1 Supporting text 2 The binding affinity of NtTNF-VHHELP to hTNF in comparison to 3 by surface plasmon resonance (SPR). A detailed analysis of the interaction between TNF and 4 Ec 5 experiments showed that 6 oligomeric TNF, thus recognizing a metatope (epitopes present in both dissociated and 7 polymerized forms). To determine the equilibrium dissociation constant for binding of 8 monomeric TNF to TNF-VHH a Biacore competition experiment, where the binding of 9 soluble TNF to immobilized Ec TNF-VHH was measured TNF-VHH/NtTNF-VHHELP is impaired due to the oligomerization of TNF. Initial binding Ec TNF-VHH/NtTNF-VHHELP can bind to both monomeric and Ec TNF-VHH was inhibited by soluble TNF-VHH was performed 10 at the lowest TNF concentration possible that still yield reliable binding. A TNF protomer 11 concentration of 386pM resulted in competition curves, which were well described by a 12 monovalent model (Supporting Figure 2A). The equilibrium dissociation constants were 13 derived by non-linear least square fit (KD = 1.30 ±0.098nM for 14 ±0.032nM for 15 KD’s were all greater than the used protomer concentration of TNF (c = 386pM) and therefore 16 reliable. Differences observed between the EcTNF-VHH and NtTNF-VHHELP do not necessarily 17 reflect real differences in the equilibrium dissociation constants but may also reflect 18 differences in the concentrations of the protein preparations. Competition assays performed at 19 c(TNF) » KD revealed such concentration differences. 20 Direct binding experiments showed that the antigen binding kinetics of soluble TNF to 21 immobilized 22 with the results from the competition surface plasmon resonance experiments and 23 demonstrated that ELPylation has no negative impact on the VHH paratope. Due to the 24 complexity of the reactions quantitative analysis was not directly possible and would be 25 misleading as the derived values are only valid within the context of an accurate binding Nt Ec Ec TNF-VHH and KD = 0.590 TNF-VHHELP; for comparison: Certolizumab pegol has a KD 0.110nM). The TNF-VHH and Nt TNF-VHHELP were virtually identical. This is in agreement 1 26 model. The association and dissociation were both biphasic and were not well described by 27 the standard binding models. Therefore, the binding kinetics of 28 VHHELP were compared graphically (Supporting Figure 2B and 2C). The very minor 29 differences are likely artefacts caused by differences in the protein preparations or by partial 30 inactivation as a result of the random covalent coupling. 31 2 Ec TNF-VHH and Nt TNF- 32 Supporting experimental procedures 33 Surface plasmon resonance assays 34 SPR assays were performed at 25°C in HBS-EP buffer (10mM HEPES, 150mM NaCl, 3mM 35 EDTA, 0.05% Tween-20). 36 sensorchips in 10mM sodium acetate pH 4.75 using the EDC/NHS coupling kit (GE 37 Healthcare, Freiburg, Germany). The competition experiments were performed on a 38 BIACore2000 instrument with immobilized 39 capacity (Rmax > 800RU) for 40 thus exhibited an excellent linear dose-response. Samples for competition experiments were 41 incubated for at least 36 h at room temperature prior to the analysis. Dilute TNF and TNF- 42 VHH solutions were stable over these extended incubation times. At low TNF concentrations 43 the interaction can be described by a simple model): 44 monomer 45 Under these conditions binding of soluble monomeric TNF to soluble TNF-VHH directly 46 inhibits binding to immobilized TNF-VHH and the measured binding rates are directly 47 proportional to the concentration of free monomeric TNF. Thus, the equilibrium dissociation 48 constant KD of the interaction can be derived by fitting the binding responses to the equation: 49 TNF VH H Rc 0VH H Ec TNF-VHH and trimeric monomer Ec Nt TNF-VHHELP were immobilized to CM5 TNF-VHH. The surface had a high binding TNF and binding was highly mass-transport limited and KA TNF VH H Rc 0VH H 0 0 c VH H c 0TNF K D 0 2 c TNF c [ monomer TNF VH H] 1 monomer [ TNF] [VH H] K D 0 VH H 2 c 0TNF K D 4 K D c 0TNF 50 where KD is the equilibrium dissociation constant, R( c 0VH H =0) the binding response in the 51 absence of the inhibitor (i.e. the TNF-VHH), c 0VH H the concentration of the inhibitor TNF- 52 VHH and c0TNF is the concentration of monomeric TNF. 3 53 The kinetic binding assays were performed on a BIACoreT100 instrument with immobilized 54 Ec 55 The complete absence of mass-transport limitation was verified by injecting TNF at different 56 flow rates. Bound TNF was removed by a 60s injection of 30mM HCl. The TNF-VHH 57 surfaces were stable and less than 10% of activity was lost over 100 regeneration cycles. The 58 double-referenced binding data was evaluated using BIACore Evaluation 4.01, BIACore 59 T100 Evaluation 2.0.1 and MicroCal Origin 5.0. TNF-VHH and Nt TNF-VHHELP with low binding capacity (Rmax < 20 RU) for 60 61 4 trimeric TNF 62 Supporting Figures 63 Supporting Figure 1. (A) Schematic representation of the plant expression cassettes for 64 Nt 65 peptide; red, TNF-VHH; green, linker sequences; blue, c-myc tag; pink, ER retention signal. 66 (C) Protein sequence of 67 linker sequences; blue, c-myc tag; orange, ELP; pink, ER retention signal. (D) Western blot 68 analysis of transgenic 69 Offspring of high expressors were selected and analyzed by western blot. Different amounts 70 of TSP were loaded on the gel. Recombinant proteins were visualized using anti-c-myc 71 antibodies. Lanes from L1 to L23 - L1, 30ng TSP 72 Nt 73 17/26; L5, 75ng TSP NtTNF-VHHELP 17/26; L6, 150ng TSP NtTNF-VHHELP 17/26; L7, 30ng 74 TSP 75 VHHELP 28/32; L10, 3µg TSP 76 15µg TSP NtTNF-VHH 3/19; L13, 3µg TSP NtTNF-VHH 12/17; L14, 7,5 µg TSP NtTNF-VHH 77 12/17; L15: 15 µg TSP 78 TSP 79 1.5ng NtTNF-VHHELP; L21, 3ng NtTNF-VHHELP; L22, 6ng NtTNF-VHHELP; L23, 15ng NtTNF- 80 VHHELP. ITC purified NtTNF-VHHELP was used as control. TNF-VHH and Nt TNF-VHHELP. (B) Protein-sequence of Nt Nt Nt TNF-VHH. Black, LeB4 signal TNF-VHHELP. Black, LeB4 signal peptide; red, TNF-VHH; green, TNF-VHH plant lines and transgenic TNF-VHHELP 10/25; L3, 150ng TSP Nt Nt Nt Nt TNF-VHHELP plant lines. TNF-VHHELP 10/25; L2, 75ng TSP TNF-VHHELP 10/25; L4, 30ng TSP TNF-VHHELP 28/32; L8, 75ng TSP Nt Nt Nt Nt TNF-VHH 12/17; L16: 3 µg TSP Nt TNF-VHHELP TNF-VHHELP 28/32; L9, 150ng TSP TNF-VHHELP 3/19; L11, 7.5µg TSP TNF-VHH 13/11; L18, 15µg TSP Nt Nt Nt Nt TNF- TNF-VHH 3/19; L12, TNF-VHH 13/11; L17, 7.5µg TNF-VHH 3/19; L19, 0.5ng NtTNF-VHHELP; L20, 81 82 Supporting Figure 2 83 Surface plasmon resonance analysis of the antigen binding properties of the EcTNF-VHH 84 and 85 logarithm of the total TNF-VHH concentration and the equilibrium dissociation constants for 86 Nt NtTNF-V H H ELP. (A) The binding rates of free soluble hTNF were plotted against the TNF-VHHELP (black squares), Ec TNF-VHH (grey circles) were determined by non-linear 5 Nt 87 least square fit (solid lines). The binding kinetics of soluble hTNF to immobilized 88 VHHELP (B) and EcTNF-VHH (C). Shown are the double referenced binding curves for a 2-fold 89 serial dilution series starting from a protomer hTNF concentration of 237nM. 90 6 TNF-