KS 1985-21:2005 KENYA STANDARD Marine paints — Specification Part 21: Ready mixed exterior finishing paints for ships — Specification Committee Draft October 2005 KENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDS (KEBS) KENYA STANDARD KS 1985-21:2005 TECHNICAL COMMITTEE REPRESENTATION The following organizations were represented on the Technical Committee: Jotun paints ltd. Sadolin Paints (E.A.) Ltd. Unique supplies. Kenya Ferry Services Crown-Berger Ltd. Government Chemist’s Department Kenya Ports Authority SAJCO paints company Southern engineering company ltd (SECO) Galaxy paints ltd Kenya Bureau of Standards — Secretariat REVISION OF KENYA STANDARDS In order to keep abreast of progress in industry, Kenya standards shall be regularly reviewed. Suggestions for improvement to published standards, addressed to the Managing Director, Kenya Bureau of Standards, are welcome. © Kenya Bureau of Standards, 2005 Copyright. Users are reminded that by virtue of section 6 of the Copyright Act, Cap. 130 of the laws of Kenya, copyright subsists in all Kenya Standards and except as provided under section 7 of this act, no Kenya Standard produced by Kenya Bureau of Standards may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system in any form or transmitted by any means without prior permission in writing from the Managing Director. KENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDS (KEBS) Head Office: P.O BOX 54974 — 00200-Nairobi, Tel: (+254 020) 502210-19, 502543/45, 603433, 602350/1, 603352, 502543/45, Fax: (+254 020) 503293, E-Mail: info@kebs.org, Web:http://www.kebs.org Coast Regional Office Western Kenya Regional Office Rift Valley Regional Office P.O BOX 99376 Mombasa P.O BOX 2949 Kisumu P.O Box 8111 Eldoret Tel: (+254 041) 475119 Tel: (+254 057) 22396/23549 Tel: (+254 053) 33151/63377 E-mail: kebs-msa@swiftmombasa.com E-mail: kebs-ksm@swiftkisumu.com Fax: (+254 053) 33150 Fax: (+254 041) 472666 Fax: (+254 057) 21814 © KEBS 2005 — All rights reserved iii KENYA STANDARD KS 1985-21:2005 Foreword This Kenya Standard has been prepared by the Technical Committee on Paints and Allied Products under the supervision of the Chemical Industry Standards Committee, and it is in accordance with the procedures of the Bureau. Ready mixed exterior finishing paint for ships are used in painting system of the weather work areas of ships. This standard specifies such important parameters like volatile matter, drying times, resistance to natural or artificial sea water ,salt spray among others. During the preparation of this standard, reference was made to; Is 6951— specification for ready mixed paint, finishing, exterior, for ships Acknowledgment is hereby made for the assistance derived from this source © KEBS 2005 — All rights reserved iv KENYA STANDARD KS 1985-21:2005 Marine paints — Specification Part 21: Ready mixed exterior finishing paints for ships — Specification 1 Scope This Kenya Standard prescribes the requirements and test methods for ready mixed synthetic exterior finishing, paint for ships. The material is used in painting system for finishing of the weather work areas of ships. . 2 Normative references The following publications are indispensable in the application of this standard: KS 161-4, Paints and varnishes — Determination of specific gravity or weigh/litre KS ISO 4618-1, Paints and varnishes — Terminology KS 161-5, Methods of test for paint, varnishes, lacquers and enamels-Determination of volatile and non volatile matter KS 163, Colours of ready mixed paints KS 161-2, Methods of test for paint, varnishes, lacquers and enamels-Standard panels for testing 3 Definitions For the purposes of this standard, the definitions given in KS ISO 4618-1 shall. 4 Requirements 4.1 Composition 4.1.The material shall be manufactured with ingredients mixed in suitable proportions as given below: 4.1.1 Pigments -The pigments shall consist of minimum 80 percent titanium dioxide when tested in accordance with KS 03-1101, and maximum 5 percent zinc oxide when tested in accordance with annex A. 4.1.2 Varnish medium It shall consist of a drying oil modified alkyd resin varnish of the long oil type. 4.1.3 Petroleum hydrocarbon solvents and driers shall be added in suitable proportions. 4.2 Odour The odour of the ready mixed synthetic exterior finishing, paint for ships in the container, during and after application shall not be abnormally pungent, offensive or disagreeable. 4.3 Condition of material in container When visually examined ready mixed synthetic exterior finishing, paint for ships shall be free from skins and lumps. The container shall be free from rust and moulds. © KEBS 2005 — All rights reserved 5 KENYA STANDARD KS 1985-21:2005 4.4 Resistance to Natural or Artificial Sea Water - The material, when tested as prescribed in annex B for 14 days, it shall not show any signs .of break- down and the underlying metal surface shall be free from corrosion. 4.5 Resistance to Intermittent Salt Spray - The material, when tested as prescribed in KS 161 part 5 for a period of 21 days, the film shall not show signs of blistering, staining, loss of adhesion or creep of corrosion from scratch 4.6 Lead Content - The material shall contain a maximum of 0.045 % m/m lead when tested in accordance with KS ISO 3856-1. 4.7 Other requirements The ready mixed synthetic exterior finishing, paint for ships shall also comply with the requirements given in the Table 1 below: Table 1 — Requirements for the ready mixed synthetic exterior finishing paint for ships Item no 1) Requirements 2) Drying time a) Surface dry b) Hard dry Viscosity1at 25oC Pa.s 6 hours, maximum 24 hours, maximum 68 - 72 KU 3) 4) Solids content, % m/m Flash point 40, minimum 30 0c, minimum. 5) 6) Specific gravity at 25 oC Wet opacity 7) 8) Finish colour 9) light fastness on blue wool reference scale ,minimum Flexibility and adhesion on 12mm mandrel 1.10-1.12 75m minimum Smooth and glossy Close match with the colour in the Kebs universal colour chart 6 10) 1 Characteristic 11) Scratch hardness using 15N. 12) Gloss at 600 Test method KS 909 Annex F Use the rotation paddle viscometer KS 161 Part 5 KS 161 part 17 KS 161 Part 4, KS 1275 Annex B Visual examination KS 163 KS ISO 12040 There shall be no visible damage or detachment of film. KS 161 part 16 No such scratches shall produce a bare metal 70% minimum. KS 161 part 19 KS 161- part Viscosity units. To change viscosity units from KU (Krebs unit) to mPa.s or cP the following formula shall apply: Viscosity range of 200-2100 mPa.s (cP) ln (KU)=1.1187+0.8542*ln (0.1938v +36)-0.0443(ln (0.1938v +36) )2 Viscosity range of 2100-5000 mPa.s (cP) ln (KU)=1.18118+0.596*ln (0.1938v +36)-0.0206(ln (0.1938v +36) )2 Where KU is the viscosity in Krebs units at 250 and v is the viscosity in mPa.s (cP) at 250 © KEBS 2005 — All rights reserved 6 6 KENYA STANDARD KS 1985-21:2005 Sampling 4.8 A minimum representative sample of 2L of paint shall be taken randomly from the factory, market or elsewhere and tested for compliance with the requirements of the standard . 5 Packaging and marking 5.1 Packaging The paint shall be packed in suitable containers in the following measurers: 20 L, 4 L, 2.5 L, 1 L, ½ L and ¼ L. 5.2 Marking 5.2.1 Marking on the container Each container shall be marked legibly and indelibly with the following: a) the words, “ready mixed exterior finishing, paint for ships; b) name and address of the manufacturer and/or registered trader mark; d) volume of the material in L; e) instructions for correct use; disposal and safety requirement. f) Shelf life. 5.2 Marking on the label of the container a) Date of manufacture b) Instructions for correct use; disposal and safety requirement a) Shelf life b) colour; © KEBS 2005 — All rights reserved 7 KENYA STANDARD KS 1985-21:2005 Annex A (normative) Determination of zinc oxide A-0. General A-0.1 The percentage of zinc oxide in the pigment shall be determined by volumetric method A-1. Volumetric method A-1.1 Outline of the Method — A solution of the material in hydrochloric acid is titrated against standard potassium cyanoferrate (II)* solution and assay calculated. A-1.2 Reagents A-1.2.1 Aqueous Ammonia — r. d. 0.9 and 4 N. A-1.2.2 Hydrochloric Acid — r. d. 1.19 and 4 N. A-1.2.3 Hydrogen Peroxide Solution — 3 percent. A-1.2.4 Hydrogen Sulphide — saturated aqueous solution. A-1.2.5 Potassium Hexacyanoferrate (II) Standard Solution —Approximately 0.05 M. Dissolve 21.0 g of potassium hexacyanoferrate (II), 300 mg of potassium hexacyanoferrate (III)† and 2 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate (to stabilize the solution) in water, and dilute with water to 1 000 ml. A- Standardization of the potassium hexacyanoferrate ( II ) solution Pipette 25.0 ml of zinc chloride solution into a flask and add 4 N ammonia until a piece of Congo paper placed in contact with the solution just turns to a pure red colour. Then carefully neutralize the solution by adding hydrochloric acid 4 N from a dropping bottle and add a few drops in excess until the Congo paper turns to a permanent bluish-red or reddish-blue colour (pH 3.0 to 1.5). Make up to 150 ml with water, heat the solution to boiling, and add 10 drops of diphenylamine solution. Immediately titrate the solution with potassium cyanoferrate solution until the colour turns to a permanent yellow or yellowish green (V 1 ml being used). Then back titrate the solution with zinc chloride solution until the colour just turns to blue again (V 2 ml being used). The standardization factor F of potassium cyanoferrate (II) solution expressed in grams of zinc per ml is given by the following formula: F 0.005(25 V2 V1 A-1.2.6 Zinc Chloride-Standard Solution Weigh accurately 5.0 g of chemically pure zinc, dissolve in 300 ml of 4 N hydrochloric acid and dilute with water to 1 000 ml in a volumetric flask. A-1.2.7 Diphenylamine Solution in Ethanol — 5 g per 100 ml. A-1.2.8 Congo Paper A-1.2.9 Lead Acetate Paper © KEBS 2005 — All rights reserved 8 KENYA STANDARD KS 1985-21:2005 A-1.3 Procedure A-1.3.1 Accurately weigh about 1.0 g of zinc oxide dried at 105 ± 2°C. Mix with 15 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid and 30 ml of water and evaporate to dryness. Dissolve the residue, by gentle heating if necessary, in 7 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid and 30 ml of water. Then add 75 ml of saturated hydrogen sulphide solution, heat the suspension to a temperature of 40°C and allow to stand for one hour at this temperature. A-1.3.2 When the lead sulphide has settled, filter the liquid into a 500-ml volumetric flask and wash the filter thoroughly with a mixture of 25 ml of the saturated hydrogen sulphide solution, 5 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid and 75 ml of water. Boil the filtrate and washings to expel hydrogen sulphide (test on lead acetate paper). Cool† the solution, make up to 500 ml with water and shake. Pipette 100 ml of this solution into a flask and add 4 N aqueous ammonia until a piece of Congo paper, added to the solution, just turns to a pure red colour. Carefully add 4 N hydrochloric acid from a dropping bottle to neutralize the solution and add a few drops in excess until the Congo paper turns to a bluish-red or reddish-blue colour ( pH 3.0 to 1.5 ). Heat the solution to boiling, add 10 g of diphenylamine solution and titrate at once, in a similar manner as described in A1.2.5.1 [V3 ml of potassium cyanoferrate (II) solution and V4 ml of zinc chloride solution being required]. If the zinc content of solution in A-1.2.6 is not exactly 0.005 g/ml an appropriate correction should be applied to the factor 0.005. If the solution contains iron or manganese, add, after cooling, about 1 ml of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and 60 ml of concentrated aqueous ammonia. Make up to500 ml with water and allow the solution to stand for two hours. Then filter through an absolutely dry filter and funnel. Discard the first 10 to 20 ml of the filtrate. Collect the remainder in a dry flask, remove 100 ml by means of a pipette and boil this to expel ammonia. Then acidify this solution with hydrochloric acid 4 N until a piece of Congo paper turns to a bluish-red or a reddish-blue ( pH 3.0 to 1.5 ). Heat the solution to boiling, add 10 drops of diphenylamine solution and immediately titrate the solution in a similar manner as described in A- (V3 ml of potassium cyanoferrate solution and V4 ml of zinc chloride solution being used). For calculation, see under A-1.4. A-1.4 Calculation Zinc oxide, percent by mass = 6.223( FV3 0.005V4 ) 100 M Where; F = standardization factor of potassium cyanoferrate (II) solution, V3 = volume in ml of potassium cyanoferrate (II) solution used, V4 = volume in ml of standard zinc chloride solution used, M = mass in g of the test sample. A.4.1 . Report whether viscosity has doubled at 25 0c within six hours. © KEBS 2005 — All rights reserved 9 KENYA STANDARD KS 1985-21:2005 Annex B (normative) Resistance to natural or artificial sea water B-O General B-0.1 Outline of the Method The painted panel is immersed in natural or artificial sea water for specified period and paint film examined for any deterioration. B.1 composition of natural sea water B-l.1 The natural sea water shall have a pH of 7.9 to 8.3 and a chlorinity of not less than 17 parts and salinity of 31 parts per l000. B.2 composition of artificial sea water B-2.1 Dissolve the specified amounts of the following salts and make up with freshly distilled water to give 1000 ml of the solution: Salt Mass(g) Sodium chloride (NaCl) 23.476 Magnesium chloride (Mg Cl2 ) 4.981 Sodium sulphate ( Na2 SO4 ) 3.917 Calcium chloride (Ca Cl2 ) ) Potassium chloride (KC1) 1.102 Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO4 ) 0.192 Potassium -bromide (KBr) 0.096 Boric acid ( H2B03 ) 0.026 Strontium chloride ( SrCl2 ) 0.024 Sodium fluoride ( NaF) 0.003 34.481 0.664 Water to make 1000.000ml B-3 PROCEDURE B-3.1 Clean a burnished mild steel panel that coresponds to KS 03-161 Part 2.Paint the panels on both sides with a single coat of a primer and dry for 48 hours. Then apply a single coat of the material conforming to this standard. Allow the panel to dry for 7 days. B-3.1.1 Seal the edges with a protective coating to a depth of 6 mm by immersing the panel in molten paraffin wax . B-3.2 Immerse the test panel in a natural or artificial sea water at room temperature for 14 days through which air is passed gently and continuously. Examine the panel at the end of the period for signs of © KEBS 2005 — All rights reserved 10 KENYA STANDARD KS 1985-21:2005 deterioration of the paint film and for any corrosion of the substrate after removing carefully a portion of the paint system with a suitable paint remover. . © KEBS 2005 — All rights reserved 11