In the first instance, please refer to the invigilation guidance provided by the
Exams Office and/or Department.
This guidance refers specifically to procedural issues around the use of Moodle for high-stakes exams.
Prior to students arriving in the exam venue:
Display on whiteboard or from projector the following information:
Please be silent while in the Exam venue.
Quiz start and finish time.
Place your valid City University photo ID card face up on your desk.
Click Save without Submitting on a regular basis especially if writing some short paragraph answers.
Do not click on Submit all and Finish until the end of the exam or you have completed the exam and are ready to leave.
Prior to exam start time:
Students should login to the computers using the exam profile 1 as soon as they arrive in the exam venue.
If any students are unable to login using the exam profile ring IT Service
Desk on 8181.
15 minutes before the start of the exam ask students to log into Moodle using their Computing Services username and password.
If any students are unable to login using the exam profile ring IT Service
Desk on 8181.
Advise students of the following:
To read all instructions about the quiz, including the information available in the Introduction of Moodle quiz before they start;
to click the Save without Submitting on a regular basis especially if writing short paragraph answers;
only click on Submit all and Finish at the end of the exam or when the student has completed all the questions and is ready to leave the exam;
that they are only allowed to have one browser window open during the exam and to open another browser window will be considered as an attempt to cheat.
10 minutes before the exam is due to start direct students to navigate to the relevant module: _______________________________________________
Direct students to read the information and instructions about the quiz which are available from: _______________________________________________
Instructions for students with Learning Differences (If applicable):
1 Some info about exam profile once it is available.
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Exam start time:
At the exam start time direct students to the name of the relevant quiz
________________ with information about the topic in which it is located in
At the exam start time direct students with learning differences to the name of the relevant quiz ________________ with information about the topic in which it is located in
Advise students of the password ________________ if the quiz is secured.
During the Exam:
Walk around the exam venue regularly to ensure students are not using network facilities (i.e. email, personal drive, internet pages apart from
Moodle quiz, etc.)
If you find any student cheating (using email, internet, transferring documents from their personal drive, etc.), please complete an EX14 form and submit to the School Administration Office at the end of the exam. All cases of academic misconduct will be dealt with following standard Exams
Office (or University) guidelines.
You should not provide students with any help in understanding or answering quiz questions. Take a note of their question and the time the request was made and call the Academic/Administrator who can provide further information. Write the reply and provide it to the student.
Note: Only if the Academic/Administrator thinks it is appropriate will the answer to the question posed be announced to the whole group.
Academic/Administrator contact phone number:
Give students a 10-minute, 5-minute and 1-minute warning before the end of the exam.
At the end of the exam:
Check that all students have submitted their exam before they leave the room. To do this:
Navigate to the quiz activity in the Moodle module and click on the link to the quiz;
click on the Results tab;
Check that there is a time in the Completed column for each of the students that has a Started on time;
A dash indicates the student has not submitted their quiz. Ask any students with a dash to click Submit all and Finish.
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If the number of students in the venue exceeds the number of computer stations refer students to the additional space/room that has been booked.
If a student is having problems powering on a computer then move them to another computer.
If a student loses internet connection while working on a quiz check if the students’ quiz has been saved and if it is possible to access the quiz again.
Take a note of the time that this has taken and put a note of additional time granted on the students’ desk and provide additional time for this student at the end of the exam.
Network/Power Failures
If there is a network or power failure prior to the start of the exam contact the IT Service Desk on 020 7040 8181 to ascertain how long the outage will last for. A decision will then have to be made on whether to go with the backup procedure for the exam or to reschedule the exam.
If there is a network failure during the exam please contact the IT Service
Desk to ascertain how long the outage will last for. Refer to the backup procedure and advise students on what will happen next.
If there is a network failure during the first 10 minutes and it is unclear when the issue is likely to be resolved, it is recommended that you move to a paper-based exam and add any time the students’ lost due to technical problems and handing out the paper-based exam to the end of the exam.
If there is a network failure and the exam has been running for over 10 minutes and it is unclear when the issue is likely to be resolved, It is recommended at this stage that you cancel the exam and reschedule as the students would have to re-create a lot of the work already done.
If the room needs to be evacuated due to a fire alarm lock the room, if possible, to safeguard the security of the students’ assessment.
Advise students that they are not permitted to talk while in the evacuation zone or when returning to the room.
Take a note of any time lost and allow extra time at the end of the exam.
The students should not start working on the quiz again until all the candidates have returned to the room.
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