1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Tzu-Ching Lin, Bohr-Ran Huang, Xuan-Bo Wong, “Novel Controlling Technique to Synthesize Ultrananodiamond through Silicon Nanowires/Pyramid Silicon Template for Enhancing Field Emission Properties”, The 2013 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, 6-9 October 2013, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, Taiwan. Ying-Kan Yang, Bohr-Ran Huang, Hsien-Lung Cheng, “Tree-like silicon nanowire arrays based hydrogen gas sensors”, The 2013 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, 6-9 October 2013, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, Taiwan. Jun-Cheng Lin, Bohr-Ran Huang, “Enhanced electron field emission properties of the graphene sheet/ZnO nanorod hybrids”, The 2013 IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, 6-9 October 2013, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, Taiwan. Tzu-Ching Lin, Bohr-Ran Huang, Ying-Ming Liu, “WO3/TiO2 Core-Shell Nanostructure with High Electrochromic Performance in Near-Infrared Light Region”, TACT 2013 International Thin Films Conference, 5-9 October 2013, The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan. Ying-Kan Yang, Bohr-Ran Huang, “Enhancement of efficiency for silicon nanostructures solar cell through controlling surface coverage”, TACT 2013 International Thin Films Conference, 5-9 October 2013, The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan. Jun-Cheng Lin, Bohr-Ran Huang, “Ultraviolet photodetectors based on ZnO nanorod/nanodiamond film hybrids”, TACT 2013 International Thin Films Conference, 5-9 October 2013, The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan. Tzu-Ching Lin, Bohr-Ran Huang, Kai-Jie Yo, “Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photo-detector Based on Nanocrystalline Diamond Film”, The 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference, 14-19 July 2013, International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan. Ying-Kan Yang, Bohr-Ran Huang, “Straight-aligned silicon nanowires extended-gate field-effect transistor as pH sensor”, The 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference, 14-19 July 2013, International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan. Bohr-Ran Huang, Jun-Cheng Lin, Ying-Kan Yang, “IGZO nanoparticle modified silicon nanowire as extended-gate field-effect transistor pH sensor”, International Conference on Advanced Complex Inorganic Nanomaterials (ACIN 2013), 15-19 July 2013, Namur, Belgium. Bohr-Ran Huang, Jun-Cheng Lin, “Low temperature synthesis of ZnO nanotubes based hydrogen sensors”, 2013 IEEE International Conference of Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC), 3-5 June 2013, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. Ying-Kan Yang, Bohr-Ran Huang, “Straight-aligned silicon nanowires extended-gate field-effect transistor as pH sensor”, 材料年會, 23-24 November 2012, Yunlin County, Taiwan. Jun-Cheng Lin, Bohr-Ran Huang, Ying-Kan Yang, “Si/ZnO Core-Shell Nanowires of Extended-gate Field-effect Transistors for pH Sensors”, TACT 2012 Thin Films Conference, 9-10 November 2012, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Bohr-Ran Huang, Ying-Kan Yang and Chun-Hao Hsu, “The fabrication for the Silicon nanowire/pyramid arrays based solar cells”, TACT 2012 Thin Films Conference, 9-10 November 2012, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Bohr-Ran Huang, Tzu-Ching Lin, Yuan-Pin Lo and Jun-Cheng Lin, “Carbon nanotubes/indium oxide (CNTs/In2O3) Nanocomposite Membrane 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Extended-gate Field-effect Transistors as PH Sensors”, The 8th International Forum on Advanced Materials Science and Technology (IFAMST-8), 1-4 August 2012, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan. Bohr-Ran Huang and Jun-Cheng Lin, “Core-shell structure of zinc oxide/indium oxide nanorods based hydrogen sensors”, The 8th International Forum on Advanced Materials Science and Technology (IFAMST-8), 1-4 August 2012, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan. Bohr-Ran Huang and Ying-Kan Yang, “Key Technique for Texturing Uniform Pyramids Structure with a Thin Layer of SiNx on Monocrystalline Silicon Wafer”, The 8th International Forum on Advanced Materials Science and Technology (IFAMST-8), 1-4 August 2012, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan. Bohr-Ran Huang, Chun-Hao Hsu and Ying-Kan Yang, “The fabrication for the Silicon nanowire/pyramid arrays based solar cells”, Thin Films 2012, 14-17 July 2012, Nanyang Technological University, Singapor. Bohr-Ran Huang, Tzu-Ching Lin and Kuo-Ting Chu, “Field emission properties of zinc oxide/zinc tungstate (ZnO/ZnWO4) composite nanorods”, TACT 2011 International Thin Films Conference, 20-23 November 2011, Kenting, Taiwan. Bohr-Ran Huang, Jun-Cheng Lin, Tzu-Ching Lin and Ying-Kan Yang, “Nanoimprint patterning for hydrogen sensors with tungsten oxide nanowire arrays”, TACT 2011 International Thin Films Conference, 20-23 November 2011, Kenting, Taiwan. Ying-Kan Yang, Jun-Cheng Lin, Bohr-Ran Huang and Tzu-Ching Lin, “Synthesis of the CNTs at Low Temperature using Microwave Plasma Pretreatment”, International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium 2011(IEDMS2011), 17-18 November 2011, NTUST, Taipei, Taiwan. Tzu-Ching Lin and Bohr-Ran Huang, “Enhancement field emission property of diamond filed cathode by O2 plasma post-treatment”, 12th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, Taipei, Taiwan, 19-22 September, 2011 Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition Hall Bohr-Ran Huang, Tomy Abuzairia, and Tzu-Ching Lin “Synthesis of Tungsten Oxide Nanowires for Smart Windows”, 12th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, Taipei, Taiwan, 19-22 September, 2011 Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition Hall Bohr-Ran Huang, Tzu-Ching Lin, and Wei-Hung Hsu “Fast switching electrochromic device based on tungsten oxide nanowires”, 12th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, Taipei, Taiwan, 19-22 September, 2011 Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition Hall Bohr-Ran Huang and Tzu-Ching Lin, “A Simple Technique to Fabricate Hydrogen Sensors with Leaf-like CNT/Ni Film“, International NanoElectronics Conference (2011 INEC), 21-24 June 2011, Chang Gung University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan. Bohr-Ran Huang, Jinn P. Chu, Jun-Cheng Lin, Ying-Kan Yang, Tzu-Ching Lin, “Nano-sized hydrogen sensor based on CNTs using BMG UV nanoimprint lithography technique”, The 8th International Conference on Bulk Metallic Glasses, 2011/5/15-19, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. Bohr-Ran Huang, Tzu-Ching Lin, Jinn P. Chu, Yen-Chen Chen, Ying-Kan Yang, “Long-term stability of a horizontally-aligned carbon nanotubes field 1 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. emission cathode coated with metallic glass thin film”, The 8th International Conference on Bulk Metallic Glasses, 2011/5/15-19, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. Bohr-Ran Huang, Jun-Cheng Lin, Tzu-Ching Lin, Shin-Hung Chen, “Electron field emission properties of tungsten oxide nanowires/nanocrystalline diamond film heterostructure”, TACT 2010, 2010/12/10-11, 彰化縣, 明道大學. Bohr-Ran Huang, Ying-Kan Yang, Tzu-Ching Lin, Yi-Ling Chen, Sin-Hong Chen, “Enhancement of the field emission properties with phosphorous doped silicon nanowire bundles”, 材料年會, 2010/11/19-20, 高雄縣, 義守大學. Bohr-Ran Huang, Tzu-Ching Lin, Ying-Kan Yang, Jian-Wei Ye, Kai-Chieh Yu and Chia-Hui Chou, “Nanocrystalline-diamond film as a pH-EGFET sensor”, 材 料年會, 2010/11/19-20, 高雄縣, 義守大學. Bohr-Ran Huang, Tzu-Ching Lin, Chia-Ying Su, Ying-Kan Yang, Cheng-Hsien Lin, and Chia-Hui Chou, “High Sensitivity Hydrogen Sensors Based on Silicon Nanowires”, 材料年會, 2010/11/19-20, 高雄縣, 義守大學. C. Y. Lin, B. R. Huang, S. J. Chang, S. J. Young, T. P. Chen, C. H. Hsiao. “Synthesis and electrical characterization of tungsten oxide thin film by Sol-Gel method”, 真空年會, 2010/10/29, 台中市, 逢甲大學. Bohr-Ran Huang, Shyankay Jou, Tzu-Ching Lin, Ying-Kan Yang, Chia-Hui Chou, and Yao-Ming Wu, “Field emission property of arrayed nanocrystalline diamond” , NDNC 2010, Suzhou ,China. Bohr-Ran Huang, Ching-Pao Cheng, Jung-Fu Hsu, Shyankay Jou and Shu-An He, ” Field Emission Properties of Bilayer ZnO Nanowires/ Nanocrystalline Diamond Film Structures” , TACT 2009, 台北市, 國立臺北科技大學. Bohr-Ran Huang, Shyankay Jou, Yao-Ming Wu, and Ying-Kan Yang, “The Excimer Laser Effect on (100) and (111) textured Polycrystalline Diamond Films”, 材料年會, 2009/11/26-28, 花蓮縣, 國立東華大學. Bohr-Ran Huang, Shyankay Jou, Yao-Ming Wu, Kuei-Hsien Chen, Li-Chyong Chen,” Effect of XeF laser treatment on structure of nanocrystalline diamond films”, Diamond 2009, 2009/9/6-10, Athens, Greece. Bohr-Ran Huang, Jun-Cheng Lin, Tzu-Ching Lin,” The Effect of Oxygen Plasma on Tungsten Oxide (WOx) Nanowires” , 2009 Annual Meeting of The Physical Society of Republic of China, 19th -21th January 2009, Changhua, 國 立彰化師範大學 Bohr-Ran Huang, Tzu-Ching Lin, Ying-Kan Yang, and Shien-Der Tzeng,” The stability of the CNT/Ni field emitter cathode fabricated by the composite plating method”, NDNC 2009, 2009/6/7-11, City MI, U.S.A. Bohr-Ran Huang, Chi-Yin Ho , Jung-Fu Hsu,“ The Effect of CF4 Plasma on the Silicon Nanowires Bundles”, 材料年會, 2009/11/26-28, 花蓮縣, 國立東華大 學. S. B. Wang, C. H. Hsiao, S. J. Chang, S. H. Chih, S. C. Hung, B. R. Huang “ZnSe-based nanowire photoresponse prepared on oxidized silicon substrate by MBE”, 4nd Asia-Pacific Workshop on wide gap Semiconductors (APWS), 2009 黃 柏 仁 , 程 金 保 , 何書安 , "Characteristics of ZnO Nanowires Grown by Different Pretreatment Techniques on Nanocrystalline Diamond Films", 鍍膜科 技協會年會, 2008/12/05-06, 彰化縣, 明道大學. 黃柏仁, 何技殷, 張峻源, 洪憲志, ”The Effect on the Properties of the Silica 2 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. Nanowires by XeF Excimer Laser Post-treatment” , 材料年會, 2008/11/21-22, 台北市, 國立台北科技大學. 黃柏仁, 陳貴賢, 林麗瓊, 吳耀明, “The Excimer Laser Effect on Thick and Thin Polycrystalline Diamond Films”, 材料年會, 2008/11/21-22, 台北市, 國 立台北科技大學. Shyankay Jou, Bohr-Ran Huang, Meng-Chan Wu, “Gas discharge sensor using nanocrystalline diamond method”, JVC-12/EVC-10/AMDVG-7, 2008/9/22-26, Balatonalmádi, Lake Balaton, Hungary, pp.136. Bohr-Ran Huang, Huang Chin Chen, Shyanlay Jou, I Nan Lin, “UNCD electron emitters using Si nanorods as template”, JVC-12/EVC-10/AMDVG-7, 2008/9/22-26, Balatonalmádi, Lake Balaton, Hungary, pp.31. Bohr-Ran Huang, Huang-Chin Chen, Shyankay Jou, I-Nan Lin, “UNCD electron emitters using Si-nanowires as template”, New Diamond & Nano Carbons (NDNC 2008), 2008/5/26-29, The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.508. Bohr-Ran Huang, Te-Ho Wu, Shyankay Jou, Wei-Ru Chen, Jung-Fu Hsu, Chun-Shin Yeh, “The effect on the field emission properties of the triode structure for nanocrystalline diamond films”, New Diamond & Nano Carbons (NDNC 2008), 2008/5/26-29, The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.508. Chien-Sheng Huang, Bohr-Ran Huang, Chao-Yang Hsueh, Yi-Shan Chiou, Jeng-Jie Chen, Jia-Yu Jhuang, Jeng-Yun Tsai, Chun-Chen Huang, 2007, “Field emission properties of ZnO-SiOx composite concentric nanowires”, International Symposium On Nano Science and Technology, 2007/11/08-09, Tainan, Southern Taiwan University, pp.266-268. C.S. Huang, B. R. Huang, Y.H. Chang, C.Y. Hsueh, C.C. Huang, Y.M. Hsieh, Y.S. Chiou, J.J. Chen, 2007, “The studies of the optoelectronic properties on ZnO-SiOx composite nanowires”, 2007 材料年會, 2007/11/16-17, 新竹市, 國 立交通大學, pp.325. C.S. Huang, B. R. Huang, Y.H. Chang, C.Y. Hsueh, C.C. Huang, Y.M. Hsieh, Y.S. Chiou, J.J. Chen, Ji.Y. Jhuang, J.Y. Tsai, 2007, “The zinc-oxide nanostructure UV detectors and their characterizations”, 2007 International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium (IEDMS), 2007/11/30-2007/12/01, 新竹市, 國立清華大學 Chien-Sheng Huang, Bohr-Ran Huang, Yi-Shan Chiou, Jeng-Jie Chen, Jia-Yu Jhuang, Jeng-Yun Tsai, Chun-Cheng Huang, Yi-Min Hsieh, 2007, “Zinc oxide nanostructure with different diameters and UV detector properties”, 2007 台灣 光電科技研討會暨國科會光電學門研究成果發表會, 2007/11/30-2007/12/01, 台中市, 中興大學. 黃柏仁, 黃建盛, 董耀中, 陳威儒, 葉中信, “奈米鑽石薄膜之三極結構應用 於場發射式氣體感測”, 2007.11.15, 材料年會, 交通大學 Bohr-Ran Huang, Chien-Seng Huang3,Wei-Ru Chen, Yao-Jhong Dong, Shin-Chih Hung, Jung-Fu Hsu, Chun-Shin Yeh,“ The Effect on the properties of N2 Gas Ionization Sensor by the Triode structure of Nanocrystalline Diamond Films.” 2007.11.30, IEDMS,清華大學 Bohr-Ran Huang, Chien-Sheng Huang, Shin-Chih Hung, Chih-Huang Li, Jung-Fu Hsu, Wei-Ru Chen,“ The effect on the optoelectronic properties of silica nanoeirws by the thermal annealing post-treatment”,2007.11.30, IEDMS,清華大 學 3 54. Bohr-Ran Huang, Chien-Sheng Huang, Shin-Chih Hung, Chih-Huang Li ,Wei-Ru Chen, Jung-Fu Hsu, “The effect on the optoelectronic properties of the silica nanowires by the gold catalyst pre-treatment”, 2007.11.15, 材料年會, 交通大學 55. Chien -Sheng Huang, Bohr-Ran Huang, Chih-Hung Hsiao, Chun-Yu Yeh, Chun-Cheng Huang, Yung-Huang Jang, 2007, Effects of the catalyst pre-treatment on CO2 sensors made by carbon nanotubes, New diamond and Nano Carbons, 2007/05/28-31, Osaka,Senri Life Science Center. 56. Bohr-Ran Huang, Chien-Sheng Huang, Chih-Huang Li, Jung-Fu Hsu, and Shin-Chih Hung "The Effect on the Field Emission of the Silica Nanowires by the Hydrogen Plasma Post-treatment" EM-NANO 2007, 2-6 July in Nagano,,Japan 57. Bohr-Ran Huang, Chun-Shin Yeh, Chien-Sheng Huang, Kun-Gi Chen "The properties of the nanodiamond films on the Ti/Si substrate by different pre-treatment techniques" IVC-17/ICSS-13 and ICN+T2007 Congress, 2-6 July 2007, Stockholm, Sweden 58. Bohr-Ran Huang, Chien-Seng Huang, Shyankay Jou, Jen-Yuan Mao, Wei-Ru Chen and Seng-Bo Wang "Field emission properties of nanocrystalline diamond films grown on different metal layers" IVC-17/ICSS-13 and ICN+T2007 Congress, 2-6 July 2007, Stockholm, Sweden 59. Bohr-Ran Huang g, Huai En Hsieh, Fuh Shyang Juang, Ming-Hua Chang, Mark O. Liu, and Jou-yeh Su (2007)"Lifetime improvement of Organic Light Emitting Diode by using LiF thin film and UV glue encapsulation" SSDM2007, Japan 60. Huai En Hsieh, Bohr-Ran Huang, Fuh Shyang Juang, Ming-Hua Chang, Mark O. Liu, and Jou-yeh Su (2007)"Lifetime improvement of Organic Light Emitting Diode by using LiF thin film and UV glue encapsulation" IMID2007, Korea. 61. 謝懷恩, 黃柏仁, 莊賦祥(2007)"高亮度與高色彩飽和度藍光有機發光二極 體的研究"台灣光電年會(OPT) ,清華大學 62. 謝懷恩, 黃柏仁, 莊賦祥,蔡裕勝,劉逸賢, 鍾明樺,劉榮昌, 蘇柔燁(2007)"利 用LiF保護層及UV膠封裝對有機發光二極體壽命之研究" 現代電機科技研 討會,虎尾科技大學 63. Max Chung, Wen-San Chen, Bohr-Ran Huang, Chih-Chia Chang, Kuang-Yuan Ku, Yen-Hou Yu, Tien-Wen Shun, “Capacitive Coupling Return Loss of A New Pre-ionized Monopole Plasma Antenna” IEEE TENCON 2007 Conference. Oct. 30 - Nov. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C 64. Max Chung, B. R. Huang, C. S. Huang, C. C. Chang, J. Y. Hsueh,“ Tunable Field Emission from ZnO and Carbon Nanotube Composite Material Bonded on Metal Surface” 2007 Symposium on Nano Device Technology (SNDT 2007-NDL), May 9-15, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C 65. S. S. Max Chung, B. R. Huang, C. C. Chang, and S. F. Ho, (2007) “Electrospun Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanofibers and Its Concentration Depended Ion Transport Mechanism” The 9th Asian Textile Conference (ATC-9)” June 28-30, Taichung. Taiwan, R.O.C 66. Max Chung, B. R. Huang, C. S. Huang, C. C. Chang, J. Y. Hsueh, W.R. Chen, (2007)“FORMING ZNO NANONEEDLES CATHODE ON METAL SURFACE WITH BGA HOT-BONDING TECHNIQUE”2007 Conference of Microelectronics Technology and Applications“(2007 CMETA) May 18, Kaohsing, Taiwan, R.O.C 4 67. S.S. Max Chung, B. R. Huang, J. S. Huang, C. C. Chang, and Y. M. Chuang, (2007)“UV Generated Photocurrent from MPCVD Grown Diamond- Like Carbon Film” 2007 International Display Manufacturing Conference & FPD Expo, July 3-6, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C 68. S. S. Max Chung, B. R. Huang, J. Y. Mao , and C. C. Chang, (2007) “Field Emission Sites from MPCVD Grown Diamond-Like Carbon Film” 2007 International Display Manufacturing Conference & FPD Expo, July 3-6, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C 69. Max Chung, B. R. Huang, C. C. Chang, S. F. Ho, (2007) “Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Cleaning of Waste Wafers” 2007 4th Conference of Environmental Protection and Nanotechnology, May 25, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C 70. Max Chung, B. R. Huang, C. C. Chang, S. F. Ho, (2007) “Pulsed Streamer Discharge in Water with Carbon Nanotube Electrodes” 2007 4th Conference of Environmental Protection and Nanotechnology, May 25, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C 71. Max Chung, B. R. Huang, S. F. Ho, C. C. Chang, (2007) “以電紡法製造之 PVA 奈米纖維薄膜之離子移動率”2007 4th Conference of Environmental Protection and Nanotechnology, May 25, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C 72. Max Chung, B. R. Huang g, S. F. Ho, C. C. Chang, C. R. Lin, (2007) “Fe3O4 Nanoparticles on Nanofiber Produced by Electrospinning” 2007 7th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-Nano), August 2-5, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, H.K. 73. Max Chung, B. R. Huang, C. C. Chang, Y. H. Tzeng, (2007) “ New Method for Preparing Carbon Nanotube Cathode for Microwave Device” 2007 7th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-Nano), August 2-5, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, H.K 74. Max Chung, B. R. Huang, C. C. Chang, S. F. Ho, (2007) “Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Application in Diesel Exhaust Control” 2007 4th Conference of Environmental Protection and Nanotechnology, May 25, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C 75. Max Chung, S. F. Ho, B. R. Huang, C. C. Chang (2007) “電紡製作之奈米纖維 薄膜研究” 2007 Renewable Energy Technology and Application Conference, March 30, Changhua, Taiwan, R.O.C 76. 鍾慎修, 張志嘉, 李志煌, 黃柏仁, 周麟恩, 傅傳旭, 張悠揚, 賴詩文, 邱正 茂 (2007)“矽奈米線熱壓合轉印形成金屬陰極技術之實現” 2007 Intelligent Systems Conference on Engineering Applications, March 20, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C 77. Max Chung, B. R. Huang, C. C. Chang, (2007) “CARBON NANOTUBE METAL CATHODE FOR MICROWAVE AND MM WAVE DEVICE” IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference (IEEE-PPPs), June 17-22, 2007, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A 78. C. S. Huang , B. R. Huang, C.Y. He, J. Y. Hsueh , J.K. Hung, and Y. M. Hsieh, “氧化鋅奈米結構在不同基材之場發射特性”, 中華民國物理學會年會暨研 究成果發表會, January 23-25, 2007, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C 79. C. S. Huang , B. R. Huang, J. Y. Hsueh, C.Y. He, J.K. Hung, and K.T. Chen. “低溫氧化鋅奈米結構之分析與場發射特性” 中華民國物理學會年會暨研究 成果發表會, January 23-25, 2007, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C 5 80. B. R. Huang, C. S. Huang ,C. H. Li, J. F. Hsu, W. T. Chung, Y. C. Chen,(2007)” The effect on the properties of gas ionization sensors by the gold catalyst pre-treatment of the silicon nanowire” 中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發 表會,January 23-25, 2007, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C 81. Max Chung, B. R. Huang, C. C. Chang, L.E. Chou, C. S. Fu, Y. Y. Chang, S. W. Lai, J. M. Chiou, (2007) “A Method to Measure Pressure Inside Carbon Nanotube Field Emission Display” 中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會, January 23-25, 2007, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C 82. 鍾 慎 修 , 張 志 嘉 , 黃 柏 仁 , 周 麟 恩 , 傅 傳 旭 , 張 悠 揚 , 賴 詩 文 , 邱 正 茂 (2007)“BGA熱壓合轉印奈米碳管金屬陰極技術中碳管附著性之影響” 中華 民國物學會年會暨研究成果發表會, January 23-25, 2007, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C 83. Max Chung, C. C. Chang, B. R. Huang, C. S. Fu,Y. Y. Chang, S. W. Lai, and J. M. Chiou, (2006) “Carbon Nanotube Cathode on Metal Surface Formed with BGA Balls” Nanotech, May 20-24, 2007, Santa Clara, California, U.S.A. 84. 黃柏仁, 黃建盛, 許榮富, 廖漢忠, 李志煌, 張志嘉, 毛振源, 薛兆洋, 謝懷 恩 (2006)“The growth of silicon nanowires on the Al2O3 substrate using a 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. parallel plate structure” 2006中國材料科學學會年會, November 24-25, 2006, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. 鍾慎修, 張志嘉, 黃柏仁, 傅傳旭, 張悠揚, 賴詩文, 邱正茂 (2006) “填充壓式奈米碳管球陣列場發射金屬陰極”第一屆電資科技應用與發展學術研討 會,December 8, 2006, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C 鍾慎修, 張志嘉, 黃柏仁, 傅傳旭, 張悠揚, 賴詩文, 邱正茂 (2006) “濺鍍鐵 熱氣像法生成之奈米碳管熱壓合轉印形成場發射金屬球陣列技術”2006材料 與技術研討會, December 8, 2006, Changhua, Taiwan, R.O.C 張志嘉, 鍾慎修, 黃柏仁, 傅傳旭, 張悠揚, 賴詩文, 邱正茂 (2006) “奈米碳 管 熱 壓 合 轉 印 形 成 金 屬 陰 極 技 陣 列 技 術 ”2006 台 灣 光 電 科 技 研 討 會 , December 15-16, 2006, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C Max Chung, C. C. Chang, B. R. Huang, C. S. Fu,Y. Y. Chang, S. W. Lai, J. M. Chiou, (2006) “FORMING CARBON NANOTUBE CATHODE ON METAL SURFACE WITH BGAHOT-BONDING TECHNIQUE” International Symposium on Nano Science and Technology, November 9-10, 2006, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C 張志嘉, 鍾慎修, 黃柏仁, 傅傳旭, 張悠揚, 賴詩文, 邱正茂 (2006) “奈米碳 管熱壓合轉印形成金屬陰極技術” 第十屆奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會, November 30-December 1, 2006, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. Chien-Sheng Huang*, Bohr-Ran Huang, Yueh-Feng Lu, Yu-Min Chuang, Cheng-Ye He, 2006, “Effects of CNTs on Nanocomposites Polymer Light Emitting Diodes”, 2006 IDEMS, 2006/12/07. Bohr-Ran Huang, Chien-Sheng Huang, Jung-Fu Hsu, Han-Zhong Liao, Chih-Huang Li, Chih-Chia Chang, Chin-Yuan Mao, Chao-Yang Hsueh, Huai-En Hsieh, 2006, “The growth of silicon nanowires on the Al2O3 substrate using a parallel plate structure”, 2006中國材料科學學會年會, 2006/11/24-2006/11/25. T. K. Lin S. J. Chan, Y. Z. Chious, C. K. Wang, S. P. Chang, J. J. Tang and B. R. Huang, “Homoepitaxial ZeSe MIS photodetectors with SiO2 and BST insulator layers ”, Accepted by SSDM 2005, Kobe, Japan (special issue of Japan Journal 6 of Applied Physics to be published in April 2006 ), September 12-15, 2005 93. T. K. Lin S. J. Chan, Y. Z. Chious, C. K. Wang, S. P. Chang, C. M. Chang, J. J. Tang and B. R. Huang, “ZnSe MSM Photodetectors prepared on GaAs and ZeSe substrates”, Accepted by TWHM 2005 (Special Issue of IEICE Transactions on Electronics to be published in July 2006), Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan, August 22-26, 2005. 94. Bohr-Ran Huang *, Chien-Sheng Huang, Zih-Jing Lin, Hsin-Jung Wu, "The effect of Poison Phenomenon of catalyst for CNTs field emission", MRS, ICNDST & ADC 2006 Joint Conference, May 15 - 18, 2006 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. 95. Bohr-Ran Huang *, Chien-Sheng Huang, Hsin-Jung Wu, Zih-Jing Lin, "The study of varied plasma pre-treatment on growth CNTs of low temperature for field emission ", MRS, ICNDST & ADC 2006 Joint Conference, May 15 - 18, 2006 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. 96. Chien-Sheng Huang*, Bohr-Ran Huang, Yueh-Feng Lu, Cheng-Ye He, "Effects of CNTs on Nanocomposites Polymer Light Emitting Diodes", MRS, ICNDST & ADC 2006 Joint Conference, May 15 - 18, 2006 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. 97. C.S. Huang*, B. R. Huang, M.S. Tsai, “The effect of the field emission on CNTs detection for N2", MRS, ICNDST & ADC 2006 Joint Conference, May 15 - 18, 2006 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. 98. Bohr-Ran Huang *, Chien-Sheng Huang, Meng-Chang Wu, “The effect of hydrogen contents of the Nanodiamond films for N2 detection", MRS, ICNDST & ADC 2006 Joint Conference, May 15 - 18, 2006 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. 99. Bohr-Ran Huang, Jung-Fu Hsu*, Chien-Sheng Huang, and Chih-Huang Li," A novel parallel plate structure for the synthesis of silicon nanowires", MRS, ICNDST & ADC 2006 Joint Conference, May 15 - 18, 2006 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. 100. Chih-Han Chen, Cheng-Liang Hsu, Ting-Jen Hsueh, Tzer-Shen Lin, I-Cherng Chen, Bohr-Ran Huang, “A Novel Nano-scale Negative Ion Generator”, The 2nd International Meeting on Microsensors and Microsystems, 15-18 January 2006, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. 101. C.S. Huang*, B. R. Huang, Y.H. Jang , M.S. Tsai, “N2 Detection by the Carbon nanotubes Mat and Bundle”, 2005 MRS Fall Meeting, Nov. 28 - Dec. 02 Hynes Convention Ctr. Boston, MA, USA. 102. B. R. Huang, C. S. Huang, M. C. Wu, J. F. Hsu, S. B. Wang, M. Y. Tasi, W. R. Chen ,“The Application of MPCVD Nanodiamond Film on Gas Ionization Sensor”2005 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science. Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., November 25-26. pp. 323. 103. B. R. Huang, J.F. Hsu and C.S. Huang, "Different pretreatment techniques of Ni for growth of silicon nanowires and their emission properties", The 10th International Conference on New Diamond Silicon and Technology, May 11-14, 2005, Tsukuba, Japan 104. Jung-Fu Hsu, Bohr-Ran Huang, and Chien-Sheng Huang, "The growth of silicon nanowires using a parallel plate structure", submitted to 5th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, Nagoya, Japan, July 11-15, 2005. 105. B. R. Huang, J.T. Tan, J. Sung, and R.J. Lin, "Field emission studies of 7 amorphous diamond deposited on the Cu nanowires grown by cathodic arc plasma deposition", The 1st International Conference on One-Dimensional Nanomaterials, p68 , January 10-14, 2005, Taiwan, Taipei. 106. Bohr-Ran Huang, Chien-Sheng Huang, Chia-Chin Wu, "Direct growth of high density carbon nanotubes on polycrystalline diamond film by thermal chemical vapor deposition ", The 1st International Conference on One-Dimensional Nanomaterials., p62 , January 10-14, 2005 Taiwan, Taipei. 107. Bohr-Ran Huang, Chien-Sheng Huang, Kun-Lin Yang, and Jung-Fu Hsu, "Effects of ammonia solution on the growth of carbon nanotubes" , The 1st International Conference on One-Dimensional Nanomaterials, p61 , January 10-14, 2005, Taiwan, Taipei. 108. Chien-Sheng Huang, Bohr-Ran Huang, Yong-Huang Chang, Yueh-feng Lu1, and Yi-ting Chen, "Carbon nanotubes a new materials for N2 detection" , The 1st International Conference on One-Dimensional Nanomaterials, p17 , January 10-14, 2005, Taiwan, Taipei. 109. Bohr-Ran Huang, Jung-Fu Hsu, Chien-Sheng Huang , "Selective growth of silicon nanowires and their application in gas sensors", The 1st International Conference on One-Dimensional Nanomaterials, p24 , January 10-14, 2005, Taiwan, Taipei. 110. Chun-Shin Yeh, L.X. Ye, J.M. Lee, Bohr-Ran Huang and Te-ho Wu, "Magnetic Domain Reversal Behavior for Various Patterned Hole Depths" , APDSC’04 conference, Taoyuan, Taiwan , September 27-30, P162-163, 2004 111. Chun-Shin Yeh, L.X. Ye, Bohr-Ran Huang, Te-ho Wu, 2004, “The magnetic domain reversal and coercivity over various depths of hole array barriers", 物 理雙月刊二十六卷一期, p.201, Taiwan. 112. C.S. Huang, B. R. Huang, C.Y. Lin, C.C. Wu , T.E. Yu, “The Characteristics of Carbon Nanotubes with Electroless Plating Deposited Ni Catalysts”, 2004 , Materials Research Society (MRS), 29 November-3 December . USA, Boston 113. Chien-Sheng Huang, Bohr-Ran Huang, Yung-Huang Jang, Chih-Fu Hsieh, Chia-Ching Wu, Min-Chao Chen, Kun-Lin Yang, “Effects of various annealing temperature on carbon nanotubes for N2 detection”, 2004 , Materials Research Society (MRS), 29 November-3 December . USA, Boston. 114. Chien-Sheng Huang, Bohr-Ran Huang, Yung-Huang Jang, Yueh-Feng Lu, Kuen-Ting Hung, Yue-Fing Tzou, "The electrical characteristic of the CNTs with magnetic pretreated electroless Nickel plating grown by thermal CVD" , The 3rd Asian Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition (Asian CVD-III Conference), p114, 12-14 November, 2004, Taiwan, Taipei. 115. B. R. Huang, C.S. Huang, C.F Hsieh, J. Sung, "The field emission properties of samarium/amorphous diamond field emitters" , The 3rd Asian Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition (Asian CVD-III Conference), p104, 12-14 November, 2004, Taiwan, Taipei. 116. H. Hung, C. H. Chen, S. J. Chang, Y. K. Su, Y. D. Jhou, S. M. Wang, K. C. Su, and B. R. Huang, “The optoelectronic study of InGaN based LEDs grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD)”, The 3rd Asian Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition (Asian CVD-III Conference), p109, 12-14 November, 2004, Taiwan, Taipei. 117. C. L. Yu, C. H. Chen, S. J. Chang, Y. K. Su, H. C. Chen, and B. R. Huang, “Characteristics of quaternary AlInGaN epitaxial layers grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD)”, The 3rd Asian Conference on Chemical 8 Vapor Deposition (Asian CVD-III Conference) , p111, 12-14 November, 2004, Taiwan, Taipei. 118. Y. D. Jhou, C. H. Chen, S. J. Chang, Y. K. Su, P. C. Chang, P. C. Chen, H. Hung, C. L. Yu, S. M. Wang, M. H. Wu, and B. R. Huang, “The effects of Ni/Au semitransparent electrodes annealed in oxygen by the photo-CVD system”, The 3rd Asian Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition (Asian CVD-III Conference), p92, 12-14 November, 2004, Taiwan, Taipei. 119. P. C. Chang, C. H. Chen, S. J. Chang, Y. K. Su, P. C. Chen, and B. R. Huang, “High UV/visible rejection contrast AlGaN/GaN 2DEG MIS photodetectors grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition”, The 3rd Asian Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition (Asian CVD-III Conference), p109, 12-14 November, 2004, Taiwan, Taipei. 120. B. R. Huang, S. M. Wang, C. H. Chen, S. J. Chang, Y. K. Su, H. Hung, and Y. D. Jhou, “Nickel catalysts in Mg-doped GaN studied by photoluminescence”, The 3rd Asian Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition (Asian CVD-III Conference), p109, 12-14 November, 2004, Taiwan, Taipei. 121. B. R. Huang, J. T. Tan, J. Sung, R. J. Lin," The field emission properties of amorphous diamond deposited on the Cu nanowires (CuNWs)” the 3rd Asian conference on chemical vapor deposition (Asian CVD-III Conference), p117, November 12 – 13, 2004, Taiwan, Taipei. 122. Bohr-Ran Huang, Jung-Fu Hsu, Chien-Sheng Huang, Kun-Lin Yang, 2004, “Different pretreatment techniques of Ni catalysts for the growth of silicon nanowires”, the 3rd Asian conference on chemical vapor deposition (Asian CVD-III Conference) , p119, November 12 – 13, 2004, Taiwan, Taipei. 123. Bohr-Ran Huang, Jung-Fu Hsu, Hsin-Li Chen, 2004, “pH detection properties of silicon nanowires extened gate effect transistor chemical sensor", 2004 第十 屆化學感測器科技研討會, B-22. Taiwan, 國科會工程科技推展中心, May 29, 2004. 124. B. R. Huang, C.S. Huang, C.C. Wu, C.Y.Lin, 2004, “The Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes Treated by Electroless Plating Deposition Catalysts and Grown by MPCVD and Thermal CVD” , IUMRS-ICA2004, p05, 16-18 November, 2004.Taiwan Hsinchu. 125. Jung-Fu Hsu, Bohr-Ran Huang, 2004, “The Growth of Silicon Nanowires by Electroless Plating Deposition Ni Catalysts on Silicon substrate”, IUMRS-ICA2004, p14, 16-18 November, Taipei, Taiwan, 2004. 126. B. R. Huang, S. M. Wang, C. H. Chen, S. J. Chang, Y. K. Su, H. Hung, Y. D. Jhou, 2004, “Hydrogen Dissociation from Mg-doped GaN with Nickel catalysts”, IUMRS-ICA2004, p220, 16-18 November, Taipei, Taiwan, 2004. 127. Jung-Fu Hsu, Bohr-Ran Huang, and Hsin-Li Chen, 2004, “Silicon nanowires as a pH sensor”, International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 14-17 September, 2004. Tokyo, Japan, 2004. 128. B. R. Huang, S. M. Wang, C. H. Chen, S. J. Chang, Y. K. Su, H. Hung, Y. D. Jhou, 2004, “The novel method to improve electrical characteristics of p-type GaN by using Ni catalysis”, International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 14-17 September, Tokyo, Japan, 2004. 129. Bohr-Ran Huang, Chia-Ching Wu, 2004, “Growth of carbon nanotubes on diamond film by thermal chemical vapor deposition ” 15th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides & Silicon 9 Carbide, Italy, Milano. 130. Bohr-Ran Huang, Chia-Ching Wu, Chia-Long Zheng, 2004, “Fabrication of high-density triode-type emission displays with vertically aligned carbon nanotubes on hole-patterned silicon substrate” 15th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides & Silicon Carbide, Italy, Milano. 131. B. R. Huang, S. M. Wang, C. H. Chen, S. J. Chang, Y. K. Su, H. Hung, Y. D. Jhou, 2004, “Study the hydrogen dissociation from Mg-doped GaN activated with Ni catalysts”, 15th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides & Silicon Carbide, 12-17 September, 2004, Italy, Milano. 132. C. L. Li, B. R. Huang, S. Chattopadhyay and K. H. Chen, 2004, “Amorphous boron carbon nitride as a pH sensor", International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films ,p10 ,April 19, 2004. San Diego, California, U.S.A. 133. B. R. Huang, C.C. Wu, J.F. Hsu, C.L. Zheng, L.C. Chen, and K.H.Chen, 2004, “The analyses of low-temperature growth carbon nanotubes synthesized by MPCVD”, ISNCGS, pp.26-30, February 12-13, Miao-Li, Taiwan, 2004. 134. B. R. Huang, C.H Yang, J.F. Hsu, C.F. Hsieh, J.T. Hsu, C.H. Wu, 2004, “The Electrical Properties of the annealed Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes films at Low Temperature", Oral 物理年會, National Tsing Hua University, February 9-11 2004, Hsinchu, Taiwan. 135. B. R. Huang, C. S. Huang, C. C. Wu, L.-C. L. Chen, K. H. Chen, 2004, "The electric property of high-temperature annealing vertically aligned carbon nanotubes synthesized by MPCVD", The 9th International Conference on New Diamond Science and Technology, p152, March 26-29, Tokyo, Japan. 136. B. R. Huang, C. S. Huang, C. F. Hsieh, L.-C. L. Chen, K. H. Chen, 2004, "The Electrical Conduction Mechanism of multiwalled carbon nanotubes film synthesized by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition", The 9th International Conference on New Diamond Science and Technology, p136,March 26-29, Japan, Tokyo. 137. B. R. Huang, C.S. Huang, C.F. Hsieh, Jung-Fu Hsu, C.H. Yang, 2003, “The electrical properties of annealed multiwalled carbon nanotubes film synthesized by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition", 真空科技, November 2003. 138. Bohr-Ran Huang, Chien-Sheng Huang, Chia-Ching Wu, Jung-Fu Hsu, Chia-Long Zheng, 2003, " The analyses of annealed vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes synthesized by MPCVD technique “, accepted by 真空科技, November 2003. 139. L.X.Ye(葉林秀), J.M. Lee(李佳謀), J.C. Wu(吳仲卿), B. R. Huang (黃柏仁), Te-ho Wu(吳德和), 2003, "陣列磁區微結構與矯頑力的分佈", Proc. Of the 16th Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Technologies, p280(2003), Aug 20-22, Taipei, Taiwan. 140. Chien-Sheng Huang, Bohr-Ran Huang, 2003, “The analysis on the diamond membrane under consecutive high-voltage measurements”,2003 Electron Devices and Materials Symposia of R. O. C., National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan, P.779-782, November 21-22, 2003 141. Y. D. Jhou, C. H. Chen, S. J. Chang, Y. K. Su, P. C. Chang, P. C. Chen, H. Hung, C. L. Yu, C. S. Chang, C. M. Wang, B. R. Huang, 2003, “The effects of Ni/Au semitransparent electrodes annealed in oxygen by photo-CVD”, 2003 Annual 10 Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Kun Shan University of Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, p225. November 21-22,2003. 142. Bohr-Ran Huang, Shoou-Jinn Chang, Yu-Zung Chiou, Tien-Kun Lin, 2003,“The effect of high quality SiO2 layer deposited onto AlGaN by photo-CVD”, 2003 Electron Devices and Materials Symposia of R. O. C., National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan, 2003, P.336-339 ,November 21-22, 2003. 143. S. M. Wang, B. R. Huang, C. H. Chen, S. J. Chang, Y. K. Su, 2003, “Influence of Ni films on the activation of Mg-doped GaN” accepted by Electron Devices and Materials Symposia of R. O. C. , National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan., 2003, November 21-22, 2003. 144. S. M. Wang, B. R. Huang, C. H. Chen, S. J. Chang, Y. K. Su, H. Hung, Y. D. Jhou, 2003, “Different-temperature activation of Mg-doped GaN using Ni films”, accepted by 2003 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Kun Shan University of Technology, Tainan, Taiwan., 2003, November 21-22, 2003. 145. B. R. Huang, C. S. Huang, C. F. Hsieh, L.-C. L. Chen, K. H. Chen, 2003, “The Effect of Annealing Process on Electrical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized by Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition”, accepted by 2003 Annual Conference of Taiwan Association for Coating and Nano-Technology, National Chiao Tung University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan, September 26-27, 2003. 146. B. R. Huang, C. S. Huang, C. F. Hsieh, L.-C. L. Chen, K. H. Chen, 2003, “The electrical properties of multiwalled carbon nanotubes film synthesized by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition”, accepted by Electron Devices and Materials Symposia of R. O. C., National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan, November 21-22, 2003. 147. B. R. Huang, C. S. Huang, C. F. Hsieh, L.-C. L. Chen, K. H. Chen, 2003, “The electrical properties of crooked multiwalled carbon nanotubes synthesized by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition”, accepted by 2003 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Kun Shan University of Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, November 21-22, 2003. 148. Bohr-Ran Huang, Chien-Sheng Huang, Chia-Ching Wu, Li-Chying L. Chen, Kuei-Hsien Chen, 2003, “The Analyses of High-Temperature Annealing Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized by MPCVD Technique”, accepted by 2003 Annual Conference of Taiwan Association for Coating and Nano-Technology, National Chiao Tung University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan ,September 26-27, 2003 149. Bohr-Ran Huang, Chien-Sheng Huang, Chia-Ching Wu, Li-Chying L. Chen, Kuei-Hsien Chen, 2003, “The annealing effect on the electrical property of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes synthesize by microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition”, accepted by Electron Devices and Materials Symposia of R. O. C., National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan, November 21-22, 2003. 150. Bohr-Ran Huang, Chien-Sheng Huang, Chia-Ching Wu, Li-Chying L. Chen, Kuei-Hsien Chen, 2003, “Physical characteristic of high-temperature annealing vertically aligned carbon nanotubes synthesized by microwave plasma-enhanced CVD”, accepted by 2003 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for 11 Materials Science, Kun Shan University of Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, November 21-22, 2003. 151. Bohr-Ran Huang, C. S. Huang, C. L. Lee, L. C. L. Chen, K. H. Chen, 2003, “Physical Characteristic of a-BCxNy Films Deposited by Dual Cathode Magnetron” , accepted by 2003 Annual Conference of Taiwan Association for Coating and Nano-Technology, National Chiao Tung University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan, September 26-27, 2003. 152. Bohr-Ran Huang, C.S. Huang, C.L. Lee, L.C.L. Chen, K.H. Chen, 2003, “Low dielectric constant a-BCxNy films deposited by dual cathode magnetron sputtering system”, accepted by 2003 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Kun Shan University of Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, November 21-22, 2003. 153. Bohr-Ran Huang, Tien-Kun Lin, Yan-Kuin Su, Shoou-Jinn Chang, Yu-Zung Chiou, 2003, “The Characteristics of Photo-CVD SiO2 and its Application in GaN MIS Photodetector”, 7th International Conference on the Application of Diamond Films and Related Materials 2003 and 3rd International Conference on Frontier Carbon Technology 2003,Tsukuba, Japan, P484-489, August 18-21, 2003. 154. 周宜德, 陳進祥, 張守進, 蘇炎坤, 陳珀璋, 黃柏仁, 洪洪, 王世銘, 2002, " 氮化鎵金-半-金紫外光檢測器各種接觸電極之研究", Proc.I Optics and Photonics Taiwan, p.1. December 12-13, 2002. 155. C. H. Chen, Y. K. Su, S. J. Chang, J. F. Chen, P. C. Chen, Y. Z. Chiou, Y. D. Jhou and B. R. Huang, 2002, “Nitride-based cascade dual-wavelength InGaN quantum well white light emitting diodes”, International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia, National Taiwan University, Taipei Taiwan, December 20-21 2002, P195-197. 156. W. C. Ke, I. C. Chen, M. C. Lee, W. H. Chen, and W. K. Chen, W. J. Lin, W. H. Lan, Y. T. Cherng, B. R. Huang, 2002, ‘Effect of AlN interlayer growth temperature on the properties of Al0.27Ga0.73N/GaN heterostructures’, accepted by International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia of R. O. C.. 2002, Taipei. December 20-21. 157. W. C. Ke, I. C. Chen, M. C. Lee, W. H. Chen, and W. K. Chen, W. J. Lin, W. H. Lan, Y. T. Cherng, B. R. Huang, 2002, ‘Effect of AlN interlayer growth temperature on the properties of AlxGa1-xN films’, Annual Meeting of the Optics and Photonics of R. O. C. December 2002, Taipei. 158. W. C. Ke, C. Lo, B. R. Huang, I. C. Chen, W. J. Lin, W. H. Lan, Y. T. Cherng, M. C. Lee, W. H. Chen, and W. K. Chen, 2002, ‘The characterization of epitaxial AlxGa1-xN alloys grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy’, Annual Meeting of the Physics Society of R. O. C. Feb. 4-6. Taichung, Taiwan. 159. Bohr-Ran Huang, Shih-Ming Wang, Kuo-Cheng Chen, Wen-Zheng Ke, Wen-Jen Lin, Wei-Kuo Chen, 2002, “The Analyses on the Interface of the AlxGa1-xN/GaN Heterostructure Grown by the Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy Technique”, The 2002 R&D Achievements Forum of Changhua-Yunlin-Chiayi Regional Colleges and Universities, National Huwei Institute of Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan, December 20. 160. Bohr-Ran Huang, Chien Lo,Wen-Zheng Ke, Wen-Jen Lin, Wei-Kuo Chen,Shih-Ming Wang, November 22-23, 2002, "The Effect of Crack Phenomenons on Electrical Properties of AlxGa1-xN/GaN Heterostructure 12 Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy", 2002 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei Taiwan. 161. Bohr-Ran Huang, Wen-Cheng Ke, Read-Ching Lee, November 22-23, 2002, “Surface Enhanced Raman Analysis for the Free Standing Diamond Film”, 2002 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei Taiwan. 162. Bohr-Ran Huang, Jung-Ran Chiou, Yu-Zung Chiou, Shoou-Jinn Chang, 2002, "The Characteristics of GaN MSM Photodetectors using Different Transparent Electrodes", International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia, National Taiwan University, Taipei Taiwan . December 20-21, 2002. 163. B. R. Huang, Yu-Zung Chiou, Jung-Ran Chiou, Shoou-Jinn Chang, Yan-Kuin Su, Chia-Sheng Chang and Yi-Chao Lin, 2002, “The Characteristics of GaN Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitor Using SiO2 Films Grown by Photo Chemical Vapor Deposition”, presented at 8th International Conference of New Diamond Science and Technology, P1.04.3, July 21-26, Melbourne, Australia, 2002, P283-286. 164. 黃仕泓, 詹博文, 涂志偉, 葉林秀, 李佳謀, 黃柏仁, 吳仲卿, 吳德和, 2002, “Micro hysteresis loops measurement of magneto-optical thin film materials" , 物理雙月刊二十四卷一期, p.171. 165. W. C. Ke, C. Lo, B. R. Huang, I. C. Chen, W. J. Lin, W. H. Lan, Y. T. Cherng, M. C. Lee, W. H. Chen, and W. K. Chen, 2001, “The characterization of epitaxial AlxGa1-xN alloys grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy”, Proc. of the Annual Meeting of Physical Society of the Republic of China. 166. W.-C. Ke, I.-C. Chen, L. Lee, W.-K. Chen, W.-H Lan, W.-B. Lin, Bohr-Ran Huang and C. Lo, 2001, “Electrical characterization of strained-layer superlattics effects in AlGaN films grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy”, 2001 National Optics and Photonics symposium, pp.60-62, National Sun Yat-sen university, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec.12-13. 167. Bohr-Ran Huang, J.R. Chiou, J.-F. Hsu, C.-F. Hsieh, T.-S. Liu, 2001, “Electrical properties of the B-doped polycrystalline Diamond Films.” Proceeding of the 2001 Electron Devices and Materials Symposium, pp. 596-600, National Sun Yat-sen Uiversity, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec.12-13. 168. Bohr-Ran Huang, K.H. Chen, Jung-Fu Hsu, 2001, “The analyses on the surface properties of the annealed-diamond membrane”, 2001 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, pp. National Chung-Sing University, Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 23-24. 169. Chun-An Lua, Li Changa, Bohr-Ran Huang, 2001, “Growth of diamond films with bias during microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition”, 12th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides & Silicon Carbide, September 3-8, Budapest, Hungary. 170. 葉林秀, 陳正昌, 黃金振, 黃柏仁, 揚肇政, 吳仲卿, 吳德和, 2000, “鑄型陣 列中不同蝕刻深度對Dy(FeCo)磁光材料磁區釘札之影響", Proc. Of the 14th Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Technologies. 171. 葉林秀, 陳正昌, 黃金振, 黃柏仁, 揚肇政, 吳仲卿, 吳德和, 2000, “鑄型陣 列 中 不 同 Dyx(FeCo)1-x 組 成 對 磁 區 釘 扎 之 影 響 " , Proc. Of the 14th Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Technologies. 172. 鄭竣吉, 葉林秀, 何明原, 黃柏仁, 揚肇政, 吳仲卿, 吳德和, 2000, “ 鑄型陣 13 列 中 不 同 Dy(FeCo) 組 成 比 例 對 矯 頑 力 之 影 響 " ,Proc. Of the 14th Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Technologies. 173. Bohr-Ran Huang, Kian-Ping Loh*, Jung-Fu Hsu and Ming-Chin Chang, 2000, " Surface characteristics of the free-standing diamond film for electronic applications ", presented at 2000 I.S.S.S.N. Conference, University of Singapore, Kent Ridge, Singapore, Nov 20-24. 174. Bohr-Ran Huang, Jun-Yi Chen and Jung-Fu Hsu, 2000, "Physical characteristics of the isolated/Annealed-diamond film", 2000 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, I-Shou university, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C., p.195, Nov. 24-25. 175. Bohr-Ran Huang and W.-H. Chou, 2000, " The electrical conduction mechanism of the polycrystalline diamond films", 11th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides & Silicon Carbide, 15.3.08, September 3-8, Porto, Portugal. 176. Bohr-Ran Huang and W.-C. Ke, 2000, " Electrical properties of the isolated diamond films at high voltage", 11th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides & Silicon Carbide, 15.3.06, September 3-8, Porto, Portugal. 177. Bohr-Ran Huang, K.-H. Chen and W.-C. Ke, 2000, " The modified bias enhanced nucleation technique for uniformity improvement of the polycrystalline diamond films", 11th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides & Silicon Carbide, 5.3.02, September 3-8, Porto, Portugal. 178. Bohr-Ran Huang, J.-F. Hsu and J.-Y. Chen, 2000, ," Physical Characteristics of the Annealed/Isolated-diamond film", 2000 Taiwan International Diamond and Related Materials Science and Technology Symposium, July 30 - August 2, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences Acadmia Sinica Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 114-115., 179. Bohr-Ran Huang, W.-C. Ke, J.-F. Hsu and W.-K. Chen, 2000, ," Successive Current-voltage Measurements of a Thick Isolated Diamond Film", 2000 Taiwan International Diamond and Related Materials Science and Technology Symposium, July 30 - August 2, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences Acadmia Sinica Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 126-127. 180. Bohr-Ran Huang, J.-F. Hsu and J.-H. Chen, 2000, "The Electrical Conduction Mechanism on the Al/Diamond/Al sandwich structure", 2000 The International Union of Materials Research Societies-6th International Conference in Asia, July 23-26, City University of Hong Kong., F10.2. 181. Bohr-Ran Huang, W. H. Chou, W. Z. Ke and R. F. Sheu, 1999, "The Electrical Conduction Mechanism on the Al Contacts and Boron doped Polycrystalline Diamond Films", 1999 International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium, November 25-26, Chang Gung University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp.417-420. 182. Bohr-Ran Huang, R. F. Sheu, W. Z. Ke, W. H. Zhou, 1999, " The Physical and the Electrical Properties of The Isolated Diamond Film ", 1999 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C., p.142. 183. Jeng T. Sheu, G. Y. Yang and Bohr-Ran Huang, 1998, " Properties of Polycrystalline Diamond as X-ray Mask ", SPIE , September 21-23 , Santa Clara , California , pp.173-180. 14 184. Bohr-Ran Huang, C.H. Wu, J.J. Ju and W.Z. Ke, 1998, " The Electrical Conduction Mechanism on the Al Contacts and Undoped Polycrystalline Diamond Films ", 1998 International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium, December 20-23, National Cheng Kung University, Tania, Taiwan , R.O.C. , pp.345-348. 185. Bohr-Ran Huang, J. J. Ju, W. Z. Ke, Z. Q. Yang, and W. H. C, 1998, " Investigation of Temperature Effects on the Electrical Measurement of B-doped Polycrystalline Diamond Films Deposited By Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition ", Proceedings of the 1998 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science , Vol (G) , pp.25-28. 186. Bohr-Ran Huang, *J. T. Sheu, K. Y. Yang, C. H. Wu, 1998, " Polycrystalline Diamond Films for X-ray Lithography Mask ", 1998 International Photonics Conference, December 15-18, National Taiwan University, Taiwan , R.O.C. , pp.182-184. 187. Bohr-Ran Huang, J. T. Sheu, K. Y. Yang, T. J. Ho, and C. H. Wu, 1998, " Physical Characteristics of the Large Area Diamond Films Synthesized by Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition System ", SRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp.45. 188. Bohr-Ran Huang, J. T. Sheu, K. Y. Yang, T. J. Ho, C. H. Wu, 1997, " The Synthesis of a Large Area Polycrystalline Diamond Films Using Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition System ", Proceeding of the First Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basic and Application of Plasma Technology, pp.199-202. 189. Bohr-Ran Huang, J. T. Sheu, K. Y. Yang, T. J. Ho, C. H. Wu, 1997, " Physical Characteristics of the Diamond / Silicon and Isolated Diamond Films ", Proceedings of the 1997 Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science. VOLUME H, pp.105-108. 190. Bohr-Ran Huang, T. J. Ho, K. Y. Yang, 1997, " Investigation of Temperature Effect the Electrical Measurements of Un-doped Polycrystalline Diamond Films Deposited by Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition ", Electronic Devices And Materials Symposium, pp.326-329. 191. Bohr-Ran Huang, T. J. Ho, K. Y. Yang and *J.T. Sheu, 1997, " The effect of Hydrogen Plasma to the Polycrystalline Diamond Films ", Proceedings of The 1997 Conference on the Advanced Materials and Process Engineering Technologies, Taichung, Taiwan, pp.1-5 , Oct. 4. 192. Bohr-Ran Huang, T.J.Ho, and K.Y.Yang, 1997, " The Effect of Annealing on the Electrical Properties of the Polycrystalline Diamond Films ", Proc. of Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of the Republic of China, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei Taiwan, 19(1), p.85. 193. Bohr-Ran Huang, W.S.Pent, T.J.Ho, 1996, " Surface Analysis of Boron-Doped Polycrystalline Diamond Films Deposited by Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition", International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia, National Tsing Hua University , Hsinchu Taiwan , ( c ) pp. 123-126. 194. Bohr-Ran Huang, W.S.Pent, 1996, " The Oxygenated Phenomena of the Undoped Large-grain and Small-grain Diamond Films ", Proc. of the Annual Conf. of the Chinese Soc., for Mat. Sci. , National Tsing Hua University , Hsinchu , Taiwan , pp. 233-236. 195. Bohr-Ran Huang, W.S.Pent, 1996, " The Effect of Temperature on the Electrical Properties of Al Contacts to Polycrystalline Diamond Films ", Proc. of 15 the Annual Meeting of Physical Society of the Republic of China, National Chung-hsing University, Taiwan, pp.120. 196. 黃柏仁, 宋瑞麟, 1995, " Steady State Model Analysis of the Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor in the Saturation Region ", The 10th T.V.E. Conference of ROC., National Taiwan Institute of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 181-189. 197. Bohr-Ran Huang, C.L. Lin and T.S. Lin, 1994, "The Oxidized Phenomenon of the Polycrystalline Diamond Films ", Proc. of the Annual Conf. of the Chinese Soc. , for Mat. Sci., National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, pp. 118-119. 198. Bohr-Ran Huang, C.L. Lin and T.S. Lin, 1994, " XPS Analysis of the Large-grain and Small-grain Diamond Films ", International Workshop on Processing & Applications of Diamond Films, S.R.R.C., Taiwan, pp. 260-264. 199. Bohr-Ran Huang, C.L. Lin and T.S. Lin, 1994, " Chemical Analysis on the Surface of the Polycrystalline Diamond Films ", The 9th T.V.E. Conference of ROC., National Yunlin Insitute of Technology , Taiwan , pp. 81-87. 200. C.L. Lin, Bohr-Ran Huang, and T.S. Lin, 1994, " ESCA Analysis on the Surface of the Polycrystalline Diamond Films ", Proc. of the Annual Meeting of Physical Society of the Republic of China , Institute of Nuclear Energy Research , Taiwan , pp. 47. 201. Bohr-Ran Huang, 1993, " X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Analysis in the Interface of the Polycrystalline Diamond Films Grown on Silicon Substrate ", Proc. of the Annual Conf. of the Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci., National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan, pp. 645-646. 202. Bohr-Ran Huang, 1993, " Electrical Properties of the Polycrystalline Diamond Films Grown in A Microwave Plasma Disk Reactor ", Proc. of Annual Meeting of Physical Society of the Republic of China, National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan, p. 101. 203. Bohr-Ran Huang and D.K. Reinhard, 1992, " Electrical Properties of the Undoped Polycrystalline Diamond Films ", 3th International Conference on the New Diamond Science and Technology. 204. J. Zhang, Bohr-Ran Huang, D. K. Reinhard and J. Asmussen, 1989, " An Invetigation of Electro- magnetic Field Patterns on Microwave Plasma Diamond Thin Films Deposition ", 36th National Symposium of American Vacuum Society, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, pp. 23-27. 16