Reading - eRiding

Level 1  Level 2
Help children to:
Assessment focuses
Level 2B  Level 2A
Help children to:
The aspects of reading to be assessed are
children’s ability to:
use graphic and phonic knowledge to
group letters in words; (AF1)
learn vowel phonemes involving two
letters, eg break, make, tiger, hard,
burn, storm; (AF1)
use semantic knowledge to relate
words and phrases in questions to
similar ones in texts (AF2)
Level 2C  Level 2B
Help children to:
read vowel phonemes in polysyllabic
words; (AF1)
distinguish word stems from inflexional
endings and suffixes; (AF1)
use contextual knowledge rather than
personal experience or pictures to
check meaning; (AF2)
understand simple presentational
features of texts; (AF4)
select more than one piece of
information in response to a question;
give a reason for their response to the
text (AF6)
use a range of strategies, including
accurate decoding of text, to read for
understand, describe, select or retrieve
information, events or ideas from texts and
use quotation and reference to text;
deduce, infer or interpret information,
events or ideas from texts;
identify and comment on the structure and
organization of texts, including grammatical
and presentational features at text level;
explain and comment on wirters’ use of
language, including grammatical and literary
features at word and sentence level;
identify and comment on writers’ purposes
and viewpoints, and the overall effect of the
text on the reader;
relate texts to their social, cultural and
historical contexts and literary traditions.
retrieve information from within paragraphs
or at the end of a page; (AF2)
interpret feelings and behaviour from
actions in narratives and reports; (AF3)
find reasons in the text to explain how or
why; (AF3)
understand the effect of specific words or
phrases on meaning. (AF5)
Level 2A  Level 3+
Help children to:
scan across a whole text to identify several
relevant details or pieces of information;
follow timelines in a narrative and the
significance of events in the whole; (AF4)
comment briefly on the impact of specific
figurative language; (AF5)
identify the underlying ideas in a text. (AF6)
Level 3  Level 4
Help children to:
use evidence from texts rather than
from their own experience; (AF2)
identify key events and ideas in texts
and explain them clearly; (AF2)
trace development through texts to
deduce reasons, motive, cause and
effect; (AF3)
infer meaning from a paragraph or
section of text as well as from key
words and phrases. (AF3)
Assessment focuses
Level 4  Level 5
Help children to:
The aspects of reading to be assessed are
children’s ability to:
use a range of strategies, including
accurate decoding of text, to read for
understand, describe, select or retrieve
information, events or ideas from texts and
use quotation and reference to text;
deduce, infer or interpret information,
events or ideas from texts;
identify and comment on the structure and
organization of texts, including
grammatical and presentational features at
text level;
explain and comment on writers’ use of
language, including grammatical and
literary features at word and sentence
identify and comment on writers’ purposes
and viewpoints, and the overall effect of
the text on the reader;
relate texts to their social, cultural and
historical contexts and literary traditions.
understand and explain sequences of linked
ideas or evidence, eg in arguments or
narratives; (AF2)
draw on the full range of evidence when
contrasting ideas, characters or events;
understand the function of layout and
graphics. (AF4)
Level 5 
Help to children to:
draw on more than one text to explore
themes, ideas or information; (AF3)
explain how choices of language influence
meaning or effect; (AF5)
recognize the underlying and surface
purpose(s) or aim(s) of specific texts. (AF6)
Assessment focuses
The aspects of reading to be assessed are pupils’ ability to:
use a range of strategies, including accurate decoding of text, to read for meaning;
understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts and use quotation and reference to
deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from texts;
identify and comment on the structure and organization of texts, including grammatical and literary features at word
and sentence level;
explain and comment on writers’ use of language, including grammatical and literary features at word and sentence
identify and comment on writers’ purposes and viewpoints, and the overall effect of the text on the reader;
relate texts to their social, cultural and historical contexts and literary traditions.
Level 4  Level 5
Help pupils to:
 refer closely to the text, selecting
relevant evidence to support their ideas;
 recognize how features of structure
contribute to text organization, eg
openings, link to endings; (AF4)
 recognize how some effects such as
suspense and tension are created (AF6)
Level 5  Level 6
Help to pupils to:
 show a precise understanding of implied
meanings; (AF3)
 explain the meanings created through the use of
figurative language; (AF5)
 identify evidence of writers’ purposes, ideas and
attitudes and comment precisely on them. (AF6)
Level 6  Level 7
Help pupils to:
 identify and analyse how texts are structured
for particular effects; (AF4)
 acknowledge and explore complexity of
meaning, supported by precise references;
 explain how attitudes and points of view are
conveyed by a range of stylistic techniques,
and comment on their effectiveness. (AF6)
Level 5  Level 6
Help pupils to:
 interpret characters’ speech and action,
explaining how these might affect audience
 consider the dramatic effects of characters’
language, eg creating tension, developing the
plot, revealing motives and intentions;
 expand and develop ideas by linking relevant,
concise references to the text.
Level 6  Level 7
Help pupils to:
 focus clearly on key ideas, drawing together
evidence from characters’ speech and actions
and analyzing their dramatic effect;
 evaluate the language, style and effects used
and how they relate to the development of the
 select the most relevant quotations to
succinctly support points within a coherent and
developed argument.
Shakespeare reading
Level 4  Level 5
Help pupils to:
 relate characters’ speech and actions to
motives, rather than simply describing
what they do;
 identify features of language which
contribute to character and action;
 select relevant quotations to support and
develop points.
When answering questions on reading
All pupils should:
 make sure all aspects of the question are answered, eg explanation and quotation;
 read each question carefully to identify exactly what is being asked for rather than giving a vague or generic answer, eg ‘to make the reader read on’
 look closely at key words in questions which signal what is required, eg explain, comment on, support with a quotation, in what ways etc;
 when commenting or explaining refer closely to relevant parts of the text;
 in the Shakespeare reading tasks, balance reference to and discussion of the two extracts from the play.