N80- therapeutic veggie juice, fruit jucie and sprout juice

Creates fibrin, the structural foundation of human cell. Strengthens
blood; this, in turn , builds strong tissue, reduce edema, and
strengthens muscle and bone
Anise sprout
Good for the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Also enhances
the development of the t-cell of the immune system
Asparagus juice
Assists renal (kidney) function, neutralize kidney stones and bladder
stones, and regulated urinary flow.
Artichoke juice
Enhance the functioning of renal, immune and digestive systems
Beet juice
Consume in small quantities is a blood purifier and blood
strengthener, varicose vein reducer, and arterial and cardiovascular
Broccoli sprout
Its phytonutrient content enable it to reduce the potential for
mutagenic growths, including cancer. Facilitates healthy and
consistent elimination
Brussels sprouts Contain proteins that help to generate insulin improving pancreatic
function and combating digestive disorders
Cress ( crest)
Build blood by multiplying red blood cells; decreases toxins in the
sprout juice
respiratory system; acts as an anti-fibroid, anti-cystic, and anticarcinogenic agent.
Cucumber juice
Benefits respiratory, joint, ligament, and kidney functioning;
increases dermal (tissue-) elasticity
Cauliflower juice Improves the functioning of skeletal, digestive and eliminatory
Celery juice
Facilitates dermal detoxification and circulation. Reduces uric acid;
improves electrolyte function; detoxifies the system of the effects of
nicotine and caffeine; promotes dermal (skin-) flexibility
Cabbage sprouts Help to combat irritated and inflamed digestive tract, ulcer, and
Cayenne-pepper- Resist heart attack, stroke and faulty circulation, and benefits those
seed sprouts
who have had conditions of cardiovascular and circulatory systems
Cantaloupe green Increases sperm and egg production combats excess blood sugar,
whether low or high
Dikon radish
Blood thinner-maintains electro-magnetic functioning of the solar
Dandelion juice
Creates red blood cells; strengthens gums and teeth; assist healthy
skeletal and dental bone development
Endive juice
Improves vision; reduces the potential for and the severity of
cataracts; creates strong ventricular tissue
Builds white and red blood cells; increases digestive enzymes
FenugreekCombats body odor; fights gastrointestinal disorders; regulates blood
sprout juice
sugar in both hypoglycemia and diabetes
Fight cancer, ulcer, parasites, amoebae; improves protein levels in the
Horseradish juice Consumed in small amounts, removes excess mucous; diuretic; helps
to counteract colds and flu
Iris-flower juice
Kale-sprout juice
Lily-slower juice
Mango-seedsprout juice
Mustard-seedsprout juice
Nasturtium juice
Orange-seedsprout juice
(including seeds)
Pepper-seedsprout-juice (ripe
red, yellow,
Potato (White)
Raw sauerkraut
Red-pepperseed-sprout juice
Builds ligaments, tendons, cartilage; strengthens joints; improves
membrane development
Regulates blood sugar problems; builds energy
Its calcium and sulfur are perfect bone builders and digestive aides
Builds capillaries; strengthens vision and hearing; assists the h-cell
development of the immune system
Combats cancer, mutagens, ulcer, parasites
Subtle aphrodisiac, mood enhancer, skin restorer, hair restorer
These enzyme rich plants promotes healthy digestion and elimination,
while building a reserve of vitamins and minerals to create healthy
and stable organs
Dissolves hemorrhoids; eliminates mucus from the respiratory
system; reduces length and impact of colds and influenza
Builds the immune system, fighter cells and eosinophils; purifies the
lymphatic system and the bloodstream.
Powerful phytonutrients to combat viral and bacterial disease; assists
the neuronal function of the brain
Anti-mutagenic; purifies liver, gallbladder, spleen, small intestine and
large intestine; builder of immune cells and read blood cells
Rarely found fibrin content enhances gastric, digestive and pancreatic
juices to build blood platelets and reduce external and internal scar
Minimizes the pain of menstrual cramps; fights coronary disease,
cataracts, conjunctivitis, glaucoma; improves vision, cardiovascular
functioning and blood count
Reduces bloating, flatulence, colitis, and colic. Rich in vitamin C;
strengthens metabolism, specifically of the heart reduces the potential
of microbial infection
(After extraction, leave for 2 minutes so that unwanted starch is
separated from consumable juice.) Increases minerals especially
potassium, assist cardiovascular function and kidney function.
Specifically effective against arthritic and osteoporotic condition
(Theses sprouts should be harvested and juiced on the fifth day of
sprouting.) the combination of prominent protein content and
minimal glycemic properties of quinoa sprouts makes them a super
fuel that energizes all bodily functions, thereby increasing stamina,
strength and muscle development
Increases digestive capability; reduces fibroid and fibroid cystic
growths; acts as a powerful agent against mutagens and cancer
Improved dermal (skin-) elasticity and appearance; cleanses and
builds digestive organs enhances the probiotics in the gastrointestinal
tract which, in turn, strengthens immune cells
These vitamin-c-rich powerhouses are the most effective means to
neutralize, and even prevent, viral infections. They also help to
Sorrel juice
(green, purple)
sprouted juice
Tomato-seedsprout juice
Tomato juice
Uva ursa
sprout juice
Violet flower
Watercress juice
prevent blood clots and strokes
Enhances healthy skeletal and dermal development; creates greater
bone density in the lower extremities
Prevents anemia, convulsions, neural disorders, adrenal dysfunction;
also builds red blood cells to cleanse the liver, thereby improving
immune function
Regulates blood sugar (both diabetes and hypoglycemia) via insulinstimulation; develops proteinase (protein digesting enzyme)
These juiced greens build healthy tissue, fulfill various nutritional
deficiencies, and create elasticity of ligaments,
Increases the metabolism, reducing excess weight; reduces fluid in
edema; the lypine content in its phytonutrients attack cancer of
prostate, breast and colon; combats hepatitis A, B, C
Contains minimal amounts of lypine; although it is effective in the
reduction of cancer of the colon, prostate, and breast in combating
hepatitis A, B, C, it is less effective in doing so that tomato-seedsprout juice. It also detoxifies the liver and gallbladder.
Builds bones; facilitates digestion reduces potential colon polyps and
Eliminates excess mucus; resists microbial infection; a diuretic,
astringent, mucilage antiseptic, disinfectant
Consumed in small quantities, this spleen stimulating fluid assists the
production of healthy red blood cells, fingernails and toenails.
Increases hemoglobin to prevent anemia and chronic low bloodpressure; strengthens joints, cartilage, tendons, ligaments; helps to
reduce tumors by improving circulation
XanthiumThis anti-viral juice fights hepatitis A, B, C, HIV, colds, flu, SARS,
seed0sprout juice and other microbial infection
Yam-sprout juice These succulent greens function as hormonal balancer and suppliers
of everything from progesterone to testosterone to DHEA; this juice
minimizes the effects of PMS, menopause, mood swings; and
increases sex drive
This liquid is filled with bone building minerals; it also acts as a
diuretic and relieves constipation
Yucca-rootThe juice of these green leaves elevates endurance and energy levels
sprout juice
and stimulates the immune function of glucocytes to combat all forms
of disease
ZingiberHarvested as a small sprouted plant and then juiced, it helps to
offcinale (ginger; regulate the internal thermometer- including slightly raised
Jamaican ginger) temperature- to combat microbes and mutagens. It also assists in the
sprout juice
prevention of motion sickness.