STROKE PREVENTION CLINIC SMOKING CESSATION CONSULT FORM Diagnosis: ____TIA ____Stroke _____Other (specify):___________________ Preferred language: ______English ______French _____Neither Physician Consult ADVISE “You probably already know the risks involved with smoking, but I cannot stress enough how important it is to stop. Your recent TIA/Stroke makes it (or because you are at increased risk of stroke means its) even more important for you to quit now and I would advise you to stop as soon as possible.” “Quitting smoking is not always easy but we can help you with quitting and there are medications available to make quitting easier.” ‘We are presently running a study which may be able to provide you with a free 4week supply of quit smoking medications. Taking part in the study means you’ll have a 50% chance of receiving the quit smoking medications. To become involved with the study you need to be willing to quit in the next month.” ASSESS Are you willing to work with me to set a quit date in the next month? (initial) Yes No READY IN NEXT 30 DAYS QUIT PLAN ASSIST Patient Preference “It’s great to see that you are ready to make a commitment to quitting smoking. It’s important that you have a plan for quitting smoking. This is the quit smoking plan that we like to complete to set you up with a plan for quitting.” (provide patient copy of quit smoking plan) “Quit smoking medications are available and have been shown to double the chance of being successful with quitting and staying quit. There are three types of medications that we recommend, one is nicotine replacement therapy, the other is in a new product that is in pill form and there is also Zyban (which has been around for a while and is also in pill form).” Yes No “Do you have a preference?” Bupropion / Zyban ASSIST Identify Contraindications Pregnant, breast feeding or planning pregnancy History of seizure disorder or head trauma Under the age of 18 years; Presently taking Bupropion/ Zyban/ Welllbutrin History of renal failure and is taking Cimetidine; Previous reaction to Bupropion/ Zyban/ Using NRT in addition to Varenicline; Wellbutrin Previous drug reaction to Varenicline; Pre-existing or current eating disorder Has history of renal failure (check with physician); Excessive use of alcohol/sedatives present or History of nausea and vomiting in past two months (check with past Taking anti-depressants, antipsychotics, Varenicline / Champix corticosteroids, MAO inhibitors, theophyline, cocaine or diet pills Taking a quinolone antibiotic (eg. ciprofloxacin,levoflozacin) Use of oral hypoglycemic products or insulin Severe hepatic impairment Central nervous system tumour physician). NRT Dentures (avoid NRT gum) Allergy to adhesive (consider clear patch) NRT ASSIST Select Pharmacotherapy <10 cigs/cigs 10-20 cigs/day 20+ cigs/day 7 mg patch 2mg gum Inhaler 14 mg patch 2mg gum inhaler 21 mg patch 4 mg gum Consider adding inhaler Varenicline - Days 1-3: 0.5mg once/day; Days 4-7: 0.5 mg BID; Day 8-12 weeks 1.0 mg twice daily. Start 1-2 weeks before the quit date. Bupropion - Zyban 150 mg daily (in the morning) x 3 days then 150 mg BID for 3 months ASSIST Here is a calendar of the next month? I’d like you to pick your quit date. Set Quit Date Quit Date: (dd/mm/yy) ASSIST – Provide Quit Plan ARRANGE Supplemental Counselling ARRANGE IVR FOLLOW-UP Review medications instruction sheet Review “Preparing for quit date” sheet Initial This patient would benefit from: Group Cessation Program (ACESS) UOHI Quit Smoking Program _________ initial “As part of our quit smoking program we will be getting touch with you by phone to follow-up on your progress over the next 6-months. We greatly appreciate if you can answer the phone for these calls and let us know how you are doing. The calls will be placed at a time that is convenient for you. You should expect to receive a call in the next 5-7 days?” Review Follow-up Plan Instructions for Quit Plan What is the best time of the day to call you? ________________________ What is the best number to reach you at this time? Same as above Different: ( )___________________ If patient is unable to receive calls, why? No telephone Unable to speak English or French Already receiving calls through hospital-based smoking cessation program Refused Other: ___________________________________ Review Signature: _____________________________________ Study Participants: Randomized to: Quit Smoking Program Quit Smoking Program + Cost Free Medications initial