.’
Splish splash, splish splash, who would be the next to arrive?
‘Me,’ said Ox, ‘I’m second because I ...
Splish splash, splish splash, who would be the next to arrive?
‘Me,’ said Tiger, ‘I’m third because I ...
Splish splash, splish splash, who would be the next to arrive?
‘Me,’ said Rabbit, ‘I’m fourth because I ...
Splish splash, splish splash, who would be the next to arrive?
‘Me,’ said Dragon, ‘I’m fifth because I ...
Splish splash, splish splash, who would be the next to arrive?
‘Me,’ said Snake, ‘I’m sixth because I ...
Splish splash, splish splash, who would be the next to arrive?
‘Me,’ said Horse, ‘I’m seventh because I ...
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Y1/2 Spr F Plan 3A
Splish splash, splish splash, who would be the next to arrive?
‘Me,’ said Goat, ‘I’m eighth because I ...
Splish splash, splish splash, who would be the next to arrive?
‘Me,’ said Monkey, ‘I’m ninth because I ...
Splish splash, splish splash, who would be the next to arrive?
‘Me,’ said Rooster, ‘I’m tenth because I ...
Splish splash, splish splash, who would be the next to arrive?
‘Me,’ said Dog, ‘I’m eleventh because I ...
Splish splash, splish splash, who would be the next to arrive?
‘Me,’ said Pig, ‘I’m twelfth because I ...
Splish splash, splish splash, who would be the last to arrive?
‘Me,’ said Cat, ‘because Rat pushed me in!’
‘TOO LATE’ said everyone!!!
Week 1 Thursday Composition 1
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Y1/2 Spr F Plan 3A
Can you remember the order of the animals in the story?
Week 1 Thursday Composition 1
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Y1/2 Spr F Plan 3A
Splish splash, splish splash, who would be the next to arrive?
‘Me,’ said _______________, ‘I’m _____th, I ________________
Splish splash, splish splash, who would be the next to arrive?
‘Me,’ said _______________, ‘I’m _____th, I ________________
Week 1 Thursday Composition 1
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users
Y1/2 Spr F Plan 3A
Join the 2 halves of the sentence using because, when or if (each is used twice).
1. Rat pushed cat in to the water
he wanted to be first in the race.
2. Cat was angry with rat,
he pushed him into the water.
3. Dragon thought he could help Rabbit
he blew the log to the river bank.
4. Horse jumped back in surprise,
he saw the snake round his hoof.
5. Goat, Monkey and Rooster shared a raft,
they wanted to help each other.
6. Pig would not have been 12th,
he had not stopped to eat.
Week 1 Friday Grammar 1
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Y1/2 Spr F Plan 3A
Make longer sentences using when, if and because (use each word twice).
1. Rat pushed cat in to the water, ________________ he wanted to be first in the race.
2. Cat was angry with rat, _______________ he pushed him into the water.
3. Dragon thought he could help Rabbit, _________ he blew the log to the river bank.
4. Horse jumped back in surprise, ____________ he saw the snake round his hoof.
5. Goat, Monkey and Rooster shared a raft, ______________ they wanted to help each
6. Pig would not have been 12th, _______ he had not stopped to eat.
Now finish these sentences in your own way using when, if and because.
a) Dog ran quickly down the road,
b) Cat felt sad,
c) Rooster thought it would be fun,
Week 1 Friday Grammar 1
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Y1/2 Spr F Plan 3A
Mappa Mundi is one of the oldest maps and was made in about 1290
For a short news report look at
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Week 2 Monday Spoken language 3
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Y1/2 Spr F Plan 3A
A detail from the Mappa Mundi
Week 2 Monday Spoken language 3
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Y1/2 Spr F Plan 3A
Week 2 Monday Comprehension 2
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Y1/2 Spr F Plan 3A
Week 2 Tuesday Grammar 2
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Y1/Y2 Spr F Plan 3A
Give the dragon a name and write the boy’s name under his picture. Don’t
forget to use capital letters.
Cut out the pictures. Then make a little play. What do you think the characters
might say to each other?
Week 2 Tuesday Grammar 2
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Y1/Y2 Spr F Plan 3A
Extract 1
Once upon a time there
was a good king, and he
had a little girl. He loved
her very much.
One day a big dragon came
to the gates of the city.
It was black with eyes like
two red coals. Its teeth and
claws were sharp and it
was as big as a tree
Week 2 Wednesday Comprehension 3
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Y1/Y2 Spr F Plan 3A
Extract 2
Once upon a time long ago,
there was a good king, and he
had a little girl called Sabra.
He loved her very much.
But one day a terrible thing
happened to the king. Down
from the mountains, and
through the gates of the city,
came a dragon.
It was horrible to look at, with
eyes like two red coals and a
mouth that breathed out fire.
Its jaws were wide open, its
claws were sharp, and it was
as tall and huge as a forest
Week 2 Wednesday Comprehension 3
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Y1/Y2 Spr F Plan 3A
Extract 3
Once upon a time long, long ago, there was
a good king, and he had a little daughter,
Sabra, whom he loved better than his
fields, or his gold, or anything which he
had. For little Sabra was as sweet as a rose,
and as kind and true as she was sweet.
But one day a terrible thing happened to
the king. Down from the mountains, and
straight through the gates of the city, came
a ravening dragon! It was horrible to look
at, with eyes like two red coals and a
mouth that breathed out fire. Its jaws were
wide open, its claws were sharp, and it was
as tall and huge as a forest tree.
Through the king's fields it raged and it tore
up, by the roots, the harvest of barley and
rye and wheat. It killed the cattle and
uprooted the grape vines; nor did it stop
with the fields—it lay in wait by the river
bank in the tall reeds, and no one in the
whole kingdom was brave enough to kill it.
Week 2 Wednesday Comprehension 3
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Y1/Y2 Spr F Plan 3A
My Dragon Story Plan
The Dragon:
Other Characters:
The Setting:
The Beginning:
The Middle:
The End:
How does the story start?
What goes wrong?
Useful words:
Useful words:
How is it sorted out?
Useful words:
Week 2 Thursday Composition 2
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Y1/Y2 Spr F Plan 3A
Story Plan – What is the problem? How does it get sorted out?
Character – who?
Setting – where?
Week 2 Thursday Composition 2
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Y1/Y2 Spr F Plan 3A
Story Plan – What is the problem? How does it get sorted out?
Character –who?
Setting –where?
Week 2 Thursday Composition 2
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Y1/Y2 Spr F Plan 3A
Grammar - Use conjunctions to join ideas in longer sentences.
Teacher knowledge - Co-ordination: using and, or,
but to make compound sentences.
E.g. The dragon flew over the forest and he burnt
down all the trees.
Teacher knowledge - Subordination: using when,
where, if, that, because to make complex
E.g. The dragon flew straight back to his cave,
when he had burnt the forest.
Week 2 Friday Grammar 3
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Y1/Y2 Spr F Plan 3A
Dragon Story Editing Checklist
Take a look at your story
Have you used
capital letters and
full stops correctly?
Do your sentences
make sense?
Have you used any
describing words?
Have you written
any longer
Are your sentences
written in the past
Have you checked
any spellings you are
not sure of?
Week 2 Friday Composition 3
© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users
Y1/Y2 Spr F Plan 3A