Rehabilitation Sciences Doctoral Program Assessment of Student Performance Student’s Name____________________________________ Date: Credits Completed: ___________ This instrument was designed to provide the student and committee members a foundation for assessing the student’s progress in the Ph.D. Program in Rehabilitation Sciences. Evaluation instrument domains are: 1) Program Objectives (rehabilitation sciences, cognate, and discipline specific knowledge base; research and scholarship; academic environment) 2) Scholarly and Professional Independence and 3) Summary of Performance. Program Objectives Please rate and summarize your development, and provide key evidence, within the following objectives (in bold) of the Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Sciences. These objectives were intended to allow flexibility for individuality in student programs and portfolio development while providing standards for student performance. The information in italics provides basic expectations for each area. Comment on your progress in meeting basic expectations. The provision of additional relevant information is essential to an accurate assessment. Scores: 5 – Exceptional 4 – Competent 3 – Progress Noted 2 – Getting Started 1 – Lack of Progress Noted Rehabilitation Sciences Knowledge 1. Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate research designs that are specific to rehabilitation sciences that include both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Completion of Research in Rehabilitation Sciences course Demonstrated competence in expressing and addressing differing research methodologies across- and within disciplines Do not Know 1 2 3 4 5 2. 3. 4. 5. YES _____ NO _____ Evidence of student progress: 2. Understand and value cooperative interdisciplinary practices Completion of Theory course YES _____ NO _____ Collaborative cross-disciplinary projects Evidence: 3. Demonstrate an understanding of the critical appraisal of all forms of research in the Rehabilitation Sciences. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4. 5. 6. 7. Completion of Critical Appraisal of Research in Rehabilitation Sciences course YES _____ NO _____ Demonstrated competence in expressing and addressing differing points of view Demonstrated the competence using multiple methods of critically appraising research in rehabilitation Evidence 1 4. Demonstrate competence in the provision of service and instruction across diverse populations. Experience with diverse and disadvantaged populations Evidence: 5. 6. 7. 8. Do not know 1 2 3 4 5 5. Analyze the relationship between rehabilitation sciences content and disciplinary content. Development of discipline-focused projects within interdisciplinary core courses Evidence: Additional comments/evidence of student progress: Scores: 5 – Exceptional 4 – Competent 3 – Progress Noted 2 – Getting Started 1 – Lack of Progress Noted Disciplinary Knowledge Do not Know 1 2 3 4 5 1. Demonstrate in–depth knowledge (and application) of the theoretical underpinnings of a discipline Completion of disciplinary courses YES _____ NO _____ Demonstrated translation of theory to application Evidence: 2. Evaluate discipline’s body of knowledge. Disciplinary presentations and publications, completed and in progress (e.g. reviews and other non data based articles) Evidence: 3. Identify knowledge gaps in a topical area and design and carry out independent and original research addressing one of those gaps. Initiation, development and completion of research projects, including dissertation Evidence: Additional comments/evidence of student progress: 2 Cognate Area Knowledge Do not Know 1 2 3 4 5 Do not Know 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 1. Demonstrate additional knowledge in selected area outside of discipline Completion of cognate courses YES _____ NO _____ Evidence: 2. Analyze the relationship between cognate content and disciplinary content Research, presentations, and publications integrating cognate and disciplinary perspectives Evidence: Additional comments/evidence of student progress: Scores: 5 – Exceptional 4 – Competent 3 – Progress Noted 2 – Getting Started 1 – Lack of Progress Noted Do not Know Research and Scholarship Competence 1 2 1. Demonstrate expertise in a research methodology adequate to design and carry out independent and original research Completion of methods courses YES _____ NO _____ Evidence: 2. Capable of participating in a variety of research approaches Completion of research practica, including one out of discipline YES _____ _____ Completion of Proseminars: Research YES _____ NO _____ Evidence: NO 3. Design studies using a variety of research models, including a collaborative interdisciplinary focus Completion of research experiences, including one that includes multiple disciplines Evidence: 4. Demonstrate understanding and application of the ethics of research Completion of UK IRB requirements Demonstrated application during the conduct of research (examples) Evidence: 5. Demonstrate skills in manuscript (writing), review, and revision. Substantial (first or second author) role in completion and submission of publishable quality manuscripts (provide examples) Completion of reviews and revisions to current manuscripts Evidence: 3 6. Demonstrate a habit of dissemination of scholarship. Presentations, data-based and non-data-based articles Evidence: Additional comments/evidence of student progress: Scores: 5 – Exceptional 4 – Competent 3 – Progress Noted 2 – Getting Started 1 – Lack of Progress Noted Academic Environment Proficiencies Do not Know 1 2 3 4 5 1. Understand the history, structure, function, and governance of higher education Completion of Proseminar: Survive and Thrive in Academic Culture YES _____ NO ____ Participation in activities designed to apply knowledge about higher education (e.g. faculty mtgs., lab mtgs., grand rounds, student interviews, accreditation activities) Evidence: 2. Be able to plan, carry out, and evaluate a college level course with minimal supervision by the instructor. Completion of of Proseminar: Pedagogy YES _____ NO _____ Completion of teaching practica (competence in developing course objectives, lectures, lab presentations, student outcome assessment) Responsive to mentor and student evaluations of teaching Evidence: 3. Demonstrate awareness of program improvement and curriculum development processes. Completion of Proseminar:Pedagogy YES _____ NO _____ Participation in program development activities Evidence: 4. Demonstrate abilities to identify funding sources and prepare, review, revise, and implement grant proposals. Completion of Proseminar: Grants YES _____ NO _____ Grant development, preparation, review, revision, and implementation experiences Evidence: 5. Provide academic service through consultation, professional leadership, and participation in policy formulation within the student’s area of focus. Experiences in governance/administrative activities in academic environments (e.g. faculty mtgs., lab mtgs., grand rounds, journal clubs, in-house conferences, student interviews Evidence: 6. Understand and plan for career development within the promotion and 4 tenure process. Career Plan Evidence: Additional comments/evidence of student progress: Evaluation of Scholarly and Professional Independence The following items were designed to evaluate the student’s independence in scholarly and professional domains. Scores: 5 - Strongly Agree 4 – Agree 3 – Neither agree 2 – Disagree 1 - Strongly disagree nor disagree 1 2 3 4 5 1. Takes the initiative to appropriately develop and adequately express individual thoughts and ideas. 2. Takes the initiative to move his/her research agenda forward. 3. Confident in expressing alternate points of view in scholarly and professional Settings (includes being able to address Socratic-type questioning in groups). 4. Able to appropriately extend theory through his/her own research activities. 5. Initiates and develops high quality collaborative professional relationships to enhance scholarship. 6. Independent in the critical assessment of insights and ideas from diverse areas of research and scholarship. 7. Independent in the competent expression of research ideas or findings in professional writing and presentations. Comments: Performance Summary Scores: 5 – Exceptional 4 – Competent 3 – Progress noted 2 – Lack of progress noted 1 – Getting started 1 2 3 4 5 1. Rehabilitation, Discipline Specific, and Cognate Knowledge Base and Integration 2. Research and Scholarship Competence 3. Scholarly and Professional Independence 5 4. Academic Environment Proficiencies Comments: Areas of Strength: Student notes: Faculty notes: Areas that need work: Student notes: Faculty notes RHB Faculty Recommendation: Continue in program _____ Continue with reservations _____ 6 Do not recommend continuing in program_____ Recommendation/Action Plan February 2010 7