Nuance Innovation Showcased at RSNA through Live Demos

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Nuance Innovation Showcased at RSNA through Live Demos, Customer
and Partner-Driven Presentations
Mobile Innovation, Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Image Sharing
Demonstration and Collaboration with Customers and Partners Reinforces
Nuance’s Leadership in Radiology
RSNA 2011 – CHICAGO – November 28, 2011 – This week, from booth 2816 at RSNA 2011,
Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN) will host the following activities:
Showcase the PowerScribe | 360 Mobile App – Nuance will introduce a radiology workflowsupporting mobile app that provides radiologists instant access to reports via their iOS device
without the need to return to the workstation, thereby increasing efficiency and flexibility while
on-the-go. Nuance will also showcase its intuitive voice-enabled radiology-specific search
capability. Building off of the success of Dragon Medical Mobile Search, this feature within the
PowerScribe | 360 Mobile App will allow radiologists to search medical references any time, any
place and get results from online radiology-specific sites such as, CHORUS,
Medpix, PubMed and Yottalook, along with a default search engine of choice – Google, Yahoo
or Bing – within seconds. The PowerScribe | 360 Mobile App will be offered for purchase as an
add-on to the PowerScribe | 360 Reporting solution.
Provide Updates from Leading Vendors on Data Sharing and Integration – Based on
Nuance’s work with industry leaders, the value and quality of radiology reports created within
PowerScribe | 360 Reporting has increased, allowing for more streamlined data sharing. At
RNSA, presentations will be hosted by the following Nuance partners:
MEDRAD’s Michael Farrell, marketing director, informatics to host session:
“MEDRAD Certegra Informatics System Integration with Nuance PowerScribe 360,”
Sunday, November 27 at 12:30 p.m. CDT
Imorgon Medical’s Lloyd Kreuzer, CEO to host session: “The Imorgon Report
Connector,” Sunday, November 27 at 1:30 p.m. CDT
Siemens Healthcare’s Andy Milkowski, senior director, research and development,
ultrasound, to host session: “PowerScribe 360 and Ultrasound – Beyond Dictation,”
Monday, November 28 at 10:30 a.m. CDT
Sonultra Corporation’s Don Parker, CEO to host session: “Exporting U/S Biometric &
Anatomical Data Directly into PowerScribe 360 Templates” Monday, November 28 at
2:30 p.m. CDT
For a full list of presentations that will be hosted by Nuance partners, please visit:
Foster Hot-Topic Discussions from Industry Leaders, including (full schedule can be viewed
Brian Gale, M.D., president, SaferMD to host: “Auditing Enhances CTRM by Further
Reducing Liability Insurance Cost: The Veriphy and SaferMD Example,” Sunday,
November 27 at 11:30 a.m. CDT
William Boonn, M.D., president, Montage Healthcare Solutions, Inc. to host: “Data
Mining: Searching Radiology, Pathology and Beyond,” Monday, November 28 at 11:30
a.m. CDT
Greg Girard, senior product manager, Clinical Calgary Scientific to host: “Mobile
Radiology, What’s Next,” Tuesday, November 29 at 2:30 p.m. CDT
Jonathan W. Berlin, M.D., clinical associate professor of radiology, University of
Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine, department of radiology to host: “Understanding
and Responding to Proposed New Radiology Payment Systems,” Wednesday, November
30 at 10:30 a.m. CDT
Keith Dreyer, DO, Ph.D., vice chairman of radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital,
assistant professor of radiology, Harvard Medical School to host session: “Meaningful
Use in Radiology,” Wednesday, November 30 at 4:00 p.m. CDT
RSNA Scientific Formal Presentation by Nuance CMIO, Dr. Nick van Terheyden
on the Application of Watson in Radiology:
Nick van Terheyden, M.D., chief medical information officer, Nuance Communications,
to present: “Calling Dr. Watson to Radiology,” Tuesday, November 29 at 3:10 p.m. CDT
at South Building Level 4 (S401 – S406).
Participate in the RSNA 2011 Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Image Sharing
Demonstration – This demonstration will offer attendees a guided tour of the entire workflow of
a typical radiology procedure and the benefits to quality, efficiency and patient safety that can be
realized through state-of-the-art informatics. Nuance’s PowerScribe | 360 Reporting will drive
the radiology diagnostic reporting component of the demonstration, using structured templates
developed by the RSNA Reporting Committee; PowerScribe | 360 Reporting was selected based
on interoperability specifications from the IHE initiative. The IHE Image Sharing
Demonstrations will be held in the South Building, Hall A, booth 2851 throughout the duration
of the show. For more information, please visit: .
All of Nuance’s diagnostic solutions will be demonstrated in Nuance booth #2816 including,
PowerScribe | 360 Reporting, PowerScribe | 360 Mobile App, PowerScribe | 360 Analytics,
PowerScribe | 360 Critical Results, PowerScribe | 360 Decision Support and SpeechMagic. This
year Nuance will also be demonstrating the features and capabilities offered via the Nuance
Healthcare Development Platform. For more information on any of these healthcare solutions
and offerings, please visit:
Throughout the show you can also find live news updates, at-show customer videos, product
demos and more via Nuance’s social media channels:
Twitter: @NUAN_Healthcare
Facebook: /NuanceHealthcare
YouTube: SavetheDrNote
LinkedIn: Nuance Healthcare
Blog: For the Health of IT
Nuance Healthcare
Nuance Healthcare, a division of Nuance Communications, is the market leader in providing
clinical understanding solutions that accurately capture and transform the patient story into
meaningful, actionable information. Thousands of hospitals, providers and payers worldwide
trust Nuance speech-enabled clinical documentation and analytics solutions to facilitate smarter,
more efficient decisions across the healthcare enterprise. These solutions are proven to increase
clinician satisfaction and HIT adoption, supporting organizations to achieve Meaningful Use of
EHR systems and transform to the accountable care model. Recognized as “Best-in-KLAS”
2004-2010 for Speech Recognition we invite you to learn more,
About Nuance Communications, Inc
Nuance Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: NUAN) is a leading provider of voice and language
solutions for businesses and consumers around the world. Its technologies, applications and
services make the user experience more compelling by transforming the way people interact with
devices and systems. Every day, millions of users and thousands of businesses experience
Nuance’s proven applications. For more information, please visit
Nuance and the Nuance logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nuance
Communications, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. All other
company names or product names may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
The statements in this press release relating to future plans, events or services, are forwardlooking statements which are subject to specific risks and uncertainties. There are a number of
factors which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those indicated in
such forward looking statements, including fluctuations in demand for the Nuance products, and
the continued development of Nuance products. The reader is warned not to rely on these
forward-looking statements without reservation, since these are simply reflections of the current
situation. Nuance disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result
of developments occurring after the date of this document.
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