George Mason University – Graduate Council Graduate Course Approval Form All courses numbered 500 or above must be submitted to the Graduate Council for final approval after approval by the sponsoring College, School or Institute. Graduate Council requires submission of this form for a new course or any change to existing courses. For a new course, please attach a copy of the syllabus and catalog description (with catalog credit format, e.g. 3:2:1). The designated representative of the College, School or Institute should forward the form along with the syllabus and catalog description, if required, as an email attachment (in one file) to the secretary of the Graduate Council. A printed copy of the form with signatures and the attachments should be brought to the Graduate Council meeting. Please complete the Graduate Course Coordinator Form if the proposed changes will affect other units. Note: Colleges, Schools or Institutes are responsible for submitting new or modified catalog descriptions (35 words or less, using catalog format) to Creative Services by deadlines outlined in the yearly Catalog production calendar. Please indicate: New_X______ Modify_______ Delete_______ Department/Unit:Nursing-College of Health and Human Services Course Subject/Number:__Nurs 820____ Submitted by: Ana Stoehr___Ext:_34428__________ Email:_astoehr@gmu.edu_______________________ Course Title Human Genetics Concepts for Health Care______________________________________________ Effective Term (New/Modified Courses only): _Spring 08_______Final Term (deleted courses only):____________ Credit Hours: (Fixed) __4___ (Var.) ______ to ______ Grade Type (check one): __x___ _____ _____ Regular graduate (A, B, C, etc.) Satisfactory/No Credit only Special graduate (A, B, C, etc. + IP) Repeat Status*(check one): ___ NR-Not repeatable ____ RD-Repeatable within degree ____ RT-Repeatable within term *Note: Used only for special topics, independent study, or internships courses Total Number of Hours Allowed: _______ Schedule Type Code(s): 1.__LEC_LEC=Lecture SEM=Seminar STU=Studio INT=Internship IND=Independent Study 2.____ LAB=Lab RCT=Recitation (second code used only for courses with Lab or Rct component) Prereq ___ Coreq ___ (Check one):_______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: Modified courses - review prereq or coreq for necessary changes; Deleted courses - review other courses to correct prereqs that list the deleted course. Description of Modification (for modified courses):____________________________________________________________________ Special Instructions (major/college/class code restrictions, if needed):__________________________________________ This course will be cross listed with Biology Department/Unit Approval Signature:_________________________________________ Date: _____________ College/School Committee Approval Signature:__________________________________ Date:_____________ Graduate Council Approval Date:____________ Provost Office Signature:_________________________________ George Mason University Graduate Course Coordination Form Approval from other units: Please list those units outside of your own who may be affected by this new, modified, or deleted course. Each of these units must approve this change prior to its being submitted to the Graduate Council for approval. Unit: Head of Unit’s Signature: Date: Unit: Head of Unit’s Signature: Date: Unit: Head of Unit’s Signature: Date: Unit: Head of Unit’s Signature: Date: Unit: Head of Units Signature: Date: Graduate Council approval: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________ Graduate Council representative: __________________________________________ Date: ____________ Provost Office representative: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________ GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY College of Health and Human Services PhD/DNP in Nursing Program NURS 820 Human Genetics Concepts for Health Care Spring Semester 2008 Dr. Ann Maradiegue School of Nursing Office: Rob A489 Phone: (703) 993-1971 Fax: (703) 993-1942 E-Mail: Dr. Anna Baranova (Molecular and Microbiology Department, CoS) PWII 225C (A.B.) Phone: (703) 993-4293 GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY College of Health and Human Services NURS – 820 Human Genetic Concepts for NursesCourse Number: Cross List: BIOL666 College of Science/ MMB Course Title: Human Genetic Concepts for Health Care Placement in Curriculum: Elective. Course Description: The study of human genetics, principles of heredity and disease risks. (4:4:0). Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, the student will: 1. Demonstrate integrated knowledge of genetic principles and frameworks applicable to nursing, research, healthcare and/or health education. 2. Interpret outputs of research and laboratory methods used by geneticists. 3. Integrate selected genetic principles within the domains of nursing research, policy, practice and/or education. 4. Analyze structure and function of the human genome. 5. Identify genetic risks for selected disease processes. Teaching Strategies: Apply effective teaching/learning strategies and the skill of the critical thinking while participating in peer professional evaluations. Note: If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accommodations, please see instructor, and contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at 708-993-2474. All academic accommodations must be arranged through the DRC. Required Texts: Nussbaum, R.L., McInnes, R.R.& Willard, H.F. (2004). Thompson & Thompson: Genetics in Medicine, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders. Recommended Texts: Reece, R.J. (2004). Analysis of Genes and Genomes. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Young, I.D. (2005). Medical Genetics. New York: Oxford University Press Other Texts: Glass, D.J. (2007). Experimental Design for Biologists. Cold Spring Harbour Press. Additional Readings: A list of journal publications by nurses working in the field of genetics is listed at the endof this syllabus. Course Requirements: 1. Open Book Exams (Mid-term and Final) 2. Lab Participation: Student must participate in the weekly lab exercises and activities. This includes field trips to the Prince William campus to observe microarray facility, completion of lab safety courses, training in genetic research methods and other exercises. 3. Written Paper: Each student should write a paper that meets their educational or research objectives; topic will be pre-approved by the instructors. This document shall contain critical analysis of accumulated genetics– related knowledge on the topic with an evaluation of the current genetic work in the field and future directions for the genetics studies of the subject. Paper should be written according to the full APA reference format, or to the format identified by the journal of choice. 4. Peer Evaluation: Each student is required to use their Mason email address to communicate with the instructor and submit weekly journals. Students will also peer-evaluate the papers submitted by other students in the class (each of the students will cross evaluate 3 papers of their classmates). The form for peer-evaluation can be found at the end of the syllabus. 5. Website for honor code Evaluation Methods: Open Book Exams 30% (15% Mid-term, 15% Final exam) Written Paper 30% Peer Evaluations and Field work 15% Lab 25% Student Outcomes The outcomes for the course are for the students to be able to identify, analyze and critically evaluate the genetic principles, problems, questions, or issues as they pertain to the student’s research. Students will be allowed the flexibility in their writing project to apply genetic principles to nursing education, practice or research of student’s interest. The student course outcomes will be measured using three deliverables: written papers, peer evaluations/lab experience. Lab experience will include exercises, field trips and hands on lab when possible, that will constitute 25% of the final grade, respectively, and an open book exams will constitute 30% of the final grade. Each week there will be a lecture on a molecular genetics concept, followed by a clinical example to explain the concept. The lab experience will support and enhance the genetic concepts explained in class. *Course Schedule Activity Week WEEK Structure and function of human chromosomes. DNA replication, 1 recombination, crossing over Example: Deletion síndromes, triploidy Lab: Chromosomal maps WEEK Concepts in Patterns of Inheritance; Gene Expression and Gene Penetrance, 2 function of gene tumor supressor Example: Neurofibromatosis Week WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8 WEEK 9 WEEK 10 WEEK 11 WEEK 12 WEEK 13 WEEK 14 Activity Lab: Pedigree Analysis Introduction to critical thinking in genetics. Basic principles of the experimental design and an analysis of experimental outcomes Lab: Experimental design Gene structure and function. Gene transcription, mRNA translation and posttranslational modifications. Examples: Mitochondrial disorders Lab: DNA sequence analysis Sources of the genetic information. (PubMed, OMIM, other). Examples: Wilson’s Disease This lab will be substituted by OLS training that will be given according to OLS schedule. Students will be given dates to chose which date they can come for training in accordance with OLS schedule. Human Genome Project, its history and new projects. A short history lecture on the one of the research methods (positional cloning) Lab: Match the disease and candidate genes (educated guesswork) Identifying genes for the Mendelian diseases. Heterozygotes and microsatellites Example: Colon Cancer Lab: Analysis of microsatellites in tumors samples as an aid for genetic diagnosis Field trip to PW campus Lecture on PW campus on Transcriptome and Proteome profiling Lab: write an analytical description of the particular research method based on the equipment observed and its applicability to modern medicine Polygenic inheritance and multifactorial diseases. Linkage, HAP Map, haplotypes Examples: Hirschspung’s disease and Hemochromatosis Mid-term exam Lab: Polygenic Inheritance models/use of concept maps Interaction of genes and environment in complex diseases. Examples: Factor V Leiden, Hypercholesterolemia, etc. Lab: Twin studies Research papers are due. Human polymorphisms, onset of the multifactorial diseases and pharmacogenomics. (Guest Speaker, Travis O’Brien Lab: Polymorphisms as predictors of the drug response Famous examples: Wilson’s disease, tumor suppressor genes, obesity. Lab: Association Studies Population screening for carriers and genetic counseling. State laws for prenatal testing. Example: Cystic Fibrosis Lab: Case analysis Peer evaluations are due. Ethical, legal and social issues in genetics. Example: Huntington’s Disease Lab: Case analysis FINAL EXAM FINAL EXAM WEEK **The faculty reserves the right to alter the above schedule as necessary Guidelines for Genetics Paper The overall purpose of this assignment is for the doctoral student to explore genetic principles as they relate to their program of research, nursing practice or nursing education. The paper should be no longer than 10-12 pages, double-spaced. Objectives At the end of this course the student will be able to: 1. Understand the implications of genetics for advancement of scholarship in health care disciplines. 2. Critically analyze published genetic works in their topic area. 3. Identify and interpret the genetic principles that are applicable to their subject of research and clearly link these principles to their research interest in the written paper. 4. Make scientifically sound conclusions through articulation of genetic principles and outline future directions for the research of their subject of interest. Guidelines 1. A target journal and audience should be identified. 2. The Author’s Guidelines should be obtained for the target journal. 3. The style of the paper should conform to Author’s Guidelines of the selected journal. 4. The paper must reflect proper spelling, grammar, logical organization, and referencing. 5. In addition to the classic references related to the topic, current references must be used. 6. A cover letter to the editor of the target journal, as well as Grading Criteria for Human Genetics Paper should be submitted with the paper. 7. The Honor Code must be upheld in the writing of the paper. Sample Cover Letter Date Your address Editor’s name and title Editor’s address Dear Dr./Ms. ------: I have enclosed a manuscript for your consideration for the Journal of ------. The manuscript focuses on a topic which I believe will be of special interest to your reader: ----. (Why you think they will want to publish your article in their journal). I believe that my background in ------ and my expertise in ----- provide an appropriate background for exploring this problem with your readers. (Why you are the one to write the article). Thank you for your consideration of this manuscript. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, (signature) Your name, degrees and certifications Grading Criteria for Human Genetic Paper Name: ____________________________ ____ Purpose for manuscript is clearly identified. (10 points) ____ A specific genetic problem is clearly described. (10 points) ____ Research and analytical writings provide appropriate background for understanding the genetics of the problem. (10 points) ____ Exploration of topic reflects critical and creative thinking. (10 points) ____ Implications for readers of journal are addressed. (10 points) ____ Sources are cited appropriately to support claims. (10 points ____ Content of paper is organized clearly, with subsections and appropriate transition between paragraphs and sections. (10 points) ____ Style and length of paper are appropriate for journal. (10 points) ____ Appropriate sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and APA format (or alternative style required by target journal) are used. ____Appropriate cover letter accompanies manuscript. (10 points) 0.0__________________________ 5 __________________________10 No evidence Inconsistent evidence Consistent evidence Comments: Table 2 Student Peer Evaluation Form PEER REVIEW EVALUATION/CRITIQUE FORM (20% of the grade) (please write YOUR NAME at the bottom of every form your submitted) Grading will be based on the Likert scale below with 0 being completely unclear and 10 being clearly articulated. Constructive explanations are an important part of the evaluation. 1. Title of the written project evaluate/ Name of the author of the written project 2. Please evaluate scientific argumentation and logical clarity f this research paper. Was the path of the logic of the author clear for you? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 EXPLAIN the principle of your grading. 3. Please evaluate whether author of the project was able to EXPAND existing scientific or societal concepts presented in the paper 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 EXPLAIN principle of your grading. 4. Please evaluate whether you gained new genetics/genomics related knowledge by reading this written project 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 EXPLAIN principle of your grading. 5. Please evaluate the total amount of work your fellow student did to prepare to this presentation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 EXPLAIN principle of your grading. 6. What were strong and weak sides of this project? (What are your recommendations for writing/rewriting this paper?) 7. If you were a scientist starting further investigation of the topic presented today, what would be your next steps? PLEASE OUTLINE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS necessary for continuation of the project. If you think that the described research had some flaws/weak areas, please INDICATE THE FLAWS/WEAK areas and propose the way how to fix them. Examples of Published Nurses in Articles Related to Human Genetics Edkins, R., Cheek, D. (2006). Pharmacogenetics. In M. Runge & C Patterson (Eds.), Principles of molecular medicine (2nd ed.). Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press. Beery, T. T. (2005). The genetics of cardiac arrhythmias. Biolological Research for Nursing, 6 (4), 249-261. Constantin, C.M. (2005). Genetics in Clinical Practice: a Team Approach. Journal of Midwifery and Womens Health, 50(3), 252-253. Constantin, C.M., Faucett, A., Lubin, I.M. (2005). A primer on genetic testing. Journal of Midwifery and Womens Health, 50(3), 197-204. Mansilla, M. A., Kimani, J., Mitchell, L.E., Christensen, K., Boomsma, D.I., Daack Hirsch, S., et al. (2005). Discordant MZ twins with cleft lip and palate: a model for identifying genes in complex traits. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 8 (1), 39-46. Scott NM, Weinberg SM, Neiswanger, K., Daack-Hirsch, S., O'Brien, S., Murray, J.C., Marazita, M.L. (2005). Dermatoglyphic pattern types in subjects with nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) and their unaffected relatives in the Philippines. Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal, 42(4), 362-366. Scott, N.M., Weinberg, S.M., Neiswanger, K., Brandon, C.A., Daack-Hirsch, S., Murray, J.C., Liu, Y.E., & Marazita, M.L. (2005). Dermatoglyphic fingerprint heterogeneity among individuals with nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate and their unaffected relatives in China and the Philippines. Human Biology. 77(2), 257-266. Vieira, A.R., Avila, J.R., Daack-Hirsch, S., Dragan, E., Felix, T.M., Rahimov, F., Harrington, J., Schultz, R.R., Watanabe, Y., Johnson, M., Fang, J. & O'brien, S.E., Orioli IM, Castilla EE, Fitzpatrick DR, Jiang R, Marazita ML, Murray JC. (2005). Medical sequencing of candidate genes for nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate. PLoS Genetics, 1(6), e64. Graham, J. M., Jr., Gomez, M., Halberg, A., Earl, D. L., Kreutzman, J. T., Cui, J., et al. (2005). Management of deformational plagiocephaly: repositioning versus orthotic therapy. Journal of Pediatrics, 146 (2), 258-262. Frazier, L., Johnson, R.L., & Sparks, E. (2005). Genomics and cardiovascular disease. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 37(4):315-321. Giger, J.N., Strickland, O.L., Weaver, M., Taylor, H., & Acton, R.T. (2005). Genetic predictors of coronary heart disease risk factors in premenopausal African-American women. Ethnicity and Disease, 15(2):221-232. Holston, E.C. (2005). Stigmatization in Alzheimer's disease research on African American elders. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 26(10):1103-1127. Jacob, E., Beyer, J. E., Miaskowski, C., Savedra, M., Treadwell, M., & Styles, L. (2005). Are there phases to the vaso-occlusive painful episode in sickle cell disease? Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 29 (4), 392-400. Jacob, E., Miaskowski, C., Savedra, M., Beyer, J. E., Treadwell, M., & Styles, L. (2005). Trends in complete blood count values during acute painful episodes in children with sickle cell disease. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 22 (3), 152-159. Jacob, E., Miaskowski, C., Savedra, M, Beyer, J.E., Treadwell, M., Styles, L. (2006). Changes in sleep, food intake, and activity levels during acute painful episodes in children with sickle cell disease. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 21 (1), 23-34. Jamerson, P. A. (2005). The association between acute fatty liver of pregnancy and fatty acid oxidation disorders. Journal of Obstetric Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing 34 (1), 87-92. Johnson, R.L., Williams, S.M. & Spruill, I.J. (2006). Genomics to health: Genomics, nutrition, obesity, and diabetes. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 38(1), 11-18. Keltner, N.L. (2005). Genomic influences on schizophrenia-related neurotransmitter systems. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 37(4):322-328. Letocha, A. D., Cintas, H. L., Troendle, J. F., Reynolds, J. C., Cann, C. E., Chernoff, E. J., et al. (2005). Controlled trial of pamidronate in children with types III and IV osteogenesis imperfecta confirms vertebral gains but not short-term functional improvement. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 20 (6), 977-986. Cabral, W. A., Makareeva, E., Colige, A., Letocha, A.D., Ty, J.M., Yeowell, H.N., et al. (2005). Mutations near amino end of alpha1(I) collagen cause combined osteogenesis imperfecta/EhlersDanlos syndrome by interference with N-propeptide processing. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280 (19), 19259-19269. Maradiegue, A., Edwards, Q.T., Seibert, D., Macri, C., & Sitzer, L. (2005). Knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes of advanced practice nursing students regarding medical genetics. Journal of the American Academy Nurse Practitioners. (11):472-479. McLemore, M. R., & Aouizerat, B. (2005). Introducing the MUC16 gene: implications for prevention and early detection in epithelial ovarian cancer. Biological Research for Nursing, 6 (4), 262-267. Axilbund, J.E., Hamby, L.A., Thompson, D.B., Olsen, S.J., & Griffin, C.A. (2005). Assessment of the use and feasibility of video to supplement the genetic counseling process: a cancer genetic counseling perspective. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 14(3), 235-243. McLean, D. C., Jr., Spruill, I ., Argyropoulos, G., Page, G.P., Shiver, M.D., & Garvey, W. T. (2005). Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes reveal maternal population genetic affinities of Sea Island Gullahspeaking African Americans. American Journal Physical Anthropology, 127 (4), 427-438. Tluczek, A., Koscik, R L., Farrell, P.M., & Rock, M. J. (2005). Psychosocial risk associated with newborn screening for cystic fibrosis: parents' experience while awaiting the sweat-test appointment. Pediatric, 115 (6), 1692-1703. Dillard, J.P. & Tluczek, A.(2005). Information flow after a positive newborn screening for cystic fibrosis. Journal of Pediatrics,147(3 Suppl):S94-97. Kimmel, R.J., Kovacs, I.,Vrabel, C., Wood, B., Schalling, M., Kelsoe, J.R. (2005).Cosegregation of bipolar disorder and autosomal-dominant medullary cystic kidney disease in a large family. American Journal of Psychiatry, 162(10), 1972-1974. Whitt, K.J. (2005). Experiences from the National Institute of Nursing Research: Summer Genetics Institute 2004. Policy Politics and Nursing Practice, (1), 15-16. Farina, L. & Winkelman, C. (2005). A review of the role of proinflammatory cytokines in labor and noninfectious preterm labor. Biological Research for Nursing, 6 (3), 230-238. Wung, S.F. & Merkle, C.J. (2005). BRCA1 genetic mutation and its link to ovarian cancer: implications for advanced practice nurses. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 17(12):518-526. Beery, T. A. & Hern, M. J. (2004). Genetic practice, education, and research: an overview for advanced practice nurses. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 18 (3), 126-32; quiz 133-134. Beery, T. A. & Shooner, K. A. (2004). Family history: the first genetic screen. Nurse Practitioner, 29 (11), 14-25. Cashion, A. K., Driscoll, C. J., & Sabek. O. (2004). Emerging genetic technologies in clinical and research settings. Biological Research for Nursing, 5 (3), 159-167. Manthei, E. R., Siminerio, L.M., Conley, Y., Charron-Prochownik, D., Feathers, A.S., Charles, B., et al. (2004). Genetics and type 1 diabetes: online resources for diabetes educators. Diabetes Educator, 30 (6), 961-971. Marazita, M. L., Murray, J.C., Lidral, A.C., Arcos-Burgos, M., Cooper, M.E., Goldstein, T., Maher, B.S., Daack-Hirsch, S., et al. (2004). Meta-analysis of 13 genome scans reveals multiple cleft lip/palate genes with novel loci on 9q21 and 2q32-35. American Journal of Human Genetics, 75 (2), 161-173. Munger, R. G., Sauberlich, H. E., Vorvoran, C., Nepomucceno, B., Daack-Hirsch, S. & Solon, F.S. et al. (2004). Maternal vitamin B-6 and folate status and risk of oral cleft birth defects in the Philippines. Birth Defects Research Part A Clinical and Molecular Teratology, 70 (7), 464-471. Schultz, R. E.,Cooper, M.E., Daack-Hirsch, S., Shi, M., Nepomuccena, B., Graf, K.A., et al. (2004). Targeted scan of fifteen regions for nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate in Filipino families. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 125 (1), 17-22. Zucchero, T.M., Cooper, M.E., Maher, B.S., Daack-Hirsch, S., Nepomuceno, B., Ribeiro, L., et. al. (2004). Interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6) gene variants and the risk of isolated cleft lip or palate. New England Journal of Medicine, 351(8):769-780. Dudley-Brown, S. (2004). The genetic family history assessment in gastroenterology nursing practice. Gastroenterology Nursing, 27 (3), 107-110. Dudley-Brown, S. (2004). A shot of good cholesterol: synthetic HDL, a new intervention for atherosclerosis. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 19 (6), 421-424. Edwards, Q. T., Seibert, D., Macri, C., Covington, C., & Tilghman, J. (2004). Assessing ethnicity in preconception counseling: genetics--what nurse practitioners need to know. Journal of American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 16 (11), 472-480. Frazier, L., Meininger, J., Halsey, Lea D., & Boerwinkle, E. (2004). Genetic discoveries and nursing implications for complex disease prevention and management.Journal of Professional Nursing, 20 (4), 222-2.. Frazier,L., Turner, S.T., Schwartz ,G.L., Chapman ,A.B., & Boerwinkle, E. (2004). Multilocus effects of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system genes on blood pressure response to a thiazide diuretic. Pharmacogenomics Journal. 4(1), 17-23. Giger, J. N. (2004). Understanding genetics: the relationship of disease and genetic predisposition in African-Americans. Journal of the National Black Nurses Association, 15(2), vii-viii. Holston, E. C. & Schutte, D. L. (2004). The clinical utility of genetic information in the care of persons with Alzheimer's disease. Medsurg Nursing, 13 (6), 415-419. Hutson, S. P. & Loud, J. T. (2004). Cancer genetics resources: an organizational guide for nurses and patients. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 20 (3) 213-215. Loud, J. T. & Hutson, S. P. (2004). The art and science of cancer nursing in the genomic era. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 20 (3), 143-144. Jacob, E. (2004). Neuropathic pain in children with cancer. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 21 (6), 350-357. Keltner, N. L. (2004). Summer Genetics Institute. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care 40 (4), 133-134. Olsen, S., Dudley-Brown, S., & McMullen, P. (2004). Case for blending pedigrees, genograms and ecomaps: nursing's contribution to the 'big picture'. Nursing and Health Sciences, 6 (4), 295-308. Ramirez, C. T. & McKelvey, K.D. (2004). Genetics of Cardiovascular Diseases: an Overview. Proceedings of the International Society of Nurse Geneticists Meeting. Roscigno, C. I. (2004). Neuronal pathway finding: from neurons to initial neural networks. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 36 (5), 263-272. Spruill, I. (2004). Project Sugar: a recruitment model for successful African-American participation in health research. Journal of the National Black Nurses Association, 15 (2), 48-53. Horner, S. D., Abel, E., Taylor, K., & Sands, D. (2004). Using theory to guide the diffusion of genetics content in nursing curricula. Nursing Outlook 52 (2), 80-84. Markowitz, J. A., Tinkle, M.B., & Fischbeck, K. H. (2004). Spinal muscular atrophy inthe neonate. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, 33 (1), 12-20. Twomey, J. G. (2004). Genetic testing of children: confluence or collision between parents and professionals? AACN Clinical Issues, 13 (4), 557-566. Winkelman, C. (2004). Genomics. What every critical care nurse needs to know about the genetic contribution to critical illness. Critical Care Nurse., 24(3), 34-45. Wung SF, Aouizerat BE. (2004). Newly mapped gene for thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 19(6), 409-16. Beery, T., Dyment, M., Schooner, K., Knilans, T., & Benson, W. (2003). A candidate locus approach identifies a long QT syndrome gene mutation. Biological Research in Nursing, 5 (2), 97-104. Beery, T.A. (2003). Sex differences in infection and sepsis. Critical Care Nursing Clinics North American, 15 (1), 55-62. Cashion, A.K., & Driscoll, C.J. (2003). Genetics and kidney dysfunction. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 31 (1), 14-18, 29 . Velasquez-Mieyer, P.A., Cowan, P.A., Umpierrez, G.E., Lustig, R.H., Cashion, A.K., & Burghen, G.A. (2003). Racial differences in glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) concentrations and insulin dynamics during oral glucose tolerance test in obese subjects. International Journal of Obesity Related Metabolic Disorders, 27 (11), 13591364. Cheek, D.J., & Cesan, A. (2003). Genetic predictors of cardiovascular disease: the use of chip technology. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 18 (1), 505-506. Jezewski, PA., Vieira, AR., Nishimura, C., Ludwig, B., Johnson, M., O'Brien, SE., Daack-Hirsch, S., et al. (2003). Complete sequencing shows a role for MSX1 in non-syndromic cleft lip and palate. Journal of Medical Genetics, 40 (6), 399-407. Jezewski, PA., Vieira, AR., Nishimura, C., Ludwig, B., Johnson, M., O'Brien, SE., Daack-Hirsch, S., et al. (2003). Complete sequencing shows a role for MSX1 in non-syndromic cleft lip and palate. Journal of Medical Genetics, 40 (6), 399-407. [comment]. Nature Genetics, 32(2), 285-289. Schweitzer, D.N., Yano, S., Earl, D.L., & Graham, J.M Jr. (2003). Johnson-McMillin syndrome, a neuroectodermal syndrome with conductive hearing loss and microtia: report of a new case. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 120A (3), 400-405. Frazier, L. (2003). Novel predictors of acute coronary syndrome outcomes. Biological Research for Nursing, 5 (1), 30-36. Tsujino, K., Tsukahara, M., Frazier, L., Lino H., & Murakami, K. (2003). Genetic content in Japanese language nursing textbooks. Research and Theory in Nursing Practice, 17 (4), 353-362. Giger, J.N. (2003). Human genetics: can we really eliminate health disparities. Journal of the National Black Nurses Association,14 (1), vii-viii. 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