Graduate Council Bylaws Template

Bylaws of the Graduate Council of Alpha Chapter
of the Delta Kappa Alpha Fraternity
Believing that where there is law there is liberty, we the members of the Alpha Chapter
Graduate Council of the Delta Kappa Alpha Fraternity do hereby establish and solemnly
promise to obey these bylaws as well as to supplement and support the Ritual,
Constitution, and Statutes of the Delta Kappa Alpha Fraternity for the government of our
The name of this organization shall be the Graduate Council of the Alpha Chapter of The
Delta Kappa Alpha Fraternity.
Section 1. The Graduate Council shall join with the Resident Council to form the Alpha
Chapter of The Delta Kappa Alpha Fraternity.
Section 2. The Graduate Council shall recognize the general supervision of the Board of
Governors. The Board of Governors and both Councils shall be responsible to the
National Council.
Section 3. The Graduate Council shall maintain and support the National Constitution
and Statutes of The Delta Kappa Alpha Fraternity.
Section 4. The Graduate Council shall be operated as a non-profit organization. No
officer shall receive any payment for services rendered to the Alpha Chapter of The Delta
Kappa Alpha Fraternity, except in cases of reimbursement of expenses as approved by
the Graduate Council.
Section 1. The Graduate Council shall consist of those members of the chapter who are
not members of the Resident Council, who are in good standing in the Fraternity, and
who have completed all obligations to the Resident Council.
Section 2. A Graduate Council member shall be a member who has graduated,
transferred schools or who has left the University of Southern California permanently or
has been legally transferred into this Council from another Graduate Council after
approval by both Graduate Councils involved and the Chief Executive Officer.
Section 3. A brother or sister shall become a member of the Graduate Council upon his
or her graduation or decision not to return to school.
Section 1. At least two regular meeting of all members of the Graduate Council shall be
called each year. Notice of the time and place of this meeting shall be furnished to all
members by electronic means, the notice being transmitted by electronic means at least
14 days before the date set for the meeting. All meetings should use some form of
electronic means (Conference Call, VTC, webcast, etc.) to allow all members who wish
to participate be able to.
Section 2. The president may at any time, and shall, upon the request in writing (email)
of five (5) or more Graduate Council members, call a special meeting of the Graduate
Council. Such request and the notice of every special meeting shall state the object for
which it is called and no subject not stated in the notice thereof shall be acted upon at a
special meeting. Notice of the time and place of the special meeting shall be transmitted
by electronic means at least 7 days before the date set for the meeting.
Section 3. A quorum at any meeting shall consist of those in attendance after proper
notification of said meeting. A member shall be considered “in attendance” if he or she
is physically present at the meeting or if he or she is monitoring the meeting by remote
electronic means and identifies themself to the officers physically present at the meeting.
Between the regular and special meetings of the Graduate Council, legislation may be
conducted by electronic means, when approved by the majority vote of the Board of
Directors. In such cases, the proposed legislation must be fully described on the ballot
transmitted by electronic means to members at their last known addresses. In the cases of
legislation transmitted by electronic means, the vote of the majority of the ballots
returned to the Graduate Council secretary within 14 days shall decide the outcome of the
Section 1. The elected officers of the Graduate Council shall be the President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Events Manager, Resident Council Liaison, National
Convention Delegate, Alternate delegate, and any additional officers deemed necessary
by the Board of Directors. No member may hold more than one office except National
Convention delegate and alternate delegate. Vacancies in the offices occurring between
meetings of the Board may be filled by appointment by the president. Officers will be
elected for one calendar year, or until their successors are elected.
Section 2. There shall be a Board of Directors composed of President, Vice President,
Secretary, and Treasurer of the Graduate Council at the minimum. Furthermore, up to
three additional standing members may be elected during annual elections of Graduate
Council officers. Each elected director shall hold office for one calendar year or until his
successor is duly elected.
Section 3. The appointed officers of the Graduate Council shall be the Resident Council
liaison and any additional officers deemed necessary by the Board of Directors. These
offices shall be filled by appointment by the president. An appointed officer shall serve
for one calendar year, or until his successor is appointed.
Section 4. All offices of the Graduate Council shall be held by members of the Graduate
Council, with the exception of Resident Council liaison, which may be held by a member
of the Resident Council. In this event, the Resident Council liaison shall have no voting
or membership privileges on the Graduate Council.
Section 1. Election of the Graduate Council Board of Directors for the year shall be held
at the annual January meeting of the Graduate Council unless vacancy occurs.
Section 2. Nominations can then be made from the floor for the nominations of members
in attendance. Nominations may also be made for members not in attendance, with the
prior consent of those members being nominated. A majority vote shall be required for
election, with voting done by those members in attendance at the election meeting.
Voting shall be done by open ballot unless a member in attendance objects, in which case
voting shall be done by secret ballot.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall meet at least once each school year and as many
additional times as is deemed necessary by the majority of the Board of Directors,
provided the meeting place be within a 30-mile radius of Los Angeles, California and is
convenient to most directors. The President or Secretary must inform all directors of
meetings at least 14 days in advance, unless meetings are called with a unanimous waiver
of notice. Any director who is absent from more than half of the Board meetings during
his term shall not be eligible for reelection. Attendance at a meeting may be
accomplished by physical, telephonic, or electronic means.
Section 4. The National Convention delegate and Alternate delegate positions will only
be filled in election years.
Section 1. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Graduate Council, both
regular and special. He or she shall be the executive officer of the Graduate Council and
see that all departments function effectively. He or she shall appoint all committees and
appointed officers. He or she shall interpret all rules and statutes with the assistance of
the Board of Directors. He or she shall serve as president of the Board of Directors.
Each year, he or she shall welcome the new class of graduating seniors into the Graduate
Council, and each year he or she shall address the undergraduate chapter on the
organization and functions of the Graduate Council.
Section 2. The Vice President shall serve as assistant to the President and shall act with
full authority in the absence of the President.
Section 3. The Secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of Graduate Council
meetings. He or she shall preserve all records of the Graduate Council and shall maintain
an up-to-date file on activities and addresses of Graduate Council members. He or she
shall keep a record of proceedings of Board of Directors meetings and shall handle all
correspondence of the Graduate Council. He or she shall work with the Alumni
Activities Committee to see that all members are informed of the activities and plans of
the Board by electronic means or through the Graduate Council newsletters. He or she
shall prepare an annual report of the Graduate Council's activities for presentation and
distribution to the entire membership, in lieu of a similar report by the president.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall collect, safeguard and/or pay out all money of the Council
as ordered by the President or by the Council in meeting. He or she shall keep a record of
all transactions and shall prepare a financial report to be presented at each regular
meeting. He or she shall submit an annual report to the secretary for distribution to the
entire Graduate Council membership.
Section 5. The National Convention delegate will be responsible for a complete report to
the Graduate Council at the next regular meeting following the National Convention.
Section 6. The Alternate National Convention delegate shall act with full authority in the
absence of the National Convention delegate.
Section 7. The Board of Directors shall assist the officers in interpreting and executing
action taken by the Council. The Board shall provide a means whereby the Graduate
Council may function between meetings.
Section 8. The Resident Council liaison shall attend at least two (2) meeting a semester
of the Resident Council and maintain regular communications with a focus on Chapter
Operations and General Well-being of the Resident Council and the Graduate
Council meetings. The Liaison shall assist in keeping each body informed of the
activities of the other. It is preferred that the Alumni Relations Chairperson from the
Residence Council act in the capacity of the Resident Council Liaison.
Section 9. Prior to their election or appointment, all other officers' duties and
responsibilities shall be determined and explicitly stated by the Board of Directors.
Section 1. The Board of Governors shall be composed of at least three members of the
Graduate Council and the President and the Treasurer of the Resident Council. The
board secretary shall be the President of the Resident Council. One graduate member of
the board shall serve as Resident Council Scholarship Advisor. One graduate member of
the board shall serve as Resident Council Financial Advisor. One member shall serve as
the Risk Reduction Specialist for the chapter.
Section 2. The Board of Governors shall be the general supervisory body of the chapter
and shall be responsible to the National Council in all matters. It shall be the duty and
responsibility of the Board to act in the best interest of the Fraternity at all times in
accordance with the National Constitution and Statutes.
Section 3. The Board shall have full authority to enforce the Statutes of the National
Constitution as they pertain to the Resident Council, subject to review by the Chief
Executive Officer and National Council. In matters pertaining to scholarship and finance,
the authority of the Board shall be absolute. The Board shall have full authority to
summon any member of the Resident Council upon proper notice, to appear before the
Board assembled.
Section 4. The Domain Director is tasked with the responsibility to proactively seek out
and engage potential members of the Board of Governors. Final approval on all
appointment shall be subject to the majority approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 5. Meetings of the Board of Governors shall be held at least once each month.
Section 1. The Graduate Council shall be responsible for the organization of an
appropriate House Corporation to meet the Resident Council's housing needs.
Section 2. Officers and Directors of the House Corporation shall be elected by the
Graduate Council in accordance with the By-Laws of the House Corporation.
Section 3. The Graduate Council shall be responsible for the perpetuation of the alumni
House Corporation and the appropriate interaction of the Board of Governors, House
Corporation, and Resident Council.
Section 1. The President, or in his or her absence the presiding officer, at any meeting
shall appoint from the membership such committees as may seem best for the interests of
the Graduate Council.
Section 2. The following committees may be appointed as needed:
(a) The Finance Committee, which shall assist the treasurer of the Graduate Council and
the Financial Advisor of the Board of Governors in the collection of dues and
assessments. This committee shall stay well informed as to the financial condition of the
Graduate Council and of the Resident Council.
(b) The Recruitment Committee, which shall counsel and assist the Resident Council in
soliciting and collecting from Graduate Council members and other sources information
about students and prospective students who may be considered for membership in the
Fraternity, and which shall counsel and assist the Resident Council in all details of
recruitment activity.
(c) The Graduate Council Alumni Affairs Committee, which shall work with and guide
the Resident Council in the organization of reunions, including the regular meetings of
the Graduate Council, in the publication of a regular and frequent alumni newsletter and
periodic directories of alumni and undergraduate members. This committee shall work
with the Resident Council and appropriate committees in the solicitation of recruitment
recommendations, voluntary annual dues, and other aids from the Graduate Council
members. It shall maintain a liaison with nearby alumni associations, or if there are none,
with interested individual alumni from other chapters.
(d) The Career Development Committee, which shall attempt to introduce mutually
satisfactory meetings between employers and prospective employees who are members of
the Fraternity.
Section 1. If deemed necessary by the Board of Directors, membership dues will be
solicited from each member under the supervision of the Board of Directors, but such
dues will be voluntary, and non-payment will have no effect on membership status.
Section 2. Funds obtained from such dues solicitation will be used to finance, in
cooperation with the Resident Council, any and all projects in the interest of better
alumni relations, including the alumni newsletters, membership directories, membership
cards, reunion notifications and promotions, annual reports and ballots, National
Convention delegates' expenses, Chapter Events, and appeals for alumni aid. Funds not
used for these projects will be available for house maintenance and improvements or
other use as determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Additional assessments may be authorized from time to time by the Board of
Directors; provided such appeals are voluntary and non-contributors suffer no loss of
membership status.
Section 1. Subject to the approval of the membership of the Graduate Council, the Board
of Directors may enact amendments to these By-Laws, provided such amendments are
not in conflict with the National Constitution and Statutes of The Delta Kappa Alpha
Section 2. The By-Laws may be amended by electronic means or by mail, or at any
regular meeting or special meeting of the Graduate Council.
Section 3. Amendments to these By-Laws may be proposed by any two Graduate
Council members in writing to the secretary of the Council. Voting will take place at the
next meeting.
Section 4. The By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of those
members present at a regular or special meeting. Amendments may be made to these ByLaws by electronic means or by mail, when so voted by the Board of Directors. In such
cases, the proposed amendments must be fully described on the ballot that is transmitted
by electronic means or mailed to members at their last known addresses. In the case of
ballots on amendments to these By-Laws transmitted by electronic means, the affirmative
vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the ballots returned to the secretary within one week shall be
necessary. In the case of mail ballots on amendments to these By-Laws, the affirmative
vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the ballots returned to the secretary within thirty days (30)
after the mailing shall be necessary.
Section 5. The By-Laws shall repeal any motions, resolutions, By-Laws, rules, or
regulations heretofore placed by the members of the Graduate Council insofar as these
may conflict with any provisions found herein.
Section 6. These By-Laws will become effective upon approval by the Chief Executive
Officer of The Delta Kappa Alpha Fraternity and after having been approved by twothirds (2/3) of the members present at a regular meeting.