Формирование и развитие бизнес-терминов в - G

Trinity of languages in the context of globalization
Mussagulova Aida
Currently raising process of teaching English as a second foreign language
to a new level is one of the fundamental problems of pedagogy. The development
of the cultural project "Trinity of languages", initiated by the President of the
Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev, has become a priority, including the
emphasis on English as a language of integration into the global community in the
context of globalization.
Keywords: post-Soviet linguistic space, business terminology, borrowing,
Russian-Kazakh-British trilinguism
English has become the main language, operating in the international
arena,the language of diplomacy, business, tourism and culture, and the world
economy and politics, education and science, technology and law. In view of this,
it is important to form the special vocabulary of English in the context of a degree
of future economists.
To date, the scope of business in our country is characterized by high rates
of development. In this regard, there is a need to study foreign languages, their
application in practice for economic cooperation with foreign countries, as well as
for work in foreign firms . In the era of globalization in all spheres of public life
the vocabulary of the Kazakh language and other national languages can be
enriched by borrowing from foreign-language business terms , or vice versa , these
new words can affect the identity of any language . Business terms will cause the
greatest difficulties in the translation process. In connection with this modern
scientists, linguists studying business terminology borrowed from foreign
languages. In this translation into Kazakh language all economic terms a
prerequisite for widespread use them as a record-keeping , and in the production of
speech. It is known that the business terms are translated and used in different
ways or transferred by half, and often transmitted through transliteration (ie, not
translated ). Typically, business terms consist of one, two or more words.
Translator experiencing considerable difficulty in translating the terms consisting
of several words, finding their conceptual equivalents in the other language and
transfer values. Because the integral value of such combinations should not be of
meanings of their individual words. On the basis of the interaction of complex
phrases meanings some words lose their basic meaning and are used in a
figurative, thereby forming a new concept . It is impossible not to take into account
all the above facts in the translation of this kind of complex phrases. Equivalent
translation of the words that make up these phrases , in most cases clears the basic
idea . In addition, it is known that the translation from English into Russian or
Kazakh changing the order of words in phrases , and their case endings , as a result
of the data combinations are formed, respectively, the system and the
characteristics of each language . [1]
In this regard, the science of language there are new directions. "The use of
language in the communication process is considered a pragmatic linguistics. This
has been recognized not only linguistic relations, but also the language objects and
communication processes. If the former linguistics in the study of languages is the
text of the proposal, the word and its grammatical forms, the pragmatic linguistics
participates as a speaker, the listener, the writer and the reader needs, objectives,
practical and communicative human activities"[2]. The present society of our
country adheres to an ideology trilinguism . This calls for business correspondence
in three languages. But, unfortunately, in the conduct of business documentation,
record keeping, there were shortcomings and gaps. Therefore, in most cases, the
terms are not translated, resulting in use of two or more consecutive words
According to B.H.Hasanov, the experience of bilingualism in a multiethnic
state helps to eliminate the language barrier, the development of economic and
business relations of any society. In order to be among the first to have a fairly
deep knowledge of market relations, and is considered an important strategy for the
use of language and communication policy. Bilingualism is one of the areas of
language strategy area of government and commerce.[3]
B.K.Ayapbergenov notes that bilingualism (Kazakh, Russian, Kazakh,
English, Russian, English) is used in external advertisements, ads, advertising
boards, posters, bulletin boards, etc. For example: trading house – торговый дом,
магазин; продукты -products, bilingualism is used in the names of products, such
as power tools Black Decker, salon Leonardo. [4]
A.M. Omergalieva writes: "The business terms through the manipulation of
language has a direct impact on the consumer. In the Kazakh commercials used
beautiful, mysterious names. Through visual relationships can affect the
consumer's mind and character, which contributes to its purchase of this product”
S.A. Asanbayeva studying sociolinguistics, focuses on the use of the Kazakh
language in the visual and advertising information. According to her, in the field of
advertising there is no control, advertising texts do not correspond to the norms of
the Kazakh language. As an example, a large number of incorrect translation of
business terms [6].
The first need of the Kazakh-British terminological dictionaries. There are
several Kazakh-Russian terminological dictionaries for record keeping, "RussianKazakh terminology dictionary office (Musabekov G.T., Suleimenova B.A.),
1992"; “New titels”( Aldasheva A., Sarybaev Sh., Ualiev N.),
1992; Social-
political terms and titles of Kazakh glossary of record keeping and documentation,
1994”; M.Kasymbekov, K.Alimkulov. Office of bilingualism – Almaty 1994.;
Examples of office work, 1996; Сollection of terms. 1972-1988. Approved the
terms. Astana 1998; Russian-English English-Russian dictionary of terms. Astana
Currently, the terms in the Kazakh language are found in all walks of life. In
banking, a lot of terms borrowed from other languages , in particular, Russian and
English. Borrowed terms are subject to the laws of the Kazakh language and
undergo morphological , phonetic and syntactic changes. For example, the terms
action , the currency , the bank , the check is not translated. Many of the terms of
the Kazakh language borrowed from the Russian language, in turn , these terms
have come to the Russian language from other languages. In the 20's of last
century in the Kazakh language has been a rapid increase in borrowing . Borrowed
terms do not have translations, therefore underwent some phonetic and spelling
changes. For example: ярморка (fair), генерал (general) etc. Then was formed
major lexical fund of the Kazakh language, borrowed the term is used without
orthographic and morphological adaptations. Comparing the banking system of the
Republic of Kazakhstan and other countries, we can master the English
terminology , choose the right Kazakh equivalent of the English terms . Most of
the business terms are Greek and Latin roots , in this case, you should pay attention
to the history of the language, the etymology of terms and their interpretation.
"Kazakh language vocabulary is greatly enriched by borrowing from other
languages. Significant changes in the social and public spheres and sectors of the
economy and technology in the country contributed to the development and
promotion of the Kazakh language. Loan words in the lexicon of the Kazakh
language require careful study. The process of borrowing foreign words due to
extra linguistic factors. These are: the expansion of international cooperation, the
changes in the socio-political life of the country, the process of globalization,
integration into the world economy"[3].
From the above it can be concluded that: the translation of foreign-language
terms does not correspond to the values of industry professionals. In the process of
forming an independent state key role played by the State language. The
development of the state language should be based on state support and care. The
share of the state language in proceedings must be absolute. All government
officials and employees are required to know the state language. The Assembly of
People of Kazakhstan should make an effective contribution to the development
and promotion of the state language, to promote the development of the state
language policy of ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan. Article 4 of the Law "On
languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan" states: "It is the duty of every citizen of
the Republic of Kazakhstan is to master the national language, is an important
factor in the consolidation of the people of Kazakhstan." Our main task - to
develop the state language by actively using it in all areas.
1.Functioning and developing of languages. ˗ Report of programme of
“Sovereign Kazakhstan”. ˗ Almaty.2003
2. Omarova J.K. Languages of the peoples of foreign countries (English)
diss. ... 10.02.22. ˗ Almaty: Kazakh University international Relations and World
Languages Ablay Khan, 2007. ˗ P.133.
3. .Hasanov B.H. Kazakh-Russian bilingualism .Alma-ata. Science. 1987. ˗
4. .Ayapbergenov B.K. Social and linguistic problems in the functioning of
the state language in the marketing area of Kazakhstan. Diss. Almaty ... 10.0219 ˗
2004: The University "Turan-Astana", 2004. ˗ P.177
5.Omergalieva A.M .The problems of linguistic manipulation in advertising
/ / The problems of socio-economic and political modernization of the transit legal
society. Astana. 2004. ˗ p.252
6.Asanbeva S.A. The main sociolinguistics problems of using Kazakh in
advertising. Synopsis for a PhD thesis. ˗ Almaty,1999-32p.