Call for Papers
The Seventh International Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (CSO 2014)
Beijing, China, July 4-6, 2014
(Papers Due: March 15, 2014March 23, 2014)
Computational Sciences and Optimization are two important disciplines in modern sciences
concerned with many areas ranging from engineering, management, finance, and economics, to
arts and humanities. Currently some new challenges arise in the modeling of complex systems,
sophisticated algorithms, advanced scientific and engineering computing and associated
problem-solving environments. Because the solution of complex problems must cope with tight
timing schedules, powerful computational algorithms and complex optimization techniques are
inevitable for solving some practical problems.
In order to strengthen academic exchanges and discussions on the fields of computational sciences
and optimization, the Seventh International Conference on Computational Sciences and
Optimization (CSO 2014) will be held on July 4-6, 2014 in Beijing, China. The main theme of this
conference is “Computational Sciences and Optimization in Big Data Era”. We are pleased to
invite you to attend this important event and to submit papers and workshop proposals. All
accepted papers will be published by Conference Publishing Services (CPS). Some selected
high-quality papers will be published in the special issues of several SCI/SCI-E indexed
main-stream international journals.
Topics of Interest
The CSO2014 Conference solicitously invites original contributions on all relevant topics related
to Computational Sciences, Applied Computing and Optimization Theory, Methods and
Applications including, but not limited to:
Main Track A: Computational Sciences
A01: Numerical Algorithms and Analysis
A02: Computational Simulation and Analysis
A03: Hybrid and Combined Computational Methods
A04: Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation
A05: Possibility Theory and Markov Models
A06: Computational Mathematics/Statistics
A07: Computational Physics/Chemistry/Biology
A08: Computational Engineering
A09: Computational Intelligence
A10: Computational Economics and Finance
Main Track B: Applied Computing
B01: Scientific and Engineering Computing
B02: Parallel and Distributed Computing
B03: Grid Computing and Cluster Computing
B04: Internet Computing and Web Computing
B05: Mobile Computing and Cloud Computing
B06: Social Computing and Soft Computing
B07: Kernel-based Computing and SVM
B08: Neural Computing and ANN
B09: Data Mining and KDD
B10: Big Data Computing
Main Track C: Optimization Theory, Methods and Applications
C01: Linear and Nonlinear Programming
C02: Stochastic Programming
C03: Integer and Dynamic Programming
C04: Parametric Programming
C05: Nonconvex Programming and Nonsmooth Programming
C06: Multi-level and Multiobjective Programming
C07: Game Theory
C08: Global Optimization and Combinatorial Optimization
C09: Fuzzy Optimization and Network Optimization
C10: Optimization Application to Economics/Finance/Industry/Engineering
Important Dates
Full paper submission:
March 15, 2014March 23, 2014
Paper acceptance notification:
March 25, 2014March 30, 2014
Camera-ready papers:
April 5, 2014April 10, 2014
Conference Registration:
March 25, 2014-April 5, 2014March 31-April 10, 2014
For more details about CSO2014, please visit the conference sites: http://www.gip.hk/cso2014/
Further Information, please contact: cso2014org@126.com