header info: Jeffrey Abell Jeffrey Thomas Abell Curriculum Vitae Department of Earth Sciences – Geochemistry Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University PO Box 80021, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands Phone: +31 30 253 50 75 Fax: +31 30 253 53 02 j.abell@geo.uu.nl Education Ph.D. JUNE 2003, OCEANOGRAPHY, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, ADVISOR: RICHARD G. KEIL Dissertation: Giving a damn about DOM in the subtropical North Pacifi: Quantifying the role of dissolved organic matter in the cycling of carbon, oxygen, and nutrients in the upper ocean. M.Sc. 1999, OCEANOGRAPHY, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, ADVISOR: STEVEN R. EMERSON Thesis: Distributions of TOP, TON, and TOC in the North Pacific subtropical gyre: implications for nutrient supply in the surface ocean and remineralization in the upper thermocline. B.S. 1994, CUM LAUDE, CHEMISTRY & MARINE SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, FL, ADVISOR: RANA A. FINE Honors Thesis: Time series analysis of geochemical tracer data in the western subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. Research Experience Postdoctoral Research Fellow, JULY 2003 - PRESENT, UTRECHT UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF EARTH SCIENCES – GEOCHEMISTRY Studying the relationship between organic carbon composition, reactivity and availability and the variation in denitrification rate in aquatic sediments. Ph.D., 1999 – 2002, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, SCHOOL OF OCEANOGRAPHY Analyzed large dissolved organic nutrient dataset to better understand biogeochemical cycling in the subtropical North Pacific. Modeled changes in dissolved oxygen and nutrient data to assess decadal variability in primary productivity and dissolved organic matter production. Developed mass balance models to assess the importance of dissolved organic nutrients to open-ocean ecosystems. Designed and evaluated techniques for determining the isotopic composition of dissolved organic nitrogen. Constructed instrumentation for the improved determination of dissolved organic nutrients. Participated in inter-calibration exercises for the analysis of dissolved organic nitrogen and phosphorus. Trained and managed laboratory technicians. M.Sc., 1997 – 1999, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, SCHOOL OF OCEANOGRAPHY Refined analytical techniques for the precise determination of dissolved organic nutrients in marine waters. Collected and analyzed a suite of organic and inorganic nutrients on several cruises in the subtropical and eastern tropical North Pacific. Assessed the impact of dissolved organic nutrient cycling on primary productivity, organic matter degradation and oxygen utilization. B.S., 1993 – 1994, UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, ROSENSTIEL SCHOOL OF MARINE AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES 1 OF 4 Curriculum Vitae: Jeffrey Abell Collected and analyzed chlorofluorocarbons on two cruises to the western subtropical North Atlantic. Interpreted a ten-year time series of hydrographic and transient tracer data to deduce the circulation of water masses in the deep western boundary current. Teaching Experience Teaching Fellow, 2001 – 2002, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, PARTNERSHIP FOR INQUIRY BASED MATH, SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING EDUCATION, DENICE DENTON (CO-PI) Collaborated with middle school teachers to develop interactive science curriculum. Led classroom demonstrations and lessons that focused heavily on student data collection and observation. Piloted an after-school research program designed to test inquiry-intensive chemistry curricula. Helped develop district-wide middle school chemistry assessments. Lead Teaching Assistant, 2001 – 2002, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, SCHOOL OF OCEANOGRAPHY, TA FACULTY AND CAREER PREPARATION PROGRAM, RICHARD STRICKLAND (COORDINATOR) Organized and led discussion forums and workshops to improve teacher training for graduate students. Designed an improved evaluation system that has become the standard assessment tool for graduate teaching in the department. Oceanography Educator, 2000 – 2001, SALISH SEA EXPEDITIONS, ELLIE LOW (DIRECTOR) Guided middle and high school students in the development of their own scientific inquiry as part of a boat-based education program. Developed classroom curriculum that interactively engaged students in the scientific method. Workshop Participant, DECEMBER 2000, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GEOSCIENCE TEACHERS, HEATHER MACDONALD (ORGANIZER) Participated in a national workshop on improving teacher training for graduate students in the earth sciences. Produced a general action plan for geoscience departments interested in initiating or strengthening a teacher-training program for graduate students. Teaching Assistant, FALL 1999, SPRING 1999, SPRING 1998, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, SCHOOL OF OCEANOGRAPHY, JIM MURRAY (PROFESSOR), CHRISTINA EMERICK (LECTURER) Delivered several lectures in introductory oceanography and upper-level marine chemistry courses. Coordinated interactive laboratory sessions, guided cooperative learning discussions, and facilitated student learning through extensive one-on-one guidance. Teacher-Scientist Partner, WINTER 1998, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, BOTHELL, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, CAROLE KUBOTA (ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR) Guided K-8 teachers-in-training through the development of an inquiry-based wetland study. Assisted teachers in establishing testable hypotheses, developing feasible experimental strategies, collecting and interpreting data, and presenting results. Professional Experience Pollution Control Inspector, 1994 – 1996, DADE COUNTY, FL DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, ARTURO RODRIGUEZ (SECTION CHIEF) 2 of 4 Curriculum Vitae: Jeffrey Abell Monitored water quality and assessed pollutant impacts in local waters as part of a long-term pollution management program. Coordinated fieldwork for a prototype biomonitoring program, which is now routinely implemented in the department. Affiliations American Geophysical Union (since 1998) American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (since 1999) National Association of Geoscience Teachers (since 2002) National Science Teachers Association (since 2002) Awards DISSERTATIONS IN CHEMICAL OCEANOGRAPHY PARTICIPANT. 2003 Symposium, Waikoloa, HI. Giving a damn about DOM in the subtropical North Pacific: Quantifying the role of dissolved organic matter in the cycling of carbon, oxygen and nutrients in the upper ocean. OUTSTANDING STUDENT POSTER, 2002 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI. Using preformed nitrate to infer recent changes in DOM remineralization in the upper thermocline of the subtropical North Pacific. Abell. J. & S. Emerson. PRIME TEACHING FELLOWSHIP, 2001 – 2002, University of Washington, College of Education. ROYALTY RESEARCH FUND RECIPIENT, 2000 – 2001, University of Washington, Office of Research. OUTSTANDING SCIENTIFIC PAPER, 2000, NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research. The arrival of recently formed Labrador Sea Water in the Deep Western Boundary Current at 26.5ºN. Molinari, R.L., R.A. Fine, W.D. Wilson, R.G. Curry, J. Abell & M.S. McCartney. Geophysical Research Letters, 25(13), 2249-2252, 1998. Reviewer Deep-Sea Research, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Global Biogeochemical Cycles Publications GIVING A DAMN ABOUT DOM IN THE SUBTROPICAL NORTH PACIFIC: QUANTIFYING THE ROLE OF DISSOLVED ORGANIC MATTER IN THE CYCLING OF CARBON, OXYGEN AND NUTRIENTS IN THE UPPER OCEAN. Abell, J. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, 2003. A PRELIMINARY METHODS COMPARISON FOR MEASUREMENT OF DISSOLVED ORGANIC NITROGEN IN SEAWATER. Sharp, J.H., K.R. Rinker, K.B. Savidge, J. Abell et al. Marine Chemistry, 78, 171-184, 2002. THE BIOLOGICAL CARBON PUMP IN THE SUBTROPICAL OCEAN: NUTRIENT SOURCES, REDFIELD RATIOS, AND RECENT CHANGES. Emerson, S., S. Mecking & J. Abell. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 15, 535-554, 2001. DISTRIBUTIONS OF TOP, TON, AND TOC IN THE NORTH PACIFIC SUBTROPICAL GYRE: IMPLICATIONS FOR NUTRIENT SUPPLY IN THE SURFACE OCEAN AND REMINERALIZATION IN THE UPPER THERMOCLINE. Abell, J., S. Emerson & P. Renaud. Journal of Marine Research, 58, 1-21, 2000. THE ARRIVAL OF RECENTLY FORMED LABRADOR SEA WATER IN THE DEEP WESTERN BOUNDARY CURRENT AT 26.5ºN. Molinari, R.L., R.A. Fine, W.D. Wilson, R.G. Curry, J. Abell & M.S. McCartney. Geophysical Research Letters, 25(13), 2249-2252, 1998. Meeting Abstracts GIVING A DAMN ABOUT DOM IN THE SUBTROPICAL NORTH PACIFIC: QUANTIFYING THE ROLE OF DISSOLVED ORGANIC MATTER IN THE CYCLING OF CARBON, OXYGEN AND NUTRIENTS IN THE 3 of 4 Curriculum Vitae: Jeffrey Abell UPPER OCEAN. Abell, J. Dissertations in Chemical Oceanography (DISCO XVIII), Waikoloa, HI, 2003. USING PREFORMED NITRATE TO INFER RECENT CHANGES IN DOM REMINERALIZATION IN THE UPPER THERMOCLINE OF THE SUBTROPICAL NORTH PACIFIC. Abell, J. & S. Emerson. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI. 2002. INTERPRETING NEGATIVE PREFORMED NITRATE IN THE SUBTROPICAL NORTH PACIFIC. Abell, J. & S. Emerson. Gordon Research Conference, Tilton, NH. 2001. N:P RATIOS, NUTRIENT LIMITATION AND DECADAL SCALE CHANGES IN THE BIOLOGICAL PUMP IN THE SUBTROPICAL NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN. Emerson, S., J. Abell & S. Mecking. JGOFS Open Science Conference, Bergen, Norway. 2000. THE 15N OF DISSOLVED ORGANIC NITROGEN IN SURFACE WATERS OF THE NORTH PACIFIC SUBTROPICAL GYRE. Abell, J., S. Emerson, R. Keil & A. Devol. Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Antonio, TX. 2000. PRODUCTION AND UTILIZATION OF DISSOLVED ORGANIC MATTER IN THE SURFACE NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN. Abell, J., S. Emerson & P. Renaud. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 1999. 4 of 4