Search for the Greatest Treasure: Narrator 1: Once upon a time in a land far, far , away….. Narrator 2: Oh, come on….you always start our stories that way. Can’t we make this one more original? Narrator 1: Well, if you think you can do better, go right ahead and try. Narrator 2: Uh….(sings)….There once was a king and queen who had everything, everything. They had all the riches in the whole wide world. They had everything. The riches weren’t enough. They complained all day. (The bouncers carry him off). Narrator 1: Sorry about that. Let’s try this again. Once upon a time in a land, far, far away, there was a rich king and queen. They had everything they could ever want except happiness. King: What do you want to do today? Queen: I dunno, what do you want to do? King: We have so much wealth and stuff, we should have lots we can do. Queen: Shall I call the Jester? King: No. I don’t like the way he smells. (Both the King and Queen stop to think. The sign guy walks by with a sign that says 5 hours later.) Queen: Soo…what do you want to do? King: I have it. I am going to call the people of our kingdom together and propose a search. Narrator1: So the king told the people to assemble to hear a great announcement. King: Citizens, I know that I am a very wealthy king, but I feel that there is a far greater treasure that has yet to be found. I want you, my people, to find the greatest treasure of all and bring it back to me so that my queen and I will be happy. Narrator 1: After some grumbling… People: grumble, grumble, grumble Narrator 1: The people went in search of the greatest treasure of all. Some time passed (a student carrying a “some time” sign walks in front of the narrator) and no one had come to the king with treasure. More time passed (a student carrying a sign that says “more time” walks in front of the narrator). Finally, two ladies come to the king with large, heavy shopping bags. Lady 1: Your majesty, it has taken a long time, but we have found the world’s greatest treasures. Lady 2: Your highness, in this bag we have the greatest collection of stuff known to man. There is a LCD television, the newest game system with the very latest games that haven’t been released yet. Lady 1: and for her majesty some lovely emeralds, rubies, and sapphires. Lady 2: It’s the best Home Shopping has to offer! Queen: I just LOVE the Home Shopping Network! Did you find one of those Diamondique bracelets, too?!! Lady 1: All of that and more. King: Wait a minute, wait a minute. You can’t find the greatest treasure in the universe on Home Shopping Network! If you could, she’d have found it a long time ago. We have lots of stuff. We aren’t happy. We don’t need more toys, electronics, and stuff. Queen: They can at least leave me the Paula Abdul scarf collection. I don’t have that. Narrator: More time passed. (student with sign) Then a pirate came to the king. Pirate: Your highnesses. I have sailed the seven seas in me ship and have brought you a right nice treasure. Here in my chest is the sunken treasure of Davy Jones. It is the greatest treasure I ever found in me life. King: Wow! I LOVE money. Davy Jones you say? Pirate: Aye sire. Queen: You have so much gold that it takes the royal accountants a week to count half. I don’t think money is what we are searching for. Narrator: So the pirate went back out on his ship. More time passed. (sign)Finally the royal computer network people came to see the king. Computer geek 1: Sire, we have searched the internet for your friends. Computer geek 2: We have looked on MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and Google for the members of your high school football team. Computer Geek 1: It wasn’t an easy task. If you recall, when you played quarterback, your father /our last king had any offensive lineman who missed a block for you thrown in the dungeon. Computer Geek 2: After a long and exhaustive search, we even found a player that has been forgotten in the dungeon for years. I knew that wireless connection down there would pay off one day. Computer Geek 1; So, without further ado, we bring you your high school football offensive line. These were the guys who were your closest friends during your high school days. Players run out and crash through a Go Knights sign. The lost dungeon guy needs help and is dusty. Players: (Huddle) King: Nice work IT. (Jumps up to join the huddle) Queen: Oh, please. Friends are nice and all, but they can’t be the greatest treasure. The king here didn’t even remember that guy in the dungeon all this time. King: Sorry about that. Dungeon guy: That’s okay. You’ve had a lot on your mind. (pause) Can I go home now? King: Well, it was nice seeing you guys. (Guys bump chests. The dungeon guy falls to the ground and can’t get up. The others help him exit.) Dungeon guy: Can I have a little help here? Narrator 1: As the team made their way out of the room, the king wondered if he would ever find the greatest treasure. A short time passed. (Sign guy runs across with his some sign) The librarian came to see the king. Librarian: Your royal highnesses, it is my pleasure to bring you the greatest treasure of all… I have been searching the royal genealogical books and have discovered that you have a long lost uncle. Here he is…..he’s a little slow….(some time sign walks across and waves the sign in circles) Uncle: Hey there missy. There is no need to run ahead like that. I can’t move so fast anymore. And someone tell that kid with the sign to knock it off. It just isn’t right to make an old man hurry. Queen: Yes, family is important, but believe me, we have enough of the king’s family around here. Family: Hi, I’m the niece/ nephew. Hi, I’m the second cousin once removed. Hi, I’m Bob. King looks dumbfounded. The muscle carry Narrator 2 out again. Queen: There is no need for you to bring us any more family. King: I agree. If family were the greatest treasure of all, I would be rich and happy. Narrator 1: As soon as the librarian left, a child came to the king. He had an old Bible in his hands. Child: Your majesty. I bring you the greatest treasure of all. King: How can an old worn out book be the greatest treasure of all? I think you should call your mommy. Child: Sire---You don’t understand. This book tells how you can live in a city where the gates are made of pearl and the streets are paved with gold. Queen: Did you say pearls? King: Did you say gold? Child: The best part is that you’ll live forever and never be sad, sick, or stressed out. King: I like the sound of that. Child: This book contains instructions on how to have a great life on earth. Peace in the middle of hardship. Joy no matter what, and help whenever and wherever you need it. King: I think you’re on to something. Thank you--- you have brought me the greatest treasure of all.