Psychological Disorders

Psychology 1 - Introductory Psychology
Dr. Kent T. Yamauchi
(Psychology: Themes & Variations, Briefer Version 8th Edition by Dr. Wayne Weiten)
Abnormal Behavior: Myths, Realities, and Controversies
The Medical Model Applied to Abnormal Behavior
Figure 13.1: Historical Conceptions of Mental Illness
Criteria of Abnormal Behavior
Maladaptive Behavior
Personal Distress
Figure 13.2: Normality and Abnormality as a Continuum
Concept Check 13.1: Applying the Criteria of Abnormal Behavior
Psychodiagnosis: The Classification of Disorders
Figure 13.3: Example of the Diagnostic Criteria in the DSM Diagnostic System
REVIEW of Key Learning Goals
Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Phobic Disorder
Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Etiology of Anxiety Disorders
Biological Factors
Figure 13.4: Twin Studies of Anxiety Disorders
Conditioning and Learning
Figure 13.5: Conditioning as an Explanation for Phobias
Cognitive Factors
Figure 13.6: Cognitive Factors in Anxiety Disorders
REVIEW of Key Learning Goals
Somatoform Disorders
Somatization Disorder
Conversion Disorder
Figure 13.7: Glove Anesthesia
Etiology of Somatoform Disorders
Cognitive Factors
Personality Factors
The Sick Role
Concept Check 13.2: Distinguishing Anxiety and Somatoform Disorders
REVIEW of Key Learning Goals
Dissociative Disorders
Dissociative Amnesia and Fugue
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Etiology of Dissociative Disorders
REVIEW of Key Learning Goals
Mood Disorders
Major Depressive Disorder
Figure 13.8: Episodic Patterns in Mood Disorders
Bipolar Mood Disorder
Table 13.1: Comparison of Common Symptoms in Manic and Depressive Episodes
Figure 13.9: Age of Onset for Bipolar Mood Disorder
Mood Disorders and Suicide
Figure 13.10: Preventing Suicide
Etiology of Mood Disorders
Genetic Vulnerability
Figure 13.11: Twin Studies of Mood Disorders
Neurochemical and Neuroanatomical Factors
Cognitive Factors
Figure 13.12: Interpreting the Correlation Between Negative Thinking and
Interpersonal Roots
Figure 13.13: Interpersonal Factors in Depression
Precipitating Stress
REVIEW of Key Learning Goals
Schizophrenic Disorders
General Symptoms
Delusions and Irrational Thought
Deterioration of Adaptive Behavior
Distorted Perception
Disturbed Emotion
Subtypes and Course
Paranoid Type
Catatonic type
Disorganized Type
Undifferentiated Type
Positive versus Negative Symptoms
Course and Outcome
Etiology of Schizophrenia
Genetic Vulnerability
Figure 13.14: Genetic Vulnerability to Schizophrenic Disorders
Neurochemical Factors
Figure 13.15: The Dopamine Hypothesis as an Explanation for Schizophrenia
Structural Abnormalities in the Brain
Figure 13.16: Schizophrenia and the Ventricles of the Brain
The Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis
Figure 13.17: The Neurodevelopmental Hypothesis Schizophrenia
Expressed Emotion
Figure 13.18: Expressed Emotion and Relapse Rates in Schizophrenia
Precipitating Stress
REVIEW of Key Learning Goals
Illustrated Overview of Three Categories of Psychological Disorders (pages 474-475)
Culture and Pathology
REVIEW of Key Learning Goals
Reflecting on the Chapter’s Themes
Concept Check 13.4: Identifying the Contributions of Major Theorists and Researchers
REVIEW of Key Learning Goals
Personal Application: Understanding Eating Disorders
History and Prevalence
Figure 13.19: Age of Onset Anorexia Nervosa
Etiology of Eating Disorders
Genetic Vulnerability
Personality Factors
Cultural Values
The Role of the Family
Cognitive Factors
REVIEW of Key Learning Goals
Critical Thinking : Working with Probabilities in Thinking About Mental Illness
Figure 13.20 : Lifetime Prevalence of Psychological Disorders
Figure 13.21 : Conjunctive Probabilities
Table 13.2 : Critical Thinking Skills Discussed in this Application
REVIEW of Key Learning Goals
Chapter 13 Recap
Chapter 13 Practice Test
Psych 1 Ch 13 Outline - Weiten 8th Edition