Info. on Thank You Letters - Bancroft

When you have been selected for a scholarship, especially one given by a local
organization, it would be a good idea to send a thank-you letter to show your appreciation.
If you are receiving a Dinklage Scholarship, you MUST submit a thank-you letter to the
guidance office before you will be signed out of school. Here are some helpful hints about
what to include in your letters:
1. A good business letter begins with a heading consisting of the writer’s address and
the date. Since your letter will be fairly short, leave a 1½ to 2-inch margin at the top
and about an inch on the sides.
2. Put three returns after the date, and type the inside address, which is the name and
address of the recipient.
3. Then double space and type the salutation (Dear ___: ) followed by a colon.
4. Double space again and type the body of the letter. This doesn’t have to be incredibly
a. Begin by explaining how honored and excited you are to receive the
b. Express your thanks/appreciation for the specific scholarship by name.
c. Give some information about how this scholarship will help you further your
d. Tell where you plan to attend school and what you plan to study.
e. Thank the donor one last time at the close of the body.
5. Double space after the body, and write the closing. This is normally something like
“Sincerely.” Follow the closing with a comma.
6. Put four returns after the closing to leave room for a signature, and type your full
7. Double check for spelling and grammar before you print your final copy. Maybe
even have someone else proofread your letter also.
8. Don’t forget to sign the letter in the space you left open.
9. Check out the sample format on the back of this sheet.
The individuals and organizations that give these scholarships will appreciate your
acknowledgement of their generosity and may be even more enthusiastic to continue their
association with our school if we show them how much our students appreciate their help. If you
need help, be sure to stop in the guidance office—Rumor is there are two English teachers that
hang out there.
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Anytown, Nebraska 55511
February 16, 2016
Ms. I.M. Important
Scholarships R Us
1000 Moneybags Drive
Richton, Nebraska 99459
Dear Ms. Important:
Begin by explaining how honored and excited you are to receive the scholarship. Express your
thanks/appreciation for the specific scholarship by name. Give some information about how this
scholarship will help you further your education. Tell where you plan to attend school and what
you plan to study.
Thank the donor one last time at the close of the body.
Ima Smarty
Ima Smarty