Publications Seamus Cowman - Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Publications Seamus Cowman
Cowman S. (2010) Commentary on: Morris R, MacNeela P, Scott A, Treacy P, Hyde A,
Matthews A, Byrne A (2010) The Irish nursing minimum data set for mental health – a
valid and reliable tool for the collection of standardized nursing data. 19, 359-367.
Journal of Clinical Nursing; in Journal of Clinical Nursing 19, 3589 -3590.
Cowman S. Gethin G. Mulligan E. Ryan K. Meshkat B. (2010) National survery of the
provision of day surgery across public and private hospitals in Ireland. Irish Journal of
Medical Science DOI1007/S 11845-010-0562-7
Sherlock O, Dolan A, Athman R, Power A, Gethin G, Cowman S, Humphreys H (2010)
Comparison of the antimicrobial activity of Ulmo honey from Chile and Manuka honey
against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2010 Sep 2;10(1):47. PMID: 20813024.
Cowman S. Royston M. Hickey A. Horgan F. McGee H. O’Neill D. (2010) Stroke and
Nursing Home Care; a national survey of nursing homes. BMC Geriatrics 10.4
Gethin G, Cowman S, Kolbach D. Debridement for venous leg ulcers (Protocol). Cochrane
Database Of Systematic Reviews 2010. 2010(7 Art. No.: CD008599. DOI:
McDermott-Scales L. Cowman S. Gethin G. (2009) Prevalence of wounds in a community
care setting in Ireland. Journal of Wound Care 18(10), 405-417
Moore Z. Cowman S. (2009) Quality of life and pressure ulcers: a literature review.
Wounds UK. 5(1) 58-65
Moore Z. Cowman S. (2009) Reviewing the evidence for selecting cleansing fluids for
pressure ulcers. Nursing Times 105(5), 22-24
Cowman S. Bowers L. (2009) Safety and Security in acute admission psychiatric wards in
Ireland and London: a comparative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing 18 1346-1353
Cowman S. Commentary on Wann-Hannson C, Hagell P, Willman A (2008) Risk factors
and prevention among patients with hospital-acquired and pre-existing pressure ulcers
in an acute care hospital. Journal of Clinical Nursing 17, 1718-1727
O’Neill M. Cowman S. (2008) Partners in care: investigating community nurses'
understanding of an interdisciplinary team-based approach to primary care. Journal of
Clinical Nursing, 17(22), 3004-3011, PMID: 19012769
Moore Z, Cowman S. (2008) S. The role of nutrition in the prevention and management
of pressure ulcers. Geriatrics and Aging 11, 295-299
Gethin G and Cowman S. Manuka Honey vs. Hydrogel – a prospective, open label,
multicentre, randomised controlled trial to compare desloughing efficacy and healing
outcomes in venous ulcers. Journal of Clinical Nursing, online early view August 23 rd
Moore Z., Cowman S. (2008) A systematic review of wound cleansing for pressure
ulcers. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 17, 1963-1972
Moore ZEH, Cowman S. Risk assessment tools for the prevention of pressure ulcers.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD006471. DOI:
Johnston L., Cowman S., (2008) An examination of the services provided by Psychiatric
Consultation Liaison Nurses in a general hospital. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental
Health Nursing. 15, 500-507
Gethin G. Cowman S. (2008) Bacteriological changes in sloughy venous leg ulcers treated
with manuka honey or hydrogel: an RCT Journal of Wound Care 17, 241 – 247
Gethin GT. Cowman S. Conroy R. (2008) The impact of Manuka honey dressings on the
surface pH of Chronic wounds. International Wound Journal 5(2), 185 -194
Moore ZEH. Cowman S. (2008) Risk Assessment tools of the prevention of pressure
ulcers. Cochrane Database of Systematice Reviews 2008 Issue 3
Cowman S. Royston M. Horgan F. Hickey A. Galligan K. McGee H. ONeill D. (2008) Stroke
and Nursing Home Care; Quantifying the prevalence through a national study. 17 th
European Stroke Conference Nice, France May 13 -16. p152
Cowman S. (2008) Commentary on Shih SN, Gau ML, Kao Lo CH and Shih FJ (2005)
Health Needs Instrument for hospitalised single-living Taiwanese elders with heart
disease: triangulation research design. Journal of Clinical Nursing 14, 1210-1222
James P. Cowman S. Psychiatric nurses’ knowledge, experience and attitudes towards
clients with borderline personality. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
2008; 14, 670 -678
Ward M. Cowman S. (2007) Job satisfaction in psychiatric nursing. Journal of Psychiatric
and Mental Health Nursing 14 454-461
Joyce P. Cowman S. (2007) Continuing professional development: investment or
expectation. Journal of Nursing Management 15, 626- 633
Cowman S. (2207) Commentary on Sun F-K, Long A, Boore J & Lee-Ling. Patients and
nurses perceptions of ward environmental factors and support systems in care of
suicidal patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing 15, 83-92. 2007
Moore ZEH Cowman S. (2007) Risk Assessment tools for the prevention of pressure
ulcers (Protocol) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Gethin G., Cowman S. (2007) Wound measurement the contribution to practice. EWMA
Journal 7(1), 26 – 28
Moore Z., Cowman S. (2007) Effective wound management: identifying criteria for
infection. Nursing Standard 21(24), 68 – 78. 2007
Murphy A., Cowman S. (2006) Research Priorities of Oncology nurses in the Republic of
Ireland. Cancer Nursing 29(4), 283 – 290
Gethin G Cowman S. (2006) Wound measurement comparing the use of acetate tracings
and Visitrack digital planimetry. Journal of Clinical Nursing 15, 422-427
Moore Z & Cowman S (2004) Wound Cleansing for Pressure Sores. (Protocol for
Cochrane Review). The Cochrane Library, Issue 4, 2004, Chichester, UK: John Wiley &
Sons, LTD
Cowman S. (2006) Commentary on Glacken M. & Chaney D. 2004 Perceived barriers to
the implementation of research findings in the Irish practice setting. Journal Clinical
Nursing 13, 731-740. In Journal Clinical Nursing 2006, 15, 242-243
Gethin G. Cowman S. (2005) Case series of use of Manuka honey in leg ulceration
International Wound Journal 2, 10 – 15
Moore Z. & Cowman S. (2005) The need for EU standards in wound care. Journal Wound
UK 1 (1), 20 -28
Moore Z., Cowman S. Wound cleansing for pressure ulcers. The Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews 2004, Issue 4, Art, No.: CD004983. DO1:
Cowman S. & Walsh J. (2004) Safety and Security in psychiatric acute admission wards.
Nursing Times Research. 9(3), 185 – 193
Cowman S. Conroy R (2004) A response to: Misrepresenting random samples. A
systematic review of literature. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 46(2), 221
Cowman McKenna H (2003) Reflections on a Profession. All Ireland Journal of Nursing &
Midwifery 2(10) 4
Cowman McKenna H (2003) Time for Reflection. All Ireland Journal of Nursing &
Midwifery. 2(9) 4
Ward M., Cowman S (2003) The impact of status and work location on the reporting of
job satisfaction in psychiatric nursing: an analysis of the literature. All Ireland Journal of
Nursing & Midwifery 2(5), 54 – 60
Mahon P. Cowman S. (2002) The Male Nurse: A historical and contemporary analysis of
the literature. All Ireland Journal of Nursing & Midwifery 2 (11) 34 – 39
Cowman McKenna H (2002) Violence and Assault on Nurses. (Editorial) All Ireland
Journal of Nursing & Midwifery 2(7), 4
Cowman McKenna H (2002) The Temporary Nurse. (Editorial) All Ireland Journal of
Nursing & Midwifery. 2(6), 4
Cowman McKenna H (2002) Brick to click. (Editorial) All Ireland Journal of Nursing and
Midwifery. 2(4), 4
Cowman McKenna H (2002) The European Nursing Agenda. (Editorial) All Ireland Journal
of Nursing & Midwifery. 2(3), 4
Cowman McKenna H (2002) Measurement in Nursing. (Editorial) All Ireland Journal of
Nursing & Midwifery. 2(2), 4
Cowman S. (2001) Nursing Education in Ireland: The end of the beginning and the envy
of others in Europe (Editorial) Journal of Advanced Nursing 34 (4), 419-410
Cowman S. Farrelly M. Gilheaney P. (2001) An examination of the role and function of
the Psychiatric Nurse in Clinical Practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 34 (6), 745-743
Cowman McKenna H (2001) Doctoral education in nursing: An expanding phenomenon
(Editorial) All Ireland Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 1(6), 199
Cowman McKenna H (2001) Clinical Governance and the nursing profession. (Editorial)
All Ireland Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 1(4), 123
Cowman McKenna H (2000) Evidence based practice, combining hard and soft evidence.
(Editorial) All Ireland Journal of Nursing & Midwifery 1(3) 79
Cowman McKenna H (2000) A new means of sharing best practice. (Editorial) All Ireland
Journal of Nursing & Midwifery, 1(1) 3
Cowman S., Hynes G., Flint H. (2000) Practice Development and degree based learning: a
new and innovative approach in nurse education. All Ireland Journal of Nursing and
Midwifery 1(1), 31-36
Cowman S. (2000) Conference Report 18th Annual Nursing & Research Conference 1999
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Nursing Review 17(4) 114
Griffiths C. Cowman S. (1999) Towards Understanding the Interactions of people with a
Profound Learning Disability: A Pilot Study. Nursing Review 17(2), 35-39
Cowman S. (1998) The Approaches of Learning of Student Nurses, the Republic of
Ireland & Northern Ireland. Journal of Advanced Nursing 28 (4), 899-910
Cowman S. (1997) Ensuring a future of our own making. The World of Irish Nursing
5(10), 20-22
Cowman S. (1997) The Mentally Handicapped Services: A tale of gross neglect. The
World of Irish Nursing 5(9), 20-22
Cowman S. (1997) Face-to-Face: The interview as method of data collection. The World
of Irish Nursing 5(8), 17
Cowman S. (1997) Selecting a research sample. The World of Irish Nursing 5(7), 18-20
Cowman S. (1997) Under observation. The World of Irish Nursing 5(6), 20-21
Cowman S. (1997) It’s the way you ask ‘em: The questionnaire as a method of data
collection. The World of Irish Nursing, 5(5), 18-19
Cowman S. (1997) The Research Proposal: A vital cog in the wheel of research. The
World of Irish Nursing 5(4), 22-23
Cowman S. The Literature Review as a research tool. The World of Irish Nursing 5(3), 1819
Cowman S. (1997) Nursing Research: From concept to conclusion. The World of Irish
Nursing 5(2), 18-20
Cowman S. (1996)‘A View from Ireland’ Shaping a Healthier Future. A Strategy for
effective Health Care in the 1990’s. Quality in Health Care (B.M.A. Publications) 5, 6062. (Commissioned article)
Cowman S. (1996) Student Evaluation: A performance Indictor of Quality in Nurse
Education. Journal of Advanced Nursing 24, 625-632
Cowman S. (1995) The Learning/Teaching Preferences of Student Nurses in the Republic
of Ireland: issues and a study. International Journal of Nursing Studies 32(2), 126-136
Cowman S. (1993) Triangulation: A Means of Reconciliation in Nursing Research. Journal
of Advanced Nursing, 18, 788-792
Cowman S. (1990) Nursing Research in Ireland, A Cause for Concern. Irish Nursing Forum
& Health Services Journal, July/Aug 8(4), 32-33
Cowman S. (1990) Health For All by the Year 2000. World of Irish Nursing, Jan/Feb 19(1),
Cowman S. (1989) Accountability in Health Services. Irish Nursing Forum & Health
Services Journal, Sept/Oct 7(9), 24-26
Cowman S. (1989) An Inquiry into Patient’s Perceptions of Nurses and Hospitals. Irish
Nursing Forum & Health Services Journal, May/June 7(3), 23-29
Cowman S. (1989) Reassure The Patient. Irish Nursing Forum & Health Services Journal,
March/April 7(2), 14-15
Cowman S. (1988) Continuous Assessment - A New Dimension to Nurse Education. Irish
Nursing Forum & Health Services Journal, March/April 6(2), 38-40
Cowman S. (1988) Nurses as Health Educators. World of Irish Nursing, Jan/Feb 17,19
Cowman S., Shine K (1987) Clinical Teaching Skills for Ward Sisters/Charge Nurses, Irish
Nursing Forum & Health Services Journal, Sept./Oct. 15(5), 13-14
Cowman S. (1987) Credit where Credit is Due. The World of Irish Nursing 5(1), 20-22
Cowman S. (1986) Evaluation and Measurement in Nurse Education - The Need for
Multiple Criteria. World of Irish Nursing, Nov./Dec, 15(6), 18-22
Cowman S. (1986) The State Final Examination - An Agency of Change or Constraint?
Irish Nursing Forum & Health Services Journal, July/August, 15-77
Cowman S. (1989) Nurse Education in Ireland 1989 - Present and Future Perspectives.
Nursing Review, Spring/Summer 7(3/4), 25-27
Cowman S. (1987) The Role of Formal Staff Appraisal in Nurse Education. Nurse
Education Today 7, 69-74
Cowman S. (1984) Prevention is better than cure. Nursing Mirror 159 (11), 35-36
Cowman S, Lawrence S, Gethin G, Watson C, Mac Lellan K, Hughes C, Clarke E. (2010)
The Introduction of an e-portfolio in Nursing and Midwifery Education. Commissioned
Report. National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery.
Dec 2010.
Cowman S, Lawrence S, Gethin G, O’Neill M, Kinsella K, Roberts A, Lavell A. The Role of
the Clinical Nurse Specialist in Cancer Care. St Luke’s Hospital Dublin Dec 2010
Cost of Stroke in Ireland: Estimating the annual economic cost of stroke and TIA in
Ireland Smith S, Horgan F, Sexton E, Wiley M Cowman S Steering Committee member.
Irish Heart Foundation, Economic and Social Research Institute, Royal College of
Surgeons in Ireland. Sept 2010.
National Audit of Stroke Care. Irish Heart Foundation tendered project Horgan F., Hickey
A., McGee H., O’Neill D. (Cowman S as Steering Committee member and coordinator of
nursing homes study. (2008)
An Exploration of the opportunities for the role development of Practice Nurses. HSE
tendered project. March 2007
The Education and Training Needs of Psychiatric Nurses in the Midland Health Board.
Launched by the Minister for Health Tullamore 2003
The Role and Function of the Psychiatric Nurse in Clinical Practice, St Vincent’s Hospital,
Fairview and The School of Nursing, Dublin City University 2000
Psychiatric Nurses Association of Ireland. Report and response to Scope of Nursing
Practice 1999
SIPTU, Nursing Submission to the Commission on Nursing, June 1997
‘The Future of Nurse Education and Training in Ireland’, An Bord Altranais, Dublin. 1994
Nurse Education and Training, Consultative Document: Interim Report of the Review
Committee, An Bord Altranais, Dublin. 1991
Books/Book Chapters
Cowman S, The Future of Mental Health Nursing in context -The European Context. IN
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing; The Craft of Caring. Barker P. Arnold, London 2 nd
edition, 2009, pp 698 – 706
Watson R, McKenna H, Cowman S, Keady J. Nursing Research Design and Methods
Churchill Livingstone. Edinburgh 2008
Murphy P, Cowman S. Accessing the Nursing Literature. IN Watson R, McKenna H,
Cowman S, Keady J. Nursing Research Design and Methods Churchill Livingstone.
Edinburgh 2008 pp 75 – 87
Cowman S. Triangulation. IN Watson R, McKenna H, Cowman S, Keady J. Nursing
Research Design and Methods Churchill Livingstone. Edinburgh 2008 pp 269 – 278
Zanotti Z, Cowman S. The Research Proposal IN Watson R, McKenna H, Cowman S,
Keady J. Nursing Research Design and Methods Churchill Livingstone. Edinburgh 2008 pp
137 – 145
Moore Z, Cowman S. The Cochrane Database and Meta Analysis IN Watson R, McKenna
H, Cowman S, Keady J. Nursing Research Design and Methods Churchill Livingstone.
Edinburgh 2008
Clune-Mulvaney C, Cowman S. Doing a Research Degree IN Research Success in Nursing
and Health Care. Redmond R, Curtis E. Blackhall Publishing 2008 pp 9-28
Cowman S. (2008) Aggression and Violence in Mental Health/Psychiatric Services. IN
Morrissey J. Keogh B. Doyle L. Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing in Ireland Gill &
McMillan 2008 pp 307 – 321
Cowman S, The Future of Mental Health Nursing. The European Context. IN Psychiatric
and Mental Health Nursing; The craft of caring. Barker P. Arnold, London 2003, pp 579 –
Cowman S. (2006) Safety and Security in Psychiatric Clinical Environments IN Violence in
Mental Health Settings: Causes, consequences and management Richter D, Whittington
R. Eds. Springer New York. 2006
Cowman S, Safety and Security in acute psychiatric services – the need for an European
Agenda (Pleanry Paper). IN Proceedings of the 4th European Congress in Clinical
Psychiatry. Violence in al Psychiatry. Palmsteirna T., Nijman H. Oud N. Oud Consultancy
2005. pp 266- 267.
Other Publications
Cowman S. (2006) Strict public accountability for nursing homes is now required.
Opinion article in Opinion and analysis page Irish Times Nov 20th 2006
Cowman S. (2006) Advanced Nurse Practitioners are not, and will never be medical
practitioners. (Feature Article) Irish Medical Times Feb 3rd 2006
Cowman S. (2005) The Role of Advanced Nurse Practitioners. Irish Medical Times. 4 Nov
Cowman S. (2004) Nurse/Midwife prescribing in Ireland – An overview of educational
preparation. Practice Nurse 6(1), 15 – 17