





Supplementary Material

Supplementary Methods

5 Construction of plasmids:

6 The constructions of plasmids are given below. To construct pSS2

SUM1 , DS13

7 (carrying the original suppressor DNA clone) was digested with Xho I and Pst I (Fig. S2)

8 and the resulting 5.0 kb fragment containing the entire SUM1 ORF, along with its

9 promoter and terminator sequences (1173 bp upstream and 646 bp downstream) was

10 subcloned into Sal IPst I sites of pGAD424, a 2

-based plasmid (Bartel et al ., 1993). To

11 construct YEp24SUM1 and pEGSUM1 , pSS2

SUM1 was digested with Bam HI and

12 Pst I and the 5 kb fragment, containing the entire SUM1 gene (with its own promoter and

13 transcription terminator sequences), was subcloned into Bam HIPst I digested pBlueScript

14 (SK+) (Stratagene Inc.,Sandiego, CA). The resulting plasmid was digested with Bam HI-

15 Sal I, and the 5 kb SUM1 -containing fragment was ligated to Bam HISal I digested YEp24

16 (Botstein et al ., 1979), a 2

and URA3 -based plasmid and Bam HIXho I digested pEG202

17 (Ruden et al.

, 1991), a 2

and HIS3 -based plasmid. YEplac181TUB1 and YEplac181-

18 tub1-1 were constructed as follows. An 1838 bp DNA sequence was amplified by PCR

19 using the primers SS1 (containing 25 bp sequence from a region 196 bp upstream of TUB1

20 ORF and also carrying an engineered Bam HI site; Table S1) and SS2 (containing 19 bp

21 homology to the region 163 bp downstream of TUB1 stop codon and also carrying the

22 engineered Pst I site; Table S1). Genomic DNA from wild-type ( TUB1 ) cells was used as a

23 template for PCR. The resulting PCR product containing the entire TUB1 (including its

24 intron sequence) coding region along with its promoter and terminator region, was

25 digested with Bam HI and Pst I and cloned into the Bam HIPst I sites of YEplac181 to get


26 YEplac181TUB1 . YEplac181tub1-1 was also created similarly by amplifying the entire

27 tub1-1 ORF along with the promoter region, using genomic DNA from AP27 ( tub1-1 )

28 cells as the template and the same set of primers as used for TUB1 cloning.

29 To construct HST1 in a 2µ-based plasmid, a 1648 bp Eco RIBam HI fragment

30 carrying the entire ORF of HST1 , along with 138 bp sequences upstream of ATG, was

31 amplified by PCR using the following primers. The forward primer SS3 (Table S1) had a

32 21 bp sequence from a region 138 bp upstream of HST1 ORF and also carried an

33 engineered Eco RI site. The reverse primer SS4 (Table S1) had a 21 bp HST1 sequence,

34 beginning from the last codon towards the ORF and also carried an engineered Bam HI

35 site. Genomic DNA of wild-type ( HST1 ) cells was used as template for the amplification.

36 The resulting 1648 bp fragment was digested with Eco RI and Bam HI and cloned into the 2

37 micron plasmid YEplac181 to get YEplac181HST1 . C-terminal tagging of HST1 with six

38 tandem copies of Myc epitope in the centromeric plasmid (YCplac111) as well as in the


2µ plasmid (YEplac181) was constructed as follows. The plasmid pUS946 (from Dr. U.

40 Surana) was used that had 6 tandem copies of the ORF for the Myc epitope cloned as a

41 Bam HISal I fragment. The HST1 gene, along with its own promoter, was cloned in frame

42 with the Myc ORF from pUS946 so that the Myc epitope was tagged at the C-terminus of

43 HST1 ORF as follows. A 1.65 kb PCR product was obtained using the genomic DNA of

44 wild-type cells ( HST1 ) as the template and the following primers: forward primer, SS3

45 described above (Table S1) and the reverse primer SS10, having a 21 bp HST1 sequence,

46 beginning from the last codon towards the ORF and an engineered Bam HI site (Table S1).

47 The amplified DNA was digested with Eco RIBam HI and cloned at the Eco RIBam HI site

48 of pUS946 plasmid to obtained pUS946HST1-MYC . The resulting clone was digested


49 with Eco RIHin dIII and the 1.91 kb fragment carrying the six tandem repeat of Myc

50 epitope at the C-terminus of HST1 was cloned into each of YCplac111 and YEplac181 to

51 obtain YCplac111HST1 MYC and YEplac181HST1 MYC respectively. The expression

52 of Hst1p-Myc was confirmed by western analysis using anti-Myc antibody (Fig. S4b).

53 That the tagged and untagged genes were functional was confirmed from the observation

54 that they complemented the hst1 mutation in the double mutant tub1-1 hst1 to restore its

55 growth at 18

C (data not shown), where the double mutant tub1-1 hst1 does not grow at

56 18

C due to the hst1 mutation (Fig. 3).


58 Construction of strains:

59 Deletion/disruptions of SUM1 and HST1 in AP22 and AP27 strains were carried out

60 using appropriate deletion plasmids as follows. HST1 was deleted in both AP22 ( TUB1 )

61 and AP27 ( tub1-1 ) strains with URA3 , for which the deletion plasmid was constructed as

62 follows. The 1648 bp Eco RIBam HI fragment, carrying the entire ORF of HST1 and

63 obtained as described in the supplementary methods, was cloned into pBlueScript (SK+).

64 An internal 693 bp Sph INru I fragment, corresponding to amino acid residues 161-392 of

65 HST1 ORF was replaced with 1.4 kb Sph ISma I fragment containing the URA3 sequence

66 from pUC19U (Sanyal et al ., 1998). The 2.4 kb Eco RISac I fragment carrying the deleted-

67 disrupted HST1 gene was used to create the deletion-disruption of the gene. The deletion

68 was confirmed by PCR analysis, using the primers SS3 and SS4 (Table S1). SUM1 was

69 deleted as follows. A 1074 bp Nru IEco RI internal fragment of SUM1 (corresponding to

70 amino acid residues 554-912) from pSS3 (plasmid having the entire ORF of SUM1

71 contained in the Bam HIXho I fragment cloned at Bam HISal I sites of pBlueScript) was


72 replaced with 1.5 kb Pvu IIEco RI fragment containing the Kan r sequence from pFA6a-

73 KanMX6 (Wach et al ., 1997). The resulting plasmid was digested with Xba I and Xho I and

74 4258 bp Xba IXho I fragment was used to create the deletion of SUM1 in AP22 and AP27

75 cells. The deletion was confirmed by PCR using the forward and reverse primers SS5 and

76 SS6 (Table S1).

77 C-terminal tagging of SUM1 with thirteen tandem repeats of Myc epitope in the

78 chromosome as well as in the 2µ plasmid (pSS2µSUM1 ) was done according to Longtine

79 et al.

, 1998 as described below. A 2252 bp PCR product was obtained using the plasmid

80 DNA of pFA6a-13Myc-His3MX6 as the template and the following primers: forward

81 primer, SS7 (Table S1; having 42 bp sequence immediate upstream of the stop codon of

82 SUM1 and the next 18 bp sequence from the plasmid) and the reverse primer SS8 (Table

83 S1; having 41 bp sequence immediate downstream of the stop codon of SUM1 and the

84 next 19 bp sequence from the plasmid). The amplified DNA was used to transform AP27

85 ( tub1-1 ) cells or AP27 cells carrying pSS2µSUM1 . The tagging of SUM1 was confirmed

86 by PCR using the forward primer SS9 (Table S1) consisting of 21 bp sequence present

87 119 bp upstream of the SUM1 stop codon and the reverse primer SS6 (Table S1) having

88 23 bp sequence present 113 bp downstream of the SUM1 stop codon. The expression of

89 Sum1p-Myc was confirmed by western analysis using anti-Myc antibody. That the tagged

90 protein was functional was confirmed from the observation that it suppressed the cold-

91 sensitive defect of tub1-1 (data not shown).

















95 DNA sequencing:

96 DNA sequencing was performed by the dideoxy sequencing method using the

97 manufacturer’s instructions. The instrument used was 3130X1 Genetic Analyzer, Applied

98 Biosystems.






115 Supplementary Figure Legends

116 Fig. S1. The immunoblot of Sum1p showing the full length protein (arrow) with its

117 degradation products. Sum1p was detected using anti-Sum1 as described under Materials

118 and Methods. Lanes: 1, extracts of cells expressing single copy SUM1 ; 2, extracts of cells

119 expressing SUM1 from the pSS2µSUM1 plasmid. Similar amounts of total proteins were

120 loaded.

121 Fig. S2. Restriction map of the suppressor plasmid clone (DS13) and its subclones. Each

122 clone was tested for its ability to suppress the growth defect of the double mutant tub1-1

123 mcm22 . Arrows indicate the direction of transcription. Only relevant restriction sites are

124 shown. P


refers to the ADH1 promoter. Restriction enzyme abbreviations are as

125 follows: B, Bam HI; Sa, Sau 3AI; H, Hin dIII; P, Pst I; Pv, Pvu II; X, Xho I.

126 Fig. S3 The relative level of Sum1p expressed from pSS2

SUM1 (2μSUM1 ). Wild-type

127 cells (AP22) carrying pGAD424 (2μ) or pSS2 

SUM1 plasmid were grown in SC-Leu

128 medium at 30

C to log phase. Total protein was prepared from the cell extracts by the

129 TCA method. Protein from each cell extract was loaded on SDS-PAGE and

130 immunoblotted with anti-Sum1p antibody. The band intensity of Sum1p was divided by

131 that of Pgk1p, which served as the loading control. The ratio was taken as one for cells

132 containing the empty vector, pGAD424, which is representative of Sum1p levels

133 expressed from the single copy chromosomal gene. The loading was done as follows: 3

 l

134 of each cell extract was loaded for Pgk1 immunoblotting. For Sum1p western, the loading

135 was 20

 l (2

) and 15

 l (pSS2

SUM1 ). The intensity of the Sum1p band in pSS2


136 SUM1 lane was accordingly multiplied by the factors 1.33. The band intensities of Sum1p

137 were due to the expression of SUM1 from the chromosomal copy in all the cells as also


138 due to the expression of SUM1 from plasmid copies in plasmid-bearing cells. These two

139 contributions were taken into account to calculate the relative levels of Sum1p in the

140 fraction of cells that carried 2μ-

SUM1 plasmid.

141 Fig. S4 . High copies of Hst1p do not suppress the benomyl supersensitivity of tub1-1 .

142 AP27 ( tub1-1 ) cells were transformed with YEplac181HST1 (2

HST1 ) and YEplac181

143 (2

) plasmids. Transformant cells were freshly grown on SC-Leu plates and streaked on

144 the same plates containing benomyl at 7.5

 g/ml. Plates were incubated at 23

C for 3 days

145 (no benomyl) and 5 days (+ benomyl). Two independent transformants of YEplac181-

146 HST1 were tested. The tub1-1 transformant carrying pSS2

SUM1 (2

SUM1 ) was used

147 as the positive control. (b) AP22 cells carrying YEplac181 (2µ), YCplac111HST1-MYC

148 (expressing Hst1p-Myc from centromeric plasmid) and YEplac181HST1-MYC

149 (expressing Hst1p-Myc from 2µ plasmid) were grown in SC-Leu medium at 30

C to log

150 phase. Total protein was prepared from the cell extracts by the TCA method. Protein from

151 each cell extract was loaded on SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted with anti-Myc antibody.

152 For the Hst1p westerns, 3 µl of extracts were loaded for each of YEplac181 (2µ) and

153 YCplac111HST1-MYC lanes, while 1.5 µl of protein extract was loaded for the

154 YEplac181HST1-MYC lane. For the Pgk1p western, 3 µl of protein extract was loaded in

155 each case. The band intensities of Hst1p-Myc were divided by those of Pgk1p, which

156 served as the loading control for each extract. The band intensity of the HST1-MYC band

157 in the YEplac181HST1-MYC lane was multiplied by a factor of 2 to normalize with

158 respect to the amount of extract loaded. The ratio was further normalized for plasmid

159 stability (92% for YCplac111HST1-MYC and 93% for YEplac181HST1-MYC ). The ratio

160 of band intensity obtained for cells expressing Hst1p-Myc from centromeric ( CEN )


161 plasmid was taken as 1 relative to which the increase of Hst1p-Myc levels, expressed from

162 2µ plasmid, was calculated. In two experiments these ratios were 12.5 and 9, the average

163 being 11. In the figure data for the first experiment is shown.


165 Fig. S5. Sum1p does not physically associate with

-tubulin .

(A) AP27 ( tub1-1 ) cells

166 carrying pSS2

SUM1 (2

SUM1 ) plasmid were grown in SC-Leu medium at 30

C to

167 log-phase. Sum1p was immunoprecipitated from the cell extracts as described in Materials

168 and Methods. The precipitated materials obtained with (+) or without (-) Sum1 antibody

169 were run on SDS-PAGE and analyzed using anti-Sum1p and anti-

-tubulin antibodies to

170 detect Sum1p and

-tubulin respectively. ‘+’ refers to immunoprecipitates obtained using

171 anti-Sum1p antibody and ‘-’ refers to immunoprecipitates obtained the same way except

172 that no antibody was added. C/E: Total cell extract. For the detection of β-tubulin,

173 polyclonal antibodies against this protein were used in the immunoblot. (B)

174 Untransformed AP22 ( TUB1 SUM1 ) cells, having only the chromosomal copy of the

175 SUM1 gene, were grown to log-phase at 30

C in YEPD medium. Co-immunoprecipitation

176 using cell extracts and anti-Sum1p was performed exactly as described above. Western

177 blots are shown. (C) AP22 and AP22

 sum1 (used as a negative control) were also

178 processed for coimmunoprecipitation studies as described above. Western blots are

179 shown. In both A and B, a band corresponding to

-tubulin was found in the

180 immunoprecipitates (+ antibody lanes) which was, however, also present in the western

181 performed using control SUM1 -deleted (AP22

 sum1) cells in C . This shows that this

182 band was due to a cross-reaction between

-tubulin and anti-Sum1p and does not indicate

183 a specific association between Sum1 and

-tubulin. (D) Further confirmation that Sum1p


184 and

-tubulin do not coimmunoprecipitate. AP27 ( tub1-1 ) cells carrying pSS2


185 (expressing Sum1p from 2

plasmid) or pSS2

SUM1-MYC (expressing Sum1p-Myc

186 from 2

plasmid) were grown to log-phase in SC-Leu medium at 30

C. Similarly, SSY1

187 ( tub1-1 SUM1-MYC ) cells expressing Sum1p-Myc from its chromosomal location and

188 carrying empty vector pGAD424 (2µ) were also grown to log-phase under similar

189 conditions. Sum1p was immunoprecipitated from cell extracts using anti-Myc antibody as

190 described in Materials and Methods. The precipitated materials obtained with (+) or

191 without (-) Myc antibody were run on SDS-PAGE and analyzed using anti-Myc and anti-


-tubulin antibodies to detect Sum1p-Myc and

-tubulin respectively. Lane 1-3, tub1-1

193 cells expressing Sum1p-Myc from 2µ-plasmid, Lane 4-6, tub1-1 cells expressing Sum1p-

194 Myc from its chromosomal location, Lane 7-9, tub1-1 cells expressing Sum1p (no Myc

195 tag) from 2µ-plasmid. The band corresponding to IgG heavy chain is also shown in the

196 figure.


198 Fig. S6 AP27 ( tub1-1 ) cells were each transformed with YEplac181TUB1 (2

TUB1 ),

199 YEplac181tub1-1 (2

tub1-1 ) and empty plasmid YEplac181 (2μ). Mutant cells carrying

200 these plasmids were grown to log-phase in SC-Leu medium at 30

C. Total protein was

201 prepared from each transformant by TCA method as described in Material and Methods.

202 Immunoblotting was performed using anti-

-tubulin and anti-Pgk1 antibody. For each

203 transformant, the band intensity of α-tubulin subunit was normalized with respect to that

204 of Pgk1p and the value for mutant cells containing the empty vector were defined as 1.0.



206 Fig. S7. tub1-1 and sum1

do not show synthetic growth defects on benomyl plates.

207 Freshly growing cells of AP22, AP22

 sum1, AP27 and AP27

 sum1 were serially diluted

208 and spotted for growth on YEPD plates containing indicated concentrations of benomyl.

209 Plates were incubated at 23

C for two days (no benomyl) and for three days (+benomyl).

