SAMPLE LETTERS PACK These letters are not prescriptive – you may not need to use all of them, or you may have different means of communicating with your parents – they are simply there as a template and a timesaver where needed. If you feel that they could be improved on, do let us know, so that we can pass on your experience and expertise to other schools. SEND COPIES TO US FIRST! Do remember though, that any material you send or present to parents regarding your eLearning scheme should be sent for review by your Schools Liaison Manager first, to doublecheck that it doesn’t compromise any future Gift Aid claims. COHORT SURVEY LETTER Designed to help schools research current home access, particularly in gathering data on your low income families (you can bid for funding for this cohort from us), connectivity (to plan appropriate solutions for the size of gap that exists), and estimating likely parent contribution levels. INVITATION TO PARENTS EVENING LETTER Designed to encourage all parents for the cohort to attend a parents evening to present the project, answer one-on-one questions, and sign up to contribute. PARENTS EVENING SIGN UP LETTER Once the scheme has been presented (and Q&A sheets distributed), distribute these with direct debit forms, and encourage parents to approach staff present individually to ask any further questions they may have. Send an amended version of this letter to those parents who could not attend the launch evening. Remember: You need to keep copies of all responses, as you will need evidence of parental contributions in order to claim your grant. You need to keep accurate records of your cohort, chasing any nil returns as you cannot assume they have opted out just because they have not responded. Encouraging your parents to contribute by direct debit is a great way to ensure regular contributions, and reduce your administration burden. If you haven’t already signed up for our Donation Management Service, you can ask the e-Learning Foundation to collect your parents’ donations for you. As long as enough parents complete the Gift Aid declaration it shouldn’t cost you a penny! e-Learning Foundation 1 Registered Charity No. 1086306 COHORT SURVEY LETTER Dear …………………………., As you may have heard, we are hoping to run an exciting e-learning project to give all our students in year …… the opportunity to learn using the latest technology, both at home and at school. We as a school are committed to giving our students the best possible opportunities to learn and grow, and equip them for future employment in an increasingly digital age. One ideal way to do this would be to provide a ………. device to each student, to provide access to resources to help them learn at home as well as at school. We get no extra government funding to do this, however there may be the possibility of some charitable funding, specifically to help our families on lower incomes. To help us plan the right kind of project for all our students, we want to understand what technology, if any, the children have at home. If you could fill in this short survey, and send it back to school as soon as possible (by ………… at the latest), it would help give us the best chance of gaining some charitable support and establish if we are able to run this project. Many thanks ………………………………………….. e-Learning Foundation 2 Registered Charity No. 1086306 To be returned to …………………………………………….……….. by ……………………………….. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability (tick one box): 1. I am interested in an opportunity for my child to have access to a school computer/learning technology to support their learning at home and at school? Yes No 2. Please choose which option below best describes any internet connection you may have at home: Wireless broadband Non-wireless broadband Dial-up internet We do not have an internet connection (*please also answer q2a) 2a. Please choose which option below best describes your home; Sky/Cable TV Home land line We do not have sky/cable or a land line. 3. Please choose which option below best describes your child’s access to a computer: PC shared with ……. many family members PC for sole use Laptop shared with ……. many family members Laptop for sole use We do not have a computer 4. Please state if you feel your child would benefit from the following Assistive Technology software on your computer: Software to support literacy development, reading, writing and spelling Software to help learners with visual impairments access information Speech recognition software to control the computer and type text Large keyboard, special mouse or other device to help with a physical difficulty Please specify: .......................................................................................................................................... Other software for disabilities or to help with special education needs: please specify: .......................................................................................................................................... 5. Please indicate which areas you would like to develop in your own ICT learning? e-safety training Parent portal training Internet training other □ Yes We are eligible for Free School Meals office applications □ No While we may be able to apply for grant funding to meet some of the costs, to make the project work, we will need a large majority of our parents to contribute towards the cost, ideally around £{xxx} per month for a {xxx} year project. Please indicate whether you feel you could donate monthly at this level: □ Could donate the suggested £…. per month □ Could possibly donate the suggested £…. per month □ Could donate a part of this per month – e.g. £ _____ □ Would not be able to donate Signed: ____________________________________Date: _____________________ Parent/carer name: _____________________________________________________ Child’s name: _______________________________Form: _____________________ (Updated December2011) e-Learning Foundation 3 Registered Charity No. 1086306 INVITATION TO PARENTS EVENING LETTER Dear …………………………., Thank you so much to everyone for their response to our recent survey. [Insert name] School strives to support the needs of each of its students, and encourage the development of individual skills and talents. The school’s approach aims to develop the whole person and successfully equip each pupil for the challenges of life. The way we teach at [Name of school] has changed dramatically over the past few years; the introduction of computer technology into the classroom has allowed our teachers to develop new and exciting ways of delivering their lessons, and tailor learning to meet individual student needs. The school is currently at a very exciting stage of development and has recently partnered with the eLearning Foundation, a national education charity, to develop a project to support the wider learning needs of our students and their families. It is a fact that children with good home access to IT and learning resources are much more likely to gain higher grades. As part of your child’s learning opportunities at our school we want to provide access to a mobile device for your child that will enable them to enrich and extend their learning both in school and out of school. We may also be able to come up with some ideas on how your child can gain access to the Internet and the school learning platform if you do not currently have Broadband at home. This will therefore mean that they have 24/7 access to a wide range of electronic learning materials. We are holding an open evening for both students and parents/carers to share our plans for the future and to gain your support for this vital project. We want to provide our students with the best opportunities to reach their full potential. I would encourage you to join us to see how this project will have a significant impact on you and your family. We hope you’ll all be able to join us on …………………………….. at ……………………………… There will be a presentation explaining how the scheme works, and what support we need from parents to make it happen. We want to provide our students with the best opportunities to reach their full potential, and encourage all parents to attend in order to find out more about how we can work together to give all your children the best possible opportunity to succeed. We look forward to seeing you. Yours sincerely, ……………………………………………………………………………………… e-Learning Foundation 4 Registered Charity No. 1086306 SIGN UP LETTER Dear …………………………., Thank you for joining us at our information evening to introduce our e-Learning project. Do read through all the information you’ve received, and talk to any of the staff here tonight if you have any additional questions. Once you feel you know enough about the scheme, please complete the slip below, and a direct debit form to confirm your commitment to this exciting project. Please give in your completed forms to the desk on your way out, or to ……………………………………….by ………………………………. at the latest. We as a school need to make sure that this scheme has enough parental support to go forward. If, as we hope, enough parents agree to contribute towards the programme, then we will let you know by ……………………………………. In the event that we do not receive enough support, we will not be able to run the scheme, and will destroy all direct debit forms completed. All best wishes, ………………………………………….. E-Learning Project Launch 1. Opting in - please tick one of the following options: □ I would like to opt in to the scheme, and will contribute £……… monthly/quarterly/annually (please ring preferred payment period) either □ □ □ by direct debit – preferred method, please also complete direct debit mandate □ by credit card □ by cash or cheque I would like to opt in to the scheme, but wish to discuss my situation I would like to opt out of the scheme, and am aware that this means my child will not be given a school portable computer to use for their learning at home and may need to share when in the classroom. 2. Gift Aid? □ I am a taxpayer and will complete a Gift Aid declaration to allow the e-Learning Foundation to claim Gift Aid for the programme. Signed: ____________________________________Date: _____________________ Parent/carer name: _____________________________________________________ Child’s name: _______________________________Form: _____________________ Give all your forms in as you leave tonight, or to ……………………before ……………. e-Learning Foundation 5 Registered Charity No. 1086306